Пример #1
def getVisibleUsers(users, request):
        Search users

        Return a list of persons of the system, optionaly filtered using the available

        The objects returned by this endpoint are intended for user listing and
        searching, so only username and displayName attributes of a person are returned. If you
        need the full profile of a user, use the `GET` endpoint of the `User` resource.
    query = {}

    search_params = searchParams(request)
    filter_fields = ["username", "displayName", "objectType", 'subscribedTo']
    if asbool(search_params.get('twitter_enabled', False)):

    found_users = users.search(query, show_fields=filter_fields, sort_by_field="username", flatten=0, **search_params)
    # Filter user results. User

    filtered_users = [user for user in found_users if request.actor.is_allowed_to_see(user)]

    handler = JSONResourceRoot(request, flatten(filtered_users, squash=['subscribedTo']), remaining=found_users.remaining)
    return handler.buildResponse()
Пример #2
    def revokePermission(self, subscription, permission, permanent=DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PERMISSIONS_PERMANENCY):
        Revoke a permission on a context's user subscription.

        Revokes will persist over context default permission changes based on permanent parameter.
        Non permanent permission revoke will remove grants!

        criteria = {}
        new_permissions = []

        # Add current permissions except revoked one
        new_permissions = [p for p in subscription['permissions'] if permission != p]

        if permanent:
            # Add permission to vetos if not present
            subscription.setdefault('_vetos', [])
            if permission not in subscription['_vetos']:

        # Remove permission from grants if present
        subscription.setdefault('_grants', [])
        subscription['_grants'] = [granted for granted in subscription['_grants'] if granted != permission]

        # Get a dummy context from subscription to determine the fields to update
        ContextClass = getMaxModelByObjectType(subscription['objectType'])
        context_unique_field = ContextClass.unique.lstrip('_')
        temp_context = ContextClass.from_object(
                context_unique_field: subscription[context_unique_field],
                'objectType': subscription['objectType']

        context_storage_field = temp_context.user_subscription_storage
        subscription_unique_field = '{}.{}'.format(context_storage_field, context_unique_field)

        criteria.update({subscription_unique_field: subscription[context_unique_field]})   # update object that matches hash
        criteria.update({'_id': self['_id']})                 # of collection entry with _id

        # overwrite permissions

        what = {
            '$set': {
                '{}.$.permissions'.format(context_storage_field): new_permissions,
                '{}.$._grants'.format(context_storage_field): subscription.get('_grants', []),
                '{}.$._vetos'.format(context_storage_field): subscription.get('_vetos', [])

        subscription['permissions'] = new_permissions
        fields_to_squash = ['published', 'owner', 'creator', 'tags', 'vetos', 'grants']
        subscription = flatten(subscription, squash=fields_to_squash)

        self.mdb_collection.update(criteria, what)
        return subscription
Пример #3
 def from_object(cls, request, source):
     instance = cls(request)
     instance.old = deepcopy(flatten(instance.old))
     if 'id' in source:
         instance['_id'] = source['id']
     instance.asleep = True
     return instance
Пример #4
def getPublicContexts(contexts, request):
        Get all public contexts

        Returns a list of all public subscribable contexts
    found_contexts = contexts.search({'permissions.subscribe': 'public'}, **searchParams(request))

    handler = JSONResourceRoot(request, flatten(found_contexts, squash=['owner', 'creator', 'published']))
    return handler.buildResponse()
Пример #5
def getConversationMessages(conversation, request):
        Get all messages from a conversation
    query = {'contexts.id': str(conversation['_id'])}

    # Sorting by _id, as id is indeed the same as published
    messages = request.db.messages.search(query, sort_direction=DESCENDING, sort_by_field="_id", keep_private_fields=False, **searchParams(request))
    inverted = flatten(messages, reverse=True)
    handler = JSONResourceRoot(request, inverted, remaining=messages.remaining)
    return handler.buildResponse()
Пример #6
def getActivityComments(activity, request):
        Get activity comments

        Return the comments for an activity.
    replies = activity.get('replies', {})
    items = replies
    result = flatten(items, keep_private_fields=False)
    handler = JSONResourceRoot(request, result)
    return handler.buildResponse()
Пример #7
    def wake(self):
            Tries to recover a lazy object from the database.

            Instances marked as asleep = True, are the only ones that
            will be waked up.
        if self.asleep:
            obj = self.alreadyExists()
            if obj:
                self.old = deepcopy(flatten(self.old))
Пример #8
    def flatten(self, **kwargs):
            Recursively transforms non-json-serializable values and simplifies
            $oid and $data BISON structures. Intended for final output
            Also removes fields starting with underscore _fieldname
        def permission_filter(field):
                Is the field NOT visible on the current request?
            return not(self.has_field_permission(field, 'view') or field == 'objectType')

        return_dict = flatten(self, filter_method=permission_filter, **kwargs)
        return return_dict
Пример #9
    def prepareUserSubscription(self):
        fields_to_squash = ['published', 'owner', 'creator', 'participants', 'tags', 'displayName']
        if '_id' != self.unique:
        subscription = flatten(self, squash=fields_to_squash)

        # If we are subscribing the user, read permission is granted
        user_permissions = ['read']

        # Add subscription permissions based on defaults and context values
        user_permissions = self.subscription_permissions(base=user_permissions)

        # Assign permissions to the subscription object before adding it
        subscription['permissions'] = user_permissions
        return subscription
Пример #10
    def reset_permissions(self, subscription, context):

        subscription['_grants'] = []
        subscription['_vetos'] = []
        subscription['permissions'] = context.subscription_permissions()

        criteria = {}
        criteria.update({'subscribedTo.hash': subscription['hash']})   # update object that matches hash
        criteria.update({'_id': self['_id']})                 # of collection entry with _id

        # overwrite permissions
        what = {
            '$set': {
                'subscribedTo.$.permissions': subscription['permissions'],
                'subscribedTo.$._grants': subscription['_grants'],
                'subscribedTo.$._vetos': subscription['_vetos'],

        self.mdb_collection.update(criteria, what)

        fields_to_squash = ['published', 'owner', 'creator', 'tags', 'vetos', 'grants']
        subscription = flatten(subscription, squash=fields_to_squash)
        return subscription
Пример #11
    def buildObject(self):
            Updates the dict content with the activity structure,
            with data parsed from the request
        ob = {'actor': {'objectType': 'person',
                        'displayName': self.data['actor']['displayName'],
                        'username': self.data['actor']['username']
              'verb': self.data['verb'],
              'object': None,

        wrapper = self.getObjectWrapper(self.data['object']['objectType'])
        subobject = wrapper(self.request, self.data['object'])
        ob['object'] = subobject

        # Append actor as username if object has keywords and actor is a Person
        if ob['object'].get('_keywords', None):

        if 'contexts' in self.data:
            ob['contexts'] = [flatten(self.data['contexts'][0], preserve=MESSAGE_CONTEXT_FIELDS)]

        # Set defaults
        properties = {}
        for key, value in self.schema.items():
            default = value.get('default', None)
            # Value is in the request but not set yet, set it please.
            if key in self.data and key not in self:
                properties[key] = self.data[key]
            # Value is not in the request and we have a default, set it please
            elif 'default' in value.keys():
                properties[key] = default
Пример #12
 def test_flatten_with_preserve_and_squash(self):
     from max.utils.dicts import flatten
     md = {'key_one': 'Hello', 'key_two': 'World'}
     flattened = flatten(md, preserve=['key_two'], squash=['key_two'])
     self.assertIn('key_two', flattened)
     self.assertNotIn('key_one', flattened)