def publish_thrust(self, thrust): # create single message thrust_msg = RateThrust() thrust_msg.thrust.z = thrust self.input_publisher.publish(thrust_msg) rospy.loginfo(thrust_msg) rospy.loginfo("Published body vertical thrust: {}".format(thrust))
def step(self, action): [thrustd, dphi, dtheta, dpsi] = action new_ctrl = RateThrust() new_ctrl.angular_rates.x = dphi new_ctrl.angular_rates.y = dtheta new_ctrl.angular_rates.z = dpsi new_ctrl.thrust.z = thrustd self.ctrl_pub.publish(new_ctrl)
def callback(self, msg): rt_msg = RateThrust() t = np.array([,, + 9.81]) norm = np.linalg.norm(t) rt_msg.thrust.z = norm rt_msg.angular_rates.x = msg.twist.angular.x rt_msg.angular_rates.y = msg.twist.angular.y rt_msg.angular_rates.z = msg.twist.angular.z self.thrust_publisher.publish(rt_msg)
def handle_output_path(req): print("returning path instructions") msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idleThrust + 1 msg.angular_rates.x = 0.05 msg.angular_rates.y = 0.05 msg.angular_rates.z = 0.05 return OutputPathsResponse(msg)
def controlCommandCallback(self, msg): print(msg.expected_execution_time.to_sec() - rateThrustCommand = RateThrust() rateThrustCommand.header.stamp = rateThrustCommand.angular_rates.x = msg.bodyrates.x rateThrustCommand.angular_rates.y = msg.bodyrates.y rateThrustCommand.angular_rates.z = msg.bodyrates.z rateThrustCommand.thrust.x = 0 rateThrustCommand.thrust.y = 0 rateThrustCommand.thrust.z = msg.collective_thrust self.bodyRatesCommandPub.publish(rateThrustCommand)
def publish_thrust(self, thrust): """ @description publish thrust values to 'wake up' flightgoggles simulator. It assumes flightgoggles simulator is running """ # create single message thrust_msg = RateThrust() thrust_msg.thrust.z = thrust self.fg_publisher.publish(thrust_msg) rospy.loginfo(thrust_msg) rospy.loginfo("Published body vertical thrust: {}".format(thrust))
def command(self, c, omega): omega_x = float(omega[0]) / self.max_omega omega_y = float(omega[1]) / self.max_omega omega_z = float(omega[2]) / self.max_omega msg = RateThrust() msg.thrust.x = 0 msg.thrust.y = 0 msg.thrust.z = c msg.angular_rates.x = omega_x msg.angular_rates.y = omega_y msg.angular_rates.z = omega_z self.rate_thrust_publisher.publish(msg)
def Publish_rateThrust(Thrust,roll_rate,pitch_rate,yaw_rate): rate_data=RateThrust() rate_data.header.stamp = rate_data.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" rate_data.angular_rates.x=np.float64(roll_rate) rate_data.angular_rates.y=np.float64(pitch_rate) rate_data.angular_rates.z=np.float64(yaw_rate) rate_data.thrust.x=np.float64(0.0) rate_data.thrust.x=np.float64(0.0) rate_data.thrust.z=np.float64(Thrust) pub.publish(rate_data)
def callback(self, range, rate_thrust, pid_z, pid_roll, pid_pitch, pid_yaw): print(range.range) if range.range >= -1.0: msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust + 1 msg.angular_rates.x = 0 msg.angular_rates.y = 0 msg.angular_rates.z = 0 self.pub_vel.publish(msg) else: print("Its here") msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = rate_thrust.thrust.z - msg.angular_rates.x = rate_thrust.angular_rates.x - msg.angular_rates.y = rate_thrust.angular_rates.y - msg.angular_rates.z = rate_thrust.angular_rates.z - self.pub_vel.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): self.beginning_time = rospy.get_time() self.idle_thrust = float(9.81) self.path_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( '/pathplanning/input/rateThrust', RateThrust) self.ratethrust_z_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( "/rateThrustZ/control_effort", Float64) self.ratethrust_roll_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( "/rateThrustPitch/control_effort", Float64) self.ratethrust_pitch_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( "/rateThrustRoll/control_effort", Float64) self.ratethrust_yaw_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( "/rateThrustYaw/control_effort", Float64) self.ratethrust_height_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( "/rateThrustYaw/control_effort", Float64) self.pub_vel = rospy.Publisher('output/rateThrust', RateThrust, queue_size=2) ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([ self.ratethrust_height_sub, self.path_sub, self.ratethrust_z_sub, self.ratethrust_roll_sub, self.ratethrust_pitch_sub, self.ratethrust_yaw_sub ], 10, 0.1, allow_headerless=True) ts.registerCallback(self.callback) time_to_start = 0.5 d = rospy.Duration(time_to_start, 0) now = rospy.get_rostime() end_time = d + now msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust + 0.1 msg.angular_rates.x = 0 msg.angular_rates.y = 0 msg.angular_rates.z = 0 while rospy.get_rostime() < end_time: print("ITS STARTING") self.pub_vel.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('robot_controller', anonymous=True) self.local_deg_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/rateThrust', RateThrust, queue_size=10) self.reset_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/collision', Empty, queue_size=1) self.tf_pos_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/tf', TFMessage, self.tf_callback) self.joy_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/control_nodes/joy', Joy, self.joy_callback) self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) self.pose = TFMessage() self.deg = RateThrust() = Joy() self.reset = Empty() self.mode = 2 #default is mode 2
def callback(self,data): rt_msg = RateThrust() rt_msg.header.stamp = rt_msg.header.frame_id = 'uav/imu' rt_msg.angular_rates.x = 0.0 rt_msg.angular_rates.y = 0.0 rt_msg.angular_rates.z = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.x = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.y = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.z = 9.9 self.rt_publisher.publish(rt_msg) #rospy.loginfo("Published rateThrust message :) !") rospy.loginfo(rt_msg)
def crash_vehicle(self): self.crashFlag = False while 1: if self.loc_flag: print self.get_dist_to_gate() target_rate_thrust = RateThrust() target_rate_thrust.header.frame_id = "home" target_rate_thrust.header.stamp = target_rate_thrust.angular_rates.x = 1 target_rate_thrust.angular_rates.y = 0 target_rate_thrust.angular_rates.z = 0 target_rate_thrust.thrust.z = 10.5 self.rate_thrust_pub.publish(target_rate_thrust) if self.crashFlag: break self.rate.sleep() self.crashFlag = False print 'crashed'
def ControlLoop(self): # Set the rate rate = rospy.Rate(50) # Keep track how many loops have happend loop_counter = 0 # While running while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Create the message we are going to send msg = RateThrust() msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() # If the drone has not been armed if self.armed == False: # Arm the drone msg.thrust = Vector3(0, 0, 10) msg.angular_rates = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.armed = True # Behave normally else: # Use a PID to calculate the rates you want to publish to maintain an angle roll_output = self.rollPID.get_output(self.roll_setpoint, self.roll_reading) pitch_output = self.pitchPID.get_output( self.pitch_setpoint, self.pitch_reading) if self.no_yaw: yaw_output = self.yaw_output #rospy.loginfo("my output: " + str(yaw_output) + " old yaw:" + str(self.yawPID.get_output(self.yaw_setpoint, self.yaw_reading))) else: yaw_output = self.yawPID.get_output( self.yaw_setpoint, self.yaw_reading) # Create the message msg.thrust = Vector3(0, 0, self.thrust_setpoint) msg.angular_rates = Vector3(roll_output, pitch_output, yaw_output) # Publish the message self.rate_pub.publish(msg) # Sleep any excess time rate.sleep()
def gate_cb(self, state): markers = state.markers for marker in markers: if == "Gate10": if == "1": marker1 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "2": marker2 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "3": marker3 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "4": marker4 = [marker.x, marker.y] # try: marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4 markersArr = np.array([marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4]) if self.imu_cb_flag: imu_state = [ self.ang_x, self.ang_y, self.ang_z, self.lin_x, self.lin_y, self.lin_z ] nn_input = np.concatenate( (markersArr.flatten(), np.array(imu_state))) print nn_input outputs = self.model.predict(nn_input.reshape(-1, 14)) roll = outputs[0][0] pitch = outputs[0][1] yaw = 0 thrust = outputs[0][2] print outputs ang_scale = 1 thrust_scale = 1 target_attitude_thrust = RateThrust() target_attitude_thrust.header.frame_id = "home" target_attitude_thrust.header.stamp = target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.x = roll target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.y = pitch target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.z = yaw target_attitude_thrust.thrust.z = thrust self.attitude_thrust_pub.publish(target_attitude_thrust)
def __init__(self): # Rate init # DECIDE ON PUBLISHING RATE self.rate = rospy.Rate(120.0) # MUST be more then 2Hz self.joy_cb_flag = False self.imu_cb_flag = False self.attitude_thrust_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav/input/rateThrust", RateThrust, queue_size=10) self.model = load_model('working_model_roll_pitch_thrust.h5') self.model._make_predict_function() self.counter = 1 attitude_target_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy, self.joy_cb) attitude_target_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/sensors/imu", Imu, self.imu_cb) attitude_target_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/camera/left/ir_beacons", IRMarkerArray, self.gate_cb) self.attitude_thrust_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav/input/rateThrust", RateThrust, queue_size=10) thrust_scale = 2 ang_scale = 1 counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # if(self.joy_cb_flag == True): target_attitude_thrust = RateThrust() target_attitude_thrust.header.frame_id = "home" target_attitude_thrust.header.stamp = target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.x = 0 target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.y = 0 target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.z = 0 target_attitude_thrust.thrust.z = 10.5 self.attitude_thrust_pub.publish(target_attitude_thrust) self.rate.sleep() counter += 1 if counter > 20: break
def act(self, state, counter): # if np.random.rand() <= self.epsilon: # return random.randrange(self.action_size) print state outputs = self.model.predict(state.reshape(-1, 14)) roll = outputs[0][0] pitch = outputs[0][1] yaw = 0 thrust = outputs[0][2] print outputs ang_scale = 1 thrust_scale = 1 target_rate_thrust = RateThrust() target_rate_thrust.header.frame_id = "home" target_rate_thrust.header.stamp = target_rate_thrust.angular_rates.x = roll target_rate_thrust.angular_rates.y = pitch target_rate_thrust.angular_rates.z = yaw if counter < 5: target_rate_thrust.thrust.z = thrust + 1 else: target_rate_thrust.thrust.z = thrust self.rate_thrust_pub.publish(target_rate_thrust) return outputs # returns action
def pubRateThrust(): # pub = rospy.Publisher('output/rateThrust', RateThrust, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): thr_msg = RateThrust() thr_msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" thr_msg.header.stamp = marker = IRMarker() pitch = 0.0 roll = -0.1 yaw = 0.5 vertical = 11 thr_msg.angular_rates.x = roll thr_msg.angular_rates.y = pitch thr_msg.angular_rates.z = yaw thr_msg.thrust.z = vertical # rospy.loginfo(thr_msg) # pub.publish(thr_msg) rate.sleep()
def ControlLoop(self): # Set the rate rate = rospy.Rate(50) # Keep track how many loops have happend loop_counter = 0 # While running while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Create the message we are going to send msg = RateThrust() msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() # If the drone has not been armed if self.armed == False: # Arm the drone msg.thrust = Vector3(0, 0, 10) msg.angular_rates = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # Behave normally (Drone is armed) else: # Use a PID to calculate the rates you want to publish to maintain an angle output = [ pids.get_output(setp, read) for pids, setp, read in zip( self.rpy_PIDS, self.rpy_setpoints, self.rpy_readings) ] # Create the message msg.thrust = Vector3(0, 0, self.thrust_setpoint) msg.angular_rates = Vector3(output[0], output[1], output[2]) # Publish the message self.rate_pub.publish(msg) # Sleep any excess time rate.sleep()
def pid_controller(self, state_msg, traj_msg): # In general u = -K*x + (N_u + K*N_x)*r # r = reference state # x = state # K = LQR gains # N_u, N_x = refrence input and reference state matrices # extract reference values x_r, y_r, z_r = [ traj_msg.pose.position.x, traj_msg.pose.position.y, traj_msg.pose.position.z ] vx_r, vy_r, vz_r = [ traj_msg.twist.linear.x, traj_msg.twist.linear.y, traj_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat_r = [ traj_msg.pose.orientation.x, traj_msg.pose.orientation.y, traj_msg.pose.orientation.z, traj_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi_r, theta_r, phi_r = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( ori_quat_r, axes='rzyx') p_r, q_r, r_r = [ traj_msg.twist.angular.x, traj_msg.twist.angular.y, traj_msg.twist.angular.z ] #print("Traj rot: \n{}".format(traj_msg.rot)) Rbw_ref = np.array( [[traj_msg.rot[0], traj_msg.rot[1], traj_msg.rot[2]], [traj_msg.rot[3], traj_msg.rot[4], traj_msg.rot[5]], [traj_msg.rot[6], traj_msg.rot[7], traj_msg.rot[8]]]) #print("Rbw ref: \n{}".format(Rbw_ref)) # extract drone real state values x, y, z = [ state_msg.pose.position.x, state_msg.pose.position.y, state_msg.pose.position.z ] vx, vy, vz = [ state_msg.twist.linear.x, state_msg.twist.linear.y, state_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat = [ state_msg.pose.orientation.x, state_msg.pose.orientation.y, state_msg.pose.orientation.z, state_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi, theta, phi = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(ori_quat, axes='rzyx') Rwb = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(ori_quat) Rbw = Rwb[0:3, 0:3].T # get body to world frame rotation p, q, r = [ state_msg.twist.angular.x, state_msg.twist.angular.y, state_msg.twist.angular.z ] # ******************************************# # POSITION CONTROL LOOP # ******************************************# if (self.loops == 0): # compute desired input ua = ua_ref + ua_e # ue_ref : from dif flatness # ua_e = -Kp*(p - p_ref) - Kd * (v - v_ref) using PID controller pos = np.array([[x], [y], [z]]) pos_ref = np.array([[x_r], [y_r], [z_r]]) v = np.array([[vx], [vy], [vz]]) v_ref = np.array([[vx_r], [vy_r], [vz_r]]) Kp = np.diag([lqrg.Kpx2, lqrg.Kpy2, lqrg.Kpz2]) Kd = np.diag([lqrg.Kdx2, lqrg.Kdy2, lqrg.Kdz2]) Ki = np.diag([lqrg.Kix2, lqrg.Kiy2, lqrg.Kiz2]) self.pos_err = self.pos_err + (pos - pos_ref) ua_e = -1.0 *, pos - pos_ref) - 1.0 * Kd, v - v_ref) - 1.0 *, self.pos_err) # PID control law #print("pos error mag: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(pos - pos_ref))) #print("vel error mag: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(v-v_ref))) ua_ref = np.array([[], [], []]) ua = ua_e + ua_ref # desired acceleration #print("ua mag {}".format(np.linalg.norm(ua))) ua = self.clip_vector(ua, self.max_thrust) # saturate input # compute Thrust -T- as # T = m*wzb.T*(ua + g*zw) # e3 = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) # z axis of body expressed in body frame zw = np.array( [[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) # z axis of world frame expressed in world frame #Rwb = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(psi, theta, phi, axes='rzyx') # world to body frame rotation #print("Rbw real: \n{}".format(Rbw)) wzb =, e3) # zb expressed in world frame self.T = self.m *, (ua + g * zw))[0][0] #print("T : {}".format(self.T)) # Following Fassler, Fontana, Theory and Math Behing RPG Quadrotor Control # Rbw_des = [xb_des yb_des zb_des] with zb_des = ua + g*zw / ||ua + g*zw|| # represents the desired orientation (and not the one coming from dif flatness) zb_des = (ua + g * zw) / np.linalg.norm(ua + g * zw) #T = self.m*,(-ua + g*zw))[0][0] #print("PSI value: {}".format(psi_r)) yc_des = np.array(df_flat.get_yc( psi_r)) #transform to np.array 'cause comes as np.matrix xb_des = np.cross(yc_des, zb_des, axis=0) xb_des = xb_des / np.linalg.norm(xb_des) yb_des = np.cross(zb_des, xb_des, axis=0) self.Rbw_des = np.concatenate((xb_des, yb_des, zb_des), axis=1) # Orientation error matrix is # Rbw.T*Rbw_des because iff Rbw = Rbw_des, then Rbw.T*Rbw_des = I_3 # Define angular velocity error w_b = np.array([[p], [q], [r]]) w_b_r = np.array([[p_r], [q_r], [r_r]]) #print("w_b ref: \n{}".format(w_b_r)) self.w_b_des =,, w_b_r)) #print("w_b des: \n{}".format(w_b_des)) w_b_e = w_b -,, self.w_b_des)) # compute input with PID control law Kp = np.diag([lqrg.Kp1, lqrg.Kp1, lqrg.Kp1]) Kd = np.diag([lqrg.Kd1, lqrg.Kd1, lqrg.Kd1]) #w_b_in =,or_e) -,w_b_e) self.loops = self.loops + 1 else: self.loops = self.loops + 1 if (self.loops == self.pos_loop_freq): self.loops = 0 #print("**Loops: {}".format(self.loops)) #print("Position Error: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(self.pos_err))) #print("T computed: {}".format(self.T)) # ******************************************# # ORIENTATION CONTROL LOOP # ******************************************# # ********************************** # # USING EULER ANGLES # # ********************************** # or_des = np.array( df_flat.RotToRPY_ZYX(self.Rbw_des) ) # ... need to convert to np.array to use this function.. #print("Orientation des: {}".format(or_des)) phi_des = or_des[0][0] theta_des = or_des[1][0] psi_des = or_des[2][0] # phi (x axis) angular position dynamics control law uc_e_x = -1.0 * self.Kr * phi + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * phi_des # theta (y axis) angular position dynamics control law uc_e_y = -1.0 * self.Kr * theta + ( self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * theta_des # psi (z axis) angular position dynamics control law uc_e_z = -1.0 * self.Kr * psi + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * psi_des #compose angular position dynamics input vector #uc_e = np.array([[uc_e_x[0]],[uc_e_y[0]],[uc_e_z[0]]]) # the final input to the drone is u = u_e + u_r # input = error_input + reference_input ucx, ucy, ucz = [ traj_msg.uc.x + uc_e_x.item(0), traj_msg.uc.y + uc_e_y.item(0), traj_msg.uc.z + uc_e_z.item(0) ] uc = np.array([[ucx], [ucy], [ucz]]) #print(ua,uc) # compute w_b angular velocity commands as # w_b = K.inv * uc # where (euler angle derivate) = K*w_b K = np.array( [[1.0, np.sin(phi) * np.tan(theta), np.cos(phi) * np.tan(theta)], [0.0, np.cos(phi), -1.0 * np.sin(phi)], [0.0, np.sin(phi) / np.cos(theta), np.cos(phi) / np.cos(theta)]]) Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K) w_b_in =, uc) # create and fill message rt_msg = RateThrust() rt_msg.header.stamp = rt_msg.header.frame_id = 'uav/imu' rt_msg.angular_rates.x = 1.0 * self.w_b_des[0][0] + 1.0 * w_b_in[0][ 0] #- p_r #traj_msg.twist.angular.x rt_msg.angular_rates.y = 1.0 * self.w_b_des[1][0] + 1.0 * w_b_in[1][ 0] #- q_r #traj_msg.twist.angular.y rt_msg.angular_rates.z = 1.0 * self.w_b_des[2][0] + 1.0 * w_b_in[2][ 0] #- r_r #traj_msg.twist.angular.z rt_msg.thrust.x = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.y = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.z = self.T # self.m*np.linalg.norm(t) # publish self.input_publisher.publish(rt_msg) rospy.loginfo(rt_msg)
def gate_cb(self, state): self.counter += 1 print self.counter markers = state.markers for marker in markers: if == "Gate10": if == "1": marker1 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "2": marker2 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "3": marker3 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "4": marker4 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "Gate21": if == "2": marker221 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "3": marker321 = [marker.x, marker.y] if == "4": marker421 = [marker.x, marker.y] try: marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4 markersArr = np.array([marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4]) except: print 'gate 10 not in view' if self.counter > 250: try: marker221, marker321, marker421 y_diff = marker321[1] - marker221[1] marker121 = [marker421[0], marker421[0] - y_diff] # print 'markers' # print marker121,marker221,marker321,marker421 markersArr = np.array( [marker221, marker121, marker321, marker421]) except: print 'gate 21 not in view' if self.imu_cb_flag: imu_state = [ self.ang_x, self.ang_y, self.ang_z, self.lin_x, self.lin_y, self.lin_z ] nn_input = np.concatenate( (markersArr.flatten(), np.array(imu_state))) # print nn_input outputs = self.model.predict(nn_input.reshape(-1, 14)) roll = outputs[0][0] pitch = outputs[0][1] yaw = 0 thrust = outputs[0][2] # print outputs if abs(roll) == 0.25: roll = 0 if self.counter > 320: thrust = 12.4 roll = 0 ang_scale = 1 thrust_scale = 1 target_attitude_thrust = RateThrust() target_attitude_thrust.header.frame_id = "home" target_attitude_thrust.header.stamp = target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.x = roll target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.y = pitch target_attitude_thrust.angular_rates.z = yaw target_attitude_thrust.thrust.z = thrust self.attitude_thrust_pub.publish(target_attitude_thrust)
#! /usr/bin/python import rospy import math from mav_msgs.msg import RateThrust from std_msgs.msg import Bool if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('msp_fc_test_node') pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/control/rate_thrust', RateThrust, queue_size=1) pub_arm = rospy.Publisher('/uav/control/arm', Bool, queue_size=1) rate = rospy.Rate(10) i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg = RateThrust() msg.angular_rates.x = 0 msg.angular_rates.y = 0 msg.angular_rates.z = 0 msg.thrust.z = 0 # math.sin(i) / 2 + 0.5 pub.publish(msg) arm_msg = Bool() = True pub_arm.publish(arm_msg) i += 0.1 rate.sleep()
def main(): # init rosnodes rospy.init_node('lqr_controller') tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/uav/sensors/imu', Imu, callback=imu_cb, queue_size=1) start_sim_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/arm', Empty, queue_size=1) end_sim_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/reset', Empty, queue_size=1) ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/rateThrust', RateThrust, queue_size=10) path_pub = rospy.Publisher('ref_traj', Path, queue_size=1) tf_br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Global Constants Ixx = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_inertia_xx") Iyy = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_inertia_yy") Izz = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_inertia_zz") m = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_mass") g = 9.81 # aggr = rospy.get_param("/splinegen/aggr") aggr = 10**4 T = 40.0 # T=None to use aggr instead. # Flat Dynamics FLAT_STATES = 7 FLAT_CTRLS = 4 A = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, FLAT_STATES)) A[0:3, 3:6] = np.eye(3) B = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, FLAT_CTRLS)) B[3:, :] = np.eye(4) Gff = np.array([[0, 0, g, 0]]).T # gravity compensation Q = np.diag([10, 10, 20, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 10]) R = np.eye(FLAT_CTRLS) * 1 # Trajectory generation # get gate poses num_gates = 14 gate_ids = list(range(0, num_gates)) gate_transforms = get_gate_positions(gate_ids) # inital drone pose and generated spline of waypoints print("Solving for optimal trajectory...") dt = 0.05 rate = rospy.Rate(int(1./dt)) x0 = np.array([[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]).T drone_traj = DroneTrajectory() drone_traj.set_start(position=x0[:3], velocity=x0[3:6]) drone_traj.set_end(position=x0[:3], velocity=x0[3:6]) for (trans, rot) in gate_transforms.values(): drone_traj.add_gate(trans, rot) drone_traj.solve(aggr, T=T) # PID Controller for setting angular rates pid_phi = PID(Kp=7, Ki=0, Kd=1, setpoint=0) pid_theta = PID(Kp=7, Ki=0, Kd=1, setpoint=0) # Optimal control law for flat system print("Solving linear feedback system...") K, S, E = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R) # Generate trajectory (starttime-sensitive) print("Generating optimal trajectory...") start_time = rospy.get_time() xref_traj = drone_traj.as_path(dt=dt, frame='world', max_time = xref_traj.poses[-1].header.stamp.to_sec() - start_time # plotting N = len(xref_traj.poses) + int(3.0 / dt) time_axis = [] xref_traj_series = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, N)) x_traj_series = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, N)) # run simulation print("Running simulation and executing controls...") iter = 0 x = x0 prev_pose = None phid_traj = [] thetad_traj = [] psid_traj = [] phi_traj = [] theta_traj = [] psi_traj = [] # for pose in xref_traj.poses: while not rospy.is_shutdown() and iter < N: # publish arm command and ref traj start_sim_pub.publish(Empty()) path_pub.publish(xref_traj) # get next target waypoint t = (rospy.get_time() - start_time) # % max_time pos_g, vel_g, ori_g = drone_traj.full_pose(t) # TODO: Use these desired roll/pitch or the ones generated from fdbk law? [psid, _, _] = Rotation.from_quat(ori_g).as_euler('ZYX') psid = 0 xref = np.array([[ pos_g[0], pos_g[1], pos_g[2], vel_g[0], vel_g[1], vel_g[2], psid]]).T xref_traj_series[:, iter] = np.ndarray.flatten(xref) tf_br.sendTransform((xref[0][0], xref[1][0], xref[2][0]), ori_g,, "xref_pose", "world") # feedforward acceleration ff = np.array([[ drone_traj.val(t=t, order=2, dim=0), drone_traj.val(t=t, order=2, dim=1), drone_traj.val(t=t, order=2, dim=2), 0]]).T try: (trans, rot) = tf_listener.lookupTransform('world', 'uav/imu', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue # calculate linear velocities, define new state lin_vel = (np.array(trans) - x[:3,0]) / dt x[:3,0] = trans # new position x[3:6,0] = lin_vel # new linear velocity [psi, theta, phi] = Rotation.from_quat(rot).as_euler("ZYX") x[6] = psi phi_traj.append(phi) theta_traj.append(theta) psi_traj.append(psi) x_traj_series[:, iter] = np.ndarray.flatten(x) u = -K*(x-xref) + Gff + ff # print("%.3f, %.3f, %.3f" % (ff[0][0], ff[1][0], ff[2][0])) up = np.array( np.ndarray.flatten(u).tolist()[0]) [thrustd, phid, thetad, psid] = inverse_dyn(rot, xref, up, m) # [psid, thetad, phid] = Rotation.from_quat(ori_g).as_euler('ZYX') phid_traj.append(phid) thetad_traj.append(thetad) psid_traj.append(psid) # generate desired roll, pitch rates, minimize error btwn desired and current dphi = pid_phi(phi - phid) dtheta = pid_theta(theta - thetad) dpsi = u[3] # convert rotation quaternion to euler angles and rotation matrix # rpy rates around around body axis # print(thrustd) new_ctrl = RateThrust() new_ctrl.angular_rates.x = dphi new_ctrl.angular_rates.y = dtheta new_ctrl.angular_rates.z = dpsi new_ctrl.thrust.z = thrustd ctrl_pub.publish(new_ctrl) # Plot results time_axis.append(t) iter += 1 rate.sleep() end_sim_pub.publish(Empty()) np.savez(file="lqr_and_xref", lqr_xtraj=x_traj_series, xref_traj_series=xref_traj_series) # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3) # fig.suptitle('Target(red) v.s actual(green) roll and pitch') # axs[0].set_title('phi') # axs[1].set_title('theta') # axs[2].set_title('psi') # axs[0].scatter(time_axis, phid_traj, c = 'r') # axs[0].scatter(time_axis, phi_traj, c = 'g') # axs[1].scatter(time_axis, thetad_traj, c = 'r') # axs[1].scatter(time_axis, theta_traj, c = 'g') # axs[2].scatter(time_axis, psid_traj, c = 'r') # axs[2].scatter(time_axis, psi_traj, c = 'g') # # plot x, y, z, vx, vy, vz fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) axs[0, 0].set_title('X') axs[0, 1].set_title('Y') axs[0, 2].set_title('Z') axs[1, 0].set_title('VX') axs[1, 1].set_title('VY') axs[1, 2].set_title('VZ') for ax in axs.flat: ax.set(xlabel='Time(s)') fig.suptitle('Absolute State error v.s time (LQR)') x_error = abs(xref_traj_series - x_traj_series) for i in range(3): # position axs[0, i].scatter(time_axis, x_error[i,:iter], c = 'r') # velocity axs[1, i].scatter(time_axis, x_error[i+3,:iter], c = 'r') axs[1, i].scatter(time_axis, x_error[i+3,:iter], c = 'g')
def main(): # rosparams aggr = 10**4 T = 40.0 # T=None to use aggr instead. # init rosnodes rospy.init_node('lqr_controller') tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/uav/sensors/imu', Imu, callback=imu_data, queue_size=1) start_sim_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/arm', Empty, queue_size=1) end_sim_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/reset', Empty, queue_size=1) ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/rateThrust', RateThrust, queue_size=10) path_pub = rospy.Publisher('ref_traj', Path, queue_size=1) prediction_pub = rospy.Publisher('mpc_pred', Path, queue_size=10) reference_pub = rospy.Publisher('mpc_ref', Path, queue_size=10) tf_br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Global Constants Ixx = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_inertia_xx") Iyy = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_inertia_yy") Izz = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_inertia_zz") m = rospy.get_param("/uav/flightgoggles_uav_dynamics/vehicle_mass") g = 9.81 # Flat Dynamics FLAT_STATES = 7 FLAT_CTRLS = 4 A = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, FLAT_STATES)) A[0:3, 3:6] = np.eye(3) B = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, FLAT_CTRLS)) B[3:, :] = np.eye(4) Gff = np.array([[0, 0, g, 0]]).T # gravity compensation Q = np.diag([20, 20, 20, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1]) R = np.diag([.1, .1, .1, 10]) S = Q * 10 # Trajectory generation # get gate poses num_gates = 14 gate_ids = list(range(0, num_gates)) gate_transforms = get_gate_positions(gate_ids) # inital drone pose and generated spline of waypoints print("Solving for optimal trajectory...") dt = 0.06 rate = rospy.Rate(int(1. / dt)) x0 = np.array([[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]).T drone_traj = DroneTrajectory() drone_traj.set_start(position=x0[:3], velocity=x0[3:6]) drone_traj.set_end(position=x0[:3], velocity=x0[3:6]) for (trans, rot) in gate_transforms.values(): drone_traj.add_gate(trans, rot) drone_traj.solve(aggr, T=T) # PID Controller for setting angular rates pid_phi = PID(Kp=7, Ki=0, Kd=1, setpoint=0) pid_theta = PID(Kp=7, Ki=0, Kd=1, setpoint=0) # Optimal control law for flat system print("Solving linear feedback system...") # K, S, E = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R) horizon = 10 mpc = DroneMPC(A, B, Q, R, S, N=horizon, dt=dt) # Generate trajectory (starttime-sensitive) print("Generating trajectory for visualizing...") start_time = rospy.get_time() xref_traj = drone_traj.as_path(dt=dt, frame='world', # plotting N = len(xref_traj.poses) + int(3.0 / dt) time_axis = [] xref_traj_series = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, N)) x_traj_series = np.zeros((FLAT_STATES, N)) # run simulation print("Running simulation and executing controls...") iter = 0 x = x0 prev_pose = None phid_traj = [] thetad_traj = [] psid_traj = [] phi_traj = [] theta_traj = [] psi_traj = [] # for pose in xref_traj.poses: while not rospy.is_shutdown() and iter < N: # publish arm command and ref traj start_sim_pub.publish(Empty()) path_pub.publish(xref_traj) try: (trans, rot) = tf_listener.lookupTransform('world', 'uav/imu', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue # calculate linear velocities, define new state lin_vel = (np.array(trans) - x[:3, 0]) / dt x[:3, 0] = trans # new position x[3:6, 0] = lin_vel # new linear velocity [psi, theta, phi] = Rotation.from_quat(rot).as_euler("ZYX") x[6] = psi phi_traj.append(phi) theta_traj.append(theta) psi_traj.append(psi) x_traj_series[:, iter] = np.ndarray.flatten(x) # get next target waypoint t = rospy.get_time() - start_time poses = [ drone_traj.val(t + offset, dim=None, order=0) for offset in np.arange(0, (horizon + 1) * dt, dt) ] vels = [ drone_traj.val(t + offset, dim=None, order=1) for offset in np.arange(0, (horizon + 1) * dt, dt) ] psis = [atan2(v[1], v[0]) for v in vels] if psis[0] - psi < -np.pi: psis[0] += 2 * np.pi if psis[0] - psi > np.pi: psis[0] -= 2 * np.pi for i in range(len(psis[0:-2])): if psis[i + 1] - psis[i] < -np.pi: psis[i + 1] += 2 * np.pi if psis[i + 1] - psis[i] > np.pi: psis[i + 1] -= 2 * np.pi ref_traj = [[p[0], p[1], p[2], v[0], v[1], v[2], psi] for p, v, psi in zip(poses, vels, psis)] pos_g, vel_g, ori_g = drone_traj.full_pose(t) xref = np.array([[ pos_g[0], pos_g[1], pos_g[2], vel_g[0], vel_g[1], vel_g[2], psis[0] ]]).T xref_traj_series[:, iter] = np.ndarray.flatten(xref) tf_br.sendTransform((xref[0][0], xref[1][0], xref[2][0]), ori_g,, "xref_pose", "world") # feedforward acceleration # ff = np.array([[ # drone_traj.val(t=t, order=2, dim=0), # drone_traj.val(t=t, order=2, dim=1), # drone_traj.val(t=t, order=2, dim=2), # 0]]).T u_mpc, x_mpc = mpc.solve(x, np.array(ref_traj).transpose()) u = u_mpc[:, 0].flatten() + Gff.flatten() reference_pub.publish( mpc.to_path(np.array(ref_traj).transpose(),, frame='world')) prediction_pub.publish( mpc.to_path(x_mpc,, frame='world')) # print(xref) # print("fb: {}, ff: {}".format(-K * (x - xref), ff)) # print("%.3f, %.3f, %.3f" % (ff[0][0], ff[1][0], ff[2][0])) [thrustd, phid, thetad, psid] = inverse_dyn(rot, x.flatten(), u, m) # [psid, thetad, phid] = Rotation.from_quat(ori_g).as_euler('ZYX') phid_traj.append(phid) thetad_traj.append(thetad) psid_traj.append(psid) # generate desired roll, pitch rates, minimize error btwn desired and current dphi = pid_phi(phi - phid) dtheta = pid_theta(theta - thetad) dpsi = u[3] # convert rotation quaternion to euler angles and rotation matrix # rpy rates around around body axis # print(thrustd) new_ctrl = RateThrust() new_ctrl.angular_rates.x = dphi new_ctrl.angular_rates.y = dtheta new_ctrl.angular_rates.z = dpsi new_ctrl.thrust.z = thrustd ctrl_pub.publish(new_ctrl) # Plot results time_axis.append(t) iter += 1 rate.sleep() end_sim_pub.publish(Empty()) # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3) # fig.suptitle('Target(red) v.s actual(green) roll and pitch') # axs[0].set_title('phi') # axs[1].set_title('theta') # axs[2].set_title('psi') # axs[0].scatter(time_axis, phid_traj, c='r') # axs[0].scatter(time_axis, phi_traj, c='g') # axs[1].scatter(time_axis, thetad_traj, c='r') # axs[1].scatter(time_axis, theta_traj, c='g') # axs[2].scatter(time_axis, psid_traj, c='r') # axs[2].scatter(time_axis, psi_traj, c='g') # # plot x, y, z, vx, vy, vz fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) axs[0, 0].set_title('X') axs[0, 1].set_title('Y') axs[0, 2].set_title('Z') axs[1, 0].set_title('VX') axs[1, 1].set_title('VY') axs[1, 2].set_title('VZ') for ax in axs.flat: ax.set(xlabel='Time(s)') fig.suptitle('Absolute State error v.s time (MPC)') x_error = abs(xref_traj_series - x_traj_series) for i in range(3): # position axs[0, i].scatter(time_axis, x_error[i, :iter], c='r') # axs[0, i].scatter(time_axis, x_traj_series[i,:iter], c = 'g') # velocity # axs[1, i].scatter(time_axis, xref_traj_series[i+3,:iter], c = 'r') axs[1, i].scatter(time_axis, x_error[i + 3, :iter], c='g')
def callback(self, image, ir_marker): if self.current_state == 'rotating_to_gate': self.target_quaternion = reorient_to_centroid( self.init_vector, self.current_coords, self.current_orientation, self.gate_list[self.target_gate + 1]) next_gate_rotmat = q2q_to_rot(self.current_orientation, self.target_quaternion) roll_pitch_yaw = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(next_gate_rotmat) print(roll_pitch_yaw) #Controls time to rotate time_to_rotate = 2 d = rospy.Duration(time_to_rotate, 0) now = rospy.get_rostime() end_time = d + now msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust msg.angular_rates.x = roll_pitch_yaw[0] / time_to_rotate msg.angular_rates.y = roll_pitch_yaw[1] / time_to_rotate msg.angular_rates.z = roll_pitch_yaw[2] / time_to_rotate while rospy.get_rostime() < end_time: print("ITS AT STATE 1") self.pub_vel.publish(msg) self.current_state = states[1] elif self.current_state == 'rotating_to_IR_centroid': # minimum_distance = 99999 # closest_gate='' # # for key in range(len(gate_dictionary)): # x,y = IR_marker_centroid_calculator(key) # dist = abs(math.hypot(x - image_center_x, y - image_center_y)) # if dist < minimum_distance: # dist = minimum_distance # closest_gate = key gate_dictionary = IR_marker_cluster_seperator(ir_marker) target_gate_list = gate_dictionary[gates[self.target_gate]] #print(gate_dictionary, "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", target_gate_list) x, y = IR_marker_centroid_calculator(target_gate_list) delta_x = (-1) * (image_center_x - x) delta_y = (-1) * (image_center_y - y) msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust + 1 msg.angular_rates.x = 0 msg.angular_rates.y = delta_y / 15 msg.angular_rates.z = delta_x / 15 print("ITS AT STATE 2") self.pub_vel.publish(msg) if ((abs(delta_x) < 100) and (abs(delta_y)) < 100): self.current_state = states[2] elif self.current_state == 'flying': gate_dictionary = IR_marker_cluster_seperator(ir_marker) target_gate_list = gate_dictionary[gates[self.target_gate]] if len(target_gate_list) is 0: successful_gate_callback(self) msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust msg.angular_rates.x = 0 msg.angular_rates.y = 0 msg.angular_rates.z = 0 #print("ITS AT STATE 3") self.pub_vel.publish(msg) else: x, y = IR_marker_centroid_calculator(target_gate_list) delta_x = (-1) * (image_center_x - x) delta_y = (-1) * (image_center_y - y) msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust + 0.1 msg.angular_rates.x = 100 msg.angular_rates.y = delta_x / 30 msg.angular_rates.z = delta_y / 30 self.pub_vel.publish(msg) #print("ITS AT STATE 3") elif self.current_state == 'hover': msg = RateThrust() msg.header.frame_id = "uav/imu" msg.header.stamp = msg.thrust.z = self.idle_thrust + 1 msg.angular_rates.x = 0 msg.angular_rates.y = 0 msg.angular_rates.z = 0
def clean(control): cleaned=RateThrust() cleaned.head=control.head cleaned.angular_rates=control.bodyrates cleaned.thrust=control.collective_thrust return cleaned
def callback(self, state_msg, traj_msg): # In general u = -K*x + (N_u + K*N_x)*r # r = reference state # x = state # K = LQR gains # N_u, N_x = refrence input and reference state matrices # extract reference values x_r, y_r, z_r = [ traj_msg.pose.position.x, traj_msg.pose.position.y, traj_msg.pose.position.z ] vx_r, vy_r, vz_r = [ traj_msg.twist.linear.x, traj_msg.twist.linear.y, traj_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat_r = [ traj_msg.pose.orientation.x, traj_msg.pose.orientation.y, traj_msg.pose.orientation.z, traj_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi_r, theta_r, phi_r = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( ori_quat_r, axes='rzyx') p_r, q_r, r_r = [ traj_msg.twist.angular.x, traj_msg.twist.angular.y, traj_msg.twist.angular.z ] # extract drone real state values x, y, z = [ state_msg.pose.position.x, state_msg.pose.position.y, state_msg.pose.position.z ] vx, vy, vz = [ state_msg.twist.linear.x, state_msg.twist.linear.y, state_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat = [ state_msg.pose.orientation.x, state_msg.pose.orientation.y, state_msg.pose.orientation.z, state_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi, theta, phi = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(ori_quat, axes='rzyx') p, q, r = [ state_msg.twist.angular.x, state_msg.twist.angular.y, state_msg.twist.angular.z ] #compute state error: error = reference - real x_e, y_e, z_e = [x - x_r, y - y_r, z - z_r] vx_e, vy_e, vz_e = [vx - vx_r, vy - vy_r, vz - vz_r] phi_e, theta_e, psi_e = [phi - phi_r, theta - theta_r, psi - psi_r] p_e, q_e, r_e = [p - p_r, q - q_r, r - r_r] # compute input error u = -Kx # first, for translation dynamics ua_e_x = -1.0 *, np.array([[x_e], [vx_e]])) ua_e_y = -1.0 *, np.array([[y_e], [vy_e]])) ua_e_z = -1.0 *, np.array([[z_e], [vz_e]])) # second, for orientation dynamics uc_e_x = -1.0 *, np.array([phi_e])) uc_e_y = -1.0 *, np.array([theta_e])) uc_e_z = -1.0 *, np.array([psi_e])) #print("uc_e_x: {} type: {}".format(uc_e_x,type(uc_e_x)) ) #print("ua_e_x: {} type: {}".format(ua_e_x,type(ua_e_x)) ) # the final input to the drone is u = u_e + u_r # input = error_input + reference_input #print(" {} type: {}".format(,type( ) uax, uay, uaz = [ + ua_e_x.item(0), + ua_e_y.item(0), + ua_e_z.item(0) ] ucx, ucy, ucz = [ traj_msg.uc.x + uc_e_x.item(0), traj_msg.uc.y + uc_e_y.item(0), traj_msg.uc.z + uc_e_z.item(0) ] #print("uax: {} type: {}".format(uax,type(uax)) ) ua = np.array([[uax], [uay], [uaz]]) uc = np.array([[ucx], [ucy], [ucz]]) #print(ua,uc) # compute Thrust -T- as # T = m*wzb.T*(ua + g*zw) # zb = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) # z axis of body expressed in body frame zw = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0] ]) # z axis of world frame expressed in world frame Rwb = tf.transformations.euler_matrix( psi_r, theta_r, phi_r, axes='rzyx') # world to body frame rotation Rbw = Rwb[0:3, 0:3].T # body to world frame rotation only wzb =, zb) # zb expressed in world frame T = self.m *, (ua + g * zw))[0] #print(wzb.T,type(wzb)) # compute w_b angular velocity commands as # w_b = K.inv * uc # where (euler angle derivate) = K*w_b K = np.array([[ 1.0, np.sin(phi_r) * np.tan(theta_r), np.cos(phi_r) * np.tan(theta_r) ], [0.0, np.cos(phi_r), -1.0 * np.sin(phi_r)], [ 0.0, np.sin(phi_r) / np.cos(theta_r), np.cos(phi_r) / np.cos(theta_r) ]]) Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K) w_b =, uc).flatten() # create and fill message rt_msg = RateThrust() rt_msg.header.stamp = rt_msg.header.frame_id = 'uav/imu' rt_msg.angular_rates.x = w_b[0] #traj_msg.twist.angular.x rt_msg.angular_rates.y = w_b[1] #traj_msg.twist.angular.y rt_msg.angular_rates.z = w_b[2] #traj_msg.twist.angular.z rt_msg.thrust.x = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.y = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.z = T[0] # self.m*np.linalg.norm(t) # publish self.input_publisher.publish(rt_msg) rospy.loginfo(rt_msg)
def linear_velocity_control(self, state_msg, traj_msg): # In general u = -K*x + (N_u + K*N_x)*r # r = reference state # x = state # K = LQR gains # N_u, N_x = refrence input and reference state matrices # extract reference values x_r, y_r, z_r = [ traj_msg.pose.position.x, traj_msg.pose.position.y, traj_msg.pose.position.z ] vx_r, vy_r, vz_r = [ traj_msg.twist.linear.x, traj_msg.twist.linear.y, traj_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat_r = [ traj_msg.pose.orientation.x, traj_msg.pose.orientation.y, traj_msg.pose.orientation.z, traj_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi_r, theta_r, phi_r = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( ori_quat_r, axes='rzyx') p_r, q_r, r_r = [ traj_msg.twist.angular.x, traj_msg.twist.angular.y, traj_msg.twist.angular.z ] # extract drone real state values x, y, z = [ state_msg.pose.position.x, state_msg.pose.position.y, state_msg.pose.position.z ] vx, vy, vz = [ state_msg.twist.linear.x, state_msg.twist.linear.y, state_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat = [ state_msg.pose.orientation.x, state_msg.pose.orientation.y, state_msg.pose.orientation.z, state_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi, theta, phi = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(ori_quat, axes='rzyx') p, q, r = [ state_msg.twist.angular.x, state_msg.twist.angular.y, state_msg.twist.angular.z ] # vx dynamics control law ua_e_x = -1.0 * self.Kr * vx + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * vx_r # vy dynamics control law ua_e_y = -1.0 * self.Kr * vy + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * vy_r # vz dynamics control law ua_e_z = -1.0 * self.Kr * vz + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * vz_r # compose position dynamics input vector #ua_e = np.array([[ua_e_x[0]],[ua_e_y[0]],[ua_e_z[0]]]) # phi (x axis) angular position dynamics control law uc_e_x = -1.0 * self.Kr * phi + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * phi_r # theta (y axis) angular position dynamics control law uc_e_y = -1.0 * self.Kr * theta + ( self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * theta_r # psi (z axis) angular position dynamics control law uc_e_z = -1.0 * self.Kr * psi + (self.N_ur +, self.N_xr)) * psi_r #compose angular position dynamics input vector #uc_e = np.array([[uc_e_x[0]],[uc_e_y[0]],[uc_e_z[0]]]) # the final input to the drone is u = u_e + u_r # input = error_input + reference_input uax, uay, uaz = [ + ua_e_x.item(0), + ua_e_y.item(0), + ua_e_z.item(0) ] ucx, ucy, ucz = [ traj_msg.uc.x + uc_e_x.item(0), traj_msg.uc.y + uc_e_y.item(0), traj_msg.uc.z + uc_e_z.item(0) ] ua = np.array([[uax], [uay], [uaz]]) uc = np.array([[ucx], [ucy], [ucz]]) #print(ua,uc) # compute Thrust -T- as # T = m*wzb.T*(ua + g*zw) # zb = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) # z axis of body expressed in body frame zw = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0] ]) # z axis of world frame expressed in world frame Rwb = tf.transformations.euler_matrix( psi, theta, phi, axes='rzyx') # world to body frame rotation Rbw = Rwb[0:3, 0:3].T # body to world frame rotation only wzb =, zb) # zb expressed in world frame T = self.m *, (ua + g * zw))[0] #print(wzb.T,type(wzb)) # compute w_b angular velocity commands as # w_b = K.inv * uc # where (euler angle derivate) = K*w_b K = np.array( [[1.0, np.sin(phi) * np.tan(theta), np.cos(phi) * np.tan(theta)], [0.0, np.cos(phi), -1.0 * np.sin(phi)], [0.0, np.sin(phi) / np.cos(theta), np.cos(phi) / np.cos(theta)]]) Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K) w_b =, uc).flatten() # create and fill message rt_msg = RateThrust() rt_msg.header.stamp = rt_msg.header.frame_id = 'uav/imu' rt_msg.angular_rates.x = w_b[0] #traj_msg.twist.angular.x rt_msg.angular_rates.y = w_b[1] #traj_msg.twist.angular.y rt_msg.angular_rates.z = w_b[2] #traj_msg.twist.angular.z rt_msg.thrust.x = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.y = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.z = T[0] # self.m*np.linalg.norm(t) # publish self.input_publisher.publish(rt_msg) rospy.loginfo(rt_msg)
# target_i = 1 - target_i # thetad = theta_targets[target_i] # xref_i = 1 - xref_i # xref = targets[xref_i] # print("New target: (%d,%d,%d)" % (xref[0], xref[1], xref[2])) # generate desired roll, pitch rates, minimize error btwn desired and current dphi = pid_phi(phi - phid) dtheta = pid_theta(theta - thetad) # print(dtheta) dpsi = u[3] # convert rotation quaternion to euler angles and rotation matrix # rpy rates around around body axis new_ctrl = RateThrust() new_ctrl.angular_rates.x = dphi new_ctrl.angular_rates.y = dtheta new_ctrl.angular_rates.z = dpsi new_ctrl.thrust.z = thrustd ctrl_pub.publish(new_ctrl) # oscillate btwn two points to get step responses of angles error = np.linalg.norm((x - xref)[:3]) # Plot results time_axis.append(iter) roll_data.append(phi) rolld_data.append(phid) pitch_data.append(theta) pitchd_data.append(thetad)
def geometric_controller(self, state_msg, traj_msg): # In general u = -K*x + (N_u + K*N_x)*r # r = reference state # x = state # K = LQR gains # N_u, N_x = refrence input and reference state matrices # extract reference values x_r, y_r, z_r = [ traj_msg.pose.position.x, traj_msg.pose.position.y, traj_msg.pose.position.z ] vx_r, vy_r, vz_r = [ traj_msg.twist.linear.x, traj_msg.twist.linear.y, traj_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat_r = [ traj_msg.pose.orientation.x, traj_msg.pose.orientation.y, traj_msg.pose.orientation.z, traj_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi_r, theta_r, phi_r = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( ori_quat_r, axes='rzyx') p_r, q_r, r_r = [ traj_msg.twist.angular.x, traj_msg.twist.angular.y, traj_msg.twist.angular.z ] w_b_r = np.array([[p_r], [q_r], [r_r]]) Rbw_ref = np.array( [[traj_msg.rot[0], traj_msg.rot[1], traj_msg.rot[2]], [traj_msg.rot[3], traj_msg.rot[4], traj_msg.rot[5]], [traj_msg.rot[6], traj_msg.rot[7], traj_msg.rot[8]]]) #print("Rbw ref: \n{}".format(Rbw_ref)) # extract drone real state values x, y, z = [ state_msg.pose.position.x, state_msg.pose.position.y, state_msg.pose.position.z ] vx, vy, vz = [ state_msg.twist.linear.x, state_msg.twist.linear.y, state_msg.twist.linear.z ] ori_quat = [ state_msg.pose.orientation.x, state_msg.pose.orientation.y, state_msg.pose.orientation.z, state_msg.pose.orientation.w ] psi, theta, phi = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(ori_quat, axes='rzyx') Rwb = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(ori_quat) Rbw = Rwb[0:3, 0:3].T # get body to world frame rotation p, q, r = [ state_msg.twist.angular.x, state_msg.twist.angular.y, state_msg.twist.angular.z ] w_b = np.array([[p], [q], [r]]) # ******************************************# # POSITION CONTROL LOOP # ******************************************# if (self.loops == 0): # compute desired input ua = ua_ref + ua_e # ue_ref : from dif flatness # ua_e = -Kp*(p - p_ref) - Kd * (v - v_ref) using PID controller pos = np.array([[x], [y], [z]]) pos_ref = np.array([[x_r], [y_r], [z_r]]) v = np.array([[vx], [vy], [vz]]) v_ref = np.array([[vx_r], [vy_r], [vz_r]]) Kp = np.diag([lqrg.Kpx2, lqrg.Kpy2, lqrg.Kpz2]) Kd = np.diag([lqrg.Kdx2, lqrg.Kdy2, lqrg.Kdz2]) Ki = np.diag([lqrg.Kix2, lqrg.Kiy2, lqrg.Kiz2]) self.pos_err = self.pos_err + (pos - pos_ref) ua_e = -1.0 *, pos - pos_ref) - 1.0 * Kd, v - v_ref) - 1.0 *, self.pos_err) # PID control law #print("pos error mag: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(pos - pos_ref))) #print("vel error mag: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(v-v_ref))) ua_ref = np.array([[], [], []]) ua = ua_e + ua_ref # desired acceleration #print("ua mag {}".format(np.linalg.norm(ua))) ua = self.clip_vector(ua, self.max_thrust) # saturate input # compute Thrust -T- as # T = m*wzb.T*(ua + g*zw) # e3 = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) # z axis of body expressed in body frame zw = np.array( [[0.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) # z axis of world frame expressed in world frame #Rwb = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(psi, theta, phi, axes='rzyx') # world to body frame rotation #print("Rbw real: \n{}".format(Rbw)) wzb =, e3) # zb expressed in world frame self.T = self.m *, (ua + g * zw))[0][0] #print("T : {}".format(self.T)) # Following Fassler, Fontana, Theory and Math Behing RPG Quadrotor Control # Rbw_des = [xb_des yb_des zb_des] with zb_des = ua + g*zw / ||ua + g*zw|| # represents the desired orientation (and not the one coming from dif flatness) zb_des = (ua + g * zw) / np.linalg.norm(ua + g * zw) #T = self.m*,(-ua + g*zw))[0][0] #print("PSI value: {}".format(psi_r)) yc_des = np.array(df_flat.get_yc( psi_r)) #transform to np.array 'cause comes as np.matrix xb_des = np.cross(yc_des, zb_des, axis=0) xb_des = xb_des / np.linalg.norm(xb_des) yb_des = np.cross(zb_des, xb_des, axis=0) self.Rbw_des = np.concatenate((xb_des, yb_des, zb_des), axis=1) # Orientation error matrix is # Rbw.T*Rbw_des because iff Rbw = Rbw_des, then Rbw.T*Rbw_des = I_3 Kp = np.diag([lqrg.Kp1, lqrg.Kp1, lqrg.Kp1]) Kd = np.diag([lqrg.Kd1, lqrg.Kd1, lqrg.Kd1]) #w_b_in =,or_e) -,w_b_e) self.loops = self.loops + 1 else: self.loops = self.loops + 1 if (self.loops == self.pos_loop_freq): self.loops = 0 #print("Position Error: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(self.pos_err))) #print("T computed: {}".format(self.T)) # ******************************************# # ORIENTATION CONTROL LOOP # ******************************************# # ********************************** # # USING ROTATION MATRIX # # ********************************** # # Calculate input using Propietary method #self.w_b_in = self.get_wdes_1(Rbw, self.Rbw_des, self.w_b_des, self.Kw) #self.w_b_in = self.get_wdes_2(Rbw, self.Rbw_des, self.Katt) #w_b_e = w_b -,, w_b_r)) #self.w_b_des = -1.0*,,,w_b_r))) #or_e = 0.5*self.vex( (,Rbw) -,self.Rbw_des)) ) #or_e = -1.0*, or_e) # compute feedback angular velocity self.Rbw_ref_dot =, self.hat(w_b_r)) w_fb = self.get_wdes_4(Rbw, self.Rbw_des, self.Rbw_ref_dot, w_b_r) delta_t = - self.t1 delta_t = delta_t.to_sec() print("Delta t: {}".format(delta_t)) #w_fb = w_fb / 1.0 self.t1 = # create and fill message rt_msg = RateThrust() rt_msg.header.stamp = rt_msg.header.frame_id = 'uav/imu' rt_msg.angular_rates.x = w_fb[0][ 0] #+ or_e[0][0] #self.w_b_in[0][0] + w_b_r[0][0] rt_msg.angular_rates.y = w_fb[1][ 0] #+ or_e[1][0] #self.w_b_in[1][0] + w_b_r[1][0] rt_msg.angular_rates.z = w_fb[2][ 0] #+ or_e[2][0] #self.w_b_in[2][0] + w_b_r[2][0] rt_msg.thrust.x = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.y = 0.0 rt_msg.thrust.z = self.T # self.m*np.linalg.norm(t) # publish self.input_publisher.publish(rt_msg) rospy.loginfo(rt_msg)