Пример #1
def calculate_region_ellipse(x, y, centre, size):
    # Return boolean array of same shape as x and y.
    xy = np.stack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()), axis=1)  # Shape (npoints, 2)
    ellipse = Ellipse(centre, width=size[0], height=size[1])
    region = ellipse.contains_points(xy)  # Shape (2*npoints)
    region.shape = x.shape  # Shape (npoints, 2)
    return region
Пример #2
####### ELIPSE OBSTACLE ####################
elipse = Ellipse((150, 100), 80, 40, 0, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green')
###### PATCHING THEM TOGETHER ###############
pathpatch = PathPatch(path, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green')
pathpatch2 = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green')
pathpatch3 = Ellipse((150, 100),

####### CHECKING TO SEE IF ROBOT IS IN OBSTACLE ################
inside_polygons = (path.contains_points(points, radius=1e-9)
                   )  #true if it is inside the polygon,otherwise false
inside_elipse = (elipse.contains_points(points, radius=1e-9))
inside_circle = (circle.contains_points(points, radius=1e-9))
inside_obstacle = (any(inside_polygons == True)) or (any(
    inside_circle == True)) or (any(inside_elipse == True))
if inside_obstacle:
    print("inside the obstacle you are, you little thing")
####################### REDUCING SEACH NODES BY SUBTRACTING OBSTACLES ################
inside_polygons2 = np.where((path.contains_points(map, radius=1e-9)), 20000, 0)
inside_elipse2 = np.where((elipse.contains_points(map, radius=1e-9)), 20000, 0)
inside_circle2 = np.where((circle.contains_points(map, radius=1e-9)), 20000, 0)
mask = (inside_polygons2 + inside_elipse2 + inside_circle2)
reduced = np.array(list(zip(x_m.flatten(), y_m.flatten(), mask.flatten())))
reduced2 = np.vstack((x_m.flatten(), y_m.flatten(), mask)).T
newmap = reduced[np.all(
    reduced < 20000,
    axis=1), :]  # if any value in reduced map is True remove it