def plotting(df, label): ''' Parameter: DataFrame from query_for_plot which has dates and other labels of interest in columnns; label: label of interest to be plotted Function: plots these with the right type of date on axis and title ''' years = mdates.YearLocator() # every year months = mdates.MonthLocator() # every month dates = mdates.DateLocator() #every date list_of_dates = df.dates.tolist() No_of_years = list_of_dates[-1].year - list_of_dates[ 0].year #value in int of difference in years fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7)) #print(df[label]) if (No_of_years <= 1): # if less than 1 year then yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter(r"%b-%y") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.plot(df.dates, df[label]) ax.set_title('Plot of {} from {} to {}'.format( label, list_of_dates[0].strftime("%B %Y"), list_of_dates[-1].strftime("%B %Y"))) ax.set_ylabel('{}'.format(label)) ax.set_ylabel('Time') #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator() #will be useful if many years and we want months to be minor grid location datemin = np.datetime64(list_of_dates[0], 'M') datemax = np.datetime64(list_of_dates[-1], 'M') + np.timedelta64( 1, 'M') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.grid(True) # rotates and right aligns the x labels, and moves the bottom of the # axes up to make room for them fig.autofmt_xdate()
def line_overlay_plot(data: pd.DataFrame, stocks: [], plotDateType: PlotDateType): """ 拆线叠加图 :param data: :param stocks: :param plotDateType: :return: """ time = data.loc[(data["symbol"] == stocks[0])]['time'] time = timestamp_2_date(time.tolist()) min_date = time[0] max_date = time[-1] df = pd.DataFrame(index=time) for stock in stocks: stock_data = data.loc[(data["symbol"] == stock)] #['time'])) stock_data = list(normalize(stock_data, 'close'))'%s %s', stock, len(stock_data)) df[stock] = stock_data g = sns.lineplot(data=df) # X轴刻度设置 date_locator = None if plotDateType == PlotDateType.MONTH: date_locator = dates.AutoDateFormatter(dates.MonthLocator()) elif plotDateType == PlotDateType.WEEK: date_locator = dates.AutoDateFormatter(dates.WeekdayLocator()) elif plotDateType == PlotDateType.DAY: date_locator = dates.AutoDateFormatter(dates.DateLocator()) g.format_xdata = date_locator # 鼠标hover 事件 # plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', onpick) plt.title('ETF价格叠加图({0} - {1})'.format(date_2_month(min_date), date_2_month(max_date))) plt.legend()
def plotTotals(arguments): """plot day totals only""" conn = sqlite3.connect('zeverData.db') c = conn.cursor() sql = buildDateQuery("SELECT date, SN, E_TODAY FROM inverterData", arguments, post=" ORDER BY date ASC") sql += " " data = {} print(sql) for row in c.execute(sql): #SELECT date, SN, PAC_W, E_TODAY, Status FROM inverterData id = row[1] if not id in data: data[id] = {} # print(row[0]) dt = parser.parse(row[0]).date() if not (dt in data[id]) or (data[id][dt] < row[2]): data[id][dt] = row[2] # overwrite with the latest value #fig, ax = plt.subplots() for id in data: xData = [dt for dt in sorted(data[id])] ticks = [str(dt) for dt in data[id]] yData = [data[id][dt] for dt in sorted(data[id])] print(yData) print(xData), yData, align='center') plt.xticks(range(len(yData)), ticks), yData) print(xData) locator = mdates.DateLocator() #plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.AutoDateFormatter(locator)) #plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.ylabel(('kWh'))
def plot_date_range(df, start_date, end_date=False): start_mask = df.index >= start_date if end_date: end_mask = df.index <= end_date display_df = df[start_mask & end_mask].copy() else: display_df = df[start_mask].copy() days = mdates.DateLocator() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) ax.plot(display_df.index, display_df['exchange_rate']) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d')) # ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mdates.HourLocator()) # ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.115,0.5) title = np.unique(display_df['from_currency_code'])[0] + ":" + "USD" plt.suptitle(title, fontweight='bold', fontsize=19) plt.xlabel('Date', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel("Rate", fontweight='bold', rotation=0, fontsize=15) fig.autofmt_xdate()
def p_create_pic(): tit = 'Temperature and Depth' if not os.path.exists('/home/pi/Desktop/Pictures'): os.makedirs('/home/pi/Desktop/Pictures') if not os.path.exists('uploaded_files'): os.makedirs('uploaded_files') n = 0 try: files = [] files.extend(sorted(glob.glob('/home/pi/Desktop/towifi/*.csv'))) if not os.path.exists('uploaded_files/mypicfile.dat'): open('uploaded_files/mypicfile.dat', 'w').close() with open('uploaded_files/mypicfile.dat', 'r') as f: content = f.readlines() f.close() upfiles = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open('uploaded_files/mypicfile.dat', 'r') ] dif_data = list(set(files) - set(upfiles)) if dif_data == []: print 'Standby. When the program detects a probe haul, machine will reboot and show new data.' time.sleep(5) pass ################################## ################################## dif_data.sort(key=os.path.getmtime) for fn in dif_data: fn2 = fn if not os.path.exists('/home/pi/Desktop/Pictures/' + fn.split('/')[-1][6:14]): os.makedirs('/home/pi/Desktop/Pictures/' + fn.split('/')[-1][6:14]) df = pd.read_csv(fn, sep=',', skiprows=7, parse_dates={'datet': [1]}, index_col='datet', date_parser=parse2) #creat a new Datetimeindex df2 = df df2['Depth (m)'] = [x * (-0.5468) for x in df2['Depth (m)'].values] if len(df2) < 5: continue meantemp = round(np.mean(df['Temperature (C)']), 2) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) time_df2 = gmt_to_eastern(df2.index) time_df = gmt_to_eastern(df.index) ax1.plot( time_df, df['Temperature (C)'], 'b', ) ax1.set_ylabel('Temperature (Celius)') ax1.legend(['temp', 'in the water']) try: if max(df.index) - min( df.index) > Timedelta('0 days 04:00:00'): ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator( dates.DateLocator( interval=(max(df.index) - min(df.index)).seconds / 3600 / 12)) # for hourly plot ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator( dates.DateLocator( interval=(max(df.index) - min(df.index)).seconds / 3600 / 12)) # for hourly plot else: ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator( dates.DateLocator( interval=(max(df.index) - min(df.index)).seconds / 3600 / 4)) # for hourly plot ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator( dates.DateLocator( interval=(max(df.index) - min(df.index)).seconds / 3600 / 4)) # for hourly plot except: print ' ' clim = getclim( ) # extracts climatological values at this place and yearday if isnan(clim): txt = 'mean temperature =' + str(round( meantemp, 1)) + 'F (No Climatology here.)' else: txt = 'mean temperature =' + str(round( c2f(meantemp), 1)) + 'F Climatology =' + str( round(c2f(clim), 1)) + 'F' ax1.text(0.9, 0.15, txt, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='green', fontsize=15) ax1.grid() ax12 = ax1.twinx() ax12.set_title(tit) ax12.set_ylabel('Fahrenheit') ax12.set_xlabel('') ax12.set_ylim( np.nanmin(df['Temperature (C)'].values) * 1.8 + 30, np.nanmax(df['Temperature (C)'].values) * 1.8 + 36) ax2.plot(time_df2, df2['Depth (m)'], 'b', label='Depth', color='green') ax2.legend() ax2.invert_yaxis() ax2.set_ylabel('Depth(Fathom)') ax2.set_ylim( np.nanmin(df2['Depth (m)'].values) * 1.05, np.nanmax(df2['Depth (m)'].values) * 0.95) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) ax2.grid() ax22 = ax2.twinx() ax22.set_ylabel('Depth(feet)') ax22.set_ylim( np.nanmax(df2['Depth (m)'].values) * 6 * 0.95, np.nanmin(df2['Depth (m)'].values) * 6 * 1.05) ax22.invert_yaxis() plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() ax2.set_xlabel('TIME ' + time_df[0].astimezone( pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')).strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') + ' - ' + time_df[-1].astimezone(pytz.timezone( 'US/Eastern')).strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')) plt.savefig('/home/pi/Desktop/Pictures/' + fn.split('/')[-1][6:14] + '/' + fn.split('/')[-1][15:21] + '.png') plt.close() a = open('uploaded_files/mypicfile.dat', 'r').close() a = open('uploaded_files/mypicfile.dat', 'a+') [a.writelines(i + '\n') for i in dif_data] a.close() print 'New data successfully downloaded. Plot will appear.' return except: return