Пример #1
def find_projected_arc_center(p1, p2, b, radius=0.5):
                        .  B.
                    .       .
               c.           .a
            .               .
        .                 C . = 90

    c = circle enter distance
    b = tangent distance

    a = Vector(p1)
    b = Vector(b)
    c = Vector(p2)

    a = (a - b).normalized() + b
    c = (c - b).normalized() + b

    focal = (a + c) / 2.0
    focal_length = (b - focal).length

        angleA = (a - b).angle(c - b) / 2.0
    except ValueError as e:
        print('smoothlines encountered non zero length vectors')
        #  Vector.angle(other): zero length vectors have no valid angle
        return None

    # slightly undefined input handled ugly-er
        sideA = radius
        sideB = sideA / tan(angleA)
        sideC = sideA / sin(angleA)
    except Exception as e:
            "no idea why this input happens.. show me a shorter version of your input mesh"
        return None

        ratio = (sideC - radius) / focal_length
    except Exception as e:
        print("smoothlines encountered two colinear lines, no arc to generate")
        # this will be interpreted as a no-op
        # potentially here you could return something like  [lerp(A,B, "radius"), B, lerp(C, B, "radius")]
        return None

    mid = b.lerp(focal, ratio)[:]

    ab_rate = sideB / (a - b).length
    cb_rate = sideB / (c - b).length
    p1 = b.lerp(a, ab_rate)[:]
    p2 = b.lerp(c, cb_rate)[:]

    return p1, mid, p2
Пример #2
    def addFaces(self, fType=None):
        Ya = self.Ya
        Xb = self.Xb
        Xc = self.Xc

        if (self.triangleFace == 'DEFAULT'):
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 2]]
            return True

        if (self.triangleFace == 'TRIANGLES'):
            A = Vector([0.0, Ya, 0.0])
            B = Vector([Xb, 0.0, 0.0])
            C = Vector([Xc, 0.0, 0.0])
            D = Vector([((A.x + B.x + C.x) / 3), ((A.y + B.y + C.y) / 3), ((A.z + B.z + C.z) / 3)])

            self.Vertices = [A, B, C, D, ]
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 3]]
            return True

        if (self.triangleFace == 'QUADS'):
            A = Vector([0.0, Ya, 0.0])
            B = Vector([Xb, 0.0, 0.0])
            C = Vector([Xc, 0.0, 0.0])
            D = Vector([((A.x + B.x + C.x) / 3), ((A.y + B.y + C.y) / 3), ((A.z + B.z + C.z) / 3)])
            AB = A.lerp(B, 0.5)
            AC = A.lerp(C, 0.5)
            BC = B.lerp(C, 0.5)

            self.Vertices = [A, AB, B, BC, C, AC, D, ]
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 6, 5], [1, 2, 3, 6], [3, 4, 5, 6]]
            return True

        if (self.triangleFace == 'SAFEQUADS'):
            A = Vector([0.0, Ya, 0.0])
            B = Vector([Xb, 0.0, 0.0])
            C = Vector([Xc, 0.0, 0.0])
            D = Vector([((A.x + B.x + C.x) / 3), ((A.y + B.y + C.y) / 3), ((A.z + B.z + C.z) / 3)])
            E = A.lerp(D, 0.5)
            AB = A.lerp(B, 0.5)
            AC = A.lerp(C, 0.5)
            BC = B.lerp(C, 0.5)
            AAB = AB.lerp(A, 0.5)
            AAC = AC.lerp(A, 0.5)
            BBA = AB.lerp(B, 0.5)
            BBC = BC.lerp(B, 0.5)
            BCC = BC.lerp(C, 0.5)
            CCA = AC.lerp(C, 0.5)

            self.Vertices = [A, AAB, BBA, B, BBC, BC, BCC, C, CCA, AAC, D, E, ]
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 11, 9], [1, 2, 10, 11], [2, 3, 4, 10],
                          [4, 5, 6, 10], [6, 7, 8, 10], [8, 9, 11, 10]]
            return True

        return False
Пример #3
    def addFaces(self, fType=None):
        Ya = self.Ya
        Xb = self.Xb
        Xc = self.Xc

        if (self.triangleFace == 'DEFAULT'):
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 2]]
            return True

        if (self.triangleFace == 'TRIANGLES'):
            A = Vector([0.0, Ya, 0.0])
            B = Vector([Xb, 0.0, 0.0])
            C = Vector([Xc, 0.0, 0.0])
            D = Vector([((A.x + B.x + C.x) / 3), ((A.y + B.y + C.y) / 3), ((A.z + B.z + C.z) / 3)])

            self.Vertices = [A, B, C, D, ]
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 3]]
            return True

        if (self.triangleFace == 'QUADS'):
            A = Vector([0.0, Ya, 0.0])
            B = Vector([Xb, 0.0, 0.0])
            C = Vector([Xc, 0.0, 0.0])
            D = Vector([((A.x + B.x + C.x) / 3), ((A.y + B.y + C.y) / 3), ((A.z + B.z + C.z) / 3)])
            AB = A.lerp(B, 0.5)
            AC = A.lerp(C, 0.5)
            BC = B.lerp(C, 0.5)

            self.Vertices = [A, AB, B, BC, C, AC, D, ]
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 6, 5], [1, 2, 3, 6], [3, 4, 5, 6]]
            return True

        if (self.triangleFace == 'SAFEQUADS'):
            A = Vector([0.0, Ya, 0.0])
            B = Vector([Xb, 0.0, 0.0])
            C = Vector([Xc, 0.0, 0.0])
            D = Vector([((A.x + B.x + C.x) / 3), ((A.y + B.y + C.y) / 3), ((A.z + B.z + C.z) / 3)])
            E = A.lerp(D, 0.5)
            AB = A.lerp(B, 0.5)
            AC = A.lerp(C, 0.5)
            BC = B.lerp(C, 0.5)
            AAB = AB.lerp(A, 0.5)
            AAC = AC.lerp(A, 0.5)
            BBA = AB.lerp(B, 0.5)
            BBC = BC.lerp(B, 0.5)
            BCC = BC.lerp(C, 0.5)
            CCA = AC.lerp(C, 0.5)

            self.Vertices = [A, AAB, BBA, B, BBC, BC, BCC, C, CCA, AAC, D, E, ]
            self.Faces = [[0, 1, 11, 9], [1, 2, 10, 11], [2, 3, 4, 10],
                          [4, 5, 6, 10], [6, 7, 8, 10], [8, 9, 11, 10]]
            return True

        return False
Пример #4
    def execute(self, context):
        tracks = self._tracks(context)
        track = tracks.active

        first_frame = min(m.frame for m in track.markers)
        for corner_index in range(4):
            new_track = self._new_track(tracks,
                                        '%s.%s' % (track.name, corner_index),
            for marker in track.markers:
                corner = Vector(marker.pattern_corners[corner_index])
                self._new_offset_marker(marker, corner, new_track)
            print("added new track %s" % new_track.name)
        if self.dense_fill:
            for c1, c2 in [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]:
                new_track = self._new_track(tracks,
                                            '%s.%s-%s' % (track.name, c1, c2),
                for marker in track.markers:
                    corner1 = Vector(marker.pattern_corners[c1])
                    corner2 = Vector(marker.pattern_corners[c2])
                                            corner1.lerp(corner2, .5), new_track)
                print("added new dense track %s" % new_track.name)
        return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #5
def do_update_heat_map(node_list, nodes):
    Create a heat map for the node tree, 
    Needs development.
    if not nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors:
        color_data = {
            node.name: (node.color[:], node.use_custom_color)
            for node in nodes
        nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors = str(color_data)

    times = do_update_general(node_list, nodes)
    if not times:
    t_max = max(times)
    addon_name = data_structure.SVERCHOK_NAME
    addon = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.get(addon_name)
    if addon:
        # to use Vector.lerp
        cold = Vector(addon.preferences.heat_map_cold)
        hot = addon.preferences.heat_map_hot
        print("Cannot find preferences")
        cold = Vector((1, 1, 1))
        hot = (.8, 0, 0)
    for name, t in zip(node_list, times):
        nodes[name].use_custom_color = True
        # linear scale.
        nodes[name].color = cold.lerp(hot, t / t_max)
Пример #6
 def render(self):
     diameter = 4.0
     sz = 2.125 / diameter
     base_object = helpers.infer_primitive(random.choice(self.PRIMITIVES),
                                           location=(100, 100, 100),
     latitude = 16
     longitude = latitude * 2
     invlatitude = 1.0 / (latitude - 1)
     invlongitude = 1.0 / (longitude - 1)
     iprc = 0.0
     jprc = 0.0
     phi = 0.0
     theta = 0.0
     invfcount = 1.0 / (self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES - 1)
     # Animate center of the sphere.
     center = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     startcenter = Vector((0.0, -4.0, 0.0))
     stopcenter = Vector((0.0, 4.0, 0.0))
     # Rotate cubes around the surface of the sphere.
     pt = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     rotpt = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     # Change the axis of rotation for the point.
     baseaxis = Vector((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
     axis = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     # Slerp between two rotations for each cube.
     startrot = Quaternion((0.0, 1.0, 0.0), pi)
     stoprot = Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), pi * 1.5)
     currot = Quaternion()
     for i in range(0, latitude, 1):
         iprc = i * invlatitude
         phi = pi * (i + 1) * invlatitude
         rad = 0.01 + sz * abs(sin(phi)) * 0.99
         pt.z = cos(phi) * diameter
         for j in range(0, longitude, 1):
             jprc = j * invlongitude
             theta = TWOPI * j / longitude
             pt.y = center.y + sin(phi) * sin(theta) * diameter
             pt.x = center.x + sin(phi) * cos(theta) * diameter
             current = helpers.duplicate_object(base_object)
             current.location = pt
             current.name = 'Object ({0:0>2d}, {1:0>2d})'.format(i, j)
             current.data.name = 'Mesh ({0:0>2d}, {1:0>2d})'.format(i, j)
             current.rotation_euler = (0.0, phi, theta)
                 current, helpers.random_material(self.MATERIALS_NAMES))
             axis = self.vecrotatex(theta, baseaxis)
             currot = startrot
             center = startcenter
             for f in range(0, self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, 1):
                 fprc = f / (self.NUMBER_OF_FRAMES - 1)
                 osc = abs(sin(TWOPI * fprc))
                 center = startcenter.lerp(stopcenter, osc)
                 current.location = helpers.rotate_vector(
                     TWOPI * fprc, axis, pt)
                 currot = startrot.slerp(stoprot, jprc * fprc)
                 current.rotation_euler = currot.to_euler()
Пример #7
def do_update_heat_map(node_list, nodes):
    Create a heat map for the node tree,
    Needs development.
    if not nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors:
        color_data = {node.name: (node.color[:], node.use_custom_color) for node in nodes}
        nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors = str(color_data)

    times = do_update_general(node_list, nodes)
    if not times:
    t_max = max(times)
    addon_name = data_structure.SVERCHOK_NAME
    addon = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.get(addon_name)
    if addon:
        # to use Vector.lerp
        cold = Vector(addon.preferences.heat_map_cold)
        hot = addon.preferences.heat_map_hot
        error("Cannot find preferences")
        cold = Vector((1, 1, 1))
        hot = (.8, 0, 0)
    for name, t in zip(node_list, times):
        nodes[name].use_custom_color = True
        # linear scale.
        nodes[name].color = cold.lerp(hot, t / t_max)
Пример #8
def split_segment(keyframes, type1, start, end, tolerance):
    n = float(end[0] - start[0])
    error = -1
    frame = 0
    # print('Start: %d, End: %d, Range: %f' % (start[0], end[0], n))

    for i in (i for i in range(start[0], end[0]) if i in keyframes.keys()):
        middle = keyframes[i]
        distance = 0
        t = max(0, min(1, float(i - start[0]) / n))  # Interpolation factor
        if type1 == 'Translation' or type1 == 'Scale':
            a = Vector(start[1])
            b = Vector(middle)
            c = Vector(end[1])
            delta = b - a.lerp(c, t)
            distance = delta.magnitude  # Just the linear distance, for now
        elif type1 == 'Rotation':
            distance = 1 - Quaternion(middle).dot(
                    end[1]), t))  # Spherical distance in the range of 0-2

        if distance > error:
            error = distance
            frame = i

    if error > 0 and error > tolerance:
        middle = (frame, keyframes[frame])
        result = [middle]
        if frame != start[0] and frame != end[0]:  # Prevents infinite recursion
            result += split_segment(keyframes, type1, start, middle, tolerance)
            result += split_segment(keyframes, type1, middle, end, tolerance)
            return result

    return []
Пример #9
 def execute(self, context):
     expr = self.expr
     obs = list(context.selected_objects)
     tot = len(obs) - 1
     inc = 1 / tot
     first, last = obs[0], obs[-1]
     obj1, prop1 = propexpr(first, expr)
     obj2, prop2 = propexpr(last, expr)
     attr1 = getattr(obj1, prop1)
     attr2 = getattr(obj2, prop2)
     if isinstance(attr1, Vector):
         for n, ob in enumerate(obs[1:-1]):
             fac = inc * (n + 1)
             objx, propx = propexpr(ob, expr)
             attrx = getattr(objx, propx)
             attrx[:] = attr1.lerp(attr2, fac)
     elif isinstance(attr1, Color):
         r1, g1, b1 = attr1
         r2, g2, b2 = attr2
         vec1 = Vector((r1, g1, b1))
         vec2 = Vector((r2, g2, b2))
         for n, ob in enumerate(obs[1:-1]):
             fac = inc * (n + 1)
             objx, propx = propexpr(ob, expr)
             attrx = getattr(objx, propx)
             attrx[:] = vec1.lerp(vec2, fac)
     elif isinstance(attr1, bpy.types.bpy_prop_array) and len(attr1) == 4:
         r1, g1, b1, a1 = attr1
         r2, g2, b2, a2 = attr2
         vec1 = Vector((r1, g1, b1))
         vec2 = Vector((r2, g2, b2))
         avec1 = Vector((a1, a1, a1))
         avec2 = Vector((a2, a2, a2))
         for n, ob in enumerate(obs[1:-1]):
             fac = inc * (n + 1)
             objx, propx = propexpr(ob, expr)
             attrx = getattr(objx, propx)
             t = (*vec1.lerp(vec2, fac), avec1.lerp(avec2, fac)[0])
             attrx[:] = t
     elif type(attr1) == float:
         for n, ob in enumerate(obs[1:-1]):
             fac = inc * (n + 1)
             v1 = Vector((attr1, ) * 3)
             v2 = Vector((attr2, ) * 3)
             objx, propx = propexpr(ob, expr)
             setattr(objx, propx, v1.lerp(v2, fac)[0])
     return {"FINISHED"}
Пример #10
    def makecube(self, size, divx, divy, divz):
        if 0 in (divx, divy, divz):
            return [], []

        b = size / 2.0

        verts = [
            [b, b, -b], [b, -b, -b], [-b, -b, -b],
            [-b, b, -b], [b, b, b], [b, -b, b],
            [-b, -b, b], [-b, b, b]

        faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 7, 6, 5],
                 [0, 4, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2],
                 [2, 6, 7, 3], [4, 0, 3, 7]]

        if (divx, divy, divz) == (1, 1, 1):
            return verts, faces

        bm = bmesh.new()
        [bm.verts.new(co) for co in verts]
        for face in faces:
            bm.faces.new(tuple(bm.verts[i] for i in face))

        dist = 0.0001
        section_dict = {0: divx, 1: divy, 2: divz}

        for axis in range(3):

            num_sections = section_dict[axis]
            if num_sections == 1:

            step = 1 / num_sections
            v1 = Vector(tuple((b if (i == axis) else 0) for i in [0, 1, 2]))
            v2 = Vector(tuple((-b if (i == axis) else 0) for i in [0, 1, 2]))

            for section in range(num_sections):
                mid_vec = v1.lerp(v2, section * step)
                plane_no = v2 - mid_vec
                plane_co = mid_vec
                visible_geom = bm.faces[:] + bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:]

                    bm, geom=visible_geom, dist=dist,
                    plane_co=plane_co, plane_no=plane_no,
                    clear_outer=False, clear_inner=False)

        indices = lambda i: [j.index for j in i.verts]
        verts = [v.co.to_tuple() for v in bm.verts]
        faces = [indices(face) for face in bm.faces]
        edges = [indices(edge) for edge in bm.edges]
        return [verts], edges, [faces]
Пример #11
def find_projected_arc_center(p1, p2, b, radius=0.5):
                        .  B.
                    .       .
               c.           .a
            .               .
        .                 C . = 90

    c = circle enter distance
    b = tangent distance

    a = Vector(p1)
    b = Vector(b)
    c = Vector(p2)

    a = (a - b).normalized() + b
    c = (c - b).normalized() + b

    focal = (a + c) / 2.0
    focal_length = (b - focal).length

        angleA = (a - b).angle(c - b) / 2.0
    except ValueError as e:
        print('smoothlines encountered non zero length vectors')
        #  Vector.angle(other): zero length vectors have no valid angle
        return None

    sideA = radius
    sideB = sideA / tan(angleA)
    sideC = sideA / sin(angleA)

    ratio = (sideC - radius) / focal_length
    mid = b.lerp(focal, ratio)[:]

    ab_rate = sideB / (a - b).length
    cb_rate = sideB / (c - b).length
    p1 = b.lerp(a, ab_rate)[:]
    p2 = b.lerp(c, cb_rate)[:]

    return p1, mid, p2
Пример #12
    def makecube(self, size, divx, divy, divz):
        if 0 in (divx, divy, divz):
            return [], []

        b = size / 2.0

        verts = [[b, b, -b], [b, -b, -b], [-b, -b, -b], [-b, b, -b], [b, b, b],
                 [b, -b, b], [-b, -b, b], [-b, b, b]]

        faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 7, 6, 5], [0, 4, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2],
                 [2, 6, 7, 3], [4, 0, 3, 7]]

        if (divx, divy, divz) == (1, 1, 1):
            return verts, faces

        bm = bmesh.new()
        [bm.verts.new(co) for co in verts]
        for face in faces:
            bm.faces.new(tuple(bm.verts[i] for i in face))

        dist = 0.0001
        section_dict = {0: divx, 1: divy, 2: divz}

        for axis in range(3):

            num_sections = section_dict[axis]
            if num_sections == 1:

            step = 1 / num_sections
            v1 = Vector(tuple((b if (i == axis) else 0) for i in [0, 1, 2]))
            v2 = Vector(tuple((-b if (i == axis) else 0) for i in [0, 1, 2]))

            for section in range(num_sections):
                mid_vec = v1.lerp(v2, section * step)
                plane_no = v2 - mid_vec
                plane_co = mid_vec
                visible_geom = bm.faces[:] + bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:]


        indices = lambda i: [j.index for j in i.verts]

        verts = [v.co.to_tuple() for v in bm.verts]
        faces = [indices(face) for face in bm.faces]
        edges = [indices(edge) for edge in bm.edges]
        return verts, edges, faces
Пример #13
def sv_main(v=[[]], point=[], mdist=0.4):

    in_sockets = [
        ['v', 'verts', v],
        ['v', 'point', point],
        ['s', 'mdist', mdist]

    affected_verts = {}
    return_verts = []

    if (v and v[0]) and point:

        v = v[0]
        size = len(v)
        kd = kdtree.KDTree(size)

        for i, vtx in enumerate(v):
            kd.insert(Vector(vtx), i)

        # makes edges
        vtx = point[0][0]
        for (co, index, dist) in kd.find_range(vtx, mdist):
            affected_verts[index] = dist

        v1 = Vector(vtx)
        add_vert = return_verts.append
        for idx, vert in enumerate(v):
            rv = affected_verts.get(idx, 0)
            if rv > 0:
                amp = mdist / rv
                v2 = Vector(v[idx])
                v3 = v1.lerp(v2, amp)
                # make new vector
                rv = v3[:]
                rv = vert

    # out boilerplate
    out_sockets = [
        ['v', 'Modified', [return_verts]]

    return in_sockets, out_sockets
def sv_main(v=[[]], point=[], mdist=0.4):

    in_sockets = [
        ['v', 'verts', v],
        ['v', 'point', point],
        ['s', 'mdist', mdist]

    affected_verts = {}
    return_verts = []

    if (v and v[0]) and point:

        v = v[0]
        size = len(v)
        kd = kdtree.KDTree(size)

        for i, vtx in enumerate(v):
            kd.insert(Vector(vtx), i)

        # makes edges
        vtx = point[0][0]
        for (co, index, dist) in kd.find_range(vtx, mdist):
            affected_verts[index] = dist

        v1 = Vector(vtx)
        add_vert = return_verts.append
        for idx, vert in enumerate(v):
            rv = affected_verts.get(idx, 0)
            if rv > 0:
                amp = mdist / rv
                v2 = Vector(v[idx])
                v3 = v1.lerp(v2, amp)
                # make new vector
                rv = v3[:]
                rv = vert

    # out boilerplate
    out_sockets = [
        ['v', 'Modified', [return_verts]]

    return in_sockets, out_sockets
Пример #15
def do_update_heat_map(node_list, nodes):
    Create a heat map for the node tree, under development.
    global DEBUG_MODE
    times = []
    total_test = 0
    node_list = list(node_list)
    for name in node_list:
        if name in nodes:
            start = time.perf_counter()
            delta = time.perf_counter() - start
            total_test += delta
            if data_structure.DEBUG_MODE:
                print("Updated  {0} in: {1}".format(name, round(delta, 4)))
    if data_structure.DEBUG_MODE:
        print("Layout updated in: {0} seconds".format(round(total_test, 4)))
    if not times:
    if not nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors:
        color_data = {
            node.name: (node.color[:], node.use_custom_color)
            for node in nodes
        nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors = str(color_data)

    t_max = max(times)
    addon_name = data_structure.SVERCHOK_NAME
    addon = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.get(addon_name)
    if addon:
        # to use Vector.lerp
        cold = Vector(addon.preferences.heat_map_cold)
        hot = addon.preferences.heat_map_hot
        print("Cannot find preferences")
        cold = Vector((1, 1, 1))
        hot = (.8, 0, 0)
    for name, t in zip(node_list, times):
        nodes[name].use_custom_color = True
        # linear scale.
        nodes[name].color = cold.lerp(hot, t / t_max)
Пример #16
def do_update_heat_map(node_list, nodes):
    Create a heat map for the node tree, under development.
    global DEBUG_MODE
    times = []
    total_test = 0
    node_list = list(node_list)
    for name in node_list:
        if name in nodes:
            start = time.perf_counter()
            delta = time.perf_counter()-start
            total_test += delta
            if data_structure.DEBUG_MODE:
                print("Updated  {0} in: {1}".format(name, round(delta, 4)))
    if data_structure.DEBUG_MODE:
        print("Layout updated in: {0} seconds".format(round(total_test, 4)))
    if not times:
    if not nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors:
        color_data = {node.name: (node.color[:], node.use_custom_color) for node in nodes}
        nodes.id_data.sv_user_colors = str(color_data)

    t_max = max(times)
    addon_name = data_structure.SVERCHOK_NAME
    addon = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.get(addon_name)
    if addon:
        # to use Vector.lerp
        cold = Vector(addon.preferences.heat_map_cold)
        hot = addon.preferences.heat_map_hot
        print("Cannot find preferences")
        cold = Vector((1, 1, 1))
        hot = (.8, 0, 0)
    for name, t in zip(node_list, times):
        nodes[name].use_custom_color = True
        # linear scale.
        nodes[name].color = cold.lerp(hot, t / t_max)
Пример #17
 def newColorWith(col, vert2loopMap):
     oldcolor = Vector((col[0], col[1], col[2], 1))
     if seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol_mask[0]:
         R = seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol[0]
         R = oldcolor[0]
     if seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol_mask[1]:
         G = seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol[1]
         G = oldcolor[1]
     if seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol_mask[2]:
         B = seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol[2]
         B = oldcolor[2]
     newcolor = Vector((R, G, B, 1))
     dopinfluence = 1.0
     if vert2loopMap is not None and ivdx in vert2loopMap:
         dopinfluence = vert2loopMap[ivdx]
     tltInfl = self.opt_influence * dopinfluence
     if self.opt_invertInfl:
         tltInfl = 1.0 - tltInfl
     lerped = oldcolor.lerp(newcolor, tltInfl)
     return lerped
Пример #18
		def newColorWith(col,vert2loopMap):
			oldcolor = Vector((col[0],col[1],col[2],1))
			if seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol_mask[0]:
				R = seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol[0]
				R = oldcolor[0]
			if seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol_mask[1]:
				G = seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol[1]
				G = oldcolor[1]
			if seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol_mask[2]:
				B = seltoolsOpts.bake_vccol[2]
				B = oldcolor[2]
			newcolor = Vector((R,G,B,1))
			dopinfluence = 1.0
			if vert2loopMap is not None and ivdx in vert2loopMap:
				dopinfluence = vert2loopMap[ivdx]
			tltInfl = self.opt_influence*dopinfluence
			if self.opt_invertInfl:
				tltInfl = 1.0-tltInfl
			lerped = oldcolor.lerp(newcolor,tltInfl)
			return lerped
Пример #19
def rotate(sce):

    speed = mag * vo

    for index in range(1, 5):
        name = str(nameOfTire) + str(index)
        obj = bpy.data.objects[str(name)]
        tires.insert(index, obj)
        rot.y += 1
        vo.y = rot.y * math.pi / 180
        mag.y = objTarget.location.z
        #print("speed : "+ str(speed))

        #car = objTarget.location.length - obj.location.length
        print("car " + str(car.location))
        #print("> " + str(car))

        #print("location: "+ str(objTarget.location.z))
        rotspeed = Vector.lerp(mag, vo, speed)
        fps = (obj.location.x - objTarget.location.x)
        #print("fps : "+ str(fps))
        obj.rotation_euler = Euler(
            (rot.x * math.pi / 180, rot.y + speed * math.pi / 180,
             rot.z * math.pi / 180), 'XYZ')
Пример #20
        bpy.context.object.modifiers['Bevel'].segments = 2
        bpy.context.object.modifiers['Bevel'].width = 0.03

        vecrotatex(theta, baseaxis, axis)

        currframe = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
        currot = startrot
        center = startcenter
        for f in range(0, fcount, 1):
            fprc = f * invfcount
            osc = abs(sin(TWOPI * fprc))

            # Animate location.
            vecrotate(TWOPI * fprc, axis, pt, rotpt)
            center = startcenter.lerp(stopcenter, osc)
            rotpt = rotpt + center
            current.location = rotpt

            # Animate rotation.
            currot = startrot.slerp(stoprot, jprc * fprc)
            current.rotation_euler = currot.to_euler()

            # Animate color.
            #mat.diffuse_color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(jprc, osc, 1.0)
            convertedColor2  = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(jprc, osc, 1.0)
            current.color = [convertedColor2[0], convertedColor2[1], convertedColor2[2], 1.0]
Пример #21
class CharacterController(bge.types.KX_PythonComponent):
    """ Character Controller Component:
		Create a capsule for your character, set the physics type to "Character"
	and attach this Component to them.
	You can configure the Walk, Run speed and the Max Jumps on the Component
	panel. If your character object have Collision Bounds activated, I'd
	recommend to enable the "Avoid Sliding" option.
		If you want to make your character jump in a static direction, activate
	"Static Jump Direction". It means that, if the player wasn't moving when
	he pressed Space, the character will jump up and the player will not be able
	to change this during the jump. The same for when he was moving when pressed
	Space. Same for the rotation (Static Jump Rotation)."""

    args = OrderedDict([
        ("Activate", True),
        ("Walk Speed", 0.1),
        ("Run Speed", 0.2),
        ("Max Jumps", 1),
        ("Avoid Sliding", True),
        ("Static Jump Direction", False),
        ("Static Jump Rotation", False),
        ("Smooth Character Movement", 0.0),
        ("Make Object Invisible", False),

    def start(self, args):
        """Start Function"""

        self.active = args["Activate"]

        self.walkSpeed = args["Walk Speed"]
        self.runSpeed = args["Run Speed"]

        self.avoidSliding = args["Avoid Sliding"]
        self.__lastPosition = self.object.worldPosition.copy()
        self.__lastDirection = Vector([0, 0, 0])
        self.__smoothSlidingFlag = False

        self.__smoothMov = clamp(args["Smooth Character Movement"], 0, 0.99)
        self.__smoothLast = Vector([0, 0, 0])

        self.staticJump = args["Static Jump Direction"]
        self.__jumpDirection = [0, 0, 0]

        self.staticJumpRot = args["Static Jump Rotation"]
        self.__jumpRotation = Matrix.Identity(3)

        self.character = bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.object)
        self.character.maxJumps = args["Max Jumps"]

        if self.active:
            if args["Make Object Invisible"]:
                self.object.visible = False

    def characterMovement(self):
        """Makes the character walk with W,A,S,D
		(You can run by holding Left Shift)"""

        keyboard = bge.logic.keyboard.inputs
        keyTAP = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED

        x = 0
        y = 0
        speed = self.walkSpeed

        if keyboard[bge.events.LEFTSHIFTKEY].active:
            speed = self.runSpeed

        if keyboard[bge.events.WKEY].active: y = 1
        elif keyboard[bge.events.SKEY].active: y = -1
        if keyboard[bge.events.AKEY].active: x = -1
        elif keyboard[bge.events.DKEY].active: x = 1

        vec = Vector([x, y, 0])
        self.__smoothSlidingFlag = False
        if vec.length != 0:
            self.__smoothSlidingFlag = True
            # Normalizing the vector.
            # Multiply by the speed
            vec *= speed

        # This part is to make the static jump Direction works.
        if not self.character.onGround:
            if self.staticJump:
                vec = self.__jumpDirection
            if self.staticJumpRot:
                self.object.worldOrientation = self.__jumpRotation.copy()
        else:  #elif self.character.onGround:
            self.__jumpDirection = vec
            self.__jumpRotation = self.object.worldOrientation.copy()

        smooth = 1.0 - self.__smoothMov
        vec = self.__smoothLast.lerp(vec, smooth)
        self.__smoothLast = vec
        test = self.object.worldPosition.copy()
        self.character.walkDirection = self.object.worldOrientation * vec

        if vec.length != 0:
            self.__lastDirection = self.object.worldPosition - self.__lastPosition
            self.__lastPosition = self.object.worldPosition.copy()

    def characterJump(self):
        """Makes the Character jump with SPACE."""

        keyboard = bge.logic.keyboard.inputs
        keyTAP = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED

        if keyTAP in keyboard[bge.events.SPACEKEY].queue:

    def avoidSlide(self):
        """Avoids the character to slide. This funtion is useful when you have
		Collision Bounds activated."""

        self.object.worldPosition.xy = self.__lastPosition.xy

        other = self.object.worldOrientation * self.__smoothLast

        if self.__lastDirection.length != 0 and other.length != 0:
            if self.__lastDirection.angle(other) > 0.5:
                if not self.__smoothSlidingFlag:
                    self.__smoothLast = Vector([0, 0, 0])

    def update(self):
        """Update Function"""

        if self.active:

            if self.avoidSliding:
Пример #22
def frame_pre(scene):
    #if not bpy.context.screen.is_animation_playing:
    obj = bpy.context.object
    if obj and obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
        awc = obj.data.aut_walk_cycle
            torso_obj = obj.pose.bones[awc.torso]
            l_foot_ik = obj.pose.bones[awc.l_foot_ik]
            r_foot_ik = obj.pose.bones[awc.r_foot_ik]
        except Exception as e:
            print("ERROR", e)
        amp = awc.amp
        openness = -awc.openness
        anticipation = 1 - awc.anticipation
        fo_rot = awc.foot_rot
        frame = scene.frame_current

        up_axis = awc.up_axis.copy()
        side_axis = awc.side_axis.copy()
        mat_l = obj.data.bones[awc.l_foot_ik].matrix_local.copy()
        mat_r = obj.data.bones[awc.r_foot_ik].matrix_local.copy()
        if not awc.anim:
            front_axis = awc.front_axis.copy()
            step = awc.step / 2
            #(anticipation - .5)
            frequency = awc.frequency
            fr = 2 * pi * frame / frequency
            cf = cos(fr / 2)
            sf = sin(fr / 2)
            cff = cf**2
            mod = (frame / frequency - .5) % 2
            f = mod >= 1

            up = up_axis * cff * amp
            front = ((sf / 2) * step) * front_axis
            ant = ((anticipation - .5) * step) * front_axis
            side = side_axis * openness
            fo_rot = fo_rot * side_axis

            foot = l_foot_ik, r_foot_ik
            mat = mat_l, mat_r
            sign = 2 * f - 1
            mod -= f
            mloc = Matrix.Translation(
                ((ant + up + sign * (front + (cff - 1) * side))))  #*mat[f]))
            mrot = Quaternion((mod - 1 + anticipation) * fo_rot).to_matrix()
            foot[f].matrix = mloc * mrot.to_4x4() * mat[f]
            front = front_axis * (.5 - mod) * step
            mloc = Matrix.Translation((ant + front + sign * side))  #*mat[f-1])
            if 2 * mod <= anticipation:
                mrot = Quaternion(
                    (anticipation - 2 * mod) * fo_rot).to_matrix()
                matr = mloc * mrot.to_4x4()
            elif 3 * mod - 2 >= anticipation:
                mrot = Quaternion(
                    (anticipation - (3 * mod - 2)) * fo_rot).to_matrix()
                matr = mloc * mrot.to_4x4()
                matr = mloc
            foot[f - 1].matrix = matr * mat[f - 1]

            m_cache = {}
            for col_bone in awc.new_bones:
                if col_bone.name and col_bone.show:
                    name = col_bone.name
                    bone = obj.pose.bones[name]
                    bone_dat = obj.data.bones[col_bone.name]
                    m_local = bone_dat.matrix_local
                    #m_ch = m_cache.get(name, Matrix.Identity(4))
                    m_cache[name] = m_cache.get(name, m_local)
                    if col_bone.seq_type == 'LR':
                        fac = sf / 2 + .5
                    elif col_bone.seq_type == 'M':
                        fac = cf / 2 + .5
                    else:  # if col_bone.seq_type == 'ES'
                        fac = cff
                    #mloc = Matrix.Translation(col_bone.loc1.lerp(col_bone.loc2, fac))
                    mrot = col_bone.qua1.slerp(col_bone.qua2, fac).to_matrix()
                    m_cache[name] *= mrot.to_4x4()
                    loc = col_bone.loc1.lerp(col_bone.loc2, fac)
                    if bone_dat.use_local_location:
                    m_cache[name].translation += loc
                    parent = bone.parent.matrix * bone_dat.parent.matrix_local.inverted(
                    if col_bone.add_torso:
                        m_cache[name].translation += parent.translation
                        bone.matrix = m_cache[name]

                        bone.matrix = parent * m_cache[name]

        else:  # awc.anim:
            fr_prev = frame
            fs = obj.data['frame_steps'].to_dict()
            sfs = sorted(fs, key=lambda x: int(x))
            for i, frst in enumerate(sfs):
                fr = int(frst)
                if fr > frame:
                    left = i % 2
                    vec2 = Vector(fs[sfs[i - 1]][0])
                    vec3 = Vector(fs[sfs[i]][0])
                    if i >= 2:
                        vec1 = Vector(fs[sfs[i - 2]][0])
                        vec1 = vec2
                    sign = (2 * left - 1)
                    rang = (frame - fr_prev) / (fr - fr_prev)  # = mod%1
                    # |  /
                    # | /
                    # |/___
                    cf = 4 * rang * (1 - rang) * sign  # or sin(rang*pi)
                    # |  __
                    # | /  \
                    # |/____\_

                    rq = Quaternion(fs[sfs[i - 1]][1])
                    rrot = rq.slerp(Quaternion(fs[sfs[i]][1]), rang)
                    _mrot = rrot.to_matrix()
                    rvec = Matrix.Translation((vec2.lerp(vec3, rang)))

                    mat_global = rvec * _mrot.to_4x4()

                    torso_dat = obj.data.bones[awc.torso]
                    torso_obj.matrix = mat_global * torso_dat.matrix_local

                    ant = rang + anticipation / 2  # antecip real
                    vec2 = vec2.lerp(vec3, anticipation)
                    if ant <= 1:
                        loc = vec1.lerp(vec3, ant)
                            vec5 = Vector(fs[sfs[i + 2]][0])
                            loc = vec3.lerp(vec5, ant - 1)
                            loc = vec1.lerp(vec3, ant)
                    mt_vec2 = Matrix.Translation(vec2)
                    mat_loc = Matrix.Translation(loc)
                    up2 = up_axis * cf * amp
                    mrot = Matrix.Rotation(
                        (ant - 1) * fo_rot, 3, side_axis) * _mrot

                    lat2 = side_axis * openness
                    if left:
                        m_vec = Matrix.Translation((1 - cf) * lat2 + up2)
                        l_foot_ik.matrix = mat_loc * m_vec * mrot * mat_l

                        mt_r = Matrix.Translation(-lat2)
                        if 2 * rang <= anticipation:
                            mr_r = Matrix.Rotation(
                                (anticipation - 2 * rang) * fo_rot, 3,
                                side_axis) * _mrot
                        elif 3 * rang - 2 >= anticipation:
                            mr_r = Matrix.Rotation(
                                (anticipation - (3 * rang - 2)) * fo_rot, 3,
                                side_axis) * _mrot
                            mr_r = _mrot
                        r_foot_ik.matrix = mt_vec2 * mt_r * mr_r.to_4x4(
                        ) * mat_r

                        m_vec = Matrix.Translation(-(cf + 1) * lat2 - up2)
                        r_foot_ik.matrix = mat_loc * m_vec * mrot * mat_r

                        mt_l = Matrix.Translation(lat2)
                        if 2 * rang <= anticipation:
                            mr_l = Matrix.Rotation(
                                (anticipation - 2 * rang) * fo_rot, 3,
                                side_axis) * _mrot
                        elif 3 * rang - 2 >= anticipation:
                            mr_l = Matrix.Rotation(
                                (anticipation - (3 * rang - 2)) * fo_rot, 3,
                                side_axis) * _mrot
                            mr_l = _mrot
                        l_foot_ik.matrix = mt_vec2 * mt_l * mr_l.to_4x4(
                        ) * mat_l

                    m_cache = {}
                    for col_bone in awc.new_bones:
                        if col_bone.name and col_bone.show:
                            name = col_bone.name
                            bone = obj.pose.bones[name]
                            bone_dat = obj.data.bones[name]
                            #m_local = m_cache.get(name, bone_dat.matrix_local)
                            m_local = bone_dat.matrix_local
                            m_cache[name] = m_cache.get(name, m_local)
                            loc1 = col_bone.loc1
                            loc2 = col_bone.loc2
                            rot1 = col_bone.qua1
                            rot2 = col_bone.qua2

                            if col_bone.seq_type == 'LR':
                                sf = cos(rang * pi) * sign
                                # |_        _
                                # | \      /
                                # |__|____|__
                                # |  |    |
                                # |   \__/
                                fac = sf / 2 + .5
                                loc = loc1.lerp(loc2, fac)
                                rot = rot1.slerp(rot2, fac)

                            elif col_bone.seq_type == 'M':
                                fac = .5 - cf / 2
                                loc = loc1.lerp(loc2, fac)
                                rot = rot1.slerp(rot2, fac)

                            else:  #col_bone.seq_type == 'ES':
                                fac = cf**2
                                loc = loc1.lerp(loc2, fac)
                                rot = rot1.slerp(rot2, fac)

                            mrot = rot.to_matrix()
                            #mloc = Matrix.Translation(vec)
                            m_cache[name] *= mrot.to_4x4()
                            if bone_dat.use_local_location:
                            m_cache[name].translation += loc

                            if col_bone.add_torso:
                                bone.matrix = mat_global * m_cache[name]
                                parent = bone.parent.matrix * bone_dat.parent.matrix_local.inverted(
                                bone.matrix = parent * m_cache[name]
                fr_prev = fr
        scene.awc_is_preview = False
Пример #23
class CharacterController(bge.types.KX_PythonComponent):
    args = OrderedDict([
        ("Activate", True),
        ("Walk Speed", 0.1),
        ("Run Speed", 0.2),
        ("Max Jumps", 1),
        ("Avoid Sliding", True),
        ("Static Jump Direction", False),
        ("Static Jump Rotation", False),
        ("Smooth Character Movement", 0.0),
        ("Make Object Invisible", False),

    # Start Function
    def start(self, args):
        self.active = args["Activate"]

        self.walkSpeed = args["Walk Speed"]
        self.runSpeed = args["Run Speed"]

        self.avoidSliding = args["Avoid Sliding"]
        self.__lastPosition = self.object.worldPosition.copy()
        self.__lastDirection = Vector([0, 0, 0])
        self.__smoothSlidingFlag = False

        self.__smoothMov = clamp(args["Smooth Character Movement"], 0, 0.99)
        self.__smoothLast = Vector([0, 0, 0])

        self.staticJump = args["Static Jump Direction"]
        self.__jumpDirection = [0, 0, 0]

        self.staticJumpRot = args["Static Jump Rotation"]
        self.__jumpRotation = Matrix.Identity(3)

        self.character = bge.constraints.getCharacter(self.object)
        self.character.maxJumps = args["Max Jumps"]

        if self.active:
            if args["Make Object Invisible"]:
                self.object.visible = False

    # Makes the character walk with W,A,S,D (You can run by holding Left Shift)
    def characterMovement(self):
        keyboard = bge.logic.keyboard.inputs
        keyTAP = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED

        x = 0
        y = 0
        speed = self.walkSpeed

        if keyboard[bge.events.LEFTSHIFTKEY].values[-1]:
            speed = self.runSpeed

        if keyboard[bge.events.WKEY].values[-1]: y = 1
        elif keyboard[bge.events.SKEY].values[-1]: y = -1
        if keyboard[bge.events.AKEY].values[-1]: x = -1
        elif keyboard[bge.events.DKEY].values[-1]: x = 1

        vec = Vector([x, y, 0])
        self.__smoothSlidingFlag = False
        if vec.length != 0:
            self.__smoothSlidingFlag = True
            # Normalizing the vector. For some reason, the mathutils normalize
            # don't work very well.
            vec /= vec.length
            # Multiply by the speed
            vec *= speed

        # This part is to make the static jump Direction works.
        if not self.character.onGround:
            if self.staticJump:
                vec = self.__jumpDirection
            if self.staticJumpRot:
                self.object.worldOrientation = self.__jumpRotation.copy()
        else:  #elif self.character.onGround:
            self.__jumpDirection = vec
            self.__jumpRotation = self.object.worldOrientation.copy()

        smooth = 1.0 - self.__smoothMov
        vec = self.__smoothLast.lerp(vec, smooth)
        self.__smoothLast = vec
        test = self.object.worldPosition.copy()
        self.character.walkDirection = self.object.worldOrientation * vec

        #if self.__smoothLast.length <= 0.001 and not self.__smoothSlidingFlag:
        #	self.__smoothLast = Vector([0,0,0])

        if vec.length != 0:
            self.__lastDirection = self.object.worldPosition - self.__lastPosition
            self.__lastPosition = self.object.worldPosition.copy()

    # Makes the Character jump with SPACE.
    def characterJump(self):
        keyboard = bge.logic.keyboard.inputs
        keyTAP = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED

        if keyTAP in keyboard[bge.events.SPACEKEY].queue:

    # Avoids the character to slide. This funtion is useful when you have
    # Collision Bounds activated.
    def avoidSlide(self):
        self.object.worldPosition[0] = self.__lastPosition[0]
        self.object.worldPosition[1] = self.__lastPosition[1]

        other = self.object.worldOrientation * self.__smoothLast

        if self.__lastDirection.length != 0 and other.length != 0:
            if self.__lastDirection.angle(other) > 0.5:
                if not self.__smoothSlidingFlag:
                    self.__smoothLast = Vector([0, 0, 0])

    # Update Function
    def update(self):
        if self.active:

            if self.avoidSliding: