def draw_pitch(ax,fill=True,numbers=True): # focus on only half of the pitch #Pitch Outline & Centre Line if fill: Pitch = pat.Rectangle([0,0], width = 60, height = 68, facecolor='green', edgecolor='white') else: Pitch = pat.Rectangle([0,0], width = 60, height = 68, fill=False) #Left, Right Penalty Area and midline goalline =pat.ConnectionPatch([10,0], [10,68], "data", "data",color='white',lw=4) tenline =pat.ConnectionPatch([20,0], [20,68], "data", "data",color='white') twentyline =pat.ConnectionPatch([30,0], [30,68], "data", "data",color='white') thirtyline =pat.ConnectionPatch([40,0], [40,68], "data", "data",color='white') fortyline =pat.ConnectionPatch([50,0], [50,68], "data", "data",color='red') midline = pat.ConnectionPatch([60,0], [60,68], "data", "data",color='white') #goalposts leftpost=pat.ConnectionPatch([10,30], [2,40],"data","data",color='white') rightpost=pat.ConnectionPatch([10,38], [2,48],"data","data",color='white') crossbar = pat.ConnectionPatch([7,33.65], [7,41.65],"data","data",color='white') thedot = pat.ConnectionPatch([7,37.5], [7,37.8],"data","data",color='black') element = [Pitch, goalline,tenline,twentyline,thirtyline,fortyline,midline,leftpost,rightpost,crossbar,thedot] for i in element: ax.add_patch(i) if numbers==True: plt.text(18,10,'1',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(20,10,'0',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(27,10,'2',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(30,10,'0',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(37,10,'3',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(40,10,'0',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(47,10,'4',color='white',fontsize=17) plt.text(50,10,'0',color='white',fontsize=17)
def test_connection_patch_fig(fig_test, fig_ref): # Test that connection patch can be added as figure artist, and that figure # pixels count negative values from the top right corner (this API may be # changed in the future). ax1, ax2 = fig_test.subplots(1, 2) con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(.3, .2), coordsA="data", axesA=ax1, xyB=(-30, -20), coordsB="figure pixels", arrowstyle="->", shrinkB=5) fig_test.add_artist(con) ax1, ax2 = fig_ref.subplots(1, 2) bb = fig_ref.bbox # Necessary so that pixel counts match on both sides. plt.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(.3, .2), coordsA="data", axesA=ax1, xyB=(bb.width - 30, bb.height - 20), coordsB="figure pixels", arrowstyle="->", shrinkB=5) fig_ref.add_artist(con)
def draw(self): '''Draw the funnel.''' shapes = [] coordinates = np.array([ [ self.prev_position.x + self.prev_output_dim.x, self.prev_position.y + self.prev_output_dim.y ], [ self.curr_position.x, self.curr_position.y + self.curr_output_dim.y ], [ self.curr_position.x + self.curr_depth, self.curr_position.y + self.curr_depth + self.curr_output_dim.y ], [ self.prev_position.x + self.prev_output_dim.x + self.prev_depth, self.prev_position.y + self.prev_output_dim.y + self.prev_depth ] ]) # Draw Polyogong shapes = np.append(shapes, pat.Polygon(coordinates, alpha=0.2)) # Draw dotted lines shapes = np.append( shapes, pat.ConnectionPatch( xyA=(self.prev_position.x + self.prev_output_dim.x, self.prev_position.y + self.prev_output_dim.y), xyB=(self.curr_position.x, self.curr_position.y + self.curr_output_dim.y), coordsA="data", color=self.color, linewidth=1, linestyle=':', arrowstyle='-')) shapes = np.append( shapes, pat.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(self.curr_position.x + self.curr_depth, self.curr_position.y + self.curr_depth + self.curr_output_dim.y), xyB=(self.prev_position.x + self.prev_output_dim.x + self.prev_depth, self.prev_position.y + self.prev_output_dim.y + self.prev_depth), coordsA="data", color=self.color, linewidth=1, linestyle=':', arrowstyle='-')) return shapes
def visualise_sample(mixture, visualise_mean=True, visualise_std=True, visualise_var=True, params_from_sample=True, figsize=(18, 8)): plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for i in range(mixture.nb_gaussians): sample = mixture.samples[i] if params_from_sample: m, v, s = sample.mean(), sample.var(), sample.std() else: m, v, s = mixture.means[i], mixture.vars[i], mixture.stds[i] p = plt.scatter(range(len(sample)), sample, s=0.05) color = p.get_facecolor()[0] x = (i + 1) / (mixture.nb_gaussians + 1) * len(sample) if visualise_mean: plt.plot( [-.025 * len(sample), len(sample)], [m] * 2, c=color, linewidth=MixturePlotter.MEAN_WIDTH) if visualise_std: std_plot = patches.ConnectionPatch( (x, m - s), (x, m + s), 'data', 'data', arrowstyle="|-|,widthA=1, widthB=1", linestyle=MixturePlotter.STD_STYLE, lw=MixturePlotter.STD_WIDTH, color=color) p.axes.add_patch(std_plot) if visualise_var: ylim = p.axes.get_ylim() ylim = (min(ylim[0], m - v), max(ylim[1], m + v)) p.axes.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) var_plot = patches.ConnectionPatch( (x, m - v), (x, m + v), 'data', 'data', arrowstyle="|-|,widthA=1, widthB=1", linestyle=MixturePlotter.VAR_STYLE, lw=MixturePlotter.VAR_WIDTH, color=MixturePlotter.VAR_COLOR) p.axes.add_patch(var_plot)
def render_adjacency(self, A, team_id, ax, color='b', stepsize=1.0): A = A.copy() own_team_agents = [agent for agent in self.teams[team_id]] other_agents = [ agent for other_team_id, team in self.teams.items() for agent in team if not team_id == other_team_id ] all_agents = own_team_agents + other_agents for agent_id, agent in enumerate(all_agents): for connected_agent_id in np.arange(len(A)): if A[agent_id][connected_agent_id] > 0: current_agent_pose = agent.prev_pose + ( agent.pose - agent.prev_pose) * stepsize other_agent = all_agents[connected_agent_id] other_agent_pose = other_agent.prev_pose + ( other_agent.pose - other_agent.prev_pose) * stepsize ax.add_patch( patches.ConnectionPatch( [current_agent_pose[X], current_agent_pose[Y]], [other_agent_pose[X], other_agent_pose[Y]], "data", edgecolor='g', facecolor='none', lw=1, ls=":")) A[connected_agent_id][ agent_id] = 0 # don't draw same connection again
def test_connection_patch(): fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(0.1, 0.1), xyB=(0.9, 0.9), coordsA='data', coordsB='data', axesA=ax2, axesB=ax1, arrowstyle="->") ax2.add_artist(con) xyA = (0.6, 1.0) # in axes coordinates xyB = (0.0, 0.2) # x in axes coordinates, y in data coordinates coordsA = "axes fraction" coordsB = ax2.get_yaxis_transform() con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=xyA, xyB=xyB, coordsA=coordsA, coordsB=coordsB, arrowstyle="-") ax2.add_artist(con)
def draw_geodesic(a, b, c, ax, c1=None, c2=None, verbose=False, width=.02): cent = get_circle_center(a,b,c) radius = euclid_dist(a, cent) t1 = get_angles(cent, b) t2 = get_angles(cent, a) mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(t2 > t1, t2 - t1 < 180), np.logical_and(t1 > t2, t1 - t2 >= 180)) theta1 = np.where(mask, t1, t2) theta2 = np.where(mask, t2, t1) collinear_mask = collinear(a, b, c) mask_ = np.logical_or(collinear_mask, np.abs(t1 - t2) < 10) coordsA = "data" coordsB = "data" for ma_, a_, b_, c_, cent_, radius_, theta1_, theta2_ in zip(mask_, a, b, c, cent, radius, theta1, theta2): if ma_: e = patches.ConnectionPatch(a_, b_, coordsA, coordsB, linewidth=width, zorder=0, ) else: e = patches.Arc((cent_[0], cent_[1]), 2*radius_, 2*radius_, theta1=theta1_, theta2=theta2_, linewidth=width, fill=False, zorder=0) ax.add_patch(e)
def draw_node(state, color, radius_scale=1., dim=2, face=False): if dim == 2: facecolor = 'none' if face: facecolor = color circle = patches.Circle(tuple(state + 1.0), radius=0.02 * radius_scale, edgecolor=color, facecolor=facecolor) plt.gca().add_patch(circle) elif dim == 3: a, b = MazeEnv._end_points(state) plt.gca().add_patch( patches.ConnectionPatch(a + 1.0, b + 1.0, 'data', arrowstyle="-", linewidth=2, color=color)) plt.gca().add_patch( patches.Circle(a + 1.0, radius=0.02 * radius_scale, edgecolor=color, facecolor=color))
def draw_edge(state0, state1, color, dim=2, style='-'): path = patches.ConnectionPatch(tuple(state0[:2] + 1.0), tuple(state1[:2] + 1.0), 'data', arrowstyle=style, color=color) plt.gca().add_patch(path)
def drawMatch(match, finalLabels, autoLabels): randCmap = np.random.rand(256, 3) randCmap[0, :] = 0 cmap = mc.ListedColormap(randCmap) f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[1].set_title('truth') ax[1].imshow(finalLabels, cmap=cmap) ax[0].set_title('auto') ax[0].imshow(autoLabels, cmap=cmap) for a, b in match.items(): #print a,b xya = np.mean(np.where(finalLabels == a), axis=1) xyb = np.mean(np.where(autoLabels == b), axis=1) #print xya,xyb coordsA = "data" coordsB = "data" con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=xya[::-1], xyB=xyb[::-1], coordsA=coordsA, coordsB=coordsB, axesA=ax[1], axesB=ax[0], arrowstyle="->", shrinkB=5, color=cmap(a)) ax[1].add_artist(con) return f, ax
def plot_region_line(tx, coords, _c, _plt): # i = 0 first_ploted = False # coord_line = [] # for x in coords: # if i == len(coords) - 1: pass else: # if _plt: # _p = mpatches.ConnectionPatch( x, coords[i + 1], "data", lw=1, arrowstyle='->,head_width=.15,head_length=.15', shrinkB=7, color=_c, label='Label') tx.add_patch(_p) # # # coord_line.append(x) # i = i + 1 # # # return coord_line
def make_connection( x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, color: str, opacity: float = 1., linewidth: float = 1., arrow_style: m_patches.ArrowStyle = m_patches.ArrowStyle.Curve()): """ Makes a line (with a particular arrow style) between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) Parameters ---------- x1 y1 x2 y2 arrow_style color opacity linewidth Returns ------- matplotlib patch """ return m_patches.ConnectionPatch((x1, y1), (x2, y2), "data", "data", arrowstyle=arrow_style, edgecolor=color, alpha=opacity, linewidth=linewidth)
def connect_rectangles(Rectangle_1, Rectangle_2, LeftorRight, ax): x1 = Rectangle_1[0] + Rectangle_1[2] / 2 y1 = Rectangle_1[1] x2 = Rectangle_2[0] + Rectangle_2[2] / 2 y2 = Rectangle_2[1] + Rectangle_2[3] if LeftorRight == "left": text = "yes" p = -1 else: text = "no" p = 1 coordsA = "data" coordsB = "data" con = mpatch.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(x1, y1), xyB=(x2, y2), coordsA=coordsA, coordsB=coordsB, arrowstyle="-") ax.add_artist(con) ax.annotate( text, ((x1 + x2) / 2 + p, (y1 + y2) / 2), color="b", weight="bold", fontsize=10, ha="center", va="center", )
def plot_region_line(tx, coords, _c): # i = 0 # for x in coords: # if i < len(coords) - 1: # _p = mpatches.ConnectionPatch( x[1], coords[i + 1][1], "data", lw=1, arrowstyle='->,head_width=.15,head_length=.15', shrinkB=5, color=_c, label='Label') tx.add_patch(_p) # _midpoint = midpoint(x[1], coords[i + 1][1]) myradians = angle(x[1], coords[i + 1][1]) # label(_midpoint, myradians, tx) # i = i + 1
def test_patch_str(): """ Check that patches have nice and working `str` representation. Note that the logic is that `__str__` is defined such that: str(eval(str(p))) == str(p) """ p = mpatches.Circle(xy=(1, 2), radius=3) assert str(p) == 'Circle(xy=(1, 2), radius=3)' p = mpatches.Ellipse(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5) assert str(p) == 'Ellipse(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5)' p = mpatches.Rectangle(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5) assert str(p) == 'Rectangle(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5)' p = mpatches.Wedge(center=(1, 2), r=3, theta1=4, theta2=5, width=6) assert str(p) == 'Wedge(center=(1, 2), r=3, theta1=4, theta2=5, width=6)' p = mpatches.Arc(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5, theta1=6, theta2=7) expected = 'Arc(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5, theta1=6, theta2=7)' assert str(p) == expected p = mpatches.Annulus(xy=(1, 2), r=(3, 4), width=1, angle=2) expected = "Annulus(xy=(1, 2), r=(3, 4), width=1, angle=2)" assert str(p) == expected p = mpatches.RegularPolygon((1, 2), 20, radius=5) assert str(p) == "RegularPolygon((1, 2), 20, radius=5, orientation=0)" p = mpatches.CirclePolygon(xy=(1, 2), radius=5, resolution=20) assert str(p) == "CirclePolygon((1, 2), radius=5, resolution=20)" p = mpatches.FancyBboxPatch((1, 2), width=3, height=4) assert str(p) == "FancyBboxPatch((1, 2), width=3, height=4)" # Further nice __str__ which cannot be `eval`uated: path = mpath.Path([(1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 2)], closed=True) p = mpatches.PathPatch(path) assert str(p) == "PathPatch3((1, 2) ...)" p = mpatches.Polygon(np.empty((0, 2))) assert str(p) == "Polygon0()" data = [[1, 2], [2, 2], [1, 2]] p = mpatches.Polygon(data) assert str(p) == "Polygon3((1, 2) ...)" p = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch(path=path) assert str(p)[:27] == "FancyArrowPatch(Path(array(" p = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch((1, 2), (3, 4)) assert str(p) == "FancyArrowPatch((1, 2)->(3, 4))" p = mpatches.ConnectionPatch((1, 2), (3, 4), 'data') assert str(p) == "ConnectionPatch((1, 2), (3, 4))" s = mpatches.Shadow(p, 1, 1) assert str(s) == "Shadow(ConnectionPatch((1, 2), (3, 4)))"
def test_connection_patch(): fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(0.1, 0.1), xyB=(0.9, 0.9), coordsA='data', coordsB='data', axesA=ax2, axesB=ax1, arrowstyle="->") ax2.add_artist(con)
def test_patch_str(): """ Check that patches have nice and working `str` representation. Note that the logic is that `__str__` is defined such that: str(eval(str(p))) == str(p) """ p = mpatches.Circle(xy=(1, 2), radius=3) assert str(p) == 'Circle(xy=(1, 2), radius=3)' p = mpatches.Ellipse(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5) assert str(p) == 'Ellipse(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5)' p = mpatches.Rectangle(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5) assert str(p) == 'Rectangle(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5)' p = mpatches.Wedge(center=(1, 2), r=3, theta1=4, theta2=5, width=6) assert str(p) == 'Wedge(center=(1, 2), r=3, theta1=4, theta2=5, width=6)' p = mpatches.Arc(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5, theta1=6, theta2=7) expected = 'Arc(xy=(1, 2), width=3, height=4, angle=5, theta1=6, theta2=7)' assert str(p) == expected p = mpatches.RegularPolygon((1, 2), 20, radius=5) assert str(p) == "RegularPolygon((1, 2), 20, radius=5, orientation=0)" p = mpatches.CirclePolygon(xy=(1, 2), radius=5, resolution=20) assert str(p) == "CirclePolygon((1, 2), radius=5, resolution=20)" p = mpatches.FancyBboxPatch((1, 2), width=3, height=4) assert str(p) == "FancyBboxPatch((1, 2), width=3, height=4)" # Further nice __str__ which cannot be `eval`uated: path_data = [([1, 2], mpath.Path.MOVETO), ([2, 2], mpath.Path.LINETO), ([1, 2], mpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY)] p = mpatches.PathPatch(mpath.Path(*zip(*path_data))) assert str(p) == "PathPatch3((1, 2) ...)" data = [[1, 2], [2, 2], [1, 2]] p = mpatches.Polygon(data) assert str(p) == "Polygon3((1, 2) ...)" p = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch(path=mpath.Path(*zip(*path_data))) assert str(p)[:27] == "FancyArrowPatch(Path(array(" p = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch((1, 2), (3, 4)) assert str(p) == "FancyArrowPatch((1, 2)->(3, 4))" p = mpatches.ConnectionPatch((1, 2), (3, 4), 'data') assert str(p) == "ConnectionPatch((1, 2), (3, 4))" s = mpatches.Shadow(p, 1, 1) assert str(s) == "Shadow(ConnectionPatch((1, 2), (3, 4)))" with pytest.warns(MatplotlibDeprecationWarning): p = mpatches.YAArrow(plt.gcf(), (1, 0), (2, 1), width=0.1) assert str(p) == "YAArrow()"
def test_connection_patch_fig(): # Test that connection patch can be added as figure artist fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) xy = (0.3, 0.2) con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy, coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=ax1, axesB=ax2, arrowstyle="->", shrinkB=5) fig.add_artist(con) fig.canvas.draw()
def plot_region_line(tx, coords, _c, scp): # ''' Draw lines only for points that are in sequence. ''' # i = 0 first_ploted = False # coord_line = [] # for x in coords: # if i < len(coords) -1: # # srt_num = x[3] end_num = coords[i][3] next_num = coords[i+1][3] # if srt_num in scp: # if i > 0 and first_ploted == False: # if the first line has not been ploted # pass # else: # if end_num+1 == next_num: # if the first line is in series # if i == 0: # first_ploted = True # # _p = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(x[1],coords[i+1][1],"data", lw=1, arrowstyle='->,head_width=.15,head_length=.15', shrinkB=5, color=_c,label='Label') tx.add_patch(_p) # # _midpoint = midpoint(x[1],coords[i+1][1]) _degs = angle(x[1],coords[i+1][1]) # label(_midpoint, _degs, tx) # coord_line.append(x) # # i = i + 1 # # print("COORD LINE") # print(coord_line) # return coord_line
def plot_linked_points(ax, points, color='green'): points = list(points) for a, b in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): color = 'green' if 'ln_color' not in a else a['ln_color'] ax.add_patch( patches.ConnectionPatch(a['xy'], b['xy'], 'data', lw=1, color=color)) return ax
def set_layout(tree, ax=None, w=dims[0] / 2000, h=dims[0] / 2000): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax = make_shape(ax, tree, w, h) if len(tree.children) != 0: for child in tree.children: ax.scatter([tree.x, child.x], [-tree.y - w / 2.0, -child.y + w / 2.0], color="white") s = mpatch.ConnectionPatch([tree.x, -tree.y - w / 2.0], [child.x, -child.y + w / 2.0], "data") ax.add_patch(s) set_layout(child, ax=ax) return set_limits(ax, get_xrange(tree, w), get_yrange(tree, h))
def make_ct(to_ct, cen_c, ax): # perps = [] # for coords in to_ct: # x = coords[0] y = coords[1] # _perp = getPerpCoord(cen_c[0], cen_c[1], x, y, 10000) # _perp_virtual = getPerpCoord(cen_c[0], cen_c[1], x, y, 50) # pp1 = mpatches.ConnectionPatch(cen_c,[x,y],"data", lw=0.5, color="g") ax.add_patch(pp1) # prp1 = mpatches.ConnectionPatch([_perp_virtual[0],_perp_virtual[1]],[_perp_virtual[2],_perp_virtual[3]],"data",arrowstyle='<->,head_width=.15,head_length=.15', lw=0.5, color="g") prp1.set_linestyle((0, (8,2))) ax.add_patch(prp1) # perps.append([[_perp[0],_perp[1]],[_perp[2],_perp[3]]]) # return perps
def _draw_3D_lattice(self, a=2.0, pbc=True): all_links = [] for z in range(self.L[2]): for y in range(self.L[1]): for x in range(self.L[0]): links = self._get_drawing_links([x * a, y * a, z * a], a) for l in links: all_links.append([[x * a, l[0]], [y * a, l[1]], [z * a, l[2]]]) if (len(all_links) - 1) == 100:*all_links[-1], color='red') else: #*all_links[-1], # color='black', # # color='#a3a2a2', # lw=1.5, # zorder=10-a*y # ) xx, yy = zip(*all_links[-1]) xx = np.array(xx) yy = np.array(yy) ind = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} for c, d in [[[0, 1], 'z'], [[0, 2], 'y'], [[1, 2], 'x']]: con = mpatches.ConnectionPatch( xyA=xx[c],, xyB=yy[c], color='#555555') con.set_linewidth(2.5) shadow = mpatches.Shadow(con, 1, -1, props=dict( fc="black", ec="0.7", lw=1, capstyle='round')) art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(shadow, z=xx[ind[d]], zdir=d) art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(con, z=xx[ind[d]], zdir=d) return all_links
def draw_geodesic(a, b, c, ax, verbose=False): if verbose: print("Geodesic points are ", a, "\n", b, "\n", c, "\n") is_collinear = False if collinear(a, b, c): is_collinear = True else: cent = get_circle_center(a, b, c) radius = euclid_dist(a, cent) t1 = get_angles(cent, b) t2 = get_angles(cent, a) if verbose: print("\ncenter at ", cent) print("radius is ", radius) print("angles are ", t1, " ", t2) print("dist(a,center) = ", euclid_dist(cent, a)) print("dist(b,center) = ", euclid_dist(cent, b)) print("dist(c,center) = ", euclid_dist(cent, c)) # if the angle is really tiny, a line is a good approximation if is_collinear or (np.abs(t1 - t2) < 2): coordsA = "data" coordsB = "data" e = patches.ConnectionPatch(a, b, coordsA, coordsB, linewidth=2) else: if verbose: print("angles are theta_1 = ", t1, " theta_2 = ", t2) if (t2 > t1 and t2 - t1 < 180) or (t1 > t2 and t1 - t2 >= 180): e = patches.Arc((cent[0], cent[1]), 2 * radius, 2 * radius, theta1=t1, theta2=t2, linewidth=2, fill=False, zorder=2) else: e = patches.Arc((cent[0], cent[1]), 2 * radius, 2 * radius, theta1=t2, theta2=t1, linewidth=2, fill=False, zorder=2) ax.add_patch(e) ax.plot(a[0], a[1], "o") ax.plot(b[0], b[1], "o")
def animate(i): global clients, companies #clear figure at each iteration fig.clf() p = [] for k in districts: # package explanation #these are supposed to be the location (each district) p += [ patches.Circle((districts[k][0], districts[k][1]), radius=0.01, transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig) ] for d in districts_connections: # package explanation p += [ patches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=districts[d[0]], xyB=districts[d[1]], coordsA='figure fraction', coordsB='figure fraction', arrowstyle="-", transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig) ] #moving between Setubal and Evora ####### this is just a demo (a point moving) TODO: implement the movement of the trucks ####### print(world_set.step(clients, companies)) # package explanation for c in companies: trucks = c.getTrucksOnTheMove() for t in trucks: #print("Truck ", t.getID(), " is at ", t.getCoordinates(), " with destination ", t.getDestination()) p += [ patches.RegularPolygon(t.getCoordinates(), 4, radius=0.01, color='r', transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig) ] #Add the objects updated to the figure fig.patches.extend(p) return fig
def draw_pitch(axes): # focus on only half of the pitch # pitch Outline & Centre Line pitch = mp.Rectangle([0, 0], width=120, height=80, fill=False) # Left, Right Penalty Area and midline left_penalty = mp.Rectangle([0, 22.3], width=14.6, height=35.3, fill=False) right_penalty = mp.Rectangle([105.4, 22.3], width=14.6, height=35.3, fill=False) midline = mp.ConnectionPatch([60, 0], [60, 80], "data", "data") # Left, Right 6-yard Box left_six_yard = mp.Rectangle([0, 32], width=4.9, height=16, fill=False) right_six_yard = mp.Rectangle([115.1, 32], width=4.9, height=16, fill=False) # Prepare Circles centre_circle = plt.Circle((60, 40), 8.1, color="black", fill=False) centre_spot = plt.Circle((60, 40), 0.71, color="black") # Penalty spots and Arcs around penalty boxes left_pen_spot = plt.Circle((9.7, 40), 0.71, color="black") right_pen_spot = plt.Circle((110.3, 40), 0.71, color="black") left_arc = mp.Arc((9.7, 40), height=16.2, width=16.2, angle=0, theta1=310, theta2=50, color="black") right_arc = mp.Arc((110.3, 40), height=16.2, width=16.2, angle=0, theta1=130, theta2=230, color="black") element = [ pitch, left_penalty, right_penalty, midline, left_six_yard, right_six_yard, centre_circle, centre_spot, right_pen_spot, left_pen_spot, left_arc, right_arc ] for j in element: axes.add_patch(j)
def setup_bg(model): # Plot lines for calendar for i in range(1, 13): color = (0, 1, 0, i / 12) #(r, g, b, a) linewidth = .5 # 20th of each month is close to equinox/solstice time = ts.utc(year, i, 20) ex, ey, ez = model.earthPosition(time) line_obj = mpatches.ConnectionPatch((0, 0), (ex, ey), "data", color=color, linewidth=linewidth) ax.add_patch(line_obj) sun_obj = mpatches.Circle((0, 0), model.sun_rad, color='y') ax.add_patch(sun_obj) ax2.add_patch(mpatches.Circle((0, 0), 0.5, color='0.1'))
def main(left, right): """ Accepts two images -- left, right views of the same object. Detects FAST corners. Computes BRIEF descriptors. Plots matching features. """ assert os.path.isabs( left), "Please provide the absolute path; it's a CV2 thing." assert os.path.isabs( right), "Please provide the absolute path; it's a CV2 thing." i1 = load_image(left) i2 = load_image(right) kps1, corners1 = get_fast_corners(i1) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(corners1) kps2, corners2 = get_fast_corners(i2) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(corners2) bdescr1 = get_brief_descriptors(i1, kps1, zip(p1, p2)) bdescr2 = get_brief_descriptors(i2, kps2, zip(p1, p2)) # Plot matching descriptors. fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) ax1.imshow(corners1) ax2.imshow(corners2) for one, two in matcher(bdescr1, bdescr2, threshold=0.82): conpatch = patches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=two, xyB=one, coordsA="data", coordsB="data", color='green', axesA=ax2, axesB=ax1) ax2.add_artist(conpatch)
def box_connected_two_axes(small_ax, big_ax, box_corner, box_dims, color='blue') : # draw boxes for ax in [small_ax, big_ax] : ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(box_corner, box_dims[0], box_dims[1], fill=False, color=color)) # link them up for i0 in range(2) : for j0 in range(2) : corner_coordinates = (box_corner[0] + box_dims[0] * i0, box_corner[1] + box_dims[1] * j0) a = big_ax.add_artist(patches.ConnectionPatch( xyA=corner_coordinates , xyB=corner_coordinates , coordsA="data" , coordsB="data" , axesA=big_ax , axesB=small_ax , color=color )) a.set_in_layout( False) # otherwise matplotlib tries to stretch the plot to "fit" the lines in, and the imshow maps become tiny
def draw_connect(axA, axB, q, r, qp, x): color = 'red' if qp ==0 else \ 'orange' if qp == 1 or qp == 4 else \ 'green' f = interp1d(list(r.keys()), list(r.values())) x1 = 0 if x != 0 else 1 x2 = f(q[qp]) if x != 0 else 0 print(q[qp], x2) axA.add_artist( patches.ConnectionPatch(xyA=(x1, q[qp]), xyB=(x2, q[qp]), coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=axA, axesB=axB, color=color, zorder=1000, linestyle='--'))