def showBarChart(title, xLabel, yLabel, labels, dataList, color, isBarH): plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.yLabel(yLabel) if isBarH: plt.barh(labels, dataList, color=color) else:, dataList, color=color)
def plot_hist_comp(data, data2, dataLabels, title='', xLabel=''): """! @ingroup OptiPlot Histograms and plots the comparison of two sets of function evaluation data. @param data: \e list \n Contains the number of function evals for each optimization run. \n @param data2: \e list \n Contains the number of function evals for each optimization run for a second set of runs. \n @param dataLabels: \e list \n Contains the legend label names for each data set. \n @param title: \e string \n Title for plot. \n @param xLabel: \e string \n Label for independent variable. \n """ # Allow use of Tex sybols and set formats plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 900 # Establish labels for each data set and title for the plot if xLabel == '': xLabel = ('\\textbf{# Function Evals}') yLabel = ('\\textbf{Probability}') if title == '': title = "Histogram of Function Evaluations for Optimization" # Plot Histogram num = len(data) w = np.ones_like(data)/float(num) maxVal = max([max(data), max(data2)]) bins = np.arange(0, maxVal, ceil(maxVal/100)) plt.hist(data, bins=bins, weights=w, facecolor='black', histtype='stepfilled', alpha=1.0, label=dataLabels[0]) plt.hist(data2, bins=bins, weights=w, facecolor='grey', histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.85, label=dataLabels[1]) # Plot Labels plt.xLabel('\\textbf{%s}' %xLabel, fontsize=15, y=-01.04) plt.yLabel('\\textbf{%s}' %yLabel, fontsize=15, x=-0.04) plt.title('\\textbf{%s}' %title, fontsize=17, y=1.04) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of yLabel plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) # Add legend plt.legend(borderaxespad=0.75, loc=1, fontsize=14, handlelength=5, borderpad=0.5, labelspacing=0.75, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
def plot_tlf(alpha=1.5, gamma=1., numSamp=1E7, cutPoint=10.): """! @ingroup OptiPlot Plots a comparison of the TLF to the Levy distribution. @param alpha: \e float \n Levy exponent - defines the index of the distribution and controls scale properties of the stochastic process. @param gamma: \e float \n Gamma - Scale unit of process for Levy flights. \n @param numSamp: \e integer \n Number of Levy flights to sample. \n @param cutPoint: \e float \n Point at which to cut sampled Levy values and resample. \n """ # Initialize variables l = [] #List to store Levy distribution values bins = np.array(range(0, int(cutPoint + 1), 1)) / cutPoint # Calculate the Levy distribution for i in range(0, len(bins)): l.append(1/pi*integrate.quad(lambda x: exp(-gamma*x**(alpha)) \ *cos(x*bins[i]*cutPoint), 0, float("inf"), epsabs=0, epsrel=1.e-5, limit=150)[0]*2) # Draw numSamp samples from the Levy distribution levySamp = abs(levy(1, numSamp) / cutPoint).reshape(numSamp) # Resample values above the range (0,1) for i in range(len(levySamp)): while levySamp[i] > 1: levySamp[i] = abs(levySamp(1, 1) / cutPoint).reshape(1) #Plot the TLF and Levy distribution on the interval (0,1) w = np.ones_like(levySamp) / float( numSamp) #Weights to normalize histogram plt.rc('text', usetex=True) ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.hist(levy, bins=bins, facecolor='grey', weights=w) ax.plot(bins, l, color='k', linewidth=3.0) ax.set_yscale("log") plt.xLabel('\\textbf{z}', fontsize=15, y=-0.04) plt.yLabel('\\textbf{P(z)}', fontsize=15, x=-0.04) plt.title('\\textbf{Comparison of TLF and Levy Function}', fontsize=17) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xticks(fontsize=14)
# In[ ]: td = data[data.TotalDeath == 'Total Deaths'] # In[ ]: td # In[ ]: plt.plot(tc.Dates_epicrv, tc.Dates_epicrv / 10**6) plt.plot(td.Dates_epicrv, td.Dates_epicrv / 10**6) plt.xLabel('time') plt.yLabel('Those infected') plt.legend(['Total Cases', 'Total Deaths']) # In[ ]: