Пример #1
def adsrc_tf_phase_misfit(t, data, synthetic, dt_new, width, threshold,
        axis=None, colorbar_axis=None):
    :rtype: dictionary
    :returns: Return a dictionary with three keys:
        * adjoint_source: The calculated adjoint source as a numpy array
        * misfit: The misfit value
        * messages: A list of strings giving additional hints to what happened
            in the calculation.
    messages = []
    # Compute time-frequency representation via cross-correlation
    tau_cc, nu_cc, tf_cc = time_frequency.time_frequency_cc_difference(
        t, data, synthetic, dt_new, width, threshold)
    # Compute the time-frequency representation of the synthetic
    tau, nu, tf_synth = time_frequency.time_frequency_transform(t,
        synthetic, dt_new, width, threshold)

    # 2D interpolation. Use a two step interpolation for the real and the
    # imaginary parts.
    tf_cc_interp = RectBivariateSpline(tau_cc[0], nu_cc[:, 0], tf_cc.real,
        kx=1, ky=1, s=0)(tau[0], nu[:, 0])
    tf_cc_interp = np.require(tf_cc_interp, dtype="complex128")
    tf_cc_interp.imag = RectBivariateSpline(tau_cc[0], nu_cc[:, 0], tf_cc.imag,
        kx=1, ky=1, s=0)(tau[0], nu[:, 0])
    tf_cc = tf_cc_interp

    # Make window functionality
    # noise taper
    m = np.abs(tf_cc).max() / 10.0
    weight = 1.0 - np.exp(-(np.abs(tf_cc) ** 2) / (m ** 2))
    nu_t = nu.transpose()
    # high-pass filter
    weight *= (1.0 - np.exp((-nu_t ** 2) / (0.002 ** 2)))
    nu_t_large = np.zeros(nu_t.shape)
    nu_t_small = np.zeros(nu_t.shape)
    thres = (nu_t <= 0.005)
    nu_t_large[np.invert(thres)] = 1.0
    nu_t_small[thres] = 1.0
    # low-pass filter
    weight *= (np.exp(-(nu_t - 0.005) ** 4 / 0.005 ** 4) *
        nu_t_large + nu_t_small)
    # normalisation
    weight /= weight.max()

    # Compute the phase difference.
    DP = np.imag(np.log(eps + tf_cc / (eps + np.abs(tf_cc))))

    # Attempt to detect phase jumps by taking the derivatives in time and
    # frequency direction. 0.7 is an emperical value.
    test_field = weight * DP / np.abs(weight * DP).max()
    criterion_1 = np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=0)).max()
    criterion_2 = np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=1)).max()
    criterion = max(criterion_1, criterion_2)
    if criterion > 0.7:
        warning = "Possible phase jump detected"

    # Compute the phase misfit
    dnu = nu[1, 0] - nu[0, 0]
    phase_misfit = np.sqrt(np.sum(weight ** 2 * DP ** 2) * dt_new * dnu)

    # Sanity check. Should not occur.
    if np.isnan(phase_misfit):
        msg = "The phase misfit is NaN."
        raise Exception(msg)

    # Make kernel for the inverse tf transform
    idp = weight * weight * DP * tf_synth / (eps + np.abs(tf_synth) *

    # Invert tf transform and make adjoint source
    ad_src, it, I = time_frequency.itfa(tau, nu, idp, width, threshold)

    # Interpolate to original time axis
    current_time = tau[0, :]
    new_time = t[t <= current_time.max()]
    ad_src = interp1d(current_time, np.imag(ad_src), kind=2)(new_time)
    if len(t) > len(new_time):
        ad_src = np.concatenate([ad_src, np.zeros(len(t) - len(new_time))])

    # Divide by the misfit.
    ad_src /= (phase_misfit + eps)
    ad_src = np.diff(ad_src) / (t[1] - t[0])

    # Reverse time and add a leading zero so the adjoint source has the same
    # length as the input time series.
    ad_src = ad_src[::-1]
    ad_src = np.concatenate([[0.0], ad_src])

    # Plot if required.
    if axis:
        import matplotlib.cm as cm
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        weighted_phase_difference = (DP * weight).transpose()
        abs_diff = np.abs(weighted_phase_difference)
        max_val = abs_diff.max()
        mappable = axis.pcolormesh(tau, nu,
            weighted_phase_difference, vmin=-max_val, vmax=max_val,
        axis.set_xlabel("Seconds since event")
        axis.set_ylabel("TF Phase Misfit: Frequency [Hz]")

        # Smart scaling for the frequency axis.
        temp = abs_diff.max(axis=1) * (nu[1] - nu[0])
        ymax = len(temp[temp > temp.max() / 1000.0])
        ymax *= nu[1, 0] - nu[0, 0]
        ymax *= 2
        axis.set_ylim(0, ymax)

        if colorbar_axis:
            cm = plt.gcf().colorbar(mappable, cax=colorbar_axis)
            cm = plt.gcf().colorbar(mappable, ax=axis)
        cm.set_label("Phase difference in radian")
        axis.set_title("Weighted phase difference")

        ax2 = axis.twinx()
        ax2.plot(t, data, color="black", alpha=1.0)
        ax2.plot(t, synthetic, color="red", alpha=1.0)
        min_value = min(data.min(), synthetic.min())
        max_value = max(data.max(), synthetic.max())
        value_range = max_value - min_value
        axis.twin_axis = ax2
        ax2.set_ylim(min_value - value_range, max_value + 0.05 * value_range)
        ax2.set_ylabel("Waveforms: Amplitude [m/s]")
        axis.set_xlim(0, tau[:, -1][-1])
        ax2.set_xlim(0, tau[:, -1][-1])

        text = "Misfit: %.4f" % phase_misfit
        axis.text(x=0.99, y=0.02, s=text, transform=axis.transAxes,
            bbox=dict(facecolor='orange', alpha=0.8),

        if messages:
            message = "\n".join(messages)
            axis.text(x=0.99, y=0.98, s=message, transform=axis.transAxes,
                bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.8),

    ret_dict = {
        "adjoint_source": ad_src,
        "misfit": phase_misfit,
        "messages": messages}

    return ret_dict
Пример #2
def adsrc_tf_phase_misfit(t, data, synthetic, min_period, max_period,
                          axis=None, colorbar_axis=None):
    :rtype: dictionary
    :returns: Return a dictionary with three keys:
        * adjoint_source: The calculated adjoint source as a numpy array
        * misfit: The misfit value
        * messages: A list of strings giving additional hints to what happened
            in the calculation.
    messages = []

    # Compute time-frequency representations ----------------------------------

    # compute new time increments and Gaussian window width for the
    # time-frequency transforms
    dt_new = float(int(min_period / 3.0))
    width = 2.0 * min_period

    # Compute time-frequency representation of the cross-correlation
    tau_cc, nu_cc, tf_cc = time_frequency.time_frequency_cc_difference(
        t, data, synthetic, dt_new, width)
    # Compute the time-frequency representation of the synthetic
    tau, nu, tf_synth = time_frequency.time_frequency_transform(t, synthetic,
                                                                dt_new, width)

    # 2D interpolation to bring the tf representation of the correlation on the
    # same grid as the tf representation of the synthetics. Uses a two-step
    # procedure for real and imaginary parts.
    tf_cc_interp = RectBivariateSpline(tau_cc[0], nu_cc[:, 0], tf_cc.real,
                                       kx=1, ky=1, s=0)(tau[0], nu[:, 0])
    tf_cc_interp = np.require(tf_cc_interp, dtype="complex128")
    tf_cc_interp.imag = RectBivariateSpline(tau_cc[0], nu_cc[:, 0], tf_cc.imag,
                                            kx=1, ky=1, s=0)(tau[0], nu[:, 0])
    tf_cc = tf_cc_interp

    # compute tf window and weighting function --------------------------------

    # noise taper: downweigh tf amplitudes that are very low
    m = np.abs(tf_cc).max() / 10.0
    weight = 1.0 - np.exp(-(np.abs(tf_cc) ** 2) / (m ** 2))
    nu_t = nu.transpose()

    # highpass filter (periods longer than max_period are suppressed
    # exponentially)
    weight *= (1.0 - np.exp(-(nu_t * max_period) ** 2))

    # lowpass filter (periods shorter than min_period are suppressed
    # exponentially)
    nu_t_large = np.zeros(nu_t.shape)
    nu_t_small = np.zeros(nu_t.shape)
    thres = (nu_t <= 1.0 / min_period)
    nu_t_large[np.invert(thres)] = 1.0
    nu_t_small[thres] = 1.0
    weight *= (np.exp(-10.0 * np.abs(nu_t * min_period - 1.0)) * nu_t_large +

    # normalisation
    weight /= weight.max()

    # computation of phase difference, make quality checks and misfit ---------

    # Compute the phase difference.
    # DP = np.imag(np.log(m + tf_cc / (2 * m + np.abs(tf_cc))))
    DP = np.angle(tf_cc)

    # Attempt to detect phase jumps by taking the derivatives in time and
    # frequency direction. 0.7 is an emperical value.
    test_field = weight * DP / np.abs(weight * DP).max()
    criterion_1 = np.sum([np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=0)) > 0.7])
    criterion_2 = np.sum([np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=1)) > 0.7])
    criterion = np.sum([criterion_1, criterion_2])
    # criterion_1 = np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=0)).max()
    # criterion_2 = np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=1)).max()
    # criterion = max(criterion_1, criterion_2)
    if criterion > 7.0:
        warning = ("Possible phase jump detected. Misfit included. No "
                   "adjoint source computed.")

    # Compute the phase misfit
    dnu = nu[1, 0] - nu[0, 0]
    phase_misfit = np.sqrt(np.sum(weight ** 2 * DP ** 2) * dt_new * dnu)

    # Sanity check. Should not occur.
    if np.isnan(phase_misfit):
        msg = "The phase misfit is NaN."
        raise LASIFAdjointSourceCalculationError(msg)

    # compute the adjoint source when no phase jump detected ------------------

    if criterion <= 7.0:
        # Make kernel for the inverse tf transform
        idp = weight * weight * DP * tf_synth / (m + np.abs(tf_synth) *

        # Invert tf transform and make adjoint source
        ad_src, it, I = time_frequency.itfa(tau, nu, idp, width)

        # Interpolate to original time axis
        current_time = tau[0, :]
        new_time = t[t <= current_time.max()]
        ad_src = interp1d(current_time, np.imag(ad_src), kind=2)(new_time)
        if len(t) > len(new_time):
            ad_src = np.concatenate([ad_src, np.zeros(len(t) - len(new_time))])

        # Divide by the misfit and change sign.
        ad_src /= (phase_misfit + eps)
        ad_src = -1.0 * np.diff(ad_src) / (t[1] - t[0])

        # Reverse time and add a leading zero so the adjoint source has the
        # same length as the input time series.
        ad_src = ad_src[::-1]
        ad_src = np.concatenate([[0.0], ad_src])

        # Criterion failed, no misfit and adjoint source calculated.
        raise LASIFAdjointSourceCalculationError(
            "Criterion failed, no misfit has been calculated.")

    # Plot if required. -------------------------------------------------------

    if axis:
        import matplotlib.cm as cm
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # Primary axis: plot weighted phase difference. -----------------------

        weighted_phase_difference = (DP * weight).transpose()
        abs_diff = np.abs(weighted_phase_difference)
        mappable = axis.pcolormesh(tau, nu, weighted_phase_difference,
                                   vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap=cm.RdBu_r)
        axis.set_xlabel("Seconds since event")
        axis.set_ylabel("Frequency [Hz]")

        # Smart scaling for the frequency axis.
        temp = abs_diff.max(axis=1) * (nu[1] - nu[0])
        ymax = len(temp[temp > temp.max() / 1000.0])
        ymax *= nu[1, 0] - nu[0, 0]
        ymax *= 2
        axis.set_ylim(0, 2.0 / min_period)

        if colorbar_axis:
            cm = plt.gcf().colorbar(mappable, cax=colorbar_axis)
            cm = plt.gcf().colorbar(mappable, ax=axis)
        cm.set_label("Phase difference in radian")

        # Secondary axis: plot waveforms and adjoint source. ------------------

        ax2 = axis.twinx()

        ax2.plot(t, ad_src, color="black", alpha=1.0)
        min_value = min(ad_src.min(), -1.0)
        max_value = max(ad_src.max(), 1.0)

        value_range = max_value - min_value
        axis.twin_axis = ax2
        ax2.set_ylim(min_value - 2.5 * value_range,
                     max_value + 0.5 * value_range)
        axis.set_xlim(0, tau[:, -1][-1])
        ax2.set_xlim(0, tau[:, -1][-1])

        text = "Misfit: %.4f" % phase_misfit
        axis.text(x=0.99, y=0.02, s=text, transform=axis.transAxes,
                  bbox=dict(facecolor='orange', alpha=0.8),

        if messages:
            message = "\n".join(messages)
            axis.text(x=0.99, y=0.98, s=message, transform=axis.transAxes,
                      bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.8),

    ret_dict = {
        "adjoint_source": ad_src,
        "misfit_value": phase_misfit,
        "details": {"messages": messages}

    return ret_dict
Пример #3
def adsrc_tf_phase_misfit(t,
    :rtype: dictionary
    :returns: Return a dictionary with three keys:
        * adjoint_source: The calculated adjoint source as a numpy array
        * misfit: The misfit value
        * messages: A list of strings giving additional hints to what happened
            in the calculation.
    messages = []

    # Compute time-frequency representations ----------------------------------

    # compute new time increments and Gaussian window width for the
    # time-frequency transforms
    dt_new = float(int(min_period / 3.0))
    width = 2.0 * min_period

    # Compute time-frequency representation of the cross-correlation
    tau_cc, nu_cc, tf_cc = time_frequency.time_frequency_cc_difference(
        t, data, synthetic, dt_new, width)
    # Compute the time-frequency representation of the synthetic
    tau, nu, tf_synth = time_frequency.time_frequency_transform(
        t, synthetic, dt_new, width)

    # 2D interpolation to bring the tf representation of the correlation on the
    # same grid as the tf representation of the synthetics. Uses a two-step
    # procedure for real and imaginary parts.
    tf_cc_interp = RectBivariateSpline(tau_cc[0],
                                       nu_cc[:, 0],
                                       s=0)(tau[0], nu[:, 0])
    tf_cc_interp = np.require(tf_cc_interp, dtype="complex128")
    tf_cc_interp.imag = RectBivariateSpline(tau_cc[0],
                                            nu_cc[:, 0],
                                            s=0)(tau[0], nu[:, 0])
    tf_cc = tf_cc_interp

    # compute tf window and weighting function --------------------------------

    # noise taper: downweigh tf amplitudes that are very low
    m = np.abs(tf_cc).max() / 10.0
    weight = 1.0 - np.exp(-(np.abs(tf_cc)**2) / (m**2))
    nu_t = nu.transpose()

    # highpass filter (periods longer than max_period are suppressed
    # exponentially)
    weight *= (1.0 - np.exp(-(nu_t * max_period)**2))

    # lowpass filter (periods shorter than min_period are suppressed
    # exponentially)
    nu_t_large = np.zeros(nu_t.shape)
    nu_t_small = np.zeros(nu_t.shape)
    thres = (nu_t <= 1.0 / min_period)
    nu_t_large[np.invert(thres)] = 1.0
    nu_t_small[thres] = 1.0
    weight *= (np.exp(-10.0 * np.abs(nu_t * min_period - 1.0)) * nu_t_large +

    # normalisation
    weight /= weight.max()

    # computation of phase difference, make quality checks and misfit ---------

    # Compute the phase difference.
    # DP = np.imag(np.log(m + tf_cc / (2 * m + np.abs(tf_cc))))
    DP = np.angle(tf_cc)

    # Attempt to detect phase jumps by taking the derivatives in time and
    # frequency direction. 0.7 is an emperical value.
    test_field = weight * DP / np.abs(weight * DP).max()
    criterion_1 = np.sum([np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=0)) > 0.7])
    criterion_2 = np.sum([np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=1)) > 0.7])
    criterion = np.sum([criterion_1, criterion_2])
    # criterion_1 = np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=0)).max()
    # criterion_2 = np.abs(np.diff(test_field, axis=1)).max()
    # criterion = max(criterion_1, criterion_2)
    if criterion > 7.0:
        warning = ("Possible phase jump detected. Misfit included. No "
                   "adjoint source computed.")

    # Compute the phase misfit
    dnu = nu[1, 0] - nu[0, 0]
    phase_misfit = np.sqrt(np.sum(weight**2 * DP**2) * dt_new * dnu)

    # Sanity check. Should not occur.
    if np.isnan(phase_misfit):
        msg = "The phase misfit is NaN."
        raise LASIFAdjointSourceCalculationError(msg)

    # compute the adjoint source when no phase jump detected ------------------

    if criterion <= 7.0:
        # Make kernel for the inverse tf transform
        idp = weight * weight * DP * tf_synth / (
            m + np.abs(tf_synth) * np.abs(tf_synth))

        # Invert tf transform and make adjoint source
        ad_src, it, I = time_frequency.itfa(tau, nu, idp, width)

        # Interpolate to original time axis
        current_time = tau[0, :]
        new_time = t[t <= current_time.max()]
        ad_src = interp1d(current_time, np.imag(ad_src), kind=2)(new_time)
        if len(t) > len(new_time):
            ad_src = np.concatenate([ad_src, np.zeros(len(t) - len(new_time))])

        # Divide by the misfit and change sign.
        ad_src /= (phase_misfit + eps)
        ad_src = -1.0 * np.diff(ad_src) / (t[1] - t[0])

        # Reverse time and add a leading zero so the adjoint source has the
        # same length as the input time series.
        ad_src = ad_src[::-1]
        ad_src = np.concatenate([[0.0], ad_src])

        # Criterion failed, no misfit and adjoint source calculated.
        raise LASIFAdjointSourceCalculationError(
            "Criterion failed, no misfit has been calculated.")

    # Plot if required. -------------------------------------------------------

    if axis:
        import matplotlib.cm as cm
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # Primary axis: plot weighted phase difference. -----------------------

        weighted_phase_difference = (DP * weight).transpose()
        abs_diff = np.abs(weighted_phase_difference)
        mappable = axis.pcolormesh(tau,
        axis.set_xlabel("Seconds since event")
        axis.set_ylabel("Frequency [Hz]")

        # Smart scaling for the frequency axis.
        temp = abs_diff.max(axis=1) * (nu[1] - nu[0])
        ymax = len(temp[temp > temp.max() / 1000.0])
        ymax *= nu[1, 0] - nu[0, 0]
        ymax *= 2
        axis.set_ylim(0, 2.0 / min_period)

        if colorbar_axis:
            cm = plt.gcf().colorbar(mappable, cax=colorbar_axis)
            cm = plt.gcf().colorbar(mappable, ax=axis)
        cm.set_label("Phase difference in radian")

        # Secondary axis: plot waveforms and adjoint source. ------------------

        ax2 = axis.twinx()

        ax2.plot(t, ad_src, color="black", alpha=1.0)
        min_value = min(ad_src.min(), -1.0)
        max_value = max(ad_src.max(), 1.0)

        value_range = max_value - min_value
        axis.twin_axis = ax2
        ax2.set_ylim(min_value - 2.5 * value_range,
                     max_value + 0.5 * value_range)
        axis.set_xlim(0, tau[:, -1][-1])
        ax2.set_xlim(0, tau[:, -1][-1])

        text = "Misfit: %.4f" % phase_misfit
                  bbox=dict(facecolor='orange', alpha=0.8),

        if messages:
            message = "\n".join(messages)
                      bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.8),

    ret_dict = {
        "adjoint_source": ad_src,
        "misfit_value": phase_misfit,
        "details": {
            "messages": messages

    return ret_dict