def plot_sssh( self, feature_name: str, feature_data: pandas.DataFrame, top_feature_values: list, stability_points: tuple = None, ax: plt.axes = None, color: str = 'YlGnBu', stable_point: bool = False, break_point: bool = False, ) -> None: feature_data = feature_data.loc[ feature_data['feature_value'].isin(top_feature_values), : ] feature_data = feature_data.assign( feature_value=feature_data['feature_value'].astype(str) ) feature_values = feature_data.feature_value.unique() palette = sns.color_palette( color, n_colors=self.top_feature_values )[:len(feature_values)] p2 = sns.lineplot( data=feature_data, x='read', y='sssh', hue='feature_value', ax=ax, ci=None, estimator=None, palette=palette, hue_order=[str(v) for v in top_feature_values] ) if stability_points is not None and stable_point: ax.axvline( x=stability_points[0], linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='black' ) if stability_points is not None and break_point: if stability_points[1] is not None: ax.axvline( x=stability_points[1], linewidth=1, linestyle='-', color='black' ) legend = ax.legend() legend.texts[0].set_text(feature_name) # Legend and labels p2.tick_params(labelsize=6) p2.set_xlabel('\nReads', fontsize=9) p2.set_ylabel('Sum of ranked sum of shared hashes\n', fontsize=9)
def dist_attr(ax: plt.axes = None, ds: loompy.LoomConnection = None, out_file: str = None, attr: str = None, plot_title: str = None, line: float = None): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) if attr in ax.hist([attr], bins=100) ax.set_xlim(np.amin([attr]), np.amax([attr])) if line is not None: ax.axvline(x=line, c='r') if plot_title is not None: ax.set_title(plot_title) if out_file is not None: fig.savefig(out_file, dpi=144) return (ax)
def fake_doublets_dist(ax: plt.axes = None, doublet_score_A: np.array = None, logprob: np.array = None, xx: np.array = None, score1: float = 1, score2: float = 1, score: float = 1, out_file: str = None) -> None: # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.fill_between(xx.T[0], np.exp(logprob), alpha=0.5) ax.plot(doublet_score_A, np.full_like(doublet_score_A, -0.01), '|k', markeredgewidth=1) ax.set_ylim(-0.02, 5) ax.set_title(f'Fake Doublets distribution (Selected TH: {score})') if score1 != 1: ax.axvline(x=score1, c='r') if score2 != 1: ax.axvline(x=score2, linestyle='--', c='r') if score != 1: ax.axvline(x=score, linestyle=':', c='r') ax.set_ylabel('# cells') ax.set_xlabel('DoubletFinder score') hd = ax.hist(doublet_score_A, bins=30, density=True) if out_file is not None: plt.savefig(out_file, dpi=144) return (hd)
def plot_date_randomisation(ax: plt.axes, replicates: np.array or list, rate: float, log10: bool = True) -> plt.axes: """ Plot distribution of substitution rates for date randomisation test :param ax: axes object to plot the date randomisation :param replicates: list of replicate substitution rate estimates :param rate: true rate estimate vertical line for evaluation :param log10: plot log10 of substitution rates on horizontal axis :returns axes object """ if log10: replicates = np.log10(replicates) with'seaborn-colorblind'): ax.hist(x=replicates, color='gray') ax.axvline(x=rate, color='r') return ax