the_image = ImDict[image_name] image_size = np.shape(the_image) NRows = image_size[0] NCols = image_size[1] NBands = image_size[2] print("Lokalizacja obrazu: \t", filename) print("Nazwa obrazu: \t\t\t", image_name) print("Rozmiar: \t\t\t\t", "wiersze: ", NRows, " kolumny: ", NCols, " zakresy: ", NBands) print("Ilośc pikseli (ilość kolumn * ilość wierszy): ", NRows * NCols) print() print("*** Converting image to uint8 ***") print("---------------------------------") # converted_image = mo.numpy_to_uint8(the_image) the_image = mo.numpy_to_uint8(the_image) print() print("*** Loading labels ***") print("---------------------------------") # To juz jest w uint8 filename_labels = 'C:/TestingCatalog/AI_data/Indian Pines/Indian_pines_gt.mat' ImDict_labels = io.loadmat(filename_labels) image_name_labels = 'indian_pines_gt' the_image_labels = ImDict_labels[image_name_labels] image_size_labels = np.shape(the_image_labels) NRows_labels = image_size_labels[0] NCols_labels = image_size_labels[1] ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(the_image_labels)
if __name__ == '__main__': print("START") filename = 'C:/TestingCatalog/AI_data/Indian Pines/Indian_pines_corrected.mat' ImDict = io.loadmat(filename) the_image = ImDict['indian_pines_corrected'] image_size = np.shape(the_image) NRows = image_size[0] NCols = image_size[1] NBands = image_size[2] # przykład # img = open_image('92AV3C.lan') print(type(the_image)) converted_image = mo.numpy_to_uint8(the_image) # Wyświetlanie obrazka view = imshow(converted_image, (29, 20, 11)) view = imshow(the_image, (29, 20, 11)) print(view) # Wyświtlanie kostki - nie działa # import spectral # spectral.settings.WX_GL_DEPTH_SIZE = 16 # print(np.size(the_image)) # print(np.shape(the_image)) # smaller_img = the_image[0:30, 0:30, 0:30] # print(np.size(smaller_img)) # print(np.shape(smaller_img)) # view_cube(smaller_img, bands=[29, 20, 11])
def run_machine(input_net, first=True): to_file = False # Przekierowanie wyjścia do pliku if to_file: import sys orig_stdout = sys.stdout output_file = open('output_file.txt', 'w') sys.stdout = output_file print("START") start_time = time.time() print("Start time: ", time.ctime(start_time)) print() print("*** Loading data ***") print("---------------------------------") filename = 'Indian_pines_corrected.mat' ImDict = io.loadmat(data_dir + filename) image_name = 'indian_pines_corrected' the_image = ImDict[image_name] image_size = np.shape(the_image) NRows = image_size[0] NCols = image_size[1] NBands = image_size[2] print("Lokalizacja obrazu: \t", data_dir + filename) print("Nazwa obrazu: \t\t\t", image_name) print("Rozmiar: \t\t\t\t", "wiersze: ", NRows, " kolumny: ", NCols, " zakresy: ", NBands) print("Ilośc pikseli (ilość kolumn * ilość wierszy): ", NRows * NCols) print() print("*** Converting image to uint8 ***") print("---------------------------------") # converted_image = mo.numpy_to_uint8(the_image) the_image = mo.numpy_to_uint8(the_image) print() print("*** Loading labels ***") print("---------------------------------") # To juz jest w uint8 filename_labels = 'Indian_pines_gt.mat' ImDict_labels = io.loadmat(data_dir + filename_labels) image_name_labels = 'indian_pines_gt' the_image_labels = ImDict_labels[image_name_labels] image_size_labels = np.shape(the_image_labels) NRows_labels = image_size_labels[0] NCols_labels = image_size_labels[1] ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(the_image_labels) ''' labels = set() for row in the_image_labels: for element in row: labels.add(element) num_labels = len(labels) print("Lokalizacja obrazu: \t", filename_labels) print("Nazwa obrazu: \t\t\t", image_name_labels) print("Rozmiar: \t\t\t\t", "wiersze: ", NRows_labels, " kolumny: ", NCols_labels) print("Ilośc etykiet: ", num_labels, " Etykiety: ", labels) print() print("*** Creating dataset and dataloader ***") print("---------------------------------") import as utils list_of_tensors = [] for row in the_image: for element in row: list_of_tensors.append(torch.Tensor(element)) list_of_tensors_labels = [] for row in the_image_labels: for element in row: list_of_tensors_labels.append(torch.Tensor([element])) my_tensor = torch.stack(list_of_tensors) my_tensor_labels = torch.stack(list_of_tensors_labels) my_dataset = utils.TensorDataset(my_tensor, my_tensor_labels) my_dataloader = utils.DataLoader(my_dataset) print("Number of elements in dataset: ", my_dataset.__len__()) print() print("*** Creating autoencoder ***") print("---------------------------------") my_net = input_net print(my_net) params = list(my_net.parameters()) print("Params size: ", params.__len__()) for parameter in params: print(len(parameter)) if my_net.getName() != 'none': print() print("*** Creating optimizer ***") print("---------------------------------") optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(my_net.parameters(), weight_decay=1e-5) criterion = nn.MSELoss() if first and my_net.getName() != 'none': print() print("*** Learning ***") print("---------------------------------") from torch.autograd import Variable num_epochs = 3 batch_size = 128 learning_rate = 1e-3 for epoch in range(num_epochs): for i, data in enumerate(my_dataloader): img, _ = data img = Variable(img).cpu() # ===================forward===================== output = my_net(img) loss = criterion(output, img) # ===================backward==================== optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # ===================log======================== print(type(loss)) #print(len(loss)) print(type(loss.item())) print('epoch [', epoch + 1, '/', num_epochs, '], loss:', loss.item()) # if epoch % 10 == 0: # pic = to_img(output.cpu().data) print() print("*** Saving model to file ***") print("---------------------------------") autoencoder_learned_file = './autoencoder_' + my_net.getType( ) + '_' + my_net.getName() + '.pth', autoencoder_learned_file) if not first and my_net.getName() != 'none': print() print("*** Loading model from file ***") print("---------------------------------") autoencoder_learned_file = './autoencoder_' + my_net.getType( ) + ' ' + my_net.getName() + '.pth' my_net.load_state_dict(torch.load(autoencoder_learned_file)) my_net.eval() print() print("*** Checking code for one element ***") print("---------------------------------") print(my_net.getCode(list_of_tensors[0])) print() print("*** Clustering ***") print("---------------------------------") print() img_name = 'clustering_kmeans_' + my_net.getType( ) + '_autoencoder_' + my_net.getName() + '.png' clustering_kmeans(the_image, my_net, np.shape(the_image_labels), img_dir, img_name) print("\nEND") end_time = time.time() print("End time: ", time.ctime(end_time)) print("Duration: ", int(end_time - start_time), " seconds") # Closing file if to_file: sys.stdout = orig_stdout output_file.close()