Пример #1
    def _on_custom(self, evt):
        # add some text to the axes in a random location in axes (0,1)
        # coords) with a random color

        # get the axes
        ax = self.canvas.figure.axes[0]

        # generate a random location can color
        x, y = tuple(rand(2))
        rgb = tuple(rand(3))

        # add the text and draw
        ax.text(x, y, 'You clicked me', transform=ax.transAxes, color=rgb)
Пример #2
    def _on_custom(self, evt):
        # add some text to the axes in a random location in axes (0,1)
        # coords) with a random color

        # get the axes
        ax = self.canvas.figure.axes[0]

        # generate a random location can color
        x,y = tuple(rand(2))
        rgb = tuple(rand(3))

        # add the text and draw
        ax.text(x, y, 'You clicked me',
Пример #3
def rand_point():
    xy = rand(2)
    return Point( Value(xy[0]),  Value(xy[1]) )
Пример #4
a = multiply_affines(a2, a1)
assert( a1.xy_tup(pnt) == (6,8) )
assert( a.xy_tup(pnt) == (8,17) )

# change num to 4 and make sure the affine product is still right
assert( a1.xy_tup(pnt) == (12,16) )
assert( a.xy_tup(pnt) == (16,65) )

# test affines with arithemtic sums of lazy values
val = num*(one + two)
a1 = Affine(one, zero, zero, val, num, val)
assert(a1.xy_tup(pnt) == (7, 60))

x = rand(20)
y = rand(20)
transform = identity_transform()
xout, yout = transform.seq_x_y(x,y)
assert((x,y) == transform.seq_x_y(x,y))

# test bbox transforms; transform the unit coordinate system to
# "display coords"
bboxin = unit_bbox()
ll = Point( Value(10),  Value(10) )
ur = Point( Value(200), Value(40) )
bboxout = Bbox(ll, ur)

transform = get_bbox_transform(bboxin, bboxout)
Пример #5
def rand_point():
    xy = rand(2)
    return Point(Value(xy[0]), Value(xy[1]))
Пример #6
a = multiply_affines(a2, a1)
assert (a1.xy_tup(pnt) == (6, 8))
assert (a.xy_tup(pnt) == (8, 17))

# change num to 4 and make sure the affine product is still right
assert (a1.xy_tup(pnt) == (12, 16))
assert (a.xy_tup(pnt) == (16, 65))

# test affines with arithemtic sums of lazy values
val = num * (one + two)
a1 = Affine(one, zero, zero, val, num, val)
assert (a1.xy_tup(pnt) == (7, 60))

x = rand(20)
y = rand(20)
transform = identity_transform()
xout, yout = transform.seq_x_y(x, y)
assert ((x, y) == transform.seq_x_y(x, y))

# test bbox transforms; transform the unit coordinate system to
# "display coords"
bboxin = unit_bbox()
ll = Point(Value(10), Value(10))
ur = Point(Value(200), Value(40))
bboxout = Bbox(ll, ur)

transform = get_bbox_transform(bboxin, bboxout)

assert (transform.xy_tup((0, 0)) == (10, 10))
Пример #7
def rand_transform():
    b1 = rand_bbox()
    b2 = rand_bbox()
    return get_bbox_transform(b1, b2)

class Line:
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = identity_transform()

    def set_transform(self, t):
        self._transform = t

x, y = rand(2, 10000)
indStart, indEnd = 30, 350
for i in range(indEnd):
    for j in range(20):
        l = Line()
        t1 = rand_transform()
        t2 = rand_transform()
        trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(t1, t2)
        xt, yt = trans.numerix_x_y(x, y)
        xytup = tuple(rand(2))
        txytup = trans.xy_tup(xytup)
        ixytup = trans.inverse_xy_tup(xytup)
        seqt = trans.seq_xy_tups(zip(x, y))
    val = report_memory(i)
Пример #8
def rand_transform():
    b1 = rand_bbox()
    b2 = rand_bbox()
    return get_bbox_transform(b1, b2)

class Line:
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = identity_transform()

    def set_transform(self, t):
        self._transform = t

x, y = rand(2,10000)
indStart, indEnd = 30, 350
for i in range(indEnd):
    for j in range(20):
        l = Line()
        t1 = rand_transform()
        t2 = rand_transform()
        trans = blend_xy_sep_transform( t1, t2)
        xt, yt = trans.numerix_x_y(x, y)
        xytup = tuple(rand(2))
        txytup = trans.xy_tup(xytup)
        ixytup = trans.inverse_xy_tup(xytup)
        seqt = trans.seq_xy_tups(zip(x,y))
    val = report_memory(i)
Пример #9
def rand_val(N=1):
    if N == 1: return Value(rand())
    else: return [Value(val) for val in rand(N)]
Пример #10
def report_memory(i):
    pid = os.getpid()
    if sys.platform == 'sunos5':
        command = 'ps -p %d -o rss,osz' % pid
        'ps -p %d -o rss,sz' % pid
    a2 = os.popen(command).readlines()
    print i, '  ', a2[1],
    return int(a2[1].split()[1])

N = 200
for i in range(N):
    v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 = rand_val(5)
    b1 = v1 + v2
    b2 = v3 - v4
    b3 = v1 * v2 * b2 - b1

    p1 = rand_point()
    box1 = rand_bbox()
    t = rand_transform()
    N = 10000
    x, y = rand(N), rand(N)
    xt, yt = t.numerix_x_y(x, y)
    xys = t.seq_xy_tups(zip(x, y))
    val = report_memory(i)
    if i == 1: start = val

end = val
print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4f\n' % ((end - start) / float(N))
Пример #11
def rand_val(N = 1):
    if N==1: return Value(rand())
    else: return [Value(val) for val in rand(N)]
Пример #12
    if sys.platform=='sunos5':
        command = 'ps -p %d -o rss,osz' % pid
        'ps -p %d -o rss,sz' % pid
    a2 = os.popen(command).readlines()
    print i, '  ', a2[1],
    return int(a2[1].split()[1])

N = 200
for i in range(N):
    v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 = rand_val(5)
    b1 = v1 + v2
    b2 = v3 -v4
    b3 = v1*v2*b2 - b1

    p1 = rand_point()
    box1 = rand_bbox()
    t = rand_transform()
    N = 10000
    x, y = rand(N), rand(N)
    xt, yt = t.numerix_x_y(x, y)
    xys = t.seq_xy_tups( zip(x,y) )
    val = report_memory(i)
    if i==1: start = val

end = val
print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4f\n' % ((end-start)/float(N))