def basic(*args): """creates a basic 6 light light rig for interiors, probably unnecessary now...""" if (not'lights')):'lights', em=True, w=True) cool = [.8, .85, 1] warm = [1, .88, .8] north = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromSouthOnNorth', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr( cmds.listRelatives(north, type='transform', p=True)[0] + '.ry', 180) south = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromNorthOnSouth', rgb=cool, i=.2) east = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromWestOnEast', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr( cmds.listRelatives(east, type='transform', p=True)[0] + '.ry', 90) west = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromEastOnWest', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr( cmds.listRelatives(west, type='transform', p=True)[0] + '.ry', -90) sky = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromFloorOnSky', rgb=warm, i=.1) cmds.setAttr( cmds.listRelatives(sky, type='transform', p=True)[0] + '.rx', 90) floor = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromSkyOnFloor', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr( cmds.listRelatives(floor, type='transform', p=True)[0] + '.rx', -90) amb = cmds.ambientLight(n='lAmb_onSet', i=.01) cmds.parent('light'), 'lights') refresh()
def ambientLight(*args, **kwargs): """ Maya Bug Fix: - name flag was ignored """ if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False)) or kwargs.get( 'edit', kwargs.get('e', False)): return cmds.ambientLight(*args, **kwargs) else: name = kwargs.pop('name', kwargs.pop('n', False)) if name: tmp = cmds.ambientLight(*args, **kwargs) tmp = cmds.rename(cmds.listRelatives(tmp, parent=1)[0], name) return _general.PyNode(cmds.listRelatives(tmp, shapes=1)[0]) return _general.PyNode(cmds.ambientLight(*args, **kwargs))
def createAmblight(): ambLight_Name = 'amb_light' if cmds.objExists(ambLight_Name): cmds.delete(ambLight_Name) ambLight_Shape = cmds.ambientLight(intensity=0.2, name=ambLight_Name) ambLight_Name = cmds.listRelatives(ambLight_Shape, parent=True) return ambLight_Name
def createLight(self, lightNodeType, lightName, *args, **kwargs): preCreationSelection =, long=True) if len(preCreationSelection) < 1: preCreationSelection = None else: preCreationSelection = preCreationSelection[0] if lightNodeType == 'spotLight': shapeNode = mc.spotLight(name=lightName) elif lightNodeType == 'directionalLight': shapeNode = mc.directionalLight(name=lightName) elif lightNodeType == 'pointLight': shapeNode = mc.pointLight(name=lightName) elif lightNodeType == 'ambientLight': shapeNode = mc.ambientLight(name=lightName) elif lightNodeType == 'volumeLight': initNode = mc.createNode('volumeLight') transform = mc.listRelatives(initNode, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0] result = mc.rename(transform, lightName) shapeNode = mc.listRelatives(result, shapes=True, noIntermediate=True, type='light')[0] elif lightNodeType == 'areaLight': initNode = mc.createNode('areaLight') transform = mc.listRelatives(initNode, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0] result = mc.rename(transform, lightName) shapeNode = mc.listRelatives(result, shapes=True, noIntermediate=True, type='light')[0] else: return None if shapeNode: transformNode = mc.listRelatives(shapeNode, parent=True)[0] self.alignLight(transformNode, preCreationSelection) tools.setDefaultAttrs(shapeNode) try: self.post_fn.postLightCreation(transformNode, shapeNode, *args, **kwargs) except: tools.logger.exception( "Post light creation function not executed due to exceptions" ) finally: return transformNode, shapeNode else: return None
def addLight(kind, *args): if(not'lights')):'lights', em=True, w=True) if kind == 'spot': newLight = cmds.spotLight() elif kind == 'dir': newLight = cmds.directionalLight() elif kind == 'point': newLight = cmds.pointLight() elif kind == 'amb': newLight = cmds.ambientLight() elif kind == 'area': newLight = cmds.shadingNode ('areaLight', asLight=True) cmds.parent(newLight, 'lights') refresh()
def add_light(kind, *args): """adds a new light, organizes it, and refreshes the UI""" if (not'lights')):'lights', em=True, w=True) if kind == 'spot': new_light = cmds.spotLight() elif kind == 'dir': new_light = cmds.directionalLight() elif kind == 'point': new_light = cmds.pointLight() elif kind == 'amb': new_light = cmds.ambientLight() elif kind == 'area': new_light = cmds.shadingNode('areaLight', asLight=True) cmds.parent(new_light, 'lights') refresh()
def add_light(kind, *args): """adds a new light, organizes it, and refreshes the UI""" if(not'lights')):'lights', em=True, w=True) if kind == 'spot': new_light = cmds.spotLight() elif kind == 'dir': new_light = cmds.directionalLight() elif kind == 'point': new_light = cmds.pointLight() elif kind == 'amb': new_light = cmds.ambientLight() elif kind == 'area': new_light = cmds.shadingNode ('areaLight', asLight=True) cmds.parent(new_light, 'lights') refresh()
def makeLights(daytime, name_): ''' Creates lights for the city. daytime: Boolean variable which is true if it is day and false if it is night. On exit: A directional light has been created and rotated randomly. If daytime is true a ambient light has also been created. ''' light = cmds.directionalLight(name = name_ + "directionalLight", rs = True) rotatex = random.randint(-90,0) rotatey = random.randint(0,360) cmds.xform(name_ + "directionalLight", rotation = (rotatex,rotatey,0), translation = (0,50,0),relative = True, ws = True) if daytime == False: cmds.setAttr(light + ".intensity", 0.05) else: light2 = cmds.ambientLight(name = name_ + "ambientLight",intensity = 0.5) cmds.xform(name_ + "ambientLight", translation = (0,50,0))
def keepRenderGlobalInfo(self): self._imageFormat = cmds.getAttr( self._renderGlobalNode+'.imageFormat' ) self._imagePrefix = cmds.getAttr( self._renderGlobalNode+'.imageFilePrefix' ) self._baseImageAnimValue = cmds.getAttr( self._renderGlobalNode+'.animation' ) if not self._imagePrefix: self._imagePrefix = '' ambientShape = cmds.ambientLight( i=0.0 ) directShape = cmds.directionalLight( i=1.5 ) ambient = cmds.listRelatives( ambientShape, p=1 )[0] direct = cmds.listRelatives( directShape, p=1 )[0] self._lights = [ ambient, direct ] mtx = cmds.getAttr( self._cam + '.wm' ) cmds.xform( direct, ws=1, matrix=mtx ) cmds.refresh()
def basic(*args): if(not'lights')):'lights', em=True, w=True) cool = [.8, .85, 1] warm = [1, .88, .8] north = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromSouthOnNorth', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr(cmds.listRelatives(north,type='transform',p=True)[0] + '.ry', 180) south = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromNorthOnSouth', rgb=cool, i=.2) east = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromWestOnEast', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr(cmds.listRelatives(east,type='transform',p=True)[0] + '.ry', 90) west = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromEastOnWest', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr(cmds.listRelatives(west,type='transform',p=True)[0] + '.ry', -90) sky = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromFloorOnSky', rgb=warm, i=.1) cmds.setAttr(cmds.listRelatives(sky,type='transform',p=True)[0] + '.rx', 90) floor = cmds.directionalLight(n='lFill_fromSkyOnFloor', rgb=cool, i=.2) cmds.setAttr(cmds.listRelatives(floor,type='transform',p=True)[0] + '.rx', -90) amb = cmds.ambientLight(n='lAmb_onSet', i=.01) cmds.parent('light'), 'lights') refresh()
def keepRenderGlobalInfo(self): self._imageFormat = cmds.getAttr(self._renderGlobalNode + '.imageFormat') self._imagePrefix = cmds.getAttr(self._renderGlobalNode + '.imageFilePrefix') self._baseImageAnimValue = cmds.getAttr(self._renderGlobalNode + '.animation') if not self._imagePrefix: self._imagePrefix = '' ambientShape = cmds.ambientLight(i=0.0) directShape = cmds.directionalLight(i=1.5) ambient = cmds.listRelatives(ambientShape, p=1)[0] direct = cmds.listRelatives(directShape, p=1)[0] self._lights = [ambient, direct] mtx = cmds.getAttr(self._cam + '.wm') cmds.xform(direct, ws=1, matrix=mtx) cmds.refresh()
def doit(): global voxelSize, cubeSize, cubeDict, allLights, amb, useAmbient, useShadows, disableUndos, showCommands, useVoxCtrl, useCubeCtrl, frameRange, verboseOutput, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, xLocs, yLocs, zLocs cubeDict = {} shaderDict = {} SGDict = {} if useAmbient: # disable and store all existing lights allLights = cmds.sets("defaultLightSet", q=1) cmds.sets(clear="defaultLightSet") # make an ambient light amb = cmds.ambientLight(i=True, ambientShade=0) else: allLights = None # identify control objects sel = if len(sel) > 0: # filter for polymeshes ctrl = cmds.filterExpand(sel, fullPath=0, selectionMask=12) sel = [] if ctrl == None: print "No meshes found in selection, checking scene..." # check for object or group named "voxelGeo" if cmds.objExists("voxelGeo"):"voxelGeo") sel = if len(sel) == 0: # select all dag objects sel = if sel == None or sel == []: cmds.confirmDialog( title='Mesh selection', message= 'No meshes found in scene.', button=['OK']) return 0 else: # filter for polymeshes ctrl = cmds.filterExpand(sel, fullPath=0, selectionMask=12) if ctrl == None: cmds.confirmDialog( title='Mesh selection', message= 'No meshes found in scene.', button=['OK']) return 0 if disableUndos: cmds.undoInfo(state=False) if not showCommands: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sr=True, sw=True, si=True) firstFrame = frameRange[0] lastFrame = frameRange[1] duration = abs(int(lastFrame-firstFrame))+1 # deal with backwards frame ranges if lastFrame < firstFrame: lastFrame -= 1 frameStep = -1 else: lastFrame += 1 frameStep = 1 startTime= cmds.timerX() makeProgBar(duration*len(ctrl)) cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, beginProgress=True) s = "s" if duration > 1 else "" print "Voxelizer animating over", duration, "frame%s..."%s print "Press ESC to cancel" resetList = [] directions = [(-1.0, 0.0, 0,0), (0.0, -1.0, 0,0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)] cubegroup =, n='cubes') #for f in range(firstFrame,lastFrame,frameStep): # for each frame for f in range(int(firstFrame),int(lastFrame),int(frameStep)): # for each frame stepTime= cmds.timerX() if cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True ): return docancel() cmds.currentTime(f, edit=True, update=True) # get sizes from control objects, if available if useVoxCtrl: voxelSize = round(cmds.getAttr('voxelScaleCtrl.scaleX'), 3) if useCubeCtrl: cubeSize = round(cmds.getAttr('cubeScaleCtrl.scaleX'), 3) # hide visible cubes for x in resetList: cmds.setKeyframe(x, at="scale", v=0, t=f) resetList = [] # for every target control object: for c in ctrl: if cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True ): return docancel() cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, step=True) # if ctrl object is invisible, skip to the next one if objIsVisible(c) == 0: continue # bake textures into verts cmds.polyGeoSampler(sampleByFace=True, computeShadows=useShadows, rs=useShadows) # set ray starting points setLocs(c) locArrays = [xLocs, yLocs, zLocs] # for each axis: for i in range(3): # for every gridpoint: for loc in locArrays[i]: hits = [] # zap a ray through the object rayInt = rayIntersect(c, loc, directions[i]) hits = rayInt[0] hfaces = rayInt[1] for j, x in enumerate(hits): # snap hit locations to cubegrid x = (roundToFraction(x[0], voxelSize), roundToFraction(x[1], voxelSize), roundToFraction(x[2], voxelSize) ) # if location isn't in cubeDict: make a new cube if x not in cubeDict: # add location and new cube to cubeDict cubeDict[x] = cmds.polyCube(sz=1, sy=1, sx=1, cuv=4, d=1, h=1, w=1, ch=1)[0] cube = cubeDict[x] if useShadows: # prevent cubes from casting shadows onto the ctrl objs cmds.setAttr(cube+".castsShadows", 0) cmds.parent(cube, cubegroup) # move cube to location cmds.xform(cube, t=x) # shader coloring method: uses one shader per cube shader = cmds.shadingNode("lambert", asShader=1) # create a shading group shaderSG = cmds.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=shader+"SG") # connect the shader to the shading group cmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor'%shader, '%s.surfaceShader'%shaderSG, f=True) # add cube to the shaderSG shape = cmds.listRelatives(cube, shapes=1)[0] cmds.sets('%s'%shape, e=True, fe='%s'%shaderSG) shaderDict[cube] = shader SGDict[cube] = shaderSG # set scale key of 0 on the previous frame cmds.setKeyframe(cube, at="scale", v=0, t=(f-1)) cube = cubeDict[x] cubeshape = cmds.listRelatives(cube, shapes=1)[0] # add cube to resetList resetList.append(cube) if len(hfaces) > 0: # check the alpha of the face alpha = cmds.polyColorPerVertex(c+'.f['+str(hfaces[j])+']', q=True, a=True, cdo=True) if alpha[0] > 0.5: # if more than half opaque # get the color of the face fcolor = cmds.polyColorPerVertex(c+'.f['+str(hfaces[j])+']', q=True, rgb=True, cdo=True, nun=True) cmds.setKeyframe(shaderDict[cube]+'.colorR', v=fcolor[0]) cmds.setKeyframe(shaderDict[cube]+'.colorG', v=fcolor[1]) cmds.setKeyframe(shaderDict[cube]+'.colorB', v=fcolor[2]) # set a scale key cmds.setKeyframe(cube, at="scale", v=cubeSize, t=f, breakdown=0, hierarchy="none", controlPoints=0, shape=0) # if previous frame didn't have a scale key, set it to 0 tempCurTime = cmds.currentTime(q=True)-1 lastKey = cmds.keyframe(cube, at="scale", q=True, t=(tempCurTime,tempCurTime), valueChange=True) if lastKey == None: cmds.setKeyframe(cube, at="scale", v=0, t=(f-1)) if verboseOutput: stepTime = cmds.timerX(st=stepTime) totalTime = cmds.timerX(st=startTime) print "frame:", cmds.currentTime(q=True), "\tkeyed cubes:", len(resetList), "\ttotal cubes:", len(cubeDict) cps = "inf" if stepTime == 0 else round(len(resetList)/stepTime, 2) if useVoxCtrl or useCubeCtrl: print "\t\tvoxelSize:", voxelSize, "\tcubeSize: ", cubeSize print "\t\tstepTime:", round(stepTime, 2), "\ttotal time:", round(totalTime, 2), "\tcubes per second:", cps # restore scene state if useAmbient: if cmds.objExists(amb): cmds.delete(cmds.listRelatives(amb, parent=True)[0]) cmds.sets(allLights, add="defaultLightSet") elif useShadows: # turn the cubes' shadows back on for x in cubeDict: cmds.setAttr(cubeDict[x]+".castsShadows", 1) if not showCommands: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sr=srState, sw=swState, si=siState) if disableUndos: cmds.undoInfo(state=True) cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True) totalTime = cmds.timerX(st=startTime) print("Voxelizer finished: "+str(round(totalTime, 2))+ " seconds ("+str(round(totalTime/60, 2)) + " minutes)") #promptSetup() ### End Voxelizer 1.0 ###
def createSun(*args) : cmds.ambientLight(name='sun_LGT', intensity=0) cmds.connectAttr('sun_LGT.translate', 'fabricVegetation.sunPos') print 'FVegetation: Created and connected sun location.'
## create light set for viewport2 import maya.cmds as mc sel ='groupLightA') if not sel: mc.ambientLight(n='ambiantLightA', intensity=0.6) mc.spotLight(n='spotLightA', intensity=0.6, coneAngle=80) mc.setAttr('spotLightA.rotateX', -90) mc.setAttr('spotLightA.translateY', 300) mc.setAttr('spotLightA.scale', 200, 200, 200, type="double3")'ambiantLightA', 'spotLightA', n='groupLightA') allModelPanel = mc.getPanel(type='modelPanel') if allModelPanel: for modelPanelName in allModelPanel: mc.modelEditor(modelPanelName, e=True, displayLights="all", shadows=True) else: mc.delete(sel) allModelPanel = mc.getPanel(type='modelPanel') if allModelPanel: for modelPanelName in allModelPanel: mc.modelEditor(modelPanelName, e=True, displayLights="default", shadows=False)"|root_*", type="transform")[0] ## integration matte import maya.cmds as mc
#Creates an Ambient Light soft lighting setup for rendering/test rendering #Requires that your materials are MIA_materialX. This requirement might #change in the future. Also, requires that they all be selected. This requirement #will likely not change. #by-Wesley Wilson #on-6/23/14 import maya.cmds as cmds #name of the lambert to be created. All other names are driven from this variable. LambertName = 'ambientShader_lambert' #select materials and assign to a list variable selectedMaterials = #creates the new lambert and assigns it a color of white newLambert = cmds.shadingNode('lambert', name='%s' % LambertName, asShader=True) cmds.setAttr('%s.color' % LambertName, 1, 1, 1, typ='double3') #creates an ambient light and turns its ambient shade off cmds.ambientLight(n='%s_ambLight' % LambertName, ambientShade=0) #takes selected materials and turns on AO and then connects the lambert to that material for selected in selectedMaterials: cmds.setAttr('%s.ao_on' % selected, 1) cmds.setAttr('%s.ao_samples' % selected, 24) cmds.connectAttr('%s.color' % LambertName, '%s.ao_ambient' % selected, f=True)
import maya.cmds as cmds import maya.mel as mel import math # **************************** # ---------- SETUP ---------- # **************************** # ----- Create Light ----- # Create ambient light light = cmds.ambientLight(intensity=1.0) cmds.ambientLight(light, e=True, ss=True, intensity=0.2, n='lightAmb') cmds.move(0, 8, 0) # Create directional light light = cmds.directionalLight(rotation=(45, 30, 15), n='lightDir') cmds.directionalLight(light, e=True, ss=True, intensity=0.0) # Query it cmds.ambientLight(light, q=True, intensity=True) cmds.directionalLight(light, q=True, intensity=True) # ----- Create Transparent Box ----- # Create the groundPlane cmds.polyCube(w=5, h=2, d=5, sx=1,
def createSun(*args): cmds.ambientLight(name='sun_LGT', intensity=0) cmds.connectAttr('sun_LGT.translate', 'fabricVegetation.sunPos') print 'FVegetation: Created and connected sun location.'