def read_lick(folderpath): rez = {} ################################ # Process Reaction times file ################################ rt_file = os.path.join(folderpath, "RT_264.mat") rt = loadmat(rt_file) rez['reaction_time'] = 3.0 + rt['reaction_time'] ################################ # Process lick_traces file ################################ def lick_filter(data, bot_th, top_th): data[np.isnan(data)] = 0 return np.logical_or(data <= bot_th, data >= top_th).astype(int) lick_traces_file = os.path.join(folderpath, "lick_traces.mat") lick_traces = loadmat(lick_traces_file) nTimesLick = len(lick_traces['licks_go']) freqLick = 100 # Hz rez['tLicks'] = np.linspace(0, (nTimesLick-1) / freqLick, nTimesLick) # Top threshold is wrong sometimes. Yaro said to use exact one thBot, thTop = lick_traces['bot_thresh'], 2.64 for k in ['licks_go', 'licks_nogo', 'licks_miss', 'licks_FA', 'licks_early']: rez[k] = lick_filter(lick_traces[k], thBot, thTop) ################################ # Process trials file ################################ TIMESCALE_TRACES = 0.001 # ms trials_file = os.path.join(folderpath, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(folderpath))+".mat") #print(trials_file) lick_trials = loadmat(trials_file) # NOTE: lick_trials['licks']['lick_vector'] is just a repeat from above lick_traces file # lick_trials['licks'] = merge_dicts([matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in lick_trials['licks']]) lick_trials['trials'] = merge_dicts([matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in lick_trials['trials']]) rez['reward_time'] = np.array(lick_trials['trials']['reward_time'], dtype=float) * TIMESCALE_TRACES rez['puff'] = [np.array(puff, dtype=float)*TIMESCALE_TRACES for puff in lick_trials['trials']['puff']] return rez
def nifty_wrapper(src_name_h5, pwd_h5, pwd_mat): # 1) Load data from HDF5 src_path_h5 = os.path.join(pwd_h5, src_name_h5) print("Reading source data from", src_path_h5) src_file_h5 = h5py.File(src_path_h5, "r") src_data = np.copy(src_file_h5['data']) src_file_h5.close() print("read data from H5 : ", src_data.shape, type(src_data)) # 2) Save data as temporary .mat src_name_mat = 'source_' + src_name_h5.split('.')[0] + '.mat' rez_name_mat = 'result_' + src_name_h5.split('.')[0] + '.mat' src_path_mat = os.path.join(pwd_mat, src_name_mat) rez_path_mat = os.path.join(pwd_mat, rez_name_mat) print("Converting data to matlab file", src_path_mat), {"data" : src_data}) # 3) Run matlab NIfTy to get TE print("Started running matlab") action1 = 'nifty_path = "' + os.path.join(pwd_lib, "nifty_wrapper") + '/";' action2 = 'source_file_name = "' + src_path_mat + '";' action3 = 'result_file_name = "' + rez_path_mat + '";' action4 = 'addpath(char(nifty_path));' action5 = 'run("nifty_wrapper.m");' action_sum = action1 + action2 + action3 + action4 + action5 + "exit;" #action1 = 'core_path = "' + path2p + '/";' #action2 = 'addpath(char(core_path + "codes/lib/nifty_wrapper/"));' #action3 = 'run("nifty_wrapper.m");' #action_sum = action1 + action2 + action3 + "exit;" print("..Action:", action_sum)["matlab", "-nodisplay", "-nosplash", "-nodesktop", "-r", action_sum]) # '"run(' +"'test_nifty_alyosha.m');exit;" + '"' # 4) Load NIfTy TE output from .mat print("Loading matlab results file", rez_path_mat) rez_data = loadmat(rez_path_mat) # 5) Save results as HDF5 rez_path_h5 = os.path.join(pwd_h5, 'result_' + src_name_h5.split('.')[0] + '.h5') print("Writing results data to", rez_path_h5) rez_file_h5 = h5py.File(rez_path_h5, "w") results_grp = rez_file_h5.create_group("results") results_grp['data'] = rez_data['results']['data'] results_grp['TE_table'] = rez_data['results']['TE_table'] results_grp['p_table'] = rez_data['results']['p_table'] results_grp['delay_table'] = rez_data['results']['delay_table'] rez_file_h5.close() return rez_path_h5
def read_neuro_perf(folderpath): # Read MAT file from command line print("Reading Yaro data from", folderpath) datafilename = os.path.join(folderpath, "data.mat") behaviorfilename = os.path.join(folderpath, "behaviorvar.mat") data = loadmat(datafilename)['data'] behavior = loadmat(behaviorfilename) # Get rid of useless fields in behaviour behavior = {k : v for k, v in behavior.items() if k[0] != '_'} # Convert trials structure to a dictionary behavior['trials'] = merge_dicts([matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in behavior['trials']]) # d_trials = matstruct2dict(behavior['trials'][0]) # for i in range(1, len(behavior['trials'])): # d_trials = merge_dict(d_trials, matstruct2dict(behavior['trials'][i])) # behavior['trials'] = d_trials return data, behavior
def read_neuro_perf(folderpath, verbose=True): # Read MAT file from command line if verbose: print("Reading Yaro data from", folderpath) datafilename = os.path.join(folderpath, "data.mat") behaviorfilename = os.path.join(folderpath, "behaviorvar.mat") data = loadmat(datafilename)['data'] behavior = loadmat(behaviorfilename) # Get rid of useless fields in behaviour behavior = {k: v for k, v in behavior.items() if k[0] != '_'} # Convert trials structure to a dictionary behavior['trials'] = merge_dicts( [matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in behavior['trials']]) # d_trials = matstruct2dict(behavior['trials'][0]) # for i in range(1, len(behavior['trials'])): # d_trials = merge_dict(d_trials, matstruct2dict(behavior['trials'][i])) # behavior['trials'] = d_trials # CONSISTENCY TEST: behKeys = ['iGO', 'iNOGO', 'iFA', 'iMISS'] dataNTrials = data.shape[0] behavToArray = lambda b: np.array([b], dtype=int) if type(b) == int else b behNTrials = np.sum([len(behavToArray(behavior[k])) for k in behKeys]) behMaxIdx = np.max(np.hstack([behavToArray(behavior[k]) for k in behKeys ])) - 1 # Note Matlab indices start from 1 if dataNTrials < behNTrials: # raise ValueError("Behaviour has more trials than data", behNTrials, dataNTrials) print("Behaviour has more trials than data", behNTrials, dataNTrials) if (behMaxIdx is not None) and (behMaxIdx >= dataNTrials): # raise ValueError("Behaviour max index must be less than number of trials", behMaxIdx, dataNTrials) print("Behaviour max index must be less than number of trials", behMaxIdx, dataNTrials) return data, behavior
def read_paw(filepath): paw_trials = loadmat(filepath)['trials'] nTrialsPaw, nTimePaw = paw_trials.shape if nTimePaw == 64: freqPaw = 7 elif nTimePaw > 250: freqPaw = 30 else: raise ValueError("Unexpected number of paw timesteps", nTimePaw) return { 'tPaw' : np.linspace(0, (nTimePaw-1) / freqPaw, nTimePaw), 'trialsPaw' : paw_trials, 'freqPaw' : freqPaw }
def read_paw(folderpath, verbose=True): if verbose: print("Processing paw folder", folderpath) filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, 'trials.mat') rezdict = {'trialsPaw': loadmat(filepath)['trials']} nTrialsPaw, nTimesPaw = rezdict['trialsPaw'].shape if nTimesPaw == 64: freqPaw = 7 elif nTimesPaw > 250: freqPaw = 30 else: raise ValueError("Unexpected number of paw timesteps", nTimePaw) rezdict['tPaw'] = np.arange(0, nTimesPaw) / freqPaw rezdict['freqPaw'] = freqPaw return rezdict
def read_whisk(folderpath, verbose=True): if verbose: print("Processing whisk folder", folderpath) ############################# # Read whisking angle ############################# rezdict = { 'whiskAngle': loadmat(os.path.join(folderpath, 'whiskAngle.mat'))['whiskAngle'] } nTimesWhisk, nTrialsWhisk = rezdict['whiskAngle'].shape if nTimesWhisk <= 900: freqWhisk = 40 elif nTimesWhisk >= 1600: freqWhisk = 200 else: freqWhisk = 40 # raise ValueError("Unexpected number of whisk timesteps", nTimesWhisk) print("Unexpected number of whisk timesteps", nTimesWhisk) rezdict['tWhisk'] = np.arange(0, nTimesWhisk) / freqWhisk rezdict['whiskAbsVelocity'] = np.vstack( (np.abs(rezdict['whiskAngle'][1:] - rezdict['whiskAngle'][:-1]) * freqWhisk, np.zeros(nTrialsWhisk))) ############################# # Read first touch ############################# firstTouchFilePath = os.path.join(folderpath, os.path.basename(folderpath) + '.txt') if not os.path.isfile(firstTouchFilePath): print("Warning: first touch file does not exist", firstTouchFilePath) rezdict['firstTouch'] = None else: with open(firstTouchFilePath) as fLog: rezdict['firstTouch'] = np.array( [line.split('\t')[1] for line in fLog.readlines()[1:]], dtype=float) return rezdict