def plot_spectrum(self, colors = None): """ params: `colors`: any interable of symbols of color `supported` by matplotlib """ if colors is None: colors = _cycle(["#FF6600", "#0033CC"]) else: colors = _cycle(colors) N = len( if self.audio_data.CHANNELS == 1 else len([0]) if self.__cached_fft is None: self.fft() coefs = self.__cached_fft fig, axs = _plt.subplots(len(coefs) + 1, 1, figsize = (20, 7)) zoom_ax = axs[-1] zoom_ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment") zoom_line, = zoom_ax.plot([], [], "#008A2E") for i in range(len(coefs)): coef = coefs[i] y = _np.abs(coef[1:N/2]) x = _np.arange(len(y)) color = ax = axs[i] ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") ax.title.set_text("Channel {}".format(i+1)) ax.plot(x, y, color) def onselect_callback(xmin, xmax): indmin, indmax = _np.searchsorted(x, (xmin, xmax)) indmax = min(len(y) - 1, indmax) x_segment = x[indmin:indmax] y_segment = y[indmin:indmax] zoom_line.set_data(x_segment, y_segment) zoom_ax.set_xlim(x_segment[0], x_segment[-1]) zoom_ax.set_ylim(y_segment.min(), y_segment.max()) zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment: {} to {}".format(indmin, indmax)) _plt.draw() span_selector = _SpanSelector(ax, onselect_callback, 'horizontal', span_stays = True, rectprops = dict(alpha = 0.5, facecolor = 'cyan')) self.__current_widgets["span_selectors"].append(span_selector) self.__current_figs.append(fig) fig.subplots_adjust(top = 0.9, hspace = 0.3)
def plot_spectrum(self, colors=None): """ params: `colors`: any interable of symbols of color `supported` by matplotlib """ if colors is None: colors = _cycle(["#FF6600", "#0033CC"]) else: colors = _cycle(colors) N = len( if self.audio_data.CHANNELS == 1 else len([0]) if self.__cached_fft is None: self.fft() coefs = self.__cached_fft fig, axs = _plt.subplots(len(coefs) + 1, 1, figsize=(20, 7)) zoom_ax = axs[-1] zoom_ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment") zoom_line, = zoom_ax.plot([], [], "#008A2E") for i in range(len(coefs)): coef = coefs[i] y = _np.abs(coef[1:N / 2]) x = _np.arange(len(y)) color = ax = axs[i] ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") ax.title.set_text("Channel {}".format(i + 1)) ax.plot(x, y, color) def onselect_callback(xmin, xmax): indmin, indmax = _np.searchsorted(x, (xmin, xmax)) indmax = min(len(y) - 1, indmax) x_segment = x[indmin:indmax] y_segment = y[indmin:indmax] zoom_line.set_data(x_segment, y_segment) zoom_ax.set_xlim(x_segment[0], x_segment[-1]) zoom_ax.set_ylim(y_segment.min(), y_segment.max()) zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment: {} to {}".format( indmin, indmax)) _plt.draw() span_selector = _SpanSelector(ax, onselect_callback, 'horizontal', span_stays=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='cyan')) self.__current_widgets["span_selectors"].append(span_selector) self.__current_figs.append(fig) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, hspace=0.3)
def plot(self, by_sec = True, colors = None): """ Plot the audio data. params: `by_sec`: if True, it will plot the audio in second or it will plot the audio data in the number of frames. `colors`: Any iterable of symbols of color supported by matplotlib. """ if colors is None: colors = _cycle(["#FF6600", "#0033CC"]) else: colors = _cycle(colors) num_subplots = self.audio_data.CHANNELS + 1 fig, axs = _plt.subplots(num_subplots, 1, figsize = (20, 7)) fig.suptitle(repr(self.audio_data), fontsize = 14, y = 1) frames = [[i] for i in range(2)] if self.audio_data.CHANNELS == 2 else [] if by_sec: x = _np.linspace(0, len(frames[0])/self.audio_data.SAMPLE_RATE, num = len(frames[0])) x_label = "Time (Seconds)" else: x = _np.linspace(0, len(frames[0]), num = len(frames[0])) x_label = "Frame" zoom_ax = axs[-1] zoom_ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment") zoom_ax.xaxis.set_label_text(x_label) zoom_ax.yaxis.set_label_text("Altitude") zoom_line, = zoom_ax.plot([], [], "#008A2E") temp = [] for i, (ax, frame) in enumerate(zip(axs[:-1], frames)): color = ax.title.set_text("Channel {}".format(i+1)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") ax.plot(x, frame, color) ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1]) ax.xaxis.set_label_text(x_label) ax.yaxis.set_label_text("Altitude") def onselect_callback(xmin, xmax): indmin, indmax = _np.searchsorted(x, (xmin, xmax)) indmax = min(len(frames[0]) - 1, indmax) x_segment = x[indmin:indmax] y_segment = frame[indmin:indmax] zoom_line.set_data(x_segment, y_segment) zoom_ax.set_xlim(x_segment[0], x_segment[-1]) zoom_ax.set_ylim(y_segment.min(), y_segment.max()) if by_sec: x_start = int(self.audio_data.duration * float(indmin) / len(x)) x_stop = int(self.audio_data.duration * float(indmax) / len(x)) else: x_start = indmin x_stop = indmax start_time = self.audio_data.duration * float(indmin) / len(x) stop_time = self.audio_data.duration * float(indmax) / len(x) zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment: {} to {}".format(x_start, x_stop)) _plt.draw(), stop_time) span_selector = _SpanSelector(ax, onselect_callback, 'horizontal', span_stays = True, rectprops = dict(alpha = 0.5, facecolor = 'cyan')) self.__current_widgets["span_selectors"].append(span_selector) fig.subplots_adjust(top = 0.9, hspace = 0.7) self.__current_figs.append(fig)
def plot(self, by_sec=True, colors=None): """ Plot the audio data. params: `by_sec`: if True, it will plot the audio in second or it will plot the audio data in the number of frames. `colors`: Any iterable of symbols of color supported by matplotlib. """ if colors is None: colors = _cycle(["#FF6600", "#0033CC"]) else: colors = _cycle(colors) num_subplots = self.audio_data.CHANNELS + 1 fig, axs = _plt.subplots(num_subplots, 1, figsize=(20, 7)) fig.suptitle(repr(self.audio_data), fontsize=14, y=1) frames = [[i] for i in range(2) ] if self.audio_data.CHANNELS == 2 else [] if by_sec: x = _np.linspace(0, len(frames[0]) / self.audio_data.SAMPLE_RATE, num=len(frames[0])) x_label = "Time (Seconds)" else: x = _np.linspace(0, len(frames[0]), num=len(frames[0])) x_label = "Frame" zoom_ax = axs[-1] zoom_ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment") zoom_ax.xaxis.set_label_text(x_label) zoom_ax.yaxis.set_label_text("Altitude") zoom_line, = zoom_ax.plot([], [], "#008A2E") temp = [] for i, (ax, frame) in enumerate(zip(axs[:-1], frames)): color = ax.title.set_text("Channel {}".format(i + 1)) ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#E6E6B8") ax.plot(x, frame, color) ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1]) ax.xaxis.set_label_text(x_label) ax.yaxis.set_label_text("Altitude") def onselect_callback(xmin, xmax): indmin, indmax = _np.searchsorted(x, (xmin, xmax)) indmax = min(len(frames[0]) - 1, indmax) x_segment = x[indmin:indmax] y_segment = frame[indmin:indmax] zoom_line.set_data(x_segment, y_segment) zoom_ax.set_xlim(x_segment[0], x_segment[-1]) zoom_ax.set_ylim(y_segment.min(), y_segment.max()) if by_sec: x_start = int(self.audio_data.duration * float(indmin) / len(x)) x_stop = int(self.audio_data.duration * float(indmax) / len(x)) else: x_start = indmin x_stop = indmax start_time = self.audio_data.duration * float(indmin) / len(x) stop_time = self.audio_data.duration * float(indmax) / len(x) zoom_ax.title.set_text("Selected Segment: {} to {}".format( x_start, x_stop)) _plt.draw(), stop_time) span_selector = _SpanSelector(ax, onselect_callback, 'horizontal', span_stays=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='cyan')) self.__current_widgets["span_selectors"].append(span_selector) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, hspace=0.7) self.__current_figs.append(fig)