def _sub_plot_single(self, ax:plt.axis, column:str, legend=None): ''' Create a sub-plot for a given column. Parameters ---------- ax : :plt.axis figure axis column : str column name ''' if legend == None: ax.plot(self.m_data_df[column],linestyle='-',linewidth=0.1) else: ax.plot(self.m_data_df[column],linestyle='-',linewidth=0.1,label=legend) ax.set_xlabel('Rollouts') if False and column == 'Num_timesteps': column += ' (approx. run time: {0:.2f} hours)'.format(self.estimated_run_time()) ax.set_title(column)
def plot_speeds( body_speed, start: int = 0, end: int = -1, is_moving: np.ndarray = None, ax: plt.axis = None, show: bool = True, **other_speeds, ): """ Just plot some speeds for debugging stuff """ if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8)) ax.plot(body_speed[start:end], label="body", color="salmon") for name, speed in other_speeds.items(): ax.plot(speed[start:end], label=name) if is_moving is not None: ax.plot(is_moving, lw=4, color="k") ax.legend() ax.set(xlabel="time (frames)", ylabel="speed (cm/s)") if show:
def plot_tensorboard( ax: plt.axis, tag: str, tb_data: Iterable[Iterable[Iterable[Path]]], names: Iterable[str], percentiles: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (0.25, 0.75), alpha: float = 0.1, use_data_cache: bool = False, data_cache_fname: str = ".rlgear_data.p", show_same_num_timesteps: bool = False, max_step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if use_data_cache: with open(data_cache_fname, 'rb') as f: out_dfs = pickle.load(f) else: out_dfs = [] for grouped_files in tb_data: out_dfs.append(tb_to_df( grouped_files, tag, max_step=max_step, only_complete_data=True)) with open(data_cache_fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(out_dfs, f) if show_same_num_timesteps: shorten_dfs(out_dfs) for name, df in zip(names, out_dfs): ax.plot(df.index, df.mean(axis=1), label=name) if percentiles: plot_percentiles(ax, df, percentiles, alpha) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) ax.set_xlabel('Training Step') plt.tight_layout()
def plot_balls_errors( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, yerr: np.ndarray, ax: plt.axis, s: int = 150, colors: Union[list, str] = None, ): """ Given a serires of XY values and Y errors it plots a scatter for each XY point and a line to mark each Y error """ if colors is None: colors = [blue_grey] * len(x) elif isinstance(colors, str): colors = [colors] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, s=s, c=colors, zorder=100, lw=1, ec=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3]) ax.plot(x, y, lw=3, color=colors[0], zorder=-1) if yerr is not None: for n in range(len(x)): ax.plot( [x[n], x[n]], [y[n] - yerr[n], y[n] + yerr[n]], lw=4, color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3], zorder=96, solid_capstyle="round", ) ax.plot( [x[n], x[n]], [y[n] - yerr[n], y[n] + yerr[n]], lw=2, color=colors[n], zorder=98, solid_capstyle="round", )
def plot_bouts_2d( tracking: Union[dict, pd.DataFrame], bouts: pd.DataFrame, ax: plt.axis, direction: bool = None, zorder: int = 100, lw: float = 2, c: str = None, unit: pd.Series = None, **kwargs, ): # select bouts by direction if direction is not None: bouts = bouts.loc[bouts.direction == direction] # plot for i, bout in bouts.iterrows(): # prepare data x = tracking["x"][bout.start_frame:bout.end_frame] y = tracking["y"][bout.start_frame:bout.end_frame] if c is None: color = colors.bout_direction_colors[bout.direction] else: color = c # plot tracking ax.plot(x, y, color=color, zorder=zorder, lw=lw, **kwargs) if unit is None: # mark start and end ax.scatter( x[0], y[0], color="white", lw=1, ec=color, s=25, zorder=101, **kwargs, ) ax.scatter( x[-1], y[-1], color=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2], lw=1, ec=color, s=25, zorder=101, **kwargs, ) else: # mark unit spikes spikes = unit.spikes[(unit.spikes > bout.start_frame) & (unit.spikes < bout.end_frame)] ax.scatter( tracking["x"][spikes], tracking["y"][spikes], s=15, zorder=101, color=unit.color, )
def _plot_summary_on_axis( self, ax: plt.axis, label_y_axis: bool, use_title: bool, ): """used to plot summary on multi-axis figure, or in standalone figure""" # axis if use_title: ax.set_title('Average', fontsize=configs.Figs.title_font_size) y_axis_label = self.y_axis_label else: y_axis_label = f'Average {self.y_axis_label}' ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim(self.y_lims) # x-axis ax.set_xticks([self.last_step]) ax.set_xticklabels([shorten_tick_label(self.last_step)], fontsize=configs.Figs.tick_font_size) ax.set_xlabel(self.x_axis_label, fontsize=configs.Figs.ax_font_size) # y axis if label_y_axis: ax.set_ylabel(y_axis_label, fontsize=configs.Figs.ax_font_size) ax.set_yticks(self.y_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(self.y_ticks, fontsize=configs.Figs.tick_font_size) else: ax.set_ylabel('', fontsize=configs.Figs.ax_font_size) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([], fontsize=configs.Figs.tick_font_size) # collect curves for each replication across all paradigms gn2rep2curves_by_pd = defaultdict(dict) for pd in self.pds: for gn, rep2curve in pd.group_name2rep2curve.items(): for rep, curve in rep2curve.items(): # this curve is performance collapsed across template and for a unique rep and paradigm gn2rep2curves_by_pd[gn].setdefault(rep, []).append(curve) # plot for gn, rep2curves_by_pd in gn2rep2curves_by_pd.items(): # average across paradigms rep2curve_avg_across_pds = { rep: np.array(curves_by_pd).mean(axis=0) for rep, curves_by_pd in rep2curves_by_pd.items() } curves = np.array([ rep2curve_avg_across_pds[rep] for rep in rep2curve_avg_across_pds ]) # one for each rep color = f'C{self.pds[0].group_names.index(gn)}' x = np.arange(0, self.last_step + self.step_size, self.step_size) # plot averages for BabyBERTa y = np.array(curves).mean(axis=0) ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=self.line_width, color=color) # plot average for RoBERTa-base y_roberta_base = np.repeat( np.mean(list(self.paradigm2roberta_base_accuracy.values())), len(x)) ax.plot(x, y_roberta_base, linewidth=self.line_width, **self.ax_kwargs_roberta_base) # plot average for frequency baseline y_baseline = np.repeat( np.mean(list(self.paradigm2baseline_accuracy.values())), len(x)) ax.plot(x, y_baseline, linewidth=self.line_width, **self.ax_kwargs_baseline) # plot the margin of error (shaded region) n = len(curves) h = sem(curves, axis=0) * t.ppf( (1 + self.confidence) / 2, n - 1) # margin of error ax.fill_between(x, y + h, y - h, alpha=0.2, color=color) # printout if use_title: # to prevent printing summary twice print(f'{gn} avg acc at step {self.last_step} = {y[-1]:.3f}') if use_title: y_roberta_base = np.mean( list(self.paradigm2roberta_base_accuracy.values())) print( f'roberta-base Liu2019 avg acc at step {self.last_step} = {y_roberta_base:.3f}' )
def plot_cluster_metric_scores( metric_scores: list, hyperparameters: list, best_score_idx: int, metric_name: str, scatter: bool = True, set_xticks: bool = True, set_xtickslabels: bool = True, xtickslabels_rotation: int = 90, ax: plt.axis = None, xlabel: str = "Hyperparameters", xrange: range = None, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Plots internal cluster validation metric scores Parameters ---------- metric_scores : list List of scores computed using metric hyperparameters : list List of hyperparameters used to compute the scores best_score_idx : int Best score index metric_name : str Name of the internal cluster validation metric scatter : bool Whether or not to scatter points (defaults to True) set_xticks : bool Whether or not to set the ticks on the x-axis set_xtickslabels : bool Whether or not to set the labels on the x-axis xtickslabels_rotation : int Sets the xticks labels rotation (defaults to 90), set_xtickslabels must be set to True to have an effect. ax : plt.axis Matplotlib axis (defaults to None) xlabel : str X-axis label (defaults to "Hyperparameters") xrange : range Range to use for the x-axis (default starts from 0 to) show_plot : bool Whether or not to call (defaults to True) """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() if xrange is None: xrange = range(len(hyperparameters)) ax.plot(xrange, metric_scores) if scatter: ax.scatter(xrange, metric_scores) ax.scatter(xrange[best_score_idx], metric_scores[best_score_idx], c="r", s=72, zorder=10) if set_xticks: ax.set_xticks(xrange) if set_xtickslabels: ax.set_xticklabels(hyperparameters, rotation=xtickslabels_rotation, ha="center") ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(f"{metric_name} score") if show_plot: plt.tight_layout()
def drawPointToPoint(self, target_axis: plt.axis, init_axis: plt.axis, px1: np.array, px2: np.array, **kwargs): target_axis.plot([px1[0]],[px1[1]], 'rx', markersize=10) con = ConnectionPatch(xyA=px1, xyB=px2, coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=target_axis, axesB=init_axis, **kwargs) target_axis.add_artist(con)