def histo_datalink(mode, lambda_val, attribute, ci=95, datalinks=range(0, NUM_DATA_LINK), save=False): stats = scalar_stats(scalar_parse(mode, lambda_val)) for u in datalinks: attr = attribute + '-' + str(u) bar = stats['mean'][attr] error = np.array([ bar - stats['ci' + str(ci) + '_l'][attr], stats['ci' + str(ci) + '_h'][attr] - bar ]).reshape(2, 1)'User ' + str(u), bar, yerr=error, align='center', alpha=0.95, ecolor='k', capsize=7) # Show graphic plt.title(attribute + ": " + MODE_DESCRIPTION[mode]) if save: plt.savefig("histousers_" + attribute + "_" + mode + "_" + lambda_val + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() else: return
def correlationPGN(dataset): allColsAsFeatures = dataset.columns.values[:-1] X = dataset[allColsAsFeatures] corr_matrix = X.corr() # Generate a mask for the upper triangle mask = np.zeros_like(corr_matrix, dtype=np.bool) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True # Set up the matplotlib figure f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 9)) # Generate a custom diverging colormap cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True) # Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio sns_corrplot = sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, vmax=1, vmin=-1, center=0, square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .8}) sns_corrplot.get_figure() path = WORKING_PATH + "/___corrrr.png" plt.savefig(path) plt.clf() return path
def all_lorenz(mode, lambda_val, attribute, iterations=range(0, NUM_ITERATIONS), save=False): data = scalar_parse(mode, lambda_val) # Plot the mean lorenz sel = data[ + '-')] sel['user'] ='-', expand=True)[1].astype(int) sorted_data = pd.DataFrame() for r in iterations: tmp = sel[ == r] sorted_data['run-' + str(r)] = np.sort(tmp.value.values) plot_lorenz_curve(sorted_data['run-' + str(r)], color='grey', alpha=0.25) # return sorted_data plot_lorenz_curve(sorted_data.mean(axis=1)) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k', alpha=0.85) plt.title(attribute + ": " + MODE_DESCRIPTION[mode] + ' - Mean Gini: ' + str(gini(sorted_data.mean(axis=1)))) if save: plt.savefig("lorenz_responseTime_" + mode + "_" + lambda_val + ".pdf") plt.clf() else: return
def plotFeatImportance(pathOut, imp, oob, oos, method, tag=0, simNum=0, **kargs): # plot mean imp bars with std mpl.figure(figsize=(10, imp.shape[0] / 5.)) imp = imp.sort_values('mean', ascending=True) ax = imp['mean'].plot(kind='barh', color='b', alpha=0.25, xerr=imp['std'], error_kw={'ecolor': 'r'}) if method == 'MDI': mpl.xlim([0, imp.sum(axis=1).max()]) mpl.axvline(1. / imp.shape[0], lw=1., color='r', ls='dotted') ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) for i, j in zip(ax.patches, imp.index): ax.text(i.get_width() / 2, i.get_y() + i.get_height() / 2, j, ha='center', va='center', color='k') mpl.title('tag=' + tag + ' | simNUm=' + str(simNum) + ' | oob=' + str(round(oob, 4)) + ' | oos=' + str(round(oos, 4))) mpl.savefig(pathOut + 'featImportance_' + str(simNum) + '.png', dpi=100) mpl.clf() mpl.close() return
def plot_stacked_barchart(self, dataframe, sort, title, xlable, ylable, kurs): x = [] tutor = [] y = [] for i in dataframe['tutor']: if i not in tutor: tutor.append(i) y.append([]) for i, elem in enumerate(dataframe[sort]): print(y, elem) if elem in x: y[tutor.index(dataframe['tutor'][i])][x.index(elem)] += 1 else: x.append(elem) for j, elem2 in enumerate(tutor): y[j].append(0) y[tutor.index(dataframe['tutor'][i])][x.index(elem)] += 1 for i, elem in enumerate(y):, elem, label=tutor[i]) plt.xlabel(xlable) plt.ylabel(ylable) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.savefig('./PDFcreater/Plots/{}/{}.png'.format(kurs, title)) # loescht den Plot fuer den Naechsten Plot plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close()
def histo(column): mpg = pandas.read_csv("mpg.csv") plt.clf() if column in list(mpg.column): plt.hist(column) plt.title(column) plt.savefig("static/histo.png") else: print("There is no such an attribute in the given data.") return app.send_static_file("static/histo.png")
def plot_boring_barchart(self,dataframe,x,y,title,xlable,ylable, kurs):, y, color='blue') #plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlable) plt.ylabel(ylable) plt.savefig('./PDFcreater/Plots/{}/{}.png'.format(kurs,title)) #loescht den Plot fuer den Naechsten Plot plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close()
def save_fidelity(fname, fidelity): steps = [ i * environment_configs.get_interval_width() for i in range(len(fidelity)) ] plt.clf() plt.plot(steps, fidelity) plt.ylabel('fidelity') plt.xlabel('step') plt.savefig(fname + 'fidelity' + '_')
def plot_pie(self, nx_dataframe, topic, se_title, kurs): gender = self.sort_column(nx_dataframe[topic]) labels = [gender[0][i] for i,elem in enumerate(gender[0])] fracs = [gender[1][i] for i,elem in enumerate(gender[1])] explode = [0.05 for i,elem in enumerate(gender[1])] plt.pie(fracs, explode=explode, labels=labels, autopct='%.0f%%', shadow=True) plt.savefig('./PDFcreater/Plots/{}/1{}.png'.format(kurs,se_title)) plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close()
def save_controls(control_name, fname, action): steps = [ i * environment_configs.get_interval_width() for i in range(action.shape[0]) ] plt.clf() plt.step(steps, action) plt.ylabel(control_name) plt.xlabel('t') plt.savefig(fname + '_' + control_name)
def plot_training_val_accuracy(history, epochs): plt.clf() acc = history.history['acc'] val_acc = history.history['val_acc'] plt.plot(epochs, acc, 'g', label='Training acc') plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'y', label='Validation acc') plt.title('Training and validation accuracy') plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.legend()
def goplot(a, b): amax = max(np.max(a), np.max(b)) amin = min(np.max(a), np.min(b)) plt.clf() plt.plot([amin, amax], [amin, amax], 'k') plt.plot(t[:, 0], t[:, 1], '.', color='green', markersize=5) plt.plot(t[:, 0], t[:, 1], '.', color='orange', markersize=8)
def draw_heatmap(name, heatmap_data, x_labels, y_labels, cmap, center=0, path_to_dir=r""): #maximum = 0 #minimum = 0 #for i in heatmap_data: # for j in i: # if j > maximum: maximum = j # if j < minimum: minimum = j #if center is None: plot = sns.heatmap(heatmap_data, xticklabels=x_labels, yticklabels=y_labels, robust=True, cmap=cmap, vmax=maximum, vmin=minimum) plot = sns.heatmap(heatmap_data, xticklabels=x_labels, yticklabels=y_labels, center=0, vmin=-1, vmax=1, robust=True, cmap=cmap) plt.savefig(Path(Path(path_to_dir) / Path("{}.png".format(name)))) plt.clf()
def plot(self, output): plt.figure(figsize=output.fsize, dpi=output.dpi) for ii in range(0, len(self.v)): imsize = [self.t[0], self.t[-1], self.x[ii][-1], self.x[ii][0]] lim = amax(absolute(self.v[ii])) / output.scale_sat plt.imshow(self.v[ii], extent=imsize, vmin=-lim, vmax=lim, cmap=cm.gray, origin='upper', aspect='auto') plt.title("%s-Velocity for Trace #%i" % (self.comp.upper(), ii)) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Offset (km)') #plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("Trace_%i_v%s.pdf" % (ii, self.comp)) plt.clf()
def plot_training_validation_loss(history): plt.clf() loss = history.history['loss'] val_loss = history.history['val_loss'] epochs = range(1, len(loss) + 1) plt.plot(epochs, loss, 'g', label='Training loss') plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, 'y', label='Validation loss') plt.title('Training and validation loss') plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.legend()
def plotCentroidFitDiagnostic(img, hdr, ccdMod, ccdOut, res, prfObj): """Some diagnostic plots showing the performance of fitPrfCentroid() Inputs: ------------- img (np 2d array) Image of star to be fit. Image is in the format img[row, col]. img should not contain Nans hdr (Fits header object) header associated with the TPF file the image was drawn from ccdMod, ccdOut (int) CCD module and output of image. Needed to create the correct PRF model prfObj An object of the class prf.KeplerPrf() Returns: ------------- **None** Output: ---------- A three panel subplot is created """ mp.figure(1) mp.clf() mp.subplot(131) plotTpf.plotCadence(img, hdr) mp.colorbar() mp.title("Input Image") mp.subplot(132) c, r = res.x[0], res.x[1] bbox = getBoundingBoxForImage(img, hdr) model = prfObj.getPrfForBbox(ccdMod, ccdOut, c, r, bbox) model *= res.x[2] plotTpf.plotCadence(model, hdr) mp.colorbar() mp.title("Best fit model") mp.subplot(133) diff = img - model plotTpf.plotCadence(diff, hdr) mp.colorbar() mp.title("Residuals") print "Performance %.3f" % (np.max(np.abs(diff)) / np.max(img))
def plotCentroidFitDiagnostic(img, hdr, ccdMod, ccdOut, res, prfObj): """Some diagnostic plots showing the performance of fitPrfCentroid() Inputs: ------------- img (np 2d array) Image of star to be fit. Image is in the format img[row, col]. img should not contain Nans hdr (Fits header object) header associated with the TPF file the image was drawn from ccdMod, ccdOut (int) CCD module and output of image. Needed to create the correct PRF model prfObj An object of the class prf.KeplerPrf() Returns: ------------- **None** Output: ---------- A three panel subplot is created """ mp.figure(1) mp.clf() mp.subplot(131) plotTpf.plotCadence(img, hdr) mp.colorbar() mp.title("Input Image") mp.subplot(132) c,r = res.x[0], res.x[1] bbox = getBoundingBoxForImage(img, hdr) model = prfObj.getPrfForBbox(ccdMod, ccdOut, c, r, bbox) model *= res.x[2] plotTpf.plotCadence(model, hdr) mp.colorbar() mp.title("Best fit model") mp.subplot(133) diff = img-model plotTpf.plotCadence(diff, hdr) mp.colorbar() mp.title("Residuals") print "Performance %.3f" %(np.max(np.abs(diff))/np.max(img))
def main(): #DEFINITON OF THE PATHS TO THE FILES WITH THE CONTENT path_to_train_accuracy = 'accuracy_train_data.csv' path_to_train_loss = 'loss_train_data.csv' path_to_validation_accuracy = 'accuracy_validation_data.csv' path_to_validation_loss = '"loss_validation_data.csv"' # CREATE LIST OF NUMBER OF EPOCHS COMPUTED eval_indices = range(1, EPOCHS + 1) #LOADS THE DATA FROM THE FILES accuracy_train, loss_train, accuracy_validation, loss_validation = read_data(path_to_train_accuracy,path_to_train_loss, path_to_validation_accuracy,path_to_validation_loss) #SHOW THE INFORMATION FOR CONTROL OF QUALITY print(eval_indices) print("Accuracy Train: ",accuracy_train) print("Loss Train: " ,loss_train) print("Accuracy Validation: ", accuracy_validation) print("Loss validation: ", loss_validation) # DRAW THE ACCURACY GRAPH FOR VALIDATION AND TRAIN plt.clf() plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(eval_indices, accuracy_train, 'k--', label='TREINO') plt.plot(eval_indices, accuracy_validation, 'g-x', label='VALIDAÇÃO') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Épocas') plt.ylabel('ACERTO') plt.grid(which='major', axis='both') # DRAW THE LOSS GRAPH FOR VALIDATION AND TRAIN plt.subplot(212) # plt.plot(eval_indices, train, 'g-x', label='Train Set Accuracy') plt.plot(eval_indices, loss_train, 'r-x', label='TREINO') # plt.plot(eval_indices, np.ones(len(eval_indices))/TOT_CLASSES, 'k--') plt.plot(eval_indices, loss_validation, 'k--', label='VALIDAÇÃO') plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xlabel('Épocas') plt.ylabel('ERRO') plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.grid(which='both', axis='y') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3) plt.pause(0.01) #SAVES BOTH OF THE GRAPHICS IN ONE FILE NAMED "Learning.png" plt.savefig('Learning.png')
def show_graph(lr_lists, epochs, steps, out_name='test'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5] x = list(range(epochs * steps)) plt.plot(x, lr_lists, label="line L") plt.plot() plt.ylim(10e-5, 1) plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.ylabel("learning rate") plt.title("Check Cosine Annealing Learing Rate with {}".format(out_name)) plt.legend()
def plot_feature_importances_cancer(scores): names, val_scores = [name for name, _, _, _, _, _, _ in scores ], [score for _, score, _, _, _, _, _ in scores] plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [15, 9] n_features = len(names) plt.barh(range(n_features), val_scores, align='center') plt.yticks(np.arange(n_features), names) plt.xlabel("Accuracy") plt.ylabel("Model") path = WORKING_PATH + "/___comparison_cancer_model.png" plt.savefig(path) plt.clf() return path
def show_acc(history): """ 绘制精度曲线 """ plt.clf() history_dict = history.history acc = history_dict['binary_accuracy'] val_acc = history_dict['val_binary_accuracy'] epochs = range(1, len(val_acc) + 1) plt.plot(epochs, acc, 'bo', label='Training acc') plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'b', label='Validation acc') plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Acc') plt.legend()
def graph(x,y,xLabel,yLabel,title,figname): plt.clf() plt.hist(x,color="c",edgecolor="k",alpha=0.5) plt.axvline(np.array(x).mean(),color="k",linestyle="dashed",linewidth=3,label="average") plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.ylabel(yLabel) plt.title(title) yAxis = np.arange(0,10,1) acRes = [y] z = np.array(acRes*10) plt.plot(z,yAxis,label="model accuracy") p_value = ttest_ind(x,[y])[1] plt.plot([],[],label=f"p-value: {np.round(p_value,4)}",color="w") plt.legend() plt.savefig(figname)
def make_mean_carrier(dm): #Create the statistics on a data set sorted also by sector. mean_count = dm['Carrier'].mean() if mean_count.dtype == float and np.isnan(mean_count): mean_count = 0 std_count = dm['Carrier'].std() if std_count.dtype == float and np.isnan(std_count): std_count = 0 max_count = dm['Carrier'].max() min_count = dm['Carrier'].min() top_count_sector = mean_count + std_count bad_sectors = dm.loc[dm['Carrier']>top_count_sector] sector_count = float(len(dm)) try: bad_sectors = float(bad_sectors) except: bad_sectors =0 #Dropped Call Failure reason #Call Final Class qualifier print '++++++++++++++++++++\n','Total Sector Count = %4d'%(sector_count) print '\nNumber of Top Offending Sectors = %4d '%bad_sectors print '%4.2f percent'%((100)*(bad_sectors/sector_count)) # Find the cutoff statistics print '\nMean =%4d'%(mean_count), 'Standard deviation ',std_count, 'Mean + 1 sigma = %4d'%(top_count_sector) if False: fig =plt.figure() plt.clf() bin_tick =np.arange(top_count_sector,max_count,50, dtype=int) #dm2.hist() #dm2.plot(x=['ECP','Cell'], y ='Carrier',kind='line') #dm.plot(x=['ECP','Cell'], y='Carrier' ) #plt.subplots(2,2) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) _ = ax1.plot(dm['Carrier'].values, drawstyle='steps-post', label ='steps-post') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) bin_tick = np.arange(min_count,max_count,50, dtype=int) _ = ax2.hist(dm['Carrier'],bins=bin_tick) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4) norm_cdf(68, std_count, min_count, max_count) return top_count_sector
def plot_facet(name: str, X, cluster_predictions): temp = X.copy().reset_index(drop=True) temp[f"{name}_cluster"] = cluster_predictions temp = temp.melt(id_vars=f"{name}_cluster") means = temp.groupby([f"{name}_cluster", "variable"]).mean().reset_index() g = sns.FacetGrid(means, col="variable", hue=f"{name}_cluster", col_wrap=5, height=2, sharey=False) g =, f"{name}_cluster", "value").set_titles("{col_name}") g.savefig(f"outputs/{name}_facetgrid.png") plt.clf() return
def plot_rewards(self): plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.title('Training...') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Reward') cumulative = [] for i in range(len(self.rewards[self.n_training])): if i == 0: cumulative.append(self.rewards[self.n_training][i]) else: cumulative.append(self.rewards[self.n_training][i] + cumulative[-1]) x = np.linspace(2.0, len(self.rewards[self.n_training]), num=len(self.rewards[self.n_training])) plt.plot(x, cumulative) plt.pause(0.001) # pause a bit so that plots are updated
def getHistogram2PGN(df): y = df.iloc[:, -1] c = Counter(y) numDiffClasses = len(y.unique()) target_names = y.unique() colors = colors = ['lightcoral', 'gold', 'yellowgreen', 'cyan'][:numDiffClasses] plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [10, 5] plt.pie([c[i] / len(y) * 100.0 for i in c], labels=target_names, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, startangle=90) plt.axis('equal') plt.title(df.columns.values[-1]) path = WORKING_PATH + "/___circle_labels.png" plt.savefig(path) plt.clf() return path
def plotLoss(self): """ """ loss = self.loss_log y0, y1 = [], [] for row in loss: y0.append(float(row[0])) y1.append(float(row[1])) if len(y0) == 0: return window_size = 100 window = np.ones(int(window_size))/float(window_size) y_av0 = np.convolve(y0, window, 'same') y_av1 = np.convolve(y1, window, 'same') arr = np.array(y_av0) plt.clf() # Clear. plt.title("loss") plt.plot(y_av0[:-50]) #plt.plot(y_av1[:-50]) plt.ylabel('Smoothed Loss')
def checkCircle(data): import matplotlib as plot # Transform data by rotation so that all data appears in the firt and # second quadrants (so that positive square root solution is valid) rot = np.arctan2(data[-1, 1] - data[0, 1], data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0]) R = getRotMat(rot + np.pi) trans = np.matmul(data, R) trans[:, 1] *= -1 # Display transformed data used for the actual fit plot.figure(2) plot.clf() plot.plot(trans[:, 0], trans[:, 1], '*') plot.axis("equal") thresh = 0.01 E = 10 count = 0 # Perform gradient descent up to four times with slightly different guesses # until a low E solution is found. while E > thresh and count < 4: count += 1 xBar = np.mean(trans[:, 0]) * (0.95 + np.random.rand(1) * 0.1)[0] yBar = np.min(trans[:, 1]) * (0.95 + np.random.rand(1) * 0.1)[0] rBar = np.abs((trans[0, 0] - trans[-1, 0]) / 2) * (0.95 + np.random.rand(1) * 0.1)[0] x0, y0, r, E = descent(trans, xBar, yBar, rBar) print(E) # More plotting of transformed data circle = plot.Circle((x0, y0), r, color='r', fill=False) plot.gca().add_artist(circle) # Rotate back to original coordinates y0 *= -1 center = np.matmul([x0, y0], np.linalg.inv(R)) if E < thresh: return center, r else: return None, None
def exampleDiffImgCentroiding(): k2id = 206103150 campaign = 3 ar = mastio.K2Archive() fits, hdr = ar.getLongTpf(k2id, campaign, header=True) hdr0 = ar.getLongTpf(k2id, campaign, ext=0) cube = tpf.getTargetPixelArrayFromFits(fits, hdr) idx = np.isfinite(cube) cube[~idx] = 0 #Remove Nans flags = fits['QUALITY'] ccdMod = hdr0['module'] ccdOut = hdr0['output'] #Compute roll phase llc = ar.getLongCadence(k2id, campaign) time= llc['TIME'] cent1 = llc['MOM_CENTR1'] cent2 = llc['MOM_CENTR2'] centColRow = np.vstack((cent1, cent2)).transpose() rot = arclen.computeArcLength(centColRow, flags>0) rollPhase = rot[:,0] rollPhase[flags>0] = -9999 #A bad value prfObj = prf.KeplerPrf("/home/fergal/data/keplerprf") bbox = getBoundingBoxForImage(cube[0], hdr) period = 4.1591409 epoch = fits['time'][491] dur = 3.0 out, log = measureDiffOffset(period, epoch, dur, time, prfObj, \ ccdMod, ccdOut, cube, bbox, rollPhase, flags) idx = out[:,1] > 0 mp.clf() mp.plot(out[:,3]-out[:,1], out[:,4]- out[:,2], 'ro') return out
def ecdf_sca(data, attribute, aggregate=False, datalinks=range(0, NUM_DATA_LINK), save=False): if aggregate: selected_ds = data[[ attribute + '-' + str(i) for i in datalinks ])].groupby('run').mean() else: selected_ds = data[ == attribute] plot_ecdf(selected_ds.value.to_numpy()) plt.title("ECDF for " + attribute + (" (aggregated mean)" if aggregate else "")) if save: plt.savefig("ecdf_" + attribute + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() else: return
def exampleDiffImgCentroiding(): k2id = 206103150 campaign = 3 ar = mastio.K2Archive() fits, hdr = ar.getLongTpf(k2id, campaign, header=True) hdr0 = ar.getLongTpf(k2id, campaign, ext=0) cube = tpf.getTargetPixelArrayFromFits(fits, hdr) idx = np.isfinite(cube) cube[~idx] = 0 #Remove Nans flags = fits['QUALITY'] ccdMod = hdr0['module'] ccdOut = hdr0['output'] #Compute roll phase llc = ar.getLongCadence(k2id, campaign) time = llc['TIME'] cent1 = llc['MOM_CENTR1'] cent2 = llc['MOM_CENTR2'] centColRow = np.vstack((cent1, cent2)).transpose() rot = arclen.computeArcLength(centColRow, flags > 0) rollPhase = rot[:, 0] rollPhase[flags > 0] = -9999 #A bad value prfObj = prf.KeplerPrf("/home/fergal/data/keplerprf") bbox = getBoundingBoxForImage(cube[0], hdr) period = 4.1591409 epoch = fits['time'][491] dur = 3.0 out, log = measureDiffOffset(period, epoch, dur, time, prfObj, \ ccdMod, ccdOut, cube, bbox, rollPhase, flags) idx = out[:, 1] > 0 mp.clf() mp.plot(out[:, 3] - out[:, 1], out[:, 4] - out[:, 2], 'ro') return out
def plot_scores(scores): plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) names, val_scores = [name for name, _, _, _, _, _, _ in scores ], [score for _, score, _, _, _, _, _ in scores] ax = sns.barplot(x=names, y=val_scores) for p, score in zip(ax.patches, val_scores): height = p.get_height() ax.text(p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., height + 0.005, '{:1.3f}'.format(score), ha="center", fontsize=14) plt.xlabel('method', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Mean Val. Accuracy', fontsize=18) plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=16) plt.yticks(fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0.6, 1) path = WORKING_PATH + "/___comparison.png" plt.savefig(path) plt.clf() return path
def plotdatatree(treeID, scale1, mass1): plot_title="Mass Accretion History Tree " + str(treeID) #Can code the number in with treemax x_axis="scale time" y_axis="total mass" figure_name=os.path.expanduser('~/figureTree' + str(treeID)) #Choose which type of plot you would like: Commented out. plt.plot(scale1, mass1, linestyle="-", marker="o") #plt.scatter(scale1, mass1, label="first tree") plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel(x_axis) plt.ylabel(y_axis) #plt.yscale("log") plt.savefig(figure_name) #In order to Plot only a single tree on a plot must clear lists before loop. #Comment out to over plot curves. plt.clf() clearmass = [] clearscale = [] return clearmass, clearscale
def train_dcgan_labeled(gen, dis, epoch0=0): print('CHAINER begin training'); sys.stdout.flush() o_gen = optimizers.Adam(alpha=0.0002, beta1=0.5) o_dis = optimizers.Adam(alpha=0.0002, beta1=0.5) print('CHAINER begin gen'); sys.stdout.flush() o_gen.setup(gen) o_dis.setup(dis) print('CHAINER begin add'); sys.stdout.flush() o_gen.add_hook(chainer.optimizer.WeightDecay(0.00001)) o_dis.add_hook(chainer.optimizer.WeightDecay(0.00001)) print('CHAINER begin zvis'); sys.stdout.flush() # zvis = (xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, (100, nz), dtype=np.float32)) print('CHAINER begin for'); sys.stdout.flush() for epoch in range(epoch0,n_epoch): print("epoch:",epoch) sys.stdout.flush() perm = np.random.permutation(n_train) sum_l_dis = np.float32(0) sum_l_gen = np.float32(0) for i in range(0, n_train, batchsize): # discriminator # 0: from dataset # 1: from noise #print "load image start ", i x2 = np.zeros((batchsize, 3, 96, 96), dtype=np.float32) for j in range(batchsize): #try: rnd = np.random.randint(len(dataset)) rnd2 = np.random.randint(2) img = np.asarray([rnd])).convert('RGB')).astype(np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1) x2[j,:,:,:] = (img[:,0:96,0:96]-128.0)/128.0 #except: # print('read image error occured', fs[rnd]) #print "load image done" # train generator z = Variable(xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, (batchsize, nz), dtype=np.float32)) x = gen(z) yl = dis(x) L_gen = F.softmax_cross_entropy(yl, Variable(xp.zeros(batchsize, dtype=np.int32))) L_dis = F.softmax_cross_entropy(yl, Variable(xp.ones(batchsize, dtype=np.int32))) # train discriminator x2 = Variable(cuda.to_gpu(x2)) yl2 = dis(x2) L_dis += F.softmax_cross_entropy(yl2, Variable(xp.zeros(batchsize, dtype=np.int32))) #print "forward done" o_gen.zero_grads() L_gen.backward() o_gen.update() o_dis.zero_grads() L_dis.backward() o_dis.update() sum_l_gen += sum_l_dis += #print "backward done" if i%image_save_interval==0: pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16.0,16.0) pylab.clf() vissize = 100 z = zvis z[50:,:] = (xp.random.uniform(-1, 1, (50, nz), dtype=np.float32)) z = Variable(z) x = gen(z, test=True) x = for i_ in range(100): tmp = ((np.vectorize(clip_img)(x[i_,:,:,:])+1)/2).transpose(1,2,0) pylab.subplot(10,10,i_+1) pylab.imshow(tmp) pylab.axis('off') pylab.savefig('%s/vis_%d_%d.png'%(out_image_dir, epoch,i)) serializers.save_hdf5("%s/dcgan_model_dis_%d.h5"%(out_model_dir, epoch),dis) serializers.save_hdf5("%s/dcgan_model_gen_%d.h5"%(out_model_dir, epoch),gen) serializers.save_hdf5("%s/dcgan_state_dis_%d.h5"%(out_model_dir, epoch),o_dis) serializers.save_hdf5("%s/dcgan_state_gen_%d.h5"%(out_model_dir, epoch),o_gen) print('epoch end', epoch, sum_l_gen/n_train, sum_l_dis/n_train)
#find CIs, using ssm ci_upper=np.zeros( (1,100)) ci_lower=np.zeros( (1,100)) m_boot=np.zeros( (1,100)) for i in range(100): ci_upper[0,i]=ssm.scoreatpercentile(bootdata[i,:],97.5) ci_lower[0,i]=ssm.scoreatpercentile(bootdata[i,:],02.5) m_boot[0,i]=np.mean(bootdata[i,:]) print "PLOTTING" # plot ------------------------------------------- # thank you tomas plt.clf() # plot sample data plot(plot_timespread,'ro',label='Sample observations') # plot line of best fit plot(m_boot[(0,)],'b-',label='bootstrap_mean') # plot confidence limits plot(ci_lower[(0,)],'b--',label='confidence limits (95%)') plot(ci_upper[(0,)],'b--') # configure legend legend(loc=4) #lower left leg = gca().get_legend() ltext = leg.get_texts()
diabetes_y_train =[:-20] diabetes_y_test =[-20:] regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), diabetes_y_train) # >> LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False) print regr.coef_ # The mean square error np.mean((regr.predict(diabetes_X_test)-diabetes_y_test)**2) # Explained variance score: 1 is perfect prediction # and 0 means that there is no linear relationship # between X and Y. regr.score(diabetes_X_test, diabetes_y_test) # Plot results pl.clf() # Clear plots pl.plot(diabetes_X_test,, diabetes_y_train)); pl.title('Linear regression of sample diabetes data\n' 'Centroids are marked with white cross') pl.xlim(x_min, x_max) pl.ylim(y_min, y_max) pl.xticks(()) pl.yticks(())