def subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 8), dpi=120, num=0, subplot_kw={}): """ Equivalent function of pyplot.subplots(). The difference is that this one is not interactive and is used with backend plotting only. Parameters ---------- nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,8), dpi=120 num : dummy variable for compatibility Returns ------- fig, axes """ fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) fig.set_canvas(canvas) axes = np.ndarray((nrows, ncols), dtype=np.object) plt_nr = 1 for row in range(nrows): for col in range(ncols): axes[row, col] = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plt_nr, **subplot_kw) plt_nr += 1 return fig, axes
def testImproveCluster(self): """Make sure scattered r,theta points convert in improvement algorithm""" np.random.seed(42) nx, ny = 512, 512 r, theta = 300, 0.4 trail = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r, theta) x, y = trail.trace(nx, ny) n = len(x) t = theta + 0.05*np.random.normal(size=n) niter = 2 rNew, tNew, _r, _x, _y = measArt.improveCluster(t, x, y) for i in range(niter-1): rNew, tNew, _r, _x, _y = measArt.improveCluster(tNew, x, y) rEst = rNew.mean() tEst = tNew.mean() # if you need to look at it if False: r0, theta0 = measArt.hesseForm(t-np.pi/2.0, x, y) fig = figure.Figure() can = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(theta0, r0, 'k.') ax.plot(tNew, rNew, '.r') ax.plot([tEst], [rEst], 'go') fig.savefig("improveCluster.png") self.assertLess(np.abs(rEst - r), 1.0) self.assertLess(np.abs(tEst - theta), 0.001)
def makePortionFigure(deblend, origMimg, origMimgB, pedestal=0.0): portions = [] centers = [] boxes = [] for i, peak in enumerate(deblend.peaks): # make an image matching the size of the original portionedImg = afwImage.ImageF(origMimg.getBBox()) # get the heavy footprint for the flux aportioned to this peak heavyFoot = peak.getFluxPortion() footBox = heavyFoot.getBBox() pk = peak.peak centers.append((pk.getIx(), pk.getIy())) boxes.append( ((footBox.getMinX(), footBox.getMinY()), footBox.getWidth(), footBox.getHeight())) print(i, peak, pk.getIx(), pk.getIy(), footBox, "skip:", peak.skip) # make a sub-image for this peak, and put the aportioned flux into it portionedSubImg = afwImage.ImageF(portionedImg, footBox) portionedSubImg += pedestal heavyFoot.insert(portionedSubImg) portions.append(portionedImg) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(8, 10)) FigCanvas(fig) g = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(len(deblend.peaks)))) gx, gy = g, g + 1 def makeAx(ax, im, title): im = im.getArray() a = ax.imshow(im, cmap='gray') cb = fig.colorbar(a) ax.set_title(title, size='small') ax.set_xlim((0, im.shape[0])) ax.set_ylim((0, im.shape[1])) for t in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels( ) + t.set_size('x-small') return ax # show the originals makeAx(fig.add_subplot(gy, gx, 1), origMimg.getImage(), "Orig") makeAx(fig.add_subplot(gy, gx, 2), origMimgB.getImage(), "Missing Src") # show each aportioned image i = gy for i_p in range(len(portions)): im = portions[i_p] ax = makeAx(fig.add_subplot(gy, gx, i), im, "") xy, w, h = boxes[i_p] ax.add_patch(Rectangle(xy, w, h, fill=False, edgecolor='#ff0000')) for x, y in centers: ax.plot(x, y, '+', color='#00ff00') i += 1 return fig
def coordPlot(exposure, finder, pngfile): mm = finder._mm cmm = finder._mmCals img = exposure.getMaskedImage().getImage().getArray() bins = 1.0*img.shape[1]/mm.img.shape[1] xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(mm.img.shape[1], dtype=int), np.arange(mm.img.shape[0], dtype=int)) x = (bins*xx[finder._isCandidate]).astype(int) y = (bins*yy[finder._isCandidate]).astype(int) cimg = np.zeros(img.shape) cimg[y,x] = 1.0 def small(ax): for t in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): t.set_size("small") fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(8.0,4.0)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) can = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) ax.imshow(np.arcsinh(img), origin='lower', cmap='gray') ax.set_xlim([0, img.shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, img.shape[0]]) small(ax) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) stride = 1 #ax.plot(mm.theta[::stride], mm.ellip[::stride], '.k', ms=0.2, alpha=0.2) ax.scatter(mm.theta[::stride], mm.ellip[::stride], c=np.clip([::stride], 0.0, 4.0*finder.centerLimit), s=0.2, alpha=0.2, edgecolor='none') if len(cmm) == 2: i = 0 else: i = 2 ax.hlines([cmm[i].ellip], -np.pi/2.0, np.pi/2.0, color='k', linestyle='-') ax.set_xlim([-np.pi/2.0, np.pi/2.0]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) ax.set_xlabel("$\\theta$") ax.set_ylabel("$e=1-B/A$") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax.yaxis.tick_right() small(ax) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) ax.imshow(cimg, origin='lower', cmap='gray_r') ax.plot(x, y, 'k.', ms=1.0) ax.set_xlim([0, img.shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, img.shape[0]]) small(ax) fig.savefig(pngfile) fig.savefig(re.sub("png", "eps", pngfile))
def plot(data, color='r'): x = data['x'] y = data['y'] fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(4.0, 3.0)) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y, color + "-") return fig
def main(root, infile): butler = dafPersist.Butler(root) print "loading" detections = collections.defaultdict(list) if infile.endswith(".pickle"): with open(infile, 'r') as fp: for bundle in pickle.load(fp): (v,c), trailList, runtime = bundle for t in trailList: detections[(int(v),int(c))].append(t) else: lines = [] with open(infile, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() print "parsing" for line in lines: m = re.match("\((\d+), (\d+)\) SatelliteTrail\(r=(\d+.\d),theta=(\d.\d+),width=(\d+.\d+),.*", line) if m: v, c, r, t, w = m.groups() detections[(int(v),int(c))].append( satTrail.SatelliteTrail(r=float(r),theta=float(t),width=float(w)) ) print "plotting" for i, ((v,c), trails) in enumerate(sorted(detections.items())): print v, c dataId = {'visit': int(v), 'ccd': int(c)} cexp = butler.get('calexp', dataId) img = cexp.getMaskedImage().getImage().getArray() ny, nx = img.shape fig = figure.Figure() can = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(np.arcsinh(img), origin='lower', cmap='gray') for trail in trails: x1, y1 = trail.trace(nx, ny, offset=40) x2, y2 = trail.trace(nx, ny, offset=-40) ax.plot(x1, y1, 'r-') ax.plot(x2, y2, 'r-') ax.set_xlim([0, nx]) ax.set_ylim([0, ny]) t0 = trails[0] ax.set_title("(%s) %s (%.1f, %.3f, %.1f)" % (str(, str((v,c)), t0.r,t0.theta,t0.width)) fig.savefig("det-%05d-%03d.png" % (v, c))
def __init__(self, size=(4.0, 4.0), dpi=100): # (512, 512), DPI=100): """ @param size Figure size in inches @param dpi Dots per inch to use. """ self.fig = figure.Figure(figsize=size) self.fig.set_dpi(dpi) self.canvas = FigCanvas(self.fig) = {} #self.fig.set_size_inches(size[0] / DPI, size[1] / DPI) self.mapAreas = [] self.mapTransformed = True
def plot(data, dataId): n = 100 x = 2.0 * 3.142 * numpy.arange(n) / n y = numpy.sin(x) fig = figure.Figure() canvas = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) fig.savefig("testDyFig.png")
def dump(img, name): '''Dump several slices for the given numpy array.''' from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigCanvas figure = Figure() canvas = FigCanvas(figure) nplot = 9 for i in range(1, nplot+1): ax = figure.add_subplot(3, 3, i) # pylint: disable=C0103 ax.imshow(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)[i*img.GetDepth()/(nplot+1)]) canvas.print_figure(name)
def debugPlot(finder, pngfile): mm = finder._mm cmm = finder._mmCals trails = finder._trails img = mm.img ################################### # a debug figure ################################### debug = True if debug: fig = figure.Figure() can = FigCanvas(fig) fig.suptitle("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) # pixel plot ax = fig.add_subplot(py, px, 1) pixelPlot(finder, ax, mm, cmm, trails) # hough r vs theta ax = fig.add_subplot(py, px, 2) houghPlot(finder, ax, mm, cmm, trails) # e vs theta ax = fig.add_subplot(py, px, 3) evthetaPlot(finder, ax, mm, cmm, trails) # centroid vs flux ax = fig.add_subplot(py, px, 4) cvfluxPlot(finder, ax, mm, cmm, trails) # b versus skew ax = fig.add_subplot(py, px, 5) bvskewPlot(finder, ax, mm, cmm, trails) # trail plots for i,trail in enumerate(trails[0:px*py-5]): ax = fig.add_subplot(py,px,6+1*i) trailPlot(finder, ax, mm, cmm, trail, i) fig.savefig(pngfile)
def plot(data): mrefGmag = data['mrefGmag'] mimgGmag = data['mimgGmag'] mimgGmerr = data['mimgGmerr'] mrefSmag = data['mrefSmag'] mimgSmag = data['mimgSmag'] mimgSmerr = data['mimgSmerr'] urefmag = data['urefmag'] uimgmag = data['uimgmag'] zeropt = data['zeropt'] title = data['title'] figsize = data['figsize'] fluxType = data['fluxType'] # Just to get the histogram results fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) legLines = [] legLabels = [] axis = fig.add_axes([0.225, 0.225, 0.675, 0.550]) ################ -------------------------------- ################## # can't fig.savefig() with this Ellipse stuff ??? ... i love matplotlib if False: for i in range(len(mrefGmag)): a = Ellipse(xy=num.array([mimgGmag[i], mrefGmag[i]]), width=mimgGmerr[i] / 2., height=mimgGmerr[i] / 2., alpha=0.5, fill=True, ec='g', fc='g', zorder=10) axis.add_artist(a) else: pass #axis.plot(mimgGmag, mrefGmag, 'g.', zorder=10, alpha=0.5) ######################################################################### mimgGplot = axis.plot(mimgGmag, mrefGmag, '.', color='g', mfc='g', mec='g', zorder=10, label='Matched Galaxies', ms=2.5) legLines.append(mimgGplot[0]) legLabels.append("Matched Galaxies") ################ -------------------------------- ################## # can't fig.savefig() with this Ellipse stuff ??? ... i love matplotlib if False: for i in range(len(mrefSmag)): a = Ellipse(xy=num.array([mimgSmag[i], mrefSmag[i]]), width=mimgSmerr[i] / 2., height=mimgSmerr[i] / 2., alpha=0.5, fill=True, ec='b', fc='b', zorder=12) axis.add_artist(a) else: pass #axis.plot(mimgSmag, mrefSmag, "b.", zorder=12, alpha=0.5) ######################################################################## mimgSplot = axis.plot(mimgSmag, mrefSmag, '.', color='b', mfc='b', mec='b', zorder=12, label='Matched Stars', ms=2.5) legLines.append(mimgSplot[0]) legLabels.append("Matched Stars") if len(mrefGmag) == 0 and len(mrefSmag) == 0: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = -15, -8, 16, 28 else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = axis.axis() # Plot zpt xzpt = num.array((xmin, xmax)) pzpt = axis.plot(xzpt, xzpt - zeropt, 'k--', label='Zeropoint') legLines.append(pzpt[0]) legLabels.append("Zeropoint") maxN2 = 999 nu, bu, pu = None, None, None # Unmatched & matched reference objects ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.225, 0.125, 0.550], sharey=axis) if len(urefmag) > 0: nu, bu, pu = ax2.hist(urefmag, bins=num.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.25), orientation='horizontal', facecolor='r', log=True, alpha=0.5, zorder=1) if num.max(nu) > maxN2: maxN2 = num.max(nu) legLines.append(pu[0]) legLabels.append("Unmatched Sources") if len(mrefGmag) > 0 and len(mrefSmag) > 0: nu, bu, pu = ax2.hist(num.concatenate((mrefGmag, mrefSmag)), bins=num.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.25), orientation='horizontal', log=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) elif len(mrefGmag): nu, bu, pu = ax2.hist(mrefGmag, bins=num.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.25), orientation='horizontal', log=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) elif len(mrefSmag) > 0: nu, bu, pu = ax2.hist(mrefSmag, bins=num.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.25), orientation='horizontal', log=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) ax2.set_xlabel('N', fontsize=10) ax2.set_ylabel('Reference catalog mag', fontsize=10) if nu is not None and num.max(nu) > maxN2: maxN2 = num.max(nu) maxN3 = 999 nm, bm, pm = None, None, None # Unmatched & matched stellar objects ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.225, 0.1, 0.675, 0.125], sharex=axis) ax3.get_yaxis().set_ticks_position('right') ax3.get_yaxis().set_label_position('right') if len(mimgGmag) > 0 and len(mimgSmag) > 0: nm, bm, pm = ax3.hist(num.concatenate((mimgGmag, mimgSmag)), bins=num.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.25), log=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) legLines.append(pm[0]) legLabels.append("Matched Sources") elif len(mimgGmag) > 0: nm, bm, pm = ax3.hist(mimgGmag, bins=num.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.25), log=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) legLines.append(pm[0]) legLabels.append("Matched Sources") elif len(mimgSmag) > 0: nm, bm, pm = ax3.hist(mimgSmag, bins=num.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.25), log=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) legLines.append(pm[0]) legLabels.append("Matched Sources") if nm is not None and num.max(nm) > maxN3: maxN3 = num.max(nm) if len(uimgmag) > 0: try: ax3.hist(uimgmag, bins=num.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.25), log=True, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5, zorder=1) except: pass if abs(zeropt) < 1.0e-5: ax3.set_xlabel('Image calibrated %s mag' % (fluxType), fontsize=10) else: ax3.set_xlabel('Image instrumental %s mag' % (fluxType), fontsize=10) ax3.set_ylabel('N', rotation=180, fontsize=10) # Mag - Zpt ax4 = fig.add_axes([0.225, 0.775, 0.675, 0.125], sharex=axis) if len(mimgSmag): mimgSeb = ax4.errorbar(mimgSmag, mimgSmag - zeropt - mrefSmag, yerr=mimgSmerr, fmt='bo', ms=2, alpha=0.25, capsize=0, elinewidth=0.5) mimgSeb[2][0].set_alpha(0.25) # alpha for error bars if len(mimgGmag): mimgGeb = ax4.errorbar(mimgGmag, mimgGmag - zeropt - mrefGmag, yerr=mimgGmerr, fmt='go', ms=2, alpha=0.25, capsize=0, elinewidth=0.5) mimgGeb[2][0].set_alpha(0.25) # alpha for error bars ax4.get_yaxis().set_ticks_position('right') ax4.get_yaxis().set_label_position('right') ax4.set_ylabel('Cal-Ref', fontsize=10, rotation=270) ax4.axhline(y=0, c='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.25) # Cleaning up figure qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(axis.get_xticklabels() + axis.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax2.get_xticklabels() + ax2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax3.get_xticklabels() + ax3.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax4.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax4.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) fig.legend(legLines, legLabels, numpoints=1, prop=FontProperties(size='x-small'), loc='center right') fig.suptitle('%s' % (title), fontsize=12) numerator = (mimgSmag - zeropt - mrefSmag) if len(numerator) == 0: numerator = num.array([0.0]) denominator = mimgSmerr med = num.median(numerator) ax4.axhline(y=med, c='k', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5) # Final axis limits ax2.set_xlim(0.75, 3.0 * maxN2) ax3.set_ylim(0.75, 3.0 * maxN3) ax4.set_ylim(-0.24, 0.24) #axis.axis((xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin)) axis.set_ylim(26, 14) axis.set_xlim(26 + zeropt, 14 + zeropt) return fig
def plot(data): dmags = data['dmags'] radii = data['radii'] ids = data['ids'] med, std = data['offsetStats'] magTypes = data['magTypes'] summary = data['summary'] ymin, ymax = -0.5, 0.5 if len(dmags) > 0: ymin = num.max([dmags.min(), -0.5]) ymax = num.min([dmags.max(), 0.5]) ylim = [ymin, ymax] if len(dmags) == 0: dmags = num.array([0.0]) radii = num.array([0.0]) ids = num.array([0]) figsize = (4.0, 4.0) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) if not summary: sp1 = fig.add_subplot(111) sp1.plot(radii, dmags, 'ro', ms=2.0) sp1.set_ylim(ylim) ddmag = 0.001 drad = 0.01 * (max(radii) - min(radii)) if False: for i in range(len(dmags)): info = "nolink:sourceId=%s" % (ids[i]) area = (radii[i] - drad, dmags[i] - ddmag, radii[i] + drad, dmags[i] + ddmag) fig.addMapArea("no_label_info", area, info, axes=sp1) sp1.axhline(y=0, c='k', linestyle=':', alpha=0.25) sp1.axhline(y=med, c='b', linestyle='-') sp1.axhspan(ymin=med - std, ymax=med + std, fc='b', alpha=0.15) sp1x2 = sp1.twinx() ylab = sp1x2.set_ylabel('Delta magnitude (%s-%s)' % tuple(magTypes), fontsize=10) ylab.set_rotation(-90) sp1.set_xlabel('Dist from focal plane center (pixels)', fontsize=10) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1.get_xticklabels() + sp1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1x2.get_xticklabels() + sp1x2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) else: ymin = num.max([dmags.min(), -0.5]) ymax = num.min([dmags.max(), 0.5]) ylim = [ymin, ymax] if ymin == ymax: ylim = [ymin - 0.1, ymax + 0.1] sp1 = fig.add_subplot(111) sp1.plot(radii, dmags, 'ro', ms=2, alpha=0.5) sp1.set_ylim(ylim) sp1.axhline(y=0, c='k', linestyle=':', alpha=0.25) sp1x2 = sp1.twinx() ylab = sp1x2.set_ylabel('Delta magnitude (%s-%s)' % tuple(magTypes), fontsize=10) ylab.set_rotation(-90) sp1.set_xlabel('Dist from focal plane center (pixels)', fontsize=10) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1.get_xticklabels() + sp1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1x2.get_xticklabels() + sp1x2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) return fig
def plot(data): t = data['t'] x = data['x'] y = data['y'] dx = data['dx'] dy = data['dy'] color = data['color'] limits = data['limits'] vLen = data['vLen'] summary = data['summary'] vlim = data['vlim'] fwhm = data['fwhm'] if not summary: xbLo, xbHi, ybLo, ybHi = data['bbox'] x -= xbLo y -= ybLo #print x, y #print limits #print data['bbox'] norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1]) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(norm, cmap=cm.jet) figsize = (5.0, 4.0) xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi = limits if len(x) == 0: x = numpy.array([0.0]) y = numpy.array([0.0]) dx = numpy.array([0.0]) dy = numpy.array([0.0]) color = numpy.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) #xmax, ymax = x.max(), y.max() xlim = [xlo, xhi] #[0, 1024*int(xmax/1024.0 + 0.5)] ylim = [ylo, yhi] #[0, 1024*int(ymax/1024.0 + 0.5)] fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if summary: vmin, vmax = sm.get_clim() color = fwhm q = ax.quiver(x, y, vLen*dx, vLen*dy, color=sm.to_rgba(color), scale=2.0*vLen, angles='xy', pivot='middle', headlength=1.0, headwidth=1.0, width=0.002) ax.quiverkey(q, 0.9, -0.12, 0.1*vLen, "e=0.1", coordinates='axes', fontproperties={'size':"small"}, labelpos='E', color='k') q.set_array(color) try: cb = fig.colorbar(q) #, ax)"FWHM$_{\mathrm{xc,yc}}$", size="small")'top') for tick in tick.set_size("x-small") except Exception: cb = None ax.set_title("PSF Shape") else: q = ax.quiver(x, y, vLen*dx, vLen*dy, color=color, scale=2.0*vLen, angles='xy', pivot='middle', headlength=1.0, headwidth=1.0, width=0.002) ax.quiverkey(q, 0.9, -0.12, 0.1*vLen, "e=0.1", coordinates='axes', fontproperties={'size':"small"}, labelpos='E', color='k') ax.set_title("PSF Shape (FWHM$_{\mathrm{xc,yc}}$=%.2f)"%(fwhm[0])) ax.set_xlabel("x [pixels]") #, position=(0.4, 0.0)) ax.set_ylabel("y [pixels]") ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) for tic in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): tic.set_size("x-small") for tic in ax.get_xticklabels(): tic.set_rotation(22) for tic in ax.get_yticklabels(): tic.set_rotation(45) return fig
def testFindFake(self): """Test all the workings together. Add a fake and find it.""" np.random.seed(42) # make a fake trail in noise ... detect it. nx, ny = 512, 512 r1, t1 = 300, 0.4 r2, t2 = 200, 2.0*np.pi-0.2 trail1 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r1, t1) trail2 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r2, t2) # create an exposure with a PSF object mimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(nx, ny) exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(mimg) seeing = 2.0 kx, ky = 15, 15 psf = measAlg.DoubleGaussianPsf(kx, ky, seeing/2.35) exposure.setPsf(psf) # Add two fake trails img = mimg.getImage().getArray() flux = 400.0 sigma = seeing prof = measArt.DoubleGaussianProfile(flux, sigma) width = 8*sigma trail1.insert(img, prof, width) trail2.insert(img, prof, width) # add noise on top of the trail rms = 20.0 noise = rms*np.random.normal(size=(nx, ny)) img += noise # create a finder and see what we get finder = measArt.SatelliteFinder() trailsFind = finder.getTrails(exposure, widths=[1.0]) # try a task config = measArt.HoughSatelliteConfig() config.narrow.eRange = 0.02 task = measArt.HoughSatelliteTask(config=config) trailsTask, runtime = task.process(exposure) # make sure both trails detected by finder and task self.assertEqual(len(trailsFind), 2) self.assertEqual(len(trailsTask), 2) # make sure we found the right ones! drMax = 5 dThetaMax = 0.1 for trails in trailsFind, trailsTask: found1 = trail1.isNear(trails[0], drMax, dThetaMax) or trail1.isNear(trails[1], drMax, dThetaMax) found2 = trail2.isNear(trails[0], drMax, dThetaMax) or trail2.isNear(trails[1], drMax, dThetaMax) self.assertTrue(found1) self.assertTrue(found2) fig = figure.Figure() can = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(img, origin='lower', cmap='gray') for trail in trailsTask: x1, y1 = trail.trace(nx, ny, offset=10) x2, y2 = trail.trace(nx, ny, offset=-10) ax.plot(x1, y1, 'r-') ax.plot(x2, y2, 'r-') fig.savefig("fake.png")
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__) parser.add_option('-n', '--new', help='use with new output', dest='new', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-m', '--model', help='model to use, bulge, disk, exp, dvc, or sersic', dest='model', default='sersic') opts, args = parser.parse_args() np.seterr(all='ignore') if len(args) != 4: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) #read the data data =[0])[1].data num = { 'DSERSIC': 0, 'DDVC': 1 if else 3, 'EXPSERSIC': 4, 'DVC': 2, 'SERSIC': 1, 'DVCEXP': 2, 'DVCSERSIC': 0 } model = str.upper(opts.model) if model not in num.keys(): if model = 'DVCEXP' else: model = 'SERSIC' #write the n_b=4 b+d page s = "<html>\n" s += "<body>\n" s += "<table border=\"1\">\n" for i in range(len(data)): #range(min(50,len(data))): s += "<tr>\n" s2 = "<table>\n" keys = [ 'IDENT', #'ALPHA_J2000','DELTA_J2000', 'CHISQ_%s' % model, #'FRACDEV', #'ZEST_TYPE', 'MAD_SKY' ] if model in ['DSERSIC', 'DDVC', 'EXPSERSIC', 'DVCEXP', 'DVCSERSIC']: keys.append('REFF_' + model) keys.append('FLUX_RATIO_' + model) keys.append('MAD_%s_MASK' % model) #keys=('IDENT','ALPHA_J2000','DELTA_J2000','CHISQ_BULGE', # 'FRACDEV') for k in keys: v = data[i][k] s2 += "<tr><td>%s:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % (k, str(v)) if not s2 += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % ( 'SERSIC N:', str(data[i]['SERSICFIT'][2])) if model == 'DSERSIC': s2 += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%.2f,%.2f</td></tr>\n" % ( 'DSERSIC NS:', data[i]['DSERSICFIT'][2], data[i]['DSERSICFIT'][10]) if model == 'EXPSERSIC': s2 += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % ( 'EXPSERSIC N:', str(data[i]['EXPSERSICFIT'][10])) if model == 'DVCSERSIC': s2 += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % ( 'DVCSERSIC N:', str(data[i]['DVCSERSICFIT'][2])) # s2 += "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % ('B/T:', str(data[i]['SERSICFIT'][2])) s2 += "</table>\n" s += "<td>%s</td>\n" % (s2) #get the images try: realImage =[1]+'images/{0}.fits'. \ format(data.FILENAME[i]))[0].data modelImage =[2]+'M{0:09d}.fits'.\ format(int(data.IDENT[i])))[num[model]].data maskImage = args[1] + 'masks_all/{0}_mask.fits'.format(int(data.IDENT[i])))[0].data ivarImage =[1]+'ivar/{0}.wht.fits'. \ format(data.FILENAME[i]))[0].data print >> sys.stderr, "opening " + args[ 1] + 'images/' + data.FILENAME[i] except IOError: s += "<td>couldn't open image files for " + repr( data.IDENT[i]) + "</td>\n</tr>\n" print >> sys.stderr, "No image " + args[ 1] + 'images/' + data.FILENAME[i] continue #if data[i]['SERSICFIT'][1] < 1.e-4: # print >>sys.stderr, "invalid sersic fit, skipping "+data.FILENAME[i] # continue imX, imY = realImage.shape x0 = data[i]['XCROP'] y0 = data[i]['YCROP'] imX = data[i]['XLEN'] imY = data[i]['YLEN'] rs = 3 if not offset = max(25, min(data[i]['SERSICFIT'][1] * rs, 300)) x0 = max(data[i]['SERSICFIT'][5] - offset, x0) y0 = max(data[i]['SERSICFIT'][6] - offset, y0) imX = min(imX, data[i]['SERSICFIT'][5] + offset - x0) imY = min(imY, data[i]['SERSICFIT'][6] + offset - y0) else: offset = min(data[i]['DDVCFIT'][1] * rs, 300) x0 = max(data[i]['DDVCFIT'][5] - offset, x0) y0 = max(data[i]['DDVCFIT'][6] - offset, y0) imX = min(imX, data[i]['DDVCFIT'][5] + offset - x0) imY = min(imY, data[i]['DDVCFIT'][6] + offset - y0) realImage[maskImage == 1] = -1000 showImage = copy.copy(realImage) # showImage[np.abs(ivarImage) < 1.e-13] = 0.0 showImage = showImage[y0:y0 + imY - 1, x0:x0 + imX - 1] origImage = copy.copy(modelImage) modelImage[maskImage == 1] = -1000 modelImage = modelImage[y0:y0 + imY - 1, x0:x0 + imX - 1] modelfit = '%sFIT' % model if model in ('DDVC', 'EXPSERSIC', 'DSERSIC', 'DVCSERSIC', 'DVCEXP'): bulgereff = data[i][modelfit][9] bulgeq = data[i][modelfit][11] bulgephi = data[i][modelfit][15] diskreff = data[i][modelfit][1] diskq = data[i][modelfit][3] diskphi = data[i][modelfit][7] bulgecenX = data[i][modelfit][13] bulgecenY = data[i][modelfit][14] diskcenX = data[i][modelfit][5] diskcenY = data[i][modelfit][6] btt = data[i]['FLUX_RATIO_' + model] else: bulgereff = data[i][modelfit][1] bulgeq = data[i][modelfit][3] bulgephi = data[i][modelfit][7] diskreff = 0.0 diskq = 0.0 diskphi = 0.0 bulgecenX = data[i][modelfit][5] bulgecenY = data[i][modelfit][6] diskcenX = 0.0 diskcenY = 0.0 btt = 1.0 #bulgereff=data[i]['SERSICFIT'][1] #bulgeq=data[i]['SERSICFIT'][3] #bulgephi=data[i]['SERSICFIT'][7] #bulgecenX=data[i]['SERSICFIT'][5] #bulgecenY=data[i]['SERSICFIT'][6] #diskcenX=0.0 #diskcenY=0.0 #diskreff=0.0 #diskq=0.0 #diskphi=0.0 #btt=1.0 fig = figure.Figure((8.16, imY * 1.0 / imX * 2.0)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, left=0.1, right=0.9, top=1.0, bottom=0.0, hspace=0.0) canv = FigCanvas(fig) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(141, frameon=True) ax1.imshow( (np.arcsinh(showImage)), aspect='equal', interpolation='none', vmin=scoreatpercentile( np.arcsinh(showImage[showImage > -999].flatten()), 5), vmax=scoreatpercentile(np.arcsinh(showImage).flatten(), 99.9)) ax1.tick_params(labelsize='xx-small') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(142, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) diff = (showImage - modelImage) diff[modelImage == 0] = 0 ax2.imshow(diff, aspect='equal', interpolation='none', vmin=scoreatpercentile(diff.flatten(), 0.5), vmax=scoreatpercentile(diff.flatten(), 99.5)) ax2.tick_params(labelleft='off', labelbottom='off') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(143, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot_mini_model(ax3, bulgereff, diskreff, bulgephi, diskphi, bulgeq, diskq, bulgecenX - x0, bulgecenY - y0, diskcenX - x0, diskcenY - y0, imX, imY, btt) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(144) realImage = np.asarray(realImage, dtype=np.float64) origImage = np.asarray(origImage, dtype=np.float64) realImage[maskImage == 1] = -1000 mappable = ax4.imshow( np.arcsinh(ivarImage), aspect='equal', interpolation='none', vmin=scoreatpercentile( np.arcsinh(ivarImage[realImage > -999]).flatten(), 0.1), vmax=scoreatpercentile(np.arcsinh(ivarImage).flatten(), 99.9)) cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable) ax4.tick_params(labelsize='xx-small', labelleft='off', labelright='off') #improf = getProfile(realImage, data[i]['SERSICFIT'][1], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][3], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][7], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][5], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][6]) #modprof = getProfile(origImage, data[i]['SERSICFIT'][1], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][3], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][7], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][5], # data[i]['SERSICFIT'][6]) #ax4.errorbar(improf.rad, improf.mnflux, # yerr=improf.stdflux, # fmt='o', mec='k', c='k') #ax4.plot(modprof.rad, modprof.mnflux, marker='None', # c='g', ls='solid') #ax4.tick_params(labelright='on', labelleft='off', # labelbottom='on', labelsize='xx-small') #ax4.set_yscale('log') #ax4.imshow(np.arcsinh(psfImage),aspect='equal') #ax4.tick_params(labelleft='off',labelbottom='off',labelright='on', # labelsize='xx-small') #ax4.set_xlim(0,imX) #ax4.set_ylim(imY,0) fig.savefig('{2}/{1}fit/{0:09d}.png'.format(int(data.IDENT[i]), str.lower(model), args[3])) s += "<td><img src=\"{1}fit/{0:09d}.png\"></td>\n".format( int(data.IDENT[i]), str.lower(model)) s += "</tr>\n" s += "</table>\n" s += "</body>\n" s += "</html>\n" print s
def derrFigure(*args): mag0, diff0, star0, derr0, areaLabel, raft, ccd, figsize, xlim, ylim, xlim2, ylim2, ylimStep, \ tag1, tag, mode, x, y, trend, magCut = args eps = 1.0e-5 conv = colors.ColorConverter() size = 2.0 red = conv.to_rgba('r') black = conv.to_rgba('k') mode = "stars" # this better be the case! if len(mag0) == 0: mag0 = numpy.array([xlim[1]]) diff0 = numpy.array([eps]) derr0 = numpy.array([eps]) star0 = numpy.array([0]) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, right=0.93, bottom=0.125) if len(mag0) == 0: mag0 = numpy.array([xlim[1]]) diff0 = numpy.array([eps]) derr0 = numpy.array([eps]) star0 = numpy.array([0]) whereStarGal = numpy.where(star0 > 0)[0] mag = mag0[whereStarGal] diff = diff0[whereStarGal] derr = derr0[whereStarGal] star = star0[whereStarGal] if len(mag) == 0: mag = numpy.array([eps]) diff = numpy.array([eps]) derr = numpy.array([eps]) star = numpy.array([0]) whereCut = numpy.where((mag < magCut))[0] whereOther = numpy.where((mag > magCut))[0] xlim = [14.0, 25.0] ylim3 = [0.001, 0.99] ##### sp1 = fig.add_subplot(221) sp1.plot(mag[whereCut], diff[whereCut], "r.", ms=size, label=ccd) sp1.plot(mag[whereOther], diff[whereOther], "k.", ms=size, label=ccd) sp1.set_ylabel(tag, fontsize=10) ##### sp2 = fig.add_subplot(222, sharex=sp1) def noNeg(xIn): x = numpy.array(xIn) if len(x) > 1: xMax = x.max() else: xMax = 1.0e-4 return x.clip(1.0e-5, xMax) sp2.plot(mag[whereCut], noNeg(derr[whereCut]), "r.", ms=size, label=ccd) sp2.plot(mag[whereOther], noNeg(derr[whereOther]), "k.", ms=size, label=ccd) sp2.set_ylabel('Error Bars', fontsize=10) ##### sp3 = fig.add_subplot(223, sharex=sp1) binmag = [] binstd = [] binmerr = [] xmin = xlim[0] xmax = xlim[1] bins1 = numpy.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.5) for i in range(1, len(bins1)): idx = numpy.where((mag > bins1[i - 1]) & (mag <= bins1[i]))[0] if len(idx) == 0: continue #avgMag = afwMath.makeStatistics(mag[idx], afwMath.MEAN).getValue(afwMath.MEAN) #stdDmag = 0.741 * afwMath.makeStatistics(diff[idx], afwMath.IQRANGE).getValue(afwMath.IQRANGE) #avgEbar = afwMath.makeStatistics(derr[idx], afwMath.MEAN).getValue(afwMath.MEAN) avgMag = mag[idx].mean() stdDmag = diff[idx].std() avgEbar = derr[idx].mean() binmag.append(avgMag) binstd.append(stdDmag) binmerr.append(avgEbar) # Shows the 2 curves sp3.plot(binmag, noNeg(binstd), 'r-', label="Phot RMS") sp3.plot(binmag, noNeg(binmerr), 'b--', label="Avg Error Bar") sp3.set_xlabel(tag1, fontsize=10) ##### sp4 = fig.add_subplot(224, sharex=sp1) binmag = numpy.array(binmag) binstd = numpy.array(binstd) binmerr = numpy.array(binmerr) idx = numpy.where((binstd > binmerr))[0] errbarmag = binmag[idx] errbarresid = numpy.sqrt(binstd[idx]**2 - binmerr[idx]**2) whereCut = numpy.where((errbarmag < magCut))[0] whereOther = numpy.where((errbarmag > magCut))[0] sp4.plot(errbarmag[whereCut], noNeg(errbarresid[whereCut]), 'ro', ms=3, label="Err Underestimate") sp4.plot(errbarmag[whereOther], noNeg(errbarresid[whereOther]), 'ko', ms=3) sp4.set_xlabel(tag1, fontsize=10) #### CONFIG sp2.semilogy() sp3.semilogy() sp4.semilogy() sp2.yaxis.set_label_position('right') sp2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') sp4.yaxis.set_label_position('right') sp4.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') sp3.legend(prop=fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small"), loc="upper left") sp4.legend(prop=fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small"), loc="upper left") qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1.get_xticklabels() + sp1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp2.get_xticklabels() + sp2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp3.get_xticklabels() + sp3.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp4.get_xticklabels() + sp4.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) sp1.set_xlim(xlim) sp1.set_ylim(ylim) sp2.set_ylim(ylim3) sp3.set_ylim(ylim3) sp4.set_ylim(ylim3) return fig
def summaryFigure(*summaryArgs): # many of these are not needed, but for simplicity all the same args get passed # to the plot functions standardFigure(), derrFigure(), and summaryFigure() mag0, diff0, star0, derr0, areaLabel, raft, ccd, figsize, xlim, ylim, xlim2, ylim2, ylimStep, \ tag1, tag, mode, x, y, trend, magCut = summaryArgs allMags = mag0 allDiffs = diff0 allStars = star0 allDerr = derr0 size = 2.0 # dmag vs mag fig0 = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvan = FigCanvas(fig0) fig0.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, bottom=0.125) rect0_1 = [0.125, 0.35, 0.478 - 0.125, 0.9 - 0.35] rect0_2 = [0.548, 0.35, 0.9 - 0.548, 0.9 - 0.35] rect0_1b = [0.125, 0.125, 0.478 - 0.125, 0.2] rect0_2b = [0.548, 0.125, 0.9 - 0.548, 0.2] ax0_1 = fig0.add_axes(rect0_1) ax0_2 = fig0.add_axes(rect0_2) ax0_1b = fig0.add_axes(rect0_1b, sharex=ax0_1) ax0_2b = fig0.add_axes(rect0_2b, sharex=ax0_2) w = numpy.where((allMags < magCut) & (allStars > 0))[0] wStar = numpy.where(allStars > 0)[0] wGxy = numpy.where(allStars == 0)[0] if len(w) > 0: lineFit = qaAnaUtil.robustPolyFit(allMags[w], allDiffs[w], 1) trendCoeffs = lineFit[0], lineFit[2] trendCoeffsLo = lineFit[0] + lineFit[1], lineFit[2] - lineFit[3] trendCoeffsHi = lineFit[0] - lineFit[1], lineFit[2] + lineFit[3] else: trendCoeffs = [0.0, 0.0] trendCoeffsLo = [0.0, 0.0] trendCoeffsHi = [0.0, 0.0] #################### # data for all ccds haveData = True if len(allMags) == 0: haveData = False allMags = numpy.array([xlim[1]]) allDiffs = numpy.array([0.0]) #allColor = [black] #allLabels = ["no_valid_data"] trendCoeffs = [0.0, 0.0] trendCoeffsLo = [0.0, 0.0] trendCoeffsHi = [0.0, 0.0] else: # # Lower plots mStar = allMags[wStar] dStar = allDiffs[wStar] eStar = allDerr[wStar] binmag = [] binstd = [] binmerr = [] xmin = xlim[0] xmax = xlim[1] bins1 = numpy.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.5) for i in range(1, len(bins1)): idx = numpy.where((mStar > bins1[i - 1]) & (mStar < bins1[i]))[0] if len(idx) == 0: continue #avgMag = afwMath.makeStatistics(mStar[idx], afwMath.MEAN).getValue(afwMath.MEAN) avgMag = mStar[idx].mean() #stdDmag = 0.741 * afwMath.makeStatistics(dStar[idx], afwMath.IQRANGE).getValue(afwMath.IQRANGE) stdDmag = dStar[idx].std() #avgEbar = afwMath.makeStatistics(eStar[idx], afwMath.MEAN).getValue(afwMath.MEAN) avgEbar = eStar[idx].mean() binmag.append(avgMag) binstd.append(stdDmag) binmerr.append(avgEbar) # Shows the 2 curves ax0_1b.plot(binmag, binstd, 'r-', label="Phot RMS") ax0_1b.plot(binmag, binmerr, 'b--', label="Avg Error Bar") binmag = numpy.array(binmag) binstd = numpy.array(binstd) binmerr = numpy.array(binmerr) medresid = 0.0 idx = numpy.where((binstd > binmerr) & (binmag < magCut))[0] if len(idx) == 0: medresid = 0.0 else: brightmag = binmag[idx] brightresid = numpy.sqrt(binstd[idx]**2 - binmerr[idx]**2) medresid = numpy.median(brightresid) if numpy.isnan(medresid) or medresid == None: medresid = 0.0 #label = "Quad error" #comment = "Median value to add in quadrature to star phot error bars (mag < %.2f)" % (magCut) #testSet.addTest( testCode.Test(label, medresid, derrLimits, comment, areaLabel="all")) # SECOND SUBPANEL binmag = [] binstd = [] binmerr = [] xmin2 = xlim2[0] xmax2 = xlim2[1] bins2 = numpy.arange(xmin2, xmax2, 0.5) for i in range(1, len(bins2)): idx = numpy.where((mStar > bins2[i - 1]) & (mStar < bins2[i]))[0] if len(idx) == 0: continue #avgMag = afwMath.makeStatistics(mStar[idx], afwMath.MEAN).getValue(afwMath.MEAN) #stdDmag = 0.741 * afwMath.makeStatistics(dStar[idx], afwMath.IQRANGE).getValue(afwMath.IQRANGE) #avgEbar = afwMath.makeStatistics(eStar[idx], afwMath.MEAN).getValue(afwMath.MEAN) avgMag = mStar[idx].mean() stdDmag = dStar[idx].std() avgEbar = eStar[idx].mean() binmag.append(avgMag) binstd.append(stdDmag) binmerr.append(avgEbar) binmag = numpy.array(binmag) binstd = numpy.array(binstd) binmerr = numpy.array(binmerr) idx = numpy.where((binstd > binmerr))[0] errbarmag = binmag[idx] errbarresid = numpy.sqrt(binstd[idx]**2 - binmerr[idx]**2) ax0_2b.plot(errbarmag, errbarresid, 'ko', ms=3, label="Err Underestimate") # Lower plots # #allColor = numpy.array(allColor) for ax in [ax0_1, ax0_2]: ax.plot(xlim2, [0.0, 0.0], "-k", lw=1.0) # show an x-axis at y=0 ax.plot(allMags[wGxy], allDiffs[wGxy], "bo", ms=size, label="galaxies", alpha=0.5) ax.plot(allMags[wStar], allDiffs[wStar], "ro", ms=size, label="stars", alpha=0.5) # 99 is the 'no-data' values if abs(trendCoeffs[0] - 99.0) > 1.0e-6: ax.plot(xlim2, numpy.polyval(trendCoeffs, xlim2), "-k", lw=1.0) ax.plot(xlim2, numpy.polyval(trendCoeffsLo, xlim2), "--k", lw=1.0) ax.plot(xlim2, numpy.polyval(trendCoeffsHi, xlim2), "--k", lw=1.0) # show outliers railed at the ylims wStarOutlier = numpy.where((numpy.abs(allDiffs) > ylim2[1]) & (allStars > 0))[0] wGxyOutlier = numpy.where((numpy.abs(allDiffs) > ylim2[1]) & (allStars == 0))[0] clip = 0.99 ax0_2.plot(allMags[wStarOutlier], numpy.clip(allDiffs[wStarOutlier], clip * ylim2[0], clip * ylim2[1]), 'r.', ms=size) ax0_2.plot(allMags[wGxyOutlier], numpy.clip(allDiffs[wGxyOutlier], clip * ylim2[0], clip * ylim2[1]), 'g.', ms=size) ax0_2.legend(prop=fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small"), loc="upper left") dmag = 0.1 ddiff1 = 0.01 ddiff2 = ddiff1 * (ylim2[1] - ylim2[0]) / (ylim[1] - ylim[0] ) # rescale for larger y range if False: for j in xrange(len(allMags)): area = (allMags[j] - dmag, allDiffs[j] - ddiff1, allMags[j] + dmag, allDiffs[j] + ddiff1) fig0.addMapArea(allLabels[j], area, "%.3f_%.3f" % (allMags[j], allDiffs[j]), axes=ax0_1) area = (allMags[j] - dmag, allDiffs[j] - ddiff2, allMags[j] + dmag, allDiffs[j] + ddiff2) fig0.addMapArea(allLabels[j], area, "%.3f_%.3f" % (allMags[j], allDiffs[j]), axes=ax0_2) del allMags del allDiffs #del allColor #del allLabels # move the yaxis ticks/labels to the other side ax0_2.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax0_2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax0_2b.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax0_2b.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax0_1b.set_xlabel(tag1, fontsize=12) ax0_2b.set_xlabel(tag1, fontsize=12) ax0_2.plot([xlim[0], xlim[1], xlim[1], xlim[0], xlim[0]], [ylim[0], ylim[0], ylim[1], ylim[1], ylim[0]], '-k') ax0_1b.semilogy() ax0_2b.semilogy() if haveData: ax0_1b.legend(prop=fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small"), loc="upper left") ax0_2b.legend(prop=fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small"), loc="upper left") qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax0_1.get_xticklabels() + ax0_2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax0_1.get_yticklabels() + ax0_2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=11) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(ax0_1b.get_yticklabels() + ax0_2b.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=10) for ax in [ax0_1, ax0_2]: ax.set_ylabel(tag) ax0_1.set_xlim(xlim) ax0_2.set_xlim(xlim2) ax0_1.set_ylim(ylim) ax0_2.set_ylim(ylim2) ax0_1b.set_ylim(0.001, 0.99) ax0_2b.set_ylim(0.001, 0.99) return fig0
def main(infile, ccds=None, camera="hsc", cmap="copper", cols=[0,1], nsig=3.0, percent=False, textcolor='k', out=None): ########################### # build the camera policy_file = { 'hsc': os.path.join(os.getenv("OBS_SUBARU_DIR"), "hsc", "hsc_geom.paf"), 'sc' : os.path.join(os.getenv("OBS_SUBARU_DIR"), "suprimecam", "Full_Suprimecam_geom.paf") } geomPolicy = afwCGU.getGeomPolicy(policy_file[camera.lower()]) camera = afwCGU.makeCamera(geomPolicy) ########################### # load the data data = {} if infile: load = numpy.loadtxt(infile) vals = load[:,cols[1]] for i in range(len(vals)): ccd = int(load[i,cols[0]]) if len(cols) == 3: amp = int(load[i,cols[2]]) else: amp = 0 if ccd not in data: data[ccd] = {} data[ccd][amp] = vals[i] else: vals = [] for r in camera: for c in afwCG.cast_Raft(r): ccd = afwCG.cast_Ccd(c) ccdId = ccd.getId().getSerial() data[ccdId] = {} val = 1.0 if ccdId > 103: val = 0.8 for a in ccd: amp = afwCG.cast_Amp(a) ampId = amp.getId().getSerial() - 1 data[ccdId][ampId] = val vals.append(val) if len(data[ccdId]) == 0: data[ccdId][0] = val vals.append(val) vals = numpy.array(vals) mean = vals.mean() med = numpy.median(vals) std = vals.std() vmin, vmax = med - nsig*std, med+nsig*std ########################### # make the plot fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(7,7)) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) if infile: rect = (0.06, 0.12, 0.76, 0.76) else: rect = (0.06, 0.06, 0.88, 0.88) fpa_fig = hscUtil.FpaFigure(fig, camera, rect=rect) for i_ccd, amplist in data.items(): hide = False if ccds and (i_ccd not in ccds): hide = True ax = fpa_fig.getAxes(i_ccd) fpa_fig.highlightAmp(i_ccd, 0) nq = fpa_fig.detectors[i_ccd].getOrientation().getNQuarter() nx, ny = 4, 8 if nq % 2: ny, nx = nx, ny firstAmp = sorted(amplist.keys())[0] im = numpy.zeros((ny, nx)) + amplist[firstAmp] print i_ccd for amp, val in amplist.items(): useVal = val if hide: useVal = 0.0 if nq == 0: im[:,amp] = useVal if nq == 1 or nq == -3: im[3-amp,:] = useVal if nq == 2: im[:,3-amp] = useVal if nq == -1 or nq == 3: im[amp,:] = useVal im_ax = ax.imshow(im, cmap=cmap, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, interpolation='nearest') fpa_fig.addLabel(i_ccd, [str(i_ccd)], color=textcolor) ############################# # the colorbar ylo, yhi = vmin, vmax if infile: rect = (0.91, 0.25, 0.02, 0.6) # real units cax = fig.add_axes(rect) cax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) cax.set_ylim([ylo, yhi]) cax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im_ax, cax=cax) # mirror the values. std or in percent (fractional) if requested caxp = cax.twinx() caxp.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) caxp.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) if percent: caxp.set_ylim([(med-ylo)/(yhi-ylo), (yhi-med)/(yhi-ylo)]) else: caxp.set_ylim([-nsig*std, nsig*std]) for t in cax.get_yticklabels(): t.set_size('small') for t in caxp.get_yticklabels(): t.set_size("small") ################################# # add stats if infile: stats = {"Mean":mean, "Med":med, "Std":std, "Max":vals.max(), "Min":vals.min()} order = ["Mean", "Med", "Std", "Min", "Max"] i = 0 for k in order: v = stats[k] ax.text(0.8, 0.03+0.02*i, "%-10s %.3g"%(k+":",v), fontsize=9, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=fig.transFigure) i += 1 ################################# # title and write it date ="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") title = "File: %s Cols: %s %s" % (infile, ":".join([str(x+1) for x in cols]), date) if infile else "" fig.suptitle(title) outfile = out if out else "camview-%s.png" % infile fig.savefig(outfile)
def standardFigure(*args): mag0, diff0, star0, derr0, areaLabel, raft, ccd, figsize, xlim, ylim, xlim2, ylim2, ylimStep, \ tag1, tag, mode, x, y, trend, magCut = args eps = 1.0e-5 conv = colors.ColorConverter() size = 2.0 xlimDefault = [14.0, 25.0] red = conv.to_rgba('r') black = conv.to_rgba('k') x0 = x.copy() y0 = y.copy() modeIdx = {'all': 0, 'galaxies': 1, 'stars': 2} lineFit = copy.copy(trend)[modeIdx[mode]] trendCoeffs = lineFit[0], lineFit[2] trendCoeffsLo = lineFit[0] + lineFit[1], lineFit[2] - lineFit[3] trendCoeffsHi = lineFit[0] - lineFit[1], lineFit[2] + lineFit[3] #print trendCoeffs if len(mag0) == 0: mag0 = numpy.array([xlim[1]]) diff0 = numpy.array([eps]) x0 = numpy.array([eps]) y0 = numpy.array([eps]) star0 = numpy.array([0]) ################# # data for one ccd if mode == 'fourPanel': figsize = (6.5, 5.0) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, right=0.93, bottom=0.125) if mode == 'fourPanel': ax_1s = fig.add_subplot(221) ax_2s = fig.add_subplot(222) ax_1g = fig.add_subplot(223) ax_2g = fig.add_subplot(224) axSets = [[ax_1s, ax_2s], [ax_1g, ax_2g]] starGalLabels = ["stars", "galaxies"] whereStarGals = [numpy.where(star0 == 0)[0], numpy.where(star0 > 0)[0]] else: ax_1 = fig.add_subplot(131) ax_2 = fig.add_subplot(132) ax_3 = fig.add_subplot(133) axSets = [[ax_1, ax_2, ax_3]] starGalLabels = [mode] if mode == 'stars': whereStarGals = [numpy.where(star0 > 0)[0]] if mode == 'galaxies': whereStarGals = [numpy.where(star0 == 0)[0]] if mode == 'all': starGalLabels = ["all data"] whereStarGals = [numpy.where(star0 > -1)[0]] for iSet in range(len(axSets)): ax_1, ax_2, ax_3 = axSets[iSet] starGalLabel = starGalLabels[iSet] whereStarGal = whereStarGals[iSet] mag = mag0[whereStarGal] diff = diff0[whereStarGal] x = x0[whereStarGal] y = y0[whereStarGal] star = star0[whereStarGal] if len(x) == 0: mag = numpy.array([eps]) diff = numpy.array([eps]) x = numpy.array([eps]) y = numpy.array([eps]) star = numpy.array([0]) whereCut = numpy.where((mag < magCut))[0] whereOther = numpy.where((mag > magCut))[0] xTrend = numpy.array(xlim) ax_1.plot(xTrend, numpy.array([eps, eps]), "-k", lw=1.0) ax_1.text(1.02 * xlim[0], 0.87 * ylim[1], starGalLabel, size='x-small', horizontalalignment='left') for ax in [ax_1, ax_2]: ax.plot(mag[whereOther], diff[whereOther], "k.", ms=size, label=ccd) ax.plot(mag[whereCut], diff[whereCut], "r.", ms=size, label=ccd) ax.set_xlabel(tag1, size='small') norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.05, vmax=0.05, clip=True) cdict = { 'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) } my_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 256) midSize = 2.0 maxSize = 6 * midSize minSize = midSize / 2 magLo = xlim[0] if xlim[0] > mag0.min() else mag0.min() magHi = magCut + 2.0 #xlim[1] if xlim[1] < mag0.max() else mag0.max() sizes = minSize + (maxSize - minSize) * (magHi - mag) / (magHi - magLo) sizes = numpy.clip(sizes, minSize, maxSize) xyplot = ax_3.scatter(x, y, s=sizes, c=diff, marker='o', cmap=my_cmap, norm=norm, edgecolors='none') if len(x0) > 1: ax_3.set_xlim([x0.min(), x0.max()]) ax_3.set_ylim([y0.min(), y0.max()]) else: ax_3.set_xlim(xlimDefault) ax_3.set_ylim(xlimDefault) ax_3.set_xlabel("x", size='x-small') #ax_3.set_ylabel("y", labelpad=20, y=1.0, size='x-small', rotation=0.0) try: cb = fig.colorbar(xyplot)"$\delta$ mag", size="x-small")'top') for tick in tick.set_size("x-small") except Exception: cb = None for t in ax_3.get_xticklabels() + ax_3.get_yticklabels(): t.set_rotation(45.0) t.set_size('xx-small') #for t in ax_3.get_yticklabels(): # t.set_size('xx-small') lineVals = numpy.lib.polyval(trendCoeffs, xTrend) lineValsLo = numpy.lib.polyval(trendCoeffsLo, xTrend) lineValsHi = numpy.lib.polyval(trendCoeffsHi, xTrend) if abs(trendCoeffs[0] - 99.0) > 1.0e-6: lmin, lmax = lineVals.min(), lineVals.max() if False: if lmin < ylim[0]: ylim[0] = -(int(abs(lmin) / ylimStep) + 1) * ylimStep if lmax > ylim[1]: ylim[1] = (int(lmax / ylimStep) + 1) * ylimStep ax_1.plot(xTrend, lineVals, "-r", lw=1.0) ax_1.plot(xTrend, lineValsLo, "--r", lw=1.0) ax_1.plot(xTrend, lineValsHi, "--r", lw=1.0) ax_2.plot(xTrend, lineVals, "-r", lw=1.0) ax_2.plot(xTrend, lineValsLo, "--r", lw=1.0) ax_2.plot(xTrend, lineValsHi, "--r", lw=1.0) ax_2.plot([xlim[0], xlim[1], xlim[1], xlim[0], xlim[0]], [ylim[0], ylim[0], ylim[1], ylim[1], ylim[0]], '-k') ax_1.set_ylabel(tag, size="small") ax_1.set_xlim(xlim if xlim[0] != xlim[1] else xlimDefault) ax_2.set_xlim(xlim2 if xlim2[0] != xlim2[1] else xlimDefault) ax_1.set_ylim(ylim if ylim[0] != ylim[1] else [-0.1, 0.1]) ax_2.set_ylim(ylim2 if ylim2[0] != ylim2[1] else [-0.1, 0.1]) # move the y axis on right panel #ax_3.yaxis.set_label_position('right') #ax_3.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') dmag = 0.1 ddiff1 = 0.02 ddiff2 = ddiff1 * (ylim2[1] - ylim2[0]) / ( ylim[1] - ylim[0]) # rescale for larger y range if False: for j in xrange(len(mag)): info = "nolink:x:%.2f_y:%.2f" % (x[j], y[j]) area = (mag[j] - dmag, diff[j] - ddiff1, mag[j] + dmag, diff[j] + ddiff1) fig.addMapArea(areaLabel, area, info, axes=ax_1) area = (mag[j] - dmag, diff[j] - ddiff2, mag[j] + dmag, diff[j] + ddiff2) fig.addMapArea(areaLabel, area, info, axes=ax_2) for ax in [ax_1, ax_2]: for tick in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_size("x-small") return fig
def plot(data): x = data['x'] y = data['y'] dx = data['dx'] dy = data['dy'] limits = data['limits'] gridVectors = data['gridVectors'] xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi = limits xwid, ywid = xhi - xlo, yhi - ylo if not gridVectors: xbLo, xbHi, ybLo, ybHi = data['bbox'] x -= xbLo y -= ybLo #print x #print y #print limits #print data['bbox'] # figsize = (6.5, 3.25) conv = colors.ColorConverter() black = conv.to_rgb('k') red = conv.to_rgb('r') green = conv.to_rgb('g') # if there's no data, dump a single point at 0,0 if not len(x) > 0: x = numpy.array([0.0]) y = numpy.array([0.0]) dx = numpy.array([0.0]) dy = numpy.array([0.0]) if len(x) > 1: xlim = xlo, xhi ylim = ylo, yhi #xlim = [xmin, xmin + 1024*round((xmax-xmin)/1024.0 + 0.5)] #ylim = [ymin, ymin + 1024*round((ymax-ymin)/1024.0 + 0.5)] #xlim = [0.0, 1024*round((xmax-xmin)/1024.0 + 0.5)] #ylim = [0.0, 1024*round((ymax-ymin)/1024.0 + 0.5)] else: xlim = [0, 1.0] ylim = [0, 1.0] xmin, xmax = xlim ymin, ymax = ylim #print x, y #print xmin, ymin r = numpy.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) rmax = 1.2 # r.max() fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1) ################ # ccd view ax = fig.add_subplot(121) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0 + 0.1 * box.height, box.width, 0.9 * box.height]) # for the 'all' plot, just show avg vectors in grid cells if gridVectors: nx, ny = 8, 8 xstep, ystep = (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / nx, (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / ny if xstep == 0: xstep = 1.0 if ystep == 0: ystep = 1.0 xgrid = [[0.0] * nx for i in range(ny)] ygrid = [[0.0] * nx for i in range(ny)] ngrid = [[0] * nx for i in range(ny)] for i in range(len(x)): ix, iy = int((x[i] - xlim[0]) / xstep), int( (y[i] - ylim[0]) / ystep) if ix >= 0 and ix < nx and iy >= 0 and iy < ny: xgrid[ix][iy] += dx[i] ygrid[ix][iy] += dy[i] ngrid[ix][iy] += 1 xt, yt, dxt, dyt, nt = [], [], [], [], [] for ix in range(nx): for iy in range(ny): xt.append(xstep * (ix + 0.5)) yt.append(ystep * (iy + 0.5)) nt.append("%d" % (ngrid[ix][iy])) if ngrid[ix][iy] > 0: xval = xgrid[ix][iy] / ngrid[ix][iy] yval = ygrid[ix][iy] / ngrid[ix][iy] dxt.append(xval) dyt.append(yval) else: dxt.append(0.0) dyt.append(0.0) #for i in range(len(xt)): # print xt[i], yt[i], dxt[i], dyt[i] q = ax.quiver(numpy.array(xt), numpy.array(yt), numpy.array(dxt), numpy.array(dyt), color='k', scale=1.0, angles='xy', pivot='middle', width=0.004) ax.quiverkey(q, 0.9, -0.2, 0.1, "100 mas", coordinates='axes', fontproperties={'size': 'small'}) for i in range(len(xt)): ax.text(xt[i] + 0.1 * xstep, yt[i] + 0.1 * ystep, nt[i], size=5) xlim = [0.0, xlim[1] - xlim[0]] ylim = [0.0, ylim[1] - ylim[0]] else: ax.scatter(x, y, 0.5, color='r') q = ax.quiver(x, y, dx, dy, color='k', scale=10.0, angles='xy') ax.quiverkey(q, 0.9, -0.2, 1.0, "1 arcsec", coordinates='axes', fontproperties={'size': "small"}) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(8)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(8)) ax.set_xlabel("x [pixels]") ax.set_ylabel("y [pixels]") ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) for tic in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): tic.set_size("x-small") ################ # rose view xmargin = 0.07 ymargin = 0.12 spacer = 0.03 left, bottom, width, height = 0.5 + spacer, 0.35 + spacer, 0.5 - 2 * xmargin, 0.65 - ymargin - spacer ax = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) #get the figure width/heigh in inches to correct #aspect ratio f_w, f_h = fig.get_size_inches() xlimRose = [ -width * f_w / (height * f_h) * rmax, f_w * width / (f_h * height) * rmax ] limRose = [-rmax, rmax] # this is much faster than calling plot() in a loop, and quiver() scale length buggy if gridVectors: ybin = 50 xbin = 50 #int(1.0*ybin*f_w*width/(f_h*height)) qaPlotUtil.make_densityplot(ax, dx, dy, xlims=limRose, ylims=limRose, bins=(xbin, ybin), log=True) qaPlotUtil.make_densityContour(ax, dx, dy, xlims=limRose, ylims=limRose, bins=(xbin, ybin), log=True, percentiles=True, normed=False, levels=[0.5]) c0 = Circle((0.0, 0.0), radius=0.0, facecolor='none', edgecolor=green, zorder=3, label="50%") ax.vlines(0.0, limRose[0], limRose[1], linestyle='dashed') ax.hlines(0.0, xlimRose[0], xlimRose[1], linestyle='dashed') ax.add_patch(c0) else: z = numpy.zeros(len(dx)) xy2 = zip(dx, dy) xy1 = zip(z, z) lines = zip(xy1, xy2) p = LineCollection(lines, colors=red * len(lines), zorder=1, label="_nolegend_") ax.add_collection(p) ax.scatter(dx, dy, s=0.05, color='k', zorder=2, label="_nolegend_") #r = numpy.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) #rmax = r.max() isort = r.argsort() i50 = isort[len(r) / 2] r50 = r[i50] c50 = Circle((0.0, 0.0), radius=r50, facecolor='none', edgecolor=green, zorder=3, label="50%") ax.add_patch(c50) ax.vlines(0.0, limRose[0], limRose[1], linestyle='dashed') ax.hlines(0.0, xlimRose[0], xlimRose[1], linestyle='dashed') fp = fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small") ax.legend(prop=fp) ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax.set_xlabel("dRa [arcsec]", size='x-small') ax.set_ylabel("dDec [arcsec]", size='x-small') ax.set_xlim(xlimRose) ax.set_ylim(limRose) for tic in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): tic.set_size("x-small") ################ # hist view left, bottom, width, height = 0.5 + spacer, 0.0 + ymargin, 0.5 - 2 * xmargin, 0.35 - ymargin ax0 = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) rNmax = 1.0 if len(r) > 1: binWidth = 0.5 * numpy.std(r) * (20.0 / len(r))**0.2 nBin = (r.max() - r.min()) / binWidth rN, rBin, xx = ax0.hist(r, bins=nBin) # add a median arrow rmed = numpy.median(r) w = numpy.where(rBin > rmed)[0] if len(w) > 0 and len(rN) > w[0] - 1: histMed = 1.1 * rN[w[0] - 1] else: histMed = 0.0 rNmax = rN.max() ax0.arrow(rmed, 1.2 * rNmax, 0.0, histMed - 1.2 * rNmax, facecolor='r', edgecolor='r', lw=0.5) ax0.text(1.2 * rmed, 0.5 * (histMed + 1.2 * rNmax), "median", verticalalignment="center", color='k', size='x-small') ax0.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax0.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax0.set_xlabel("r [arcsec]", size='x-small') ax0.set_ylabel("N", size='x-small') ax0.set_xlim([0, 0.9 * rmax]) ax0.set_ylim([0, 1.4 * rNmax]) for tic in ax0.get_xticklabels() + ax0.get_yticklabels( ): # + ax.get_xticklabels(): tic.set_size("xx-small") return fig
except Exception, e: raise RuntimeError("Could not get stats on vmax CCD" + str(vmax) + " Exiting." + str(e)) elif":", vmax): vmaxCcd = None vmin, vmax = [float(x) for x in vmax.split(":")] med = 0.5 * (vmax + vmin) else: vmaxCcd = None vmax = float(vmax) med = 0.5 * (vmax + vmin) ########################### fig = figure.Figure((8, 8)) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) l, b, w, h = 0.08, 0.12, 0.84, 0.78 rect = l, b, w, h if showCbar: rect = (0.06, 0.12, 0.76, 0.76) fpa_fig = hscUtil.FpaFigure(fig, butler1.get('camera'), rect=rect) im_ax = None i_show = 0 for dataId1 in dataIds1: if dataId1['ccd'] not in ccdno: continue print dataId1, if visit2:
def plot(data): x = data['x'] y = data['y'] xmat = data['xmat'] ymat = data['ymat'] limits = data['limits'] summary = data['summary'] nx, ny = data['nxn'] xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi = limits xwid, ywid = xhi - xlo, yhi - ylo if not summary: xbLo, xbHi, ybLo, ybHi = data['bbox'] x -= xbLo y -= ybLo xmat -= xbLo ymat -= ybLo # handle no-data possibility if len(x) == 0: x = numpy.array([0.0]) y = numpy.array([0.0]) summaryLabel = "matched" if len(xmat) == 0: if len(x) == 0 or not summary: xmat = numpy.array([0.0]) ymat = numpy.array([0.0]) else: summaryLabel = "detected" xmat = x ymat = y figsize = (4.0, 4.0) #################### # create the plot fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.19) #, bottom=0.15) ncol = None if summary: ms = 0.1 if len(xmat) < 10000: ms = 0.2 if len(xmat) < 1000: ms = 0.5 ax.plot(xmat, ymat, "k.", ms=ms, label=summaryLabel) ncol = 1 else: ax.plot(x, y, "k.", ms=2.0, label="detected") ax.plot(xmat, ymat, "ro", ms=4.0, label="matched", mfc='None', markeredgecolor='r') ncol = 2 ax.set_xlim([xlo, xhi]) ax.set_ylim([ylo, yhi]) ax.set_xlabel("x [pixel]", size='x-small') ax.set_ylabel("y [pixel]", size='x-small') ax.legend(prop=fm.FontProperties(size="xx-small"), ncol=ncol, loc="upper center") for tic in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): tic.set_size("x-small") # don't bother with this stuff for the final summary plot if not summary: # show the regions for i in range(nx): xline = (i + 1) * xwid / nx ax.axvline(xline, color="k") for i in range(ny): yline = (i + 1) * ywid / ny ax.axhline(yline, color="k") # add map areas to allow mouseover tooltip showing pixel coords dx, dy = 20, 20 # on a 4kx4k ccd, < +/-20 pixels is tough to hit with a mouse #for i in range(len(x)): # area = x[i]-dx, y[i]-dy, x[i]+dx, y[i]+dy # fig.addMapArea("no_label_info", area, "nolink:%.1f_%.1f"%(x[i],y[i])) ax.set_title("Matched Detections by CCD Sector", size='small') else: ax.set_title("Matched Detections", size='small') return fig
def plot(data): title = data['title'] orphan = data['orphan'] depth = data['depth'] matchedStar = data['matchedStar'] blendedStar = data['blendedStar'] undetectedStar = data['undetectedStar'] matchedGalaxy = data['matchedGalaxy'] blendedGalaxy = data['blendedGalaxy'] undetectedGalaxy = data['undetectedGalaxy'] bins = data['bins'] figsize = (4.0, 4.0) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) canvas = FigCanvas(fig) sp1 = fig.add_subplot(211) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.13) sp2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=sp1) # Stacked histogram orphanHist = num.histogram(orphan, bins=bins) matchedStarHist = num.histogram(matchedStar, bins=bins) blendedStarHist = num.histogram(blendedStar, bins=bins) undetectedStarHist = num.histogram(undetectedStar, bins=bins) # For bar, you send the coordinate of the left corner of the bar barbins = orphanHist[1][:-1] width = 1.0 * (orphanHist[1][1] - orphanHist[1][0]) orphanBar =, orphanHist[0], width=width, color='r', alpha=0.5, label='Orphan', capsize=1) bottom = orphanHist[0] matchedBar =, matchedStarHist[0], width=width, color='g', alpha=0.5, label='Matched', bottom=bottom, capsize=1) bottom += matchedStarHist[0] blendedBar =, blendedStarHist[0], width=width, color='cyan', alpha=0.5, label='Blended', bottom=bottom, capsize=1) bottom += blendedStarHist[0] unmatBar =, undetectedStarHist[0], width=width, color='b', alpha=0.5, label='Unmatched', bottom=bottom, capsize=1) ymax = num.max(orphanHist[0] + matchedStarHist[0] + blendedStarHist[0] + undetectedStarHist[0]) sp1.set_ylim([0, 1.4 * ymax]) sp1x2 = sp1.twinx() allStars = num.concatenate((matchedStar, blendedStar, undetectedStar)) foundStars = num.concatenate((matchedStar, blendedStar)) histAll = num.histogram(allStars, bins=bins) histFound = num.histogram(foundStars, bins=bins) magbins = 0.5 * (histAll[1][1:] + histAll[1][:-1]) w = num.where(histAll[0] != 0) x = magbins[w] n = 1.0 * histFound[0][w] d = 1.0 * histAll[0][w] y = n / d sp1x2.plot(x, y) sp1x2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.4]) sp1x2.set_ylabel('(Match+Blend)/Tot', fontsize=8) sp1x2.axhline(y=0.5, c='k', linestyle='-.', alpha=0.75) sp1x2.axhline(y=1.0, c='k', linestyle='-.', alpha=0.75) sp1x2.axvline(x=depth, c='k', linestyle='-', alpha=0.75) sp1x2.text(depth - 1.0, 1.2, "%.2f" % (depth), fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') fa = patches.FancyArrow(depth - 0.8, 1.2, 0.8, 0.0, length_includes_head=True, overhang=0.2, head_length=0.2, head_width=0.04) sp1x2.add_patch(fa) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1x2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1x2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=6) sp1.set_ylabel('N Stars', fontsize=10) if False: #1.4*ymax > 1000: sp1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%.2g")) for t in sp1.get_yticklabels(): print t.get_text() t.set_text(re.sub("\+0", "", t.get_text())) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp1.get_xticklabels() + sp1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=6) ############## orphanHist = num.histogram(orphan, bins=bins) matchedGalHist = num.histogram(matchedGalaxy, bins=bins) blendedGalHist = num.histogram(blendedGalaxy, bins=bins) undetectedGalHist = num.histogram(undetectedGalaxy, bins=bins) orphanBar =, orphanHist[0], width=width, color='r', alpha=0.5, label='Orphan', capsize=1, log=False) bottom = orphanHist[0] matchedBar =, matchedGalHist[0], width=width, color='g', alpha=0.5, label='Matched', bottom=bottom, capsize=1, log=False) bottom += matchedGalHist[0] blendedBar =, blendedGalHist[0], width=width, color='cyan', alpha=0.5, label='Blended', bottom=bottom, capsize=1, log=False) bottom += blendedGalHist[0] unmatBar =, undetectedGalHist[0], width=width, color='b', alpha=0.5, label='Unmatched', bottom=bottom, capsize=1, log=False) sp2.set_xlabel('Mag', fontsize=10) sp2.set_ylabel('N Gals', fontsize=10) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp2.get_xticklabels() + sp2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=6) qaPlotUtil.qaSetp(sp2.get_yticklabels(), rotation=45.0) sp2.legend(numpoints=1, prop=FontProperties(size='x-small'), loc='upper left') #sp2.set_ylim(0.75, 999) #sp2.semilogy() sp1.set_xlim(14, 26) fig.suptitle('%s Stacked histogram' % (title), fontsize=11) return fig
def main(figname, camera='hsc', output=None): # build a camera if camera == 'hsc': simdir = os.environ['OBS_SUBARU_DIR'] cameraGeomPaf = os.path.join(simdir, "hsc", "hsc_geom.paf") if not os.path.exists(cameraGeomPaf): cameraGeomPaf = os.path.join(simdir, "hsc", "description", "hsc_geom.paf") if not os.path.exists(cameraGeomPaf): raise Exception("Unable to find cameraGeom Policy file: %s" % (cameraGeomPaf)) cameraGeomPolicy = camGeomUtils.getGeomPolicy(cameraGeomPaf) camera = camGeomUtils.makeCamera(cameraGeomPolicy) if not camera: raise ValueError("Camera must be ... uhm ... 'hsc'") ########################### # make RBG arrays with FpaImage objects # The FpaImage objects have a method to extract pixels from one CCD # So we'll create a dummy image and put the whole user image in it, # then we'll copy each CCD into the final image ########################### bin = 16 fpa_img = [ hscUtil.FpaImage(camera, scale=bin), hscUtil.FpaImage(camera, scale=bin), hscUtil.FpaImage(camera, scale=bin), ] fpa_dum = [ hscUtil.FpaImage(camera, scale=bin), hscUtil.FpaImage(camera, scale=bin), hscUtil.FpaImage(camera, scale=bin), ] ny, nx = fpa_img[0].image.shape ########################### # Load the image the user provided. # figure out how much to scale things so it fits in our FpaImage ########################### img0 = h, w = img0.size if h >= w: scale = 1.0 * ny / h else: scale = 1.0 * nx / w img = numpy.array( img0.resize((int(scale * h), int(scale * w)), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)) subw = int(scale * w) subh = int(scale * h) x0 = int(0.5 * (nx - subw)) y0 = int(0.5 * (ny - subh)) fpa_dum[0].image += 100 for i in 0, 1, 2: fpa_dum[i].image[y0:y0 + subh, x0:x0 + subw] = img[:, :, i] ########################### # Now copy each CCD from the dummy to the original ########################### for i in 0, 1, 2: #, 1, 2: for i_ccd in range(104): img2 = fpa_dum[i].getPixels(i_ccd) print i_ccd, img2.shape fpa_img[i].insert(i_ccd, img2) ########################### # convert this to an RBG image # we don't need to worry about uint8 with range 256, matplotlib will handle normalization. ########################### color_img = numpy.ones((ny, nx, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) for i in range(3): color_img[:, :, i] = fpa_img[i].image ########################### # plot it ########################### fig = figure.Figure() canvas = FigCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(color_img) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.savefig(output)