def plot_diff(self, x=None, ax=None, kwargs={}, offset = 0.): """ Plots the difference between the Feature fit and the original Spectrum on an axis. If x is undefined, x is taken as inside the window region. If ax is undefined, a new axis is generated Kwargs must be a dictionary of legal matplotlib keywords """ if x == None: x = self.x if not ax: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) kill_label = False if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['label'] = 'Difference' kill_label = True y = self(x) + offset window = self.window self.set_window([x.min(),x.max()]) y -= self.y ax.plot(x,y,**kwargs) plt.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 4) self.set_window(window) if kill_label: del kwargs['label']
def plot_KDE(sol, var1, var2, fig=None, ax=None, draw=True, save=False, save_as_png=False, dpi=None): """ Like the hexbin plot but a 2D KDE Pass mcmcinv object and 2 variable names as strings """ ext = ['png' if save_as_png else 'pdf'][0] if fig == None or ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3)) MDL = sol.MDL if var1 == "R0": stoc1 = "R0" else: stoc1 = ''.join([i for i in var1 if not i.isdigit()]) stoc_num1 = [int(i) for i in var1 if i.isdigit()] try: x = MDL.trace(stoc1)[:,stoc_num1[0]-1] except: x = MDL.trace(stoc1)[:] if var2 == "R0": stoc2 = "R0" else: stoc2 = ''.join([i for i in var2 if not i.isdigit()]) stoc_num2 = [int(i) for i in var2 if i.isdigit()] try: y = MDL.trace(stoc2)[:,stoc_num2[0]-1] except: y = MDL.trace(stoc2)[:] xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y) # Peform the kernel density estimate xx, yy = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:100j, ymin:ymax:100j] positions = np.vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) values = np.vstack([x, y]) kernel = gaussian_kde(values) kernel.set_bandwidth(bw_method='silverman') # kernel.set_bandwidth(bw_method=kernel.factor * 2.) f = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # Contourf plot plt.grid(None) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0,0)) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 7) plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 7) ax.contourf(xx, yy, f,, alpha=0.8) ax.scatter(x, y, color='k', s=1, zorder=2) plt.ylabel("%s" %var2) plt.xlabel("%s" %var1) if save: fn = 'KDE-%s-%s.%s'%(sol.model_type_str,sol.filename,ext) save_figure(fig, subfolder='2D-KDE', fname=fn, dpi=dpi) plt.close(fig) if draw: return fig else: return None
def make_es_verbose_profile_graph(self,frame, taskid, status=None, daterange=None): #plt.switch_backend('Cairo')'fivethirtyeight') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=30) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=30) plt.title('Execution profile for task {0}'.format(taskid), fontsize=24) plt.xlabel("Event Merge time", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("Number of merged events", fontsize=18) starttime = self.get_task_start(taskid)['starttime'] plt.axvline(x=starttime, color='b', linewidth=4, label="Task start time") if not starttime is None: min = starttime else: min = frame.values[:,0].min() max = frame.values[:,0].max() plt.xlim(xmax=max) plt.xlim(xmin=min) plt.xticks(rotation=25) ax = plt.gca() xfmt = md.DateFormatter('%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt) plt.plot(frame.modificationtime, frame.nevents, '.r', label='# merged events') plt.legend(loc='lower right') return fig
def save_records_plot(file_path, ls_monitors, name, n_train_batches, legend_loc="upper right"): """ Save a plot of a list of monitors' history. Args: file_path (string): the folder path where to save the plot ls_monitors: the list of statistics to plot name: name of file to be saved n_train_batches: the total number of training batches """ lines = ["--", "-", "-.",":"] linecycler = cycle(lines) plt.figure() for m in ls_monitors: X = [i/float(n_train_batches) for i in m.history_minibatch] Y = m.history_value a, b = zip(*sorted(zip(X, Y))) plt.plot(a, b, next(linecycler), plt.xlabel('Training epoch') plt.ylabel(ls_monitors[0].type) plt.legend(loc=legend_loc) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=7) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=10) plt.savefig(file_path + name + ".png") tikz_save(file_path + name + ".tikz", figureheight = '\\figureheighttik', figurewidth = '\\figurewidthtik')
def plot_results(dists): for i, d in enumerate(dists): ax = plt.subplot(3,3,(4*i)+1) N, bins, patches = plt.hist(, color="b",ec="k", bins=30, \ range=tuple(d.lims), normed=True, \ edgecolor="k", histtype='bar',linewidth=1.) fracs = N.astype(float)/N.max() norm = Normalize(-.2* fracs.max(), 1.5 * fracs.max()) for thisfrac, thispatch in zip(fracs, patches): color = cm.gray_r(norm(thisfrac)) thispatch.set_facecolor(color) thispatch.set_edgecolor("w") x = np.linspace(,, 100) ylim = ax.get_ylim() plt.plot(x,, "-r", lw=1.5, alpha=0.7) ax.set_ylim(ylim) plt.axvline(, c="r", ls="--", lw=1.5) plt.tick_params(labelright=True, labelleft=False, labelsize=10) plt.xlim(d.lims) plt.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=10) if i < 2: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: plt.xlabel(r"[$\mathregular{\alpha}$ / Fe]") plt.minorticks_on() def hist2D(dist1, dist2): """ Plot distribution and confidence contours. """ X, Y = np.mgrid[dist1.lims[0] : dist1.lims[1] : 20j, dist2.lims[0] : dist2.lims[1] : 20j] extent = [dist1.lims[0], dist1.lims[1], dist2.lims[0], dist2.lims[1]] positions = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]) values = np.vstack([,]) kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(values) Z = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, X.shape) ax.imshow(np.rot90(Z), cmap="gray_r", extent=extent, aspect="auto", interpolation="spline16") plt.axvline(, c="r", ls="--", lw=1.5) plt.axhline(, c="r", ls="--", lw=1.5) plt.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.minorticks_on() plt.locator_params(axis='x',nbins=10) return ax = plt.subplot(3,3,4) hist2D(dists[0], dists[1]) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.ylabel("[Z/H]") plt.xlim(dists[0].lims) plt.ylim(dists[1].lims) ax = plt.subplot(3,3,7) hist2D(dists[0], dists[2]) plt.ylabel(r"[$\mathregular{\alpha}$ / Fe]") plt.xlabel("log Age (yr)") plt.xlim(dists[0].lims) plt.ylim(dists[2].lims) ax = plt.subplot(3,3,8) plt.xlabel("[Z/H]") hist2D(dists[1], dists[2]) plt.xlim(dists[1].lims) plt.ylim(dists[2].lims) return
def main(): global algorithms global datadir global history global legend_location args = argparser.parse_args() algorithms = set(algorithms) - set(args.exclude_algorithm) datadir = args.datadir history = args.history legend_location = args.legend_location plt.rc('font', size=5) plt.rc('axes', color_cycle=['r','g','b','y']) plt.figure(figsize=(2,2)) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) if args.plot_all or args.steps_frequency: plot_steps_frequency() if args.plot_all or args.stepssum_vs_opcount: plot_stepssum_vs_opcount() if args.plot_all or args.nodesmax_vs_opcount: plot_nodesmax_vs_opcount() if args.plot_all or args.stepssum_vs_history: plot_stepssum_vs_history() if args.plot_all or args.nodesmax_vs_history: plot_nodesmax_vs_history() if args.plot_all or args.stepsavg_vs_history: plot_stepsavg_vs_history() if args.plot_all or args.stepsmed_vs_history: plot_stepsmed_vs_history() if args.plot_all or args.stepsavgdev_vs_history: plot_stepsavgdev_vs_history() if args.plot_all or args.stepsmedmax_vs_history: plot_stepsmedmax_vs_history()
def init_plotting(): plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16, 9) plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 75 plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16 plt.rcParams[''] = 'Times New Roman' plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 18 plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 20 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True plt.rcParams['legend.shadow'] = True plt.rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'lower left' plt.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 plt.rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = 1 plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1 plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible'] = 'False' plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.visible'] = 'False' plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') plt.locator_params(nticks=4)
def plot_posterior_hist(ax, variable, samples, validation_data=None): pyplot.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 4) histogram = ax.hist(samples, bins=12) if validation_data: axvline(x=validation_data[variable]) ax.set_xlabel(variable) ax.set_ylim(0, max(histogram[0])*1.1)
def plot(self, fig=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fig == None and not isinstance(self.fig, plt.Figure): self.fig = plt.figure() else: self.fig = fig # plt.gcf(self.fig) plt.figure(self.fig.number) plt.hold(True) from numpy import max as npmax mode = "logpow" if mode == "logpow": gdata = self.get_logpow() plt.ylabel("power [db]") plt.plot(self.get_xdata() / 1000., gdata) ymax = int(npmax(gdata[1:]) / 10.) * 10 + 10 ymin = ymax - 80 plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlabel('Frequency [kHz]') plt.locator_params(nbins=20, axis='x', tight=True) # plt.locator_params(nbins=15, axis='y', tight=True, fontsize=1) plt.grid() plt.title( return self
def graph_drugs_line(items,nic): months = Config.filenames months = [x.strip('.csv') for x in months] months.reverse() for drug in items.keys(): items_list = [] nics=[] for month in months: try: items_list.append(items[drug][month]) nics.append(nic[drug][month]) except KeyError: print drug + ' not all information available' break else: index = numpy.arange(len(months)) graph = plt.plot(index, items_list, 'r.-', index, nics, 'g.-') lessMonths = [months[int(i)] for i in numpy.linspace(0,len(months)-1,num=6)] ax = plt.gca() plt.locator_params(nbins=len(lessMonths)) ax.set_xticklabels(lessMonths) ax.set_ylabel('Branded/Generic') ax.set_title('Percent branded for chemical: '+drug) ax.legend( ('items', 'nic') ) plt.savefig('Time_ChemPercents_figures/' + drug) plt.clf()
def main(): #The url is made up of the prefix, day, and suffix: prefix = "" suffix = "/DailyHistory" days = [] #Sets up a list to store days mins = [] #Sets up a list so store min values for day in range(1,32): #For each day days.append(day) #Add the day to the list url = prefix+str(day)+suffix #Make the url M = getTempFromWeb("Min",url) #Call the function to extract temp mins.append(M) #Add the temp to the list print day, M ## days = [i for i in range(1,32)] Used for debugging programin ## mins = [36,34,36,15,13,26,32,34,41,42,28,26,24,24,34,42,31,20,18,30,27,22,25,24,30,35,34,29,32,30,37] ave = float(sum(mins))/ len(mins) print ave print len(mins) scaled= [i*100/ave-100 for i in mins] plt.plot(days, scaled, color='r', label="Variation of Temp") #Plot max as red plt.axhline(y=0,color='b') plt.legend(['% Difference From Avg'], loc='upper left',prop={'size':10}) plt.title("Variation of January Min Temps from Average Min", y=1.02) #Title for plot plt.xlabel('Days', fontsize=16).set_color("white") #Label for x-axis plt.ylabel('% Fluctuation from Average', fontsize=16).set_color("white") #Label for the y-axis plt.axis([0,32,-60,60]) plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 16) plt.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 20)
def plot_dshift(data, sample, fout, dshift_ind=0, close=True): """ PLOT THE POSTERIOR FOR THE DOPPLER SHIFT """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 6) # Plot a historgram and kernel density estimate ax = fig.add_subplot(111) sns.distplot(sample[:,11+dshift_ind], hist_kws={"histtype":"stepfilled"}, ax=ax) plt.xticks(rotation=45) _, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(data["dshift"], 0, ymax, lw=3, color="black") ax.set_xlabel(r"Doppler shift $d=v/c$") ax.set_ylabel("$N_{\mathrm{samples}}$") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fout+"_dshift%i.png"%dshift_ind, format="png") if close: plt.close() return
def plot3D(data_3d, name='3D Plot'): X = [point[0] for point in data_3d] Y = [point[1] for point in data_3d] Z = [point[2] for point in data_3d] fig = plt.figure(name) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, marker='o', c='b', zdir='y') # Create cubic bounding box to simulate equal aspect ratio max_range = np.array( [max(X) - min(X), max(Y) - min(Y), max(Z) - min(Z)]).max() Xb = 0.5 * max_range * \ np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][0].flatten() + 0.5 * (max(X) + min(X)) Yb = 0.5 * max_range * \ np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][1].flatten() + 0.5 * (max(Y) + min(Y)) Zb = 0.5 * max_range * \ np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][2].flatten() + 0.5 * (max(Z) + min(Z)) # Comment or uncomment following both lines to test the fake bounding box: for xb, yb, zb in zip(Xb, Yb, Zb): ax.plot([xb], [yb], [zb], 'w') ax.set_xlabel('X (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Z (m)') ax.set_zlabel('Y (m)') plt.locator_params(nbins=4)
def show_trand_chart(stats): try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: sys.exit(0) # prepare data net_lines = 0 xlabels, axisx, axisy = [], [], [] for stat in stats.items(): weeks_ago, added, deleted = stat[0], stat[1]['add'], stat[1]['del'] net_lines += added - deleted if net_lines == 0: continue xlabels.append(date_of_weeks_ago(weeks_ago)) axisx.append(weeks_ago) axisy.append(net_lines) # start to plot plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 4) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('weeks ago') plt.ylabel('LoC') plt.title('LineOfCode trend') plt.xticks(axisx, xlabels) plt.plot(axisx, axisy)
def drawGiantHistogram(deltaTimes, numberOfBins, leftRange, rightRange, saveDirectory): print("generating histogram...") plt.figure(figsize=(16,6.5)) plt.hist(deltaTimes, bins=numberOfBins, range=[leftRange,rightRange]) # control spacing of x axis plt.locator_params(nbins=32,axis='x') plt.title("All Differences in Phone vs. Scintillator Timestamps") plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$' "time in ms") plt.ylabel("Number of Hits") plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') # tweak spacing plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.9, bottom=0.21) # specify file naming and save location fileName = str(leftRange)+"to"+str(rightRange)+"_"+str(numberOfBins)+"bins"+".png" saveLocation = saveDirectory+"/giantHistograms/"+fileName # make save directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(saveDirectory+"giantHistograms/"): os.makedirs(saveDirectory+"giantHistograms/") # save the image plt.savefig(saveLocation, bbox_inches='tight') print("saved figure at", (saveLocation))
def plot_kmeans_components(self, fig1, gs, kmeans_clusters, clrs, plot_title='Hb', num_subplots=1, flag_separate=1, gridspecs=[0, 0]): with sns.axes_style('darkgrid'): if flag_separate: ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(2, 1, num_subplots) else: ax1 = eval('fig1.add_subplot(gs' + gridspecs + ')') plt.gca().set_color_cycle(clrs) for ii in xrange(0, size(kmeans_clusters, 1)): plt.plot(kmeans_clusters[:, ii], lw=4, label=str(ii)) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) sns.axlabel("Time (seconds)", "a.u") ax1.legend(prop={'size': 14}, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), ncol=1, fancybox=True, shadow=True) plt.title(plot_title, fontsize=14) plt.ylim((min(kmeans_clusters) - 0.0001, max(kmeans_clusters) + 0.0001)) plt.xlim((0, size(kmeans_clusters, 0))) plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=1) self.plot_vertical_lines_onset() self.plot_vertical_lines_offset()
def main(): dir='/Users/ph290/Public/mo_data/ostia/' # on ELD140 filename = dir + '*.nc' cube = iris.load_cube(filename,'sea_surface_temperature',callback=my_callback) #reads in data using a special callback, because it is a nasty netcdf file sst_mean = cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN) #average all 12 months together sst_stdev=cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.STD_DEV) caribbean = iris.Constraint( longitude=lambda v: 260 <= v <= 320, latitude=lambda v: 0 <= v <= 40, name='sea_surface_temperature' ) caribbean_sst_mean = sst_mean.extract(caribbean) caribbean_sst_stdev = sst_stdev.extract(caribbean) #extract the Caribbean region fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) lons = caribbean_sst_mean.coord('longitude').points lats = caribbean_sst_mean.coord('latitude').points lo = np.floor(data.min()) hi = np.ceil(data.max()) levels = np.linspace(lo,hi,100) lo2 = np.floor(data2.min()) hi2 = np.ceil(data2.max()) levels2 = np.linspace(lo2,5,10) cube_label = 'latitude: %s' % caribbean_sst_mean.coord('latitude').points contour=plt.contourf(lons, lats, data,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),levels=levels,xlabel=cube_label) #filled contour the annually averaged temperature contour2=plt.contour(lons, lats, data2,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),levels=levels2,colors='k') #contour the standard deviations plt.clabel(contour2, inline=0.5, fontsize=12,fmt='%1.1f' ) ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND) ax.coastlines() ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.RIVERS) ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle=':') #ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAKES, alpha=0.5) cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ticks=np.linspace(lo,hi,7), orientation='horizontal') cbar.set_label('Sea Surface Temperature ($^\circ$C)') # enable axis ticks ax.xaxis.set_visible(True) ax.yaxis.set_visible(True) # fix 10-degree increments and don't clip range plt.locator_params(steps=(1,10), tight=False) # add gridlines plt.grid(True) # add axis labels plt.xlabel('longitude') plt.ylabel('latitude') plt.savefig('/home/h04/hador/public_html/twiki_figures/carib_sst_and_stdev.png')
def triangular_wave_plot(ax=None): """Plot of a triangular wave function. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 3)) t = np.array([-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3])*np.pi x = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) ax.plot(t, x, linewidth=3, label=r'Square wave') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='inout', which='both', length=5) ax.set_xlim((-3*np.pi, 3*np.pi)) ax.set_ylim((-0.1, 1.1)) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(-3*np.pi-0.1, 3*np.pi+0.1, 7)) ax.set_xticklabels(['$-3\pi$', '$-2\pi$', '$-\pi$', '$0$', '$\pi$', '$2\pi$', '$3\pi$'], fontsize=16) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=3) ax.annotate(r'$t$', xy=(3*np.pi, 0.1), xycoords = 'data', xytext=(0, 0), textcoords = 'offset points', size=18, color='k') ax.annotate(r'$x[t]$', xy=(.1, 1.03), xycoords = 'data', xytext=(0, 0), textcoords = 'offset points', size=18, color='k') ax.grid() fig.tight_layout() return ax
def plot_rejection_sampling(thetas, posteriors, x_accepts, bins): """ Plot analytical solution and rejection sampling solution on same graph """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(thetas, posteriors, linewidth=3) #Rejection sampling plot hist, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(x_accepts, bins) bin_width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] hist = hist / max(hist)[:-1], hist, bin_width, color='green') ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=30) # Create strings to show numerical mean and standard deviation on graphs mean = numpy.mean(x_accepts) stdev = numpy.std(x_accepts) display_string = ('$\mu_{{MC}} = {0:.3f} $\n$\sigma_{{MC}} = {1:.3f}$').format(mean, stdev) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=30) plt.ylabel(r'$\propto P(\theta|x)$', fontsize=30) plt.text(0.6, 0.8, display_string, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=30) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) plt.savefig('rejection.png', bbox_inches='tight') # Plot log fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(thetas, -numpy.log(posteriors), linewidth=3)[:-1], -numpy.log(hist), bin_width, color='green') ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=30) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=30) plt.ylabel(r'$\propto log(P(\theta|x))$', fontsize=30) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) plt.text(0.3, 0.5, display_string, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=30) plt.savefig('rejlog.png', bbox_inches='tight')
def square_wave_plot(ax=None): """Plot of a square wave function. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 3)) N = np.nan t = np.array([-3, -2, N, -2, -1, N, -1, 0, N, 0, 1, N, 1, 2, N, 2, 3]) x = np.array([-1, -1, N, 1, 1, N, -1, -1, N, 1, 1, N, -1, -1, N, 1, 1]) ax.plot(t, x, linewidth=3, label=r"Square wave") ax.spines["bottom"].set_position("zero") ax.spines["top"].set_color("none") ax.spines["left"].set_position("zero") ax.spines["right"].set_color("none") ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax.tick_params(axis="both", direction="inout", which="both", length=5) ax.set_xlim((-3, 3)) ax.set_ylim((-1.4, 1.4)) plt.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=3) ax.annotate(r"$t[s]$", xy=(3, 0.1), xycoords="data", xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points", size=18, color="k") ax.annotate( r"$x[t]$", xy=(-0.3, 1.2), xycoords="data", xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points", size=18, color="k" ) for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_bbox(dict(facecolor="white", edgecolor="None", alpha=0.65)) ax.grid() fig.tight_layout() return ax
def format_and_label_axes(var, posys, axes, ylabel=True): "Formats and labels axes" for posy, ax in zip(posys, axes): if ylabel: if hasattr(posy, "key"): ylabel = (posy.key.descr.get("label", + " " + posy.key.unitstr(dimless="-")) else: ylabel = str(posy) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(color="0.6") # ax.set_frame_on(False) for item in [ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label]: item.set_fontsize(9) for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(7) ax.tick_params(length=0) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) for i in ax.spines.itervalues(): i.set_linewidth(0.4) i.set_color("0.6") i.set_linestyle("dotted") xlabel = (var.key.descr.get("label", + " " + var.key.unitstr(dimless="-")) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable plt.locator_params(nbins=4) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.15)
def main(): #The url is made up of the prefix, day, and suffix: prefix = "" suffix = "/DailyHistory" days = [] depths = [] mins = [36,34,36,15,13,26,32,34,41,42,28,26,24,24,34,42,31,20,18,30,27,22,25,24,30,35,34,29,32,30,37] #min temps for January 2016 # days = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31] #Sets up a list to store days # depths = [] #Sets up a list so store snow depths for day in range(1,32): #For each day days.append(day) #Add the day to the list url = prefix+str(day)+suffix #Make the url M = getDepthFromWeb(url) #Call the function to extract Snow Depth depths.append(M) #Add the temp to the list print day, M # depths = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,27,20,15,9,6,4,3,2] depthScale = [(8)*((n*(n*.09))+1) for n in depths] plt.scatter(days, mins, s = depthScale, color = 'r', alpha=0.5) plt.title("Minimum Temps in January with Snow Depths as Point Size", y=1.02) #Title for plot plt.xlabel('Days', fontsize=16).set_color("white") #Label for x-axis plt.ylabel('Minimum Temperature of the Day', fontsize=16).set_color("white") #Label for the y-axis plt.axis([0,32,10,50]) plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 16) plt.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 20) l1 = plt.scatter([],[], s=8, edgecolors='none', color = 'r') labels = [" = 0 in. or Trace Amounts of Snow"] leg = plt.legend([l1], labels, ncol=4, frameon=True, fontsize=12, handlelength=1, loc = 'upper left', borderpad = .5, handletextpad=1, title='Size of Points Corresponds to Snow Depth', scatterpoints = 1)
def plot_diagnostics(image,data_filtered,pl_image,smooth_pl,inter_image,inter_pl,final_image,vgridsize,lg,ilng,flng,IV,output_file): fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(8,vgridsize*2)) gs3 = gridspec.GridSpec(vgridsize,2) for i in range(0,vgridsize): pl = np.power(lg,abs(IV[i,1])) ax1 = fig3.add_subplot(gs3[i,0]) [a,b,c,d] = ax1.plot(lg,np.multiply(pl,image[i,:]),lg,np.multiply(pl,data_filtered[i,:]),lg,np.multiply(pl,pl_image[i,:]),lg,np.multiply(pl,smooth_pl[i,:])) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.set_ylim([min(np.multiply(pl,image[i,:])),max(np.multiply(pl,image[i,:]))]) plt.locator_params(axis='y',nbins=5) if i < 1: ax1.set_title('Raw Images') plt.legend([a,b,c,d], ['Data', 'Data boxcar', 'Power Law','Power Law boxcar'],bbox_to_anchor=(0, 2.0, 1., .102),loc=9, borderaxespad=0.) ax2 = fig3.add_subplot(gs3[i,1],sharex=ax1) [e,f,g] = ax2.plot(lg,inter_image[i,:],lg,inter_pl[i,:],lg,final_image[i,:]) plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax2.set_xlim([ilng+3,flng-3]) ax2.set_ylim([min(inter_image[i,:]),max(final_image[i,:])]) ax2.hlines(0,ilng,flng,linestyles='dashed',color='0.75') #plt.locator_params(axis='y',nbins=5) if i <1 : ax2.set_title('Subtracted Images') plt.legend([e,f,g], ['Subtracted Image', 'Subtracted Power Law', 'Final Image'],bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.8, 1., .102),loc=9, borderaxespad=0.) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(),visible=True) plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(),visible=True) plt.savefig(output_file+'_diagnostics.png') plt.close()
def main(plot_type): per_size = 5 nrow, ncol = len(graphs), len(params) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ncol * per_size, nrow * per_size)) if plot_type.startswith('dist'): angle = (10, 45) else: angle = (15, 210) for i, gname in enumerate(graphs): for j, param in enumerate(params): idx = i * ncol + j + 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, idx, projection='3d') plot_surface(gname, param, plot_type, fig, ax=ax, dirname=dirname, angle=angle, use_colorbar=False) ax.set_title('{}({})'.format(gname, param)) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) fig_dir = 'figs/{}'.format(fig_dirname) if not os.path.exists(fig_dir): os.makedirs(fig_dir) figpath = '{}/{}.pdf'.format(fig_dir, plot_type) print(figpath) fig.savefig(figpath)
def plot_histogram(self, values, bins, img_out, masked, median, mean, std, name): """ Statistical plotting and output function. Input: Value list, Bin list, Name of output, Masked image, median value, mean value, standard dev, image name Output: png image file with the masked image, statistical and image information, and histogram plot """ plt.clf() #Fill in the masked image for processing scaled_img = self.scale_img(masked, median, std) img = Image.fromarray(scaled_img) #Set up plotting environment fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) fig.set_size_inches(8,11) # width, height fig.tight_layout() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1,height_ratios=[4,1], wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0) #Find timestamp, change this to use header info instead timestamp = name.split('_') try: timetest = timestamp[1] except: timetest = 'NA' #Plot the masked image, allow for arbitrary rotation ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax0.axis('off') img = img.rotate(90).resize((int(img.size[1]),int(img.size[0])), Image.ANTIALIAS) # Insert statistical information into the image ax0.text(0, 1240, name[0:4]+'-'+name[4:6]+'-'+name[6:8]+' '+name[9:11]+':'+name[11:13]+':'+name[13:15], size = 16, color="white", horizontalalignment='left') ax0.text(0, 1280, 'Exposure = '+str(timetest)+' [s]', size = 16, color="white", horizontalalignment='left', ) ax0.text(1100, 1200 , 'Median = %.1f' % (median), size = 16, color="white", horizontalalignment='right') ax0.text(1100, 1240, "Mean = %.2f" % (mean), size = 16, color="white", horizontalalignment='right') ax0.text(1100, 1280, 'Standard Dev = %.2f' % (std), size = 16, color="white", horizontalalignment='right') ax0.imshow(img, cmap="gray") #Plot the histogram ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]), (values*100.0), alpha=1.0) ax1.set_xlabel('Pixel Value', size=16) ax1.xaxis.label.set_color('white') plt.locator_params(axis='y',nbins=6) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', colors='white', labelsize=12) #ax1.yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.draw() #Save the figure as a png gs.tight_layout(fig, h_pad=None) fig.savefig(img_out, cmap="grey", transparent=True, facecolor="black", edgecolor='none') plt.close("all") return
def plot_pr_curve(precision, recall, title): plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 7, 5 plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) plt.plot(precision, recall, 'b-', linewidth=4.0, color='#B0017F') plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Precision') plt.ylabel('Recall') plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
def plot_scores(matched_signals, unique_clrs, ind, stimulus_on_time, stimulus_off_time): ######Plot mean signals according to color and boxplot of number of pixels in each plane sns.tsplot(np.array(matched_signals[ind].clr_grped_signal), linewidth=3, ci=95, err_style="ci_band", color=unique_clrs[ind]) plt.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 4) sns.axlabel("Time (seconds)","a.u") plot_vertical_lines_onset(stimulus_on_time) plot_vertical_lines_offset(stimulus_off_time) plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=1)
def pdf_norm_plot(m=0, s=1, fig=None, ax=None): """Plot the probability density function of the normal distribution. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import norm m, s = float(m), float(s) # in case they were passed as command line args if s <= 0: s = 1 plt.rc('font', size=16) plt.rc(('xtick.major','ytick.major'), pad=8) n = 1000 if fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5)) x = np.linspace(m-4*s, m+4*s, n) # pdf at x for a random variable with normal distribution f = norm.pdf(x, loc=m, scale=s) ones = np.arange(np.round(3/8*n)+1, np.round(5/8*n)+1, dtype=int) twos = np.arange(np.round(2/8*n)+1, np.round(6/8*n)+1, dtype=int) threes = np.arange(np.round(1/8*n)+1, np.round(7/8*n)+1, dtype=int) ax.fill_between(x[ones], y1=f[ones], y2=0, color=[0, 0.2, .5, .4]) ax.fill_between(x[twos], y1=f[twos], y2=0, color=[0, 0.2, .5, .3]) ax.fill_between(x[threes], y1=f[threes], y2=0, color=[0, 0.2, .5, .3]) ax.plot(x, f, color=[1, 0, 0, .8], linewidth=4) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]*1.1) ymax = ax.get_ylim()[1]/0.45 for i in range(-3, 4): ax.axvline(i*s+m, ymin=0, ymax=f[n/2-i/8*n]/ax.get_ylim()[1], c='w', lw=3) ax.axvline(-2.5*s+m, ymin=0.01, ymax=.15, c='k', lw=1) ax.axvline(2.5*s+m, ymin=0.01, ymax=.15, c='k', lw=1) ax.axvline(-3.5*s+m, ymin=0.01, ymax=.05, c='k', lw=1) ax.axvline(3.5*s+m, ymin=0.01, ymax=.05, c='k', lw=1) ax.text(-3.8*s+m, .03*ymax, '0.1%', color='k') ax.text(3.2*s+m, .03*ymax, '0.1%', color='k') ax.text(-2.8*s+m, .08*ymax, '2.1%', color='k') ax.text(2.2*s+m, .08*ymax, '2.1%', color='k') ax.text(-1.85*s+m, .03*ymax, '13.6%', color='w') ax.text(1.15*s+m, .03*ymax, '13.6%', color='w') ax.text(-.85*s+m, .08*ymax, '34.1%', color='w') ax.text(.15*s+m, .08*ymax, '34.1%', color='w') plt.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = 5) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(m-4*s, m+4*s, 9)) xtl = [r'%+d$\sigma$' %i for i in range(-4, 5, 1)] xtl[4] = r'$\mu$' ax.set_xticklabels(xtl) #ax2 = ax.twiny() #ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') #ax2.spines["bottom"].set_position(("axes", -0.1)) #ax2.set_xlim(-4*s, 4*s) #ax2.set_xticks(np.linspace(m-4*s, m+4*s, 9)) title='Probability density function of the normal distribution ' +\ '~ $N(\mu=%.1f,\ \sigma^2=%.1f)$' %(m, s**2) plt.title(title, fontsize=14) return fig, ax
def evaluation_comparison(repo_name, version, pre_fetch_size=0.1, distance_to_fetch=0.5, branch='master', **kwargs): fontsize = 18 figsize = 18, 9 n = 30 f_beta = 2 (tp_01, fp_01, tn_01, fn_01, fc_01, counter_01) = _get_statistics( repo_name=repo_name, cache_ratio=0.1, pre_fetch_size=pre_fetch_size, distance_to_fetch=distance_to_fetch, version=version, n=n, branch=branch, **kwargs) (tp_02, fp_02, tn_02, fn_02, fc_02, counter_02) = _get_statistics( repo_name=repo_name, cache_ratio=0.2, pre_fetch_size=pre_fetch_size, distance_to_fetch=distance_to_fetch, version=version, n=n, branch=branch, **kwargs) ind = np.arange(len(counter_01)) linewidth = 3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=n) ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.1) precision_01 = tp_01 / (tp_01 + fp_01) recall_01 = tp_01 / (tp_01 + fn_01) f1_01 = (1 + f_beta**2) * tp_01 / ( (1 + f_beta**2) * tp_01 + f_beta**2 * fn_01 + fp_01) precision_02 = tp_02 / (tp_02 + fp_02) recall_02 = tp_02 / (tp_02 + fn_02) f1_02 = (1 + f_beta**2) * tp_02 / ( (1 + f_beta**2) * tp_02 + f_beta**2 * fn_02 + fp_02) ax.set_xticklabels(counter_01) plt.plot(ind, precision_01, '--', label='Precision (cr=0.1)', color='green', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(ind, precision_02, color='green', linewidth=linewidth, label='Precision (cr=0.2)') plt.plot(ind, f1_01, '--', color='orange', linewidth=linewidth, label=r'$F_2$ score (cr=0.1)') plt.plot(ind, f1_02, color='orange', linewidth=linewidth, label=r'$F_2$ score (cr=0.2)') plt.plot(ind, recall_01, '--', color='blue', linewidth=linewidth, label='Recall (cr=01)') plt.plot(ind, recall_02, color='blue', linewidth=linewidth, label='Recall (cr=0.2)') plt.grid(True) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=fontsize) plt.title('Evaluating %s.git' % (repo_name,), fontsize=fontsize, y=1.15) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) plt.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel('Fixing commit numbers after tNow*0.9', fontsize=fontsize) fig.tight_layout()
def Responses(self,PlotStartTime,PlotEndTime,DoSkip=[]): NotSkippedGroups = [G for G in self.final_data['SortedGroupsList'] if not any(ext in G for ext in DoSkip)] # spio.savemat(os.path.join(self.CXOutputPath,'SpikesToPlot.mat'),GroupsSpikes) # else: # GroupsSpikes = self.loadmat(os.path.join(self.CXOutputPath,'SpikesToPlot.mat')) f, axarr = plt.subplots(int(round(len(NotSkippedGroups)/2.)), 2, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 17)) axarr_twins = [col.twinx() for row in axarr for col in row] axarr_twins = np.reshape(axarr_twins, (int(round(len(NotSkippedGroups)/2.)), 2)) PSTH_bin = 0.005 statistics = [] for idx, Group in enumerate(NotSkippedGroups): plt_y_idx = idx % (int(round(len(NotSkippedGroups)/2.))) plt_x_idx = int(idx / (int(round(len(NotSkippedGroups)/2.)))) Scatter_Xs = np.concatenate(self.final_data['GroupsSpikes'][Group]) Scatter_Ys = np.concatenate( [(np.ones(len(TimePoint)) * (int(TimePoint_idx) + 1)).astype(int) for TimePoint_idx, TimePoint in enumerate(self.final_data['GroupsSpikes'][Group])]) axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].scatter(Scatter_Xs, Scatter_Ys, s=1, color='0.5') Step_Xs = np.arange(0, self.final_data['runtime'], PSTH_bin) Step_Ys = np.zeros_like(Step_Xs) for X in np.unique(Scatter_Xs): bin_idx = np.where(Step_Xs == min(Step_Xs, key=lambda x: abs(x - X))) Step_Ys[bin_idx] += len(np.where(Scatter_Xs == X)[0]) axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].step(Step_Xs, Step_Ys, where='mid', c='b') axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].plot([self.final_data['InputTime'], self.final_data['InputTime']], [0, len(self.final_data['FileList'])], color='r', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=2) axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].spines['top'].set_color('none') axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].spines['top'].set_color('none') axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_ylim(0, len(self.final_data['FileList'])) CurrentTitle = Group[Group.index('_') + 1:].replace('_L',' Layer ').replace('toL',' to Layer ') axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_title(CurrentTitle) axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_xlim(PlotStartTime, PlotEndTime) axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_xlim(PlotStartTime, PlotEndTime) if max(Step_Ys[int(np.where(np.array(Step_Xs)>=PlotStartTime)[0][0]):int(np.where(np.array(Step_Xs)<=PlotEndTime)[0][-1])]) == 0: axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_ylim(0, 1) else: axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_ylim(0, max(Step_Ys[int(np.where(np.array(Step_Xs)>=PlotStartTime)[0][0]):int(np.where(np.array(Step_Xs)<=PlotEndTime)[0][-1])]) ) y_lower,y_upper = axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].get_ylim() if y_upper > 5 : axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(int(y_lower), int(y_upper)+1, (int(y_upper) - int(y_lower)) / 5)) else: axarr_twins[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(int(y_lower), int(y_upper)+1)) if plt_x_idx == 0 : axarr[plt_y_idx, plt_x_idx].set_ylabel('Trials') cropped_steps = Step_Ys[int(np.where(np.array(Step_Xs) >= PlotStartTime)[0][0]):int(np.where(np.array(Step_Xs) <= PlotEndTime)[0][-1])] statistics.append([CurrentTitle,st.chisquare(cropped_steps)[0],st.chisquare(cropped_steps)[1]]) axarr[-1,0].set_xlabel('time (s)') axarr[-1,1].set_xlabel('time (s)') plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) plt.tight_layout() f.savefig(os.path.join(self.IllustratorOutputFolder,'cell_type_response.eps')) with open (os.path.join(self.IllustratorOutputFolder,'table.txt'),'w') as table_file: table_file.write(tabulate(statistics,headers=['Group Name','Chi-Square','p-Value']))
def experiment(task, reg_fact=0., simulate=True, outdir=None, title=''): """ Perform an LSM experiment. :param task: target task for learning :param reg_fact: regularization parameter for readout training, default: 0 :param simulate: whether SNN should be simulated, otherwise load data from pickle :param outdir: output directory for plots :param title: title for plots """ pklfile = 'data.pkl' # file name for data if simulate: # setup nest nest.ResetKernel() num_cpu = mp.cpu_count() nest.SetKernelStatus({ 'local_num_threads': num_cpu, 'print_time': True }) seeds = np.random.choice(10000, size=num_cpu + 1) #nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed': seeds[0], 'rng_seeds': seeds[1:].tolist()}) nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed': seeds[0]}) # parameters sim_time = 500e3 # simulation time N_rec = 500 # number of neurons from which we will extract liquid states # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # create recurrent network nodes # TODO: create excitatory and inhibitory neurons, a noise generator, # and spike detectors using the parameters in the assignment sheet E_population = nest.Create('iaf_psc_exp', 1000, params={ 'C_m': 30.0, 'tau_m': 30.0, 'E_L': 0.0, 'V_th': 15.0, 'V_reset': 13.8, 'tau_syn_ex': 3.0, 'tau_syn_in': 2.0, 'I_e': 14.5 }) I_population = nest.Create('iaf_psc_exp', 250, params={ 'C_m': 30.0, 'tau_m': 30.0, 'E_L': 0.0, 'V_th': 15.0, 'V_reset': 13.8, 'tau_syn_ex': 3.0, 'tau_syn_in': 2.0, 'I_e': 14.5 }) population = E_population + I_population noise_generator = nest.Create('poisson_generator', params={'rate': 25.0}) parrot_neuron = nest.Create('parrot_neuron') nest.Connect(noise_generator, parrot_neuron) E_spike_detector = nest.Create('spike_detector') nest.Connect(E_population, E_spike_detector) I_spike_detector = nest.Create('spike_detector') nest.Connect(I_population, I_spike_detector) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # create stimulus and input nodes # create input generators num_sig = 3 stim_len = 50. stim_dt = 500. # inputs: holds the actual inputs (3 bits per stimulus) # input_spikes: holds the spike times of 3 input neurons inputs, input_spikes = generate_stimulus(num_sig, sim_time, stim_len, stim_dt) # create spike generators # TODO: create spike_generators and set spike times as given in input_spikes input_neurons = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', 3) for i in range(3): spike_generator = nest.Create( 'spike_generator', 1, params={'spike_times': input_spikes[i]}) nest.Connect(spike_generator, (input_neurons[i], )) in_spike_detector = nest.Create('spike_detector') nest.Connect(input_neurons, in_spike_detector) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # connect nodes # TODO: connect nodes with given statistics delay_params = { 'distribution': 'normal_clipped', 'low': 3.0, 'high': 200.0, 'mu': 10.0, 'sigma': 20.0 } syn_spec_EE = { 'model': 'tsodyks_synapse', 'weight': 50.0, 'delay': delay_params, 'tau_psc': 2., 'tau_fac': 1., 'tau_rec': 813., 'U': .59, 'u': .59, 'x': 0. } syn_spec_EI = { 'model': 'tsodyks_synapse', 'weight': 250.0, 'delay': delay_params, 'tau_psc': 2., 'tau_fac': 1790., 'tau_rec': 399., 'U': .049, 'u': .049, 'x': 0. } syn_spec_IE = { 'model': 'tsodyks_synapse', 'weight': -200.0, 'delay': delay_params, 'tau_psc': 2., 'tau_fac': 376., 'tau_rec': 45., 'U': .016, 'u': .016, 'x': 0. } syn_spec_II = { 'model': 'tsodyks_synapse', 'weight': -200.0, 'delay': delay_params, 'tau_psc': 2., 'tau_fac': 21., 'tau_rec': 706., 'U': .25, 'u': .25, 'x': 0. } J = (0.5 * 50.0 + 1.5 * 50.0) / 2.0 syn_spec_inp = { 'model': 'static_synapse', 'weight': { 'distribution': 'normal_clipped', 'low': 0.5 * 50.0, 'high': 1.5 * 50.0, 'mu': J, 'sigma': 0.7 }, 'delay': delay_params } syn_spec_noise = {'weight': 5.0, 'delay': delay_params} nest.Connect(parrot_neuron, population, {'rule': 'all_to_all'}, syn_spec_noise) nest.Connect(E_population, E_population, { 'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': 2 }, syn_spec_EE) nest.Connect(I_population, I_population, { 'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': 1 }, syn_spec_II) nest.Connect(I_population, E_population, { 'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': 1 }, syn_spec_IE) nest.Connect(E_population, I_population, { 'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': 2 }, syn_spec_EI) nest.Connect(input_neurons, E_population, { 'rule': 'fixed_outdegree', 'outdegree': 100 }, syn_spec_inp) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # simulate nest.Simulate(sim_time) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # analysis stat_X = nest.GetStatus(in_spike_detector, 'events')[0] stat_E = nest.GetStatus(E_spike_detector, 'events')[0] stat_I = nest.GetStatus(I_spike_detector, 'events')[0] spikes_X = stat_X['times'], stat_X['senders'] spikes_E = stat_E['times'], stat_E['senders'] spikes_I = stat_I['times'], stat_I['senders'] # compute mean firing rates # TODO: compute rates rate_ex = ((len(spikes_E[0]) / 1000) / sim_time) * 1000 rate_in = ((len(spikes_I[0]) / 250) / sim_time) * 1000 # plot network activity # TODO: plot t_max_plot = sim_time fig, [ax1, ax2, ax3] = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) plt.locator_params(nbins=6) ax1.scatter(spikes_X[0] / 1000, spikes_X[1], c='red', marker='.', s=1.) ax1.set_xlim(0., t_max_plot / 1000) ax1.set_yticks([]) ax1.set_ylabel(r'X') E_samples = np.random.choice(E_population, size=100, replace=False) I_samples = np.random.choice(I_population, size=100, replace=False) E_sample_spike_t, E_sample_neurons = [], [] for i in range(len(spikes_E[0])): n = spikes_E[1][i] if n in E_samples: E_sample_spike_t.append(spikes_E[0][i] / 1000) E_sample_neurons.append(spikes_E[1][i]) I_sample_spike_t, I_sample_neurons = [], [] for i in range(len(spikes_I[0])): n = spikes_I[1][i] if n in I_samples: I_sample_spike_t.append(spikes_I[0][i] / 1000) I_sample_neurons.append(spikes_I[1][i]) ax2.scatter(E_sample_spike_t, E_sample_neurons, c='green', marker='.', s=1.) ax2.set_xlim(0., t_max_plot / 1000) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax2.set_ylabel(r'E') ax3.scatter(I_sample_spike_t, I_sample_neurons, c='blue', marker='.', s=1.) ax3.set_xlim(0., t_max_plot / 1000) ax3.set_yticks([]) ax3.set_xlabel(r'$t$ / s') ax3.set_ylabel(r'I') if outdir and title: plt.savefig(join(outdir, title + '_spikes.pdf')) # extract spike times in an array per neuron spike_times = get_spike_times_by_id(spikes_E, E_population) if len(spike_times) == 0: print('no spikes, cannot extract liquid states') return with open(pklfile, 'wb') as f: pkl.dump([ num_sig, inputs, spike_times, stim_dt, stim_len, N_rec, sim_time, rate_ex, rate_in ], f) else: with open(pklfile, 'rb') as f: num_sig, inputs, spike_times, stim_dt, stim_len, N_rec, sim_time, rate_ex, rate_in = pkl.load( f) print('mean excitatory rate: {0:.2f} Hz'.format(rate_ex)) print('mean inhibitory rate: {0:.2f} Hz'.format(rate_in)) # generate targets if task == 'none': targets = None elif task == 'sum': targets = np.sum(inputs, axis=1) # TODO: define targets using inputs elif task == 'xor': targets = np.logical_xor( inputs[:, 0], inputs[:, 1]) # TODO: define targets using inputs elif task == 'mem1': targets = inputs[:, 0] # TODO: define targets using inputs elif task == 'memall': targets = inputs # TODO: define targets using inputs else: raise ValueError() assert task == 'none' or len(targets) == inputs.shape[0] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # train readouts # drop initial responses to allow dynamics to settle num_discard = 5 # number of classifiers to train num_trained_classifiers = 20 # liquid state: time constant for filtering spikes tau_lsm = 20. # ms if task == 'none': pass elif task == 'xor' or task == 'sum': readout_delay = 20. # ms rec_time_start = stim_dt + stim_len + readout_delay # time of first liquid state times = np.arange(rec_time_start, sim_time, stim_dt) # all times # extract liquid states at given times states = get_liquid_states(spike_times[:N_rec], times, tau_lsm) # discard first few states states = states[num_discard:, :] targets = targets[num_discard:] print( 'training readouts using regularization = {0:e}'.format(reg_fact)) train_err_, test_err_ = [], [] for i in range(num_trained_classifiers): states_train, states_test, targets_train, targets_test = train_test_split( states, targets, train_size=.8, test_size=.2) train_err, test_err = train_readout(states_train, targets_train, states_test, targets_test, reg_fact=reg_fact) train_err_ += [train_err] test_err_ += [test_err] train_mean, train_std = np.mean(train_err_), np.std(train_err_) test_mean, test_std = np.mean(test_err_), np.std(test_err_) print(' train error mean: {0:.3f}, std: {1:.3f}'.format( train_mean, train_std)) print(' test error mean: {0:.3f}, std: {1:.3f}'.format( test_mean, test_std)) elif task == 'mem1' or task == 'memall': readout_delays = np.arange(10., stim_dt - stim_len, 20.) # TODO: for each readout delay, extract the hidden states using a time # constant of tau_lsm, discard the first num_discard states, train # num_trained_classifiers classifiers on the states, and add the mean # errors to the lists targets_orig = targets train_mean_list, train_std_list, test_mean_list, test_std_list = [], [], [], [] for readout_delay in readout_delays: rec_time_start = stim_dt + stim_len + readout_delay times = np.arange(rec_time_start, sim_time, stim_dt) states = get_liquid_states(spike_times[:N_rec], times, tau_lsm) states = states[num_discard:, :] targets = targets_orig[num_discard:] print('training readouts using regularization = {0:e}'.format( reg_fact)) train_err_, test_err_ = [], [] for i in range(num_trained_classifiers): states_train, states_test, targets_train, targets_test = train_test_split( states, targets, train_size=.8, test_size=.2) train_err, test_err = train_readout(states_train, targets_train, states_test, targets_test, reg_fact=reg_fact) train_err_ += [train_err] test_err_ += [test_err] train_mean, train_std = np.mean(train_err_), np.std(train_err_) test_mean, test_std = np.mean(test_err_), np.std(test_err_) print("readout delay %d" % readout_delay) print(' train error mean: {0:.3f}, std: {1:.3f}'.format( train_mean, train_std)) print(' test error mean: {0:.3f}, std: {1:.3f}'.format( test_mean, test_std)) print() train_mean_list.append(train_mean) train_std_list.append(train_std) test_mean_list.append(test_mean) test_std_list.append(test_std) # plot results assert len(readout_delays) == len(train_mean_list) assert len(readout_delays) == len(test_mean_list) plt.figure(figsize=(12., 4.)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.errorbar(readout_delays, train_mean_list, train_std_list) plt.xlabel('$\Delta t$') plt.ylabel('train error') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.errorbar(readout_delays, test_mean_list, test_std_list) plt.xlabel('$\Delta t$') plt.ylabel('test error') plt.tight_layout() if outdir and title: plt.savefig(join(outdir, title + '_errors.pdf'))
path6 = 'logs/2019.11.06-164702/quantized_checkpoint.pth.tar' # symetric int8 with per-channel quantization (FR=5e-4 and seed =675) path7 = 'logs/2019.11.06-164317/quantized_checkpoint.pth.tar' # asymetric int8 with no per-channel quantization (FR=5e-4 and seed =675) path8 = 'logs/2019.11.06-164231/quantized_checkpoint.pth.tar' # asymetric int8 with per-channel quantization (FR=5e-4 and seed =675) model_1 = torch.load(path1, map_location='cpu') # model_2 = torch.load(path8, map_location = 'cpu') for module, layer in zip(modules, layers): data_1 = model_1['state_dict'][module].numpy().flatten() # data_2 = model_2['state_dict'][module].numpy().flatten() plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) a1 = plt.hist(data_1.flatten(), bins=50, alpha=0.5, density=False, label='Fault-free execution') # a2 = plt.hist(data_2.flatten(),bins=50, alpha=0.5, density=False, label='Faulty execution', color='brown') # a1 = plt.hist(data_1.flatten(),bins=50, alpha=0.5, density=False, label='no_per_channel') # a2 = plt.hist(data_2.flatten(),bins=50, alpha=0.5, density=False, label='per_channel', color = 'red') #plt.xlabel("Values", fontsize=70) #plt.ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=80) plt.xticks(fontsize=30, rotation=0) plt.yticks(fontsize=30, rotation=0) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) # For data point 1 plt.title(layer, fontsize=30) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=30) plt.savefig('alexnet/' + layer + '.png', format='png')
def plot_kmeans_components(self, fig1, gs, kmeans_clusters, uncentered_clrs, plot_title='Hb', num_subplots=1, flag_separate=1, gridspecs=[0, 0], model_center=0, removeclusters=0): with sns.axes_style('darkgrid'): if flag_separate: ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(2, 1, num_subplots) else: ax1 = eval('fig1.add_subplot(gs' + gridspecs + ')') if model_center == 1: # Models colors according to trace clrs_cmap = Colorize.optimize(kmeans_clusters.T, asCmap=True) clrs = clrs_cmap.colors else: clrs_cmap = uncentered_clrs clrs = clrs_cmap.colors # Update kmeans if clusters were removed kmeans_clusters_new = copy(kmeans_clusters) if removeclusters != 0: newclrs_updated = copy(clrs_cmap) for index, value in enumerate(clrs_cmap.colors): if index in removeclusters: newclrs_updated.colors[index] = [0, 0, 0] clrs_cmap = newclrs_updated clrs = clrs_cmap.colors for ii in removeclusters: print ii kmeans_clusters_new[:, ii] = zeros(size(kmeans_clusters, 0)) plt.gca().set_color_cycle(clrs) # remove those clusters that are ignored before plotting for ii in xrange(0, size(kmeans_clusters_new, 1)): plt.plot(kmeans_clusters_new[:, ii], lw=4, label=str(ii)) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) ax1.set(xlabel="Time (seconds)", ylabel="a.u") ax1.legend(prop={'size': 14}, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), ncol=1, fancybox=True, shadow=True) plt.title(plot_title, fontsize=14) plt.ylim((min(kmeans_clusters_new) - 0.0001, max(kmeans_clusters_new) + 0.0001)) plt.xlim((0, size(kmeans_clusters_new, 0))) plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=1) self.plot_vertical_lines_onset() self.plot_vertical_lines_offset() self.plot_stimulus_patch(ax1) return clrs_cmap
def plot_lightcurve(dbid, mjd, mag, magerr, bands, survey, trueredshift, DBdir, psfpage=None, fname=None, DESfname=None, connectpoints=True, specfile=None, WavLL=3000, WavUL=10500, outlierflag=0, zoominband=None, outlierarr=None, sdsscutoutradec=None, psfmetric=None): try: test1 = mjd.index plotmacleod = True mjd, mag, magerr, bands, mjdmc, magmc, magerrmc, bandsmc = mjd[0], mag[ 0], magerr[0], bands[0], mjd[1], mag[1], magerr[1], bands[1] except: plotmacleod = False bcens = { 'u': 3876.63943790537, 'g': 4841.83358196563, 'r': 6438 / 534828217, 'i': 7820.99282740933, 'z': 9172.34266385718, 'Y': 9877.80238651117 } VBfile = '%s/VanderBerk_datafile1.txt' % DBdir crv = np.loadtxt(VBfile, skiprows=23) redshift = np.copy(trueredshift) if redshift < 0: redshift = 0 gdes, gsdss, gposs = np.where(survey == 'DES')[0], np.where( survey == 'SDSS')[0], np.where(survey == 'POSS')[0] POSSbands = np.array(['g', 'r', 'i']) if len(gposs) > 0: POSSmagdict, POSSmagerrdict, POSSmjddict = { b: mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == b] for b in POSSbands }, {b: np.zeros(0) for b in POSSbands}, {b: np.zeros(0) for b in POSSbands} for band in POSSbands: if len(POSSmagdict[band]) > 0: POSSmagdict[band] = np.array([np.median(POSSmagdict[band])]) POSSmagerrdict[band] = np.array([np.mean(POSSmagdict[band])]) if (len(POSSmagdict['g']) > 0) & (len(POSSmagdict['r']) > 0): mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'g'], mag[gposs][ bands[gposs] == 'r'] = mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'g'] + 0.392 * ( POSSmagdict['g'] - POSSmagdict['r']) - 0.28, mag[gposs][ bands[gposs] == 'r'] + 0.127 * (POSSmagdict['g'] - POSSmagdict['r']) + 0.1 magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'g'], magerr[gposs][ bands[gposs] == 'r'] = np.sqrt( 1.392**2 * magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'g']**2 + 0.392**2 * magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'r']**2), np.sqrt( magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'r']**2 + 0.127**2 * (magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'g']**2 + magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'r']**2)) else: if len(POSSmagdict['g']) > 0: mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'g'] = 0 if len(POSSmagdict['r']) > 0: mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'r'] = 0 if (len(POSSmagdict['i']) > 0) & (len(POSSmagdict['r']) > 0): mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'i'] = mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'i'] + 0.27 * ( POSSmagdict['r'] - POSSmagdict['i']) + 0.32 magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'i'] = np.sqrt( magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'i']**2 + 0.27**2 * (magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'r']**2 + magerr[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'i']**2)) else: if len(POSSmagdict['i']) > 0: mag[gposs][bands[gposs] == 'i'] = 0 bestdiff = { b: { 'diff': 0, 'ihi': 0, 'ilo': 0 } for b in ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] } #for b in ['g','r','i','z']: for b in ['g']: if np.shape(outlierarr) != (): gb = np.where((outlierarr == 0) & (bands == b) & (survey != 'POSS'))[0] else: gb = np.where((bands == b) & (survey != 'POSS'))[0] #if ((len(gsdss)>0)&(len(gdes)>0)): # gsdssb,gdesb=np.where(bands[gsdss]==b)[0],np.where(bands[gdes]==b)[0] # if ((len(gsdssb)>0)&(len(gdesb)>0)): if len(gb) > 0: magpairs = np.zeros([len(gb) * len(gb), 2]) magpairs[:, 1], magpairs[:, 0] = np.repeat(mag[gb], len(gb)), np.tile( mag[gb], len(gb)) magerrpairs = np.zeros([len(gb) * len(gb), 2]) magerrpairs[:, 1], magerrpairs[:, 0] = np.repeat( magerr[gb], len(gb)), np.tile(magerr[gb], len(gb)) magdiffs, differrs = magpairs[:, 0] - magpairs[:, 1], np.max( magerrpairs, axis=1) #,np.sqrt(np.sum(magerrpairs**2,axis=1)) ipairs = np.zeros([len(gb) * len(gb), 2]) ipairs[:, 1], ipairs[:, 0] = np.repeat(gb, len(gb)), np.tile(gb, len(gb)) diffsigs = magdiffs / differrs gsig = np.where(differrs < 0.15)[0] if len(gsig) > 0: gmax = np.argsort(magdiffs[gsig])[-1] imax, imin = ipairs[:, 1][gsig[gmax]], ipairs[:, 0][gsig[gmax]] bestdiff[b]['diff'] = np.max(magdiffs[gsig]) bestdiff[b]['ihi'], bestdiff[b]['ilo'] = imax, imin fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 10), (1, 0), colspan=6) plt.rc('axes', linewidth=2) plt.fontsize = 14 plt.tick_params(which='major', length=8, width=2, labelsize=14) plt.tick_params(which='minor', length=4, width=1.5, labelsize=14) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) if zoominband == None: totdiffs = np.zeros(4) for ib, b in zip(np.arange(4), ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z']): totdiffs[ib] = bestdiff[b]['diff'] ibest = np.argsort(totdiffs)[-1] bbest = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'][ibest] gbbest = np.where(bands == bbest)[0] imax, imin = bestdiff[bbest]['ihi'], bestdiff[bbest]['ilo'] maxfluxes, minfluxes = np.zeros(4), np.zeros(4) maxfluxerrs, minfluxerrs = np.zeros(4), np.zeros(4) for ib, b in zip(np.arange(4), ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z']): gbt = np.where(bands == b)[0] maxfluxes[ib], maxfluxerrs[ib] = calc_flux(mjd, mag, magerr, bands, b, mjd[imax]) minfluxes[ib], minfluxerrs[ib] = calc_flux(mjd, mag, magerr, bands, b, mjd[imin]) if specfile != None: try: shdu = specdata = shdu[1].data sflux, swav = specdata['flux'], 10**(specdata['loglam']) s_closei = np.where(np.abs(swav - bcens['i']) < 20)[0] smwid = 10 swav = swav[smwid:-smwid] normflux = sflux / np.mean(sflux[s_closei]) smoothflux = [ np.mean(normflux[x - smwid:x + smwid + 1]) for x in np.arange(smwid, len(normflux) - smwid) ] ax3.plot(swav, smoothflux, lw=1, color='magenta', zorder=1) except IOError: specfile = None v_closei = np.where( np.abs(crv[:, 0] * (1. + redshift) - bcens['i']) < 20)[0] gvrange = np.where((crv[:, 0] * (1. + redshift) > WavLL) & (crv[:, 0] * (1. + redshift) < WavUL))[0] if len(gvrange) > 0: vmax = np.max(crv[:, 1][gvrange] / np.mean(crv[:, 1][v_closei])) else: vmax = np.max(crv[:, 1]) if trueredshift > 0: ax3.plot(crv[:, 0] * (1. + redshift), crv[:, 1] / np.mean(crv[:, 1][v_closei]), color='k', lw=1, zorder=2) plot_flux(ax3, maxfluxes, maxfluxerrs, label='Max', curcol='r') maxplot = np.max(maxfluxes) plot_flux(ax3, minfluxes, minfluxerrs, label='Min', curcol='b') if np.max(minfluxes) > maxplot: maxplot = np.max(minfluxes) ax3.set_xlabel('Wavelength (A)') ax3.set_ylabel('Flux (Arb. Units)') #ax3.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlim(WavLL, WavUL) plt.ylim(-0.05, vmax * 1.05) if trueredshift <= 0: plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.15 * maxplot) else: plot_band(ax3, mjd, mag, magerr, bands, zoominband, connectpoints=connectpoints, nolabels=False, outlierarr=outlierarr, psfmetric=psfmetric) if plotmacleod: plot_band(ax3, mjdmc, magmc, magerrmc, bandsmc, zoominband, connectpoints=connectpoints, nolabels=False, overridecolor='magenta') plt.axvline(mjd[imax], ls='dashed', lw=1, color='r') plt.axvline(mjd[imin], ls='dashed', lw=1, color='b') ylim = plt.ylim() if ylim[1] > 30: ylim = (ylim[0], np.max(mag) + 0.1) if ylim[1] > 30: ylim = (ylim[0], 30) if ylim[0] < 15: ylim = (np.min(mag) - 0.1, ylim[1]) if ylim[0] < 15: ylim = (15, ylim[1]) plt.ylim(ylim[1], ylim[0]) xlim = plt.xlim() mjdcheck = mjd if plotmacleod: mjdcheck = np.append(mjdcheck, mjdmc) plt.xlim( np.min(mjdcheck) - 0.05 * (np.max(mjdcheck) - np.min(mjdcheck)), np.max(mjdcheck) + 0.05 * (np.max(mjdcheck) - np.min(mjdcheck))) ax3.set_xlabel('MJD') ax3.set_ylabel('%s_PSF' % zoominband) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 10), (0, 0), colspan=6) plt.rc('axes', linewidth=2) plt.fontsize = 14 plt.tick_params(which='major', length=8, width=2, labelsize=14) plt.tick_params(which='minor', length=4, width=1.5, labelsize=14) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) mjdcheck = np.zeros(0) for b in ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'Y']: plot_band(ax1, mjd, mag, magerr, bands, b, connectpoints=connectpoints, nolabels=False) mjdcheck = np.append(mjdcheck, mjd) plt.xlim( np.min(mjdcheck) - 0.05 * (np.max(mjdcheck) - np.min(mjdcheck)), np.max(mjdcheck) + 0.05 * (np.max(mjdcheck) - np.min(mjdcheck))) xlim = plt.xlim() plt.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1] + 0.2 * (xlim[1] - xlim[0])) ylim = plt.ylim() plt.axvline(mjd[imax], ls='dashed', lw=1, color='r') plt.axvline(mjd[imin], ls='dashed', lw=1, color='b') if ylim[1] > 30: ylim = (ylim[0], np.max(mag) + 0.1) if ylim[1] > 30: ylim = (ylim[0], 30) if ylim[0] < 15: ylim = (np.min(mag) - 0.1, ylim[1]) if ylim[0] < 15: ylim = (15, ylim[1]) plt.ylim(ylim[1], ylim[0]) ax1.legend(frameon=False, prop={'size': 12}, scatterpoints=1) xlim = plt.xlim() if outlierflag == 1: ax1.text(0.5 * (xlim[0] + xlim[1]), 15. / 16 * ylim[0] + ylim[1] / 16., 'OUTLIER', color='r', horizontalalignment='center') elif outlierflag == 2: ax1.text(0.5 * (xlim[0] + xlim[1]), 15. / 16 * ylim[0] + ylim[1] / 16., 'BAD PHOTOMETRY', color='r', horizontalalignment='center') if zoominband == None: ax1.set_xlabel('MJD') ax1.set_ylabel('Mag_PSF') if redshift > 0: ax1.set_title('%s, z=%.4f' % (dbid, trueredshift)) else: ax1.set_title(dbid) if not (DESfname in [None, 'False']): ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 10), (1, 6), colspan=4, xticks=[], yticks=[]) img4 = mpimg.imread('%s/imagestamps/%s' % (DBdir, DESfname)) ax4.imshow(img4) ax4.plot(np.array([0.5, 0.5]), np.array([0.55, 0.8]), color='yellow', transform=ax4.transAxes) ax4.plot(np.array([0.5, 0.5]), np.array([0.45, 0.2]), color='yellow', transform=ax4.transAxes) ax4.plot(np.array([0.45, 0.2]), np.array([0.5, 0.5]), color='yellow', transform=ax4.transAxes) ax4.plot(np.array([0.55, 0.8]), np.array([0.5, 0.5]), color='yellow', transform=ax4.transAxes) ax4.text(0.5, 0.9, DESfname[3:-4], color='white', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax4.transAxes) if len(gsdss) > 0: SDSSfname = '%s/imagestamps/%s_SDSScutout.jpeg' % (DBdir, dbid) try: img3 = mpimg.imread(SDSSfname) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 10), (0, 6), colspan=4, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax3.imshow(img3) if sdsscutoutradec != None: ax3.text(0.5, 0.9, sdsscutoutradec, color='k', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax3.transAxes) except: pass if psfpage != None: plt.savefig(psfpage, format='pdf') return
def make_scatter_plot_analysis(all_metrics, plot_param, out_file=None): if 'Regularization' in plot_param['title']: model_to_legend = { '25_nor_no_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'No regularization', '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Dropout', '25_nor_saug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Dropout + mild aug.', '25_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Dropout + heavy aug.' } model_to_id = { '25_nor_no_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 1, '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 2, '25_nor_saug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 3, '25_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 4 } elif 'Data distribution' in plot_param['title']: model_to_legend = { '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Three cameras with noise', '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_jcen': 'Central camera with noise', '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_nnjc': 'Central camera, no noise', '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_seq_regr_all': 'Three cameras with noise, no balancing' } model_to_id = { '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_nnjc': 1, '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_jcen': 2, '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 3, '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_seq_regr_all': 4 } elif 'Model architecture' in plot_param['title']: model_to_legend = { '25_small_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Shallow CNN', '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Standard CNN', '25_deep_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Deep CNN', '25_nor_ndrop_lstm_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 'Standard LSTM' } model_to_id = { '25_small_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 1, '25_nor_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 2, '25_deep_ndrop_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 3, '25_nor_ndrop_lstm_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 4 } else: model_to_legend = { '1_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': '1 hour', '5_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': '5 hours', '25_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': '25 hours', '80_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': '80 hours' } model_to_id = { '1_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 1, '5_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 2, '25_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 3, '80_nor_maug_single_ctrl_bal_regr_all': 4 } town_to_legend = {'Town01_1': 'Town 1', 'Town02_14': 'Town 2'} town_to_id = {'Town01_1': 1, 'Town02_14': 2} def exp_to_legend_and_idx(exp): legend = exp idx = [] for model in model_to_legend: if exp.startswith(model): legend = legend.replace(model, model_to_legend[model]) idx.append(model_to_id[model]) break for town in town_to_legend: if exp.endswith(town): legend = legend.replace(town, town_to_legend[town]) idx.append(town_to_id[town]) break legend = legend.replace('_', ', ') return legend, idx #3 Prepare the axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) # Color map plt.set_cmap('jet') cm = plt.get_cmap() cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=50) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm) # Font size plt.rc('font', size=16) # controls default text sizes plt.rc('axes', titlesize=16) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=20) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=14) # legend fontsize plt.rc('figure', titlesize=16) # fontsize of the figure title # compute limits so that x and y scaled w.r.t. their std print( np.log(plot_param['x_lim'] ) if plot_param['x']['log'] else plot_param['x_lim']) ax.set_xlim( np.log(plot_param['x_lim']) / np.log(10.) if plot_param['x']['log'] else plot_param['x_lim']) ax.set_ylim( np.log(plot_param['y_lim']) / np.log(10.) if plot_param['y']['log'] else plot_param['y_lim']) # set num ticks plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=8) # axes labels and log scaling x_label = 'Steering error' y_label = 'Success rate' if plot_param['x']['log']: x_label += ' (log)' ax.set_xticklabels( ['%.1e' % np.power(10, float(t)) for t in ax.get_xticks()]) if plot_param['y']['log']: y_label += ' (log)' ax.set_yticklabels( ['%.1e' % np.power(10, float(t)) for t in ax.get_yticks()]) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) # Plotting scatter_handles = {} for experiment, metrics in all_metrics.items(): print(experiment) data = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'size': [], 'color': []} for key in data: data[key] = np.array(metrics[plot_param[key]['data']]) # remove nans # if np.any(np.isnan(data['x'])) or np.any(np.isnan(data['y']) or np.any(np.isinf(data['x']) or np.any(np.isinf(data['y'])) nans = np.logical_or.reduce((np.isnan(data['x']), np.isnan(data['y']), np.isinf(data['x']), np.isinf(data['y']))) print('\n ** Removing %d NaNs and infs before log **' % np.sum(nans)) for key in data: data[key] = data[key][np.invert(nans)] data_x = np.log( data['x']) / np.log(10) if plot_param['x']['log'] else np.copy( data['x']) data_y = np.log( data['y']) / np.log(10) if plot_param['y']['log'] else np.copy( data['y']) nans = np.logical_or.reduce((np.isnan(data_x), np.isnan(data_y), np.isinf(data_x), np.isinf(data_y))) print('\n ** Removing %d NaNs and infs after log **' % np.sum(nans)) for key in data: data[key] = data[key][np.invert(nans)] data_x = data_x[np.invert(nans)] data_y = data_y[np.invert(nans)] # the actual plotting color_val = scalarMap.to_rgba(hash(experiment) % 50) color_vec = [color_val] * len(data_x) # print('color_vec', color_vec) # print('data[\'color\']', data['color']) # print(len(data_x)) scatter_handles[experiment] = ax.scatter(data_x, data_y, s=data['size'], c=color_vec, alpha=0.5) ax.plot(data_x, data_y, color=color_val) sorted_keys = sorted(scatter_handles.keys(), key=lambda x: exp_to_legend_and_idx(x)[1]) ax.legend([scatter_handles[k] for k in sorted_keys], [exp_to_legend_and_idx(k)[0] for k in sorted_keys]) plt.title(plot_param['title']) # Save to out_file if plot_param['print']: fig.savefig(out_file, bbox_inches='tight')
k += 1 Gen_error_Tree = Error_Test_Tree.mean() Gen_error_KNearest = Error_Test_KNearest.mean() # knearest neighbor plot ################################################ plt.figure() plt.plot(minNumNeighbours) plt.xlabel('model number') plt.ylabel('optimal number of neighbours') plt.figure() plt.locator_params(nticks=KOuter) plt.plot(100 * Error_Test_Tree) plt.plot(100 * Error_Test_KNearest) plt.xlabel('Modelnumber') plt.ylabel('Classification error rate (%)') plt.legend(['Decision Tree', 'K Kearest Neighbours']) ################################################ [tstatistic, pvalue] = stats.ttest_ind(Ttest_K_Nearest, Ttest_DTree) if pvalue > 0.05: print('Classifiers are not significantly different') else: print('Classifiers are significantly different.')
def PolyReg3D(x, y, deg, seed=0, splits_start=2, splits_stop=8, savefig=False, elasticnet=False, trd_val_name="Ângulo de Lode", trd_val_lim=(-1, 1)): splits_range = range(splits_start, splits_stop + 1) rows = len(splits_range) // 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) if elasticnet: poly_reg = ElasticNetRegression(degree=deg, alpha=elasticnet[0], l1_ratio=elasticnet[1]) if deg == 1: fig.suptitle('Regressão Linear (alfa={},beta={})'.format( elasticnet[0], elasticnet[1]), fontsize=16) else: fig.suptitle( 'Regressão Polinomial Grau {} (alfa={},beta={})'.format( deg, elasticnet[0], elasticnet[1]), fontsize=16) else: poly_reg = PolynomialRegression(degree=deg) if deg == 1: fig.suptitle('Regressão Linear', fontsize=16) else: fig.suptitle('Regressão Polinomial Grau {}'.format(deg), fontsize=16) k = 0 pred_color = [1, 0.9 - (deg % 5) / 6, (deg % 5) / 6] for i in range(rows): for j in range(2): cv_splits = splits_range[k] k += 1 cv = KFold(n_splits=cv_splits, random_state=seed, shuffle=True) best_score = -10000 poly_reg_scores = [] for train_index, test_index in cv.split(x): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = x[train_index], x[ test_index], y[train_index], y[test_index], y_train) r2_score = poly_reg.score(X_test, y_test) poly_reg_scores.append(r2_score) if r2_score > best_score or (i, j) == (0, 0): X_train_best, X_test_best, y_train_best, y_test_best = ( X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) best_score = r2_score, y_train_best) y_pred = poly_reg.predict(X_test_best) if elasticnet: coef = poly_reg.named_steps['elasticnet'].coef_ coef[0] = poly_reg.named_steps['elasticnet'].intercept_[0] else: coef = poly_reg.named_steps['linearregression'].coef_[0] coef[0] = poly_reg.named_steps['linearregression'].intercept_[ 0] ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, k, projection='3d') # m=0 # n=0 # for i in range(X_train_best.shape[0]): # if X_train_best[i,0] < 0: # m=i # elif X_train_best[i,0] < 0.4: # n=i # ax.scatter(X_train_best[n+1:,0], X_train_best[n+1:,1], y_train_best[n+1:], marker='.', color='magenta',s=100, label="Triax. > 0.4") # ax.scatter(X_train_best[m+1:n+1,0], X_train_best[m+1:n+1,1], y_train_best[m+1:n+1], marker='.', color='darkviolet',s=100, label="Triax. > 0") # ax.scatter(X_train_best[:m+1,0], X_train_best[:m+1,1], y_train_best[:m+1], marker='.', color='red',s=100, label="Dados de Treino") ax.scatter(X_train_best[:, 0], X_train_best[:, 1], y_train_best, marker='.', color='red', s=100, label="Dados do treino") ax.scatter(X_test_best[:, 0], X_test_best[:, 1], y_test_best, marker='.', color='green', s=100, label="Dados do teste") ax.scatter(X_test_best[:, 0], X_test_best[:, 1], y_pred, marker='.', color='blue', s=100, label="Previsões do modelo") ax.set_xlabel("Triaxialidade") ax.set_ylabel(trd_val_name) ax.set_zlabel("Deformação Plástica Equiv.") xs = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.5, 50) ys = np.linspace(trd_val_lim[0], trd_val_lim[1], 50) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) inpt = np.column_stack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel())), y_train_best) Z = poly_reg.predict(inpt) Z[Z < -1] = np.nan Z[Z < -0.5] = -0.5 Z = Z.reshape((50, 50)) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, alpha=0.5) ax.view_init(azim=40) ax.legend(loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 0.95)) ax.set_title('Divisões: {} R²: {:.5f}'.format( cv_splits, best_score)) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95]) if savefig: if elasticnet: if trd_val_name == "Ângulo de Lode": plt.savefig('polyreg3d_lode_deg{}_alpha{}_beta{}.png'.format( deg, elasticnet[0], elasticnet[1]), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) else: plt.savefig('polyreg3d_deg{}_alpha{}_beta{}.png'.format( deg, elasticnet[0], elasticnet[1]), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) else: if trd_val_name == "Ângulo de Lode": plt.savefig('polyreg3d_lode_deg{}.png'.format(deg), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) else: plt.savefig('polyreg3d_deg{}.png'.format(deg), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) return None
def trajectory_gif(model, inputs, targets, timesteps, dpi=200, alpha=0.9, alpha_line=1, filename='trajectory.gif'): from matplotlib import rc from scipy.interpolate import interp1d rc("text", usetex = True) font = {'size' : 18} rc('font', **font) if not filename.endswith(".gif"): raise RuntimeError("Name must end in with .gif, but ends with {}".format(filename)) base_filename = filename[:-4] ## We focus on 3 colors at most if False in (t < 2 for t in targets): color = ['mediumpurple' if targets[i] == 2.0 else 'gold' if targets[i] == 0.0 else 'mediumseagreen' for i in range(len(targets))] else: #color = ['crimson' if targets[i, 0] > 0.0 else 'dodgerblue' for i in range(len(targets))] color = ['crimson' if targets[i] > 0.0 else 'dodgerblue' for i in range(len(targets))] trajectories = model.flow.trajectory(inputs, timesteps).detach() num_dims = trajectories.shape[2] x_min, x_max = trajectories[:, :, 0].min(), trajectories[:, :, 0].max() y_min, y_max = trajectories[:, :, 1].min(), trajectories[:, :, 1].max() if num_dims == 3: z_min, z_max = trajectories[:, :, 2].min(), trajectories[:, :, 2].max() margin = 0.1 x_range = x_max - x_min y_range = y_max - y_min x_min -= margin * x_range x_max += margin * x_range y_min -= margin * y_range y_max += margin * y_range if num_dims == 3: z_range = z_max - z_min z_min -= margin * z_range z_max += margin * z_range T = model.T integration_time = torch.linspace(0.0, T, timesteps) interp_x = [] interp_y = [] interp_z = [] for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): interp_x.append(interp1d(integration_time, trajectories[:, i, 0], kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')) interp_y.append(interp1d(integration_time, trajectories[:, i, 1], kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')) if num_dims == 3: interp_z.append(interp1d(integration_time, trajectories[:, i, 2], kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')) #interp_time = 150 interp_time = 5 _time = torch.linspace(0., T, interp_time) plt.rc('grid', linestyle="dotted", color='lightgray') for t in range(interp_time): if num_dims == 2: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) label_size = 13 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = label_size plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = label_size ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.xaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linestyle='dotted') ax.yaxis.grid(color='lightgray', linestyle='dotted') ax.set_facecolor('whitesmoke') plt.xlim(x_min, x_max) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(r'$x_2$', fontsize=12) plt.scatter([x(_time)[t] for x in interp_x], [y(_time)[t] for y in interp_y], c=color, alpha=alpha, marker = 'o', linewidth=0.65, edgecolors='black', zorder=3) if t > 0: for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): x_traj = interp_x[i](_time)[:t+1] y_traj = interp_y[i](_time)[:t+1] plt.plot(x_traj, y_traj, c=color[i], alpha=alpha_line, linewidth = 0.75, zorder=1) elif num_dims == 3: fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) label_size = 12 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = label_size plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = label_size ax.scatter([x(_time)[t] for x in interp_x], [y(_time)[t] for y in interp_y], [z(_time)[t] for z in interp_z], c=color, alpha=alpha, marker = 'o', linewidth=0.65, edgecolors='black') plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') if t > 0: for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): x_traj = interp_x[i](_time)[:t+1] y_traj = interp_y[i](_time)[:t+1] z_traj = interp_z[i](_time)[:t+1] ax.plot(x_traj, y_traj, z_traj, c=color[i], alpha=alpha_line, linewidth = 0.75) ax.set_xlim3d(x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim3d(y_min, y_max) ax.set_zlim3d(z_min, z_max) plt.rc('grid', linestyle="dotted", color='lightgray') ax.grid(True) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) plt.savefig(base_filename + "{}.png".format(t), format='png', dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') # Save only 3 frames (.pdf for paper) if t in [0, interp_time//5, interp_time//2, interp_time-1]: plt.savefig(base_filename + "{}.pdf".format(t), format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.close() imgs = [] for i in range(interp_time): img_file = base_filename + "{}.png".format(i) imgs.append(imageio.imread(img_file)) os.remove(img_file) imageio.mimwrite(filename, imgs)
plt.xlim(0, 100) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 101, 20), np.arange(0, 11, 2)) plt.ylim(0, 0.7) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 0.7, 0.2)) plt.text(35, 0.5, 'Station ' + cell) if ii % 2 == 0: plt.ylabel('h (m)') if ii >= 4: plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.legend([mpaso[0], measured, roms], ['MPAS-O', 'Measured', 'ROMS'], fontsize='xx-small', frameon=False) #station location map im ='dam_break.png') im2 = im.resize((650, 300)) plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.imshow(im2, interpolation='bicubic') #plt.axis('off') plt.xlabel('x (m)') plt.ylabel('y (m)') plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=3) plt.xticks([0, 325, 650], [4, 2, 0]) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5) plt.yticks([0, 75, 150, 220, 300], reversed([2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0])) plt.savefig('dam_break_comparison.pdf', dpi=600)
def ramachandran(file_name_list): """ Main calculation and plotting definition :param file_name_list: List of PDB files to plot :return: Nothing """ # General variable for the background preferences rama_preferences = { "General": { "file": "data/", "cmap": colors.ListedColormap(['#FFFFFF', '#B3E8FF', '#7FD9FF']), "bounds": [0, 0.0005, 0.02, 1], }, "GLY": { "file": "data/", "cmap": colors.ListedColormap(['#FFFFFF', '#FFE8C5', '#FFCC7F']), "bounds": [0, 0.002, 0.02, 1], }, "PRO": { "file": "data/", "cmap": colors.ListedColormap(['#FFFFFF', '#D0FFC5', '#7FFF8C']), "bounds": [0, 0.002, 0.02, 1], }, "PRE-PRO": { "file": "data/", "cmap": colors.ListedColormap(['#FFFFFF', '#B3E8FF', '#7FD9FF']), "bounds": [0, 0.002, 0.02, 1], } } # Read in the expected torsion angles __location__ = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()) rama_pref_values = {} for key, val in rama_preferences.items(): rama_pref_values[key] = np.full((360, 360), 0, dtype=np.float64) with open(os.path.join(__location__, val["file"])) as fn: for line in fn: if not line.startswith("#"): # Preference file has values for every second position only rama_pref_values[key][int(float(line.split()[1])) + 180][int(float(line.split()[0])) + 180] = float(line.split()[2]) rama_pref_values[key][int(float(line.split()[1])) + 179][int(float(line.split()[0])) + 179] = float(line.split()[2]) rama_pref_values[key][int(float(line.split()[1])) + 179][int(float(line.split()[0])) + 180] = float(line.split()[2]) rama_pref_values[key][int(float(line.split()[1])) + 180][int(float(line.split()[0])) + 179] = float(line.split()[2]) normals = {} outliers = {} for key, val in rama_preferences.items(): normals[key] = {"x": [], "y": []} outliers[key] = {"x": [], "y": []} # Calculate the torsion angle of the inputs for inp in file_name_list: if not os.path.isfile(inp): print("{} not found!".format(inp)) continue structure = PDB.PDBParser().get_structure('input_structure', inp) for model in structure: for chain in model: polypeptides = PDB.PPBuilder().build_peptides(chain) for poly_index, poly in enumerate(polypeptides): phi_psi = poly.get_phi_psi_list() for res_index, residue in enumerate(poly): res_name = "{}".format(residue.resname) res_num =[1] phi, psi = phi_psi[res_index] if phi and psi: if str(poly[res_index + 1].resname) == "PRO": aa_type = "PRE-PRO" elif res_name == "PRO": aa_type = "PRO" elif res_name == "GLY": aa_type = "GLY" else: aa_type = "General" if rama_pref_values[aa_type][ int(math.degrees(psi)) + 180][int(math.degrees(phi)) + 180] < rama_preferences[aa_type][ "bounds"][1]: print("{} {} {} {}{} is an outlier".format( inp, model, chain, res_name, res_num)) outliers[aa_type]["x"].append( math.degrees(phi)) outliers[aa_type]["y"].append( math.degrees(psi)) else: normals[aa_type]["x"].append(math.degrees(phi)) normals[aa_type]["y"].append(math.degrees(psi)) # Generate the plots for idx, (key, val) in enumerate( sorted(rama_preferences.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())): plt.subplot(2, 2, idx + 1) plt.title(key) plt.imshow(rama_pref_values[key], cmap=rama_preferences[key]["cmap"], norm=colors.BoundaryNorm(rama_preferences[key]["bounds"], rama_preferences[key]["cmap"].N), extent=(-180, 180, 180, -180)) plt.scatter(normals[key]["x"], normals[key]["y"]) plt.scatter(outliers[key]["x"], outliers[key]["y"], color="red") plt.xlim([-180, 180]) plt.ylim([-180, 180]) plt.plot([-180, 180], [0, 0], color="black") plt.plot([0, 0], [-180, 180], color="black") plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=7) plt.xlabel(r'$\phi$') plt.ylabel(r'$\psi$') plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("{0}.png".format( file_name_list[0][:int(len(file_name_list) - 4)]), dpi=300)
def plot_detuning_energy_levels( self, plot_state_names: bool, fig_kwargs: dict = None, plot_title: bool = True, ylim: Tuple[float, float] = None, highlight_states_by_label: List[str] = None): if self.Omega_zero_energies is None: self.get_energies() if highlight_states_by_label is None: highlight_states_by_label = ''.join(['e' for _ in range(self.N)]) if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = {} fig_kwargs = { **dict(figsize=(15, 7), num="Energy Levels"), **fig_kwargs } plt.figure(**fig_kwargs) plot_points = len(self.Delta) for i in reversed(range(len(self.states))): label = states_quimb.get_label_from_state(self.states[i]) is_highlight_state = label in highlight_states_by_label is_ground_state = 'e' not in label color = 'g' if is_ground_state else 'r' if is_highlight_state else 'grey' linewidth = 5 if is_ground_state or is_highlight_state else 1 z_order = 2 if is_ground_state or is_highlight_state else 1 # color = f'C{i}' plt.plot(self.Delta, self.Omega_zero_energies[:, i], color=color, label=label, alpha=0.6, lw=linewidth, zorder=z_order) if self.Omega != 0: plt.plot(self.Delta, self.Omega_non_zero_energies[:, i], color=f'C{i}', ls=':', alpha=0.6) if plot_state_names: Delta_index = int(plot_points / len(self.states)) * i + int( plot_points / 2 / len(self.states)) text_x = self.Delta[Delta_index] text_y = self.Omega_zero_energies[Delta_index, i] plt.text(text_x, text_y, label, ha='center', color=f'C{i}', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') if plot_state_names: plt.legend() plt.grid() ax = plt.gca() scaled_xaxis_ticker = ticker.EngFormatter(unit="Hz") scaled_yaxis_ticker = ticker.EngFormatter(unit="Hz") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(scaled_xaxis_ticker) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(scaled_yaxis_ticker) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) # plt.title(rf"Energy spectrum with $N = {self.N}$, $V = {self.V:0.2e}$, $\Omega = {self.Omega:0.2e}$") _m, _s = f"{self.V:0.2e}".split('e') if plot_title: V_text = rf"{_m:s} \times 10^{{{int(_s):d}}}" plt.title( rf"Energy spectrum with $N = {self.N}$, $V = {V_text:s}$ Hz") plt.xlabel(r"Detuning $\Delta$") plt.ylabel("Eigenenergy") plt.xlim((self.Delta.min(), self.Delta.max())) if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) plt.tight_layout()
def scatterEnhacnment(pairsDf, paper=False, figNames=None): MAX_TIME = 3750 plotDfArrivedFrac = pd.DataFrame({'Strain': [], 'ATR+': [], 'ATR-': []}) plotDfProjection = pd.DataFrame({'Strain': [], 'ATR+': [], 'ATR-': []}) plotDfSpeed = pd.DataFrame({'Strain': [], 'ATR+': [], 'ATR-': []}) linePlotDf = pd.DataFrame({ 'Strain': [], 'time': [], 'FrationArrived': [], 'Exp': [] }) print(pairsDf.shape) for i in range(pairsDf.shape[0]): try: current_row = pairsDf.iloc[i] files = np.array(current_row['files']) noAtrInd = np.array([file.find('NO_ATR') >= 0 for file in files]) if np.sum(noAtrInd) != 1: print('*** Error: Invalid pair ***') else: atrFile = files[np.logical_not(noAtrInd)][0] noAtrFile = files[noAtrInd][0] print(atrFile) print(noAtrFile) atrRoi = Artifacts(expLocation=atrFile).getArtifact('roi') noAtrRoi = Artifacts(expLocation=noAtrFile).getArtifact('roi') if atrRoi['wormCount'] < 30 or noAtrRoi['wormCount'] < 30: print('Not enough worms. Continuing.') continue plotDfArrivedFrac = plotDfArrivedFrac.append( { 'Strain': current_row['Strain'], 'ATR+': np.minimum(atrRoi['arrivedFrac'][MAX_TIME], 1), 'ATR-': np.minimum(noAtrRoi['arrivedFrac'][MAX_TIME], 1), 'ExpId': i }, ignore_index=True) atrProj = Artifacts( expLocation=atrFile).getArtifact('proj')['proj'] noAtrProj = Artifacts( expLocation=noAtrFile).getArtifact('proj')['proj'] plotDfProjection = plotDfProjection.append( { 'Strain': current_row['Strain'], 'ATR+': np.mean(atrProj), 'ATR-': np.mean(noAtrProj), 'ExpId': i }, ignore_index=True) atrSpeed = Artifacts( expLocation=atrFile).getArtifact('speed')['speed'] noAtrSpeed = Artifacts( expLocation=noAtrFile).getArtifact('speed')['speed'] plotDfSpeed = plotDfSpeed.append( { 'Strain': current_row['Strain'], 'ATR+': np.mean(atrSpeed), 'ATR-': np.mean(noAtrSpeed), 'ExpId': i }, ignore_index=True) print( "Arrival vals: ATR+:%f, ATR-:%f, Projection mean: ATR+:%f, ATR-:%f, Speed mean ATR+:%f, ATR-:%f" % (atrRoi['arrivedFrac'][MAX_TIME], noAtrRoi['arrivedFrac'][MAX_TIME], np.mean(atrProj), np.mean(noAtrProj), np.mean(atrSpeed), np.mean(noAtrSpeed))) print(atrRoi['arrivedFrac'][0:MAX_TIME].shape) print(np.array(list(range(MAX_TIME))).shape) currentLinePlot = pd.DataFrame({ 'Strain': current_row['Strain'], 'time': np.array(list(range(MAX_TIME))) * 0.5, 'FractionArrived': atrRoi['arrivedFrac'][0:MAX_TIME], 'Exp': 'ATR' }) linePlotDf = pd.concat((linePlotDf, currentLinePlot)) currentLinePlot = pd.DataFrame({ 'Strain': current_row['Strain'], 'time': np.array(list(range(MAX_TIME))) * 0.5, 'FractionArrived': noAtrRoi['arrivedFrac'][0:MAX_TIME], 'Exp': 'NO ATR' }) linePlotDf = pd.concat((linePlotDf, currentLinePlot)) except Exception as e: raise e #print(plotDf) #DEBUG #plotDfArrivedFrac.to_pickle('/home/itskov/Dropbox/tempBundle_arrival.pkl') #plotDfProjection.to_pickle('/home/itskov/Dropbox/tempBundle_proj.pkl') #plotDfSpeed.to_pickle('/home/itskov/Dropbox/tempBundle_speed.pkl') #linePlotDf.to_pickle('/home/itskov/Dropbox/tempBundle2.pkl') #DEBUG if paper == False:"dark_background") sns.set_context('talk') cp = sns.dark_palette("purple", 7) else: cp = sns.cubehelix_palette(8, start=.5, rot=-.75) if paper == False: ax = sns.scatterplot(x='ATR-', y='ATR+', data=plotDfArrivedFrac, linewidth=0, alpha=0.85, color=cp[6]) ax.plot([0, 1.1], [0, 1.1], ":") else: ax = sns.scatterplot(x='ATR-', y='ATR+', data=plotDfArrivedFrac, linewidth=0, alpha=0.85, color=cp[6]) ax.plot([0, 1.1], [0, 1.1], ":", color='k') plt.xlim(0, 1.1) plt.ylim(0, 1.1) plt.gca().grid(alpha=0.2) plt.title('Arrival Fracion, n = %d' % (plotDfArrivedFrac.shape[0], ), loc='left') if figNames is None: else: plt.gcf().savefig(figNames[0], format='svg') # Plotting the projection plot."dark_background") #sns.set_context('talk') #cp = sns.dark_palette("purple", 7) ax = sns.scatterplot(x='ATR-', y='ATR+', data=plotDfProjection, linewidth=0, alpha=0.85, color=cp[6]) xmin = np.min(plotDfProjection['ATR-']) xmax = np.max(plotDfProjection['ATR-']) ymin = np.min(plotDfProjection['ATR-']) ymax = np.max(plotDfProjection['ATR+']) if paper == False: ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], ":") else: ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], ":", color='k') plt.xlim(0, 0.35) plt.ylim(0, 0.35) plt.gca().grid(alpha=0.2) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=6) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) plt.title('Mean Projection, n = %d' % (plotDfArrivedFrac.shape[0], ), loc='left') if figNames is None: else: plt.gcf().savefig(figNames[1], format='svg') # Plotting the speed plot."dark_background") #sns.set_context('talk') #cp = sns.dark_palette("purple", 7) ax = sns.scatterplot(x='ATR-', y='ATR+', data=plotDfSpeed, linewidth=0, alpha=0.85, color=cp[6]) xmin = np.min(plotDfSpeed['ATR-']) xmax = np.max(plotDfSpeed['ATR-']) ymin = np.min(plotDfSpeed['ATR+']) ymax = np.max(plotDfSpeed['ATR+']) if paper == False: ax.plot([0, 0.0018], [0, 0.0018], ":") else: ax.plot([0, 0.0018], [0, 0.0018], ":", color='k') plt.xlim(0.0008, 0.0018) plt.ylim(0.0008, 0.0018) plt.gca().grid(alpha=0.2) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=6) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) plt.title('Mean Speed, n = %d' % (plotDfSpeed.shape[0], ), loc='left') if figNames is None: else: plt.gcf().savefig(figNames[2], format='svg') #ax = sns.lineplot(x='time', y='FractionArrived', hue='Exp', data=linePlotDf, ci=68, estimator=np.median) #plt.gca().grid(alpha=0.2) #ax.set(xlabel='Time [s]') return (plotDfArrivedFrac, plotDfProjection, plotDfSpeed)
def _one_plot( data: pd.DataFrame, avg_time: pd.DataFrame, data_size: int, cur_ax: matplotlib.axis, data_name: str = "SST5", linestyle: str = "-", linewidth: int = 3, logx: bool = False, plot_errorbar: bool = False, errorbar_kind: str = 'shade', errorbar_alpha: float = 0.1, x_axis_time: bool = False, legend_location: str = 'lower right', relabel_logx_scalar: List[int] = None, rename_labels: Dict[str, str] = None, reported_accuracy: List[float] = None, encoder_name: str = None, show_xticks: bool = False, fontsize: int = 16, xlim: List[int] = None, model_order: List[str] = None, performance_metric: str = "accuracy", x_axis_rot: int = 0, line_colors: List[str] = ["#8c564b", '#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#17becf'], errorbar_colors: List[str] = ['#B22222', "#089FFF", "#228B22"]): cur_ax.set_title(data_name, fontsize=fontsize) if model_order: models = model_order else: models = data.index.levels[0].tolist() models.sort() max_first_point = 0 cur_ax.set_ylabel("Expected validation " + performance_metric, fontsize=fontsize) if x_axis_time: cur_ax.set_xlabel("Training duration",fontsize=fontsize) else: cur_ax.set_xlabel("Hyperparameter assignments",fontsize=fontsize) if logx: cur_ax.set_xscale('log') for ix, model in enumerate(models): means = data[model]['mean'] vars = data[model]['var'] max_acc = data[model]['max'] if x_axis_time: x_axis = [avg_time[model] * (i+1) for i in range(len(means))] else: x_axis = [i+1 for i in range(len(means))] if rename_labels: model_name = rename_labels.get(model, model) else: model_name = model if reported_accuracy: cur_ax.plot([0, 6.912e+6], [reported_accuracy[model], reported_accuracy[model]], linestyle='--', linewidth=linewidth, color=line_colors[ix]) plt.text(6.912e+6-3600000, reported_accuracy[model] + 0.01, f'reported {model_name} {performance_metric}', ha='right', style='italic', fontsize=fontsize-5, color=line_colors[ix]) if encoder_name: model_name = encoder_name + " " + model_name if plot_errorbar: if errorbar_kind == 'shade': minus_vars = np.array(means)-np.array(vars) plus_vars = [x + y if (x + y) <= max_acc else max_acc for x,y in zip(means, vars)] plt.fill_between(x_axis, minus_vars, plus_vars, alpha=errorbar_alpha, facecolor=errorbar_colors[ix]) else: line = cur_ax.errorbar(x_axis, means, yerr=vars, label=model_name, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, color=line_colors[ix]) line = cur_ax.plot(x_axis, means, label=model_name, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, color=line_colors[ix]) left, right = cur_ax.get_xlim() if xlim: cur_ax.set_xlim(xlim) # cur_ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(xlim[0], xlim[1]+5, 10)) for tick in cur_ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fontsize) for tick in cur_ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fontsize) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=10) if relabel_logx_scalar: for axis in [cur_ax.xaxis]: axis.set_ticks(relabel_logx_scalar) axis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) plt.xticks(rotation=x_axis_rot) if show_xticks: cur_ax.tick_params(which="both", bottom=True) if x_axis_time: def timeTicks(x, pos): d = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(x)) d = td_format(d) return str(d) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(timeTicks) cur_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) cur_ax.legend(loc=legend_location, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout()
else: # Retrieve Z = fac.Retrieve('Z.p', path_here) #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ### Plot fac.SetPlotParams() fg = plt.figure() ax0 = plt.axes(frameon=True) for i in range(Nsample): plt.plot(t, (Z[:, i]), color='0.6') ax0.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax0.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax0.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') plt.locator_params(nbins=4) plt.xlabel('time (norm.)') plt.ylabel('Activation $x_i$') plt.savefig('trial.pdf') #
# Ajuste polinomio temperatura COzir F_temp4 = np.polyfit(data1.index.values , data1[nombre_columnas[6]], 90) BestFit_temp4 = np.polyval(F_temp4, data1.index.values) #plt.plot(data1["Tiempo"], BestFit_temp3,"g-") plt.plot(data1["Tiempo"], data1[nombre_columnas[6]],"orange") orange_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='orange', label='Temperatura COZIR') plt.ylabel('Temperatura [°C]',rotation=0,labelpad=30) plt.xlabel('Hora') plt.axhline(22, color='k',linestyle='--') plt.axhline(15, color='k', linestyle='--') black_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='k', label='Rango recomendado') plt.legend(fontsize=10,handles=[red_patch,blue_patch,green_patch,orange_patch,black_patch],loc='best') plt.xlim(0,86400) plt.ylim(0,35) plt.locator_params(axis='both', nbins=5) plt.title('Temperatura',loc='center') plt.savefig('temp.png',bbox_inches = 'tight') plt.clf() # Ajuste polinomio humedad interior F_hum1 = np.polyfit(data1.index.values , data1[nombre_columnas[5]], 90) BestFit_hum1 = np.polyval(F_hum1, data1.index.values) #plt.plot(data1["Tiempo"], BestFit_hum1,"r-") plt.plot(data1["Tiempo"], data1[nombre_columnas[5]],"r-") red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Humedad Interior') # Ajuste polinomio humedad COzir F_hum2 = np.polyfit(data1.index.values , data1[nombre_columnas[7]], 90)
def plot_activity(data, out_dir='out', filename='motor_control'): timeseries = timeseries_from_data(data) CheY_vec = timeseries['internal']['CheY'] CheY_P_vec = timeseries['internal']['CheY_P'] cw_bias_vec = timeseries['internal']['cw_bias'] motile_state_vec = timeseries['internal']['motile_state'] thrust_vec = timeseries['boundary']['thrust'] flagella_activity = timeseries.get('flagella', {}) time_vec = timeseries['time'] # make flagella activity grid flagella_ids = list(flagella_activity.keys()) flagella_indexes = {} next_index = 0 activity_grid = np.zeros((len(flagella_ids), len(time_vec))) total_CW = np.zeros((len(time_vec))) for time_index, (time, time_data) in enumerate(data.items()): time_flagella = time_data.get('flagella', {}) for flagella_id, rotation_states in time_flagella.items(): # get flagella_index by order of appearance if flagella_id not in flagella_indexes: flagella_indexes[flagella_id] = next_index next_index += 1 flagella_index = flagella_indexes[flagella_id] modified_rotation_state = 0 CW_rotation_state = 0 if rotation_states == -1: modified_rotation_state = 1 elif rotation_states == 1: modified_rotation_state = 2 CW_rotation_state = 1 activity_grid[flagella_index, time_index] = modified_rotation_state total_CW += np.array(CW_rotation_state) # grid for cell state motile_state_grid = np.zeros((1, len(time_vec))) motile_state_grid[0, :] = motile_state_vec # set up colormaps # cell motile state cmap1 = colors.ListedColormap(['steelblue', 'lightgray', 'darkorange']) bounds1 = [-1, -1/3, 1/3, 1] norm1 = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds1, cmap1.N) motile_legend_elements = [ Patch(facecolor='steelblue', edgecolor='k', label='Run'), Patch(facecolor='darkorange', edgecolor='k', label='Tumble'), Patch(facecolor='lightgray', edgecolor='k', label='N/A')] # rotational state cmap2 = colors.ListedColormap(['lightgray', 'steelblue', 'darkorange']) bounds2 = [0, 0.5, 1.5, 2] norm2 = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds2, cmap2.N) rotational_legend_elements = [ Patch(facecolor='steelblue', edgecolor='k', label='CCW'), Patch(facecolor='darkorange', edgecolor='k', label='CW'), Patch(facecolor='lightgray', edgecolor='k', label='N/A')] # plot results cols = 1 rows = 5 plt.figure(figsize=(4 * cols, 1.5 * rows)) # define subplots ax1 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 2) ax3 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 3) ax4 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 4) ax5 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 5) # plot Che-P state ax1.plot(time_vec, CheY_vec, label='CheY') ax1.plot(time_vec, CheY_P_vec, label='CheY_P') ax1.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_xlim(time_vec[0], time_vec[-1]) ax1.set_ylabel('concentration \n (uM)') # plot CW bias ax2.plot(time_vec, cw_bias_vec) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_xlim(time_vec[0], time_vec[-1]) ax2.set_ylabel('CW bias') # plot flagella states in a grid if len(activity_grid) > 0: ax3.imshow(activity_grid, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap2, norm=norm2, # extent=[-1,1,-1,1] extent=[time_vec[0], time_vec[-1], len(flagella_ids)+0.5, 0.5] ) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=len(flagella_ids)) ax3.set_yticks(list(range(1, len(flagella_ids) + 1))) ax3.set_xticks([]) ax3.set_ylabel('flagella #') # legend ax3.legend( handles=rotational_legend_elements, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) else: # no flagella ax3.set_axis_off() # plot cell motile state ax4.imshow(motile_state_grid, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap1, norm=norm1, extent=[time_vec[0], time_vec[-1], 0, 1]) ax4.set_yticks([]) ax4.set_xticks([]) ax4.set_ylabel('cell motile state') # legend ax4.legend( handles=motile_legend_elements, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # plot motor thrust ax5.plot(time_vec, thrust_vec) ax5.set_xlim(time_vec[0], time_vec[-1]) ax5.set_ylabel('total motor thrust (pN)') ax5.set_xlabel('time (sec)') # save figure fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.7, hspace=0.3) plt.savefig(fig_path + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
cellFreqs[cellType], cellSIs[cellType]) xvals = np.linspace(10, 16, 200) yvals = slope * xvals + intercept plt.plot(xvals, yvals, '-', color=cellTypeColours[cellType], zorder=-1) print "SI vs Pref freq" print "Linear regression over {0} cells: \ncorrelation coefficient (r): {1}\np Value: {2}".format( cellTypeLabels[cellType], rVal, pVal) # labels = ['%.1f' % f for f in possibleFreqs/1000] # labels[1::4] = ['']*len(labels[1::4]) # labels[2::4] = ['']*len(labels[2::4]) # labels[3::4] = ['']*len(labels[2::4]) # thisAx.set_xticks(np.log2(possibleFreqs)) # thisAx.set_xticklabels(labels) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) labels = ['%.1f' % freq for freq in (2**plt.xticks()[0]) / 1000] thisAx.set_xticks(plt.xticks()[0]) thisAx.set_xticklabels(labels) plt.xlim(11.5, 15.5) plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1) plt.title("{} cells".format(cellTypeLabels[cellType]), color=cellTypeColours[cellType], fontsize=fontSizeLabels) if cellType == 0: plt.ylabel('Suppression Index', fontsize=fontSizeLabels) else: thisAx.set_yticklabels(['']) if cellType == 1: plt.xlabel('Preferred frequency (kHz)', fontsize=fontSizeLabels)
top='off', right='off', direction='out', length=8, width=3, labelsize=26) ax.tick_params(axis='y', pad=10, which='both', top='off', right='off', direction='out', length=8, width=3, labelsize=26) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=2) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) ax.axhline(-0.1, linewidth=3, color="black") ax.axvline(0.5, linewidth=3, color="black") ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 0.81) ax.set_xlim(0.5, 2.5) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=6) plt.xticks(n_groups + bar_width, ('', '', '', '')) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=3) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=1, wspace=.7, bottom=0.25, left=0.1, right=0.9, top=.9) fig.savefig('Plots/Figure6/ObjectRec_0100' + ' .png', dpi=200)
'ytick.labelsize': 8, 'axes.titlesize': 12, 'axes.labelsize': 10 } plt.rcParams.update(paras) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) with open('data.csv', newline='') as csvfile: rows = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in rows: handoff = np.array(row) for j in range(0, len(handoff)): handoff[i] = int(handoff[i]) # 設置 y 軸 plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.axis('auto') plt.locator_params(tight=True) plt.plot(x, handoff, colors[int(i / 3)]) ax = plt.gca() if i < 3: ax.set_title('BestPolicy Handoff per Hour') elif i < 6: ax.set_title('Threshold Handoff per Hour') elif i < 9: ax.set_title('Entropy Handoff per Hour') elif i < 12: ax.set_title('MyPolicy Handoff per Hour') ax.set_xlabel('Hour') ax.set_ylabel('Handoff') ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 86400, 24)) ax.set_xticklabels([str(i + 1) for i in range(24)])
def kf_do(id): print(sys.executable) # Setting fixed threshold criteria USE_THRESH = False # fixed threshold value THRESH = 0.6 # Setting fixed threshold criteria USE_TOP_ORDER = False # Setting local maxima criteria USE_LOCAL_MAXIMA = True # Number of top sorted frames NUM_TOP_FRAMES = 50 # Video path of the source file videopath = DATAPATH + "videos/" + str(id) + "_video.mp4" # Directory to store the processed frames dir = DATAPATH + "extract_result/" # smoothing window size len_window = int(50) print("target video :" + videopath) print("frame save directory: " + dir) # load video and compute diff between frames cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(videopath)) curr_frame = None prev_frame = None frame_diffs = [] frames = [] success, frame = i = 0 while (success): luv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LUV) curr_frame = luv if curr_frame is not None and prev_frame is not None: # logic here diff = cv2.absdiff(curr_frame, prev_frame) diff_sum = np.sum(diff) diff_sum_mean = diff_sum / (diff.shape[0] * diff.shape[1]) frame_diffs.append(diff_sum_mean) frame = kf.Frame(i, diff_sum_mean) frames.append(frame) prev_frame = curr_frame i = i + 1 success, frame = cap.release() # compute keyframe keyframe_id_set = set() if USE_TOP_ORDER: # sort the list in descending order frames.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("diff"), reverse=True) for keyframe in frames[:NUM_TOP_FRAMES]: keyframe_id_set.add( if USE_THRESH: print("Using Threshold") for i in range(1, len(frames)): if (kf.rel_change(np.float(frames[i - 1].diff), np.float(frames[i].diff)) >= THRESH): keyframe_id_set.add(frames[i].id) if USE_LOCAL_MAXIMA: print("Using Local Maxima") diff_array = np.array(frame_diffs) sm_diff_array = kf.smooth(diff_array, len_window) frame_indexes = np.asarray(kf.argrelextrema(sm_diff_array, np.greater))[0] for i in frame_indexes: keyframe_id_set.add(frames[i - 1].id) plt.figure(figsize=(40, 20)) plt.locator_params(numticks=100) plt.stem(sm_diff_array) plt.savefig(dir + 'plot.png') # "keyframe_id_set"保存关键帧的帧数,如果>16,随机选取16帧;如果<16,再随机生成几个直到满足条件 if len(keyframe_id_set) > 16: tmp = random.sample(keyframe_id_set, 16) keyframe_id_set = set(tmp) elif len(keyframe_id_set) < 16: tmp = list(keyframe_id_set) tmp.sort() maxframe = tmp[len(tmp) - 1] while len(keyframe_id_set) < 16: newframe = random.randint(0, maxframe) keyframe_id_set.add(newframe) # save all keyframes as image cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(videopath)) curr_frame = None keyframes = [] success, frame = idx = 0 num = 0 while (success): if idx in keyframe_id_set: # name = str(id) + "_keyframe_" + str(idx) + ".jpg" name = str(id) + "_keyframe_" + str(num) + ".jpg" rframe = cv2.resize(frame, (112, 112)) # 压缩为112*112 cv2.imwrite(dir + name, rframe) keyframe_id_set.remove(idx) num += 1 idx = idx + 1 success, frame = cap.release() print(id, "over!")
[x11, x12, x1N], [y11, y12, y1N], [z11, z12, z1N], [x21, x22, x2N], [y21, y22, y2N], [z21, z22, z2N], [xM1, xM2, xMN], [yM1, yM2, yMN], [zM1, zM2, zMN ]) # Crear grafico con varios conjuntos de valores en x y z especificados plt.plot( [x11, x12, x1N], [y11, y12, y1N], [z11, z12, z1N], formato1, [x21, x22, x2N], [y21, y22, y2N], [z21, z22, z2N], formato2, [xM1, xM2, xMN], [yM1, yM2, yMN], [zM1, zM2, zMN], formatoM ) # Crear grafico con varios conjuntos de valores en x y z especificados con formato # Personalización del grafico plt.gcf().gca().set_xlim(x_o, x_f) # Establecer longitud del eje x plt.gcf().gca().set_ylim(y_o, y_f) # Establecer longitud del eje y plt.gcf().gca().set_zlim(z_o, z_f) # Establecer longitud del eje z plt.locator_params( axis='x', nbins=num_x ) # Establecer el numero de marcadores aproximados igualmente espaciados en el eje x (La apximación se realiza por debajo del numero especificado) plt.locator_params( axis='y', nbins=num_y ) # Establecer el numero de marcadores aproximados igualmente espaciados en el eje y (La apximación se realiza por debajo del numero especificado) plt.locator_params( axis='z', nbins=num_z ) # Establecer el numero de marcadores aproximados igualmente espaciados en el eje z (La apximación se realiza por debajo del numero especificado) plt.gcf().gca().set_xticks( lista) # Establecer los marcadores especificados en el eje x plt.gcf().gca().set_yticks( lista) # Establecer los marcadores especificados en el eje y plt.gcf().gca().set_zticks( lista) # Establecer los marcadores especificados en el eje z plt.gcf().gca().set_xlabel('texto') # Texto para el eje en x plt.gcf().gca().set_ylabel('texto') # Texto para el eje en y
def plot_traces(sol, ax, color="b"): MDL = sol.MDL # model = get_model_type(sol) filename = sol.filename.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] keys = sorted([x.__name__ for x in MDL.deterministics]) + sorted( [x.__name__ for x in MDL.stochastics]) sampler = MDL.get_state()["sampler"] try: keys.remove("zmod") keys.remove("m_") except: pass keys.remove("R0") for (i, k) in enumerate(keys): vect = old_div((MDL.trace(k)[:].size), (len(MDL.trace(k)[:]))) if vect > 1: keys[i] = [k + "%d" % n for n in range(0, int(vect))] labels = [ r"$log_{10}\bar{\tau}$", "$\Sigma m$", "$R_0$", "$a_0$", "$a_1$", "$a_2$", "$a_3$", "$a_4$" ] # labels = [r"$R_0$", "$c_1$", "$c_2$", "$c_3$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_1$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_2$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_3$", "$m_1$", "$m_2$", "$m_3$"] # labels = [r"$c_1$", "$c_2$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_1$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_2$", "$m_1$", "$m_2$"] keys = list(flatten(keys)) ncols = 2 nrows = int(ceil(len(keys) * 1.0 / ncols)) for c, (a, k) in enumerate(zip(ax.flat, keys)): if k == "R0": stoc = "R0" else: stoc = ''.join([i for i in k if not i.isdigit()]) stoc_num = [int(i) for i in k if i.isdigit()] try: maxi = np.argmax(MDL.trace("log_tau")[-1]) mini = np.argmin(MDL.trace("log_tau")[-1]) if stoc_num[0] == 0: data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:, maxi] #prendre plus petit elif stoc_num[0] == 1: #prendre plus gros data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:, mini] # else: # #prendre plus moyen # remaining = [x for x in range(0,vect) if x != mini and x != maxi][0] # data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:,remaining] # except: # pass # try: # data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:,stoc_num[0]-1] except: data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:] print((np.mean(data[-100000:]), np.std(data[-100000:]))) x = np.arange(sampler["_burn"] + 1, sampler["_iter"] + 1, sampler["_thin"]) plt.axes(a) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=3) ty = a.yaxis.get_offset_text() ty.set_size(12) tx = a.xaxis.get_offset_text() tx.set_size(12) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=6) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(labels[c], fontsize=14) plt.plot(x, data, '-', color=color, label=filename, linewidth=1.0) a.grid(False)
def make_scatter_plot(all_metrics, plot_param, out_file=None): # Rearrange the data data = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'size': [], 'color': []} for experiment, metrics in all_metrics.items(): for key in data: data[key] += metrics[plot_param[key]['data']] # convert to numpy for key in data: data[key] = np.array(data[key]) # remove nans nans = np.logical_or.reduce((np.isnan(data['x']), np.isnan(data['y']), np.isinf(data['x']), np.isinf(data['y']))) print('\n ** Removing %d NaNs and infs before log **' % np.sum(nans)) for key in data: data[key] = data[key][np.invert(nans)] # take log if needed data_x = np.log( data['x']) / np.log(10) if plot_param['x']['log'] else np.copy( data['x']) data_y = np.log( data['y']) / np.log(10) if plot_param['y']['log'] else np.copy( data['y']) # Remove nans after log again - these typically come from LSTM TODO may need to make this more principled nans = np.logical_or.reduce((np.isnan(data_x), np.isnan(data_y), np.isinf(data_x), np.isinf(data_y))) print('\n ** Removing %d NaNs and infs after log **' % np.sum(nans)) for key in data: # print(key, data[key]) data[key] = data[key][np.invert(nans)] data_x = data_x[np.invert(nans)] data_y = data_y[np.invert(nans)] ### ### Plotting ### fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) # Font size SMALL_SIZE = 8 MEDIUM_SIZE = 10 BIGGER_SIZE = 12 plt.set_cmap('jet') plt.rc('font', size=16) # controls default text sizes plt.rc('axes', labelsize=20) # fontsize of the x and y labels # compute limits so that x and y scaled w.r.t. their std x_lim, y_lim = compute_lims(data_x, data_y) ax.set_xlim(x_lim) ax.set_ylim(y_lim) # set num ticks plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=8) # axes labels and log scaling x_label = plot_param['x']['data'] y_label = plot_param['y']['data'] if plot_param['x']['log']: x_label += ' (log)' ax.set_xticklabels( ['%.1e' % np.power(10, float(t)) for t in ax.get_xticks()]) if plot_param['y']['log']: y_label += ' (log)' ax.set_yticklabels( ['%.1e' % np.power(10, float(t)) for t in ax.get_yticks()]) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) # the actual plotting # print('data[\'color\']', data['color']) ax.scatter(data_x, data_y, s=data['size'], c=data['color'], alpha=0.5) # Correlation corr = np.corrcoef(data_x, data_y)[0, 1] print('Correlation %f' % corr) if 'title' in plot_param: title = plot_param['title'] else: title = plot_param['y']['data'] + ' vs ' + plot_param['x']['data'] plt.title(title + '\ncorrelation %.2f' % corr) # Save to out_file if plot_param['print']: fig.savefig(out_file, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_all_chains_KDE(sol): # MDL = sol["pymc_model"] MDLs = [m["pymc_model"] for m in sol] # model = get_model_type(sol) keys = sorted([x.__name__ for x in MDLs[0].deterministics]) + sorted( [x.__name__ for x in MDLs[0].stochastics]) sampler = MDLs[0].get_state()["sampler"] last_iter = sampler["_iter"] - sampler["_burn"] try: keys.remove("zmod") keys.remove("m_") # keys.remove("log_mean_tau") # keys.remove("total_m") except: pass for (i, k) in enumerate(keys): vect = old_div((MDLs[0].trace(k)[:].size), (len(MDLs[0].trace(k)[:]))) if vect > 1: keys[i] = [k + "%d" % n for n in range(0, vect)] keys = list(flatten(keys)) ncols = len(keys) nrows = len(keys) # labels = [r"$R_0$", "$c_1$", "$c_2$", "$c_3$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_1$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_2$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_3$", "$m_1$", "$m_2$", "$m_3$"] labels = [ r"$R_0$", "$c_1$", "$c_2$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_1$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_2$", "$m_1$", "$m_2$" ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0,0)) plotz = len(keys) for i in range(plotz): for j in range(plotz): if j < i: var1 = keys[j] var2 = keys[i] label1 = labels[j] label2 = labels[i] print((label1, label2)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((plotz - 1, plotz - 1), (i - 1, j)) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 0)) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 0)) if var1 == "R0": stoc1 = "R0" else: stoc1 = ''.join([k for k in var1 if not k.isdigit()]) stoc_num1 = [int(k) for k in var1 if k.isdigit()] x = np.array([]) try: for mod in MDLs: maxi = np.argmax(mod.trace("log_tau")[-1]) mini = np.argmin(mod.trace("log_tau")[-1]) if stoc_num1[0] == 0: data1 = mod.trace(stoc1)[:][:, maxi] #prendre plus petit elif stoc_num1[0] == 1: #prendre plus gros data1 = mod.trace(stoc1)[:][:, mini] # else: # #prendre plus moyen # remaining = [re for re in range(0,vect) if re != mini and re != maxi][0] # data1 = mod.trace(stoc1)[:][:,remaining] x = np.hstack((x, data1)) except: for mod in MDLs: x = np.hstack((x, mod.trace(stoc1)[:])) if var2 == "R0": stoc2 = "R0" else: stoc2 = ''.join([k for k in var2 if not k.isdigit()]) stoc_num2 = [int(k) for k in var2 if k.isdigit()] y = np.array([]) try: for mod in MDLs: maxi = np.argmax(mod.trace("log_tau")[-1]) mini = np.argmin(mod.trace("log_tau")[-1]) if stoc_num2[0] == 0: data2 = mod.trace(stoc2)[:][:, maxi] #prendre plus petit elif stoc_num2[0] == 1: #prendre plus gros data2 = mod.trace(stoc2)[:][:, mini] # else: # #prendre plus moyen # remaining = [re for re in range(0,vect) if re != mini and re != maxi][0] # data2 = mod.trace(stoc2)[:][:,remaining] y = np.hstack((y, data2)) except: for mod in MDLs: y = np.hstack((y, mod.trace(stoc2)[:])) xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y) # Peform the kernel density estimate xx, yy = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:50j, ymin:ymax:50j] positions = np.vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) values = np.vstack([x, y]) kernel = gaussian_kde(values) kernel.set_bandwidth(bw_method='silverman') kernel.set_bandwidth(bw_method=kernel.factor * 1.0) f = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.axes(ax) # Contourf plot plt.grid(None) ax.scatter(x, y, color='k', s=1) # plt.title(" r = %.2f"%(np.corrcoef(x,y)[0,1]), fontsize=14) plt.title("r = %.2f" % (np.corrcoef(x, y)[0, 1]), fontsize=14) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=6) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) cfset = ax.contourf(xx, yy, f,, alpha=0.7) ## Or kernel density estimate plot instead of the contourf plot # Contour plot # cset = ax.contour(xx, yy, f, levels=cfset.levels[2::2], colors='k', alpha=0.8) # Label plot # ax.clabel(cset, cset.levels[::1], inline=1, fmt='%.1E', fontsize=10) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14) if j == 0: plt.ylabel("%s" % label2, fontsize=14) if i == len(keys) - 1: plt.xlabel("%s" % label1, fontsize=14) if j != 0: ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) if i != len(keys) - 1: ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ty = ax.yaxis.get_offset_text() ty.set_size(12) tx = ax.xaxis.get_offset_text() tx.set_size(12) plt.suptitle("Double Cole-Cole inversion\n" + title + " step method", fontsize=14) fig.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=1, h_pad=0) fig.savefig('KDE_ColeCole-3_Matrix_Adaptive_False.png', dpi=300) return fig
def Bio_plotfeatures(X, d, Xn=[], hold=True): """Bio_plotfeatures(X, d, Xn) Toolbox: Balu Plot features X according classification d. If the feature names are given in Xn then they will labeled in each axis. For only one feature, histograms are ploted. For two( or three) features, plots in 2D( or 3D) are given. For m > 3 features, m x m 2D plots are given(feature i vs.feature j) Example 1: 1D & 2D from balu.InputOutput import Bio_plotfeatures from balu.ImagesAndData import balu_load from matplotlib.pyplot import figure data = balu_load('datagauss') # simulated data(2 classes, 2 features) X = data['X'] d = data['d'] figure(1) Bio_plotfeatures(X[:, 0], d, 'x1') # histogram of feature 1 figure(2) Bio_plotfeatures(X, d) # plot feature space in 2D(2 features) Example 2: 3D from balu.InputOutput import Bio_plotfeatures from balu.ImagesAndData import balu_load data = balu_load('datareal') # real data f = data['f'] d = data['d'] X = f[:, [220, 174, 234]] # only three features are choosen Bio_plotfeatures(X, d) # plot feature space in 3D(3 features) Example 3: 5D(using feature selection) from balu.InputOutput import Bio_plotfeatures from balu.ImagesAndData import balu_load data = balu_load('datareal ') # real data f = data['f'] d = data['d'] op['m'] = 5; # 5 features will be selected op['s'] = 0.75; # only 75 % of sample will be used op['show'] = False # display results op['b']['name'] = 'fisher'; # definition SFS with Fisher s = Bfs_balu(f, d, op); # feature selection Bio_plotfeatures(f[:, s], d) # plot feature space for 5 features See also Bev_roc. (c) GRIMA - DCCUC, 2011 http: // With collaboration from: Diego Patiño ([email protected]) -> Translated implementation into python (2016) """ clf() if len(X.shape) > 1: m = X.shape[1] else: m = 1 if m > 9: print('Bio_plotfeatures for {0} features makes {1} plots.'.format( m, m * m)) exit() scflag = False if len(d.shape) > 1: if d.shape[1] == 2: sc = d[:, 1] d = d[:, 0] scflag = True else: d = np.squeeze(d) dmin = int(np.min(d)) dmax = int(np.max(d)) col = 'gbrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykgbrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykgbrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmyk' mar = 'ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^ox+v^' # clf warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') s = [] for k in range(dmin, dmax + 1): s.append('class {0}'.format(k - 1)) if m < 4: if m == 1: for k in range(dmin, dmax + 1): idx = np.where(d == k) h, x = np.histogram(X[idx], 100) dx = x[1] - x[0] A = np.sum(h) * dx x = np.hstack((x - dx / 2.0, x[-1] + dx)) h = np.hstack((0, h, 0)) plot(x, h / A, color=col[k]) if len(Xn) != 0: xlabel(Xn) else: xlabel('feature value') ylabel('PDF') elif m == 2: if len(Xn) == 0: Xn = ['feature value 1', 'feature value 2'] for k in range(dmin, dmax + 1): ii = np.where(d == k) scatter(X[ii, 0], X[ii, 1], c=col[k], marker=mar[k]) if scflag: for ic in range(1, ii[0].size): text(X[ii[0][ic], 0], X[ii[0][ic], 1], ' ' + str(sc[ii[0][ic]])) title('feature space') xlabel(Xn[0]) ylabel(Xn[1]) elif m == 3: fig = gcf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') for k in range(dmin, dmax + 1): ii = np.where(d == k) ax.scatter(X[ii, 0], X[ii, 1], X[ii, 2], c=col[k], marker=mar[k]) if scflag: for ic in range(1, ii[0].size): ax.text(X[ii[0][ic], 0], X[ii[0][ic], 1], X[ii[0][ic], 2], ' ' + str(sc[ii[0][ic]])) if len(Xn) > 0: ax.set_xlabel(Xn[0]) ax.set_ylabel(Xn[1]) ax.set_zlabel(Xn[2]) else: ax.set_xlabel('feature value 1') ax.set_ylabel('feature value 2') ax.set_zlabel('feature value 3') legend(s) else: l = 1 for j in range(1, m + 1): for i in range(1, m + 1): zi = X[:, i - 1] zj = X[:, j - 1] subplot(m, m, l) l += 1 for k in range(dmin, dmax + 1): ii = np.where(d == k) scatter(zi[ii], zj[ii], c=col[k], marker=mar[k]) locator_params(nbins=3) if scflag: for ic in range(1, ii[0].size): text(zi[ii[0][ic]], zj[ii[0][ic]], ' ' + str(sc[ii[0][ic]])) if len(Xn) > 0: xl = Xn[i - 1] yl = Xn[j - 1] else: xl = 'z_{0}'.format(i - 1) yl = 'z_{0}'.format(j - 1) if i == 1: ylabel(yl) if j == m: xlabel(xl) if hold: show()
def plot_histo(sol, no_subplots=False, save=False, save_as_png=True): MDL = sol["pymc_model"] filename = sol["path"].replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] keys = sorted([x.__name__ for x in MDL.deterministics]) + sorted( [x.__name__ for x in MDL.stochastics]) try: keys.remove("zmod") keys.remove("m_") except: pass # keys.remove("R0") for (i, k) in enumerate(keys): vect = old_div((MDL.trace(k)[:].size), (len(MDL.trace(k)[:]))) if vect > 1: keys[i] = [k + "%d" % n for n in range(0, vect)] keys = list(flatten(keys)) # labels = [r"$c_1$", "$c_2$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_1$", r"$log_{10}\/\tau_2$", "$m_1$", "$m_2$"] labels = [ r"$log_{10}\bar{\tau}$", "$\Sigma m$", "$R_0$", "$a_0$", "$a_1$", "$a_2$", "$a_3$", "$a_4$" ] ncols = 2 nrows = int(ceil(len(keys) * 1.0 / ncols)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(10, nrows * 2.2)) for c, (a, k) in enumerate(zip(ax.flat, keys)): if k == "R0": stoc = "R0" else: stoc = ''.join([i for i in k if not i.isdigit()]) stoc_num = [int(i) for i in k if i.isdigit()] try: maxi = np.argmax(MDL.trace("log_tau")[-1]) mini = np.argmin(MDL.trace("log_tau")[-1]) if stoc_num[0] == 0: data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:, maxi] #prendre plus petit elif stoc_num[0] == 1: #prendre plus gros data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:, mini] # else: # #prendre plus moyen # remaining = [x for x in range(0,vect) if x != mini and x != maxi][0] # data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:,remaining] except: pass try: data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:][:, stoc_num[0] - 1] except: data = MDL.trace(stoc)[:] fit = norm.pdf(sorted(data), np.mean(data), np.std(data)) print((np.mean(data), np.std(data))) plt.axes(a) # plt.gca().get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) # plt.gca().get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=7) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=7) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14) plt.xlabel(labels[c], fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=14) ty = a.yaxis.get_offset_text() ty.set_size(12) tx = a.xaxis.get_offset_text() tx.set_size(12) hist = plt.hist(data, bins=20, normed=False, label=filename, linewidth=1.0, color="white") xh = [ 0.5 * (hist[1][r] + hist[1][r + 1]) for r in range(len(hist[1]) - 1) ] binwidth = old_div((max(xh) - min(xh)), len(hist[1])) fit *= len(data) * binwidth plt.plot(sorted(data), fit, "-b", linewidth=1.5) plt.grid(None) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0, 0)) fig.tight_layout(w_pad=0, h_pad=0) return fig
def main(argv): slice_size = 60 opt_func = "cost" if len(argv) != 3: print("Not enough arguments: using default values, 15 cost off") else: slice_size = int(argv[0]) opt_func = argv[1] print(opt_func) sload_flag = 1 suchp_flag = 1 sgas_chp_flag = 1 if argv[2] == 'off': sload_flag = 0 suchp_flag = 0 sgas_chp_flag = 0 debug = False # Data preprocessing load_profiles_df = pd.read_excel( "Summer_Load_Profiles.xlsx", header=None) + pd.read_excel( "Winter_Load_Profiles.xlsx", header=None) pv_profiles_df = pd.read_excel("Summer_PV_Profiles.xlsx", header=None) uchp_profiles_df = pd.read_excel("Winter_uCHP_Profiles.xlsx", header=None) prices_df = pd.read_csv("pricesGME.csv", usecols=[1]) # Adding noise load_profiles_df = load_profiles_df + np.random.normal( 0, 0.1, [load_profiles_df.shape[0], load_profiles_df.shape[1]]) load_profiles_df = load_profiles_df.clip(lower=0) pv_profiles_df = pv_profiles_df + np.random.normal( 0, 0.1, [pv_profiles_df.shape[0], pv_profiles_df.shape[1]]) pv_profiles_df = pv_profiles_df.clip( lower=0) # per fare in modo che non ci siano valori negativi prices_df = prices_df + np.random.normal( 0, 0.1, [prices_df.shape[0], prices_df.shape[1]]) scaled_load_df = change_scale(5, slice_size, load_profiles_df, debug) scaled_pv_df = change_scale(5, slice_size, pv_profiles_df, debug) scaled_prices_df = change_scale(60, slice_size, prices_df, debug) scaled_prices_df.columns = ['prices'] pod_list_conf = parse_config('config.conf') init_pods(pod_list_conf, scaled_load_df, scaled_pv_df) # definizione delle costanti uchp_min = uchp_profiles_df.values.min() # kW uchp_max = uchp_profiles_df.values.max() # kW cuchp = 0.9 cchp_gas = 0.039 gas_chp_min = 0 gas_chp_max = 2 eta = 0.9 gin_min = 0 gout_min = 0 gin_max = 4 gout_max = 4 sin_max = 4 sout_max = 4 charge_init = 2 ## inizializzato il valore della batteria charge_max = 6 T = int(scaled_load_df[0].count()) # in questo caso 96 tildeload_df = pd.DataFrame() sload_df = pd.DataFrame() suchp_df = pd.DataFrame() sgas_chp_df = pd.DataFrame() fixed_index_list = [] fixed_time_list = range(T) previous_charge = [None] * len(pod_list_conf) previous_uchp = [None] * len(pod_list_conf) previous_gaschp = [None] * len(pod_list_conf) # liste per salvare l'output ad ogni ciclo di t tildeloadlist = [] pvlist = [] tildeuchplist = [] tildegaschplist = [] gridINlist = [] gridOUTlist = [] stINlist = [] stOUTlist = [] tot_time = [] # pod for pod in pod_list_conf: fixed_index_list.append(pod[0]) # pv pv_index_list = [] for pod in pod_list_conf: for el in pod[2]: if el == 'pv': pv_index_list.append(pod[0]) # uchp uchp_index_list = [] for pod in pod_list_conf: for el in pod[2]: if el == 'uchp': uchp_index_list.append(pod[0]) # se considero la fase offline, vado a cercare i valori shiftati del chp, altrimenti metto il df tutto a zero if uchp_index_list: if suchp_flag == 1: suchp_df = pd.read_csv('suchp.csv') else: for t in fixed_time_list: for i in uchp_index_list: suchp_df.loc[t, str(i)] = 0 # gas_chp gas_chp_index_list = [] for pod in pod_list_conf: for el in pod[2]: if el == 'gas_chp': gas_chp_index_list.append(pod[0]) if gas_chp_index_list: if sgas_chp_flag == 1: sgas_chp_df = pd.read_csv('sgas_chp.csv') else: for t in fixed_time_list: for i in gas_chp_index_list: sgas_chp_df.loc[t, str(i)] = 0 # load load_index_list = [] for pod in pod_list_conf: for el in pod[2]: if el == 'load': load_index_list.append(pod[0]) if load_index_list: if sload_flag == 1: sload_df = pd.read_csv('sload.csv') else: for t in fixed_time_list: for i in load_index_list: sload_df.loc[t, str(i)] = 0 # inizializzo la scrittura del file di output f = open("output_online.txt", "a") obj_value_list = [] ### INIZIO MODELLO - PER OGNI T for t in fixed_time_list: model = ConcreteModel() # variabili sempre presenti model.Pgin = Var(fixed_index_list, domain=NonNegativeReals) model.Pgout = Var(fixed_index_list, domain=NonNegativeReals) # variabili dipendenti dalla costruzione del pod # charge charge_index_list = [] for pod in pod_list_conf: for el in pod[2]: if el == 'storage': charge_index_list.append( pod[0] ) #prendiamo la lista dei pod, e controlliamo quali hanno st, quindi aggiungiamo il loro indice a charge_index_list if charge_index_list: #se la lista non è vuota model.charge = Var(charge_index_list, domain=NonNegativeReals) model.Psin = Var(charge_index_list, domain=NonNegativeReals) model.Psout = Var(charge_index_list, domain=NonNegativeReals) # uchp if uchp_index_list: model.Puchp = Var(uchp_index_list) model.tildeuchp = Var() # gas_chp if gas_chp_index_list: model.Pgas_chp = Var(gas_chp_index_list) model.tildegas_chp = Var() load_index_norm = [] for el in load_index_list: load_index_norm.append(el % 100) reduced_scaled_load_df = scaled_load_df[ load_index_norm] # andiamo a prendere da load_df solo le colonne dei pod che effettivamente ci servono - e hanno il load # In questo modo noi preleviamo le colonne corrispondenti tra loro per la somma # a prescindere dall'indice; ciò dovrebbe coprirci anche nei casi in cui abbiamo # più pod con più load: le colonne saranno sempre disposte sempre nello stesso ordine # tra i due df reduced_scaled_load_df.columns = load_index_list #print(reduced_scaled_load_df) for col1, col2, i in zip(reduced_scaled_load_df.columns, sload_df.columns, load_index_list): # print(reduced_scaled_load_df[col1]) # colonna del primo, a prescindere dall'indice # print(sload_df[col2]) # colonna del secondo a prescindere dall'indice # print(i) # indice corretto di riferimento per il df finale sommato array = reduced_scaled_load_df[col1].values + sload_df[col2].values tildeload_df[i] = array tildeload = tildeload_df[load_index_list].sum(axis=1).clip( lower=0).values.tolist() def objective(model): result = 0 for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list_conf): if opt_func == "cost": result += model.Pgin[i] * scaled_prices_df[ 'prices'].values.tolist()[t] - model.Pgout[ i] * scaled_prices_df['prices'].values.tolist()[t] if 'uchp' in pod[2]: result += cuchp * model.tildeuchp if 'gas_chp' in pod[2]: result += cchp_gas * model.tildegas_chp if 'storage' in pod[2]: result += model.Psout[i] * scaled_prices_df[ 'prices'].values.tolist()[t] elif opt_func == "grid": result += model.Pgin[i] * scaled_prices_df[ 'prices'].values.tolist()[t] + model.Pgout[ i] * scaled_prices_df['prices'].values.tolist()[t] return result model.OBJ = Objective(rule=objective) #### CONSTRAINTS # UCHP: if uchp_index_list: model.bound_uchp = ConstraintList() model.bound_tildeuchp = ConstraintList() model.bound_time_uchp = ConstraintList() for i in uchp_index_list: model.bound_uchp.add( inequality(uchp_min, model.tildeuchp, uchp_max)) if uchp_index_list: left_side = model.tildeuchp right_side = 0 for i in uchp_index_list: right_side += model.Puchp[i] + suchp_df[str( i)].values.tolist()[t] model.bound_tildeuchp.add(left_side == right_side) if uchp_index_list: multipl_constant = int(60 / slice_size) for i in uchp_index_list: if t in range( 0 * multipl_constant + 1, 4 * multipl_constant) and t < 4 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_uchp.add( previous_uchp[i] == model.tildeuchp) if t in range( 4 * multipl_constant, 8 * multipl_constant) and t < 8 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_uchp.add( previous_uchp[i] == model.tildeuchp) if t in range( 8 * multipl_constant, 12 * multipl_constant) and t < 12 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_uchp.add( previous_uchp[i] == model.tildeuchp) if t in range( 12 * multipl_constant, 16 * multipl_constant) and t < 16 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_uchp.add( previous_uchp[i] == model.tildeuchp) if t in range( 16 * multipl_constant, 20 * multipl_constant) and t < 20 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_uchp.add( previous_uchp[i] == model.tildeuchp) if t in range( 20 * multipl_constant, 24 * multipl_constant) and t < 24 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_uchp.add( previous_uchp[i] == model.tildeuchp) #multipl_constant = int(60/slice_size) # GAS_CHP: if gas_chp_index_list: model.bound_gaschp = ConstraintList() model.bound_tildegaschp = ConstraintList() model.bound_time_gaschp = ConstraintList() for i in gas_chp_index_list: model.bound_gaschp.add( inequality(gas_chp_min, model.tildegas_chp, gas_chp_max)) if gas_chp_index_list: left_side = model.tildegas_chp right_side = 0 for i in gas_chp_index_list: right_side += model.Pgas_chp[i] + sgas_chp_df[str( i)].values.tolist()[t] model.bound_tildegaschp.add(left_side == right_side) if gas_chp_index_list: multipl_constant = int(60 / slice_size) for i in gas_chp_index_list: if t in range( 0 * multipl_constant + 1, 4 * multipl_constant) and t < 4 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_gaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.tildegas_chp) if t in range( 4 * multipl_constant, 8 * multipl_constant) and t < 8 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_gaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.tildegas_chp) if t in range( 8 * multipl_constant, 12 * multipl_constant) and t < 12 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_gaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.tildegas_chp) if t in range( 12 * multipl_constant, 16 * multipl_constant) and t < 16 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_gaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.tildegas_chp) if t in range( 16 * multipl_constant, 20 * multipl_constant) and t < 20 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_gaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.tildegas_chp) if t in range( 20 * multipl_constant, 24 * multipl_constant) and t < 24 * multipl_constant - 1: model.bound_time_gaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.tildegas_chp) #multipl_constant = int(60/slice_size) #for i in gas_chp_index_list: #model.bound_tildegaschp.add( previous_gaschp[i] == model.Pgas_chp[i]) # STORAGE: if charge_index_list: model.bound_charge = ConstraintList() for i in charge_index_list: model.bound_charge.add(model.Psin[i] <= sin_max) model.bound_charge.add(model.Psout[i] <= sout_max) #constraint per l'istante iniziale if t == 0: model.bound_charge.add(model.charge[i] == charge_init) model.bound_charge.add(model.charge[i] <= charge_max) model.bound_charge.add(model.charge[i] >= 0) model.bound_charge.add( model.Psin[i] <= charge_max - charge_init) model.bound_charge.add(model.Psout[i] <= charge_init) else: model.bound_charge.add(model.charge[i] == previous_charge[i] - eta * model.Psin[i] + eta * model.Psout[i]) model.bound_charge.add(model.charge[i] <= charge_max) model.bound_charge.add(model.charge[i] >= 0) model.bound_charge.add( model.Psin[i] <= charge_max - previous_charge[i]) model.bound_charge.add(model.Psout[i] <= previous_charge[i]) # GRID: model.bound_gin = ConstraintList() model.bound_gout = ConstraintList() for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list_conf): model.bound_gin.add(inequality(gin_min, model.Pgin[i], gin_max)) model.bound_gout.add(inequality(gout_min, model.Pgout[i], gout_max)) # BILANCIAMENTO: # Potrebbe contenere un termine relativo ad un componente load model.bound_tildeload = ConstraintList() right_side = 0 left_side = tildeload[t] for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list_conf): right_side += model.Pgin[i] - model.Pgout[i] if 'uchp' in pod[2]: right_side += model.Puchp[i] + suchp_df[str( i)].values.tolist()[t] if 'gas_chp' in pod[2]: right_side += model.Pgas_chp[i] + sgas_chp_df[str( i)].values.tolist()[t] if 'storage' in pod[2]: right_side += model.Psin[i] - model.Psout[i] if 'pv' in pod[2]: right_side += pod[3]['pv'].values.tolist()[t] model.bound_tildeload.add(left_side == right_side) #model.pprint() opt = SolverFactory('gurobi') results = opt.solve(model, tee=True) # in alternativa model.load(results) #results.write() # per salvare il valore dell'iterazione precedente di charge, per usarlo nel constraint for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list_conf): if 'storage' in pod[2]: previous_charge[i] = model.charge[i].value for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list_conf): if 'uchp' in pod[2]: previous_uchp[i] = model.tildeuchp.value #print(previous_uchp[i]) if 'gas_chp' in pod[2]: previous_gaschp[i] = model.tildegas_chp.value #print(previous_gaschp[i]) '''# per salvare tutti i valori delle variabili di ogni pod # PER OGNI POD i: # var_1[i] ... var_N[i] # 0 valore ... valore # 1 valore ... valore # ... valore ... valore # T valore ... valore # # PER COSTRUIRLI: # - Iteriamo ad ogni t, quindi ad ogni t noi possiamo costruire già tante strutture quanti sono i pod # e in particolare aggiungere una riga ad ogni t. # - Per fare ciò ci serviranno dei df di appoggio (uno per ogni pod), che istanziamo all'inizio del programma # e riempiamo alla fine di ogni iterazione in T. # - Alla fine del ciclo principale in T, salveremo (in un ciclo ausiliario) tutti questi df come csv. for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list_conf): labels = [] row_as_list = [] # temp_df = temp_df.append(model.Pgin[i], model.Pgout[i]) labels.append('Pgin_{}'.format(pod[0])) labels.append('Pgout_{}'.format(pod[0])) row_as_list.append(model.Pgin[i].value) row_as_list.append(model.Pgout[i].value) if 'chp' in pod[2]: # temp_df = temp_df.append(model.Pchp[i]) labels.append('Pchp_{}'.format(pod[0])) row_as_list.append(model.Pchp[i].value) if 'storage' in pod[2]: # temp_df = temp_df.append(model.Sout[i], model.Sin[i]) labels.append('Psin_{}'.format(pod[0])) labels.append('Psout_{}'.format(pod[0])) row_as_list.append(model.Psin[i].value) row_as_list.append(model.Psout[i].value) if 'pv' in pod[2]: # temp_df = temp_df.append(model.Ppv[i]) labels.append('Ppv_{}'.format(pod[0])) row_as_list.append(pod[3]['pv'].values.tolist()[t]) if 'load' in pod[2]: # temp_df = temp_df.append(model.Sload[i]) labels.append('Pload_{}'.format(pod[0])) row_as_list.append(pod[3]['load'].values.tolist()[t]) row_as_series = pd.Series(row_as_list) pod[4] = pod[4].append(row_as_series, ignore_index = True) if t == T-1: pod[4].columns = labels pod[4].to_csv('pod_{}.csv'.format(pod[0]), index=False) print("PRINTING RESULTS FOR POD " + str(i)) print(pod[4])''' # TEMPO DI RISOLUZIONE solver_time = get_info_from_results(results, 'Time: ') tot_time.append(float(solver_time)) obj_value_list.append(float(model.OBJ())) # CONTROLLO SULLA TERMINAZIONE if (results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal): print("Modello risolto correttamente") elif (results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible): print("La condizione di terminazione è INFEASIBLE") else: print("Errore: Solver Status", results.solver.status) '''stdout_backup = sys.stdout with open('results_online_step_{}.yml'.format(t), 'a') as f: sys.stdout = f results.write() sys.stdout = stdout_backup''' # PLOT OUTPUT if pv_index_list: acc = 0 for i in pv_index_list: acc += pod_list_conf[i][3]['pv'].values.tolist()[t] pvlist.append(acc) if load_index_list: tildeloadlist.append(tildeload[t]) if uchp_index_list: tildeuchplist.append(model.tildeuchp.value) if gas_chp_index_list: tildegaschplist.append(model.tildegas_chp.value) acc = 0 for i in range(len(pod_list_conf)): acc += model.Pgin[i].value gridINlist.append(acc) acc = 0 for i in range(len(pod_list_conf)): acc += model.Pgout[i].value gridOUTlist.append(-acc) if charge_index_list: acc = 0 for i in charge_index_list: acc += model.Psin[i].value stINlist.append(acc) if charge_index_list: acc = 0 for i in charge_index_list: acc += model.Psout[i].value stOUTlist.append(-acc) # Fine ciclo tot_time_sum = sum(tot_time) #print("SOLVER TIME: " + str(tot_time_sum)) #print(obj_value_list) f.write("Components: {}\n".format( len(pv_index_list) + len(load_index_list) + len(gas_chp_index_list) + len(uchp_index_list) + len(charge_index_list))) f.write(" # Pv: {}\n".format(len(pv_index_list))) f.write(" # Load: {}\n".format(len(load_index_list))) f.write(" # Gas Chp: {}\n".format(len(gas_chp_index_list))) f.write(" # Uchp: {}\n".format(len(uchp_index_list))) f.write(" # Storage: {}\n".format(len(charge_index_list))) f.write("SOLVER TIME:" + str(tot_time_sum) + "\n") f.write("OBJ function {}:".format(argv[1]) + "\n") f.write("MIN OBJ: {}, MAX OBJ: {}, MEAN OBJ: {}\n".format( min(obj_value_list), max(obj_value_list), np.mean(obj_value_list))) f.write("TOTAL OBJ: {}\n".format(sum(obj_value_list))) f.write("FULL LIST: \n") for el in obj_value_list: if el < 0: f.write(" {}\n".format(str(el))) else: f.write(" {}\n".format(str(el))) f.write("\n") f.close() resultimg, result = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) images, = result.plot(tildeloadlist, linestyle='-', color='red') images, = result.plot(pvlist, linestyle='-', color='green') images, = result.plot(tildeuchplist, linestyle='-', color='purple') images, = result.plot(tildegaschplist, linestyle='-', color='magenta') images, = result.plot([sum(x) for x in zip(gridINlist, gridOUTlist)], linestyle='-', color='#3a55a1', linewidth=2) #images, = result.plot(gridOUTlist, linestyle='-', color='blue') images, = result.plot([sum(x) for x in zip(stINlist, stOUTlist)], linestyle='-', color='#fa7e25', linewidth=2) #images, = result.plot(stOUTlist, linestyle='-', color='orange') result.legend(['Load', 'PV', 'UChp', 'GASChp', 'Grid', 'Storage'], fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) tilde = np.interp(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), fixed_time_list, tildeloadlist) result.fill_between(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), tilde, 0, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3) if pv_index_list: pv = np.interp(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), fixed_time_list, pvlist) result.fill_between(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), pv, 0, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5) if uchp_index_list: uchp = np.interp(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), fixed_time_list, tildeuchplist) result.fill_between(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), uchp, 0, facecolor='purple', alpha=0.1) if gas_chp_index_list: gaschp = np.interp(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), fixed_time_list, tildegaschplist) result.fill_between(np.arange(0.0, 96.0, 0.1), gaschp, 0, facecolor='purple', alpha=0.1) #plt.plot(results_list, linestyle='--', marker='o', color='b') plt.ylabel('Energy value (kW)') plt.xlabel('Time instant') plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=96) plt.grid(True) resultimg = plt.savefig('results_online.png', dpi=200) plt.close(resultimg) # GRAFICO A CIAMBELLA CON PERCENTUALI fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3), subplot_kw=dict(aspect="equal")) data = [ sum(pvlist), sum(tildeuchplist), sum(tildegaschplist), abs(sum([sum(x) for x in zip(gridINlist, gridOUTlist)])), abs(sum([sum(x) for x in zip(stINlist, stOUTlist)])) ] labels = ['PV', 'UChp', 'GASChp', 'Grid', 'Storage'] def func(pct, allvals): absolute = int(pct / 100. * np.sum(allvals)) return "{:.1f}%\n({:d} kWh)".format(pct, absolute) wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(data, wedgeprops=dict(width=0.5), startangle=-40, autopct=lambda pct: func(pct, data), pctdistance=0.8, textprops={ 'color': "w", 'fontsize': 7 }) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=0.72) kw = dict(arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-"), bbox=bbox_props, zorder=0, va="center") for i, p in enumerate(wedges): ang = (p.theta2 - p.theta1) / 2. + p.theta1 y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)) x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))] connectionstyle = "angle,angleA=0,angleB={}".format(ang) kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle}) ax.annotate(labels[i], xy=(x, y), xytext=(1.35 * np.sign(x), 1.4 * y), horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kw) ax = plt.savefig('pie_online.png', dpi=200) plt.close(ax)
def plot_all_KDE(sol): MDL = sol["pymc_model"] # model = get_model_type(sol) filename = sol["path"].replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] keys = sorted([x.__name__ for x in MDL.deterministics]) + sorted( [x.__name__ for x in MDL.stochastics]) sampler = MDL.get_state()["sampler"] try: keys.remove("zmod") keys.remove("m_") # keys.remove("log_mean_tau") # keys.remove("total_m") except: pass for (i, k) in enumerate(keys): vect = old_div((MDL.trace(k)[:].size), (len(MDL.trace(k)[:]))) if vect > 1: keys[i] = [k + "%d" % n for n in range(0, vect)] keys = list(flatten(keys)) ncols = len(keys) nrows = len(keys) labels = [ r"$log_{10}\bar{\tau}$", "$\Sigma m$", "$R_0$", "$a_0$", "$a_1$", "$a_2$", "$a_3$", "$a_4$" ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13)) # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(0,0)) plotz = len(keys) for i in range(plotz): for j in range(plotz): if j < i: var1 = keys[j] var2 = keys[i] label1 = labels[j] label2 = labels[i] print((label1, label2)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((plotz - 1, plotz - 1), (i - 1, j)) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 0)) ax.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 0)) if var1 == "R0": stoc1 = "R0" else: stoc1 = ''.join([k for k in var1 if not k.isdigit()]) stoc_num1 = [int(k) for k in var1 if k.isdigit()] try: x = MDL.trace(stoc1)[:, stoc_num1[0] - 1] except: x = MDL.trace(stoc1)[:] if var2 == "R0": stoc2 = "R0" else: stoc2 = ''.join([k for k in var2 if not k.isdigit()]) stoc_num2 = [int(k) for k in var2 if k.isdigit()] try: y = MDL.trace(stoc2)[:, stoc_num2[0] - 1] except: y = MDL.trace(stoc2)[:] # y = all_chains xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y) # Peform the kernel density estimate xx, yy = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:50j, ymin:ymax:50j] positions = np.vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) values = np.vstack([x, y]) kernel = gaussian_kde(values) kernel.set_bandwidth(bw_method='silverman') kernel.set_bandwidth(bw_method=kernel.factor * 2.) f = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.axes(ax) # Contourf plot plt.grid(None) ax.scatter(x, y, color='k', s=1) plt.title(" r = %.2f" % (np.corrcoef(x, y)[0, 1]), fontsize=14) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=6) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) cfset = ax.contourf(xx, yy, f,, alpha=0.7) ## Or kernel density estimate plot instead of the contourf plot # Contour plot # cset = ax.contour(xx, yy, f, levels=cfset.levels[2::2], colors='k', alpha=0.8) # Label plot # ax.clabel(cset, cset.levels[::1], inline=1, fmt='%.1E', fontsize=10) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14) if j == 0: plt.ylabel("%s" % label2, fontsize=14) if i == len(keys) - 1: plt.xlabel("%s" % label1, fontsize=14) if j != 0: ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) if i != len(keys) - 1: ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ty = ax.yaxis.get_offset_text() ty.set_size(12) tx = ax.xaxis.get_offset_text() tx.set_size(12) plt.suptitle(title + " step method", fontsize=14) fig.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=0.0, h_pad=0) fig.savefig('KDE_Warburg_Matrix_Adaptive_%s.png' % (adapt), dpi=300) return fig
def plot_all_profiles(id, time, z0, fields, fieldsExpected, folder=sys.path[0], plotExpected=False, fillSigma=False, showTitle=False): #Show axis in km z = 0.001*z0 ax = [] plt.figure(figsize=(8,4.5)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 4, height_ratios=[1, 1]) ############################## # Plot sigma # ############################## ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[0])) sigmaBuoyant = fields.sigma.buoyant.mean sigmaBuoyantColor = "black" if fillSigma: sigmaBuoyantColor = "white" ax[0].fill_betweenx(z, 0*sigmaBuoyant, sigmaBuoyant, facecolor="red", linewidth=0.) ax[0].fill_betweenx(z, sigmaBuoyant, 0*sigmaBuoyant+1, facecolor="blue", linewidth=0.) if plotExpected: ax[0].plot(fieldsExpected.sigma.buoyant.mean, z, color=sigmaBuoyantColor, linewidth=1., linestyle="--") ax[0].plot(sigmaBuoyant, z, color=sigmaBuoyantColor, linewidth=1.) plt.xlim(0., 1.) plt.ylim(0., 10.) plt.xlabel("$\\sigma_1$") plt.ylabel("Height (km)") if showTitle: plt.title("Vol. fraction") ############################## # Plot buoyancy # ############################## ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[1])) if plotExpected: b = fieldsExpected.b.mean.mean bStable = fieldsExpected.b.stable.mean bBuoyant = fieldsExpected.b.buoyant.mean ax[1].plot(bStable, z, color="blue", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") ax[1].plot(bBuoyant, z, color="red", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") ax[1].plot(b, z, color="black", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") b = fields.b.mean.mean bStable = fields.b.stable.mean bBuoyant = fields.b.buoyant.mean ax[1].plot(bStable, z, color="blue", linewidth=1.) ax[1].plot(bBuoyant, z, color="red", linewidth=1.) ax[1].plot(b, z, color="black", linewidth=1.) plt.xlim(-0.005, 0.025) plt.ylim(0., 10.) plt.xlabel("$b_i$") plt.locator_params(nbins=4,axis="x") if showTitle: plt.title("Buoyancy") ############################## # Plot vertical velocity # ############################## ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[2])) if plotExpected: w = fieldsExpected.w.mean.mean wStable = fieldsExpected.w.stable.mean wBuoyant = fieldsExpected.w.buoyant.mean ax[2].plot(wStable, z, color="blue", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") ax[2].plot(wBuoyant, z, color="red", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") ax[2].plot(w, z, color="black", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") w = fields.w.mean.mean wStable = fields.w.stable.mean wBuoyant = fields.w.buoyant.mean ax[2].plot(wStable, z, color="blue", linewidth=1.) ax[2].plot(wBuoyant, z, color="red", linewidth=1.) ax[2].plot(w, z, color="black", linewidth=1.) plt.xlim(-9, 9) plt.ylim(0., 10.) plt.xlabel("$w_i$") plt.locator_params(nbins=4,axis="x") if showTitle: plt.title("Vert. velocity") ############################## # Plot pressure # ############################## ax.append(plt.subplot(gs[3])) if plotExpected: PiStable = fieldsExpected.Pi.stable.mean PiBuoyant = fieldsExpected.Pi.buoyant.mean ax[3].plot(PiStable, z, color="blue", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") ax[3].plot(PiBuoyant, z, color="red", linewidth=1., linestyle="--") PiStable = fields.Pi.stable.mean PiBuoyant = fields.Pi.buoyant.mean ax[3].plot(PiStable, z, color="blue", linewidth=1.) ax[3].plot(PiBuoyant, z, color="red", linewidth=1.) plt.xlim(-50, 20) plt.ylim(0., 10.) plt.xlabel("$P_i$") plt.locator_params(nbins=4,axis="x") if showTitle: plt.title("Pressure anom.") ############################## # Format figure # ############################## # if showTitle: # plt.suptitle( "Profiles after {}s".format(time), fontsize=18 ) # plt.gca().get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) for i in xrange(1, len(ax)): plt.setp(ax[i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) for i in xrange(len(ax)): xticks = ax[i].xaxis.get_major_ticks() xticks[0].label1.set_visible(False) xticks[-1].label1.set_visible(False) for tick in ax[i].xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(8) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.0) plt.savefig( os.path.join( folder, "profiles_{}_{}.png".format(time,id) ), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200 ) plt.close()
# plt.scatter(x_data, top_5, s=20, color=color[acc_index]) handles1.append(ln1) # handles2.append(ln2) # labels1.append("{} top-1".format(acc_key)) # labels2.append("{} top-5".format(acc_key)) labels1.append("{}".format(acc_key)) pass plt.legend(handles=handles1 + handles2, labels=labels1 + labels2, loc='best', ncol=1, fontsize=14) plt.grid(linestyle='--') plt.ylim(0.35, 0.7) plt.locator_params("y", nbins=10) plt.xlabel('dimension', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('accuracy', fontsize=18) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.96, bottom=0.10, left=0.12, right=0.99, hspace=0, wspace=0) plt.savefig( Tools.new_dir( os.path.join("plot_new", "ic", "abl_acc_ic_{}2.pdf".format(split))))