Пример #1
 def pyobject(self, ex, obj):
     from mathics.core import expression
     from mathics.core.expression import Number
     if obj is None:
         return expression.Symbol('Null')
     elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) or is_Vector(obj):
         return expression.Expression('List', *(from_sage(item, self.subs) for item in obj))
     elif isinstance(obj, Constant):
         return expression.Symbol(obj._conversions.get('mathematica', obj._name))
     elif is_Integer(obj):
         return expression.Integer(str(obj))
     elif isinstance(obj, sage.Rational):
         rational = expression.Rational(str(obj))
         if rational.value.denom() == 1:
             return expression.Integer(rational.value.numer())
             return rational
     elif isinstance(obj, sage.RealDoubleElement) or is_RealNumber(obj):
         return expression.Real(str(obj))
     elif is_ComplexNumber(obj):
         real = Number.from_string(str(obj.real())).value
         imag = Number.from_string(str(obj.imag())).value
         return expression.Complex(real, imag)
     elif isinstance(obj, NumberFieldElement_quadratic):
         # TODO: this need not be a complex number, but we assume so!
         real = Number.from_string(str(obj.real())).value
         imag = Number.from_string(str(obj.imag())).value
         return expression.Complex(real, imag)
         return expression.from_python(obj)
Пример #2
    def substitute(self, expr):
        from mathics.core import expression

        index = len(self.subs)
        return expression.Expression(self.head_name, expression.Integer(index),
Пример #3
 def derivative(self, ex, operator):
     params = operator.parameter_set()
     counts = {}
     for param in params:
         if param in counts:
             counts[param] += 1
             counts[param] = 1
     new_params = []
     for index, count in counts.items():
         if len(new_params) <= index:
             new_params.extend([0] * (index - len(new_params) + 1))
         new_params[index] = count
     f = self.create_symbol(repr(operator.function()))
     return expression.Expression(expression.Expression('Derivative',
         *(expression.Integer(count) for count in new_params)), f)
Пример #4
 def _make_Integer(self, x):
     return ma.Integer(x)
Пример #5
    def convert_Number(self, node):
        s = node.value
        if s[0] == '-':
            sign_prefix, s = s[0], s[1:]
            sign = -1
            sign_prefix = ''
            sign = 1

        # fast exit
        if s.isdigit():
            return ma.Integer(sign * int(s))

        # Look for base
        s = s.split('^^')
        if len(s) == 1:
            base, s = 10, s[0]
            assert len(s) == 2
            base, s = int(s[0]), s[1]
            assert 2 <= base <= 36

        # Look for mantissa
        s = s.split('*^')
        if len(s) == 1:
            n, s = 0, s[0]
            # TODO: modify regex and provide error message if n not an int
            n, s = int(s[1]), s[0]

        # Look at precision ` suffix to get precision/accuracy
        prec, acc = None, None
        s = s.split('`', 1)
        if len(s) == 1:
            s, suffix = s[0], None
            s, suffix = s[0], s[1]

        # Look for decimal point
        if '.' not in s:
            if suffix is None:
                if n < 0:
                    return ma.Rational(sign * int(s, base), base**abs(n))
                    return ma.Integer(sign * int(s, base) * (base**n))
                s = s + '.'

        if base == 10:
            man = s
            if n != 0:
                s = s + 'E' + str(n)

            if suffix is None:
                # MachineReal/PrecisionReal is determined by number of digits
                # in the mantissa
                d = len(man) - 2  # one less for decimal point
                if d < reconstruct_digits(machine_precision):
                    result = float(sign_prefix + s)
                    result = sympy.Float(str(sign_prefix + s), d)
            elif suffix == '':
                result = float(sign_prefix + s)
            elif suffix.startswith('`'):
                acc = float(suffix[1:])
                x = float(s)
                if x == 0:
                    prec10 = acc
                    prec10 = acc + log10(x)
                result = sympy.Float(str(sign_prefix + s), prec10)
                result = sympy.Float(str(sign_prefix + s), float(suffix))

            if isinstance(result, float):
                return ma.MachineReal(result)
            elif isinstance(result, sympy.Float):
                return ma.PrecisionReal(result)

        # Put into standard form mantissa * base ^ n
        s = s.split('.')
        if len(s) == 1:
            man = s[0]
            n -= len(s[1])
            man = s[0] + s[1]
        man = sign * int(man, base)
        if n >= 0:
            result = sympy.Integer(man * base**n)
            result = sympy.Rational(man, base**-n)

        x = float(result)

        # determine `prec10` the digits of precision in base 10
        if suffix is None:
            acc = len(s[1])
            acc10 = acc * log10(base)
            if x == 0:
                prec10 = acc10
                prec10 = acc10 + log10(abs(x))
            if prec10 < reconstruct_digits(machine_precision):
                prec10 = None
        elif suffix == '':
            prec10 = None
        elif suffix.startswith('`'):
            acc = float(suffix[1:])
            acc10 = acc * log10(base)
            if x == 0:
                prec10 = acc10
                prec10 = acc10 + log10(abs(x))
            prec = float(suffix)
            prec10 = prec * log10(base)

        if prec10 is None:
            return ma.MachineReal(x)
            result = sympy.Float(result, prec10)
            return ma.PrecisionReal(result)
Пример #6
    def convert_Number(self, node):
        s = node.value
        if s[0] == '-':
            sign_prefix, s = s[0], s[1:]
            sign = -1
            sign_prefix = ''
            sign = 1

        # fast exit
        if s.isdigit():
            return ma.Integer(sign * int(s))

        # Look for base
        s = s.split('^^')
        if len(s) == 1:
            base, s = 10, s[0]
            assert len(s) == 2
            base, s = int(s[0]), s[1]
            assert 2 <= base <= 36

        # Look for mantissa
        s = s.split('*^')
        if len(s) == 1:
            n, s = 0, s[0]
            # TODO: modify regex and provide error message if n not an int
            n, s = int(s[1]), s[0]

        # Look at precision ` suffix to get precision/accuracy
        prec, acc = None, None
        s = s.split('`', 1)
        if len(s) == 1:
            suffix, s = None, s[0]
            suffix, s = s[1], s[0]

            if suffix == '':
                prec = machine_precision
            elif suffix.startswith('`'):
                acc = float(suffix[1:])
                if re.match('0+$', s) is not None:
                    return ma.Integer(0)
                prec = float(suffix)

        # Look for decimal point
        if s.count('.') == 0:
            if suffix is None:
                if n < 0:
                    return ma.Rational(sign * int(s, base), base**abs(n))
                    return ma.Integer(sign * int(s, base) * (base**n))
                s = s + '.'
        if base == 10:
            if n != 0:
                s = s + 'E' + str(n)  # sympy handles this
            if acc is not None:
                if float(s) == 0:
                    prec = 0.
                    prec = acc + log10(float(s)) + n
            # XXX
            if prec is not None:
                prec = dps(prec)
            # return ma.Real(s, prec, acc)
            return ma.Real(sign_prefix + s, prec)
            # Convert the base
            assert isinstance(base, int) and 2 <= base <= 36

            # Put into standard form mantissa * base ^ n
            s = s.split('.')
            if len(s) == 1:
                man = s[0]
                n -= len(s[1])
                man = s[0] + s[1]

            man = sign * int(man, base)
            if n >= 0:
                result = ma.Integer(man * base**n)
                result = ma.Rational(man, base**-n)

            if acc is None and prec is None:
                acc = len(s[1])
                acc10 = acc * log10(base)
                prec10 = acc10 + log10(result.to_python())
                if prec10 < 18:
                    prec10 = None
            elif acc is not None:
                acc10 = acc * log10(base)
                prec10 = acc10 + log10(result.to_python())
            elif prec is not None:
                if prec == machine_precision:
                    prec10 = machine_precision
                    prec10 = prec * log10(base)
            # XXX
            if prec10 is None:
                prec10 = machine_precision
                prec10 = dps(prec10)
            return result.round(prec10)