Пример #1
    def startElementNS(self, elementName, qName, attributes):
        if self.skip > 0:
            self.skip += 1

        locator = NodeLocator(self.locator)
        (namespace, localName) = elementName
        if namespace and namespace != MathNS:
            if self.config.verbose:
                    "Skipped element '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'" %
                    (localName, namespace), "INFO")
            self.skip = 1

        properties = {}
        for (attName, value) in attributes.items():
            (attNamespace, attLocalName) = attName
            if attNamespace and attNamespace != MathNS:
                if self.config.verbose:
                        "Ignored attribute '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'"
                        % (attLocalName, attNamespace), "INFO")
            properties[attLocalName] = value

        self.currentNode = MathNode(localName, properties, locator,
                                    self.config, self.currentNode)
    def startElementNS(self, elementName, qName, attributes):
        if self.skip > 0: self.skip += 1; return

        locator = NodeLocator(self.locator)
        (namespace, localName) = elementName
        if namespace and namespace != MathNS:
            if self.config.verbose:
                locator.message("Skipped element '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'" % (localName, namespace), "INFO")
            self.skip = 1; return
        properties = {}
        for (attName, value) in attributes.items():
            (attNamespace, attLocalName) = attName
            if attNamespace and attNamespace != MathNS:
                if self.config.verbose:
                    locator.message("Ignored attribute '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'" % (attLocalName, attNamespace), "INFO")
            properties[attLocalName] = value

        self.currentNode = MathNode (localName, properties, locator, self.config, self.currentNode)
Пример #3
class MathHandler(sax.ContentHandler):
    """SAX ContentHandler for converting MathML formulae to SVG.
    Instances of this class read MathML through SAX callbacks, and write
    SVG to the destination (specified as another SAX ContentHandler).
    Uses namespace-aware SAX calls for both input and output."""
    def __init__(self, saxoutput, config):
        self.config = MathConfig(config)
        self.output = saxoutput
        self.skip = 0
        self.currentNode = None
        self.locator = None

    def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
        self.locator = locator

    def startDocument(self):

    def endDocument(self):

    def startElementNS(self, elementName, qName, attributes):
        if self.skip > 0:
            self.skip += 1

        locator = NodeLocator(self.locator)
        (namespace, localName) = elementName
        if namespace and namespace != MathNS:
            if self.config.verbose:
                    "Skipped element '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'" %
                    (localName, namespace), "INFO")
            self.skip = 1

        properties = {}
        for (attName, value) in attributes.items():
            (attNamespace, attLocalName) = attName
            if attNamespace and attNamespace != MathNS:
                if self.config.verbose:
                        "Ignored attribute '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'"
                        % (attLocalName, attNamespace), "INFO")
            properties[attLocalName] = value

        self.currentNode = MathNode(localName, properties, locator,
                                    self.config, self.currentNode)

    def endElementNS(self, elementName, qName):
        if self.skip > 0:
            self.skip -= 1
            if self.skip > 0: return

        (namespace, localname) = elementName
        if namespace and namespace != MathNS:
            raise sax.SAXParseException(
                "SAX parser error: namespace on opening and closing elements don't match",
                None, self.locator)
        if self.currentNode is None:
            raise sax.SAXParseException(
                "SAX parser error: unmatched closing tag", None, self.locator)

        # Normalize text
        self.currentNode.text = u' '.join(self.currentNode.text.split())

        # If we're back to the top of the tree, measure and draw everything
        if self.currentNode.parent is None:

        self.currentNode = self.currentNode.parent

    def characters(self, content):
        if self.skip > 0: return
        if self.currentNode:
            self.currentNode.text += content
class MathHandler (sax.ContentHandler):
    """SAX ContentHandler for converting MathML formulae to SVG.
    Instances of this class read MathML through SAX callbacks, and write
    SVG to the destination (specified as another SAX ContentHandler).
    Uses namespace-aware SAX calls for both input and output."""
    def __init__(self, saxoutput, config):
        self.config = MathConfig(config)
        self.output = saxoutput
        self.skip = 0
        self.currentNode = None
        self.locator = None

    def setDocumentLocator(self, locator): 
        self.locator = locator

    def startDocument(self): 

    def endDocument(self): 

    def startElementNS(self, elementName, qName, attributes):
        if self.skip > 0: self.skip += 1; return

        locator = NodeLocator(self.locator)
        (namespace, localName) = elementName
        if namespace and namespace != MathNS:
            if self.config.verbose:
                locator.message("Skipped element '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'" % (localName, namespace), "INFO")
            self.skip = 1; return
        properties = {}
        for (attName, value) in attributes.items():
            (attNamespace, attLocalName) = attName
            if attNamespace and attNamespace != MathNS:
                if self.config.verbose:
                    locator.message("Ignored attribute '%s' from an unknown namespace '%s'" % (attLocalName, attNamespace), "INFO")
            properties[attLocalName] = value

        self.currentNode = MathNode (localName, properties, locator, self.config, self.currentNode)

    def endElementNS(self, elementName, qName): 
        if self.skip > 0: 
            self.skip -= 1
            if self.skip > 0: return

        (namespace, localname) = elementName
        if namespace and namespace != MathNS:
            raise sax.SAXParseException("SAX parser error: namespace on opening and closing elements don't match", None, self.locator)
        if self.currentNode is None: 
            raise sax.SAXParseException("SAX parser error: unmatched closing tag", None, self.locator)

        # Normalize text
        self.currentNode.text = u' '.join(self.currentNode.text.split())

        # If we're back to the top of the tree, measure and draw everything
        if self.currentNode.parent is None:
        self.currentNode = self.currentNode.parent

    def characters(self, content):
        if self.skip > 0: return
        if self.currentNode: 
            self.currentNode.text += content