Пример #1
    def get_pan(self, direction):
        Get pan angle in degrees for a given direction. The given direction
        should be in the same coordinate system as the above and forward
        directions that were given in initialization. That is, they should
        not be transformed
        :param direction: 3-d vector
        :returns: pan angle in degrees
        # Check input
        direction = mat.check_3d_vec(direction)

        # Transform into native coordinates
        direction = self._transform(direction)
        direction *= np.array([1, 1, 0])  # Project onto xy plane
        if mat.norm2(direction) < EPS:  # No component in xy plane
            return 0
        direction /= mat.norm2(direction)

        # Get pan angle
        forward = np.array([1, 0, 0])  # Forward is positive x direction
        dot_prod = direction.dot(forward)
        if abs(dot_prod) > 1:  # Small floating point errors can give domain erros in acos
            dot_prod = mat.sign(dot_prod)
        pan = math.acos(dot_prod)  # x.dot(dir) = cos(pan)
        pan = min(mat.to_degrees(pan), MAX_PAN_DEGREE)
        # Determine whether should be in [0, pi] or [0, -pi]
        y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
        pan *= mat.sign(y.dot(direction))

        return pan
Пример #2
    def get_tilt(self, direction):
        :param direction: Direction to find tilt angle for
        :returns: tilt angle in degrees
        # Noramlize
        direction = mat.check_3d_vec(direction)
        if mat.norm2(direction) < EPS:
            return 0.  # No tilt in zero vec...
        direction /= mat.norm2(direction)

        # Transform into native coordinates
        direction = self._transform(direction)

        # Get tilt angle
        above = np.array([0, 0, 1.])  # Above in positive z direction
        dot_prod = -1. * direction.dot(above)
        if abs(dot_prod) > 1:  # Small floating point errors can give domain erros in acos
            dot_prod = mat.sign(dot_prod)
        tilt = math.acos(dot_prod)
        tilt = mat.to_degrees(tilt) - 90  # Now 0 corresponds to x-y plane, -90 to -z
        return min(tilt, MAX_TILT_DEGREE)  # Cannot go above 25 degrees