Пример #1
    def welch(self, x, nfft, pad_to, sampRate):
        window = mlab.window_hanning
        x = np.asarray(x)

        numFreqs = pad_to
        if pad_to % 2:
            freqcenter = (pad_to - 1)//2 + 1
            freqcenter = pad_to//2

        # Split input vector into slices
        temp = stride_windows(x, nfft, nfft/2, axis=0)

        # Apply window function
        temp, windowVal = apply_window(temp, window, axis=0, return_window=True)

        # Calculate window normalization
        S_1 = (np.abs(windowVal)).sum()

        # Calculate FFT
        power = np.fft.fft(temp, pad_to, axis=0)[:numFreqs, :]

        freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(pad_to, 1/sampRate)[:numFreqs]

        power = np.conjugate(power) * power
        power /= S_1**2

        freqs = np.concatenate((freqs[freqcenter:], freqs[:freqcenter]))
        power = np.concatenate((power[freqcenter:, :], power[:freqcenter, :]), 0)

        # Average the power spectra
        power = np.mean(power, axis=1)
        power = power.real

        return power, freqs
Пример #2
def cal_mag(IQcomplex, fc=2472, sr=20, fft_size=1024):
    :param IQcomplex: 样本集
    :param fc: 中心频率
    :param sr: 采样率,默认20M
    :param fft_size: fft数量
    :return: spec振幅, freq频率
    #  fft_size = 1024
    IQcomplex_1024 = np.asarray(IQcomplex[0:fft_size])
    # 加窗,不然频谱现象不明显
    result, windowVal = mlab.apply_window(IQcomplex_1024,
    # 进行fft
    result = np.fft.fft(result, n=fft_size)
    # 参数1:FFT点数,参数2:采样周期,即1/采样频率
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(fft_size, 1 / sr)

    # 以下代码的作用貌似是调整双边的位置
    freqcenter = fft_size // 2
    freqs = np.concatenate((freqs[freqcenter:], freqs[:freqcenter]))
    result = np.concatenate((result[freqcenter:], result[:freqcenter]), 0)

    # 貌似是归一化
    result = np.abs(result) / np.abs(windowVal).sum()
    # 加上中心频率
    Fc = fc
    freqs += Fc
    # 取对数坐标
    spec = 20. * np.log10(result)
    return spec, freqs
Пример #3
def cal_mag(IQcomplex, fft_size=1024):
    #     fft_size = 1024
    IQcomplex_1024 = np.asarray(IQcomplex[0:fft_size])
    # 加窗,不然频谱现象不明显
    result, windowVal = mlab.apply_window(IQcomplex_1024,
    # 进行fft
    result = np.fft.fft(result, n=fft_size)
    # 参数1:FFT点数,参数2:采样周期,即1/采样频率
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(fft_size, 1 / 25)

    # 以下代码的作用貌似是调整双边的位置
    freqcenter = fft_size // 2
    freqs = np.concatenate((freqs[freqcenter:], freqs[:freqcenter]))
    result = np.concatenate((result[freqcenter:], result[:freqcenter]), 0)

    # 貌似是归一化
    result = np.abs(result) / np.abs(windowVal).sum()
    # 加上中心频率
    Fc = 2433
    freqs += Fc
    # 取对数坐标
    spec = 20. * np.log10(result)
    return spec, freqs
Пример #4
    def welch(self, x, nfft, pad_to, sampRate):
        window = mlab.window_hanning
        x = np.asarray(x)

        numFreqs = pad_to
        if pad_to % 2:
            freqcenter = (pad_to - 1) // 2 + 1
            freqcenter = pad_to // 2

        # Split input vector into slices
        temp = stride_windows(x, nfft, nfft / 2, axis=0)

        # Apply window function
        temp, windowVal = apply_window(temp,

        # Calculate window normalization
        S_1 = (np.abs(windowVal)).sum()

        # Calculate FFT
        power = np.fft.fft(temp, pad_to, axis=0)[:numFreqs, :]

        freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(pad_to, 1 / sampRate)[:numFreqs]

        power = np.conjugate(power) * power
        power /= S_1**2

        freqs = np.concatenate((freqs[freqcenter:], freqs[:freqcenter]))
        power = np.concatenate((power[freqcenter:, :], power[:freqcenter, :]),

        # Average the power spectra
        power = np.mean(power, axis=1)
        power = power.real

        return power, freqs
Пример #5
def window(x, n, samprate, overlap, normalize=True, KOsmooth=False,
           window_correction=None, KOnormalize=False,
           bandwidth=40, detrend=True, subtractmean=False,
           winlen=201, polyorder=3):
    Windowing borrowed from matplotlib.mlab for specgram (_spectral_helper)
    Applies hanning window (if use 0.5 overlap, amplitudes are ~preserved)


        x (array): 1xn array data to window
        n (int): length each window should be, in samples (before padding)
        overlap (float): proportion of overlap of windows, should be between 0 and 1
        normalize (bool): if True, will normalize by signal length by dividing by 1/NFFT (1/NFFT = deltat/time length),
            if False, will scale by deltat (1/samprate) to approximate continuous transform
        samprate (float): sampling rate of x, in samples per second
        KOsmooth (bool): If True, will return Konno Ohmachi smoothed spectra with only positive frequencies
        window_correction (str): Apply correction for fourier spectrum to account for windowing. If 'amp', will
            multiply spectrum by 2 to preserve amplitude, if 'energy' will multiply by 1.63
        normalize (bool): If True, KOsmooth will be smoothed linearly, otherwise will be smooth logarithmically
        bandwidth (float): bandwidth for KO smoothing
        detrend (bool): if True, will detrend each window
        subtractmean (bool): if True, will subtract time-averaged mean from
            entire time series before windowing using savgol filter

        tmid: time vector taken at midpoints of each window (in sec from 0)
        tstart: time vector taken at beginning of each window (in sec from 0)
        freqs: vector of frequency (Hz), applyFT and applyKOsmooth are False, will return None
        resultF: fourier transform, or smoothed fourier transform of each time window
        resultT: time series of each time window (note, will have hanning window applied)

    if overlap < 0. or overlap > 1.:
        raise Exception('overlap must be between 0 and 1')

    if subtractmean:
        mean1 = savgol_filter(np.copy(x), winlen, polyorder)
        x = np.copy(x) - mean1

    noverlap = int(overlap * n)
    resultT1 = mlab.stride_windows(x, n, noverlap)
    row, col = np.shape(resultT1)
    newsampint = (n-noverlap)/samprate
    tstart = np.linspace(0, (col-1)*newsampint, num=col)
    tmid = tstart + 0.5*(n/samprate)  # shift by half of window length
    NFFT = nextpow2(n)
    if detrend:
        resultT = mlab.detrend(resultT1, key='mean', axis=0)
        resultT = resultT1
    resultTwin, windowVals = mlab.apply_window(resultT, mlab.window_hanning, axis=0, return_window=True)
    if KOsmooth:
        if normalize:
            resultF = np.fft.rfft(resultTwin, n=NFFT, axis=0)/NFFT
            resultF = np.fft.rfft(resultTwin, n=NFFT, axis=0)/samprate
        if window_correction == 'amp':  # For hanning window
            resultF *= 2.0
        elif window_correction == 'energy':
            resultF *= 1.63
        freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(NFFT, 1/samprate)
        resultF = ksmooth(np.abs(resultF.T), freqs, normalize=KOnormalize, bandwidth=bandwidth)
        resultF = resultF.T
        if normalize:
            resultF = np.fft.fft(resultTwin, n=NFFT, axis=0)/NFFT
            resultF = np.fft.fft(resultTwin, n=NFFT, axis=0)/samprate
        freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(NFFT, 1/samprate)
        if window_correction == 'amp':
            resultF *= 2.0
        elif window_correction == 'energy':
            resultF *= 1.63
    return tmid, tstart, freqs, resultF, resultT, resultTwin
Пример #6
    def getFFTs(self, x, detrend=mlab.detrend_none,
        '''Get array of FFTs corresponding to each realization of `x`.

        x - array_like, (`N`,)
            Signal to be analyzed. Signal is split into several
            realizations, and the FFT of each realization is computed.
            [x] = arbitrary units

        detrend - string
            The function applied to each realization before taking FFT.
            May be [ 'default' | 'constant' | 'mean' | 'linear' | 'none']
            or callable, as specified in :py:func: `csd <matplotlib.mlab.csd>`.

            *Warning*: Naively detrending (even with something as simple as
            `mean` or `linear` detrending) can introduce detrimental artifacts
            into the computed spectrum, so *no* detrending is the default.

        window - callable or ndarray
            The window applied to each realization before taking FFT,
            as specified in :py:func: `csd <matplotlib.mlab.csd>`.

        Xk - array_like, (L, M, N) where
                L = `len(self.f)` = `(self.Npts_per_real // 2) + 1`,
                M = number of whole ensembles in data record `x`, and
                N = `self.Nreal_per_ens`

            The FFTs of each realization in each ensemble.
            The FFTs are indexed by frequency, ensemble, and realization.

            [Xk] = [x]

        # Only real-valued signals are expected/supported at the moment
        if np.iscomplexobj(x):
            raise ValueError('`x` must be a real-valued signal!')

        # Determine the number of *whole* ensembles in the data record
        # (Disregard fractional ensemble at the end of the data, if present)
        Nens = np.int(len(x) / self.Npts_per_ens)

        # Determine number of frequencies in 1-sided FFT, noting that
        # `self.Npts_per_real` is constrained to be a power of 2
        Nf = (self.Npts_per_real // 2) + 1

        # Initialize.
        Xk = np.zeros(
            (Nf, Nens, self.Nreal_per_ens),

        # Loop through each ensemble, computing the FFT of each realization
        # via strides for efficient use of memory. (Note that the below
        # procedure closely parallels that of Matplotlib's internal function
        #     :py:func:`_spectral_helper <matplotlib.mlab._spectral_helper>`
        # Here, we use our own implementation so as not to rely on
        # an internal function)
        stride_axis = 0
        for ens in np.arange(Nens):
            # Split the ensemble into realizations
            sl = slice(
                ens * self.Npts_per_ens,
                (ens + 1) * self.Npts_per_ens)

            result = mlab.stride_windows(

            # Detrend each realization
            result = mlab.detrend(

            # Window each realization (power loss compensated outside loop)
            result, windowVals = mlab.apply_window(

            # Finally compute and return the FFT of each realization
            Xk[:, ens, :] = np.fft.rfft(result, axis=stride_axis)

        # Compensate for windowing power loss
        norm = np.sqrt(np.mean((np.abs(windowVals)) ** 2))
        Xk /= norm

        return Xk
Пример #7
    def getFFTs(self,
        '''Get array of FFTs corresponding to each realization of `x`.

        x - array_like, (`N`,)
            Signal to be analyzed. Signal is split into several
            realizations, and the FFT of each realization is computed.
            [x] = arbitrary units

        detrend - string
            The function applied to each realization before taking FFT.
            May be [ 'default' | 'constant' | 'mean' | 'linear' | 'none']
            or callable, as specified in :py:func: `csd <matplotlib.mlab.csd>`.

            *Warning*: Naively detrending (even with something as simple as
            `mean` or `linear` detrending) can introduce detrimental artifacts
            into the computed spectrum, so *no* detrending is the default.

        window - callable or ndarray
            The window applied to each realization before taking FFT,
            as specified in :py:func: `csd <matplotlib.mlab.csd>`.

        Xk - array_like, (L, M, N) where
                L = `len(self.f)` = `(self.Npts_per_real // 2) + 1`,
                M = number of whole ensembles in data record `x`, and
                N = `self.Nreal_per_ens`

            The FFTs of each realization in each ensemble.
            The FFTs are indexed by frequency, ensemble, and realization.

            [Xk] = [x]

        # Only real-valued signals are expected/supported at the moment
        if np.iscomplexobj(x):
            raise ValueError('`x` must be a real-valued signal!')

        # Determine the number of *whole* ensembles in the data record
        # (Disregard fractional ensemble at the end of the data, if present)
        Nens = np.int(len(x) / self.Npts_per_ens)

        # Determine number of frequencies in 1-sided FFT, noting that
        # `self.Npts_per_real` is constrained to be a power of 2
        Nf = (self.Npts_per_real // 2) + 1

        # Initialize.
        Xk = np.zeros((Nf, Nens, self.Nreal_per_ens), dtype='complex')

        # Loop through each ensemble, computing the FFT of each realization
        # via strides for efficient use of memory. (Note that the below
        # procedure closely parallels that of Matplotlib's internal function
        #     :py:func:`_spectral_helper <matplotlib.mlab._spectral_helper>`
        # Here, we use our own implementation so as not to rely on
        # an internal function)
        stride_axis = 0
        for ens in np.arange(Nens):
            # Split the ensemble into realizations
            sl = slice(ens * self.Npts_per_ens, (ens + 1) * self.Npts_per_ens)

            result = mlab.stride_windows(x[sl],

            # Detrend each realization
            result = mlab.detrend(result, detrend, axis=stride_axis)

            # Window each realization (power loss compensated outside loop)
            result, windowVals = mlab.apply_window(result,

            # Finally compute and return the FFT of each realization
            Xk[:, ens, :] = np.fft.rfft(result, axis=stride_axis)

        # Compensate for windowing power loss
        norm = np.sqrt(np.mean((np.abs(windowVals))**2))
        Xk /= norm

        return Xk