Пример #1
def classify_epoch(epoch,rate):
    This function returns a sleep stage classification (integers: 1 for NREM
    stage 1, 2 for NREM stage 2, and 3 for NREM stage 3/4) given an epoch of 
    EEG and a sampling rate.
    Pxx, freqs = m.psd(epoch,NFFT=256,Fs=rate)
    nPxx = Pxx/float(sum(Pxx))
    delta_f = plt.find((0<freqs) & (freqs <=3))
 #   delta_power = sum(Pxx[delta_f])
    ndelta_power = sum(nPxx[delta_f])
    spindles_f = plt.find((11 <= freqs) & (freqs <= 15))
 #   spindle_power = sum(Pxx[spindles_f])
    nspindle_power = sum(nPxx[spindles_f])
  #  ratio = spindle_power/delta_power
    if (ndelta_power > 0.8): #suggests stage 3
        stage = 3
        if (nspindle_power > 0.03): #suggests stage 2
            stage = 2
            stage = 1
    return stage
def compute_firing_rate_per_motion( direction_of_motions, spk_times, trials, time_bin ):
   avg_firing_rate = np.zeros( len( direction_of_motions ) )
   for d in range( len( direction_of_motions ) ):
       # extract the trial times for each direction
       time_indx = plt.find( direction_of_motions[d] == trials[:,0] ) 
       times_motion_started = trials[ time_indx, 1 ]
       total_spikes_per_trial = 0
       # for each time of the trial where the movement started,
       # count the number of spikes that occurred in the time window
       for t in range( len(times_motion_started) ):
           spike_indx = plt.find( (spk_times >= times_motion_started[t] - time_bin) & (spk_times <= times_motion_started[t] + time_bin)  )
           total_spikes_per_trial += len( spike_indx )
       # compute the average firing rate
       avg_rate = ( (1.0*total_spikes_per_trial)  / (1.0*len(times_motion_started))) / time_bin
       avg_rate /= 2
       # append the firing rate to 
       avg_firing_rate[d] = avg_rate
   #append the direction d and the firing rate to the initially empty array
   dir_rates = np.column_stack( (direction_of_motions, avg_firing_rate)  )
   return dir_rates
Пример #3
def get_features(data_epoch,rate):
    pxxs = []
    for eeg_epoch in data_epoch:
        pxx, freqs = m.psd(eeg_epoch, Fs=rate)
    pxxs.append(sum(pxx[plt.find((10 <= freqs) & (freqs <= 15))]))
    pxxs.append(max(pxx[plt.find((10 <= freqs) & (freqs <= 15))]))
    pxxs.append(np.mean(pxx[plt.find((10 <= freqs) & (freqs <= 15))]))
    return pxxs    
Пример #4
def detector_tester(APTimes, actualTimes):
    returns percentTrueSpikes (% correct detected) and falseSpikeRate
    (extra APs per second of data)
    compares actual spikes times with detected spike times
    This only works if we give you the answers!
    JITTER = 0.0025 #2 ms of jitter allowed
    #first match the two sets of spike times. Anything within JITTER_MS
    #is considered a match (but only one per time frame!)
    #order the lists
    detected = np.sort(APTimes)
    actual = np.sort(actualTimes)
    #remove spikes with the same times (these are false APs)
    temp = np.append(detected, -1)
    detected = detected[plt.find(plt.diff(temp) != 0)]
    #find matching action potentials and mark as matched (trueDetects)
    trueDetects = [];
    for sp in actual:
        z = plt.find((detected >= sp-JITTER) & (detected <= sp+JITTER))
        if len(z)>0:
            for i in z:
                zz = plt.find(trueDetects == detected[i])
                if len(zz) == 0:
                    trueDetects = np.append(trueDetects, detected[i])
    percentTrueSpikes = 100.0*len(trueDetects)/len(actualTimes)
    #everything else is a false alarm
    totalTime = (actual[len(actual)-1]-actual[0])
    falseSpikeRate = (len(APTimes) - len(actualTimes))/totalTime
    # Added this for auto-evaluation based on criteria 
    pct_spike_eval = "PASS" if percentTrueSpikes > 90.0 else "FAIL"
    false_spike_eval = "PASS" if falseSpikeRate < 2.5 else "FAIL"
    overall_result = "FAIL" if pct_spike_eval == "FAIL" or false_spike_eval == "FAIL" else "PASS"    
    print 'Action Potential Detector Performance performance: '
    print '     Correct number of action potentials = %d' % len(actualTimes)
    print '     %s: Percent True Spikes = %f' % (pct_spike_eval, percentTrueSpikes)
    print '     %s: False Spike Rate = %f spikes/s' % (false_spike_eval, falseSpikeRate)
    print ''
    print 'Overall Evaluation: %s' % overall_result
    print ''
    return {'Percent True Spikes':percentTrueSpikes, 'False Spike Rate':falseSpikeRate}
def plot_waveforms(time, voltage, APTimes, titlestr):
    plot_waveforms takes four arguments - the recording time array, the voltage
    array, the time of the detected action potentials, and the title of your
    plot.  The function creates a labeled plot showing the waveforms for each
    detected action potential
    # calculate sample rate (frames per ms)

    sample_rate = float(len(time) - 1) / (1000 * (time[-1] - time[0]))
    # cycle for each detected spike

    for i in range(0, len(APTime)):
        # find the index for the i-th detected spike time in the time,
        # using plt.find
        idx_spike = plt.find(time == APTime[i])
        #please note that the use of "==" as an condition could be dangerous,
        #since it requires that the the detectedSpikeTimesMS[i] to be exact the same with one element in the timesMS, """
        #to avoild this, we can instead use
        idx_spike = min(plt.find(abs(time - APTime[i]) < 0.00001))
        #to allow 0.01ms jittering
        #I use min() here in case it returns several indices

        # find the start and end index for plotting
        idx_start = idx_spike - int(3 * sample_rate)
        idx_end = idx_spike + int(3 * sample_rate)

        #remeber that sample_rate may not be an interger,
        #so we have to use int() to convert it into an interger

        #note if the index could potentially be negative or bigger
        #than the length of the array at this point, an error will occur
        #we have to make sure that this does not happen
        if (idx_start >= 0) & (idx_end < len(time) - 1):
            # plot the waveform for the i-th spike
            xx = np.linspace(-3, 3, sample_rate * 6)
            yy = voltage[range(idx_start, idx_end)]

    # add axis labels and title
    plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
    plt.ylabel('Voltage (uV)')
Пример #6
def gen_plot_inds(lims,inds_cc=None,exclude_conns=True):
    """ determine which connections should be plot in each ASC class. """ 
    plots = list(lims.keys())+ ['other']
    # check sparseness for image-based (seed region analysis)
    if scipy.sparse.issparse(lims[plots[0]]['pctls']):
        voxels =  lims[plots[0]]['pctls'][0,1:].toarray()
        if not inds_cc:

        notin = inds_cc.copy()

        for plot in plots[:3]:
            notin = np.setdiff1d(notin,inds_plots[plot])

        inds_plots['other'] = notin
        # exclude from additive if in common or uncorrelated
        if exclude_conns:
        # check if correlation matrix is provided
        if not inds_cc:

        for plot in plots[:3]:
            notin = np.setdiff1d(notin,pl.find(fa(lims[plot]['pctls'])))

        inds_plots['other'] = notin

        # exclude from additive if in common or uncorrelated
        if exclude_conns:


Пример #7
def scoresStats(scoresList):
    scoresList = array(scoresList)
    nbPlayers = scoresList.shape[1]
    print "Player | wins loses (ties) meanWinMargin meanLossMargin"
    for player in xrange(nbPlayers):
        otherPlayer = (player+1) % nbPlayers
        winning = find(scoresList[:,player] > scoresList[:,otherPlayer])
        losing  = find(scoresList[:,player] < scoresList[:,otherPlayer])
        wins,loses = len(winning),len(losing)
        ties = scoresList.shape[0]-wins-loses
        meanWinningMargin = mean(sum(scoresList[winning],1))
        meanLosingMargin  = mean(sum(scoresList[losing],1))
        print "     %c | %d %d (%d) +%f -%f" % \
            (chr(65+player), wins, loses, ties, \
             meanWinningMargin, meanLosingMargin)
Пример #8
def plot_waveforms(time,voltage,APTimes,titlestr):
    plot_waveforms takes four arguments - the recording time array, the voltage
    array, the time of the detected action potentials, and the title of your
    plot.  The function creates a labeled plot showing the waveforms for each
    detected action potential


    ## Your Code Here
    for n in range(0,APTimes.size):
        ind = time[(time>(APTimes[n] - 0.003)) & (time<(APTimes[n] + 0.003))]
        sp = np.zeros(ind.size)
        for i in range(0,ind.size):
            sp[i] = plt.find(time == ind[i])
        x = np.linspace(-3.0e-3, 3.0e-3, sp.size)
    plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('Voltages (s)')
Пример #9
def detector_tester(APTimes, actualTimes):
    returns percentTrueSpikes (% correct detected) and falseSpikeRate
    (extra APs per second of data)
    compares actual spikes times with detected spike times
    This only works if we give you the answers!

    JITTER = 0.025  #2 ms of jitter allowed

    #first match the two sets of spike times. Anything within JITTER_MS
    #is considered a match (but only one per time frame!)

    #order the lists
    detected = np.sort(APTimes)
    actual = np.sort(actualTimes)

    #remove spikes with the same times (these are false APs)
    temp = np.append(detected, -1)
    detected = detected[plt.find(plt.diff(temp) != 0)]

    #find matching action potentials and mark as matched (trueDetects)
    trueDetects = []
    for sp in actual:
        z = plt.find((detected >= sp - JITTER) & (detected <= sp + JITTER))
        if len(z) > 0:
            for i in z:
                zz = plt.find(trueDetects == detected[i])
                if len(zz) == 0:
                    trueDetects = np.append(trueDetects, detected[i])
    percentTrueSpikes = 100.0 * len(trueDetects) / len(actualTimes)

    #everything else is a false alarm
    totalTime = (actual[len(actual) - 1] - actual[0])
    falseSpikeRate = (len(APTimes) - len(actualTimes)) / totalTime

    print 'Action Potential Detector Performance performance: '
    print '     Correct number of action potentials = ' + str(len(actualTimes))
    print '     Percent True Spikes = ' + str(percentTrueSpikes)
    print '     False Spike Rate = ' + str(falseSpikeRate) + ' spikes/s'
    return {
        'Percent True Spikes': percentTrueSpikes,
        'False Spike Rate': falseSpikeRate
Пример #10
def time_spent_in_stages(stages):
    for i in range(8):
    return timespent_array
def getLineSeed(binary, scale, bottom, top):
  Function that find "line seeds" inside a binarized image. The line
  seeds are multiple boxes that surround text in a picture.
      - binary: 2D array
            Represent the image from which line seed will be extracted
      - scale: double
            Represent the size of the average object
      - bottom: 2D array
            Represent the bottom boundary of line seeds
      - top: 2D array
            Represent the top boundary of line seeds
  The line seeds act as a "mask" that isolate lines from each other
  to allow segmentation
    # Use scale as a int
    vrange = int(scale)
    threshold = 0.1
    # Find the bottom boundary
    bmarked = ndi.maximum_filter(
        bottom == ndi.maximum_filter(bottom, (vrange, 0)), (2, 2))
    bmarked = bmarked * (bottom > threshold * np.amax(bottom) * threshold)
    # Find the top boundary
    tmarked = ndi.maximum_filter(top == ndi.maximum_filter(top, (vrange, 0)),
                                 (2, 2))
    tmarked = tmarked * (top > threshold * np.amax(top) * threshold / 2)
    tmarked = ndi.maximum_filter(tmarked, (1, 20))
    # Create seeds
    seeds = np.zeros(binary.shape, 'i')
    line_spacing = vrange / 2
    for x in range(bmarked.shape[1]):
        transitions = sorted([(y, 1) for y in pylab.find(bmarked[ : , x])] \
                             + [(y, 0) for y in pylab.find(tmarked[ : , x])])[:: -1]
        transitions += [(0, 0)]
        for i in range(len(transitions) - 1):
            y0, s0 = transitions[i]
            if s0 == 0:
            seeds[y0 - line_spacing:y0, x] = 1
            y1, s1 = transitions[i + 1]
            if s1 == 0 and (y0 - y1) < 5 * scale:
                seeds[y1:y0, x] = 1
    return ndi.maximum_filter(seeds, (1, vrange))
def plot_waveforms(time,voltage,APTimes,titlestr):
    plot_waveforms takes four arguments - the recording time array, the voltage
    array, the time of the detected action potentials, and the title of your
    plot.  The function creates a labeled plot showing the waveforms for each
    detected action potential
    # calculate sample rate (frames per ms)

    sample_rate = float(len(time)-1)/(1000*(time[-1]-time[0]))
    # cycle for each detected spike
    for i in range(0, len(APTime)): 
        # find the index for the i-th detected spike time in the time, 
        # using plt.find
        idx_spike = plt.find(time == APTime[i])
        #please note that the use of "==" as an condition could be dangerous,
        #since it requires that the the detectedSpikeTimesMS[i] to be exact the same with one element in the timesMS, """
        #to avoild this, we can instead use  
        idx_spike = min(plt.find(abs(time - APTime[i])<0.00001))
        #to allow 0.01ms jittering
        #I use min() here in case it returns several indices
        # find the start and end index for plotting
        idx_start = idx_spike - int(3*sample_rate)
        idx_end   = idx_spike + int(3*sample_rate)

        #remeber that sample_rate may not be an interger, 
        #so we have to use int() to convert it into an interger
        #note if the index could potentially be negative or bigger
        #than the length of the array at this point, an error will occur
        #we have to make sure that this does not happen 
        if (idx_start>=0) & (idx_end < len(time)-1):
            # plot the waveform for the i-th spike
            xx = np.linspace(-3,3,sample_rate*6)
            yy = voltage[range(idx_start, idx_end)]
            plt.plot(xx, yy, 'b',hold=True,)
    # add axis labels and title
    plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
    plt.ylabel('Voltage (uV)')  
Пример #13
def analys_trans(fname, maxSr=15, srHstBins=10):
    srHstBinSize = maxSr/srHstBins

    (time, sr) = np.load(fname)
#    sr = gs_filter(sr, 5)

    srHst = np.histogram(sr, bins=srHstBins, range=(0, maxSr))[0]

    srMidpntIdx = len(srHst)/2
    firstMaxIdx = np.argmax(srHst[:srMidpntIdx])
    secondMaxIdx = srMidpntIdx + np.argmax(srHst[srMidpntIdx:])
    srMidpnt = np.argmin(srHst[firstMaxIdx:secondMaxIdx])*srHstBinSize
#    srMidpnt = (firstMaxIdx + secondMaxIdx)/2
    srMidpnt = 50.

    thr = np.array(sr >= srMidpnt, dtype='int32')
    df = np.diff(thr)
    indices_up = pl.find(df == 1)
    indices_down = pl.find(df == -1)

    TimesUp = []
    ActMeanUp = []
    TimesDown = []
    ActMeanDown = []
    Periods = []
    # all time in sec
    if sr[0] > srMidpnt:
        for up, down in zip(indices_up, indices_down):
            TimesDown.append(up - down)
        for up, down in zip(indices_up, indices_down[1:]):
            TimesUp.append(down - up)
        Periods = np.diff(indices_down)
    elif sr[0] <= srMidpnt:
        for up, down in zip(indices_up, indices_down):
            TimesUp.append(down - up)
        for up, down in zip(indices_up[1:], indices_down):
            TimesDown.append(up - down)
        Periods = np.diff(indices_up)
        raise Exception("Unexpected type of sr")
    return np.array(Periods), np.array(TimesDown), np.array(TimesUp), np.array(ActMeanDown), np.array(ActMeanUp)
def detector_tester(APTimes, actualTimes):
    returns percentTrueSpikes (% correct detected) and falseSpikeRate
    (extra APs per second of data)
    compares actual spikes times with detected spike times
    This only works if we give you the answers!
    #print APTimes
    #print actualTimes
    JITTER = 0.0025 #2 ms of jitter allowed
    #first match the two sets of spike times. Anything within JITTER_MS
    #is considered a match (but only one per time frame!)
    #order the lists
    detected = np.sort(APTimes)
    actual = np.sort(actualTimes)
    #remove spikes with the same times (these are false APs)
    temp = np.append(detected, -1)
    detected = detected[plt.find(plt.diff(temp) != 0)]
    #find matching action potentials and mark as matched (trueDetects)
    trueDetects = [];
    for sp in actual:
        z = plt.find((detected >= sp-JITTER) & (detected <= sp+JITTER))
        if len(z)>0:
            for i in z:
                zz = plt.find(trueDetects == detected[i])
                if len(zz) == 0:
                    trueDetects = np.append(trueDetects, detected[i])
    percentTrueSpikes = 100.0*len(trueDetects)/len(actualTimes)
    #everything else is a false alarm
    totalTime = (actual[len(actual)-1]-actual[0])
    falseSpikeRate = (len(APTimes) - len(actualTimes))/totalTime
    print 'Action Potential Detector Performance performance: '
    print '     Correct number of action potentials = ' + str(len(actualTimes))
    print '     Percent True Spikes = ' + str(percentTrueSpikes)
    print '     False Spike Rate = ' + str(falseSpikeRate) + ' spikes/s'
    return {'Percent True Spikes':percentTrueSpikes, 'False Spike Rate':falseSpikeRate}
Пример #15
 def GetSub(self, trackId, isnap=-1):
     ''' load a subhalo with the given trackId at snapshot isnap'''
     #subhalos=LoadSubhalos(isnap, rootdir)
     #return subhalos[subhalos['TrackId']==trackId]
     if self.nfiles:
         subid = find(self.LoadSubhalos(isnap, 'TrackId') == trackId)[0]
         subid = trackId
     return self.LoadSubhalos(isnap, subid)
Пример #16
def subject34_stage4_list():
    list of indices for stage 4s
    stage4_indices = [[[], []], [[], []]]
    stages, stagelengths = pull_subject34_stages()
    for sidx in range(2):
        for bridx in range(2):
            stage4_indices[sidx][bridx] = plt.find(stages[sidx, bridx] == 4)
    return np.array(stage4_indices), stagelengths
def preferred_direction(fit_curve):
    The function takes a 2-dimensional array with the x-values of the fit curve
    in the first column and the y-values of the fit curve in the second.  
    It returns the preferred direction of the neuron (in degrees).
    # find the motion that is associated with the highest firing rate
    prefered_value = max( fit_curve[:,1] )
    preferred_direction = plt.find(  fit_curve[:,1] == prefered_value )
    return fit_curve[preferred_direction[0],0]
Пример #18
def calculateHalphaActivity(xx, yy):

    aha = 1.8565921  #correction coefficients
    bha = -0.0870908  #correction coefficients

    mask = np.where(np.logical_and(xx >= 6545., xx <= 6585.))

    if len(mask[0]) == 0:
        print "Error: spectrum does not cover H-alpha range! "

    x = xx[mask]
    y = yy[mask]

    hlc = max(pylab.find(x <= 6562.01))
    hrc = min(pylab.find(x >= 6563.61))
    hl1 = max(pylab.find(x <= 6545.495))
    hl2 = min(pylab.find(x >= 6556.245))
    hr1 = max(pylab.find(x <= 6575.934))
    hr2 = min(pylab.find(x >= 6584.684))

    ha_core = sum(y[hlc:hrc])
    href1 = sum(y[hl1:hl2])
    href2 = sum(y[hr1:hr2])

    ha_rtest = ha_core / (href1 + href2)

    ha = ha_rtest * aha + bha

    return ha
def good_AP_finder2(time,voltage):
    This function takes the following input:
        time - vector where each element is a time in seconds
        voltage - vector where each element is a voltage at a different time
        We are assuming thaht he two vectors are in correspondance (meaning
        that at a given index, the time in one corresponds to the voltage in
        the other). The vectors must be the same size or the code
        won't run
    This function returns the following output:
        APTime - all the times where a spike (action potential) was detected
    #Let's make sure the input looks at least reasonable
    if (len(voltage) != len(time)):
        print "Can't run - the vectors aren't the same length!"
        APTime = []
        return APTime
    # Pick a threshold. You can eyeball it by looking at the plot, or you can 
    # write code to find it.  Code would be better, but isn't 100% necessary.
    thrd = -80
    # find all the indices whose corresponding voltage is lower than the threshold
    detectedAPIndex = plt.find(voltage < thrd)
    # note that now several neighboring indices could correspond to the same spike
    # we only want the first index for one spike
    # so we will throw away several frames following the first one
    # calculate difference of the picked neiboring indices
    diff_detectedAPIndex= plt.diff(detectedAPIndex)
    # if diff_detectedAPIndex>1, we know that it's a new spike
    # note that diff omits the first element, which is a spike, so I insert the first one
    detectedAPIndex_select = np.insert(diff_detectedAPIndex>1, 0, True)
    # detectedAPIndex_select is a boolean array with the same length of detectedAPIndex
    # we selecte the indices that correspond to the begginning frame of each spikes
    detectedAPIndex = detectedAPIndex[detectedAPIndex_select]
    # find the time im ms based on the indices
    APTime =list(time[i] for i in detectedAPIndex)
    return APTime
Пример #20
def plotIvsR(ix, iy, fx, fy, cx, cy):
    RF = sqrt((fx - cx)**2 + (fy - cy)**2)
    mD2 = []
    mI2 = []
    for i in range(len(RF)):
        r = 5
        D = sqrt((ix - fx[i])**2 + (iy - fy[i])**2)
        I = find(D < r)
        for j in I:
    #plot(mI, mD, 'ro', mI2, mD2, 'bo')
    plot(mI2, mD2, 'bo')
    xlabel('Index star number')
    ylabel('Match distance')
def roll_axes( direction_rates ):
    roll_axes takes the x-values (directions) and y-values (direction_rates)
    and return new x and y values that have been "rolled" to put the maximum
    direction_rate in the center of the curve. The first and last y-value in the
    returned list should be set to be the same. (See problem set directions)
    Hint: Use np.roll()
    bin_size = direction_rates[1,0] - direction_rates[0,0]   
    new_xs = np.append(direction_rates[:,0], direction_rates[-1,0])
    new_ys = np.append(direction_rates[:,1], direction_rates[-1,1])
    roll_degrees = plt.find( max( new_ys ) == new_ys ) 
    roll_degrees = roll_degrees[0]
    if( roll_degrees < 4 ):
        roll_degrees = np.abs(roll_degrees - 4 )
        roll_degrees = 3 - roll_degrees   

    new_xs = np.roll( new_xs, roll_degrees )
    new_ys = np.roll( new_ys,  roll_degrees )
    new_ys[0] =  new_ys[ -1 ] 

    zero_indx = plt.find( new_xs == 0  )
    zero_indx = zero_indx[0]
    for i in range( len(new_xs) ):
        if( i < zero_indx ):
            new_xs[ i ] = ( zero_indx - i )*bin_size*(-1)
    #debug_plot_rolled_data( new_xs, new_ys, bin_size  )
    return new_xs, new_ys, int( roll_degrees*bin_size);
Пример #22
def bin_spikes(trials, spk_times, time_bin = 0.08):
    bin_spikes takes the trials array (with directions and times) and the spk_times
    array with spike times and returns the average firing rate for each of the
    eight directions of motion, as calculated within a time_bin before and after
    the trial time (time_bin should be given in seconds).  For example,
    time_bin = .1 will count the spikes from 100ms before to 100ms after the 
    trial began.
    dir_rates should be an 8x2 array with the first column containing the directions
    (in degrees from 0-360) and the second column containing the average firing rate
    for each direction
    directions = np.unique(trials[:,0])
    dir_rates = np.zeros( (8, 2) ) # intialize an 8x2 array of zeros 
    for direction in directions:
        nmbr_trials = float(len(plt.find(trials[:,0]==direction)))
        trial_times = [ t[1] for t in trials if t[0] == direction ]
        nmbr_spks = 0.0
        for time in trial_times:
            nmbr_spks += len(np.where(np.logical_and(spk_times>time-time_bin,spk_times<time+time_bin))[0])
        firing_rate = nmbr_spks/nmbr_trials/(2*time_bin)
        dir_rates[plt.find(directions==direction)] = [direction, firing_rate] 
    return dir_rates
Пример #23
def plotIvsR(ix, iy, fx, fy, cx, cy):
    RF = sqrt((fx - cx)**2 + (fy - cy)**2)
    mD2 = []
    mI2 = []
    for i in range(len(RF)):
        r = 5
        D = sqrt((ix - fx[i])**2 + (iy - fy[i])**2)
        I = find( D < r )
        for j in I:
    #plot(mI, mD, 'ro', mI2, mD2, 'bo')
    plot(mI2, mD2, 'bo')
    xlabel('Index star number')
    ylabel('Match distance')
def good_AP_finder2(time, voltage):
    This function takes the following input:
        time - vector where each element is a time in seconds
        voltage - vector where each element is a voltage at a different time
        We are assuming thaht he two vectors are in correspondance (meaning
        that at a given index, the time in one corresponds to the voltage in
        the other). The vectors must be the same size or the code
        won't run
    This function returns the following output:
        APTime - all the times where a spike (action potential) was detected

    #Let's make sure the input looks at least reasonable
    if (len(voltage) != len(time)):
        print "Can't run - the vectors aren't the same length!"
        APTime = []
        return APTime

    # Pick a threshold. You can eyeball it by looking at the plot, or you can
    # write code to find it.  Code would be better, but isn't 100% necessary.
    thrd = -80

    # find all the indices whose corresponding voltage is lower than the threshold
    detectedAPIndex = plt.find(voltage < thrd)
    # note that now several neighboring indices could correspond to the same spike

    # we only want the first index for one spike
    # so we will throw away several frames following the first one

    # calculate difference of the picked neiboring indices
    diff_detectedAPIndex = plt.diff(detectedAPIndex)

    # if diff_detectedAPIndex>1, we know that it's a new spike
    # note that diff omits the first element, which is a spike, so I insert the first one
    detectedAPIndex_select = np.insert(diff_detectedAPIndex > 1, 0, True)
    # detectedAPIndex_select is a boolean array with the same length of detectedAPIndex

    # we selecte the indices that correspond to the begginning frame of each spikes
    detectedAPIndex = detectedAPIndex[detectedAPIndex_select]

    # find the time im ms based on the indices
    APTime = list(time[i] for i in detectedAPIndex)

    return APTime
Пример #25
def bin_spikes(trials, spk_times, time_bin):
    bin_spikes takes the trials array (with directions and times) and the spk_times
    array with spike times and returns the average firing rate for each of the
    eight directions of motion, as calculated within a time_bin before and after
    the trial time (time_bin should be given in seconds).  For example,
    time_bin = .1 will count the spikes from 100ms before to 100ms after the 
    trial began.
    dir_rates should be an 8x2 array with the first column containing the directions
    (in degrees) and the second column containing the average firing rate
    for each direction

    #Set up your bin size
    start_bin = time_bin
    stop_bin = time_bin

    #Get just the trial times
    trial_times = trials[:, 1]

    #Initialize your array for each trial
    spikes_per_trial = np.zeros(len(trial_times))

    #Count the number of spikes in the bin around each trial
    for t in np.arange(0, len(trial_times)):
        spikes_per_trial[t] = np.count_nonzero(
            np.logical_and(spk_times > trial_times[t] - start_bin,
                           spk_times < trial_times[t] + stop_bin))

    #Find the directions of motion used in the experiemnt
    directions = np.unique(trials[:, 0])
    #Initialize the dir_rates output
    rates = np.zeros(len(directions))
    for dirs in range(len(directions)):
        d = directions[dirs]
        indices = plt.find(trials[:,
                                  0] == d)  #This lets you group by direction
        rates[dirs] = sum(spikes_per_trial[indices]) / len(
            indices)  #average over the trials
    rates = rates / (start_bin + stop_bin)  #Convert to firing rate
    dir_rates = np.column_stack((directions, rates))
    return dir_rates
Пример #26
def bin_spikes(trials, spk_times, time_bin):
    bin_spikes takes the trials array (with directions and times) and the spk_times
    array with spike times and returns the average firing rate for each of the
    eight directions of motion, as calculated within a time_bin before and after
    the trial time (time_bin should be given in seconds).  For example,
    time_bin = .1 will count the spikes from 100ms before to 100ms after the 
    trial began.
    dir_rates should be an 8x2 array with the first column containing the directions
    (in degrees) and the second column containing the average firing rate
    for each direction
    #Set up your bin size
    start_bin = time_bin
    stop_bin = time_bin
    #Get just the trial times
    trial_times = trials[:,1]
    #Initialize your array for each trial
    spikes_per_trial = np.zeros(len(trial_times))
    #Count the number of spikes in the bin around each trial
    for t in np.arange(0,len(trial_times)):
        spikes_per_trial[t] = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(spk_times > trial_times[t] - start_bin, spk_times < trial_times[t] + stop_bin))

    #Find the directions of motion used in the experiemnt
    directions = np.unique(trials[:,0])
    #Initialize the dir_rates output 
    rates = np.zeros(len(directions))
    for dirs in range(len(directions)):
        d  = directions[dirs]
        indices = plt.find(trials[:,0] == d)  #This lets you group by direction
        rates[dirs] = sum(spikes_per_trial[indices])/len(indices) #average over the trials    
    rates = rates/(start_bin + stop_bin) #Convert to firing rate   
    dir_rates = np.column_stack((directions,rates))
    return dir_rates
Пример #27
def plotDvsR(ix, iy, fx, fy, R):
    IR = argsort(R)

    mR = []
    mD = []
    mI = []

    # Look at index stars in order of R.
    for ii in range(len(IR)):
        i = IR[ii]
        x = ix[i]
        y = iy[i]
        D = sqrt((fx - x)**2 + (fy - y)**2)
        # Grab field stars within a matching radius.
        r = 5
        I = find( D < r )
        for j in I:
    plot(mR, mD, 'ro')
    xlabel('Distance from quad center')
    ylabel('Match distance')
Пример #28
def plotDvsR(ix, iy, fx, fy, R):
    IR = argsort(R)

    mR = []
    mD = []
    mI = []

    # Look at index stars in order of R.
    for ii in range(len(IR)):
        i = IR[ii]
        x = ix[i]
        y = iy[i]
        D = sqrt((fx - x)**2 + (fy - y)**2)
        # Grab field stars within a matching radius.
        r = 5
        I = find(D < r)
        for j in I:
    plot(mR, mD, 'ro')
    xlabel('Distance from quad center')
    ylabel('Match distance')
Пример #29
def plot_waveforms(time,voltage,APTimes,titlestr):
    plot_waveforms takes four arguments - the recording time array, the voltage
    array, the time of the detected action potentials, and the title of your
    plot.  The function creates a labeled plot showing the waveforms for each
    detected action potential

    # note the sampling rate: time[1] - time[0] = .000034375014s 
    # which can serve as our x-axis increments, so our x-axis is 
    # essentially an array from -.003 to .003, of len .006 / .000034375014
    sampling_rate = .006 / (time[1] - time[0])
    xaxis = np.linspace(-.003, .003, num=sampling_rate)
    xincrements = len(xaxis)
    for ap in APTimes:
        # yaxis is just the corresponding 6 ms from the voltage array (need to find the start and end index) 
        peak_index = plt.find(time == ap)[0]
        starting_index = peak_index - xincrements/2
        ending_index = peak_index + xincrements/2
        yaxis = voltage[starting_index:ending_index]
        # hack to make sure arrays are same dimension 
        # bug I ran into was when the recording is at the very end, and we 
        # have less than 3ms of voltage data left to create a nice looking waveform.
        if len(xaxis) != len(yaxis):
            for x in range(0, (len(xaxis) - len(yaxis))):
                yaxis = np.insert(yaxis, -1, 0)
        plt.plot(xaxis, yaxis, 'b', hold=True)
    # add labels 
    plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
    plt.ylabel("Voltage (uV)")

Пример #30
	dt1i = np.array([datetime.strftime(dt1[i],'%Y%m%d%H%M') for i in range(len(dt1)) ]).astype(int)

	#dados da planilha 1 - dd1
	# 7     8   9  10
	# hs, hmax, tp dp

	#define parametros
	hs, hmax, tp, dp = np.array(dd1[:,[7,8,9,10]].T).astype(float)
	dp = dp + dmag[ff-1] #corrige a declinacao magnetica para cada boia

	ws1, wd1, ws2, wd2 = np.array(dd0[:,[5,7,8,10]].T).astype(float)
	wd1 = wd1 + dmag[ff-1] #corrige a declinacao magnetica para cada boia
	wd2 = wd2 + dmag[ff-1]

	#corrige valores menores que zero
	dp[pl.find(dp<0)] = dp[pl.find(dp<0)] + 360
	wd1[pl.find(wd1<0)] = wd1[pl.find(wd1<0)] + 360
	wd2[pl.find(wd2<0)] = wd2[pl.find(wd2<0)] + 360
	dp[pl.find(dp>360)] = dp[pl.find(dp>360)] - 360
	wd1[pl.find(wd1>360)] = wd1[pl.find(wd1>360)] - 360
	wd2[pl.find(wd2>360)] = wd2[pl.find(wd2>360)] - 360

	#cria vetores de flags das series processadas (depende das qtdade de variaveis a serem consistidas + data) 
	flagp = np.zeros((len(hs),4+1),dtype='|S32')
	flagp[:,0] = [datetime.strftime(dt1[i],'%Y%m%d%H%M') for i in range(len(dt1))]

	# ================================================================================== #  
	# Testes de consistencia dos dados processados
def plot_waveforms(time,voltage,APTimes,titlestr):
    plot_waveforms takes four arguments - the recording time array, the voltage
    array, the time of the detected action potentials, and the title of your
    plot.  The function creates a labeled plot showing the waveforms for each
    detected action potential

    ## Your Code Here 
    # --------------------------------------------------------------

    # from homework examples:
    # action potentials are caught in intervals of 3 miliseconds
    rate = 0.003
    # compute the number of action potentials that are measured at each rate
    # this is given by the fraction between the rate and the delayed time between
    # each action potential
    timeStep = time[1]-time[0]
    measurements_per_rate = 2 * int( rate / timeStep )  

    # the x-axis varies between -3 ms to 3 ms and has steps of measurements_per_rate
    time_axis = np.linspace(-rate, rate, measurements_per_rate )  
    voltage_axis = np.zeros( measurements_per_rate )
    for val in range(len(APTimes)):  
        # find index of action potential (AP) in t data array
        indx = plt.find( time == APTimes[val])
        # get data near the action potential  
        if measurements_per_rate / 2 > indx:
            start_indx = 0
            start_indx = indx - measurements_per_rate / 2
        end_indx = indx + measurements_per_rate / 2

        # create a range from the starting index to the ending index
        action_potentials = range(start_indx, end_indx)
        # if there are enough points to represent the number of measurements per rate
        if len( action_potentials ) == measurements_per_rate:   
            # then, get the actural voltages from the action potentials identified
            voltage_axis = voltage[ action_potentials ]     
            # otherwise, fill the array by adding points to fill up the measurement
            missing = measurements_per_rate - len( action_potentials )
            # for poits very close to zero, fill them with zeros as well
            voltage_axis[ 0 : missing ] = 0          
            # for points not very close to zero, get the actual measurements from action potentials
            voltage_axis[ val:measurements_per_rate ] = voltage[ action_potentials[ 1 ] ] 
        # plot the waveform with a blue color      
        plt.plot(time_axis, voltage_axis, color='b', hold=True)

    plt.xlabel( 'Time (s)' )                # plot x-axis label
    plt.ylabel( 'Voltage (uV)' )            # plot y-axis label
    plt.title( titlestr )                   # plot graph title    
    plt.show( )                              # show plot
Пример #32
    fy = fxy.field(1)
    NF = len(fx)

    # The matched quad.
    mf = pyfits.open('ver/match.fits')
    mf = mf[1].data
    quad = mf.field('quadpix')[0]
    quad = quad[0:8].reshape(4, 2)
    qx = quad[:, 0]
    qy = quad[:, 1]
    # Quad center.
    cx = mean(qx)
    cy = mean(qy)

    # Grab index stars that are within the field.
    iok = find(
        (ix > min(fx)) * (ix < max(fx)) * (iy > min(fy)) * (iy < max(fy)))
    ix = [ix[i] for i in iok]
    iy = [iy[i] for i in iok]

    I = [0, 2, 1, 3, 0]
Пример #33
def plot_conn_stats(AB_con,
    """ generates correlation and ASC stats for a pair of states. """

    # generate basic correlation and variance stats
    if ccstatsmat is None:
        inds_cc = find(
                AB_con.get_corr_stats(pcorrs=pcorrs, rel=rel)[1]),
        ccstatsmat = -fa(AB_con.get_corr_stats(pcorrs=pcorrs, rel=rel)[0])
        vvstatsmat = -AB_con.get_std_stats(pcorrs=pcorrs, rel=rel)

    # generate ASC limits
    lims = AB_con.get_ASC_lims(pcorrs=pcorrs,

    # gen correlation matrices for plotting
    Acorrs_mat = np.mean(AB_con.A.get_corrs(pcorrs=pcorrs), 0, keepdims=True)
    Acorrs = fa(Acorrs_mat)  # flattening
    Bcorrs_mat = np.mean(AB_con.B.get_corrs(pcorrs=pcorrs), 0, keepdims=True)
    Bcorrs = fa(Bcorrs_mat)  # flattening

    # min_corr_diff is the minimum change in correlation considered interesting (significant but tiny effects may not be interesting)
    if min_corr_diff != 0:
        inds_corr_diff = find(abs(Acorrs - Bcorrs) > min_corr_diff)
        inds_cc = np.intersect1d(inds_corr_diff, inds_cc)

    # set plot colours and other specs

    plot_colors = [(0.2, 0.6, 1), (0.62, 0.82, 0.98), (0.40, 0.95, 0.46),
                   (0.6, 0.95, 0.6), (0.15, 0.87, 0.87), (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)]

    cdict1 = {
        'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.75, 0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
        'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
        'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.25, 0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 0, 0))

    cdict2 = {
        'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.1), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
        'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
        'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.1, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))

    blue_red1 = LinearSegmentedColormap('BlueRed1', cdict1)
    cmap2 = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(name='Test', colors=plot_colors)

    fontsize = 9

    current_palette = [
        (0.2980392156862745, 0.4470588235294118, 0.6901960784313725),
        (0.3333333333333333, 0.6588235294117647, 0.40784313725490196),
        (0.7686274509803922, 0.3058823529411765, 0.3215686274509804),
        (0.5058823529411764, 0.4470588235294118, 0.6980392156862745),
        (0.8, 0.7254901960784313, 0.4549019607843137),
        (0.39215686274509803, 0.7098039215686275, 0.803921568627451)
    sb_cols = current_palette + current_palette + current_palette

    # colours for variance stats

    vcols = []
    # scaling stats for plotting colours for variance change
    vv_norm = vvstatsmat / 6
    vv_norm[np.isnan(vv_norm)] = 0
    n_nodes = AB_con.A.get_covs().shape[1]

    for a in np.arange(n_nodes):
        vcols.append(blue_red1((vv_norm[a] + 1) / 2))

    vmax = 3
    vmin = -3

    # node info
    node_angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_nodes, endpoint=False)
    height = np.ones(n_nodes) * 4
    dist_mat = node_angles[None, :] - node_angles[:, None]
    dist_mat[np.diag_indices(n_nodes)] = 1e9
    node_width = np.min(np.abs(dist_mat))
    node_edgecolor = 'black'
    group_cols = []

    # colours for ROIs
    ROI_info = AB_con.A.ROI_info
    for a in ROI_info['ROI_RSNs']:
        val = 1 - 0.35 * a / max(ROI_info['ROI_RSNs'])
        group_cols.append((val * 0.8, val * 0.9, val))

    plots = ['uncorrelated', 'common', 'additive', 'other']
    titles = {
        'uncorrelated': "Addition of uncorrelated signal",
        'common': "Addition of common signal",
        'additive': "Mixed additive signals",
        'other': "Changes not explained \n by additive signal changes"

    # plot data

    indices = np.triu_indices(n_nodes, 1)
    notin = inds_cc.copy()
    inds_plots = {}

    for plot in plots[:3]:
        if errdist_perms > 0:
            inds_plots[plot] = np.intersect1d(inds_cc,
            notin = np.setdiff1d(notin, find(fa(lims[plot]['pctls'])))
            minstr = 'min_pctls'
            maxstr = 'max_pctls'
            inds_plots[plot] = np.intersect1d(
                inds_cc, find(fa(lims[plot]['pctls_noerr'])))
            notin = np.setdiff1d(notin, find(fa(lims[plot]['pctls_noerr'])))
            minstr = 'min'
            maxstr = 'max'

    inds_plots['other'] = notin
    if exclude_conns:
        inds_plots['common'] = np.setdiff1d(inds_plots['common'],
        inds_plots['additive'] = np.setdiff1d(inds_plots['additive'],
        inds_plots['additive'] = np.setdiff1d(inds_plots['additive'],

    plotccstats = ccstatsmat.astype(float)

    # flip color of changes to negative corrs (neg_norm option)
    if neg_norm == True:
        plotccstats = plotccstats * np.sign(Acorrs)

    cnt = -1

    # produce the four plots for the four ASC classes

    if fig != None:

        for plot in plots:

            cnt += 1

            # mne plot function
            # TODO: test for mne / nofig

            pp = plot_connectivity_circle(
                (indices[0][inds_plots[plot]], indices[1][inds_plots[plot]]),
                subplot=241 + cnt,

            # titles
            ax = plt.gca()
            ax.set_title(titles[plot], color='black')

            #  color node faces
            bars = pp[1].bar(node_angles, height*2.2, width=node_width, bottom=10.4, \
                            edgecolor='0.9', lw=2, facecolor='.9', \

            for bar, color in zip(bars, group_cols):

            # plot correlation info below circle plots
            if plot == 'other':
                plotrange = 'additive'
                plotrange = plot

            #  sorting plotting only those indices requested
            sort_array = np.zeros((len(inds_plots[plot]), ), dtype=('f4,f4'))
            sort_array['f0'] = fa(lims[plotrange][minstr])[0,
                                                           inds_plots[plot]]  #
            sort_array['f1'] = fa(lims[plotrange][maxstr])[0,
                                                           inds_plots[plot]]  #
            ii = np.argsort(sort_array, order=['f0', 'f1'])

            # plot conn info
            if len(ii) > 0:
                # width of nodes
                width = np.max((20, len(ii) + 10))
                # ii_ext
                ii_ext = np.r_[ii[0], ii, ii[-1]]

                # fbwx: midpoints for under plots
                fbwx = np.arange(len(ii_ext)) + (width - len(ii_ext)) / 2.
                    0] = fbwx[0] + 0.5  #=np.r_[fbwx[0]-0.5, fbwx,fbwx[-1]+0.5]
                fbwx[-1] = fbwx[-1] - 0.5

                #  axis settings
                ax = plt.subplot(245 + cnt, axisbg='white')
                ax.set_ylim([-1., 1])
                ax.set_yticks([-1, 0, 1])
                ax.set_yticks([-0.75, -.25, 0, 0.25, .5, .75, 1], minor=True)
                ax.yaxis.grid(color=[0.7, .95, .95],
                ax.yaxis.grid(color=[0.65, .85, .85],

                # first plot bands for ASC / uncorr / common  (fill between)
                if len(fbwx) == 1:
                    # if only one element
                    plt.fill_between(np.r_[fbwx - 0.5, fbwx + 0.5],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                               0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext]],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                               0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext]],
                    plt.fill_between(np.r_[fbwx - 0.5, fbwx + 0.5],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                               0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext]],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                               0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext]],

                    plt.fill_between(np.r_[fbwx - 0.5, fbwx + 0.5],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                               0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext]],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                               0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext]],
                    # if multple elements
                        color=[0.67, 0.76, 0.85])
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],
                                         0, inds_plots[plot]][ii_ext],

                if neg_norm == True:
                    iipospos = np.in1d(
                            abs(Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot]]) > abs(Bcorrs[
                                0, inds_plots[plot]])))
                    iinegpos = np.in1d(
                            abs(Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot]]) < abs(Bcorrs[
                                0, inds_plots[plot]])))
                    iipospos = np.in1d(
                        find(Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot]] > Bcorrs[
                            0, inds_plots[plot]]))
                    iinegpos = np.in1d(
                        find(Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot]] < Bcorrs[
                            0, inds_plots[plot]]))

                iipos = ii[iipospos]
                iineg = ii[iinegpos]

                xes = np.arange(len(ii)) + (width - len(ii)) / 2.

                # now plot correlation in A and B conditions
                plt.plot(np.array([xes, xes])[:, find(iipospos)], [
                    Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iipos]],
                    Bcorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iipos]]
                         color=[0, 0, 1],
                plt.plot(np.array([xes, xes])[:, find(iinegpos)], [
                    Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iineg]],
                    Bcorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iineg]]
                         color=[1, 0, 0],

                line3 = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color=current_palette[0])

                # plot points
                line2 = plt.scatter((xes)[find(iipospos)],
                                    Bcorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iipos]].T,
                line2 = plt.scatter((xes)[find(iinegpos)],
                                    Bcorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iineg]].T,
                line2 = plt.scatter((xes)[find(iipospos)],
                                    Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iipos]].T,
                line2 = plt.scatter((xes)[find(iinegpos)],
                                    Acorrs[0, inds_plots[plot][iineg]].T,

                # plot line between, colouring line two according to pos or neg change
                cmap = ListedColormap([(0.2980392156862745, 0.4470588235294118,
                                       (0.3333333333333333, 0.6588235294117647,
                                       (0.7686274509803922, 0.3058823529411765,
                norm = BoundaryNorm([-2, 0, 1, 2], cmap.N)
                z = np.zeros(xes.shape[0] + 1, )

                # plot network membership above
                          z + 1.05,
                              inds_plots[plot], inds_plots[plot][-1]]]] - 1.5,
                          z + 1.1,
                              inds_plots[plot], inds_plots[plot][-1]]]] - 1.5,

        if savefig != None:
            if nofig == 23:
                pp = PdfPages(fname)
                fig.tight_layout(h_pad=1, pad=4)

    # add stats to AB_con struct
    AB_con.lims['covs']['inds_plots'] = inds_plots
    AB_con.lims['covs']['cc_stats'] = ccstatsmat
    AB_con.lims['covs']['vv_stats'] = vvstatsmat

    return (AB_con, inds_plots)
Пример #34
for File in Files:

    # klayer = 0 is surface, tstep=-99 reads in all time steps
    # Do u, v, eta
    sun = Spatial(File, klayer=2, tstep=-99, variable="eta")  # , clim=clim)
    # sun = Spatial(File, klayer=0, tstep=-99, variable='eta')#, clim=clim)
    datesbay = sun.time  # get dates available in file
    eta = sun.loadData()

    # Loop through times in bay file
    for i, date in enumerate(datesbay):

        # Find the same time from the shelf model output
        # Assumes that there is a time in the shelf model that perfectly aligns with the
        # times in the bay model at some point
        tindshelf = find(datesshelf == date)
        print date
        # pdb.set_trace()
        if not find(datesshelf == date):  # if a shelf time doesn't align, don't use this bay model output

        # have to do u and v by time step for some reason
        u = Spatial(File, klayer=["surface"], tstep=i, variable="uc").loadData()
        v = Spatial(File, klayer=["surface"], tstep=i, variable="vc").loadData()

        # Interpolate model output from SUNTANS grid onto blended grid
        etabayblend = sun.interpolate(eta[i, :], gridblend.x_rho, gridblend.y_rho)
        ubayblend = sun.interpolate(u[:], gridblend.x_u, gridblend.y_u)
        vbayblend = sun.interpolate(v[:], gridblend.x_v, gridblend.y_v)

        # Rotate SUNTANS u,v velocities to be along/across
Пример #35
def addspikes(Y,lw=0.2,color='k'):
    Add vertical lines where Y>0
    for t in find(Y>0): 
Пример #36
from matplotlib.pylab import find
NumChannels = 6
MaxCyclesOfSimulation = 1e5
SkipCycles = 300
CyclesResolution = 20
MinStimSyncPeriod = 60

if len(sys.argv) != 1 + NumChannels:
    sys.stderr.write('usage: %s ch0_period ch1_period ... ch%d_period\n' % (sys.argv[0], NumChannels-1))
periods = map(float, sys.argv[1:])
freqs = [1./period for period in periods]
delta_t = np.array([int(random.expovariate(freq)) for freq in freqs], dtype=np.uint32)
t = SkipCycles
while True:
    min_t = delta_t.min()
    t += min_t
    if t > MaxCyclesOfSimulation:
    delta_t -= min_t
    indices = find(delta_t == 0)
    flag = 0
    for ch in indices:
        flag |= (1 << ch)
        if ch == 0:
            delta_t[ch] = max(MinStimSyncPeriod, random.normalvariate(periods[ch], 0.1*periods[ch]))
            delta_t[ch] = max(CyclesResolution, int(random.expovariate(freqs[ch])))
    #sys.stderr.write("flag=%s timestamp=%u\n" % (bin(flag)[2:].rjust(8,'0'), t))
    sys.stdout.write(struct.pack('>BL', flag, t))
Пример #37
isi = np.array(np.diff(get_timestamp(filename, channel)), dtype=np.float64)
print(repr(('mean', isi.mean(), 'std', isi.std())))

plt.rc('text', usetex=True)

if plottype == 'time':
    for i in xrange(0, len(isi), chunksize):
        print('start @chunk %d' % i)
        window = isi[i:i+chunksize]
        plt.plot(1.e-6*window.cumsum(), window, 'k.')
        plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta t$ ($\mu$s)')
        plt.xlabel(r'$t$ (s)')
        dim = plt.axis()
        plt.axis(dim[:2] + (dim[2]-2, dim[3]+2))
        ax = plt.gca()
        y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)
elif plottype == 'hist':
    y, x, _ = plt.hist(isi, color='#888888', log=True)
    plt.ylabel(r'Number of occurrences')
    plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta t$ ($\mu$s)')
    ax = plt.gca()
    x_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)
Пример #38
def detection_tester(peakTimes,
    Compares spike times from the spike_detector function to the actual spike times.
    The actual (validated) times should be listed in a reference text file located at
    refFilepath; set delimiter via the corresponding paramter, e.g. ',' for CSV.
    The function ouutputs and returns the percentage of true (verified) spikes that
    were detected along with the false spike  rate (extra spikes per second of data).

    if refFilepath == None:
            "True spike times were not provided, so the spike detection perfromance cannot be evaluated"
        percentTrueSpikes, falseSpikeRate = "N/A", "N/A"

        return {
            'percent_true_spikes': percentTrueSpikes,
            'false_spike_rate': falseSpikeRate

        # Create numpy array of the values in the reference csv file
        trueTimes = np.genfromtxt(refFilepath, delimiter=delimiter)

        # First match the two arrays of spike times. Anything within the given tolerance is a match.

        # Ensure times are in sequntial order
        peakTimes = np.sort(peakTimes)
        trueTimes = np.sort(trueTimes)

        # Remove spikes with the same times (false spikes)
        detected = np.append(peakTimes, -1)
        uniqueDetected = peakTimes[plt.find(plt.diff(detected) != 0)]

        # Find matching spikes and mark as true detections
        trueDetected = []
        # Find indices of dedected spikes that are within the margin of tolerance around each true spike
        for spike in trueTimes:
            detectedWithinTol = plt.find((uniqueDetected >= spike - tolerance)
                                         (uniqueDetected <= spike + tolerance))
            # If detected spikes found...
            if len(detectedWithinTol) > 0:
                # ...for each one, check if already present in our list of true dectections, ...
                for i in detectedWithinTol:
                    alreadyMarked = plt.find(trueDetected == uniqueDetected[i])
                    # ...and if not, append it to to that list
                    if len(alreadyMarked) == 0:
                        trueDetected = np.append(trueDetected,

        percentTrueSpikes = 100.0 * len(trueDetected) / len(trueTimes)

        # Everything else is a false spike
        totalTime = (trueTimes[len(trueTimes) - 1] - trueTimes[0])
        falseSpikeRate = (len(peakTimes) - len(trueTimes)) / totalTime

        print("\nSpike detector performance:")
        print("\n     Number of spikes detected in test analysis =",
        print("     Number of true spikes =", len(trueTimes))
        print("     Percentage of true spikes detected =", percentTrueSpikes)
        print("     False spike rate = ", falseSpikeRate, "spikes/s")

        return {
            'percent_true_spikes': percentTrueSpikes,
            'false_spike_rate': falseSpikeRate
Пример #39
def triu_all(x):
    """ upper triangular of first two dims. """
    return x.flatten()[pl.find(np.triu(np.ones(x.shape),1))]
Пример #40
    def __init__(self, img):
        get the grid from an opencv2 image object
        self.img = img

        sbd_params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params()
        for (k, v) in SBD_HOLES.iteritems():
            setattr(sbd_params, k, v)
        sbd = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(sbd_params)
        keypoints = sbd.detect(img)

        blobs = img.copy()
        for kp in keypoints:
            cv2.circle(blobs, tuple([int(coord) for coord in kp.pt]), 4, 255, 4)

        ###### Identifying the grid spacing #####
        # What we do here is find the distances between all the detected holes in the image. The actual spacing between pins should be the minimum distance observed between holes.

        dists = np.zeros((len(keypoints),len(keypoints)))
        kps = [np.array(p.pt) for p in keypoints]
        for j, pj in enumerate(kps):
            for k, pk in enumerate(kps):
                dists[j,k] = np.linalg.norm(pj - pk)
        upper = np.triu(dists)
        flat = np.array([x for x in upper.reshape((-1,1)) if x > 1])
        n_dist, bins = np.histogram(flat, range=(0,100), bins=400)
        min_spacing = bins[lab.find(np.diff(gaussian_filter(n_dist, 2)) < 0)[0]+1]
        cond = np.where((upper >= min_spacing - 1) * (upper <= min_spacing + 1), 1, 0)
        neighbors = []
        for j, row in enumerate(cond):
            for k, el in enumerate(row):
                if el:
                    # print j, k, keypoints[j].pt, keypoints[k].pt
                    neighbors.append([j, k, keypoints[j].pt, keypoints[k].pt])

        # Draw lines between grid neighbors
        lines = blobs.copy()
        for n in neighbors:
            cv2.line(lines, tuple(map(int, n[2])), tuple(map(int, n[3])), 255)

        # Identify the angle of the grid
        # We find the angle of the grid by looking at the orientation of the lines between adjacent holes in the grid

        angles = np.array([np.arctan2(n[3][1] - n[2][1], n[3][0] - n[2][0]) for n in neighbors])
        angle_step = 0.5
        n_ang, bins = np.histogram((angles % np.pi) * 180 / np.pi, range=(0,180), bins=180./angle_step)

        kernel = np.tile(np.hstack([lab.normpdf(np.array(range(int(45./angle_step))), 0, 10./angle_step), lab.normpdf(np.array(range(int(45./angle_step))), 45./angle_step, 10./angle_step)]), 2)

        angle_fits = np.zeros(int(45./angle_step))
        for t in range(len(angle_fits)):
            angle_fits[t] = np.correlate(np.roll(kernel, t), n_ang)
        grid_angle = (np.argmax(angle_fits) * angle_step + angle_step/2) * np.pi/180
        print grid_angle, grid_angle*180/np.pi

        # Translation of the grid
        # Now we have the spacing and orientation of the grid, so let's find its translation as well. First, let's undo the rotation:
        R = rotmat(-grid_angle)
        kps_rot = [np.array(R * np.reshape(k, (2,-1))) for k in kps]
        # Next, we can find the phase of the x and y position of the grid using mod
        x_mod = [k[0][0] % min_spacing for k in kps_rot]
        y_mod = [k[1][0] % min_spacing for k in kps_rot]
        n_x, bins = np.histogram(x_mod, range=(0,min_spacing), bins=(min_spacing))
        n_y, bins = np.histogram(y_mod, range=(0,min_spacing), bins=(min_spacing))

        grid_orig = np.reshape([np.argmax(gaussian_filter(n_x, 2))+0.5, np.argmax(gaussian_filter(n_y,2))+0.5], (2,-1))

        self.grid_orig = grid_orig
        self.grid_angle = grid_angle
        self.grid_spacing = min_spacing
Пример #41
pathname = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Dropbox/tese/rot/out/'

#  0  1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
re = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'argos_opendap_cq_recife.out',delimiter=',') 
# ac = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'siodoc_janis_arraial_cabo.out',delimiter=',') 
sa = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'argos_opendap_cq_santos.out',delimiter=',') 
fl = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'argos_opendap_cq_florianopolis.out',delimiter=',') 
rg = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'argos_opendap_cq_rio_grande.out',delimiter=',') 

#consistencia manual
re[1995:6995,1:] = np.nan ; re[11411:15932,1:] = np.nan
fl[2352:4118,1:] = np.nan #florianopolis

#plotar apenas os dados consistentes
re = re[pl.find(np.isnan(re[:,1])==False),:]
sa = sa[pl.find(np.isnan(sa[:,1])==False),:]
fl = fl[pl.find(np.isnan(fl[:,1])==False),:]
rg = rg[pl.find(np.isnan(rg[:,1])==False),:]

rew = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'triaxys_8_recife.out',delimiter=',') 
saw = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'triaxys_8_santos.out',delimiter=',') 
flw = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'triaxys_8_florianopolis.out',delimiter=',') 
rgw = np.loadtxt(pathname + 'triaxys_8_rio_grande.out',delimiter=',') 

#plotar apenas os dados consistentes
rew = rew[pl.find(np.isnan(rew[:,1])==False),:]
saw = saw[pl.find(np.isnan(saw[:,1])==False),:]
flw = flw[pl.find(np.isnan(flw[:,1])==False),:]
#hora = ['1400','1430','1500','1530','1600','1630','1700','1730','1800','1830','1900','1930','2000','2030','2100','2130','2200','2230','2300','2330','0000','0030','0100','0130','0200','0230','0300','0330','0400','0430','0500','0530','0600','0630','0700','0730','0800','0830','0900','0930','1000'][:-9]#41
#hora = ['0800','0845','0930','1015','1100','1145','1230','1315','1400','1445','1530','1615','1700','1745','1830','1915','2000','2045'][2:-3]
#hora = ['0730','0800','0830','0900','0930','1000','1030','1100','1130','1200','1230','1300','1330','1400','1430','1500','1530','1600','1630','1700','1730','1800','1830','1900','1930','2000','2030','2100','2130'][1:-4]
#hora = ['0730','0745','0800','0815','0830','0845','0900','0915','0930','0945','1000','1015','1030','1045','1100','1115','1130','1145','1200','1215','1230','1245','1300','1315','1330','1345','1400','1415','1430','1445','1500','1515','1530','1545','1600','1615','1630','1645','1700','1715','1730','1745','1800','1815'][4:-6]

#hora = (len(dd))
dd1 = {}
epr = {}
evx = {}
evy = {}
evz = {}

#separa os dados e calcula os espectros
for i in range(len(a)):
    dd1[hora[i]] = dd.ix[pl.find(dd.ens == a[i]), :]
    epr[hora[i]] = espec.espec1(dd1[hora[i]].pr, nfft, fs)
    evx[hora[i]] = espec.espec1(dd1[hora[i]].vx, nfft, fs)
    evy[hora[i]] = espec.espec1(dd1[hora[i]].vy, nfft, fs)
    evz[hora[i]] = espec.espec1(dd1[hora[i]].vz, nfft, fs)


cont = 0
for i in range(0, len(a), 1):
    cont += 1
    pl.subplot(1, 4, 1)
    pl.plot(epr[hora[i]][:, 0], cont + epr[hora[i]][:, 1])
    pl.xlim(0, 0.2), pl.ylim(0, 15)
    pl.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    pl.ylabel('Spectral Density (m2/Hz')
Пример #43
def freqz_resp_list(b,a=np.array([1]),mode = 'dB',fs=1.0,Npts = 1024,fsize=(6,4)):
    A method for displaying digital filter frequency response magnitude,
    phase, and group delay. A plot is produced using matplotlib

    freq_resp(self,mode = 'dB',Npts = 1024)

    A method for displaying the filter frequency response magnitude,
    phase, and group delay. A plot is produced using matplotlib

    freqz_resp(b,a=[1],mode = 'dB',Npts = 1024,fsize=(6,4))

        b = ndarray of numerator coefficients
        a = ndarray of denominator coefficents
     mode = display mode: 'dB' magnitude, 'phase' in radians, or 
            'groupdelay_s' in samples and 'groupdelay_t' in sec, 
            all versus frequency in Hz
     Npts = number of points to plot; default is 1024
    fsize = figure size; defult is (6,4) inches

    Mark Wickert, January 2015
    if type(b) == list:
        # We have a list of filters
        N_filt = len(b)
    f = np.arange(0,Npts)/(2.0*Npts)
    for n in range(N_filt):
        w,H = signal.freqz(b[n],a[n],2*np.pi*f)
        if n == 0:
        if mode.lower() == 'db':
            if n == N_filt-1:
                plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
                plt.ylabel('Gain (dB)')
                plt.title('Frequency Response - Magnitude')

        elif mode.lower() == 'phase':
            if n == N_filt-1:
                plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
                plt.ylabel('Phase (rad)')
                plt.title('Frequency Response - Phase')

        elif (mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_s') or (mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_t'):

            Since this calculation involves finding the derivative of the
            phase response, care must be taken at phase wrapping points 
            and when the phase jumps by +/-pi, which occurs when the 
            amplitude response changes sign. Since the amplitude response
            is zero when the sign changes, the jumps do not alter the group 
            delay results.
            theta = np.unwrap(np.angle(H))
            # Since theta for an FIR filter is likely to have many pi phase
            # jumps too, we unwrap a second time 2*theta and divide by 2
            theta2 = np.unwrap(2*theta)/2.
            theta_dif = np.diff(theta2)
            f_diff = np.diff(f)
            Tg = -np.diff(theta2)/np.diff(w)
            # For gain almost zero set groupdelay = 0
            idx = pylab.find(20*np.log10(H[:-1]) < -400)
            Tg[idx] = np.zeros(len(idx))
            max_Tg = np.max(Tg)
            if mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_t':
                max_Tg /= fs
            if n == N_filt-1:
                plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
                if mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_t':
                    plt.ylabel('Group Delay (s)')
                    plt.ylabel('Group Delay (samples)')
                plt.title('Frequency Response - Group Delay')
            s1 = 'Error, mode must be "dB", "phase, '
            s2 = '"groupdelay_s", or "groupdelay_t"'
            print(s1 + s2)
Пример #44
def measureEquivalentWidths(xx,
        Measure pseudo equivalent widths in spectrum
        xx : wavelength data array (angstrom)
        yy : flux data array (normalized)
        inputlinelist : input file containing list of line ranges [x0,xf]
        output : output file name
        eqwidths: array of measured equivalent widths

    xinif, xendf = np.loadtxt(inputlinelist,
                              usecols=(0, 1),

    eqwidths = []

    for i in range(len(xinif)):

        mask = np.where(np.logical_and(xx >= xinif[i], xx <= xendf[i]))

        maxlocf = mask[0][0]
        endmaxf = mask[0][-1] + 1

        if (maxlocf - 2 < 0) or (endmaxf + 3 > len(xx)):
            print "WARNING 1: index out of range! Setting EQ=NaN"

        maxloc_adjust = yy[maxlocf - 2:maxlocf + 3]
        endmax_adjust = yy[endmaxf - 2:endmaxf + 3]

        xmaxloc = xx[maxlocf - 2:maxlocf + 3]
        xendmax = xx[endmaxf - 2:endmaxf + 3]
        if 3760 < i < 3790:
            for j in range(len(xmaxloc)) :
                print i, j, xmaxloc[j], maxloc_adjust[j]

            for j in range(len(xendmax)) :
                print i, j, xendmax[j], endmax_adjust[j]
        locmaxmask = np.where(maxloc_adjust == max(maxloc_adjust))
        ind_temp_max = locmaxmask[0][0]
        maxlocfs = int(maxlocf + ind_temp_max - 2)

        locendmask = np.where(endmax_adjust == max(endmax_adjust))
        ind_temp_end = locendmask[0][0]
        endmaxfs = int(endmaxf + ind_temp_end - 2)

        if (maxlocfs < 0) or (maxlocfs > len(xx)) or (endmaxfs < 0) or (
                endmaxfs > len(xx)):
            print "WARNING 2: index out of range! Setting EQ=NaN"

        yinit = yy[maxlocfs]
        yendt = yy[endmaxfs]

        yit = yy[maxlocfs:endmaxfs + 1]  # nao normalizado
        xint = xx[maxlocfs:endmaxfs + 1]

        tam = len(yit)

        if tam < 5:
            print "WARNING 3: index out of range! Setting EQ=NaN"

        if any(yinit < yit[0:5]): minit = max(yit[0:5])
        else: minit = yinit

        if any(yendt < yit[-5:-1]): mendt = max(yit[-5:-1])
        else: mendt = yendt

        yintt = yy[maxlocfs:endmaxfs + 1] - max(minit, mendt)  #normalizado
        yinttnew = yy[maxlocfs:endmaxfs + 1]

        indini = max(pylab.find(minit == yit))
        indend = min(pylab.find(mendt == yit))

        if (xint[indend] - xint[indini]) != 0.0:
            mt = (mendt - minit) / (xint[indend] - xint[indini])

            yeqt = minit + mt * (xint - xint[indini]) - max(
                minit, mendt)  # condicao fronteira para o integral normalizada
            yeqplott = minit + mt * (xint - xint[indini])

            #### if yeqt < yintt
            eqw = 1000 * np.trapz(1 - yinttnew / yeqplott, dx=0.01)

            eqw = float('nan')

        #print i,"/",len(xinif), eqw

    eqwidths = np.array(eqwidths)
    np.save(output, eqwidths)
    return eqwidths
Пример #45
    serie = []

    for j in range(img.shape[1]):

        #cria primeiro ponto como referencia

        if j == 0:

            #matriz de cada derivada menos a media das deriadas totais
            a = np.diff(img[:,j] - np.nanmean(img))

            #normalze vector
            #a = a / a.sum()
            #perfil da onda (pwav) e fundo (pbot)
            pwav.append(int(pl.find(a == np.nanmax(a))[0]))
            pbot.append(int(pl.find(a == np.nanmin(a))[0]))


            #matriz de cada derivada menos a media das deriadas totais
            a = np.diff(img[:,j] - np.nanmean(img))
            b = np.flipud(a) #bottom

            #normalze vector
            #a = a / a.sum()
            #b = b / b.sum()
            #perfil da onda (pwav) e fundo (pbot)
            pbot.append(len(b) - pl.find(b < -blim)[0]) #faz a contagem do inverso
            pwav.append(pl.find(a > wlim)[0])
    fs = 2     #freq de amostragem

    #numero de amostras

    dd1 = {}
    epr = {}
    evx = {}
    evy = {}
    evz = {}

    #separa os dados e calcula os espectros
    for v in range(len(a)): #varia as horas de cada dia

        dd1[str(v)] = dd.ix[pl.find(dd.ens == a[v]),:]
        nfft = int(dd1[str(v)].shape[0] / 2)
        epr[str(v)] = espec.espec1(dd1[str(v)].pr,nfft,fs)
        evx[str(v)] = espec.espec1(dd1[str(v)].vx,nfft,fs)
        evy[str(v)] = espec.espec1(dd1[str(v)].vy,nfft,fs)
        evz[str(v)] = espec.espec1(dd1[str(v)].vz,nfft,fs)

    cont = 0
    for i in range(0,len(a),1):
        cont += 2
        pl.xlim(0,0.2), pl.ylim(0,45)
        pl.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
Пример #47
## Convert voltage to temperature
## Expect (20 mV/C) 400 mV = 0 C
#raw[:,1] -= 0.4
#raw[:,1] /= 0.02
#raw[:,1] = C2F(raw[:,1])

raw[:,0] -= raw[0,0] # time relative to start
raw[:,0] /= 60.0 # min.

T, V = raw[:,0], raw[:,2]

print 'Fit rise'


print 'fitting between',T[t0],'and',T[t1]

def fn1eval(x, p):
    # [ amplitude, 0 offset, time const ]
    return p[0]*(1-np.exp(-x/p[2])) + p[1]

def fn1err(p, x, y):
    return y - fn1eval(x,p)

p0 = [ V[t1]-V[t0], V[t0], 1]
print 'initial',p0

pr,_ = leastsq(fn1err, p0, args=(T[t0:t1], V[t0:t1]))
print 'opt',pr
Пример #48
## Convert voltage to temperature
## Expect (20 mV/C) 400 mV = 0 C
#raw[:,1] -= 0.4
#raw[:,1] /= 0.02
#raw[:,1] = C2F(raw[:,1])

raw[:, 0] -= raw[0, 0]  # time relative to start
raw[:, 0] /= 60.0  # min.

T, V = raw[:, 0], raw[:, 2]

print 'Fit rise'

tstart = 0.2

t0 = pl.find(T > tstart)[0]
t1 = V.argmax()
print 'fitting between', T[t0], 'and', T[t1]

def fn1eval(x, p):
    # [ amplitude, 0 offset, time const ]
    return p[0] * (1 - np.exp(-x / p[2])) + p[1]

def fn1err(p, x, y):
    return y - fn1eval(x, p)

p0 = [V[t1] - V[t0], V[t0], 1]
print 'initial', p0
Пример #49
def good_AP_finder(time, voltage):
    This function takes the following input:
        time - vector where each element is a time in seconds
        voltage - vector where each element is a voltage at a different time
        We are assuming that the two vectors are in correspondance (meaning
        that at a given index, the time in one corresponds to the voltage in
        the other). The vectors must be the same size or the code
        won't run
    This function returns the following output:
        APTimes - all the times where a spike (action potential) was detected

    # Constants
    peak_voltage = max(voltage) if abs(max(voltage)) > abs(
        min(voltage)) else min(voltage)
    #    THRESHOLD = abs(get_absolute_peak(voltage)) / 2.0
    THRESHOLD = abs(peak_voltage) / 2.0
    SAMPLING_RATE = time[1] - time[0]
    AP_SLOPE = np.std(voltage) * 2
    SPREAD = int(.0008 / SAMPLING_RATE)  # number of samples in 1 ms

    # Data stores
    APTimes = []
    AP_set = set()

    # for seeing steep changes in voltage
    voltage_delta = np.diff(voltage)

    #Let's make sure the input looks at least reasonable
    if (len(voltage) != len(time)):
        print "Can't run - the vectors aren't the same length!"
        return APTimes

#    def find_local_peak(index):
#        """
#        Return local peak (either a spike or valley) index.
#        (Local is within a .002s spread)
#        """
#        sample = voltage[index-SPREAD:index+SPREAD+1]
#        # now find the biggest spike (neg or positive)
#        local_peak = get_absolute_peak(sample)
#        # note: sorting idea came from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12141207
#        peak_index = min(plt.find(voltage==local_peak), key=lambda x:abs(x-index))
#        return peak_index

# Use steep slopes to find local peaks and valleys
    for i, v in enumerate(voltage_delta):
        # Check for a string of slopes above threshold
        if abs(v) > AP_SLOPE and abs(voltage_delta[i + 1]) > AP_SLOPE and abs(
                voltage_delta[i + 2]) > AP_SLOPE:
            # find local max near the second one
            # b/c it's more likely to be closer to the peak
            #            local_peak = find_local_peak(i+2)
            # testing removal of inner fcn
            i2 = i + 2
            sample = voltage[i2 - SPREAD:i2 + SPREAD + 1]
            local_peak = max(sample) if abs(max(sample)) > abs(
                min(sample)) else min(sample)
            # note: sorting idea came from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12141207
            local_peak = min(plt.find(voltage == local_peak),
                             key=lambda x: abs(x - i2))

            if abs(voltage[local_peak]) > THRESHOLD:
                # set prevents duplicates

    APTimes = list(AP_set)

    return APTimes
Пример #50
        #b = np.flipud(a) #bottom

        #normalize vector
        #a = a / a.sum()
        #b = b / b.sum()

        # pl.figure()
        # pl.plot(a)
        # pl.savefig('out/der' + str(j) + '.png')
        # pl.close('all')

        #perfil da onda (pwav) e fundo (pbot)

        #acha o fundo
        #acha valores menores que zero (fundo)
        auxwav = pl.find(w > wlim)[1]

        auxbot = pl.find(b < blim)[-1]

        #pbot.append( len(b) - pl.find(b < -blim)[0] ) #faz a contagem do inverso

#        pwav.append(pl.find(a > wlim)[0])

#        pbot.append(pl.find(a == a.min())[-1])

#pwav = pd.rolling_mean(np.array(pwav), wind)
#pbot = pd.rolling_mean(np.array(pbot), wind)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
Пример #51
pathnamewind = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Dropbox/pnboia/cfsr/'

time = np.loadtxt(pathnamewind + 'time_RioGrande_200905.txt')
u = np.loadtxt(pathnamewind + 'uCFSR_RioGrande_200905.txt')
v = np.loadtxt(pathnamewind + 'vCFSR_RioGrande_200905.txt')

#retira dias repetidos
[time,ia] = unique(time,return_index=True);
time = time[:-1]
u = u[ia[:-1]];
v = v[ia[:-1]];

ws = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2);
wd = np.arctan2(v,u) * 180 / np.pi; #vento de onde vem
wd = 270 - wd; #de onde vai para onde vem
wd[pl.find(wd<0)] = wd[pl.find(wd<0)] + 360;
wd[pl.find(wd>360)] = wd[pl.find(wd>360)] - 360;

#declinacao magnetica
dmag = -23

#cria variavel 'lista' com nome dos arquivos HNE
lista = np.array(lista_hne(pathname))

#para processar todos os arquivos (comentao o p0 e p1 abaixo)
# p0 = 2500
# p1 = 2600

#escolhe a data inicial e final para ser processada (opcional, no 'p0' e 'p1')
z0 = '200905010000.HNE'
Пример #52
def freqz_resp_list(b,
                    fsize=(6, 4)):
    A method for displaying digital filter frequency response magnitude,
    phase, and group delay. A plot is produced using matplotlib

    freq_resp(self,mode = 'dB',Npts = 1024)

    A method for displaying the filter frequency response magnitude,
    phase, and group delay. A plot is produced using matplotlib

    freqz_resp(b,a=[1],mode = 'dB',Npts = 1024,fsize=(6,4))

    b : ndarray of numerator coefficients
    a : ndarray of denominator coefficents
    mode : display mode: 'dB' magnitude, 'phase' in radians, or
            'groupdelay_s' in samples and 'groupdelay_t' in sec, 
            all versus frequency in Hz
    n_pts : number of points to plot; default is 1024
    fsize : figure size; defult is (6,4) inches

    Mark Wickert, January 2015
    if type(b) == list:
        # We have a list of filters
        N_filt = len(b)
        return None
    f = np.arange(0, n_pts) / (2.0 * n_pts)
    for n in range(N_filt):
        w, H = signal.freqz(b[n], a[n], 2 * np.pi * f)
        if n == 0:
        if mode.lower() == 'db':
            plt.plot(f * fs, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H)))
            if n == N_filt - 1:
                plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
                plt.ylabel('Gain (dB)')
                plt.title('Frequency Response - Magnitude')

        elif mode.lower() == 'phase':
            plt.plot(f * fs, np.angle(H))
            if n == N_filt - 1:
                plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
                plt.ylabel('Phase (rad)')
                plt.title('Frequency Response - Phase')

        elif (mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_s') or (mode.lower()
                                                  == 'groupdelay_t'):

            Since this calculation involves finding the derivative of the
            phase response, care must be taken at phase wrapping points 
            and when the phase jumps by +/-pi, which occurs when the 
            amplitude response changes sign. Since the amplitude response
            is zero when the sign changes, the jumps do not alter the group 
            delay results.
            theta = np.unwrap(np.angle(H))
            # Since theta for an FIR filter is likely to have many pi phase
            # jumps too, we unwrap a second time 2*theta and divide by 2
            theta2 = np.unwrap(2 * theta) / 2.
            theta_dif = np.diff(theta2)
            f_diff = np.diff(f)
            Tg = -np.diff(theta2) / np.diff(w)
            # For gain almost zero set groupdelay = 0
            idx = pylab.find(20 * np.log10(H[:-1]) < -400)
            Tg[idx] = np.zeros(len(idx))
            max_Tg = np.max(Tg)
            # print(max_Tg)
            if mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_t':
                max_Tg /= fs
                plt.plot(f[:-1] * fs, Tg / fs)
                plt.ylim([0, 1.2 * max_Tg])
                plt.plot(f[:-1] * fs, Tg)
                plt.ylim([0, 1.2 * max_Tg])
            if n == N_filt - 1:
                plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
                if mode.lower() == 'groupdelay_t':
                    plt.ylabel('Group Delay (s)')
                    plt.ylabel('Group Delay (samples)')
                plt.title('Frequency Response - Group Delay')
            s1 = 'Error, mode must be "dB", "phase, '
            s2 = '"groupdelay_s", or "groupdelay_t"'
            log.info(s1 + s2)
Пример #53
def good_AP_finder(time,voltage):
    This function takes the following input:
        time - vector where each element is a time in seconds
        voltage - vector where each element is a voltage at a different time
        We are assuming that the two vectors are in correspondance (meaning
        that at a given index, the time in one corresponds to the voltage in
        the other). The vectors must be the same size or the code
        won't run
    This function returns the following output:
        APTimes - all the times where a spike (action potential) was detected
    # Constants
    peak_voltage = max(voltage) if abs(max(voltage)) > abs(min(voltage)) else min(voltage)
#    THRESHOLD = abs(get_absolute_peak(voltage)) / 2.0
    THRESHOLD = abs(peak_voltage) / 2.0
    SAMPLING_RATE = time[1]-time[0]  
    AP_SLOPE = np.std(voltage) * 2 
    SPREAD = int(.0008 / SAMPLING_RATE) # number of samples in 1 ms
    # Data stores
    APTimes = []
    AP_set = set()

    # for seeing steep changes in voltage
    voltage_delta = np.diff(voltage)     
    #Let's make sure the input looks at least reasonable
    if (len(voltage) != len(time)):
        print "Can't run - the vectors aren't the same length!"
        return APTimes
#    def find_local_peak(index):
#        """
#        Return local peak (either a spike or valley) index. 
#        (Local is within a .002s spread)
#        """
#        sample = voltage[index-SPREAD:index+SPREAD+1]
#        # now find the biggest spike (neg or positive)
#        local_peak = get_absolute_peak(sample)
#        # note: sorting idea came from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12141207
#        peak_index = min(plt.find(voltage==local_peak), key=lambda x:abs(x-index))
#        return peak_index

    # Use steep slopes to find local peaks and valleys
    for i, v in enumerate(voltage_delta):
        # Check for a string of slopes above threshold
        if abs(v) > AP_SLOPE and abs(voltage_delta[i+1]) > AP_SLOPE and abs(voltage_delta[i+2]) > AP_SLOPE:
            # find local max near the second one 
            # b/c it's more likely to be closer to the peak
#            local_peak = find_local_peak(i+2)
            # testing removal of inner fcn
            i2 = i+2
            sample = voltage[i2-SPREAD:i2+SPREAD+1]
            local_peak = max(sample) if abs(max(sample)) > abs(min(sample)) else min(sample)
            # note: sorting idea came from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12141207
            local_peak = min(plt.find(voltage==local_peak), key=lambda x:abs(x-i2))

            if abs(voltage[local_peak]) > THRESHOLD:
                # set prevents duplicates
    APTimes = list(AP_set)
    return APTimes