def do_report(result, flock, fdata): time.sleep(1) # sometimes the function is called a sec too soon. # Get the time and date in human-readable form and UN*X-epoch... outDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') outEpoch = int(time.strftime('%s')) # round to current minute to ease database JOINs outEpoch = outEpoch - (outEpoch % 60) # ident = NODE + '@' + str(outEpoch) mf.lock(flock) with open(fdata, 'a') as f: f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\n'.format( outDate, outEpoch, NODE,, result[0], + '@' + str(outEpoch))) f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\n'.format( outDate, outEpoch, NODE,, result[1], + '@' + str(outEpoch))) f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\n'.format( outDate, outEpoch, NODE,, result[2], + '@' + str(outEpoch))) f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\n'.format( outDate, outEpoch, NODE,, result[3], + '@' + str(outEpoch))) f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\n'.format( outDate, outEpoch, NODE,, result[4], + '@' + str(outEpoch))) mf.unlock(flock)
def do_markdown(flock, fdata): home = os.path.expanduser('~') uname = os.uname() fi = home + "/.kamstrupd.branch" with open(fi, 'r') as f: kamstrupbranch ='\n') mf.lock(flock) shutil.copyfile(home + '/' + MYAPP + '/', fdata) with open(fdata, 'a') as f: mf.syslog_trace("writing {0}".format(fdata), False, DEBUG) f.write('![A GNUplot image should be here: kamstrup11.png](img/kamstrup11.png)\n') f.write('![A GNUplot image should be here: kamstrup12.png](img/kamstrup12.png)\n') f.write('![A GNUplot image should be here: kamstrup13.png](img/kamstrup13.png)\n') # System ID f.write('!!! ') f.write(uname[0] + ' ' + uname[1] + ' ' + uname[2] + ' ' + uname[3] + ' ' + uname[4] + ' ' + platform.platform() + ' \n') # branch f.write('!!! kamstrupd on: ' + kamstrupbranch + '\n\n') mf.unlock(flock)
def do_report(result, flock, fdata): # Get the time and date in human-readable form and UN*X-epoch... outDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') outEpoch = int(time.strftime('%s')) # round to current minute to ease database JOINs # outEpoch = outEpoch - (outEpoch % 60) result = ', '.join(map(str, result)) mf.lock(flock) mf.syslog_trace(" @: {0}s".format(outDate), False, DEBUG) with open(fdata, 'a') as f: f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}\n'.format(outDate, outEpoch, result)) mf.unlock(flock)
def do_report(result, flock, fdata): time.sleep(1) # sometimes the function is called a sec too soon. # Get the time and date in human-readable form and UN*X-epoch... outDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') outEpoch = int(time.strftime('%s')) # round to current minute to ease database JOINs outEpoch = outEpoch - (outEpoch % 60) result = ', '.join(map(str, result)) ident = NODE + '@' + str(outEpoch) mf.syslog_trace(">>> ID : {0} - {1}".format(ident, outDate), False, DEBUG) mf.lock(flock) with open(fdata, 'a') as f: f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\n'.format(outDate, outEpoch, NODE, result, ident)) mf.unlock(flock)
def do_sql_data(flock, inicnfg, cnsql): mf.syslog_trace("============================", False, DEBUG) mf.syslog_trace("Pushing data to MySQL-server", False, DEBUG) mf.syslog_trace("============================", False, DEBUG) mf.unlock(flock) # remove stale lock time.sleep(2) mf.lock(flock) # wait for all other processes to release their locks. count_internal_locks = 2 while (count_internal_locks > 1): time.sleep(1) count_internal_locks = 0 for fname in glob.glob(r'/tmp/' + MYAPP + '/*.lock'): count_internal_locks += 1 mf.syslog_trace("{0} internal locks exist".format(count_internal_locks), False, DEBUG) # endwhile for inisect in inicnfg.sections(): # Check each section of the config.ini file errsql = False try: ifile = inicnfg.get(inisect, "resultfile") mf.syslog_trace(" < {0}".format(ifile), False, DEBUG) try: sqlcmd = [] sqlcmd = inicnfg.get(inisect, "sqlcmd") mf.syslog_trace(" CMD : {0}".format(sqlcmd), False, DEBUG) data = if data: for entry in range(0, len(data)): errsql = do_writesample(cnsql, sqlcmd, data[entry]) # endfor # endif except configparser.NoOptionError: # no sqlcmd mf.syslog_trace("*1* {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[1]), False, DEBUG) except configparser.NoOptionError: # no ifile mf.syslog_trace("*2* {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[1]), False, DEBUG) try: if os.path.isfile(ifile) and not errsql: # IF resultfile exists AND SQL-job was successful or non-existing mf.syslog_trace("Deleting {0}".format(ifile), False, DEBUG) os.remove(ifile) except configparser.NoOptionError: # no ofile mf.syslog_trace("*3* {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[1]), False, DEBUG) # endfor mf.unlock(flock)
def do_markdown(flock, fdata, hwdevice): home = os.path.expanduser('~') uname = os.uname() Tcpu = "(no T-sensor)" fcpu = "(no f-sensor)" mds = "" if os.path.isfile(hwdevice): fi = hwdevice with open(fi, 'r') as f: Tcpu = float('\n')) / 1000 if os.path.isfile('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq'): fi = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" with open(fi, 'r') as f: fcpu = float('\n')) / 1000 fcpu_stats = str(subprocess.check_output(["cpufreq-info", "-sm"]), 'utf-8') fi = home + "/.lnxdiagd.branch" with open(fi, 'r') as f: lnxdiagdbranch ='\n') if os.path.isfile("/proc/mdstat"): mds = "-\n" + str(subprocess.check_output(["cat", "/proc/mdstat"]), 'utf-8') uptime = str(subprocess.check_output(["uptime"]), 'utf-8') # dfh = str(subprocess.check_output(["df", "-h"]), 'utf-8') # freeh = str(subprocess.check_output(["free", "-h"]), 'utf-8') # p1 = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-e", "-o", "pcpu,args"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # p2 = subprocess.Popen(["cut", "-c", "-132"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # p3 = subprocess.Popen(["awk", "NR>2"], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # p4 = subprocess.Popen(["sort", "-nr"], stdin=p3.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # p5 = subprocess.Popen(["head", "-10"], stdin=p4.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # ps, err = p5.communicate() # psout = str(ps, 'utf-8') mf.lock(flock) with open(fdata, 'w') as f: mf.syslog_trace("writing {0}".format(fdata), False, DEBUG) # YAML header f.write('---\n') f.write('title: ' + NODE + '\n') f.write('menu: ' + NODE + '\n') f.write('---\n') # HEADER f.write('# ' + NODE + '\n\n') # System ID f.write('!!! ') f.write(uname[0] + ' ' + uname[2] + ' ' + uname[3] + ' ' + uname[4] + ' ' + platform.platform() + ' \n') # lnxdiagd branch f.write('!!! lnxdiagd on: ' + lnxdiagdbranch + '\n\n') # System Uptime f.write('### Server Uptime: \n') f.write('!!! ') f.write(uptime) f.write('\n') # CPU temperature and frequency f.write('### Server Temperature: \n') f.write('!! ' + str(Tcpu) + ' degC @ ' + str(fcpu) + ' MHz stats: ' + fcpu_stats + '\n\n') f.write('### Server Graphs: \n') if (hwdevice != "nohwdevice"): f.write( '![A GNUplot image should be here: day11.png](img/day11.png)\n' ) # f.write('![A GNUplot image should be here: day11.png](img/day11.old.png)\n') f.write( '![A GNUplot image should be here: day12.png](img/day12.png)\n') f.write( '![A GNUplot image should be here: day14.png](img/day14.png)\n') f.write( '![A GNUplot image should be here: day13.png](img/day13.png)\n') f.write( '![A GNUplot image should be here: day15.png](img/day15.png)\n') if (NODE == "boson"): f.write( '![A GNUplot image should be here: day19.png](img/day19.png)\n' ) # # Disk usage # f.write('## Disk Usage\n') # f.write(dfh) # dfh comes with its own built-in '/n' if (NODE == "boson"): f.write('```\n') f.write(mds) # mds comes with its own built-in '/n' f.write('```\n\n') if (NODE == "boson"): rbc_sda = sda.getdata('5') rbc_sdb = sdb.getdata('5') rbc_sdc = sdc.getdata('5') rbc_sdd = sdd.getdata('5') rbc_sde = sde.getdata('5') # ou_sda = sda.getdata('198') ou_sdb = sdb.getdata('198') ou_sdc = sdc.getdata('198') ou_sdd = sdd.getdata('198') ou_sde = sde.getdata('198') # disktemperature temperature_sda = sda.getdata('194') temperature_sdb = sdb.getdata('194') temperature_sdc = sdc.getdata('194') temperature_sdd = sdd.getdata('194') temperature_sde = sde.getdata('194') # disk power-on time pwron_time_a = sda.getdata('9') pwron_time_b = sdb.getdata('9') pwron_time_c = sdc.getdata('9') pwron_time_d = sdd.getdata('9') pwron_time_e = sde.getdata('9') # disk health health_sda = sda.gethealth() health_sdb = sdb.gethealth() health_sdc = sdc.gethealth() health_sdd = sdd.gethealth() health_sde = sde.gethealth() # Self-test info test_sda = sda.getlasttest() # noqa test_sdb = sdb.getlasttest() test_sdc = sdc.getlasttest() test_sdd = sdd.getlasttest() test_sde = sde.getlasttest() # Disk info info_sda = sda.getinfo() info_sdb = sdb.getinfo() info_sdc = sdc.getinfo() info_sdd = sdd.getinfo() info_sde = sde.getinfo() f.write('```\n') f.write('SSD: ' + temperature_sda + ' || disk1: ' + temperature_sdb + ' || disk2: ' + temperature_sdc + ' || disk3: ' + temperature_sdd + ' || disk4: ' + temperature_sde + ' [degC]\n') f.write('\n') f.write('---SSD---\n') f.write(' Name : ' + info_sda + '\n') f.write(' PowerOn : ' + pwron_time_a + '\n') # f.write(' Last test : ' + test_sda + '\n') if "PASSED" not in health_sda: f.write(' ' + health_sda + '\n') if not (rbc_sda == "0"): f.write(' Retired Block Count (5) = ' + rbc_sda + '\n') f.write('---disk1---\n') f.write(' Name : ' + info_sdb + '\n') f.write(' PowerOn : ' + pwron_time_b + '\n') if "without" not in test_sdb: f.write(' Last test : ' + test_sdb + '\n') if "PASSED" not in health_sdb: f.write(' ' + health_sdb + '\n') if not (rbc_sdb == "0") or not (ou_sdb == "0"): f.write(' Retired Block Count (5) = ' + rbc_sdb + ' - Offline Uncorrectable (198) = ' + ou_sdb + '\n') f.write('---disk2---\n') f.write(' Name : ' + info_sdc + '\n') f.write(' PowerOn : ' + pwron_time_c + '\n') if "without" not in test_sdc: f.write(' Last test : ' + test_sdc + '\n') if "PASSED" not in health_sdc: f.write(' ' + health_sdc + '\n') if not (rbc_sdc == "0") or not (ou_sdc == "0"): f.write(' Retired Block Count (5) = ' + rbc_sdc + ' - Offline Uncorrectable (198) = ' + ou_sdc + '\n') f.write('---disk3---\n') f.write(' Name : ' + info_sdd + '\n') f.write(' PowerOn : ' + pwron_time_d + '\n') if "without" not in test_sdd: f.write(' Last test : ' + test_sdd + '\n') if "PASSED" not in health_sdd: f.write(' ' + health_sdd + '\n') if not (rbc_sdd == "0") or not (ou_sdd == "0"): f.write(' Retired Block Count (5) = ' + rbc_sdd + ' - Offline Uncorrectable (198) = ' + ou_sdd + '\n') f.write('---disk4---\n') f.write(' Name : ' + info_sde + '\n') f.write(' PowerOn : ' + pwron_time_e + '\n') if "without" not in test_sde: f.write(' Last test : ' + test_sde + '\n') if "PASSED" not in health_sde: f.write(' ' + health_sde + '\n') if not (rbc_sde == "0") or not (ou_sde == "0"): f.write(' Retired Block Count (5) = ' + rbc_sde + ' - Offline Uncorrectable (198) = ' + ou_sde + '\n') f.write(' ') f.write('```\n\n') # # Memory usage # f.write('## Memory Usage\n') # f.write('```\n') # f.write(freeh) # freeh comes with its own built-in '/n' # f.write('```\n\n') # # Top 10 processes # f.write('## Top 10 processes:\n') # f.write('```\n') # f.write(psout) # psout comes with its own built-in '/n' # f.write('```\n\n') mf.unlock(flock)