def plot_percentiles(self): if not self.train_outputs and not self.test_outputs: print("You need to fetch data first using fetch_range() or fetch_last().") return num_rows = len(self.blob_percentiles_keys) + len(self.weight_percentiles_keys) colormap = cm.brg(np.linspace(0.5, 0.8, self.num_percentiles)) colormap = [colormap[4], colormap[2], colormap[0], colormap[2], colormap[4]] iterations = self.cache_log_train[:, 0].astype(int) fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, 2) fig.set_size_inches(15, 2*num_rows, forward=True) fig.tight_layout() row = 0 for layer in self.blob_percentiles_keys: blob_percentiles_data = np.array([x[layer][0] for x in self.cache_log_train[:, 3]]) blob_percentiles_diff = np.array([x[layer][1] for x in self.cache_log_train[:, 3]]) self.make_subplot(axes, row, 0, layer, iterations, blob_percentiles_data, colormap) self.make_subplot(axes, row, 1, layer, iterations, blob_percentiles_diff, colormap) row += 1 if layer in self.weight_percentiles_keys: weight_percentiles_data = np.array([x[layer][0] for x in self.cache_log_train[:, 4]]) weight_percentiles_diff = np.array([x[layer][1] for x in self.cache_log_train[:, 4]]) self.make_subplot(axes, row, 0, layer, iterations, weight_percentiles_data, colormap, 'weights') self.make_subplot(axes, row, 1, layer, iterations, weight_percentiles_diff, colormap, 'weights') row += 1
def draw_multigraph(G, plt): colors = cm.brg(np.linspace(0, 1, len(G.nodes()) + 1)) for i, sg in enumerate(G.nodes()): xs = list() ys = list() for _, _, data in sg.edges_iter(data=True): draw_path(data["path"], color=colors[i], linewidth=10) for node in sg.nodes(): xs.append(node.x) ys.append(node.y) plt.scatter(xs, ys, color=colors[i], s=350, edgecolors="k", linewidth=2, zorder=10)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import as cm import sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np file = sys.argv[1] data = pd.read_csv(file) # separate by min resample limit # Good RS nd PSC bouts = list(set(data.number_of_bout)) colors = cm.brg(np.linspace(0, 1, len(bouts))) legend_series_list = [] for bout in bouts: green_data = data.loc[(data.met_resamp_min >= data.min_resampled) & (data.mean_rs_per_mrm >= data.min_times_resampled) & (data.number_of_bout == bout) ] # Good RS only blue_data = data.loc[(data.met_resamp_min >= data.min_resampled) & (data.mean_rs_per_mrm < data.min_times_resampled) & (data.number_of_bout == bout) ] # Good RSC only yellow_data = data.loc[(data.met_resamp_min < data.min_resampled) & (data.mean_rs_per_mrm >= data.min_times_resampled) & (data.number_of_bout == bout) ] # No criteria met red_data = data.loc[(data.met_resamp_min < data.min_resampled) & (data.mean_rs_per_mrm < data.min_times_resampled) & (data.number_of_bout == bout) ]
def showGraph(self, selected): f = plt.figure() a = f.add_subplot(111) a2 = a.twinx() f.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onpick) # a tk.DrawingArea self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self.master) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) averageTimes = [[], []] [colorTop, top] = self.getLengthAndColors() colors = cm.brg(np.linspace(0, 1, colorTop)) # add half the color value colorAdd = (colorTop-1)/2 SE = None for i in range(10, top): data = self.readData(i) if data[0]: # set marker size, extra large if selected s = 30 if i == selected: s = 50 SE, = a.plot((i, i), (100, 1100), 'r--', zorder=-1) # totalLengths errorbar x = [i] * len(data[0]) y = data[0] a.errorbar(x, y, zorder=-1, c='k') # totalLengths errorbar x = i y = (sum(data[0])/float(len(data[0]))) if i == 10: TL = a.scatter(x, y, c=colors[data[3][0] + colorAdd], s=s, zorder=3) else: a.scatter(x, y, c=colors[data[3][0] + colorAdd], s=s, zorder=0, picker=True) # save times averageTimes[0].append(i) averageTimes[1].append((sum(data[1])/float(len(data[1])))) # constraint relaxation scatter x = i y = (sum(data[2])/float(len(data[2]))) CR = a.scatter(x, y, c="blue", s=s, zorder=0, picker=True) # plot the average time Ti, = a2.plot(averageTimes[0], averageTimes[1], c="#cc9900", zorder=2, picker=True) plt.legend((TL, CR, Ti, SE), ('Total Length (more red -> lower successrate)', 'Theoretical Minimum', 'Time', 'Selected Netlist'), scatterpoints=1, loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize=8) plt.title("Results of Random Netlists on Print " + self.printvar.get()) a.set_xlabel('Amount of connections') a.set_ylabel('Average Total Length') a2.set_ylabel('Average Time(s)') a2.set_ylim(bottom=0)
"outputs_gc_mb/bins.txt", np.transpose([ 0.5 * (z0bins + zfbins), 0.5 * (zfbins - z0bins), sphz_red(0.5 * (z0bins + zfbins)) ])) ib_off = 7 if plot_stuff: plt.figure() for i in nbins - 1 - np.arange(nbins): if i >= ib_off: nz = nz_bins[i] ran = np.where(nz > 1E-3 * np.amax(nz))[0] plt.plot(zarr[ran], nz[ran], color=cm.brg((nbins - ib_off - i + ib_off - 0.5) / (nbins - ib_off + 0.)), lw=2) plt.plot(zarr, nzarr, 'k-', lw=2) plt.ylim([0, 1.05 * np.amax(nzarr)]) plt.xlim([0, 1.2 * zedge_hi]) plt.xlabel('$z$', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('$N(z)\\,\\,[{\\rm arcmin}^{-2}]$', fontsize=18) plt.savefig('../Draft/Figs/nz_lsst_mb.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') data_dd = cgf.read_cls_class("outputs_gc_mb/run_dens_denscl.dat") data_mm = cgf.read_cls_class("outputs_gc_mb/run_mb_mbcl.dat") data_dm = cgf.read_cls_class("outputs_gc_mb/run_dens_mbcl.dat") larr = np.arange(2001)[2:1001] cl_dd = data_dd['cl_dd'][2:1001, ib_off:, ib_off:] cl_mm = data_mm['cl_dd'][2:1001, ib_off:, ib_off:]
def comparison_table(adata, name_keys, group=None, color_thresholds=None, n_genes=70): ## Very early: Take list of keys for which to search adata.uns. ## Then build a table of all included genes, see which w ## Trick: Map only the top 20/30 or so, color green/yellow/orange/red for top 40/ 60 / below ##TODO: Add functionality for group, color thresholds. ## Assume all annotations have the same length name_list = {} for i, j in enumerate(name_keys): name_list[i] = adata.uns[j] # We dont need rank list as we assume that name list is ordered. length = len(name_list[0]) width = len(name_list) # we create one large table (still no memory issue (realistic max. 10000*10--> 1 Mbyte approx). Truncuate later rank_table = length * np.ones((length * width, width)) # Create full name list full_name_list = list() n = -1 for key in name_list: for k, l in enumerate(name_list[key]): # Only plot for each group the top 20 genes to avoid that the table becomes to large. Max_n should be # a parameter in the future # Problem: We should add everything, but only plot a certain truncu if l not in full_name_list: full_name_list.append(l) n = n + 1 m = n else: m = full_name_list.index(l) rank_table[m, key] = k # Create table with all entries if max_n < n: n = max_n trunc_table = rank_table[0:n + 1, :] # Do the colorings: colors = trunc_table.copy() for i in range(n + 1): # Here, for now we use the convention that the respective levels are true if the minimum rank is larger # than the specified number top20 = True top50 = True top100 = True for j in range(width): if colors[i, j] >= 100: top20 = top50 = top100 = False elif colors[i, j] >= 51: top20 = top50 = False elif colors[i, j] >= 21: top20 = False # Now depending on the boolean values, define colors. if top100 is False: colors[i, :] = 0 elif top50 is False: colors[i, :] = 0.5 elif top20 is False: colors[i, :] = 0.8 else: colors[i, :] = 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.table(cellText=trunc_table, rowLabels=full_name_list[0:n + 1], colLabels=name_keys, cellColours=cm.brg(colors)) plt.tight_layout()
path = 'X:\\Images\\150824_JVZ20_wrt2GFP_250x250x20\\' worm = 'C10' cells1 = ['b.','6.','c.','5.','4.','1.','2.'] cell2 = '3.' cside = 'L' fig = plt.figure(figsize = (5.8,5.8)) # plt.title(cell1+'-'+cell2) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlim((-10000,10000)) ax.set_ylim((-10000,10000)) colors = np.array( [cm.brg(int(i)) for i in np.arange(len(cells1))*254./(len(cells1)-1)] ) colors = colors[::-1] ### find deviation from V3 dev = [] for idx, cell1 in enumerate( cells1 ): c1Raw, c2Raw, c1Filt, c2Filt = loadData(path, worm, cell1, cell2, cside) dev.append( getDeviation( c1Raw, c2Raw ) ) ### sort the data according to deviation from V3 cells1sorted = [x for (y,x) in sorted(zip(dev,cells1))][::-1] devsorted = [y for (y,x) in sorted(zip(dev,cells1))][::-1] for idx, cell1 in enumerate(cells1sorted):
def showGraph(self, selected): f = plt.figure() # a tk.DrawingArea self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self.master) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) a = f.add_subplot(111) a2 = a.twinx() def OnClick(event): self.cons = int(round(event.xdata, 0)) self.showInfoAndGraph() cid = f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', OnClick) averageTimes = [[], []] [self.colorTop, top] = self.getLengthAndColors() colors = cm.brg(np.linspace(0, 1, self.colorTop * 2 + 1)) # add half the color value colorAdd = ((self.colorTop * 2 + 1) - 1) / 2 SE = None for i in range(10, top): data = self.readData(i) if data[0]: # set marker size, extra large if selected s = 30 if i == selected: s = 50 SE, = a.plot((i, i), (100, 1100), 'r--', zorder=-1) # totalLengths errorbar x = [i] * len(data[0]) y = data[0] a.errorbar(x, y, zorder=1, c='k') # totalLengths errorbar x = i y = (sum(data[0]) / float(len(data[0]))) if i == 10: TL = a.scatter(x, y, c=colors[data[3][0] + colorAdd], s=s, zorder=2) else: a.scatter(x, y, c=colors[data[3][0] + colorAdd], s=s, zorder=2) # save times averageTimes[0].append(i) averageTimes[1].append((sum(data[1]) / float(len(data[1])))) # constraint relaxation scatter x = i y = (sum(data[2]) / float(len(data[2]))) CR = a.scatter(x, y, c="blue", s=s, zorder=2) # plot the average time Ti, = a2.plot(averageTimes[0], averageTimes[1], c="#cc9900", zorder=2) plt.legend((TL, CR, Ti, SE), ('Total Length (more red -> lower successrate)', 'Theoretical Minimum', 'Time', 'Selected Netlist'), scatterpoints=1, loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize=8) plt.title("Results of Random Netlists on Print " + self.printvar.get()) a.set_xlabel('Amount of connections') a.set_ylabel('Average Total Length') a2.set_ylabel('Average Time(s)') a.set_xlim(left=9.8) a.set_xlim(right=50.2) a2.set_ylim(bottom=0)
plt.ylabel("log Peak Temperature Ratio") plt.xticks([0.1, 1], [-1, 0]) plt.yticks([0.1, 1], [-1, 0]) plt.legend(loc="upper left") # contour H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(p21, r21, bins=100, range=([10**-1.2, 10**0.7], [10**-1.2, 10**0.7])) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]] plt.contour(H / H.max() * 100, levels=[8, 16, 32, 64, 96], extent=extent, colors=[cm.brg(i / 2.5)], zorder=1, linewidths=2.5, alpha=1.0, label=galname.replace("ngc", "NGC ")) histo.extend(p21 / r21) r21_all.extend(r21) p21_all.extend(p21) r21err_all.extend(r21err) p21err_all.extend(p21err) plt.legend(low="lower right") p2r = np.array(p21_all) / np.array(r21_all) r21err_all = np.array(r21err_all)
list_3627 = list_master[1] list_4321 = list_master[2] np.savetxt(dir_proj + "eps/ngc0628_noise.txt", list_0628) np.savetxt(dir_proj + "eps/ngc3627_noise.txt", list_3627) np.savetxt(dir_proj + "eps/ngc4321_noise.txt", list_4321) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 22 plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.10, left=0.19, right=0.99, top=0.90) ax1.plot(list_0628[:, 0], np.log10(list_0628[:, 1] * 1.222e6 / list_0628[:, 0]**2 / 115.27120**2), "-", color=cm.brg(0 / 2.5), markeredgewidth=0, markersize=10, alpha=0.5, lw=7, label="NGC 0628 CO(1-0)") ax1.plot(list_0628[:, 0], np.log10(list_0628[:, 2] * 1.222e6 / list_0628[:, 0]**2 / 230.53800**2), "--", color=cm.brg(0 / 2.5), markeredgewidth=0, markersize=10, alpha=0.5, lw=7, label="NGC 0628 CO(2-1)")