Пример #1
def page_Rank(file_Name):
	rank = [1./1962 for x in range(1962)]
	matrix = googleMat(0.85, file_Name)
	while True:
	#for i in range(50):
		temp = rank	
		rank = MultiplyByMatrix(matrix, rank)
		rank = MultiplyByScalarCol(rank,1./magnitude(rank))
		if ConvergeCheck(rank, temp) == True:
	return rank
Пример #2
def get_rotation_3d_matrix(vpn_x, vpn_y, vpn_z, vup_x, vup_y, vup_z):
	#Get vpn and vup into vector/matrices
	vpn_point = Point()
	vpn_point.x = vpn_x
	vpn_point.y = vpn_y
	vpn_point.z = vpn_z
	vpn_vec3d = vpn_point.to_vector3d()
	vup_point = Point()
	vup_point.x = vup_x
	vup_point.y = vup_y
	vup_point.z = vup_z
	vup_vec3d  = vup_point.to_vector3d()
	#Calc R X,Y,Z vectors
	#|v| = sqrt(v dot v)
	Rz = numpy.divide(vpn_vec3d , matrix.magnitude(vpn_vec3d))
	Rx = numpy.divide( numpy.cross(vup_vec3d,Rz), matrix.magnitude(numpy.cross(vup_vec3d,Rz)) )
	Ry = numpy.cross(Rz,Rx)
	#Populate 4D transform matrix
	m = matrix.identity_matrix(4,4)
	r1x = Rx[0]
	r2x = Rx[1]
	r3x = Rx[2]
	r1y = Ry[0]
	r2y = Ry[1]
	r3y = Ry[2]
	r1z = Rz[0]
	r2z = Rz[1]
	r3z = Rz[2]
	m[0,0] = r1x
	m[0,1] = r2x
	m[0,2] = r3x
	m[1,0] = r1y
	m[1,1] = r2y
	m[1,2] = r3y
	m[2,0] = r1z
	m[2,1] = r2z
	m[2,2] = r3z
	return m
Пример #3
    def cam_observation_update(self, cam_obs):
        '''Single bearing-color observation'''
        zt = Matrix([
            cam_obs.bearing, cam_obs.color.r, cam_obs.color.g, cam_obs.color.b


        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            j = particle.get_feature_id(zt)
            if j < 0:  # not seen before
                # note, this will automagically add a new feature if possible
                particle.weight = self.add_hypothesis(particle.state, zt)
            else:  # j seen before
                feature = particle.get_feature_by_id(j)
                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # naming explains functionality
                z_hat = particle.measurement_prediction(
                    feature.mean, particle.state)
                H = self.jacobian_of_motion_model(particle.state, feature.mean)
                Q = mm(mm(H, feature.covar), transpose(H)) + self.Qt
                Q_inverse = inverse(Q)
                K = mm(mm(feature.covar, transpose(H)), Q_inverse)

                new_mean = feature.mean + mm(K, zt - z_hat)
                new_covar = mm(identity(5) - mm(K, H), feature.covar)

                particle.replace_feature_ekf(j, new_mean, new_covar)
                particle.weight = pow(
                    2 * math.pi * magnitude(Q), -1 / 2) * math.exp(
                        -0.5 * (transpose(zt - z_hat) * Q_inverse *
                                (zt - z_hat)))
            # endif
            # for all other features...do nothing
        # end for

        temp_particle_list = []
        sum_ = 0
        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            sum_ = sum_ + particle.weight

        chosen = random() * sum_

        for _ in range(0, len(self.robot_particles)):
            for particle in self.robot_particles:
                chosen = chosen - particle.weight
                if chosen < 0:
                    # choose this particle

        self.robot_particles = temp_particle_list
Пример #4
 def importance_factor(self, bigQ, blob, pseudoblob):
     Calculate the relative importance of this measurement (weight) to be
     used as part of resampling
         np.ndarray bigQ (measurement covariance)
         Blob blob (recieved measurement)
         Blob pseudoblob (estimated measurement)
     v1 = 2.0*math.pi *magnitude(bigQ)
     v1 = pow(v1, -0.5)
     delz = blob_to_matrix(blob) - blob_to_matrix(pseudoblob)
     delzt = delz.T
     v2 = math.exp(-0.5 * mm(mm(delzt, inverse(bigQ)), delz))
     return v1 * v2
Пример #5
 def importance_factor(self, bigQ, blob, pseudoblob):
     Calculate the relative importance of this measurement (weight) to be
     used as part of resampling
         np.ndarray bigQ (measurement covariance)
         Blob blob (recieved measurement)
         Blob pseudoblob (estimated measurement)
     v1 = 2.0 * math.pi * magnitude(bigQ)
     v1 = pow(v1, -0.5)
     delz = blob_to_matrix(blob) - blob_to_matrix(pseudoblob)
     delzt = delz.T
     v2 = math.exp(-0.5 * mm(mm(delzt, inverse(bigQ)), delz))
     return v1 * v2
Пример #6
    def cam_observation_update(self, cam_obs):
        '''Single bearing-color observation'''
        zt = Matrix([cam_obs.bearing,
            cam_obs.color.r, cam_obs.color.g, cam_obs.color.b])


        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            j = particle.get_feature_id(zt)
            if j < 0: # not seen before
                # note, this will automagically add a new feature if possible
                particle.weight = self.add_hypothesis(particle.state, zt)
            else: # j seen before
                feature = particle.get_feature_by_id(j)
                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # naming explains functionality
                z_hat = particle.measurement_prediction(feature.mean, particle.state)
                H = self.jacobian_of_motion_model(particle.state, feature.mean)
                Q = mm(mm(H, feature.covar), transpose(H)) + self.Qt
                Q_inverse = inverse(Q)
                K = mm(mm(feature.covar, transpose(H)), Q_inverse)

                new_mean = feature.mean + mm(K, zt - z_hat)
                new_covar = mm(identity(5) - mm(K, H), feature.covar)

                particle.replace_feature_ekf(j, new_mean, new_covar)
                particle.weight = pow(2*math.pi*magnitude(Q), -1/2) * math.exp(-0.5 * (transpose(zt - z_hat)*Q_inverse*(zt - z_hat)))
            # endif
            # for all other features...do nothing
        # end for

        temp_particle_list = []
        sum_ = 0
        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            sum_ = sum_ + particle.weight

        chosen = random()*sum_

        for _ in range(0, len(self.robot_particles)):
            for particle in self.robot_particles:
                chosen = chosen - particle.weight
                if chosen < 0:
                    # choose this particle

        self.robot_particles = temp_particle_list
Пример #7
    def build(self):
        Set matPoseVerts, matPoseGlobal and matRestRelative... TODO
        needs to happen after changing skeleton structure
        head3 = np.array(self.headPos[:3], dtype=np.float32)
        head4 = np.append(head3, 1.0)

        tail3 = np.array(self.tailPos[:3], dtype=np.float32)
        tail4 = np.append(head3, 1.0)

        # Update rest matrices
        if isinstance(self.roll, list):
            # Average the normal over multiple planes
            count = 0
            normal = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)
            for plane_name in self.roll:
                norm = get_normal(self.skeleton, plane_name, self.planes)
                if not np.allclose(norm, np.zeros(3), atol=1e-05):
                    count += 1
                    normal += norm
            if count > 0 and not np.allclose(normal, np.zeros(3), atol=1e-05):
                normal /= count
                normal = np.asarray([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        elif isinstance(self.roll, basestring):
            plane_name = self.roll  # TODO ugly..
            normal = get_normal(self.skeleton, plane_name, self.planes)
            if np.allclose(normal, np.zeros(3), atol=1e-05):
                normal = np.asarray([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
            normal = np.asarray([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        self.matRestGlobal = getMatrix(head3, tail3, normal)
        self.length = matrix.magnitude(tail3 - head3)
        if self.parent:
            self.matRestRelative = np.dot(la.inv(self.parent.matRestGlobal), self.matRestGlobal)
            self.matRestRelative = self.matRestGlobal

        #vector4 = tail4 - head4
        self.yvector4 = np.array((0, self.length, 0, 1))

        # Update pose matrices
Пример #8
def direction(w):
    mag = mat.magnitude(w)  # длина вектора
    return [w_i / mag for w_i in w]  #	нормалирование вектора