def main(): lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines() width = int(sys.argv[2]) height = int(sys.argv[3]) layers = [] line = lines[0].rstrip('\n') offset = 0 while offset < len(line): layerPixels = line[offset:offset+6*25] layers.append(layerPixels) offset += (height*width) decodedImg = "" for idx in range(height * width): i = 0 while layers[i][idx] == '2': i += 1 decodedImg += layers[i][idx] rgbArray = np.zeros((6,25,3), 'uint8') for i in range(height): for j in range(width): if decodedImg[i*width + j] == '1': rgbArray[i,j,0] = 0xff rgbArray[i,j,1] = 0xff rgbArray[i,j,2] = 0xff img = Image.fromarray(rgbArray)'myimg.jpeg')
def drawfunc(): glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glLoadIdentity() gluLookAt(W / 2, H / 2, -1, W / 2, H / 2, 0, 0, -1, 0) glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ''' glBegin(GL_POINTS) for i in range(ans_3d_tra.shape[1]): glVertex3fv(ans_3d_tra[:,i]) glEnd() ''' #print(topology.shape[0]) for i in range(topology.shape[0]): glBegin(GL_POLYGON) index_0 = topology[i, 0] - 1 glVertex3fv(ans_3d_tra[:, index_0]) index_1 = topology[i, 1] - 1 glVertex3fv(ans_3d_tra[:, index_1]) index_2 = topology[i, 2] - 1 glVertex3fv(ans_3d_tra[:, index_2]) glEnd() ''' glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) glBegin(GL_POINTS) for i in range(hair_3d_tra.shape[1]): glVertex3fv(hair_3d_tra[:,i]) glEnd() ''' glColor3f(0.0, 0, 1.0) #print(hair_cell.shape[0]) for i in range(hair_cell.shape[0]): glBegin(GL_POLYGON) index_0 = hair_cell[i, 0] glVertex3fv(hair_3d_tra[:, index_0]) index_1 = hair_cell[i, 1] glVertex3fv(hair_3d_tra[:, index_1]) index_2 = hair_cell[i, 2] glVertex3fv(hair_3d_tra[:, index_2]) glEnd() glutSwapBuffers() glFlush() x, y, width, height = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT) print(x, y, width, height) data = glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) image = Image.frombytes("RGB", (W, H), data) image = ImageOps.flip(image) + 'hair_without_face.png', 'PNG') sys.exit() glutPostRedisplay()
def textgenerator(thema, zahl, stand): font = ImageFont.truetype("/font/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf", 80) font2 = ImageFont.truetype("/font/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf", 40) font3 = ImageFont.truetype("/font/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf", 10) img ="RGBA", (440, 220), (255, 255, 255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((45, 30), thema, (0, 0, 0), font=font2) draw.text((45, 80), str(f'{zahl:n}'), (0, 0, 0), font=font) draw.text((100, 190), "Datenstand: " + str(stand), (0, 0, 0), font=font3) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) dateiname = "wort.png"
def kmeanDraw(self): cp_imgarr = copy.deepcopy(self.px) img ='RGB', (self.img_width, self.img_height), "white") p = img.load() Distance = cdist(self.px, self.centroids) cluster_id = np.argmin(Distance, axis=1) for i in range(len(cluster_id)): RGB_value = self.centroids[cluster_id[i]] * 255 cp_imgarr[i] = RGB_value i = 0 for x in range(self.img_width): for y in range(self.img_height): p[x, y] = tuple(cp_imgarr[i].astype(int)) i += 1'Kmean' + str(self.K) + '_poblem3.jpg')
def _add_title(self, num_extensions, in_fqn, font_size=16, offset=0): if (self._instrument in [md.Inst.MEGACAM, md.Inst.MEGAPRIME] and num_extensions < 36): # SF 02-26-21 # add an option to the ds9 command: -grid title text {this file # has only XX HDUs}`, only for MegaPrime files below a threshold # of 36 extensions. I couldn't get ds9 to work, so use PIL # instead. title = f'{self._storage_name.file_name} has only ' \ f'{num_extensions} HDUs' image = width, height = image.size draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) font = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/' 'fonts/ttf/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', font_size) text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(title, font=font) text_length = draw.textlength(title) margin = 10 x = width / 2 - text_length / 2 - margin * offset y = text_height + margin # text is black draw.text((x, y), title, (0, 0, 0), font=font)
data = image.imread("./avaliacao_01/Andreson_oficial_1/q6.jpg") image2 = Image.fromarray(data) # Exibir o array de pixel como imagem image2 = Image.fromarray(data) # converter o array de pixel em objeto Image Pillow pil_image = Image.fromarray(np_array) # verificar o tipo do objeto type(image2) # converter um objeto do tipo imagem para um array numpy im = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(I)) # Imprimir em tela os atributos do array print(data.dtype) print(data.shape) # imprimir (salvar) a imagem no formato PNG"sample_data/imagens/brasilia.png", format="PNG") # imprimir (salvar) a imagem no formato GIF"sample_data/imagens/brasilia.gif", format="GIF") # Exibir a imagem e verificar o formato: print(image3.format) # Converter a imagem em escala de cinza image_gray = image.convert(mode="L") image_gray # Exibir tamanho print(image.size) # Gerar thumbnail ignorando aspecto ratio image_gray.thumbnail((100, 100)) # Flip da imagem (inverter) horizontal_image = image2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) # Exibir coordenadas específicas pyplot.imshow(horizontal_image)
print(image.size) # # Exibir as propriedades da imagem em um array de pixel image2 = Image.fromarray(data) # # Exibir o array de pixel como imagem image2 = Image.fromarray(data) # converter o array de pixel em objeto Image Pillow pil_image=Image.fromarray(np_array) # # verificar o tipo do objeto type(image2) # # converter um objeto do tipo imagem para um array numpy im = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(I)) # # Imprimir em tela os atributos do array print(data.dtype) print(data.shape) # # imprimir (salvar) a imagem no formato PNG"CG_Processamento_Imagens\data\input\q6.jpg",format="PNG") # # imprimir (salvar) a imagem no formato GIF"CG_Processamento_Imagens\data\input\q6.gif",format="GIF") # # Exibir a imagem e verificar o formato: print(image3.format) # # Converter a imagem em escala de cinza # image_gray = image.convert(mode="L") image_gray # # Exibir tamanho print(image.size) # # Gerar thumbnail ignorando aspecto ratio image_gray.thumbnail((100,100)) # # Flip da imagem (inverter) horizontal_image = image2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) # # Exibir coordenadas específicas pyplot.imshow(horizontal_image)
def _download_image(file_name, url): try: img =, stream=True).raw).convert('RGB') + '.jpg', 'JPEG') except OSError: print('Erreur downloading image ', file_name)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.image as mpimg img = mpimg.imread("panda-corner.jpeg") img = mpimg.imread("panda-corner.jpg") img.size img.shape img copy = img.clone() copy = img.copy() copy img[0,0,0] img[0,0,0] = 127 copy[0,0,0] copy[0,0,0] = 127 copy.shape copy.shape[0] copy.shape[1] copy.shape[2] dim = copy.shape for row in range(dim[0]): for col in range(dim[1]): avg = np.sum(img[row,col,:]) copy[row,col,:] = avg"grey.png", copy) mplt.image.imsave("grey.png", copy) plt.image.imsave("grey.png", copy) plt.imsave("grey.png", copy) get_ipython().run_line_magic('s', ' 1-25')
def save2D(self, filename, img=None): """ Save the Vignette as 2D image """ img = self.image2D() if img is None else img, format='png')
data = image.imread("data/input/q9_fig.jpg") print(data.dtype) print(data.shape) print(data.max()) print(data.min()) pyplot.imshow(data) image2 = Image.fromarray(data) type(image2) image ="data/input/q9_fig.jpeg") data = asarray(image) print(data.dtype) print(data.shape)"data/input/q9_fig.png", format="PNG")"data/input/q9_fig.gif", format="GIF") image3 ="data/input/q9_fig.gif") print(image3.format) image_gray = image.convert(mode="L") image_gray"data/input/q9_fig_gray.jpeg") image_gray.thumbnail((100, 100)) image_gray horizontal_image = image2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) pyplot.imshow(horizontal_image) vertical_image = image2.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) pyplot.imshow(vertical_image) vertical_image = image2.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
def main(): #have land cover and slope, reclassify land cover for impedance #have elevation map, use arcpy to calculate slope for each cell might not need this #use raster to numpy array to get numpy arrays of each thing #use formula from tobler to calculate walking speed across each cell #arc.env.workspace = "C:\Users\Eric Cawi\Documents\SAR\Motion Model Test" sl = misc.imread(base_dir + "slope.tif") sl = np.add(sl,.1)#get rid of divide by 0 errors sl = sl* np.pi/180.0 #convert slope to radians #have to resize image to make the arrays multiply correctly img = + 'imp2.png') shp = np.shape(sl) shp = tuple(reversed(shp))#need to get in width x height instead of height x width for the resize img = img.resize(shp,Image.BILINEAR) + 'imp2.png') imp = misc.imread(base_dir + 'imp2.png') impedance_weight = .5 slope_weight = .5 #before getting inverse of slope use array to make walking speed array # for simplicity right now using tobler's hiking function and multiplying with the impedance weight walking_speeds = 6*np.exp(-3.5*np.abs(np.add(np.tan(sl),.05)))*1000.0/60.0 # speed in kmph*1000 m/km *1hr/60min sl = np.divide(1,sl) imp.astype('float') #walking speed weighted with land cover here from doherty paper, which uses a classification as 25 = 25% slower than normal, 100 = 100% slower than normal walking speed vel_weight = np.divide(np.subtract(100.0,imp),100.0) walking_speeds = np.multiply(vel_weight, walking_speeds) #since 1 arcsecond is roughy 30 meters the dimensions will hopefully work out #lower impedance is higher here, will work for probabilities, have to convert to float to avoid divide by zero errors imp = np.divide(1.0,imp) print 'imp:', imp print 'sl:', sl print 'vw:', vel_weight res = 25000/shp[0]#30 meter impedance resolution from the land cover dataset end_time = 240#arbitrary 4 hours #establish initial conditions in polar coordinates, using polar coordinates because i think it's easier to deal with the angles #r is the radius from the last known point, theta is the angle from "west"/the positive x axis through the lkp r = np.zeros(NUM_SIMS)#simulates 1000 hikers starting at ipp theta = np.random.uniform(0,2*np.pi,NUM_SIMS) #another 1000x1 array of angles, uniformly distributing heading for simulation stay = .05 rev = .05#arbitrary values right now, need to discuss sweep = [-45.0 , -35.0 , -25.0 , -15.0 , -5.0 , 5.0 , 15.0 , 25.0 , 35.0, 45.0 , 0.0 , 180.0] #0 represents staying put 180 is a change in heading for i in range(len(sweep)): sweep[i] = sweep[i]*np.pi/180.0 #convert sweep angles to radians dr = 120.0 #120 meters is four cells ahead in the land cover raster which gives 9 specific cells for the sweeping angles #for each lookahead, have ten angles between -45 and plus 45 degrees of the current heading #get average impedance around 100 meters ahead, average flatness, weight each one by half #then scale to 1 - (prob go back + prob stay put) these guys are all free parameters I think for i in range(NUM_SIMS): #print 'hiker: ',str(i) #print 'current cell:' current_cell = [shp[0]/2 - 1, shp[1]/2 - 1] #-1 is to compensate for the indeces starting at 0, starting at middle of array should represent the ipp t = 0.0 current_r = r[i] current_theta = theta[i] while t < end_time: #look in current direction, need to figure out how to do the sweep of slope slope_sweep = attract(current_r, current_theta,current_cell,sweep,sl, res,dr) impedance_sweep = attract(current_r,current_theta,current_cell,sweep, imp, res,dr) #goal: have relative attractiveness of both slope and land cover by taking values #for slope might have a function that takes the least average change in each direction #then take reciprocal to make smaller numbers bigger and take each change/sum of total to get relative goodness #land cover take average 1/impedance in each direction and get relative attractiveness sl_w = np.multiply(slope_sweep,slope_weight) imp_w = np.multiply(impedance_sweep, impedance_weight) probabilities= np.add(sl_w, imp_w) #create a random variable with each of the 12 choices assigned the appropopriate probability dist = rv_discrete(values = (range(len(sweep)), probabilities)) ind = dist.rvs(size = 1) dtheta = sweep[ind] #Note: cannot test floating point for equality! Modified. -crt eps = 1e-4 if (-eps < dtheta < eps): v = 0.0 #staying put, no change dt = 10.0 #stay arbitrarily put for 10 minutes before making next decision r_new = current_r theta_new = current_theta + dtheta elif (np.pi-eps < dtheta < np.pi + eps):#reversal case v = avg_speed(current_cell, dtheta,dr,walking_speeds, res) dt = dr/v r_new = current_r-dr theta_new = -1*current_theta else: #update the current hiker's new radius if -eps < current_r < eps: r_new = dr theta_new = current_theta + dtheta else: r_new = np.sqrt(current_r**2 + dr**2 -2.0*current_r*dr*np.cos(np.pi-dtheta))#law of cosines to find new r #law of sines to find new theta relative to origin, walking speeds treats each original cell as origin to calculate walking velocity asin = np.arcsin(dr* np.sin(np.pi-dtheta)/r_new ) theta_new = current_theta+asin v = avg_speed(current_cell,dtheta,dr,walking_speeds,res)#some way to figure out either average speed or distance traveled along the line chosen dt = dr/v #update for current time step current_r = r_new current_theta= theta_new t=t+dt #print t #update current_cell for slope and impedance x = np.floor(current_r*np.cos(current_theta)/res) y = np.floor(current_r*np.sin(current_theta)/res) current_cell = [y,x]#since the array was changed only need one current cell #print current_cell #print t #update r and theta r[i] = current_r theta[i] = current_theta #print current_r, current_theta*180./np.pi #now that we have final positions for NUM_SIMS hikers at endtime the goal is to display/plot #Note: streamlined to eliminated some loops etc. -crt Xs = r * np.cos(theta)/50. Ys = r * np.sin(theta)/50. #Count the outsiders using vector logic: "OR" these arrays together outsiders = (Xs < -250) | (Xs > 250) | (Ys < -250) | (Ys > 250) num_outside = np.sum(outsiders) insiders = (-250<=Xs) & (Xs<=250) & (-250<=Ys) & (Ys<=250) num_inside = np.sum(insiders) prob_outside = 1. * num_outside / NUM_SIMS prob_inside = 1. * num_inside / NUM_SIMS # Create nominal grid of N 50m cells. Will get resized later. # Avoid zeros by putting 10/NUM_SIMS observations in each cell. # TODO: let prior be the distance model, with weight of ~1/100 motion model. bias = 10. counts = bias * np.ones((501,501)) / NUM_SIMS coords = zip(Ys, Xs) for y,x in coords: if -250<=x<=250 and -250<=y<=250: counts[250+y][250+x] += 1 probs = counts/(np.sum(counts)+bias) print 'SumCounts :', np.sum(counts) print '\nCounts :',counts print 'Probs\n', probs print '\nP_inside :', prob_inside print 'P_outside :', prob_outside print 'Sum(probs):', np.sum(probs) case_name = 'test' #example plotting for testing: plt.title("Motion Model Test") plt.imshow(probs,cmap = 'gist_gray') plt.colorbar() name = '%s/%s.png' % (base_dir, case_name) plt.imsave(name, probs, cmap = 'gist_gray') tag_image(name, prob_outside)
images = {} for i in range(len(imageNames)): image = img.imread(os.path.join(folder, imageNames[i])) images[imageNames[i]] = image return images logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s ' '%(processName)-10s : %(asctime)s ' '%(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) trainImageNames = os.listdir( 'C:/Users/Anvitha/PycharmProjects/HCI/train_images') images = loadImagesInToVector( 'C:/Users/Anvitha/PycharmProjects/HCI/train_images', trainImageNames) print(len(images)) for imagename, image in images.items(): fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(image) plt.colorbar() plt.title( "left click: line segment right click or double click: close region" ) roi1 = RoiPoly(color='r', fig=fig) mask = roi1.get_mask(image) img = Image.fromarray(mask) os.path.join('C:/Users/Anvitha/PycharmProjects/HCI/mask/', imagename))
"""image ='Sydney-Opera-House.jpg') print(image.format) print(image.mode) print(image.size)""" # load and display with Matplotlib """data = image.imread('Sydney-Opera-House.jpg') print(data.dtype) print(data.shape) pyplot.imshow(data)""" """image ='Sydney-Opera-House.jpg')'opera-house.png',format='PNG') image2 ='opera-house.png') print(image2.format)""" """image ='Sydney-Opera-House.jpg') gs_image = image.convert(mode='L')'opera-house-grayscale.jpg') image2 ='opera-house-grayscale.jpg');""" """image ='Sydney-Opera-House.jpg') print(image.size) image.thumbnail((100,50)) print(image.size)"""
for ind, cnt in enumerate(contours): x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) if ind == 0: normal_contours = np.array([[x, y, w, h]]) else: normal_contours = chek2(x, y, w, h, normal_contours) sorr_con = sorted(normal_contours, key=lambda row: row[0]) for ind, ar in enumerate(sorr_con): x, y, w, h = ar t_img = img[y:y + h, x:x + w] t_img = cv2.resize(t_img, (32, 32)) if not os.path.exists("data"): os.mkdir("data") save("data\\{}.png".format(ind), f(t_img)) res = np.array([], dtype="str") for elem in os.listdir("data"): t_img = cv2.imread("data\\{}".format(elem)) res = np.append(res, model.predict(t_img[:, :, 0].reshape((1, 32 * 32)))) import shutil shutil.rmtree("data") formula = "" for c in res: formula += c print(formula) evaluation_of_func(