def makePerSiteBoxPlot(self):
     This function makes a box-and-whisker plot showing the evaluation
     scores grouped by the image scan type.  
     pp = pdfpages('ImageEvalBoxplots_perScanType_perSite.pdf')
     site_list = self.getListFromDB("SELECT DISTINCT project FROM ImageEval;")
     for site in site_list:
         (all_evals, x_labels, scanTypeList) = self.getEvalScoresAndXticks(site)
         ylim(-0.1, 10.1)
         xticks( arange(1, len(scanTypeList)+1), x_labels, fontsize = 'medium')
         yticks(fontsize = 'large')
         xlabel("\n \n Image Scan Type (Ratio of Scores Greater Than 5 to Total Scores)", fontsize = 'large')
         ylabel("Evalution Scores \n", fontsize = 'large')
         title('Evaluation Scores for Site {0} Grouped by Image Scan Type \n \n'.format(site), fontsize = 'large')
         subplots_adjust(bottom = 0.2, top = 0.86, right = .88, left = 0.15)
 def makePerSiteWhiskerPlots(self):
     This function makes a box-and-whisker plot showing the evaluation
     scores grouped by the image scan type.  
     pp = pdfpages('test.pdf')
     #pp = pdfpages('ImageEvalBoxplots_perScanType_perSite.pdf')
     siteList = self.AllEvalDict.keys()                     # makes a list of all site locations
     siteList = sort(siteList)                              # sorts the list of site locaitons
     scanTypeList = [u'T1-30', u'T2-30', u'T1-15', u'PDT2-15', u'T2-15', u'PD-15']
     for site in siteList:
         SiteObject = self.AllEvalDict[site]                # sets the site object to a variable for easier identification later
         allEvals = list()                                  # makes an empty list which will contain all eval scores
         xLabels = list()                                   # makes an empty list for x labels 
         for scanType in scanTypeList:
             if scanType in SiteObject.Evals.keys():
                 evalScores = SiteObject.Evals[scanType]
                 allEvals.append(evalScores)             # appends the eval scores for this scan type to allEvals
                 # appends the scan type and the number of scans for this type to the xLabel list
                 Count = self.findEvalsGreaterThan5(evalScores)
                 xLabels.append(scanType + "\n (" + str(Count) + "/" + str(len(evalScores)) + ")")
                 emptyList = list()
                 allEvals.append(emptyList)             # appends the eval scores for this scan type to allEvals
                 # appends the scan type and the number of scans for this type to the xLabel list
                 xLabels.append(scanType + "\n (0)")
         ylim(-0.1, 10.1)                      # sets the y scale limits between -0.1 and 10.1 since scores are only between 0 and 10
         xticks( arange(1,len(scanTypeList)+1), xLabels, fontsize = 'medium')  # assigns the x labels and fontsize
         yticks(fontsize = 'large')            # assigns y ticks fontsize to large
         xlabel("\n \n Image Scan Type (Ratio of Scores Greater Than 5 to Total Scores)", fontsize = 'large')
         ylabel("Evalution Scores \n", fontsize = 'large')
         title('Evaluation Scores for Site {0} Grouped by Image Scan Type \n \n'.format(site), fontsize = 'large')
         #subplots_adjust(bottom = 0.2, top = 0.88, right = 0.8, left = 0.2)
         subplots_adjust(bottom = 0.2, top = 0.86, right = .88, left = 0.15)
Пример #3
def create_figures(conf_list, figure_data, pdf_out_file):
    print("Creating figures ... " + pdf_out_file)
    # create one pdf document with all figures
    pdf_pages = pdfpages(pdf_out_file)
    # loop over variables
    for conf in conf_list:
        # debug
        # name, unit, data
        name = conf["name"]
        data = np.array(figure_data[name]) * conf["scale"]
        unit = conf["unit"]
        # plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.plot(data, 'k')
        plt.title("%s" % name)
        plt.xlabel("model years")
        plt.ylabel("[%s]" % unit)
        # store
        # close figure
    # close pdf doc
Пример #4
def create_figures(conf_list, figure_data, pdf_out_file):
    print("Creating figures ... " + pdf_out_file)
    # create one pdf document with all figures
    pdf_pages = pdfpages(pdf_out_file)
    # loop over variables
    for conf in conf_list:
        # debug
        # name, unit, data
        name = conf["name"]
        data = np.array(figure_data[name]) * conf["scale"]
        unit = conf["unit"]
        # plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.plot(data, 'k')
        plt.title("%s" % name)
        plt.xlabel("model years")
        plt.ylabel("[%s]" % unit)
        # store
        # close figure
    # close pdf doc