Пример #1
def list_tiles_for_bounds(image, s2p, paper_width_pt, paper_height_pt, north,
                          west, south, east):
    """ Return a list of coordinates and scan-to-coord functions for a full set of zoom levels.
        Internal work is done by list_tiles_for_bounds_zoom().
    osm = OpenStreetMapProvider()
    coords = []

    for zoom in range(19):
        # Coordinates of three print corners

        ul = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(north, west)).zoomTo(zoom)
        ur = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(north, east)).zoomTo(zoom)
        lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(south, east)).zoomTo(zoom)

        # Matching points in print and coordinate spaces

        ul_pt = Point(1 * ptpin - paper_width_pt,
                      1.5 * ptpin - paper_height_pt)
        ul_co = Point(ul.column, ul.row)

        ur_pt = Point(0, 1.5 * ptpin - paper_height_pt)
        ur_co = Point(ur.column, ur.row)

        lr_pt = Point(0, 0)
        lr_co = Point(lr.column, lr.row)

        scan_dim = hypot(image.size[0], image.size[1])
        zoom_dim = hypot((lr_co.x - ul_co.x) * 256, (lr_co.y - ul_co.y) * 256)

        if zoom_dim / scan_dim < .05:
            # too zoomed-out

        if zoom_dim / scan_dim > 3.:
            # too zoomed-in

        # scan2coord by way of scan2print and print2coord

        p2c = triangle2triangle(ul_pt, ul_co, ur_pt, ur_co, lr_pt, lr_co)
        s2c = s2p.multiply(p2c)

        coords += list_tiles_for_bounds_zoom(image, s2c, zoom)

    return coords
Пример #2
def list_tiles_for_bounds(image, s2p, paper_width_pt, paper_height_pt, north, west, south, east):
    """ Return a list of coordinates and scan-to-coord functions for a full set of zoom levels.
        Internal work is done by list_tiles_for_bounds_zoom().
    osm = OpenStreetMapProvider()
    coords = []
    for zoom in range(19):
        # Coordinates of three print corners
        ul = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(north, west)).zoomTo(zoom)
        ur = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(north, east)).zoomTo(zoom)
        lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(south, east)).zoomTo(zoom)
        # Matching points in print and coordinate spaces
        ul_pt = Point(1 * ptpin - paper_width_pt, 1.5 * ptpin - paper_height_pt)
        ul_co = Point(ul.column, ul.row)
        ur_pt = Point(0, 1.5 * ptpin - paper_height_pt)
        ur_co = Point(ur.column, ur.row)
        lr_pt = Point(0, 0)
        lr_co = Point(lr.column, lr.row)
        scan_dim = hypot(image.size[0], image.size[1])
        zoom_dim = hypot((lr_co.x - ul_co.x) * 256, (lr_co.y - ul_co.y) * 256)
        if zoom_dim/scan_dim < .05:
            # too zoomed-out
        if zoom_dim/scan_dim > 3.:
            # too zoomed-in
        # scan2coord by way of scan2print and print2coord

        p2c = triangle2triangle(ul_pt, ul_co, ur_pt, ur_co, lr_pt, lr_co)
        s2c = s2p.multiply(p2c)
        coords += list_tiles_for_bounds_zoom(image, s2c, zoom)
    return coords
Пример #3
def extract_image(scan2print, print_bbox, scan_img, dest_dim, step=50):
    """ Extract a portion of a scan image by print coordinates.
        scan2print - transformation from scan pixels to original print.
    dest_img = Image.new('RGB', dest_dim)

    # Compute transformation from print image bbox to destination image.
    print2dest = triangle2triangle(Point(print_bbox[0], print_bbox[1]),
                                   Point(0, 0),
                                   Point(print_bbox[0], print_bbox[3]),
                                   Point(0, dest_dim[1]),
                                   Point(print_bbox[2], print_bbox[1]),
                                   Point(dest_dim[0], 0))

    # Compute transformation from source image to destination image.
    scan2dest = scan2print.multiply(print2dest)

    dest_w, dest_h = dest_dim

    for y in range(0, dest_h, step):
        for x in range(0, dest_w, step):
            # dimensions of current destination cell
            w = min(step, dest_w - x)
            h = min(step, dest_h - y)

            # transformation from scan pixels to destination cell
            m = scan2dest
            m = m.multiply(Transform(1, 0, -x, 0, 1, -y))
            m = m.inverse()
            a = m.affine(0, 0, w, h)

            p = scan_img.transform((w, h), AFFINE, a, BICUBIC)

            dest_img.paste(p, (x, y))

    return dest_img
Пример #4
def extract_image(scan2print, print_bbox, scan_img, dest_dim, step=50):
    """ Extract a portion of a scan image by print coordinates.
        scan2print - transformation from scan pixels to original print.
    dest_img = Image.new('RGB', dest_dim)
    # Compute transformation from print image bbox to destination image.
    print2dest = triangle2triangle(Point(print_bbox[0], print_bbox[1]), Point(0, 0),
                                   Point(print_bbox[0], print_bbox[3]), Point(0, dest_dim[1]),
                                   Point(print_bbox[2], print_bbox[1]), Point(dest_dim[0], 0))

    # Compute transformation from source image to destination image.
    scan2dest = scan2print.multiply(print2dest)
    dest_w, dest_h = dest_dim
    for y in range(0, dest_h, step):
        for x in range(0, dest_w, step):
            # dimensions of current destination cell
            w = min(step, dest_w - x)
            h = min(step, dest_h - y)

            # transformation from scan pixels to destination cell
            m = scan2dest
            m = m.multiply(Transform(1, 0, -x, 0, 1, -y))
            m = m.inverse()
            a = m.affine(0, 0, w, h)
            p = scan_img.transform((w, h), AFFINE, a, BICUBIC)
            dest_img.paste(p, (x, y))

    return dest_img