Пример #1
def get_selected_data(axes, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    Verifies that the axes in question overlaps with the canvas area
    from C{(x1, y1)} to C{(x1, y1)}.  The corresponding X and Y axes ranges 
    are returned as a 3-tuple.

    If no axes overlaps with the specified area, 2-tuple of C{None}s is
    if axes is None: return None, None

    bbox = bound_vertices([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)])

    bxr, byr = wxmpl.get_bbox_lims(bbox)
    axr, ayr = wxmpl.get_bbox_lims(axes.bbox)

    xmin = max(bxr[0], axr[0])
    xmax = min(bxr[1], axr[1])
    ymin = max(byr[0], ayr[0])
    ymax = min(byr[1], ayr[1])
    return wxmpl.get_bbox_lims(
                                  bound_vertices([(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)])))
Пример #2

num = Value(200.0)
den = Value(100.0)
div = num/den

# test the inverse bbox functions
trans = rand_transform()
bbox1 = rand_bbox() 
ibbox = inverse_transform_bbox(trans, bbox1)
bbox2 = transform_bbox(trans, ibbox)
assert(closeto_bbox(bbox1, bbox2))

ll = Point( Value(-10),  Value(-10) )
ur = Point( Value(200), Value(40) )
bbox = Bbox(ll, ur)
transform = get_bbox_transform(unit_bbox(), bbox)
assert( closeto_seq( inverse_transform_bbox(transform, bbox).get_bounds(),
assert( closeto_seq( transform_bbox(transform, unit_bbox()).get_bounds(),

# test the bbox all bounding functions
Пример #3
ix.set_bounds(-30, 400)
assert (bbox.xmin() == -30)
assert (bbox.xmax() == 400)
assert (bbox.ymin() == -10)
assert (bbox.ymax() == 40)

num = Value(200.0)
den = Value(100.0)
div = num / den
assert (div.get() == 2.0)

# test the inverse bbox functions
trans = rand_transform()
bbox1 = rand_bbox()
ibbox = inverse_transform_bbox(trans, bbox1)
bbox2 = transform_bbox(trans, ibbox)
assert (closeto_bbox(bbox1, bbox2))

ll = Point(Value(-10), Value(-10))
ur = Point(Value(200), Value(40))
bbox = Bbox(ll, ur)
transform = get_bbox_transform(unit_bbox(), bbox)
assert (closeto_seq(
    inverse_transform_bbox(transform, bbox).get_bounds(), (0, 0, 1, 1)))
assert (closeto_seq(
    transform_bbox(transform, unit_bbox()).get_bounds(), (-10, -10, 210, 50)))

# test the bbox all bounding functions
boxes = [rand_bbox() for i in range(20)]
xmin = min([box.xmin() for box in boxes])