def test_psv_dataset_tfm_segmentation_cropped(): from psv.ptdataset import PsvDataset, TFM_SEGMENTATION_CROPPED ds = PsvDataset(transform=TFM_SEGMENTATION_CROPPED) assert len(ds) == 956, "The dataset should have this many entries" mb = ds[0] image = mb['image'] mask = mb['mask'] assert isinstance(image, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor) assert mask.shape[-2:] == image.shape[-2:] # Hard to test due to randomness.... PLOT=True if PLOT: from matplotlib.pylab import plt import torchvision.transforms.functional as F a = ds.get_annotation(0) plt.figure() plt.suptitle('Visualizing test_psv_dataset_tfm_segmentation_cropped, close if ok') plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(F.to_pil_image(image)) plt.title('image') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(a.colors[mask.numpy()]) plt.title('mask')
def plot(): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) width = 0.5 index = np.arange(26) print 'SUM PLOT 1', sum(row[0] for row in data) print 'SUM PLOT 2', sum(row[1] for row in data) print 'SUM PLOT 3', sum(row[2] for row in data) print data[0] p0 =, data[0], width, color='y') # people p1 =, data[1], width, color='g') # nature p2 =, data[2], width, color='r') # activity p3 =, data[3], width, color='b') # food p4 =, data[4], width, color='c') # symbols p5 =, data[5], width, color='m') # objects p6 =, data[6], width, color='k') # flags p7 =, data[7], width, color='w') # uncategorized plt.ylabel('Usage') plt.title('Emoji category usage per city') plt.xticks(index + width/2.0, cities) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)) plt.legend((p0[0], p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0], p5[0], p6[0], p7[0]), categories_names)
def compare_MC_exact(): max_error = [] sum_error = [] walkers = [] for i in range(500,20000,500): d1 = Diffusion(t=0.2) t_exact,u_exact = d1.exact() t_uniform , mc_uniform = d1.MC_uniform(i) print len(u_exact) print len(mc_uniform) diff = u_exact[:] - mc_uniform[:] temp = max(abs(diff)) max_error.append(temp) temp = sum(diff) sum_error.append(temp) temp = i print temp walkers.append(temp) from matplotlib.pylab import plt plt.figure(2) plt.plot(walkers,max_error,'o-') plt.xlabel('Number of walkers') plt.ylabel('Maximum error') plt.savefig('mcuniform_error1.eps') plt.figure(3) plt.plot(walkers,sum_error,'o-') plt.xlabel('Number of walkers') plt.ylabel('Accumulated error') plt.savefig('mcuniform_error2.eps')
def __init__(self, dir_name='/home/steve/Data/FusingLocationData/0010/'): if not dir_name[-1] is '/': dir_name = dir_name + '/' imu_left = np.loadtxt(dir_name + '', delimiter=',') imu_right = np.loadtxt(dir_name + '', delimiter=',') imu_head = np.loadtxt(dir_name + '', delimiter=',') uwb_head = np.loadtxt(dir_name + 'uwb_result.csv', delimiter=',') beacon_set = np.loadtxt(dir_name + 'beaconSet.csv', delimiter=',') print('average time interval of left:', float(imu_left[-1, 1] - imu_left[0, 1]) / float(imu_left.shape[0])) print('average time interval of right:', float(imu_right[-1, 1] - imu_right[0, 1]) / float(imu_right.shape[0])) print('average time interval of head:', float(imu_head[-1, 1] - imu_head[0, 1]) / float(imu_head.shape[0])) plt.figure() plt.plot(imu_left[1:, 1] - imu_left[:-1, 1], label='time left') plt.plot(imu_right[1:, 1] - imu_right[:-1, 1], label='time right') # time_diff = imu_left[1:,1] - imu_left[:-1,1] # plt.plot(time_diff-time_diff.mean(),label='time diff') plt.plot(imu_head[1:, 1] - imu_head[:-1, 1], label=' time head') plt.grid() plt.legend()
def AddRegressor(): rng = np.random.RandomState(1) # 和random_state的用法一致 在这可以固定生成的随机数 x = np.sort(5 * rng.rand(80, 1), axis=0) # rng.rand(80,1) 生成80行1列的随机数 乘以5就是生成0-5的随机数 y = np.sin(x).ravel() # ravel()降维 y[::5] += 0.3 * (0.5 - rng.rand(16)) # reg1 = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2) reg2 = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=5), y), y) test = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis] y1 = reg1.predict(test) y2 = reg2.predict(test) #plt.figure() plt.figure() plt.scatter(x, y, label='dian') plt.plot(test, y1, color='red', label='max_depth=2') plt.plot(test, y2, color='yellow', label="max_depth=5") plt.xlabel('data') plt.ylabel('target') plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def view(dataset, i): if not (hasattr(dataset, 'sensor_events')): return tmp_act_evants = dataset.activity_events.loc[ dataset.activity_events['Activity'] == i] print(dataset.activities_map[i]) print(tmp_act_evants['Duration'].describe()) fig = plt.figure() tmp_act_evants['StartTime'].iloc[0] all = pd.DataFrame() for index, row in tmp_act_evants.iterrows(): myse = dataset.sensor_events.loc[ (dataset.sensor_events['time'] >= row['StartTime']) & (dataset.sensor_events['time'] <= row['EndTime'])].copy() myse['relative'] = dataset.sensor_events['time'] - row['StartTime'] myse['tpercent'] = myse['relative'] / row['Duration'] all = pd.concat([all, myse[['tpercent', 'SID']]]) # plt.scatter(myse['tpercent'],myse['SID']) tmp = all.copy() tmp['tpercent'] = (tmp['tpercent'] * 2).round(0) / 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) a = pd.pivot_table(tmp, columns='tpercent', index='SID', aggfunc=np.count_nonzero, fill_value=0) a = a / a.max() # plt.imshow(a, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest') sns.heatmap(a / a.max(),
def example_image(graph, filename, layout='spring', edge_labels=False, node_labels=False, show=False): """Generates example image with graph. Uses nx.draw_networkx_* methods, and matplotlib to draw and save the image. """ # positions for all nodes pos = LAYOUT_DICT[layout](graph) # configure the image plt.figure(figsize=(2, 2)) plt.axis('off') # draw all of the things! nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos, nodelist=graph.nodes(), node_color='r') nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos, width=1.0, alpha=0.5, arrows=True) if node_labels: nlabels = {node: str(node) for node in graph.nodes()} nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, nlabels, font_size=16) if edge_labels: elabels = {edge: str(idx) for idx, edge in enumerate(graph.edges())} nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos, elabels) # place the file where it belongs path = os.path.join(os.environ['ERDOS_PATH'], "content/images", filename) plt.savefig(path) if show:
def plot_first_factors(X_data, y_data, analysis_type="lda"): """Generate scatterplot of two principal components (pca or lda) of data set.""" le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() colours = [ 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'darkgreen', 'darkorange', 'yellow', 'black' ] if analysis_type == "pca": transform = PCA(n_components=2) XX_data = elif analysis_type == "lda": transform = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=2) XX_data =, y_data).transform(X_data) else: print("Type", analysis_type, "not recognised, use either 'pca' or 'lda'.") return plt.figure() for i, j in enumerate(le.classes_): plt.scatter(XX_data[y_data == j, 0], XX_data[y_data == j, 1], alpha=0.8, color=colours[i], label=str(j)) plt.legend(loc='best', shadow=False, scatterpoints=1) plt.title(analysis_type)
def bar_graph(category, age_grp, sex, x, y, year=None, country=None): plt.figure() plt.ylabel('ATE = Y1 - Y0') plt.xlabel('Years'), x, align='center') plt.xticks(range(len(x)), y, rotation='vertical') if country: plt.title("%s Suicide Rates for WC; %s ages %s" % (country, sex, age_grp)) name = country + sex + age_grp + '.png' # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('./graphs/Countries' + '/' + sex + '/' + name.replace(' ', '_')) elif year: plt.title("Change in Suicide Rates per Country in %s; %s ages %s" % (year, sex, age_grp)) name = category + sex + str(year) + age_grp + '.png' # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('./graphs/' + category + '/' + sex + '/' + str(year) + '/' + name.replace(' ', '')) else: plt.title("Change in Suicide Rates in %s Countries; %s ages %s" % (category, sex, age_grp)) name = category + sex + age_grp + '.png' # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('./graphs/' + category + '/' + sex + '/' + name.replace(' ', ''))
def graph(train_df, test_df, p_forecast, f_forecast, metric, key): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40,10)) forecast_ds = np.array(f_forecast["ds"]) print(len(forecast_ds)) print(len(train_df)) forecast_ds = forecast_ds[int(train_df["values"].count()):] plt.plot(np.array(train_df["ds"]), np.array(train_df["y"]),'b', label="train", linewidth=3) plt.plot(np.array(test_df["ds"]), np.array(test_df["y"]), 'k', label="test", linewidth=3) plt.savefig( "../testing/compare_fourier_prophet/" + str(key) + "_raw_" + metric + ".png", transparent=True) prophet = np.array(p_forecast["yhat"]) prophet_upper = np.array(p_forecast["yhat_upper"]) prophet_lower = np.array(p_forecast["yhat_lower"]) fourier = f_forecast["yhat"] fourier = fourier[len(train_df["values"]):] print(len(forecast_ds)) print(len(fourier)) plt.plot(forecast_ds, fourier, 'g', label="fourier_yhat", linewidth=3) plt.savefig( "../testing/compare_fourier_prophet/" + str(key) + "_fourier_" + metric + ".png", transparent=True) prophet = prophet[len(train_df["values"]):] prophet_upper = prophet_upper[len(train_df["values"]):] prophet_lower = prophet_lower[len(train_df["values"]):] plt.plot(forecast_ds, prophet, '*y', label="prophet_yhat", linewidth=3) plt.plot(forecast_ds, prophet_upper, 'y', label="yhat_upper", linewidth=3) plt.plot(forecast_ds, prophet_lower, 'y', label="yhat_lower", linewidth=3) plt.plot() plt.xlabel("Timestamp") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.legend(loc=1) plt.title("Prophet Model Forecast") plt.savefig( "../testing/compare_fourier_prophet/" + str(key) + "_compare_" + metric + ".png", transparent=True) plt.close() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40,10)) forecast_ds = np.array(f_forecast["ds"]) forecast_ds = forecast_ds[len(train_df["values"]):] plt.plot(np.array(train_df["ds"]), np.array(train_df["y"]),'b', label="train", linewidth=3) plt.plot(np.array(test_df["ds"]), np.array(test_df["y"]), 'k', label="test", linewidth=3) prophet = np.array(p_forecast["yhat"]) prophet_upper = np.array(p_forecast["yhat_upper"]) prophet_lower = np.array(p_forecast["yhat_lower"]) prophet = prophet[len(train_df["values"]):] prophet_upper = prophet_upper[len(train_df["values"]):] prophet_lower = prophet_lower[len(train_df["values"]):] plt.plot(forecast_ds, prophet, '*y', label="prophet_yhat", linewidth=3) plt.plot(forecast_ds, prophet_upper, 'y', label="yhat_upper", linewidth=3) plt.plot(forecast_ds, prophet_lower, 'y', label="yhat_lower", linewidth=3) plt.savefig( "../testing/compare_fourier_prophet/" + str(key) + "_prophet_" + metric + ".png", transparent=True) plt.close()
def test_psv_dataset_crop_and_pad(): import psv.ptdataset as P TFM_SEGMENTATION_CROPPED = psv.transforms.Compose( psv.transforms.ToSegmentation(), # Crop in on the facades psv.transforms.SetCropToFacades(pad=20, pad_units='percent', skip_unlabeled=True, minsize=(512, 512)), psv.transforms.ApplyCrop('image'), psv.transforms.ApplyCrop('mask'), # Resize the height to fit in the net (with some wiggle room) # THIS is the test case -- the crops will not usually fit anymore psv.transforms.Resize('image', height=400), psv.transforms.Resize('mask', height=400, interpolation=P.Image.NEAREST), # Reandomly choose a subimage psv.transforms.SetRandomCrop(512, 512), psv.transforms.ApplyCrop('image'), psv.transforms.ApplyCrop('mask', fill=24), # 24 should be unlabeled psv.transforms.DropKey('annotation'), psv.transforms.ToTensor('image'), psv.transforms.ToTensor('mask', preserve_range=True), ) ds = P.PsvDataset(transform=TFM_SEGMENTATION_CROPPED) assert len(ds) == 956, "The dataset should have this many entries" mb = ds[0] image = mb['image'] mask = mb['mask'] assert isinstance(image, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor) assert mask.shape[-2:] == image.shape[-2:] # Hard to test due to randomness.... PLOT=True if PLOT: from matplotlib.pylab import plt import torchvision.transforms.functional as F a = ds.get_annotation(0) plt.figure() plt.suptitle('Visualizing test_psv_dataset_tfm_segmentation_cropped,\n' 'close if ok \n ' 'confirm boundary is marked unlabeled') plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(F.to_pil_image(image)) plt.title('image') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(a.colors[mask.numpy()]) plt.title('mask')
def plot_gallery(images, titles, h, w, n_row=3,n_col=4): plt.figure(figsize=(1.8*n_col, 2.4*n_row)) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0,left=.01,right=.99,top=.90,hspace=.35) for i in range(n_row * n_col): plt.subplot(n_row,n_col,i+1) plt.imshow(images[i].reshape(h,w), plt.title(titles[i],size=12) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(())
def f(self, **kwargs): kwargs['always_apply'] = True print(kwargs) aug = self.tfms(**kwargs) # Just copy all images, next step will be for continious albus image = aug(image=self.image.copy())['image'] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(image) plt.axis('off')
def plot(ranks): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.title("A2.3 PageRank (s-Sensibility)") plt.xlabel("Node ID") plt.ylabel("Pagerank") for row in ranks: plt.plot(row) plt.legend(['s = %.2f' % s for s in numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.05)], loc='upper right', prop={'size': 7}) plt.savefig("submission/pagerank.png")
def save_plot(filter_bank, name): rows , cols = filter_bank.shape[0:2] plt.figure() sub = 1 for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): plt.subplot(rows, cols, sub) plt.imshow(filter_bank[row][col], cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') sub += 1 plt.savefig(name)
def update_data(args, show_seconds=20, subsampling=10): # load previous metadata1 = np.load(os.path.join(args.session1, 'metadata.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() data1 = np.load(os.path.join(args.session1, 'NIdaq.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() t1 = np.arange(len(data1['analog'][0,:]))/metadata1['NIdaq-acquisition-frequency'] metadata2 = np.load(os.path.join(args.session2, 'metadata.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() data2 = np.load(os.path.join(args.session2, 'NIdaq.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() t2 = np.arange(len(data2['analog'][0,:]))/metadata1['NIdaq-acquisition-frequency'] metadata = np.load(os.path.join(args.session1, 'metadata.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() data = np.load(os.path.join(args.session, 'NIdaq.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() t = np.arange(len(data['analog'][0,:]))/metadata1['NIdaq-acquisition-frequency'] tstart = np.min([t.max(), t1.max(), t2.max()])-show_seconds # showing the last 5 seconds # checking that the two realisations are the same: plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) plt.plot(t1[t1>tstart][::subsampling], data1[args.type][,t1>tstart][::subsampling], label='session #1') plt.plot(t2[t2>tstart][::subsampling], data2[args.type][,t2>tstart][::subsampling], label='session #2') plt.plot(t[t>tstart][::subsampling], data[args.type][,t>tstart][::subsampling], label='session') plt.legend() y = input(' /!\ ----------------------- /!\ \n Confirm that you want to replace\n the "%s" data of channel "%s" in session:\n "%s"\n by the data of session #1 ? [yes/No]' % (args.type,, args.session)) if y in ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes']: temp = str(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name)+'.npy' print(""" ---> moving the old data to the temporary file directory as: "%s" [...] """ % temp) shutil.move(os.path.join(args.session, 'NIdaq.npy'), temp) print('applying changes [...]') data[args.type][,:] = data1[args.type][,:len(data[args.type][,:])], 'NIdaq.npy'), data) print('done !') else: print('--> data update aborted !! ')
def plot_four(plot_data): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) # gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, height_ratios=[1, 2]) ax = fig.add_subplot(223, projection='3d') ax.scatter(plot_data['sx'], plot_data['sy'], plot_data['sz']) ax.plot(plot_data['sx'], plot_data['sy'], plot_data['sz'], color='b') ax.view_init(azim=0, elev=90) #xy plane plt.xticks(fontsize=10) ax.set_title('Displacement Projection in xy Plane',size=20) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(224, projection='3d') ax2.scatter(plot_data['sx'], plot_data['sy'], plot_data['sz']) ax2.plot(plot_data['sx'], plot_data['sy'], plot_data['sz'], color='b') ax2.view_init(azim=0, elev=45) ax2.set_title('Displacement',size=20) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(221) # 50 represents number of points to make between T.min and T.max xnew = np.linspace(0,8,50) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['tilt1'], k=3) # type: BSpline x = spl(xnew) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['tilt2'], k=3) # type: BSpline y = spl(xnew) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['compass'], k=3) # type: BSpline z = spl(xnew) ax3.plot(x,"b-",label='tilt1') ax3.plot(y,"r-",label='tilt2') ax3.plot(z,"g-",label='compass') ax3.legend(loc="lower left",prop={'size': 20}) ax3.set_title('Orientation Plot (degree)',size=20) ax3.tick_params(labelsize=20) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(222) # x = gaussian_filter1d(plot_data['ax'], sigma=1) # y = gaussian_filter1d(plot_data['ay'], sigma=1) # z = gaussian_filter1d(plot_data['az'], sigma=1) # mag = gaussian_filter1d(plot_data['accelerometer'], sigma=1) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['ax'], k=3) # type: BSpline x = spl(xnew) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['ay'], k=3) # type: BSpline y = spl(xnew) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['az'], k=3) # type: BSpline z = spl(xnew) spl = make_interp_spline(pd.Series(range(9)), plot_data['accelerometer'], k=3) # type: BSpline mag = spl(xnew) ax4.plot(x/1000,"c--",label='ax') ax4.plot(y/1000,"g--",label='ay') ax4.plot(z/1000,"b--",label='az') ax4.plot(mag,"r-",label='Acc') ax4.legend(loc="lower left",prop={'size': 20}) ax4.set_title('Acceleration Plot (g)',size=20) ax4.tick_params(labelsize=20) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig('FourInOne.png')
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Plot, self).__init__(parent) self.mainWindow = parent self.fig = plt.figure() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.graphNavigationBar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, parent) self.legendList = PlotLegendList() self.defaultPlot() # Current selected scans, detectors and counters self.detectors = [] self.scans = [] self.counters = [] self.currentTab = 0 # Adds the plotting widgets to the layout splitter = qtWidgets.QSplitter() splitter.setOrientation(qtCore.Qt.Vertical) splitter.addWidget(self.graphNavigationBar) splitter.addWidget(self.canvas) splitter.addWidget(self.legendList) # Adds the splitter as the layout of the widget layout = qtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(splitter) self.setLayout(layout)
def plot_score_dist(spacing, std_along, prob_miss, max_distance): from matplotlib.pylab import plt plt.close("Score Dist") plt.figure("Score Dist") d = np.linspace(0, max_distance, 500) plt.plot(d, [score_dist(di, spacing, std_along, prob_miss) for di in d]) plt.vlines(spacing, 0, 1) plt.vlines(spacing * 2, 0, 1, ls='--') plt.annotate("Miss-detect the next mine", (spacing * 2, 0.5), (12, 0), textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel('$p(d)$') plt.xlabel('$d$') plt.grid() plt.xticks(np.arange(max_distance)) plt.xlim(0, max_distance) plt.savefig('score_dist.pdf')
def getfigure(figure=None, clear=False, show=False, save=False): save = save if not isinstance(figure, plt.Figure): figure = plt.figure(figure) if clear: figure.clear() if show or save: def finalyse(name, save=save, show=show): if show: figure.canvas.draw() fout = "" if save: if isinstance(save, basestring): fout = save f = save else: fout = getattr(save, "name", "") #fout = name + "." + figure_format f = save figure.savefig(f) log.notice("Figure %s saved to %s"%(name, fout)) return fout else: def finalyse(name): return name return figure, finalyse
def getfigure(figure=None, clear=False, show=False, save=False): save = save if not isinstance(figure, plt.Figure): figure = plt.figure(figure) if clear: figure.clear() if show or save: def finalyse(name, save=save, show=show): if show: figure.canvas.draw() fout = "" if save: if isinstance(save, basestring): fout = save f = save else: fout = getattr(save, "name", "") #fout = name + "." + figure_format f = save figure.savefig(f) log.notice("Figure %s saved to %s" % (name, fout)) return fout else: def finalyse(name): return name return figure, finalyse
def initPlots(self): ## # if the plot is detached just return if not self.attached: return dataCom = self.dataCom ## # if igure has been close we need to build a new one if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure(self.figId, **self._initkwargs) fig = self.fig ## clear the figure fig.clear() ### # make the subplots self.rtdSubPlots = self.makeSubPlots() ### # init all subplots for p in self.rtdSubPlots: p.initPlot() try: except AttributeError: pass self.lastConfigCounter = dataCom.permanentData["COUNTER.CONFIG"] self.initCanvas(fig) self.figSize = list(fig.get_size_inches())
def show(self): if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure(self.figId, **self._initkwargs) if not self.showed: self.showed = True
def fxcor_subplot(result, GCs, stars): ''' Makes subplot of TDR vs VERR and VREL. Returns a figure object ''' plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(70,40,bottom=0.10,left=0.15,right=0.98, top = 0.95) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') R_vel = plt.subplot(gs[10:40,0:40]) R_err = plt.subplot(gs[40:70,0:40]) R_hist = plt.subplot(gs[0:10,0:40]) R_hist.axis('off') plt.setp(R_vel.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) x = result.TDR y = result.VREL_helio R_vel.scatter(x, y, s=10, c='gray', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.6, label = 'All') x = GCs.TDR y = GCs.VREL_helio R_vel.scatter(x, y, s=11, c='orange', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.8, label = 'GCs') x = stars.TDR y = stars.VREL_helio R_vel.scatter(x, y, s=11, c='green', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.8, label = 'Stars') R_vel.set_xlim(1,20) R_vel.set_ylim(-2000,5000) R_vel.set_ylabel(r'$v$ $[km \, s^{-1}]$') plt.setp(R_vel.get_yticklabels()[0], visible=False) x = result.TDR y = result.VERR R_err.scatter(x, y,s=10, c='gray', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.6) x = GCs.TDR y = GCs.VERR R_err.scatter(x, y,s=11, c='orange', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.8) x = stars.TDR y = stars.VERR R_err.scatter(x, y,s=11, c='green', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.8) R_err.set_ylim(2,80) R_err.set_xlim(1,20) R_err.set_ylabel(r'$\delta v$ $[km \, s^{-1}]$') R_err.set_xlabel(r'TDR') plt.setp(R_err.get_yticklabels()[-1], visible=False) R_vel.legend() R_hist.hist([GCs.TDR,stars.TDR], range = (1,20), bins = 50, normed=True, color=['orange','green']) return fig
def plt_score(history): plt.figure() plt.plot() plt.plot(history.history['acc']) plt.plot(history.history['val_acc']) plt.title('model accuracy') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig('acc.png') # loss plt.figure() plt.plot(history.history['loss']) plt.plot(history.history['val_loss']) plt.title('model loss') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig('loss.png')
def __init__(self): super(PlotWidget, self).__init__() self.plotWidget = QWidget() self.fig = plt.figure() #self.fig.tight_layout(pad=0.4, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=1.0) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.defaultPlot() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.canvas) self.plotWidget.setLayout(layout)
def __init__(self, dataCom, figId, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure(figId, **kwargs) self._initkwargs = kwargs self.figId = figId self.dataCom = dataCom self.lastDataCounter = -99 self.lastConfigCounter = -99 self.fig = fig self.rtdSubPlots = [] self.checkCanvas() self.showed = False
def make_radar(skill: int, strength: int, defence: int, willpower: int, attack: int, stamina: int): ''' :return: PNG type image binary content ''' value = [skill, strength, defence, willpower, attack, stamina] if not all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and 0 < x <= 100, value)): return font = FontProperties(fname=settings.PINGFANG_FONT, size=23) plt.figure(figsize=(4.8, 4.8)) # 图片大小 name = [ '技术\n ', '力量 ', '防守 ', '\n意志力', ' 进攻 ', ' 耐力 ' ] # 标签 theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(name), endpoint=False) # 将圆周根据标签的个数等比分 theta = np.concatenate((theta, [theta[0]])) # 闭合 value = np.concatenate((value, [value[0]])) # 闭合 ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') # 构建图例 ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') # 设置极轴方向 ax.fill(theta, value, color="#EF2D55", alpha=0.35) # 填充色,透明度 for i in [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]: # 绘等分线 ax.plot(theta, [i] * (6 + 1), 'k-', lw=1, color='#8989A3') # 之所以 n +1,是因为要闭合! ax.plot(theta, value, 'ro-', 'k-', lw=1, alpha=0.75, color='#FF465C') # 绘数据图 ax.set_thetagrids(theta * 180 / np.pi, name, fontproperties=font, color='#8989A3') # 替换标签 ax.set_ylim(0, 100) # 设置极轴的区间 ax.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) # 去掉最外围的黑圈 ax.grid(True, color='#8989A3', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) ax.set_yticks([]) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, transparent=True) # 透明 plt.close('all') # 关闭所有绘图 return buf
def plot_scatter_annotate(data, labels, title): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) assert data.shape[0] == len(labels), 'size mismatch' plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], marker='o', s=100, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Spectral')) plt.title(title) for label, x, y in zip(labels, data[:, 0], data[:, 1]): plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(-20, 20), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='yellow', alpha=0.5), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0'))
def example_pic(): """Generate the example graph picture.""" # create graph from edge list graph = nx.Graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (3, 0)]) # positions for all nodes pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) # each node is labaled by its own name labels = {node: str(node) for node in graph.node.keys()} # configure the image plt.figure(figsize=(2, 2)) plt.axis('off') # draw all of the things! nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos, nodelist=[0, 1, 2, 3], node_color='r') nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos, width=1.0, alpha=0.5) nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, labels, font_size=16) # place the file where it belongs path = os.path.join(os.environ['ERDOS_PATH'], "content/images", "nodes_edges_example.png") plt.savefig(path)
def filter_show(filters, nx=8, margin=3, scale=10): FN, C, FH, FW = filters.shape ny = int(np.ceil(FN / nx)) fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) for i in range(FN): ax = fig.add_subplot(ny, nx, i + 1, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.imshow(filters[i, 0],, interpolation='nearest')
def plot_result(filename='glances.csv'): import pandas as pd from matplotlib.pylab import plt data = pd.read_csv(filename) mem_used = data['mem_used'].apply(lambda x: float(x) / (10**9)) plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(121) mem_used.plot(color="r", linestyle="-", linewidth=1) plt.xlabel('time step') plt.ylabel('GB') plt.title('mem_used') plt.subplot(122) gpu_0_proc = data['gpu_0_proc'] gpu_0_proc.plot(color="b", linestyle="-", linewidth=1) plt.xlabel('time step') plt.ylabel('proc') plt.title('gpu_0_proc') print("mean mem_used:{},mean_gpu_0_proc:{}".format(mem_used.mean(), gpu_0_proc.mean()))
def drawSurfacePlot(self, f1): """ Method to draw a surface plot for test spec using Word Rank | Tf-Idf Score | PI """ test_doc = {} for row in f1: test_doc[row[0]] = [row[1], row[2]] sorted_test_doc = sorted(test_doc.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][0], reverse=True) word_rank = [] PI_list = [] tf_idf_list = [] for i, word in enumerate(sorted_test_doc): word_rank.append(i + 1) PI_list.append(word[1][0]) tf_idf_list.append(word[1][1]) PI_list = [float(pi) for pi in PI_list] tf_idf_list = [float(tf_idf) for tf_idf in tf_idf_list] fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) X = word_rank X_clone = word_rank Y = tf_idf_list X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) print X # Z should be a function of X and Y Z = PI_list X_clone, Z = np.meshgrid(X_clone, Z) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=10, cstride=10,, alpha=None) #ax.contour(X, Y, Z, zdir='x', offset=-4, cmap=cm.hsv) #ax.contour(Y, Y, Z, zdir='y', offset=4, cmap=cm.hsv) #ax.contour(Y, Y, Z, zdir='z', offset=-2, cmap=cm.hsv) #ax.set_zlim(0, 1)
def plot_piledspectra(): fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6,8)) plt.xlim(5000,9000) specindex = range(0,100,10) offset = np.arange(0,len(specindex)) * 0.5 ylim = [0.5, offset[-1] + 1.3] plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.xlabel(r'Restrame Wavelength [ \AA\ ]') plt.ylabel(r'Flux') line_wave = [5175., 5892., 6562.8, 8498., 8542., 8662.] # ['Mgb', 'NaD', 'Halpha', 'CaT', 'CaT', 'CaT'] for line in line_wave: x = [line, line] y = [ylim[0], ylim[1]] plt.plot(x, y, c= 'gray', linewidth=1.0) plt.annotate(r'CaT', xy=(8540.0, ylim[1] + 0.05), xycoords='data', annotation_clip=False) plt.annotate(r'H$\alpha$', xy=(6562.8, ylim[1] + 0.05), xycoords='data', annotation_clip=False) plt.annotate(r'NaD', xy=(5892., ylim[1] + 0.05), xycoords='data', annotation_clip=False) plt.annotate(r'Mg$\beta$', xy=(5175., ylim[1] + 0.05), xycoords='data', annotation_clip=False) for i,j in zip(specindex,offset): iraf.noao.onedspec.continuum(input = GCssorted.ORIGINALFILE.iloc[i] + '[1]', output = '/Volumes/VINCE/OAC/continuum.fits', type = 'ratio', naverage = '3', function = 'spline3', order = '5', low_reject = '2.0', high_reject = '2.0', niterate = '10') data = fits.getdata('/Volumes/VINCE/OAC/continuum.fits', 0) hdu =[i]) header1 = hdu[1].header lamRange = header1['CRVAL1'] + np.array([0., header1['CD1_1'] * (header1['NAXIS1'] - 1)]) wavelength = np.linspace(lamRange[0],lamRange[1], header1['NAXIS1']) hdu.close() zp = 1. + (GCssorted.VREL.iloc[i] / 299792.458) plt.plot(wavelength/zp, gaussian_filter(data,2) + j, c = 'black', lw=1) os.remove('/Volumes/VINCE/OAC/continuum.fits')
def plot(self,x, mk="b-", axis=None, figure=None, **kwargs): """ plot the fitted model according to a x array Parameters: ----------- x : array like mk : string, optional marker short string description, default is 'b-' axis : matplotlib axis, optional if not given take the subplot 1,1 of figure figure : matplotlib figure, optional if not given take plt.figure() **kwargs : optional other plot parameter """ from matplotlib.pylab import plt if axis is None: if figure is None: figure = plt.figure() axis = figure.add_subplot(111) return axis.plot(x, self.model(x), mk, **kwargs)
def surfMagnitudePhaseImage(self, image): import numpy as np X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 64) Y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 64) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) mag = absolute(image).astype('float') phase = angle(image).astype('float') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211, projection='3d') Z = mag surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=True) ax.set_zlim3d(np.min(Z), np.max(Z)) fig.colorbar(surf) ax = fig.add_subplot(212, projection='3d') Z = phase surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=True) ax.set_zlim3d(np.min(Z), np.max(Z)) fig.colorbar(surf)
'Kd': 3, 'sat_lim_max': 10, 'sat_lim_min': -10 } new_controller('example_configuration.cnf', '', 'PIDAW', param) # Create a motor object for simulation motor = DC_Motor(configfile='model.cnf', controlmodule='example_controller') # Simulate the system with an alternating step reference ref, u, x, y = motor.simulate(30, 'steps') # Visualize simulation t = np.array([ii * motor.h for ii in range(len(u[0,:]))]) plt.figure(1); plt.step(t, u[0]) limits = np.array(plt.axis())*np.array([1.,1.,1.1,1.1]) plt.axis(limits) plt.title('Control signal(s)') plt.figure(2); plt.step(t, np.transpose(x)) limits = np.array(plt.axis())*np.array([1.,1.,1.1,1.1]) plt.axis(limits) plt.title('System states') plt.figure(3); plt.step(t, ref[0]) plt.step(t, x[0]) limits = np.array(plt.axis())*np.array([1.,1.,1.1,1.1])
plt.legend() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mask = (((result['g_auto'] - result['r_auto']) < (0.2 + 0.6 * (result['g_auto'] - result['i_auto']))) & ((result['g_auto'] - result['r_auto']) > (-0.2 + 0.6 * (result['g_auto'] - result['i_auto']))) & ((result['g_auto'] - result['i_auto']) > 0.5) & ((result['g_auto'] - result['i_auto']) < 1.3) & ((result['i_auto']) < 24)) subset = result[mask] subset = subset.sample(n=1000) plt.figure() plt.scatter(result['g_auto'] - result['i_auto'], result['g_auto'] - result['r_auto'], s=10, c='gray', edgecolor='none', alpha = 0.5) plt.scatter(subset['g_auto'] - subset['i_auto'], subset['g_auto'] - subset['r_auto'], s=20, c='blue', edgecolor='none') plt.scatter(GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['i_auto'], GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['r_auto'], s=10, c='red', edgecolor='none') plt.xlabel('(g - i)') plt.ylabel('(g - r)') plt.xlim(-1,4) plt.ylim(-1,4) plt.figure() plt.scatter(subset['g_auto'] - subset['r_auto'], subset['r_auto'], s=30, c='blue', edgecolor='none') plt.scatter(GCs['g_auto'] - GCs['r_auto'], GCs['i_auto'], s=8, c='red', edgecolor='none') plt.ylim(13,24) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('(g - i)') plt.ylabel('i')
[u, v, h] =[p, u, v, h]) # Create an integrator function f = MXFunction([p, uk, vk, hk], [u, v, h]) f.init() print "generated discrete dynamics" # Allocate memory u = copy.deepcopy(u0) v = copy.deepcopy(v0) h = copy.deepcopy(h0) # Prepare plotting if plot_progress: fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") # plt.clf() # plt.grid(True) plt.ion() plt.hold(False) plt.draw() # Measurement h_meas = [] # Simulate once to generate "measurements" for k in range(num_measurements): # Visualize the pool if plot_progress:
def plot_spectrum(result, correct = True, interactive = False): plt.close('all') plt.ioff() if interactive: plt.ion() hdu =['ORIGINALFILE']) galaxy = gaussian_filter(hdu[1].data, 1) thumbnail = hdu['THUMBNAIL'].data twoD = hdu['2D'].data header = hdu[0].header header1 = hdu[1].header hdu.close() lamRange = header1['CRVAL1'] + np.array([0., header1['CD1_1'] * (header1['NAXIS1'] - 1)]) if correct: zp = 1. + (result['VREL'] / 299792.458) else: zp = 1. wavelength = np.linspace(lamRange[0],lamRange[1], header1['NAXIS1']) / zp ymin, ymax = np.min(galaxy), np.max(galaxy) ylim = [ymin, ymax] + np.array([-0.02, 0.1])*(ymax-ymin) ylim[0] = 0. xmin, xmax = np.min(wavelength), np.max(wavelength) ### Define multipanel size and properties fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(200,130,bottom=0.10,left=0.10,right=0.95) ### Plot the object in the sky ax_obj = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:70,105:130]) ax_obj.imshow(thumbnail, cmap = 'gray', interpolation = 'nearest') ax_obj.set_xticks([]) ax_obj.set_yticks([]) ### Plot the 2D spectrum ax_2d = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:11,0:100]) ix_start = header['START_{}'.format(int(result['DETECT']))] ix_end = header['END_{}'.format(int(result['DETECT']))] ax_2d.imshow(twoD, cmap='spectral', aspect = "auto", origin = 'lower', extent=[xmin, xmax, 0, 1], vmin = -0.2, vmax=0.2) ax_2d.set_xticks([]) ax_2d.set_yticks([]) ### Add spectra subpanels ax_spectrum = fig.add_subplot(gs[11:85,0:100]) ax_blue = fig.add_subplot(gs[110:200,0:50]) ax_red = fig.add_subplot(gs[110:200,51:100]) ### Plot some atomic lines line_wave = [4861., 5175., 5892., 6562.8, 8498., 8542., 8662.] # ['Hbeta', 'Mgb', 'NaD', 'Halpha', 'CaT', 'CaT', 'CaT'] for i in range(len(line_wave)): x = [line_wave[i], line_wave[i]] y = [ylim[0], ylim[1]] ax_spectrum.plot(x, y, c= 'gray', linewidth=1.0) ax_blue.plot(x, y, c= 'gray', linewidth=1.0) ax_red.plot(x, y, c= 'gray', linewidth=1.0) ### Plot the spectrum ax_spectrum.plot(wavelength, galaxy, 'k', linewidth=1.3) ax_spectrum.set_ylim(ylim) ax_spectrum.set_xlim([xmin,xmax]) ax_spectrum.set_ylabel(r'Arbitrary Flux') ax_spectrum.set_xlabel(r'Restframe Wavelength [ $\AA$ ]') ### Plot blue part of the spectrum x1, x2 = 300, 750 ax_blue.plot(wavelength[x1:x2], galaxy[x1:x2], 'k', linewidth=1.3) ax_blue.set_xlim(wavelength[x1],wavelength[x2]) ax_blue.set_ylim(galaxy[x1:x2].min(), galaxy[x1:x2].max()) ax_blue.set_yticks([]) ### Plot red part of the spectrum x1, x2 = 1400, 1500 ax_red.plot(wavelength[x1:x2], galaxy[x1:x2], 'k', linewidth=1.3) ax_red.set_xlim(wavelength[x1],wavelength[x2]) ax_red.set_ylim(galaxy[x1:x2].min(), galaxy[x1:x2].max()) ax_red.set_yticks([]) ### Plot text #if interactive: textplot = fig.add_subplot(gs[80:200,105:130]) kwarg = {'va' : 'center', 'ha' : 'left', 'size' : 'medium'} textplot.text(0.1, 1.0,r'ID = {} \, {}'.format(result.ID, int(result.DETECT)),**kwarg) textplot.text(0.1, 0.9,r'$v =$ {}'.format(int(result.VREL)), **kwarg) textplot.text(0.1, 0.8,r'$\delta \, v = $ {}'.format(int(result.VERR)), **kwarg) textplot.text(0.1, 0.7,r'SN1 = {0:.2f}'.format(result.SN1), **kwarg) textplot.text(0.1, 0.6,r'SN2 = {0:.2f}'.format(result.SN2), **kwarg) textplot.text(0.1, 0.5,r'TDR = {0:.2f}'.format(result.TDR), **kwarg) textplot.text(0.1, 0.4,r'SG = {}'.format(result.SG), **kwarg) textplot.axis('off') return fig
plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores_mean, '-', color="r", label="Training score") plt.plot(train_sizes, test_scores_mean, '-', color="g", label="Cross-validation score") plt.ylim(0,1.2) plt.xlim(0,200) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel("Train test size") plt.savefig("learning_curves.png") plt.close("all") # plot the model vs the predictions for what_plot in [0,1,2,3]: fig=plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1); ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=20); ax2.tick_params(labelsize=20) # if(what_plot==3): # actual data ax1.scatter(X_test[models_features[i]]["Budget"],X_test[models_response[i]],c=X_test[models_features[i]]["AveStudioShare"],s=2.**((X_test[models_features[i]]["TheatersOpening"])+4),cmap="Reds",alpha=0.8) # # predictions predictions = the_best_models[i].predict(X_test[models_features[i]]) predictions_with_error = np.random.normal(predictions,np.sqrt(best_mse[i]),size=len(predictions)) ax2.scatter(X_test[models_features[i]]["Budget"],predictions_with_error,c=X_test[models_features[i]]["AveStudioShare"],s=2.**((X_test[models_features[i]]["TheatersOpening"])+4),cmap="Greens",alpha=0.8) # if(what_plot==2): # actual data
GCs = pd.read_csv('/Volumes/VINCE/OAC/GCs_903.csv', dtype = {'ID': object}, comment = '#') # ---------------------------------- rep1 = GCs[GCs.Alt1.isin(GCs.ID)] df1 = pd.DataFrame() df2 = pd.DataFrame() for j in range(0,len(rep1)): df1.iloc[j] = rep1.iloc[j] x = VIMOS['VREL_helio'] xerr = VIMOS['VERR'] y = SchuberthMatch['HRV'] yerr = SchuberthMatch['e.1'] print 'rms (VIMOS - Schuberth) GCs = ', np.std(x-y) plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr= yerr, xerr = xerr, fmt = 'o', c ='black', label = 'Schuberth et al.') plt.plot([-200, 2200], [-200, 2200], '--k') plt.xlim(-200,2200) plt.ylim(-200,2200) x = VIMOS['r_auto'] y = SchuberthMatch['Rmag'] plt.scatter(x, y, c ='black')
def plotting(self,pressurelattice,invasionlattice,pressure,number_of_clusters): from matplotlib.pylab import plt #Plotting the invasionlattice plt.figure(2) plt.imshow(invasionlattice, cmap='Greys',interpolation='nearest') plt.title("Invasion lattice") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(self.pathsimulation + "invasionlattice.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() #plotting the pressure plt.figure(5) plt.plot(pressure) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Pressure') plt.title('P(t)') plt.savefig(self.pathsimulation +"pressure.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() #plotting the clusterlattice plt.figure(6) plt.imshow(self.lw, interpolation='nearest') plt.title("Clusterlattice") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(self.pathsimulation +"clusterlattice.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() #Temporal diagram plt.figure(7) plt.imshow(self.temporalplot,interpolation='nearest') plt.title('Temporal diagram') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(self.pathsimulation +"temporal.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() #Plotting pressure distribution in the cell. plt.figure(3) plt.hist(pressurelattice.ravel(), bins=30, fc='k', ec='k') plt.savefig(self.pathsimulation +"pressuredistribution.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() #Plotting the number of clusters as a function of interation. plt.figure(1) plt.plot(number_of_clusters) plt.xlabel('Iteration number/time') plt.ylabel('Number of clusters') plt.title('Number_of_cluster(t)') plt.savefig(self.pathsimulation +"clusterN.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
import csv import datetime from pylab import * from matplotlib.pylab import plt from matplotlib import dates as mtd from matplotlib.dates import HourLocator, DayLocator,DateFormatter f1=open("./Turnstile/Turnstile-Data.txt","rb") #f2=open("./Turnstile/Sp170St.txt","wb") rv=csv.reader(f1) #ro=csv.writer(f2) fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) ax1=fig.add_subplot(3,1,1) ax2=fig.add_subplot(3,1,3) fig_wnd=plt.figure() ax1_wnd=fig_wnd.add_subplot(3,1,1) print "The station we are analyzing is 170th Street on line 4" REMOTE="R243"; BOOTH="R284" # This is the code for the subway stop print "We are considering turnstile numbers over the weekday from Jan 7th to Jan 11, 2013" T_ent=-1 # Entry count on turnstile T_exit=-1 # Exit count on turnstile trun=[] SCP="" flag=-1 for rw in rv: if (rw[0]==BOOTH and rw[1]==REMOTE) : flag=1 print len(rw) if SCP!=rw[2]: T_ent=-1 # Entry count on turnstile T_exit=-1 # Exit count on turnstile SCP=rw[2]
truth = np.array(y_test) from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, recall_score, precision_score accuracy_score(predictions,truth) f1_score(predictions,truth,average="weighted") recall_score(predictions,truth,average="weighted") precision_score(predictions,truth,average="weighted") from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc from matplotlib.pylab import plt import seaborn as sns all_categories = np.unique(articles["category"]) fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) plt.tick_params(labelsize=20) for i in range(len(all_categories)): mask = y_test == all_categories[i] prob_category = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,i] dummy_y = np.ones(len(y_test)) dummy_y[~mask] = 0 fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(dummy_y, prob_category) ax.plot(fpr,tpr,label=all_categories[i]+", AUC = "+str(round(auc(fpr,tpr),2)),lw=2) ax.legend(loc=4,fontsize="large") ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], "k--") ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0]);ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05]) ax.set_xlabel("False Positive Rate",fontsize=20); ax.set_ylabel("True Positive Rate",fontsize=20) plt.savefig("roc_curve_body.png",bbox_inches="tight")
def telluric_psf(obs,plot=False,plot_med=False): """ Telluric PSF Measure the instrumental profile of HIRES by treating telluric lines as delta functions. The width of the telluric lines is a measure of the PSF width. Method ------ Fit a comb of gaussians to the O2 bandhead from 6270-6305A. The comb of gaussians that describes the telluric lines has 4 free parameters: - sig : width of the line - wls0 : shift of telluric line centers: -0.1 to +0.1 angstroms - wls1 : wavelength stretch allows for 1% fluctuation in dlam/dpix 0.99 to 1.01. - d : scale factor to apply to the telluric lines If wls0 is off by more than a line width, we might not find a solution. We perform a scan in wls0. Parameters ---------- obs : CPS observation id. """ # Load spectral region and prep. spec = smio.getspec_fits(obs=obs)[14] spec = spec[(spec['w'] > 6270) & (spec['w'] < 6305)] spec['s'] /= continuum.cfit(spec) # figure out where the 95 percentile is for data that's this # noisey, then adjust continuum serr = np.median(spec['serr']) contlevel = np.percentile(np.random.randn(spec.size)*serr,95) spec['s'] *= (1+contlevel) darr = np.array(tell.d) # Intialize parameters p0 = lmfit.Parameters() p0.add('wls0',value=0.0) p0.add('sig',value=0.02,min=0,max=0.1) p0.add('wls1',value=1.0,min=0.99,max=1.01) p0.add('d',value=1,min=0.25,max=2) def model(p): return telluric_comb(p['sig'].value,p['wls0'].value,p['wls1'].value, spec['w'],tell.wcen,darr=p['d'].value*darr) def res(p): """ Residuals Returns residuals for use in the LM fitter. I compute the median absolute deviation to flag outliers. I remove these values from the residual array. However, I divide the residuals by the total number of residuals (post sigma clipping) so a to not penalize solutions with more points. Parameters ---------- p : lmfit parameters object Returns ------- res : Residual array (used in lmfit) """ mod = model(p) res = (spec['s'] - mod) / spec['serr'] # normalized residuals mad = np.median(np.abs(res)) b = (np.abs(res) < 5*mad ) res /= b.sum() if b.sum() < 10: return res * 10 else: return res[b] # Do a scan over different wavelength shifts wstep = 0.01 wrange = 0.1 wls0L = np.arange(-wrange,wrange+wstep,wstep) chiL = np.zeros(len(wls0L)) outL = [] for i in range(len(wls0L)): p = copy.deepcopy(p0) p['wls0'].value = wls0L[i] out = lmfit.minimize(res,p) chiL[i] = np.sum(res(p)**2) outL+=[out] # If the initial shift is off by a lot, the line depths will go to # zero and median residual will be 0. Reject these values out = outL[np.nanargmin(chiL)] p = out.params lmfit.report_fit(out.params) # Bin up the regions surronding the telluric lines wtellmid = np.mean(tell.wcen) def getseg(wcen): wcen = wtellmid + (wcen-wtellmid)*p['wls1'].value + p['wls0'].value dw = spec['w'] - wcen b = np.abs(dw) < 0.3 seg = pd.DataFrame({'dw':dw,'s':spec['s'],'model':model(p)}) seg = pdplus.LittleEndian(seg.to_records(index=False)) seg = pd.DataFrame(seg) return seg[b] seg = map(getseg,list(tell.wcen)) seg = pd.concat(seg,ignore_index=True) wstep = 0.025 bins = np.arange(-0.3,0.3+wstep,wstep) seg['dw0'] = 0. for dw0 in np.arange(-0.3,0.3,wstep): seg['dw0'][seg.dw.between(dw0,dw0+wstep)] = dw0 bseg = seg.groupby('dw0',as_index=False).median() mod = model(p) # best fit model def plot_spectrum(): # Plot telluric lines and fits plt.plot(spec['w'],spec['s'],label='Stellar Spectrum') plt.plot(spec['w'],mod,label='Telluric Model') plt.plot(spec['w'],spec['s']-mod+0.5,label='Residuals') plt.xlim(6275,6305) plt.ylim(0.0,1.05) plt.xlabel('Wavelength (A)') plt.ylabel('Intensity') plt.title('Telluric Lines') def plot_median_profile(): # Plot median line profile plt.plot(bseg.dw,bseg.s,'.',label='Median Stellar Spectrum') plt.plot(bseg.dw,bseg.model,'-',label='Median Telluric Model') plt.title('Median Line Profile') plt.xlabel('Distance From Line Center (A)') yl = list(plt.ylim()) yl[1] = 1.05 plt.ylim(*yl) if plot: # Used for stand-alone telluric diagnostic plots gs = GridSpec(1,4) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)) plt.gcf().set_tight_layout(True)[0,:3])) plot_spectrum()[0,3])) plot_median_profile() if plot_med: # Used in quicklook plot plot_median_profile() # sig = width of telluric line in sig = p['sig'].value # [Angstroms] sig = sig/6290*3e5 # [km/s] sig = sig/1.3 # [pixels] return sig