def figfun(fig): ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_xticklabels('') ax.set_yticklabels('') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0) pp.savefig(fig) close_figure(fig)
def figfun(fig): maxx = max(ax.dataLim.x1 for ax in fig.axes) ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_xticklabels('') ax.set_yticklabels('') ax.set_xlim(0, maxx) for ax in fig.axes: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0) pp.savefig(fig) close_figure(fig)
def close(self): close_figure(self.figure)
def plot_radiation_axis_on_sphere( this, domain=None, kind = None, view = None ): import matplotlib as mpl from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, figaspect, plot, xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, xscale, yscale, legend, subplot, grid, title, draw, show, savefig, axis from matplotlib.pyplot import close as close_figure from numpy import mod,pi,hstack,array,ones,linalg,arange,zeros_like from os.path import join # Calc radiation axis: alpha beta gamma and x y z kind = 'psi4' if kind is None else kind domain = 'time' if domain is None else domain # gwylmo = this.gwylmo # if view is None: view = (30,-60) # tag = 'td' if domain in ('t','td','time') else 'fd' # Extract useful info x,y,z = this.radiation_axis[tag+'_x'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_y'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_z'] alpha,beta,gamma = this.radiation_axis[tag+'_alpha'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_beta'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_gamma'] domain_vals = this.radiation_axis[tag+'_domain'] # fig = figure( figsize=4*figaspect(1) ) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') color = rgb(3) # plot_3d_mesh_sphere( ax, color='k', alpha=0.05, lw=1 ) # gwylmo.__calc_radiated_quantities__(use_mask=False) k = 0 # remnant = gwylmo.old_remnant if 'old_remnant' in gwylmo.__dict__ else gwylmo.remnant remnant = gwylmo.remnant jx,jy,jz = remnant['J'][k] / linalg.norm( remnant['J'][k] ) jfx,jfy,jfz = remnant['J'][-1] / linalg.norm( remnant['J'][-1] ) # if tag == 'td': # mask = arange( gwylmo.startindex+1, gwylmo.endindex_by_frequency+1 ) else: mask = (abs(gwylmo.f)>gwylmo.wstart_pn/(2*pi)) & (abs(gwylmo.f)<gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].dt/4) # lx,ly,lz = (gwylmo.L1+gwylmo.L2)/linalg.norm( gwylmo.L1+gwylmo.L2 )# ax.scatter( lx,ly,lz, marker='h', color='lawngreen', label='Initial $L$ (nrutils)',edgecolors='k' ) # ax.scatter( jx,jy,jz,marker='o', c='dodgerblue', label='Initial $J$ (Radiated Est.)' ) ax.scatter( jfx,jfy,jfz,marker='s', c='dodgerblue', label='Final $J$ (Radiated Est.)',s=80,alpha=0.5 ) # # J = this.gwylmo.remnant['J'].copy() J = remnant['J'] # J /= linalg.norm(J,axis=1) for k in range(J.shape[0]): J[k] /= linalg.norm(J[k]) plot( J[:,0],J[:,1],J[:,2], label='$J(t)$ (Radiated Est.)',zorder=-2e4 ) # S = gwylmo.S L = gwylmo.L bbh_jx,bbh_jy,bbh_jz = (L+S)/linalg.norm( L+S ) ax.scatter( bbh_jx,bbh_jy,bbh_jz, label='Initial $J$ (BBH)', color='tomato', marker='o' ) # sfx,sfy,sfz = gwylmo.Sf/linalg.norm(gwylmo.Sf) ax.scatter( sfx,sfy,sfz, color='tomato', label='Final $J$ (BBH)', marker='v' ) # plot( x[mask],y[mask],z[mask], lw=2, color='grey', label='$\hat{V}(%s)$'%('t' if tag=='td' else 'f') ) # xlabel('$x$') ylabel('$y$'); axlim = 0.64*array([-1,1]) ax.set_xlim(axlim) ax.set_ylim(axlim) ax.set_zlim(axlim) axis('off') # ax.view_init(view[0],view[1]) # legend( loc=1, frameon=True ) title(('Time Domain: ' if tag=='td' else 'Frequency Domain: ' ) + this.gwylmo.simname, loc='right', alpha=0.5, fontsize=16) # if filepath = join( this.outdir,'%s_%s_sphere_el%i_az%i.pdf'%(gwylmo.simname,tag,view[0],view[1])) savefig(filepath,pad_inches=0, bbox_inches='tight') close_figure()
def plot_radiation_axis_3panel( this, domain=None, kind = None ): # from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, figaspect, plot, xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, xscale, yscale, legend, subplot, grid, title, draw, show, savefig from matplotlib.pyplot import close as close_figure from numpy import mod,pi,hstack,array,ones from os.path import join # Calc radiation axis: alpha beta gamma and x y z kind = 'psi4' if kind is None else kind domain = 'time' if domain is None else domain # gwylmo = this.gwylmo # tag = 'td' if domain in ('t','td','time') else 'fd' # Extract useful info x,y,z = this.radiation_axis[tag+'_x'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_y'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_z'] alpha,beta,gamma = this.radiation_axis[tag+'_alpha'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_beta'],this.radiation_axis[tag+'_gamma'] domain_vals = this.radiation_axis[tag+'_domain'] # fig = figure( figsize=4*figaspect(1) ) clr = rgb(3,jet=True); grey = ones(3)*0.8 lw = 1.5 # domain_min = domain_vals[gwylmo.preinspiral.right_index] if domain in ('t','time') else gwylmo.wstart_pn/(2*pi) domain_max = domain_vals[gwylmo.postringdown.left_index] if domain in ('t','time') else gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].dt/pi # mask = (domain_vals>=domain_min) & (domain_vals<=domain_max) # ax = subplot(3,1,1) title( gwylmo.simname ) if domain in ('t','time'): plot( domain_vals, gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].plus, color=grey, linewidth = lw ) plot( domain_vals, gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].cross, color=0.8*grey, linewidth = lw ) plot( domain_vals, gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].amp, linewidth = lw, label=r'$\psi_{22}$' ) yscale('log',nonposy='clip') else: plot( domain_vals, gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].fd_amp, linewidth = lw, label=r'$\psi_{22}$' ) xscale('log'); yscale('log') ylim( lim(gwylmo.lm[2,2][kind].fd_amp[mask]) ) grid() legend( frameon=False, loc='best' ) # subplot(3,1,2,sharex=ax) reshift = lambda V: V - V[mask][0] + mod(V[mask][0],2*pi) plot( abs(domain_vals), reshift(alpha), color = clr[0], linewidth = lw, label=r'$\alpha$' ) plot( abs(domain_vals), reshift(beta), color = clr[1], linewidth = lw, label=r'$\beta$' ) plot( abs(domain_vals), reshift(gamma), color = clr[2], linewidth = lw, label=r'$\gamma$' ) legend( frameon=False, loc='best' ) ylim( lim( hstack([reshift(alpha)[mask],reshift(beta)[mask],reshift(gamma)[mask]]), dilate=0.1 ) ) grid() # subplot(3,1,3,sharex=ax) plot( abs(domain_vals), reflect_unwrap(x), color = clr[0], linewidth = lw, label=r'$x$' ) plot( abs(domain_vals), y, color = clr[2], linewidth = lw, label=r'$y$' ) plot( abs(domain_vals), z, color = clr[1], linewidth = lw, label=r'$z$' ) legend( frameon=False, loc='best' ) ylim( lim( hstack([x[mask],y[mask],z[mask]]), dilate=0.1 ) ) grid() xlabel( '$t/M$' if 'td'==tag else '$fM$' ) # ax.set_xlim( [ domain_min, domain_max ] ) # if filepath = join( this.outdir,'%s_%s_3panel.pdf'%(gwylmo.simname,tag)) savefig(filepath,pad_inches=0, bbox_inches='tight') close_figure()