Пример #1
def contourf(cube, *args, **kwargs):
    Draws filled contours based on the given Cube.


    * coords: list of :class:`~iris.coords.Coord` objects or
        coordinate names. Use the given coordinates as the axes for the
        plot. The order of the given coordinates indicates which axis
        to use for each, where the first element is the horizontal
        axis of the plot and the second element is the vertical axis
        of the plot.

    * axes: the :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` to use for drawing.
        Defaults to the current axes if none provided.

    See :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` for details of other valid
    keyword arguments.

    coords = kwargs.get('coords')
    kwargs.setdefault('antialiased', True)
    result = _draw_2d_from_points('contourf', None, cube, *args, **kwargs)

    # Matplotlib produces visible seams between anti-aliased polygons.
    # But if the polygons are virtually opaque then we can cover the seams
    # by drawing anti-aliased lines *underneath* the polygon joins.

    # Figure out the alpha level for the contour plot
    if result.alpha is None:
        alpha = result.collections[0].get_facecolor()[0][3]
        alpha = result.alpha
    # If the contours are anti-aliased and mostly opaque then draw lines under
    # the seams.
    if result.antialiased and alpha > 0.95:
        levels = result.levels
        colors = [c[0] for c in result.tcolors]
        if result.extend == 'neither':
            levels = levels[1:-1]
            colors = colors[:-1]
        elif result.extend == 'min':
            levels = levels[:-1]
            colors = colors[:-1]
        elif result.extend == 'max':
            levels = levels[1:]
            colors = colors[:-1]
            colors = colors[:-1]
        if len(levels) > 0:
            # Draw the lines just *below* the polygons to ensure we minimise
            # any boundary shift.
            zorder = result.collections[0].zorder - .1
            axes = kwargs.get('axes', None)
            # Restore the current "image" to 'result' rather than the mappable
            # resulting from the additional call to contour().
            if axes:

    return result
Пример #2
def contourf(cube, *args, **kwargs):
    Draws filled contours based on the given Cube.


    * coords: list of :class:`~iris.coords.Coord` objects or
        coordinate names. Use the given coordinates as the axes for the
        plot. The order of the given coordinates indicates which axis
        to use for each, where the first element is the horizontal
        axis of the plot and the second element is the vertical axis
        of the plot.

    * axes: the :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` to use for drawing.
        Defaults to the current axes if none provided.

    See :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` for details of other valid
    keyword arguments.

    coords = kwargs.get('coords')
    kwargs.setdefault('antialiased', True)
    result = _draw_2d_from_points('contourf', None, cube, *args, **kwargs)

    # Matplotlib produces visible seams between anti-aliased polygons.
    # But if the polygons are virtually opaque then we can cover the seams
    # by drawing anti-aliased lines *underneath* the polygon joins.

    # Figure out the alpha level for the contour plot
    if result.alpha is None:
        alpha = result.collections[0].get_facecolor()[0][3]
        alpha = result.alpha
    # If the contours are anti-aliased and mostly opaque then draw lines under
    # the seams.
    if result.antialiased and alpha > 0.95:
        levels = result.levels
        colors = [c[0] for c in result.tcolors]
        if result.extend == 'neither':
            levels = levels[1:-1]
            colors = colors[:-1]
        elif result.extend == 'min':
            levels = levels[:-1]
            colors = colors[:-1]
        elif result.extend == 'max':
            levels = levels[1:]
            colors = colors[:-1]
            colors = colors[:-1]
        if len(levels) > 0:
            # Draw the lines just *below* the polygons to ensure we minimise
            # any boundary shift.
            zorder = result.collections[0].zorder - .1
            axes = kwargs.get('axes', None)
            contour(cube, levels=levels, colors=colors, antialiased=True,
                    zorder=zorder, coords=coords, axes=axes)
            # Restore the current "image" to 'result' rather than the mappable
            # resulting from the additional call to contour().
            if axes:

    return result