def do_3d_projection(self, renderer): xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M) fcs = (_zalpha(self._facecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._facecolor3d) fcs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) self.set_facecolors(fcs) ecs = (_zalpha(self._edgecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._edgecolor3d) # Sort the points based on z coordinates # Performance optimization: Create a sorted index array and reorder # points and point properties according to the index array z_markers_idx = np.argsort(vzs)[::-1] # Re-order items vzs = vzs[z_markers_idx] vxs = vxs[z_markers_idx] vys = vys[z_markers_idx] fcs = fcs[z_markers_idx] ecs = ecs[z_markers_idx] vps = np.column_stack((vxs, vys)) fcs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) ecs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(ecs, self._alpha) self.set_edgecolors(ecs) self.set_facecolors(fcs) PathCollection.set_offsets(self, vps) return np.min(vzs) if vzs.size else np.nan
def _make_barb(self, temperature, theta, speed, angle): """Add the barb to the plot at the specified location.""" u, v = self._uv(speed, angle) if 0 < speed < _BARB_BINS[0]: # Plot the missing barbless 1-2 knots line. length = self._kwargs['length'] pivot_points = dict(tip=0.0, middle=-length / 2.) pivot = self._kwargs.get('pivot', 'tip') offset = pivot_points[pivot] verts = [(0.0, offset), (0.0, length + offset)] rangle = math.radians(-angle) verts = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate(rangle).transform(verts) codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO] path = Path(verts, codes) size = length ** 2 / 4 xy = np.array([[temperature, theta]]) barb = PathCollection([path], (size,), offsets=xy, transOffset=self._transform, **self._custom_kwargs) barb.set_transform(mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) self.axes.add_collection(barb) else: barb = plt.barbs(temperature, theta, u, v, transform=self._transform, **self._kwargs) return barb
def plot_map_native(lon_corners, lat_corners, data, **kwargs): from matplotlib import pyplot, patches, path import numpy # Fix longitude coordinates; we need longitudes to run from # -180 to 180, not from 0 to 360 lon_corners.values = numpy.where(lon_corners > 180, lon_corners - 360, lon_corners) # Loop over GLL nodes and create paths that describe the boundaries # of each node; collect these into a list to plot all at once path_list = [] for icol in range(lon_corners.shape[0]): # Get corners for this node x_corners = lon_corners[icol, :].values y_corners = lat_corners[icol, :].values # Repeat first vertex at end of array to close the path x_corners = numpy.append(x_corners, x_corners[0]) y_corners = numpy.append(y_corners, y_corners[0]) # Create paths connecting the corners and append to list vertices = numpy.column_stack([x_corners, y_corners]) path_list.append(path.Path(vertices, closed=True)) # Plot collection of patches from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection collection = PathCollection(path_list, transform=crs.Geodetic(), **kwargs) collection.set_array(data) ax = pyplot.gca() pl = ax.add_collection(collection) return pl
def __init__(self, simplices=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', 0.5) kwargs.setdefault('edgecolors', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('facecolors', (0.8, 0.9, 1.0)) PathCollection.__init__(self, [], **kwargs) if simplices is not None: self.set_simplices(simplices)
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer=None): xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip( xs, ys, zs, self.axes.M) # Sort the points based on z coordinates # Performance optimization: Create a sorted index array and reorder # points and point properties according to the index array z_markers_idx = self._z_markers_idx = np.argsort(vzs)[::-1] self._vzs = vzs # we have to special case the sizes because of code in # as the draw method does # self.set_sizes(self._sizes, self.figure.dpi) # so we can not rely on doing the sorting on the way out via get_* if len(self._sizes3d) > 1: self._sizes = self._sizes3d[z_markers_idx] if len(self._linewidths3d) > 1: self._linewidths = self._linewidths3d[z_markers_idx] # Re-order items vzs = vzs[z_markers_idx] vxs = vxs[z_markers_idx] vys = vys[z_markers_idx] PathCollection.set_offsets(self, np.column_stack((vxs, vys))) return np.min(vzs) if vzs.size else np.nan
def _make_barb(self, temperature, theta, speed, angle): """Add the barb to the plot at the specified location.""" u, v = self._uv(speed, angle) if 0 < speed < _BARB_BINS[0]: # Plot the missing barbless 1-2 knots line. length = self._kwargs['length'] pivot_points = dict(tip=0.0, middle=-length / 2.) pivot = self._kwargs.get('pivot', 'tip') offset = pivot_points[pivot] verts = [(0.0, offset), (0.0, length + offset)] rangle = math.radians(-angle) verts = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate(rangle).transform(verts) codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO] path = Path(verts, codes) size = length**2 / 4 xy = np.array([[temperature, theta]]) barb = PathCollection([path], (size, ), offsets=xy, transOffset=self._transform, **self._custom_kwargs) barb.set_transform(mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) self.axes.add_collection(barb) else: barb = plt.barbs(temperature, theta, u, v, transform=self._transform, **self._kwargs) return barb
def makeplot(field2plot, lon_ts, lat_ts, vmin, vmax, m, findex, shp_info): norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) bounds = np.arange(vmin, vmax + .0001, dvar) ax = plt.gca() ax.cla() paths = [] for line in shp_info[4]._paths: paths.append(Path(line.vertices, coll = PathCollection(paths, linewidths=0, facecolors='black', zorder=2) ax.add_collection(coll) m.drawcoastlines(ax=ax, linewidth=0.05) m.drawcountries(ax=ax, linewidth=0.05) pcm = plt.pcolormesh(lon_ts, lat_ts, field2plot, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) # cbar = plt.colorbar(pcm, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, orientation='vertical', pad=0.05, aspect=15, # shrink=0.7, extend='both') # cbar.set_ticks(bounds) figname = str(findex).zfill(5) plt.savefig(figdir + figname, facecolor="black", dpi=150) plt.close() print findex return findex
def as_patch(self, **kwds): """ matplotlib pathpatch for hlines and vlines **pathkwds : any valid PathCollection keyword (linestyle, edgecolor) Notes ----- First, finds coordinates of hlines, vlines. Then, it it finds the x, y coords of each line; it extracts the points corresponding to each isoline, and makes a path for each of these.""" hlines = zip(*np.where(self.hlines)) vlines = zip(*np.where(self.vlines)) xunique = set([x for x, y in hlines]) yunique = set([y for x, y in vlines]) hpaths = [] vpaths = [] # REVERSE PATHS FOR SAKE OF PLOT (y,x) !! for xun in xunique: hpaths.append(Path([(y, x) for x, y in hlines if x == xun])) for yun in yunique: vpaths.append(Path([(y, x) for x, y in vlines if y == yun])) return PathCollection(hpaths + vpaths, **kwds)
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer): xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M) fcs = (zalpha(self._facecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._facecolor3d) fcs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) self.set_facecolors(fcs) ecs = (zalpha(self._edgecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._edgecolor3d) ecs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(ecs, self._alpha) self.set_edgecolors(ecs) PathCollection.set_offsets(self, np.column_stack([vxs, vys])) return np.min(vzs) if vzs.size else np.nan
def _add_bondlength_change_collection(self, index, threshold=0, zorder=20, **kwargs): """Comute and draw bondlength changes on the axes.""" codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO] col = [] amp = [] colors = [] for obbond in ob.OBMolBondIter(self.molecule): atom1, atom2 = (self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetBeginAtomIdx()), self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetEndAtomIdx())) atom1nc, atom2nc = [ self._to_normal_coordinates(atom, index) for atom in (atom1, atom2) ] if obbond.GetLength() == 0.0: logger.error( "Bond between %i and %i with length %.1f ignored." % (atom1.GetIdx(), atom2.GetIdx(), obbond.GetLength())) continue amplitude = atom1.GetDistance(atom2) - atom1nc.GetDistance(atom2nc) if abs(amplitude * 100) <= threshold: continue amp.append(abs(amplitude * 50)) colors.append(self.bond_colors[0 if amplitude < 0.0 else 1]) verts = (self._2Dcoords(atom1), self._2Dcoords(atom2)) segment = Path(verts, codes) col.append(segment) lw = 0.0 if not col else np.array(amp) * kwargs.pop("lw", 1.0) kw = {'edgecolors': colors, 'linewidths': lw} kwargs.update(kw) self._vib_bonds = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._vib_bonds)
def set_subplot_map(self, highlights, cgeorange): ###SUBPLOT: SET MAP self.oldax = = self.p.fig.add_axes([0.02, -0.39, 1.04, 0.44]) self.p.setmap(projection='cyl', georange=cgeorange, resolution='i') self.p.draw('country coastline province city') ###SUBPLOT: HIGHLIGHT COASTLINES & PLOT LEGEND colors = ['#AAFFAA', '#FFFF44', '#FF3333', '#BB0044'] descr = ['10~25%', '25~50%', '50~75%', '>75%'] handles = [] for i, clr in enumerate(colors, 0): patch = PathCollection(geos_to_path( MultiLineString(highlights[i]).buffer(self.buffersize)), facecolor=clr) handles.append(Patch(color=clr, label=descr[i])), 0.27, '中心经过1经纬度\n范围内的几率',, va='bottom', ha='right', fontsize=6, family='Source Han Sans CN') self.p.legend(handles=handles, loc='lower right', framealpha=0.8)
def PolygonPath(shape): """Constructs a compound matplotlib path from a Shapely or GeoJSON-like geometric object""" if isinstance(shape, (sgeom.LineString, sgeom.Point)): return Path(np.vstack(shape.xy).T) elif isinstance(shape, sgeom.Polygon): codes, vertices = PolygonCodes(shape) return Path(vertices, codes) elif isinstance( shape, (sgeom.MultiPolygon, sgeom.MultiLineString, sgeom.MultiPoint)): codes, vertices = [], [] for poly in shape: sub_codes, sub_vertices = PolygonCodes(poly) codes.append(sub_codes) vertices.append(sub_vertices) codes = np.concatenate(codes) vertices = np.concatenate(vertices) return Path(vertices, codes) elif isinstance(shape, sgeom.GeometryCollection): return PathCollection([PolygonPath(geom) for geom in shape.geoms]) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported shape type {}.'.format(type(shape)))
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer): xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M) fcs = (_zalpha(self._facecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._facecolor3d) fcs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) self.set_facecolors(fcs) ecs = (_zalpha(self._edgecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._edgecolor3d) ecs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(ecs, self._alpha) self.set_edgecolors(ecs) PathCollection.set_offsets(self, np.column_stack([vxs, vys])) return np.min(vzs) if vzs.size else np.nan
def _add_bond_collection(self, zorder=10, **kwargs): """Draw molecule skeleton on the axes.""" col = [] codes = [ Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, ] # segment for obbond in ob.OBMolBondIter(self.molecule): atom1, atom2 = (self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetBeginAtomIdx()), self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetEndAtomIdx())) verts = self._2Dcoords(atom1), self._2Dcoords(atom2) segment = Path(verts, codes) col.append(segment) kw = {'edgecolors': 'k'} kwargs.update(kw) self._mol_bonds = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._mol_bonds)
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer): xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M) fcs = zalpha(self._facecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._facecolor3d fcs = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) self.set_facecolors(fcs) ecs = zalpha(self._edgecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._edgecolor3d ecs = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_array(ecs, self._alpha) self.set_edgecolors(ecs) PathCollection.set_offsets(self, list(zip(vxs, vys))) if vzs.size > 0: return min(vzs) else: return np.nan
def _get_patch_collections(self, axes): for key, collection in self._collection_map.items(): marker = self._markers[key] coll = PathCollection([marker.get_path()], offsets=collection, transOffset=axes.transAxes, facecolors=[self._colors[key]]) yield coll
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer=None): # see _update_scalarmappable docstring for why this must be here _update_scalarmappable(self) xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip( xs, ys, zs, self.axes.M) fcs = (_zalpha(self._facecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._facecolor3d) ecs = (_zalpha(self._edgecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._edgecolor3d) sizes = self._sizes3d lws = self._linewidth3d # Sort the points based on z coordinates # Performance optimization: Create a sorted index array and reorder # points and point properties according to the index array z_markers_idx = np.argsort(vzs)[::-1] # Re-order items vzs = vzs[z_markers_idx] vxs = vxs[z_markers_idx] vys = vys[z_markers_idx] if len(fcs) > 1: fcs = fcs[z_markers_idx] if len(ecs) > 1: ecs = ecs[z_markers_idx] if len(sizes) > 1: sizes = sizes[z_markers_idx] if len(lws) > 1: lws = lws[z_markers_idx] vps = np.column_stack((vxs, vys)) fcs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) ecs = mcolors.to_rgba_array(ecs, self._alpha) super().set_edgecolor(ecs) super().set_facecolor(fcs) super().set_sizes(sizes) super().set_linewidth(lws) PathCollection.set_offsets(self, vps) return np.min(vzs) if vzs.size else np.nan
def on_ax(self, ax, pos, orientation): trans = np.reshape(orientation, (2, 2)).T for offset, normal, text, size, halign, valign, color in self.texts: normal = np.matmul(normal, trans) angle = math.atan2(-normal[1], normal[0]) * 180 / math.pi x, y = (pos + np.matmul(offset, trans)) * Y_TRANS if angle >= 180 or angle < 0: if halign == 'right': halign = 'left' elif halign == 'left': halign = 'right' if valign == 'top': valign = 'bottom' elif valign == 'bottom': valign = 'top' angle -= 180 kw = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'color': color, # 'font': 'sans-serif', 'fontsize': size, 's': text, 'rotation': angle, 'rotation_mode': 'anchor', 'horizontalalignment': halign, 'verticalalignment': valign, 'clip_on': True, } ax.text(**kw) if self.paths: d = {} d['paths'] = [] d['linewidths'] = [] d['edgecolors'] = [] d['facecolors'] = [] for path, linewidth, edgecolor, facecolor in self.paths: verts = path.vertices verts = np.matmul(verts, trans) verts = (pos + verts) * Y_TRANS path.vertices = verts d['paths'].append(path) d['linewidths'].append(linewidth) d['edgecolors'].append(edgecolor) d['facecolors'].append(facecolor) pc = PathCollection(offset_position='data', **d) ax.add_collection(pc)
def do_3d_projection(self, renderer): xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d vxs, vys, vzs, vis = proj3d.proj_transform_clip(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M) fcs = (zalpha(self._facecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._facecolor3d) fcs = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_array(fcs, self._alpha) self.set_facecolors(fcs) ecs = (zalpha(self._edgecolor3d, vzs) if self._depthshade else self._edgecolor3d) ecs = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_array(ecs, self._alpha) self.set_edgecolors(ecs) PathCollection.set_offsets(self, list(zip(vxs, vys))) if vzs.size > 0 : return min(vzs) else : return np.nan
def _generate_node_artist(pos, styles, *, ax): N = len(pos) proto_node = next(iter(pos)) x = np.zeros(N) * np.nan y = np.zeros(N) * np.nan properties = { k: [None] * N for k in styles[proto_node] if k in _VALID_NODE_STYLE } for j, node in enumerate(pos): x[j], y[j] = pos[node] for key, values in properties.items(): values[j] = styles[node][key] key_map = { 'size': 'sizes', 'color': 'facecolors', 'shape': 'marker', 'width': 'linewidths', 'edgecolor': 'edgecolors' } renamed_properties = {key_map[k]: v for k, v in properties.items()} markers = renamed_properties.pop('marker', None) if markers is None: paths = (MarkerStyle('o'), ) else: paths = [MarkerStyle(m) for m in markers] paths = [p.get_path().transformed(p.get_transform()) for p in paths] offsets = np.column_stack([x, y]) node_art = PathCollection(paths, offsets=offsets, transOffset=ax.transData, **renamed_properties) node_art.set_transform(mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) ax.add_collection(node_art) ax.autoscale_view() return node_art
def get_patches(self, ax): ranges = LineCollection(self._cap_ranges, linestyle="solid") links = LineCollection(self._oob_links, linestyle="dotted", colors=colorConverter.to_rgba_array("#808080")) color = colorConverter.to_rgba_array("#DC143C") scales = np.array((20, )) marker_obj = MarkerStyle("o") path = marker_obj.get_path().transformed(marker_obj.get_transform()) offsets = PathCollection((path, ), scales, facecolors=color, offsets=self._oob_offsets, transOffset=ax.transData) offsets.set_transform(IdentityTransform()) return [ranges, links, offsets]
def plot(self, *, ax, color, lw=2, n=30000, fuzz=3, rot=None, rot_point=None, **kwargs): """Add this plot to the axis. Parameters ---------- ax: Axes Matplotlib axis to add the art to color: str Color to use. Must be readable by `matplotlib.colors.to_rgba`. Can be something like "black", "k", or "#ffffff". lw: float > 0 Linewidth to use for chords n: int > 0 Number of chords to use fuzz: float > 0 How ragged edges should be rot: float How much to rotate the shape, in radians rot_point: ndarray (optional) What point to rotate the shape around (default is the center) kwargs: Passed to `PathCollection` Returns ------- None """ color = np.array(to_rgba(color)) * 255 colors = np.tile(color.reshape(-1, 1), n).T colors[:, :3] += np.random.randint(-50, 50, (n, 3)) colors = np.minimum(255, np.maximum(0, colors)) / 255 alpha = kwargs.pop("alpha", 0.05) colors[:, -1] = alpha ax.add_collection( PathCollection( [ Path(p) for p in self.gen_points( n=n, fuzz=fuzz, rot=rot, rot_point=rot_point) ], linewidths=lw, edgecolors=colors, facecolors="none", **kwargs, ))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a collection of flat 3D paths with its normal vector pointed in *zdir* direction, and located at *zs* on the *zdir* axis. 'zs' can be a scalar or an array-like of the same length as the number of paths in the collection. Constructor arguments are the same as for :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`. In addition, keywords *zs=0* and *zdir='z'* are available. Also, the keyword argument "depthshade" is available to indicate whether or not to shade the patches in order to give the appearance of depth (default is *True*). This is typically desired in scatter plots. """ zs = kwargs.pop('zs', 0) zdir = kwargs.pop('zdir', 'z') self._depthshade = kwargs.pop('depthshade', True) PathCollection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.set_3d_properties(zs, zdir)
def _add_oop_angle_change_collection(self, index, threshold=0, CURVE_TYPE=4, zorder=50, **kwargs): """Compute and draw torsion changes on the axes.""" CURVE_TYPE_3, CURVE_TYPE_4 = 3, 4 col = [] edgecolors = [] if CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_3: codes = [ Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3, ] elif CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_4: codes = [ Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, ] for torsion in ob.OBMolTorsionIter(self.molecule): atoms = [self.molecule.GetAtom(idx + 1) for idx in torsion] atomsnc = [ self._to_normal_coordinates(atom, index) for atom in atoms ] teq = self.molecule.GetTorsion(*atoms) tnc = self.molecule.GetTorsion(*atomsnc) amplitude = (tnc - teq + 360.0) % 360.0 if amplitude > 180.0: amplitude -= 360.0 if abs(amplitude) <= threshold: continue intensity = abs(amplitude / 40) a, b, c, d = [self._2Dcoords(atom) for atom in atoms] p2 = 0.5 * (b + c) # middle p1 = intensity * (a - p2) + p2 p3 = intensity * (d - p2) + p2 color = self.oop_colors[0 if amplitude < 0.0 else 1] if CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_3: verts = [p1, p2, p3] elif CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_4: verts = [p1, b, c, p3] curve = Path(verts, codes) col.append(curve) edgecolors.append(color) kw = {'edgecolors': edgecolors, 'facecolors': 'none'} kwargs.update(kw) self._vib_oop = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._vib_oop)
def _add_spectrum_collection(self, **kwargs): """Draw spectrum on the axes.""" codes = [ Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, ] col = [] for frequency, intensity in zip(self.frequencies, self.intensities): verts = [(frequency, 0.0), (frequency, intensity)] col.append(Path(verts, codes)) kw = {} kwargs.update(kw) self._spectrum = PathCollection(col, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._spectrum)
def plot(self, ax=None, unfilled=(4, 5), edgecolors='k', facecolors=(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)): from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection ax = get_axes(ax, xlab="R (m)", ylab="z (m)") ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim((0.5, 2.5)) ax.set_ylim((-1.5, 1.5)) paths = [Path(xy) for i, xy in enumerate(self.xy) if i not in unfilled] pc = PathCollection(paths, facecolors=facecolors, edgecolors=edgecolors) ax.add_collection(pc) paths = [Path(self.xy[i]) for i in unfilled] pc = PathCollection(paths, facecolors='none', edgecolors=edgecolors) ax.add_collection(pc) return ax
def my_scatter(self, ax, x, y): from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection from matplotlib.path import Path import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) # Scale, in pixel coordinates rad = 2 x_circle = np.cos(phi) * rad y_circle = np.sin(phi) * rad verts = np.vstack([x_circle, y_circle]).T path = Path(verts, closed=False) collection = PathCollection( [path], facecolor='blue', edgecolor='black', transOffset=ax.transData, ) collection.set_transform(mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) ax.add_collection(collection, autolim=True) ax.autoscale()
def __init__(self, n=100, marker=triangle): v, c = marker v, c = np.array(v), np.array(c) self._marker = marker self._base_vertices = np.tile(v.reshape(-1), n).reshape(n, len(v), 2) self._vertices = np.tile(v.reshape(-1), n).reshape(n, len(v), 2) self._codes = np.tile(c.reshape(-1), n) self._scale = np.ones(n) self._translate = np.zeros((n, 2)) self._rotate = np.zeros(n) self._path = Path(vertices=self._vertices.reshape(n*len(v), 2), codes=self._codes) self._collection = PathCollection( [self._path], facecolor="white", edgecolor="black")
def _add_bond_collection(self, zorder=10, **kwargs): """Draw molecule skeleton on the axes.""" col = [] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,] # segment for obbond in ob.OBMolBondIter(self.molecule): atom1, atom2 = (self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetBeginAtomIdx()), self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetEndAtomIdx())) verts = self._2Dcoords(atom1), self._2Dcoords(atom2) segment = Path(verts, codes) col.append(segment) kw = {'edgecolors': 'k'} kwargs.update(kw) self._mol_bonds = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._mol_bonds)
def __init__(self, n=100): v = np.array([(-0.25, -0.25), (+0.0, +0.5), (+0.25, -0.25), (0, 0)]) c = np.array([Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY]) self._base_vertices = np.tile(v.reshape(-1), n).reshape(n, len(v), 2) self._vertices = np.tile(v.reshape(-1), n).reshape(n, len(v), 2) self._codes = np.tile(c.reshape(-1), n) self._scale = np.ones(n) self._translate = np.zeros((n, 2)) self._rotate = np.zeros(n) self._path = Path(vertices=self._vertices.reshape(n*len(v), 2), codes=self._codes) self._collection = PathCollection([self._path], linewidth=0.5, facecolor="k", edgecolor="w")
def update_plot(num: int, args: MyProgramArgs, sa: SimulationArchive, ed: ExtraData, dots: PathCollection, title: Text): global mean_mass total_frames = args.fps * args.duration if args.log_time: log_timestep = (log10(ed.meta.current_time) - log10(50000)) / total_frames time = 10**((num + log10(50000) / log_timestep) * log_timestep) else: timestep = ed.meta.current_time / total_frames print(num / total_frames) time = num * timestep print(f"{num / total_frames:.2f}, {time:.0f}") sim = sa.getSimulation(t=time) if time < 1e3: timestr = f"{time:.0f}" elif time < 1e6: timestr = f"{time / 1e3:.2f}K" else: timestr = f"{time / 1e6:.2f}M" title.set_text(f"({len(sim.particles)}) {timestr} Years") p: Particle water_fractions = [] for p in sim.particles[1:]: pd: ParticleData = ed.pd(p) wf = pd.water_mass_fraction water_fractions.append(wf) # a, e, i, M, M_rat = data[line] # title.set_text(f"({len(a)}) {ages[line]:.2f}K Years") a = [p.a for p in sim.particles[1:]] m = np.array([p.m for p in sim.particles[1:]]) m[:2] /= 1e2 if args.y_axis == "e": bla = np.array([a, [p.e for p in sim.particles[1:]]]) elif args.y_axis == "i": bla = np.array([a, [degrees( for p in sim.particles[1:]]]) elif args.y_axis == "Omega": bla = np.array([a, [degrees(p.Omega) for p in sim.particles[1:]]]) else: raise ValueError("invalid y-axis") dots.set_offsets(bla.T) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): # allow 0 water (becomes -inf) color_val = (np.log10(water_fractions) + 5) / 5 colors = cmap(color_val) if not mean_mass: mean_mass = np.mean(m[3:]) dots.set_sizes(size_factor * m / mean_mass) dots.set_color(colors) if output_plots: plt.savefig(f"tmp/{num}_{time / mega}.pdf", transparent=True) return dots, title
def makeplot(field2plot, lon_ts, lat_ts, vmin, vmax, m, findex, shp_info): norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) bounds = np.arange(vmin, vmax + .0001, dvar) #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = plt.gca() ax.cla() paths = [] for line in shp_info[4]._paths: paths.append(Path(line.vertices, coll = PathCollection(paths, linewidths=0, facecolors='grey', zorder=2) ax.add_collection(coll) m.drawcoastlines(ax=ax, linewidth=0.05) m.drawcountries(ax=ax, linewidth=0.05) # m.fillcontinents(color = 'gray') # m.drawmapboundary() # m.drawparallels(np.arange(round(coordinates[2]), coordinates[3], dlat), linewidth=0., # labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fontname='Times New Roman', fontsize=16, zorder=1) # m.drawmeridians(np.arange(round(coordinates[0]), coordinates[1], dlon), linewidth=0., # labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fontname='Times New Roman', fontsize=16, zorder=1) # u2plot = u[tt, ::NN, ::NN].squeeze() # v2plot = v[tt, ::NN, ::NN].squeeze() # speed = np.sqrt(u2plot*u2plot + v2plot*v2plot) # speed =, 1.5) pcm = plt.pcolormesh(lon_ts, lat_ts, field2plot, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) # cbar = plt.colorbar(pcm, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, orientation='vertical', pad=0.05, aspect=15, # shrink=0.7, extend='both') # cbar.set_ticks(bounds) figname = str(findex).zfill(5) plt.savefig(figdir + figname, dpi=200) plt.close() print findex return findex
'flag', 'prism', 'ocean', 'gist_earth', 'terrain', 'gist_stern', 'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix', 'brg', 'gist_rainbow', 'rainbow', 'jet', 'nipy_spectral', 'gist_ncar'])] colormaplist = sum([x[1] for x in colormap_from_reference],[]) # # Artist may not reture the same value as given by setter... # Also, matplotlib has a routine to get a list of valid property values. # With get_valid_values, it may be possible to implement more automatic # property list generation. # # The following is an initial attempt. Needs to check more how well # matplotlib is organized in this aspect. obj = PathCollection(Path.unit_rectangle()) #plinestylelist, plinestyle_rlist = artist_property_checker(obj, 'linestyle') pedgecolorlist, pedgecolor_rlist = artist_property_checker( obj, 'edgecolor', values="'"+"','".join(collist)+"'") plinestylelist = ['solid', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'dashdot'] plinestyle_rlist = ['solid', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'dashdot'] if isMPL2: plinestylelist = plinestylelist[:4] plinestyle_rlist = plinestyle_rlist[:4] def colormap_list(): return colormaplist def scratch_file():
class MoleculePlotter(Plotter): """Draw molecule and vibration. Arguments: axes (matplotlib.Axes): axes to draw on. Attributes: oop_curve_type: Use either 3- or 4-points bezier to represent bond torsion. bond_colors (tuple): Two matplotlib colors. arc_colors (tuple): Two matplotlib colors. oop_colors (tuple): Two matplotlib colors. molecule (ob.OBMol): The molecule to draw. """ def __init__(self, axes): super(MoleculePlotter, self).__init__(axes) self.clear() self.oop_curve_type = 4 self.bond_colors = self.arc_colors = ("b", "r") self.oop_colors = ("g", "y") self._molecule2D = ob.OBMol() self._mol_bonds = None self._mol_atoms = None self._mol_labels = [] self._vib_bonds = None self._vib_angles = None self._vib_oop = None def _2Dcoords(self, atom): """Returns: The 2D coordinates for `atom`. """ atom2D = self._molecule2D.GetAtom(atom.GetIdx()) assert(atom2D.GetZ() == 0.0) return np.array([atom2D.GetX(), atom2D.GetY()]) def _to_normal_coordinates(self, atom, index): """Returns: The `atom`'s normal coordinates for normal mode at `index`. """ def ar(vec): """Returns a numpy array with the coordinates of the vector.""" return np.array((vec.GetX(), vec.GetY(), vec.GetZ())) atomnc = ob.OBAtom() nc = ar(atom) + self.lx[index][atom.GetIdx() - 1] atomnc.SetVector(*nc) return atomnc @staticmethod def _sdg(molecule): """Structure diagram generation.""" molecule2D = ob.OBMol(molecule) gen2D = ob.OBOp.FindType("gen2D") if not gen2D: raise NameError("name 'gen2D' is not defined") gen2D.Do(molecule2D) assert(not molecule2D.Has3D()) return molecule2D def _add_atom_labels(self, zorder=100, **kwargs): """Draw atom labels on the axes.""" box_props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', edgecolor='none') etab = ob.OBElementTable() for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(self.molecule): x, y = self._2Dcoords(atom) kw = dict(horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", bbox=box_props) kwargs.update(kw) label = AtomText(x, y, etab.GetSymbol(atom.GetAtomicNum()), atom.GetIdx(), etab.GetRGB(atom.GetAtomicNum()), zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self._mol_labels.append(label) self.axes.add_artist(label) def _add_atom_collection(self, zorder=100, **kwargs): """Draw atoms as colored circles on the axes.""" col = [] colors = [] etab = ob.OBElementTable() for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(self.molecule): colors.append(etab.GetRGB(atom.GetAtomicNum())) radius = etab.GetCovalentRad(atom.GetAtomicNum()) circle = Circle(self._2Dcoords(atom), radius) col.append(circle) kw = {'facecolors': colors, 'edgecolors': colors} kwargs.update(kw) self._mol_atoms = PatchCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._mol_atoms) def _add_bond_collection(self, zorder=10, **kwargs): """Draw molecule skeleton on the axes.""" col = [] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,] # segment for obbond in ob.OBMolBondIter(self.molecule): atom1, atom2 = (self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetBeginAtomIdx()), self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetEndAtomIdx())) verts = self._2Dcoords(atom1), self._2Dcoords(atom2) segment = Path(verts, codes) col.append(segment) kw = {'edgecolors': 'k'} kwargs.update(kw) self._mol_bonds = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._mol_bonds) def _add_bondlength_change_collection( self, index, threshold=0, zorder=20, **kwargs): """Comute and draw bondlength changes on the axes.""" codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO] col = [] amp = [] colors = [] for obbond in ob.OBMolBondIter(self.molecule): atom1, atom2 = (self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetBeginAtomIdx()), self.molecule.GetAtom(obbond.GetEndAtomIdx())) atom1nc, atom2nc = [self._to_normal_coordinates(atom, index) for atom in (atom1, atom2)] if obbond.GetLength() == 0.0: logger.error( "Bond between %i and %i with length %.1f ignored." % (atom1.GetIdx(), atom2.GetIdx(), obbond.GetLength())) continue amplitude = atom1.GetDistance(atom2) - atom1nc.GetDistance(atom2nc) if abs(amplitude * 100) <= threshold: continue amp.append(abs(amplitude * 50)) colors.append(self.bond_colors[0 if amplitude < 0.0 else 1]) verts = (self._2Dcoords(atom1), self._2Dcoords(atom2)) segment = Path(verts, codes) col.append(segment) lw = 0.0 if not col else np.array(amp) * kwargs.pop("lw", 1.0) kw = {'edgecolors': colors, 'linewidths': lw} kwargs.update(kw) self._vib_bonds = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._vib_bonds) def _add_angle_change_collection( self, index, threshold=0, zorder=25, **kwargs): """Compute and draw angle changes on the axes.""" col = [] colors = [] for angle in ob.OBMolAngleIter(self.molecule): vertex, atom1, atom2 = [self.molecule.GetAtom(idx + 1) for idx in angle] vertexnc, atom1nc, atom2nc = [ self._to_normal_coordinates(atom, index) for atom in (vertex, atom1, atom2)] amplitude = (atom1nc.GetAngle(vertexnc, atom2nc) - atom1.GetAngle(vertex, atom2)) if abs(amplitude) <= threshold: continue width = height = abs(amplitude) / 20 d1, d2 = (self._2Dcoords(atom1) - self._2Dcoords(vertex), self._2Dcoords(atom2) - self._2Dcoords(vertex)) theta1 = va.dangle2d(np.array([1.0, 0.0]), d1) theta2 = va.dangle2d(np.array([1.0, 0.0]), d2) # always plot smaller arc [ 0.0, 180.0 [ if (theta2 - theta1 + 360.0) % 360.0 > 180.0: theta2, theta1 = theta1, theta2 color = self.arc_colors[0 if amplitude < 0.0 else 1] colors.append(color) arc = Arc(self._2Dcoords(vertex), width, height, 0.0, theta1, theta2) col.append(arc) kw = {'edgecolors': colors, 'facecolors': 'none'} kwargs.update(kw) self._vib_angles = PatchCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._vib_angles) def _add_oop_angle_change_collection( self, index, threshold=0, CURVE_TYPE=4, zorder=50, **kwargs): """Compute and draw torsion changes on the axes.""" CURVE_TYPE_3, CURVE_TYPE_4 = 3, 4 col = [] edgecolors = [] if CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_3: codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3, ] elif CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_4: codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, ] for torsion in ob.OBMolTorsionIter(self.molecule): atoms = [self.molecule.GetAtom(idx + 1) for idx in torsion] atomsnc = [self._to_normal_coordinates(atom, index) for atom in atoms] teq = self.molecule.GetTorsion(*atoms) tnc = self.molecule.GetTorsion(*atomsnc) amplitude = (tnc - teq + 360.0) % 360.0 if amplitude > 180.0: amplitude -= 360.0 if abs(amplitude) <= threshold: continue intensity = abs(amplitude / 40) a, b, c, d = [self._2Dcoords(atom) for atom in atoms] p2 = 0.5 * (b + c) # middle p1 = intensity * (a - p2) + p2 p3 = intensity * (d - p2) + p2 color = self.oop_colors[0 if amplitude < 0.0 else 1] if CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_3: verts = [p1, p2, p3] elif CURVE_TYPE is CURVE_TYPE_4: verts = [p1, b, c, p3] curve = Path(verts, codes) col.append(curve) edgecolors.append(color) kw = {'edgecolors': edgecolors, 'facecolors': 'none'} kwargs.update(kw) self._vib_oop = PathCollection(col, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.axes.add_collection(self._vib_oop) def clear(self): """Clear the axes.""" super(MoleculePlotter, self).clear() self.axes.set_xticks(()) self.axes.set_yticks(()) for __, spine in self.axes.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(False) self.axes.figure.tight_layout() self.axes.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1) self._mol_labels = [] self._mol_atoms = self._mol_bonds = None self._vib_bonds = self._vib_angles = self._vib_oop = None def set_molecule(self, molecule): """Set molecule data for this plot.""" super(MoleculePlotter, self).set_molecule(molecule) self._molecule2D = self._sdg(self.molecule) def draw_molecule(self, padding=0.3, lw=1.0, fontsize=12.0): """Draw molecule on the axes.""" for artist in chain((self._mol_atoms, self._mol_bonds), self._mol_labels): if artist: artist.remove() self._add_bond_collection(lw=lw) self._add_atom_labels(fontsize=fontsize) self.axes.ignore_existing_data_limits = True xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.axes.axis("image") self.axes.axis((xmin - padding, xmax + padding, ymin - padding, ymax + padding)) self.draw() def draw_vibration(self, row, bl_filter, angle_filter, torsion_filter): """Draw vibration on the axes.""" for artist in (self._vib_bonds, self._vib_angles, self._vib_oop): if artist: artist.remove() if row is -1: return self._add_bondlength_change_collection(row, bl_filter) self._add_angle_change_collection(row, angle_filter) self._add_oop_angle_change_collection(row, torsion_filter) self.draw() def show_atom_index(self, show=True): """Show or hide atom indexes.""" for artist in self._mol_labels: artist.show_index(show) self.draw() def set_black_labels(self, black=True): """Colored or black atom labels""" for artist in self._mol_labels: artist.set_black_labels(black) self.draw() def set_fontsize(self, fontsize): """Set the font size for the atom labels.""" for artist in self._mol_labels: artist.set_fontsize(fontsize) self.draw() def set_linewidth(self, linewidth): """Set the linewidth used for the skeleton.""" self._mol_bonds.set_linewidth(float(linewidth)) self.draw()
which = values > 1. for shp_link in [shp_link]: fig = plt.figure() patchco = map_poly_shp(shp_link) patchcoB = map_poly_shp(shp_link, which=which) patchco.set_facecolor('none') ax = setup_ax([patchco, patchcoB]) fig.add_axes(ax) break ''' xy = (((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((2, 1), (2, 1)), ((3, 1), (3, 1)), ((2, 5), (2, 5))) xy = np.array([[10, 30], [20, 20]]) markerobj = mpl.markers.MarkerStyle('o') path = markerobj.get_path().transformed(markerobj.get_transform()) scales = np.array([2, 2]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pc = PathCollection((path,), scales, offsets=xy, \ facecolors='r', transOffset=mpl.transforms.IdentityTransform()) #pc.set_transform(mpl.transforms.IdentityTransform()) #_ = _add_axes2col(pc, [0, 0, 5, 5]) ax.add_collection(pc) fig.add_axes(ax) #ax = setup_ax([pc], ax)