def mavros_arm_offboard_cb(self, timer): offb_set_mode = SetMode() offb_set_mode.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" arm_cmd = CommandBool() arm_cmd.value = True if(self.mavros_state.mode != "OFFBOARD" and ( - self.last_mavros_request > rospy.Duration(5.0))): resp1 = self.set_mode_client(0,offb_set_mode.custom_mode) if resp1.mode_sent: #rospy.loginfo("Requested OFFBOARD") pass self.last_mavros_request = elif (not self.mavros_state.armed and ( - self.last_mavros_request > rospy.Duration(5.0))): arm_client_1 = self.arming_client(arm_cmd.value) if arm_client_1.success: #rospy.loginfo("Requested Vehicle ARM") pass self.last_mavros_request = armed = self.mavros_state.armed mode = self.mavros_state.mode rospy.loginfo("Vehicle armed: {}".format(armed)) rospy.loginfo("Vehicle mode: {}".format(mode)) if( (not armed ) or (mode != 'OFFBOARD')): pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = 0 pose.pose.position.y = 0 pose.pose.position.z = 0 self.local_pos_pub.publish(pose) else: self.status_timer.shutdown()
def handle_mission(file): mode = SetMode() mode.base_mode = 0 mode.custom_mode = 'GUIDED' setmode = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/set_mode', SetMode) setmode(0, 'GUIDED') # arm armsrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/arming', CommandBool) armsrv(True)
class quad_obj: quad_pose = TransformStamped() quad_pose_x = TransformStamped() quad_pose_y = TransformStamped() quad_pose_z = TransformStamped() state = State() quad_goal = PoseStamped() offb_set_mode = SetMode() arm_cmd = CommandBool() takeoff_cmd = CommandTOL() landing_cmd = CommandTOL()
def setmode(self, MODE): for i in range(100): self.local_pos_pub.publish(self.pose) self.rate.sleep() print("ID of the drone is ", print("Mode is ", str( + "/mavros/set_mode") self.set_mode = SetMode() self.set_mode.custom_mode = MODE while (self.state.mode != MODE): self.set_mode_client(0, self.set_mode.custom_mode) print("setting mode", self.set_mode.custom_mode) print(self.state.mode, MODE) time.sleep(1)
def start(self): rospy.init_node("offboard_node") rate = rospy.Rate(20) while (not self.mavros_state.connected): print(self.mavros_state.connected) rate.sleep() for i in range(10): self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) rate.sleep() self.offboard_state = SetMode() self.offboard_state.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" self.arm_state = CommandBool() self.arm_state.value = True start_time = ''' main ROS thread ''' cnt = -1 while (rospy.is_shutdown() is False): cnt += 1 self.record_stast() self.drone_state_pub.publish(self.drone_state) if self.is_offboard == False: if self.mavros_state.mode == "OFFBOARD": resp1 = self.flightModeService(0, "POSCTL") if cnt % 10 == 0: print("Enter MANUAL mode") rate.sleep() # self.start_height = self.mav_pos[2] continue else: if self.mavros_state.mode != "OFFBOARD": resp1 = self.flightModeService( 0, self.offboard_state.custom_mode) if resp1.mode_sent: print("Offboard enabled") start_time = self.command.twist.linear.x = self.cmd_vel[0] self.command.twist.linear.y = self.cmd_vel[1] self.command.twist.linear.z = self.cmd_vel[2] self.command.twist.angular.z = self.cmd_yaw self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) rate.sleep()
class quad_obj: vehicle = Point() float_x = float() float_y = float() float_z = float() vehicle_dot = Vector3() float_xdot = float() float_ydot = float() float_zdot = float() state = State() quad_goal = PoseStamped() offb_set_mode = SetMode() arm_cmd = CommandBool() takeoff_cmd = CommandTOL() landing_cmd = CommandTOL()
def __init__(self): # Define state variable self.current_state = State() self.offb_set_mode = SetMode() self.arm_cmd = CommandBool() # Start node rospy.init_node('offb_node_python', anonymous = True) # Subscribe/Publish to relavant channels self.state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('mavros/state', State, state_cb, queue_size=10) self.local_pos_pub = rospy.Publisher('mavros/setpoint_position/local', PoseStamped, queue_size = 10) # Connect to arming client rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/cmd/arming') try: self.arming_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('mavros/cmd/arming', CommandBool) except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerr("Service Call failed: %s", e)
print(current_state.connected) rate.sleep() print("Creating pose") pose = PoseStamped() #set position here pose.pose.position.x = 0 pose.pose.position.y = 0 pose.pose.position.z = 3 for i in range(100): local_pos_pub.publish(pose) rate.sleep() print("Creating Objects for services") offb_set_mode = SetMode() offb_set_mode.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" arm_cmd = CommandBool() arm_cmd.value = True num = 0 land = 0 last_request = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #print(current_state) if land == 0: if (current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD" and ( - last_request > rospy.Duration(5.0))): resp1 = set_mode_client(0, offb_set_mode.custom_mode) if resp1.mode_sent: print("Offboard enabled")
print "waiting waypoint" rate.sleep() print("Creating pose") pose = PoseStamped() # set position here pose.pose.position.x = waypoint[0][0] pose.pose.position.y = waypoint[0][1] pose.pose.position.z = 2 for i in range(100): local_pos_pub.publish(pose) rate.sleep() print("Creating Objects for services") offb_set_mode = SetMode() offb_set_mode.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" arm_cmd = CommandBool() arm_cmd.value = True last_request = # m is segment m = len(waypoint) - 1 index = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # print(current_state) if current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD" and ( - last_request > rospy.Duration(5.0)): resp1 = set_mode_client(0, offb_set_mode.custom_mode) if resp1.mode_sent: print("Offboard enabled")
def __init__(self): # Initialize the UAV if rospy.has_param('ID'): = rospy.get_param("ID") # input("Drone ID #: ") else: = input("Drone ID #: ") self.uav_id = "uav" + str( rospy.init_node("controller" + str(, anonymous=True) self.rate = rospy.Rate( 10000 ) # Determine what this value should be to maximize performance in sim and real world scenarios # Define Collision Cylinders # Change these later to a dynamic value that depends on breaking # distance so Rc = Rc + Dbr 'breaking distance'. self.reserved_cyl_radius = 2 self.reserved_cyl_vertical = 0.5 self.blocking_cyl_radius = self.reserved_cyl_radius self.blocking_cyl_vertical = 1 self.conflict_state = {'xy': 'xy-free', 'z': 'z-free'} self.escape_angle = 0 # Setup the cylindrical obstacle diagram (COD) self.COD = {'distance': {}, 'angle': {}, 'z-diff': {}} # Create required publsihers for control self.target_pos_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.uav_id + "/mavros/setpoint_position/local", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.target_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.uav_id + "/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel", TwistStamped, queue_size=1) self.uav_stats_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.uav_id + "/stats/", Int32MultiArray, queue_size=1) # Create required subcribers for information and control self.state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.uav_id + "/mavros/state", State, self.state_changed_callback) self.actual_pos_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.uav_id + "/mavros/local_position/pose", PoseStamped, self.position_callback) self.actual_pos_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.uav_id + "/mavros/global_position/global", NavSatFix, self.global_pos_changed_callback) self.actual_vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.uav_id + "/mavros/local_position/velocity_local", TwistStamped, self.velocity_callback) self.heading_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.uav_id + "/mavros/global_position/compass_hdg", Float64, self.heading_changed_callback) self.battery_voltage_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.uav_id + "/mavros/battery", BatteryState, self.battery_voltage_callback) self.network_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber( "/network_map", Int32, self.network_state_changed_callback) # Create Objects to pair with above pubs and subs self.desired_velocity_object = TwistStamped() self.battery_voltage_object = BatteryState() self.actual_global_pos_object = NavSatFix() self.neighbor_global_position_objects = {} self.desired_pos_object = PoseStamped() self.actual_pos_object = PoseStamped() self.stats_object = Int32MultiArray() self.actual_velocity_object = Twist() self.neighbor_velocity_objects = {} self.neighbor_position_objects = {} self.neighbor_global_pos_sub = {} self.num_nodes_in_swarm = Int32() self.neighbor_state_objects = {} self.neighbor_state_sub = {} self.mode_object = SetMode() self.neighbor_pos_sub = {} self.neighbor_vel_sub = {} self.heading = Float64() self.state = State() self.currently_avoiding = False self.count = 0 self.set_failsafe_action(2)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import mavros from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from ar_track_alvar_msgs.msg import AlvarMarkers from mavros_msgs.msg import State from mavros_msgs.srv import CommandBool, SetMode from tf.transformations import * from math import * import numpy as np import argparse import sys current_state = State() offb_set_mode = SetMode() global sp sp = PoseStamped() # callback method for state sub def state_cb(state): global current_state current_state = state # callback method for local pos sub def locpos_cb(locpos): global lp lp = locpos # callback method for marker local position ardata = AlvarMarkers()
def start(self): rospy.init_node("offboard_node") rate = rospy.Rate(20) while (not self.mavros_state.connected): print(self.mavros_state.connected) rate.sleep() for i in range(10): self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) == self.task_takeoff self.drone_state_pub.publish(self.drone_state) rate.sleep() self.offboard_state = SetMode() self.offboard_state.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" self.arm_state = CommandBool() self.arm_state.value = True start_time = ''' main ROS thread ''' == self.task_takeoff cnt = -1 while (rospy.is_shutdown() is False): cnt += 1 # self.record_stast() # self.drone_state_pub.publish(self.drone_state) print("self.mav_yaw: {}".format(self.mav_yaw)) self.state_pub() if self.is_offboard == False: if self.mavros_state.mode == "OFFBOARD": resp1 = self.flightModeService(0, "POSCTL") if cnt % 10 == 0: print("Enter MANUAL mode") rate.sleep() # self.start_height = self.mav_pos[2] continue else: if self.mavros_state.mode != "OFFBOARD": resp1 = self.flightModeService( 0, self.offboard_state.custom_mode) if resp1.mode_sent: print("Offboard enabled") start_time = cmd_control = self.state_control( self.cmd_vel = np.array( [cmd_control[0], cmd_control[1], cmd_control[2]]) self.cmd_yaw = cmd_control[3] if self.is_start == True: self.cmd_vel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.cmd_yaw = 0 if ( == self.task_takeoff or == self.task_in_search or == self.task_recognize_target or == self.task_attack or == self.task_finish or == 0): self.command.twist.linear.x = self.cmd_vel[0] self.command.twist.linear.y = self.cmd_vel[1] self.command.twist.linear.z = self.cmd_vel[2] self.command.twist.angular.z = self.cmd_yaw self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) # self.command.twist.linear.x = self.cmd_vel[0] # self.command.twist.linear.y = self.cmd_vel[1] # self.command.twist.linear.z = self.cmd_vel[2] # self.command.twist.angular.z = self.cmd_yaw # self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) rate.sleep()
def takeoff(height): rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/state", State, state_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/local_position/pose", PoseStamped, poseCallback) rate = rospy.Rate(30) # Wait for MAVROS connection with AP while not rospy.is_shutdown() and current_state.connected: rospy.loginfo("Connected to AP!") rate.sleep() # Send a few set points initially pose_stamped = PoseStamped() pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.0 pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "map" for _ in range(20): pose_stamped.header.stamp = local_pose_publisher.publish(pose_stamped) rate.sleep() # Set guided and arm last_request = set_mode_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("/mavros/set_mode", SetMode) guided_set_mode = SetMode() guided_set_mode.custom_mode = "GUIDED" arming_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("/mavros/cmd/arming", CommandBool) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not current_state.armed: if current_state.mode != "GUIDED" and ( - last_request) > rospy.Duration(2.0): if (, "GUIDED")): rospy.loginfo("Guided enabled!") last_request = else: if not current_state.armed and current_state.mode == "GUIDED" and ( - last_request) > rospy.Duration(2.0): last_request = response = if (response.success): rospy.loginfo("Vehicle armed") pose_stamped.header.stamp = local_pose_publisher.publish(pose_stamped) rate.sleep() # Send take off command takeoff_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("/mavros/cmd/takeoff", CommandTOL) last_request = take_off_sent = False while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not take_off_sent: if ( - last_request) > rospy.Duration(3.0): response =, 0, 0, 0, height) if response.success: rospy.loginfo("Take off sent!") take_off_sent = True else: rospy.loginfo("Failed to send take off") last_request = rate.sleep()
def start(self): rospy.init_node("offboard_node") rate = rospy.Rate(20) obj_pub = rospy.Publisher( "ue4_ros/obj", Obj, queue_size=10) # type_pub = rospy.Publisher( # "ue4_ros/obj/vehicle_type", UInt64, queue_size=10) # id_pub = rospy.Publisher( # "ue4_ros/obj/vehicle_id", UInt64, queue_size=10) obj_msg = Obj() # type_msg = UInt64() # id_msg = UInt64() while(not self.mavros_state.connected): print(self.mavros_state.connected) rate.sleep() for i in range(10): self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) == self.task_takeoff self.drone_state_pub.publish(self.drone_state) rate.sleep() self.offboard_state = SetMode() self.offboard_state.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" self.arm_state = CommandBool() self.arm_state.value = True start_time = ''' main ROS thread ''' == self.task_takeoff cnt = -1 obj_msg.position.x = 0 obj_msg.position.y = 3 obj_msg.position.z = 2 obj_msg.angule.x = 0 obj_msg.angule.y = 0 obj_msg.angule.z = 0 obj_msg.size.x = 5 obj_msg.size.y = 5 obj_msg.size.z = 1 obj_msg.type = 24 = 100 while (rospy.is_shutdown() is False): cnt += 1 # self.record_stast() # self.drone_state_pub.publish(self.drone_state) print("self.mav_yaw: {}".format(self.mav_yaw)) self.state_pub() if self.is_offboard == False: if self.mavros_state.mode == "OFFBOARD": resp1 = self.flightModeService(0, "POSCTL") if cnt % 10 == 0: print("Enter MANUAL mode") rate.sleep() # start_yaw = self.mav_yaw continue else: if self.mavros_state.mode != "OFFBOARD": resp1 = self.flightModeService( 0, self.offboard_state.custom_mode) if resp1.mode_sent: print("Offboard enabled") start_time = # cmd_control = self.state_control( # self.cmd_vel = np.array( # [cmd_control[0], cmd_control[1], cmd_control[2]]) # self.cmd_yaw = cmd_control[3] self.cmd_vel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) des_pos = np.array([10, 0, 3]) self.cmd_yaw = 0.1 if self.is_start == True: self.cmd_vel = self.pos_control( des_pos, self.mav_pos, self.P_pos, 1) # self.cmd_vel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # self.cmd_vel[0] = 1 self.cmd_yaw = 0.1 obj_msg.position.x = obj_msg.position.x + 0.05 # obj_msg.angule.x = obj_msg.angule.x + 0.05 # if ( == self.task_takeoff or == self.task_in_search or # == self.task_recognize_target or == self.task_attack or # == self.task_finish or == 0): # self.command.twist.linear.x = self.cmd_vel[0] # self.command.twist.linear.y = self.cmd_vel[1] # self.command.twist.linear.z = self.cmd_vel[2] # self.command.twist.angular.z = self.cmd_yaw # self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) # print("mav_pos: {}".format(self.mav_pos)) self.command.twist.linear.x = self.cmd_vel[0] self.command.twist.linear.y = self.cmd_vel[1] self.command.twist.linear.z = self.cmd_vel[2] self.vel_pub.publish(self.command) obj_pub.publish(obj_msg) # type_pub.publish(type_msg) # id_pub.publish(id_msg) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('sim_tello_interface_node', anonymous=True) #无人机状态 self.current_state_ = State() self.flight_state_ = self.FlightState.WAITING self.mavstateSub_ = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/state', State, self.mavstateCallback) self.gazeboPoseSub_ = rospy.Subscriber( '/gazebo/model_states', ModelStates, self.gazeboPoseCallback ) #gazebo world中各种模型的状态,包括name,pose={position(x,y,z)+orition(x,y,z,w)}和twist={linear(x,y,z)+angular(x,y,z)} #无人机在世界坐标系下的位姿 self.R_wu_ = R.from_quat([0, 0, 0, 1]) self.t_wu_ = np.zeros([3], dtype='float') #无人机的初始位姿,在第一次收到相关topic后初始化,用于进行Gazebo世界坐标与MAVROS本地坐标的转换 self.t_init_ = np.zeros([3], dtype='float') self.yaw_init_ = 0.0 #角度制 self.R_init_ = R.from_quat([0, 0, 0, 1]) self.is_traj_local_init_ = False #封装实现tello控制函数 self.cmdTello_ = rospy.Subscriber('/tello/cmd_string', String, self.cmdUpdate) self.cmdBuffer = None #接收指令最小间隔/s self.cmd_interval = 0.5 self.last_cmd_ = #无人机控制噪声 self.ctrl_noise_std = 10 self.truncation = 20 #定时发送控制命令(至少2Hz) self.pub_interval_ = rospy.Duration(0.02) self.publishloop_timer_ = rospy.Timer(self.pub_interval_, self.publishloopCallback) #设置无人机状态 self.arming_client_ = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/arming', CommandBool) self.land_client_ = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/land', CommandBool) self.set_mode_client_ = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/set_mode', SetMode) #用于发送起降命令和追踪飞行状态 self.last_request_ = self.offb_set_mode_ = SetMode() self.arm_cmd_ = CommandBool() #目标位置信息 self.mutex_target_pose = Lock() self.uav_target_pose_local_ = PoseStamped() self.uav_target_pose_local_.header.seq = 1 self.uav_target_pose_local_.header.frame_id = 'map' self.uav_target_pose_local_.header.stamp = self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.position.x = 0 self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.position.y = 0 self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.position.z = 1.5 self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.orientation.x = 0 self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.orientation.y = 0 self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.orientation.z = 0 self.uav_target_pose_local_.pose.orientation.w = 1 #当前姿态信息 self.current_pose_ = PoseStamped() #世界坐标 self.current_pose_.header.seq = 1 self.current_pose_.header.frame_id = 'map' self.current_pose_.pose.orientation.w = 1 #发布目标位置 self.uav_target_pose_local_pub_ = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/setpoint_position/local', PoseStamped, queue_size=100) #在切换到offboard模式之前,必须先发送一些期望点信息到飞控中。 不然飞控会拒绝切换到offboard模式。 rate = rospy.Rate(20) for i in range(10): self.uav_target_pose_local_pub_.publish( self.uav_target_pose_local_) rate.sleep() try: rospy.spin() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass