def createTrackwayVisualization(trackway): references = [] for foot in trackway: references.extend(createMarchingSphere(foot)) references.append(createHipsIndicator(trackway)) references.append(createShoulderIndicator(trackway)) group =*references, world=True, name=name) applyShaders(trackway) createRenderEnvironment() minTime = min(0, int(cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True))) maxTime = trackway.duration cmds.playbackOptions( minTime=minTime, animationStartTime=minTime, maxTime= maxTime, animationEndTime=maxTime) cmds.currentTime(0, update=True)
def zbw_stepAll(): sel = keyList = [] keySet = set() allKeys = [] #get timeslider range start startF = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, min=True) #get end frame endF = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, max=True) #get all the keyed frames for this in sel: keyList = cmds.keyframe(this, query=True, time=(startF,endF)) for key in keyList: key = int(key) keySet.add(key) #print keyList keySet = set(keyList) for frame in keySet: allKeys.append(frame) allKeys.sort() allKeys.reverse() #print allKeys for object in sel: for thisKey in allKeys: cmds.currentTime(thisKey) cmds.setKeyframe(object, t=thisKey, ott="step")
def store(self): ''' store animation ''' # make sure o if self.poseOnly: self.mtrx.append(cmds.xform(self.obj, q=True, m=True, ws=True)) else: if self.keys: current = cmds.currentTime(q=True) # ui off cn.uiEnable(controls='modelPanel') # autokey state autoK = cmds.autoKeyframe(q=True, state=True) cmds.autoKeyframe(state=False) for key in self.keys: cmds.currentTime(key) self.pos.append(cmds.xform(self.obj, q=True, rp=True, ws=True)) self.rot.append(cmds.xform(self.obj, q=True, ro=True, ws=True)) self.mtrx.append(cmds.xform(self.obj, q=True, m=True, ws=True)) # restore everything cmds.currentTime(current) cmds.autoKeyframe(state=autoK) cn.uiEnable(controls='modelPanel') else: message('No keys, forcing timeline range.', maya=True) self.keys = range(int(self.rng.start), int(self.rng.end)) self.rng.keyStart = self.rng.start self.rng.keyEnd = self.rng.end
def buildGhostAnimation(*args): obj = 'ghost_body1' # get animation start and end points from ui controls animation_start = cmds.intField('animation_start', query=True, value=True) animation_end = cmds.intField('animation_end', query=True, value=True) for current_time in range(animation_start, animation_end + 1): cmds.currentTime(current_time, edit=True) locatorPos = cmds.xform('character_locator', q=1, t=True) x = round(locatorPos[0], 2) z = round(locatorPos[2], 2) if x % 1 == 0.25 or z % 1 == 0.25: cmds.xform(obj, rotation = [0, 11.25, 0]) elif x % 1 == 0.5 or z % 1 == 0.5: cmds.xform(obj, rotation = [0, 22.5, 0]) elif x % 1 == 0.75 or z % 1 == 0.75: cmds.xform(obj, rotation = [0, 33.75, 0]) elif x % 1 == 0 or z % 1 == 0: cmds.xform(obj, rotation = [0, 0, 0]) else: assert False, "Unhandled character position" cmds.setKeyframe([obj])
def exportDeformAnimation(folder): '''Use MDD file to export defrom animation.''' minframe = int( mc.playbackOptions(q = True, min = True) ) maxframe = int( mc.playbackOptions(q = True, max = True) ) totalframes = maxframe - minframe + 1 t = mc.currentUnit(q = True, t = True) fps = _mfps[t] parts = [] selectionList = mo.MSelectionList() mo.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(selectionList) itList = mo.MItSelectionList(selectionList, mo.MFn.kTransform) while not itList.isDone(): path = mo.MDagPath() itList.getDagPath(path) partialName = str(path.partialPathName()) name = partialName.split(":")[-1] part = MDD(name, mo.MFnMesh(path), totalframes, fps) parts.append(part) # add animation for frame in range(minframe, maxframe + 1): mc.currentTime(frame, edit = True) for p in parts: p.addFrame() # write files for p in parts: p.writeToFile(folder) print "write %s done." % print "All is done." return True
def exportSgKeyData( targetTransformNodes, startFrame, endFrame, step, folderPath=None, exportByMatrix=False, *args ): import sgBFunction_scene import copy if step < 0.05: cmds.error( "Step Must be larger then %.f." % step ) sgBFunction_base.autoLoadPlugin( "sgBDataCmd" ) if not folderPath: folderPath = sgBFunction_fileAndPath.getDefaultSgKeyDataPath() sgBFunction_fileAndPath.makeFolder( folderPath ) sgBFunction_fileAndPath.removeChildFiles( folderPath ) targetTransformNodeParents = [] for transformNode in targetTransformNodes: targetTransformNodeParents += sgBFunction_dag.getParents( transformNode ) targetTransformNodeParents.append( transformNode ) targetTransformNodeParents = list( set( targetTransformNodeParents ) ) sgBFunction_scene.exportTransformData( targetTransformNodeParents, folderPath ) cmds.sgBDataCmd_key( targetTransformNodes, se=1, folderPath= folderPath, ebm=exportByMatrix ) cuTime = copy.copy( startFrame ) while cuTime <= endFrame+1: cmds.currentTime( cuTime ) cmds.sgBDataCmd_key( write=1 ) cuTime += step cmds.sgBDataCmd_key( ee=1 )
def __uicb_setReferenceBwavNode(self, *args): ''' : PRO_PACK : set the internal reference offset used to offset the audionode. .. note:: If you pass this a bwav then it caches that bwav for use as the offset. If you pass it a node, and that node has the timecode attrs, then it caches the offset itself. ''', type='audio') self.__bwav_reference = None self.__cached_tc_offset = None if selectedAudio: if not len(selectedAudio)==1: log.warning("Please only select 1 piece of Audio to use for reference") return reference=AudioNode(selectedAudio[0]) if reference.isBwav(): self.__bwav_reference=selectedAudio[0] cmds.text('bwavRefTC', edit=True, label='frame %s == %s' % (reference.startFrame,reference.bwav_timecodeFormatted())) else: raise IOError("selected Audio node is NOT a Bwav so can't be used as reference") else: selectedNode =,l=True) if len(selectedNode)==1: relativeTC = self.pro_audio.Timecode(selectedNode[0]).getTimecode_from_node() actualframe = cmds.currentTime(q=True) self.__cached_tc_offset = actualframe - self.pro_audio.timecode_to_frame(relativeTC) cmds.text('bwavRefTC', edit=True, label='frame %s == %s' % (cmds.currentTime(q=True), relativeTC)) else: log.warning("No reference audio track selected for reference") return
def dsEmitAlongLocator(start,end,ss): y = start x = end cmds.currentTime(y) locX = cmds.getAttr('locator1.translateX') locY = cmds.getAttr('locator1.translateY') locZ = cmds.getAttr('locator1.translateZ') beforePos = [locX,locY,locZ] while y <= x: cmds.currentTime(y) locX = cmds.getAttr('locator1.translateX') locY = cmds.getAttr('locator1.translateY') locZ = cmds.getAttr('locator1.translateZ') pos = [locX,locY,locZ] dist = [pos[0]-beforePos[0],pos[1]-beforePos[1],pos[2]-beforePos[2]] val = [dist[0]/ss,dist[1]/ss,dist[2]/ss] for i in range(ss): beforePos = [beforePos[0]+val[0],beforePos[1]+val[1],beforePos[2]+val[2]] cmds.emit( object='trail_pt', pos=(beforePos)) beforePos = pos y = y + 1
def applyToObj( self, obj=None, applyAsWorld=False, clearFirst=False ): '''applies the current clip to an object - if the animation is being applied as world space, first check to make sure the world space animation for the clip exists. then separate the transform channels out of the channels list and apply them as world space data. then we need to apply the rest of the channels as per normal''' if obj is None: obj = self.obj if applyAsWorld and self.hasWorld: for matrix in cmd.currentTime(matrix.time) tfn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( api.getMDagPath(obj) ) tfn.set( OpenMaya.MTransformationMatrix( key[0] ) ) '''nonTransformChannels = [] for channel in self.channels: if channel.attr not in g_validWorldAttrs: nonTransformChannels.append(channel) frames = self.as_frames(transformChannels) for channel in tgtAttrpath = obj +'.'+ channel.attr channel.applyToObj(obj,applyAsWorld) #run a euler filter over the resulting rotation animation - converting to world space #rotations often causes all sorts of nasty euler flips maya.mel.eval('filterCurve %s.rx %s.ry %s.rz;'%(obj,obj,obj)) for channel in transformChannels: channel.applyToObj(obj)''' else: for channel in self.channels.values(): channel.applyToObj(obj,clearFirst=clearFirst)
def nuke_track_node(): """ creates a nuke track node for the selected transform. selection order: trasnform, camera """ selection = selection = True ) point = selection[0] camera = selection[1] cameraShape = cmds.listRelatives( shapes = True )[0] aperture_h = camera, hfa=1, q=1) aperture_v = camera, vfa=1, q=1) trackNode = 'Tracker3 { track1 {{curve x1 ' tx = '' ty = '' endframe = 48 for frame in range( 1, endframe + 1 ): cmds.currentTime( frame ) fov_h = camera, hfv=1, q=1) fov_v = camera, vfv=1, q=1) track = get_normalized_screen_position( point, camera, fov_h, fov_v, aperture_h, aperture_v ) tx += str( track[0] * 1280 ) + ' ' ty += str( track[1] * 720 ) + ' ' trackNode += tx + '} {curve x1 ' + ty + '}}}' print '#' * 50 print '>>> tracker node, copy paste to nuke:' print trackNode
def pathAnimPose(root='', i=0, length=0, ns='', point=''): # point number # i = i + 1 # number of point controls pathControls = 47 # number of points left numOfCt = pathControls - i # print numOfCt, '___controls' # print length, '___length' # print length / numOfCt, '___frame' # advance every nframe nframe = 1 # if frame length is larger than points left, skip frames if length > numOfCt: nframe = int(round(float(length) / float(numOfCt), 0)) # print nframe, '__________' pnt = '' while i <= 47: current = cmds.currentTime(q=True) cmds.currentTime(current + nframe) t = cmds.xform(root, q=True, ws=True, t=True) n = pad(i) pnt = ns + ':' + point + n # print pnt # print cmds.currentTime(current + nframe) cmds.xform(pnt, ws=True, t=t) i = i + 1
def exportAbc(self, root, frameRange=(1,24), suffix="", **kargs): self.__abc_files.append(expandFileName('' % suffix)) # seed on first frame cmds.currentTime(1) maya.mel.eval("seed(1)") # First, eval time from one to frameRange start to avoid a possible jump for i in range(1,frameRange[0]): cmds.currentTime(i) # Format argument for extra atrbutes argStr = " " for item in kargs: if isinstance(kargs[item], (tuple,list)): for element in kargs[item]: argStr += " -%s %s" % ( item, element ) else: argStr += " -%s %s" % ( item, kargs[item] ) # Export stdoutWrite("writefile: %s" % self.__abc_files[-1]) cmds.AbcExport(j='-fr %d %d -root %s %s -file ' % (frameRange[0], frameRange[1], root, argStr) + self.__abc_files[-1] )
def changeToLastFrame(currentFrame): removeBoxesFromView(currentFrame) cmds.currentTime( currentFrame - 1, edit = True, update= True) showNewBoxesInView(frame = int(cmds.currentTime( query=True ))) cmds.textField(g_currentFrameField,e=True,ip=1,tx=currentFrame-1) global g_currentFrame g_currentFrame = currentFrame-1
def _plotter_avrg(self): '''plots a locator to a vertice or face per keyframe in a timeline''', fl=1) if len(selObj)>0: pass else: print "Select 1 object" return getTopRange=cmds.playbackOptions(q=1, max=1)+1#get framerange of scene to set keys in iteration getLowRange=cmds.playbackOptions(q=1, min=1)-1#get framerange of scene to set keys in iteration edgeBucket=[] getRange=arange(getLowRange,getTopRange, 1 ) getloc=cmds.spaceLocator(n=selObj[0]+"cnstr_lctr") cmds.normalConstraint(selObj[0], getloc[0]) placeloc=cmds.spaceLocator(n=selObj[0]+"lctr") for each in getRange: cmds.currentTime(each) transform=cmds.xform(selObj, q=1, ws=1, t=1) posBucketx=self.array_median_find(transform[0::3]) posBuckety=self.array_median_find(transform[1::3]) posBucketz=self.array_median_find(transform[2::3]) cmds.xform(getloc[0], ws=1, t=(posBucketx, posBuckety, posBucketz)) cmds.SetKeyTranslate(getloc[0]) cmds.xform(placeloc[0], ws=1, t=(posBucketx, posBuckety, posBucketz)) cmds.SetKeyTranslate(placeloc[0]) rotate=cmds.xform(getloc[0], q=True, ws=1, ro=True) cmds.xform(placeloc[0], ws=1, ro=rotate) cmds.SetKeyRotate(placeloc[0]) cmds.currentTime(each)
def exportObjects(self): for object in self.objects:, r= True) if self.exportType == 1: fileType = 'Fbx' cmds.loadPlugin('fbxmaya', qt= True) melCmd.eval('FBXExportShowUI -v false;') else: fileType = 'OBJexport' cmds.loadPlugin('objExport', qt= True) if bool(self.exportGeometrySequence) == bool(True): startF = self.startFrame endF = self.endFrame else: startF = endF = cmds.currentTime( query=True ) nameExtension = '' exportName = object.replace(':', '_') for timevalue in range(startF, (endF+1), 1): if bool(self.exportGeometrySequence) == bool(True): nameExtension = '.%04d' % timevalue cmds.currentTime(timevalue) if self.exportType == 1: melCmd.eval('FBXExport -f "' + self.exportPath + exportName + nameExtension + '.fbx" -s') else: cmds.file(self.exportPath+exportName+nameExtension, op='', typ=fileType, pr=True, es=True ) print 'Exported: ' + object;
def exportAndRender(self, renderDir, renderSettings, mitsubaPath, oiiotoolPath, mtsDir, keepTempFiles, animation, frame=None, verbose=False): if frame != None: # Calling this can lead to Maya 2016 locking up if you don't have MAYA_RELEASE_PYTHON_GIL set # See Readme cmds.currentTime(float(frame)) else: frame = 1 sceneName = self.getScenePrefix() scenePrefix = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFilePrefix") if scenePrefix is None: scenePrefix = sceneName outFileName = os.path.join(renderDir, "%s.xml" % scenePrefix) # Export scene and geometry geometryFiles = MitsubaRendererIO.writeScene(outFileName, renderDir, renderSettings) # Render scene, delete scene and geometry imageName = self.renderScene(outFileName, renderDir, mitsubaPath, oiiotoolPath, mtsDir, keepTempFiles, geometryFiles, animation, frame, verbose, renderSettings) return imageName
def export(self, selection): """start the export procedure""" # save settings self.saveSettings() if self.items: # get display values and turn them off UTILS.getDisplayItems() UTILS.setDisplayOff() # get the output path from the textfield outputFile = self.textfieldValidator(cmds.textField(self.textField, text=True, q=True)) createScene = False if outputFile: # generate the nuke script EXPORTER = exporter.Exporter(self.items, outputFile, self.framerange, False) EXPORTER.startExport() else: cmds.confirmDialog(t='Error', m='The output file is not correct.\nex: /<path>/nukefile.nk') # set display back on UTILS.setDisplayOn() # set playback at the original frame cmds.currentTime(self.framerange['current']) # select original selection if self.originalSel:, r=True) else: cmds.confirmDialog(t='Error', m='There is nothing to export!')
def testAnimMeshReload(self): MayaCmds.polyCube( name = 'mesh') MayaCmds.setKeyframe('meshShape.vtx[0:7]', time=[1, 24]) MayaCmds.setKeyframe('meshShape.vtx[0:7]') MayaCmds.currentTime(12, update=True)'meshShape.vtx[0:7]') MayaCmds.scale(5, 5, 5, r=True) MayaCmds.setKeyframe('meshShape.vtx[0:7]', time=[12]) self.__files.append(util.expandFileName('')) MayaCmds.AbcExport(j='-fr 1 24 -root mesh -f ' + self.__files[-1]) # reading test MayaCmds.AbcImport(self.__files[-1], mode='open') # save as a maya file self.__files.append(util.expandFileName('test.mb')) MayaCmds.file(rename=self.__files[-1]) MayaCmds.file(save=True) # reload as a maya file MayaCmds.file(self.__files[-1], open=True) MayaCmds.AbcImport(self.__files[-2], mode='import') retVal = True mesh1 = '|mesh|meshShape' mesh2 = '|mesh1|meshShape' for t in range(1, 25): MayaCmds.currentTime(t, update=True) if not util.compareMesh( mesh1, mesh2 ):'%s and %s were not equal at frame %d' % (mesh1, mesh2, t))
def change_visibility(self, btn, frame): """Changes the visibility of the sculpts.""" table = self.uif.get_object_table(btn) obj = self.uif.get_object_tab(table) btn_row, btn_column = self.uif.get_row_column(btn) show = False for row in range(table.rowCount()): button = table.cellWidget(row, btn_column) if row == btn_row: if not button.isChecked(): button.setText('Original') button.setStyleSheet('QToolButton{color:#ddd;}') self.show_hide_sculpt(table, row, False) show = True else: button.setText('Sculpt') button.setStyleSheet('QToolButton{color:#000;}') self.show_hide_sculpt(table, row, True) else: button.setChecked(False) button.setText('Original') button.setStyleSheet('QToolButton{color:#ddd;}') self.show_hide_sculpt(table, row, False) # end for row in range(table.rowCount()) self.show_original(obj[1], show) if not show: cmds.currentTime(frame) sculpt = table.item(btn_row, self.column_name).text() trans = self.get_transform_dag_path(obj[1], sculpt) if len(, l=True)) > 0: if, l=True)[0] != trans:, r=True)
def setUp(self): cmds.file(new=1, f=1) self.cube = cmds.polyCube()[0] for i in xrange(1,21,2): cmds.currentTime(i) pm.setAttr(self.cube + '.tx', i) pm.setKeyframe(self.cube + '.tx')
def __exit__(self, *exc_info): cmds.autoKeyframe(state=self.autoKeyState) cmds.currentTime(self.time) if self.selection:
def LoadJointMotionPaths( self, roots ): """ prep the data structure that holds the motion paths """ animPaths = {} for root in roots: animPaths[root] = {} self.trace[root] = Trajectory("%sTrace"%root) # find all nearby joints joints = [j for j in mc.listRelatives( root, allDescendents=True ) if j in self.traceableObjs] # TODO: just get the nearby joints by projecting them all onto the viewing plane and finding the distance # get the motion path of each nearby joint if len(joints) > 0: for j in joints: animPaths[root][j] = Trajectory( "%s_path"%j ) if debug > 0:"%sGrp"%j,empty=True) startFrame = mc.playbackOptions(q=True,minTime=True) endFrame = mc.playbackOptions(q=True,maxTime=True)+1 for t in [float(x)/self.substeps+startFrame for x in range(0, int(endFrame-startFrame)*self.substeps)]: mc.currentTime(t) for root in roots: joints = [j for j in mc.listRelatives( root, allDescendents=True ) if j in self.traceableObjs] for j in joints: point = Vector( mc.xform(j, q=True, ws=True, t=True) ) animPaths[root][j].AddPoint( point, t ) if debug > 0: loc = mc.spaceLocator(p=point) mc.parent(loc,"%sGrp"%j) self.trace[root].SetSearchList( animPaths[root] )
def refresh(): cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=False) # cmds.refresh(force=True) # print "refresh" cmds.refresh(suspend=False) cmds.currentTime(cmds.currentTime(query=True), edit=True) cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=True)
def setUp(self): MayaCmds.file(new=True, force=True) self.__files = [] # write out an animated Alembic file createAnimatedSolarSystem() self.__files.append(util.expandFileName("")) MayaCmds.AbcExport(j="-fr 1 24 -root group1 -root group2 -file " + self.__files[-1]) # write out a static Alembic file that's different than the static scene # created by createStaticSolarSystem() MayaCmds.currentTime(12, update=True) self.__files.append(util.expandFileName("")) MayaCmds.AbcExport(j="-fr 12 12 -root group1 -root group2 -file " + self.__files[-1]) # write out an animated mesh with animated parent transform node MayaCmds.polyPlane(sx=2, sy=2, w=1, h=1, ch=0, n="polyMesh") MayaCmds.createNode("transform", n="group") MayaCmds.parent("polyMesh", "group") # key the transform node MayaCmds.setKeyframe("group", attribute="translate", t=[1, 4]) MayaCmds.move(0.36, 0.72, 0.36) MayaCmds.setKeyframe("group", attribute="translate", t=2) # key the mesh node"polyMesh.vtx[0:8]") MayaCmds.setKeyframe(t=[1, 4]) MayaCmds.scale(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, r=True) MayaCmds.setKeyframe(t=2) self.__files.append(util.expandFileName("")) MayaCmds.AbcExport(j="-fr 1 4 -root group -file " + self.__files[-1]) MayaCmds.file(new=True, force=True)
def bake_camera(node): print 'baking camera '+str(node)+'...', camera_info = get_camera_info(node) newCamera = for frame in camera_info['frames']: cmds.currentTime(frame) # set matrix cmds.xform(newCamera[0], m=camera_info['matrix.'+str(frame)]) cmds.setAttr(newCamera[1]+'.focalLength', camera_info['focal.'+str(frame)]) cmds.setAttr(newCamera[1]+'.horizontalFilmAperture', camera_info['hap.'+str(frame)]) cmds.setAttr(newCamera[1]+'.verticalFilmAperture', camera_info['vap.'+str(frame)]) cmds.setAttr(newCamera[1]+'.horizontalFilmOffset', camera_info['hfo.'+str(frame)]) cmds.setAttr(newCamera[1]+'.verticalFilmOffset', camera_info['vfo.'+str(frame)]) # set keyframes cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[0]+'.tx') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[0]+'.ty') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[0]+'.tz') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[0]+'.rx') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[0]+'.ry') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[0]+'.rz') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[1]+'.focalLength') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[1]+'.horizontalFilmAperture') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[1]+'.verticalFilmAperture') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[1]+'.horizontalFilmOffset') cmds.setKeyframe(newCamera[1]+'.verticalFilmOffset') print 'created '+str(newCamera)+',',
def frameSection(nudge=24): curvesShown = cmds.animCurveEditor("graphEditor1GraphEd", query=True, curvesShown=True) if not curvesShown: return firstSelKey = cmds.keyframe(selected=True, query=True, timeChange=True) # lastKey = max(cmds.keyframe(selected=False, query=True, timeChange=True)) lastKey = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, maxTime=True) if firstSelKey: # if key is selected firstSelKey = min(firstSelKey) else: # firstSelKey = min(cmds.keyframe(selected=False, query=True, timeChange=True)) firstSelKey = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True) try: if G.AM_lastFrameSection + nudge < lastKey and G.AM_lastCurvesShown == curvesShown: firstSelKey = G.AM_lastFrameSection + nudge except: pass G.AM_lastFrameSection = firstSelKey G.AM_lastCurvesShown = curvesShown framePlaybackRange.framePlaybackRangeFn(rangeStart=(firstSelKey - 1), rangeEnd=(firstSelKey + nudge + 2)) cmds.currentTime(firstSelKey, edit=True)
def walkParticlesProjection(camera, particles, step=1, start=None, end=None, pBar=None): if start is None: start = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True) if end is None: end = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, maxTime=True) start = int(start) end = int(end) #pStep = 0 if pBar is None else int(100 / (end - start + 1)) pStep = 1 coords = None for frame in xrange(start, end + 1): #log("... FRAME %d ..." % frame) cmds.currentTime(frame) points = getParticlesProjection(camera, particles, step) pid = 0 if coords is None: coords = [None] * len(points) for point in points: if coords[pid] is None: coords[pid] = [None] * (end - start + 1) coords[pid][frame - start] = point pid += 1 if pBar: cmds.progressBar(pBar, e=1, s=pStep) return coords
def setObjectToShatterCmd(self, *args): ''' ''' if not (cmds.draggerContext(self._IScontextTool._mContext, exists = True)): iMinTime = cmds.playbackOptions(query = True, minTime = True) cmds.currentTime(iMinTime, edit = True) polySelection = cmds.filterExpand(selectionMask = 12) if polySelection: if len(polySelection) > 0: mBreakNode = cmds.listConnections(polySelection[0], sh = True, type = 'fxBreakGeometry') if not mBreakNode: cmds.button(self._ISaddBtn, edit = True, label = 'Please wait... checking mesh toplogy') self._IScontextTool.checkForNonManifoldMeshes(polySelection[0]) cmds.delete(polySelection[0], ch = True) self.resetIShatterGUI() self._IScontextTool._mVoroObject = polySelection[0] cmds.button(self._ISaddBtn, edit = True, label = polySelection[0]) cmds.button(self._ISdelBtn, edit = True, enable = True) cmds.button(self._ISprocessBtn, edit = True, enable = True) cmds.checkBox(self._ISborderEdgesCbx, edit = True, enable = True) cmds.checkBox(self._IShideObjectsCbx, edit = True, enable = True) else: cmds.confirmDialog(title = 'Oups... IShatter Error', message = 'You must select one mesh object first !', button = 'OK', defaultButton = 'Yes', cancelButton = 'No', dismissString = 'No')
def set_vertex_position(getVtxPosOfFrame = 101): ''' This method sets the vertex positions of the mesh by the vertex positions at the specified frameNumber ''' #Cloudy:SF_C_hatSculpt138918980693 #Cloudy:C_hat_PLY #--- get the selected object sel = = True) #--- get the current frame current_frame = cmds.currentTime(query = True) #--- jump to the specified frame cmds.currentTime(getVtxPosOfFrame) #--- get the vertex positions of the selected mesh for i in sel: #--- get the original mesh, verts and vert positions original_mesh = i.split('SF')[0] + i.split('SF_')[-1].split('Sculpt')[0] + '_PLY' original_vert = + '.vtx[*]', flatten = True) original_pos = [] for v in original_vert: pos = cmds.xform(v, query = True, translation = True, worldSpace = True) original_pos.append(pos) #--- go to the initial frame cmds.currentTime(current_frame) #--- set the vertex positions of the sculpt mesh sculpt_vert = + '.vtx[*]', flatten = True) for v, pos in zip(sculpt_vert, original_pos): cmds.xform(v, translation = pos, worldSpace = True)
def createKeyFrames(numFrames, boundary): '''create the keyframes for the animation''' for frame in range(numFrames): cmds.currentTime( frame, edit=True ) for b in boids: # How to stop a running maya script: # When a script is running in maya, Everything # freezes and maya does not repond to input. # To get around this maya has to be stopped from # the outside. This if-statement looks for a empty file # named "stop.maya" anywhere you want in your filesystem. # If it is found, maya exits the script. To stop a script, # just add this file to your defined path and it exits. When # you want to start the script again, just rename it to something # else, eg: run.maya. if os.path.isfile('C:\\dev\\stop.maya'): sys.exit() neighborhood = getNeighborhood(b) alignment(b, neighborhood) separation(b, neighborhood) cohesion(b, neighborhood) boundary.avoidWalls(b) followPath(b) obstacleAvoidance(b) wander(b) b.move(dt) b.setKeyFrame(frame)
def SetCurrentRotKey(node, inTangent=TAN_LINEAR, outTangent=TAN_LINEAR): """ Set rotation keyframe with current value and current time """ rotation = cmds.getAttr('%s.rotate' % node)[0] time = cmds.currentTime(query=True) SetRotKeyframe(node, rotation, time, inTangent, outTangent)
def time_line_operations(self): checker = self.sender().objectName() if 'play' in checker: if 'rewind' in checker: cmds.currentTime(int(cmds.playbackOptions(minTime=True)))
cmds.setAttr('left_L.rx', -angle) cmds.setKeyframe(at='rotateX')'leg_R') cmds.setAttr('leg_R.rx', angle) cmds.setKeyframe(at='rotateX') def change_height(height):'Lego_Group') cmds.setAttr('Lego_Group.ty', height) cmds.setKeyframe(at='translateY') ctime = cmds.currentTime(query=True)'Lego_Group') cmds.setAttr('', 0) cmds.setKeyframe(at='translateZ') for index in range(1, 5): rotate_limbs(0) change_height(0) ctime += 5 cmds.currentTime(ctime) rotate_limbs(90) change_height(3)
def SetCurrentPosKey(node, inTangent=TAN_LINEAR, outTangent=TAN_LINEAR): """ Set position keyframe with current value and current time """ position = cmds.getAttr('%s.translate' % node)[0] time = cmds.currentTime(query=True) SetPosKeyframe(node, position, time, inTangent, outTangent)
def calcFinalRotation(sourceJ, targetJ, key): #Isolate rotation from keyframe cmds.currentTime(0) sBindPose = sourceJ.getRotation().asMatrix() invrsBindPose = sBindPose.inverse() cmds.currentTime(key) #Isolated Rotation kI = invrsBindPose * sourceJ.getRotation().asMatrix() #Convert rotation to standard coordinate space sBO = sourceJ.getOrientation().asMatrix() sBO2 = sBO.inverse() #Get Parents sBPOmtx = dt.Matrix() sParent = sourceJ.getParent() if (sParent != None): cmds.currentTime(0) sBPO = getParentsBPO(sourceJ, sBPOmtx) cmds.currentTime(key) sBPO2 = sBPO.inverse() else: sBPO = dt.Matrix() sBPO2 = sBPO.inverse() #World Space Rotation kII = sBO2 * sBPO2 * kI * sBPO * sBO #Convert rotation to target joint coordinate space tBO = targetJ.getOrientation().asMatrix() tBO2 = tBO.inverse() #Get Parents tBPOmtx = dt.Matrix() #TEST tParent = targetJ.getParent() if (tParent != None): cmds.currentTime(0) tBPO = getParentsBPO(targetJ, tBPOmtx) cmds.currentTime(key) tBPO2 = tBPO.inverse() else: tBPO = dt.Matrix() tBPO2 = tBPO.inverse() #Translated Rotation kIII = tBO * tBPO * kII * tBPO2 * tBO2 #Calculate Final Rotation cmds.currentTime(0) tBindPose = targetJ.getRotation().asMatrix() finalRot = tBindPose * kIII cmds.currentTime(key) #Convert Matrix to Euler Rotation eulerRot = dt.EulerRotation(finalRot) degRot = dt.degrees(eulerRot) return degRot
def getWorldValueAtFrameAccurate(attr, frame): mc.currentTime(frame) return mc.getAttr(attr)
def tangentScale(value, outValue=None): if outValue == None: outValue = value curves = None #order of operations: #selected keys, visible in graph editor on current frame selected = False time = mc.currentTime(query=True) curves = mc.keyframe(query=True, name=True, selected=True) if curves: #try selected keys first selected = True else: #then visible in graph editor graphVis = mc.selectionConnection('graphEditor1FromOutliner', query=True, obj=True) if graphVis: curves = mc.keyframe(graphVis, query=True, name=True) else: #otherwise try keyed channels. sel = if not sel: return curves = mc.listConnections(sel, s=True, d=False, type='animCurve') if not curves: return for curve in curves: keyTimes = list() #set tangents weighted if they aren't already if mc.keyTangent(curve, query=True, weightedTangents=True): mc.keyTangent(curve, edit=True, weightedTangents=True) if selected: keyTimes = mc.keyframe(curve, query=True, timeChange=True, selected=True) else: keyTimes = [time] for t in keyTimes: weight = mc.keyTangent(curve, time=(t, ), query=True, inWeight=True, outWeight=True) if not weight: continue inOut = list() for w, v in zip(weight, [value, outValue]): if v < 1 and w < 0.1: inOut.append(0) elif v > 1 and w == 0: inOut.append(0.1) else: inOut.append(w * v) mc.keyTangent(curve, time=(t, ), edit=True, absolute=True, inWeight=inOut[0], outWeight=inOut[1])
def apply_animation_and_break_all_connections_test(self): cmds.file(get_app_file(KIKO_APP_NAME, ''), force=True, open=True, options='v=0;') self._manager.export_to_file(self._kiko_file, objects=['parent'], hierarchy=True) min = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True)) max = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, maxTime=True)) MayaPreferences.reset() MayaPreferences.break_all_connections_in_apply_mode = True children = cmds.listRelatives('parent', ad=True, f=True, typ='transform') cache = {} for c in children: if 'constraint' in cmds.nodeType(c, i=True): continue values = {} for attr in TRANSFORM_ATTR: val = [] for i in range(min, max): cmds.currentTime(i) val.append(cmds.getAttr(c + attr)) values[attr] = val cache[c] = values self._manager.import_from_file( self._kiko_file, objects=['parent'], import_obj_method=IMPORT_METHODS.OBJECT.HIERARCHY, ignore_item_chunks=True) #constraints should have been deleted assert_false( bool([ c for c in cmds.listConnections( '|parent|childD', s=True, d=False) if 'constraint' in cmds.nodeType(c, i=True) ])) #checking values are the same for c in children: if 'constraint' in cmds.nodeType(c, i=True): continue for attr in TRANSFORM_ATTR: index = 0 for i in range(min, max): cmds.currentTime(i) assert_true( floats_equal(cmds.getAttr(c + attr), cache[c][attr][index])) index += 1 MayaPreferences.reset()
def animation_rig_by_name_test(self): #test with names, remove namespace prefix = 'walk_cycle' cmds.file(get_app_file(KIKO_APP_NAME, ''), i=True, typ="mayaAscii", iv=True, ra=True, mnc=False, options="v=0;", rpr=prefix) controls = cmds.sets(prefix + "_controls", q=True) self._manager.export_to_file(self._kiko_file, objects=controls) cmds.file(get_app_file(KIKO_APP_NAME, ''), i=True, namespace=prefix, typ="mayaAscii", iv=True, mnc=False, ra=True, options="v=0;", rnn=True) #deleting the animation from the imported rig new_controls = cmds.sets(prefix + ":controls", q=True) for c in new_controls: attrs = list( set(cmds.listAttr(c, keyable=True) or []) | set(cmds.listAttr(c, channelBox=True) or [])) for a in attrs: all_keys = cmds.keyframe(c, query=True, indexValue=True, at=a) if all_keys: all_keys.sort() all_keys.reverse() for k in all_keys: cmds.cutKey(c, attribute=a, index=(k, k), clear=True) #import, r=True) self._manager.import_from_file(self._kiko_file, prefix_to_add=prefix + ":", str_replacements={prefix + '_': ''}, ignore_item_chunks=True) #compare min = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True) max = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, maxTime=True) for i in range(int(min), int(max)): cmds.currentTime(i) for c in controls: attrs = list( set(cmds.listAttr(c, keyable=True) or []) | set(cmds.listAttr(c, channelBox=True) or [])) other_c = prefix + ":" + c.replace(prefix + "_", "") for a in attrs: val = cmds.getAttr(c + '.' + a) if isinstance(val, float): assert_true( floats_equal(val, cmds.getAttr(other_c + '.' + a))) else: assert_equal(val, cmds.getAttr(other_c + '.' + a))
def exportAbc(self, dryRun=None): # get selection sel = if len(sel) < 1: mc.warning('Nothing selected') return # asset name assetName = mc.textFieldGrp(windowName + '_assetName', q=1, text=1) # start and end range start = mc.intFieldGrp(windowName + '_range_startEnd', q=1, value1=1) end = mc.intFieldGrp(windowName + '_range_startEnd', q=1, value2=1) # check if using current frame range = mc.radioButtonGrp(windowName + '_range_radio', q=1, select=1) if range == 1: currentFrame = mc.currentTime(q=1) start = currentFrame end = currentFrame # publish directory exportDir = getExportDir() # type type = mc.optionMenuGrp(windowName + '_type', q=1, value=1).lower() exportPath = os.path.join(exportDir, assetName, type) # increment version if set to autoversion if mc.radioButtonGrp(windowName + '_version_radio', q=1, select=1) == 1: versionNum = getLatestVersion(exportPath) + 1 version = ('v' + str(versionNum).zfill(3)) else: version = mc.textFieldGrp(windowName + '_selVersion', q=1, text=1) exportPath = os.path.join(exportPath, version) if dryRun: print 'Asset alembic export path is ' + exportPath exportAssetJsonFile(exportPath, assetName, version, dryRun) return root = '' for obj in sel: root += ' -root ' + obj if not os.path.exists(exportPath): os.makedirs(exportPath) # export asset json file self.exportAssetJsonFile(exportPath, assetName, version, dryRun) # add asset name with format exportPath = os.path.join(exportPath, assetName + '.abc') command = "-frameRange " + str(start) + " " + str( end) + " -uvWrite -worldSpace" + root + " -file " + exportPath mc.AbcExport(jobArg=command) if os.path.exists(exportPath): mc.confirmDialog(title='Export Successfull', message='Asset Exported Successfully', button='Ok') # for some reason the alembic command is exporting a folder named 'alembic' # this will remove it as long as its empty os.rmdir(os.path.join(exportDir, 'alembic')) # create set tbaSet = 'TBA_asset_' + assetName if mc.objExists(tbaSet): mc.delete(tbaSet) mc.sets(sel, name=tbaSet) # add assetVersion attribute mc.addAttr(tbaSet, shortName='assetVersion', dataType='string') # update attrs on meta node (and lock them) mc.setAttr(tbaSet + '.assetVersion', version, type='string') self.updateVersionsList() print 'Exported alembic to: ' + exportPath
def set_key(self, time=None, value=None): time = time or cmds.currentTime(q=True) value = value or self.get() cmds.setKeyframe(self.path, time=time, value=value)
def createTloc(parent=""): """ Creates "TLOC" and "Center3D camera". You can do point triangulation and quality check at the same time. You might not see TLOC if the image plane is to close to the camera. Give the image plane's "Depth" a higher value to fix this problem. Active View Camera's centerOfInterest determines TLOC's initial depth. Active View Camera's locatorScale determines TLOC's initial scale. """ currentTime = int(mc.currentTime(q=True)) indexList = [6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18] random_index = random.choice(indexList) # Create TLOC & TLOC GRP tlocTrans = mc.spaceLocator(name="tloc_{}f_#".format(currentTime))[0] tlocShape = mc.listRelatives(tlocTrans, shapes=True)[0] tlocGrp =, name="{}_grp".format(tlocTrans)) # Get Active 3D View Camera active3dViewCamShape, active3dViewCamTrans = getActive3dViewCam() # Active View Camera's centerOfInterest determines TLOC's initial depth. initDepth = mc.getAttr(active3dViewCamShape + ".centerOfInterest") # Active View Camera's locatorScale determines TLOC's initial scale. tlocScale = mc.getAttr(active3dViewCamShape + ".locatorScale") # Add Depth Attribute to TLOC mc.addAttr(tlocTrans, shortName="depth", longName="Depth", attributeType="float", defaultValue=initDepth) mc.setAttr(tlocTrans + ".depth", keyable=True) # Connect Depth Attribute to ScaleXYZ mc.connectAttr(tlocTrans + ".depth", tlocTrans + ".sx") mc.connectAttr(tlocTrans + ".depth", tlocTrans + ".sy") mc.connectAttr(tlocTrans + ".depth", tlocTrans + ".sz") # Set TLOC Color mc.setAttr(tlocShape + ".overrideEnabled", 1) mc.setAttr(tlocShape + ".overrideColor", random_index) # Get world space scale of Active 3D View Camera active3dViewCamWorldSpaceScale = mc.xform(active3dViewCamTrans, q=True, worldSpace=True, scale=True)[0] # Just return sx # Store Near Clip Plane value nearClipPlaneStored = mc.getAttr(active3dViewCamShape + ".nearClipPlane") # Temporarily set Near Clip Plane mc.setAttr(active3dViewCamShape + ".nearClipPlane", initDepth) mc.refresh( force=True ) # Need to refresh the viewport to apply the new near clip plane value. # Get Cursor Position cursorPos = QtGui.QCursor.pos() widget = QtWidgets.QApplication.widgetAt(cursorPos) widgetHeight = widget.height() relpos = widget.mapFromGlobal(cursorPos) position = om.MPoint() # 3D point with double-precision coordinates direction = om.MVector() # 3D vector with double-precision coordinates omui.M3dView().active3dView().viewToWorld( relpos.x(), widgetHeight - relpos.y( ), # The relpos.y() alone returns a mirrored position. Must subtract it with widgetHeight. position, # world point direction) # Orient TLOC GRP to Camera oc = mc.orientConstraint(active3dViewCamTrans, tlocGrp, maintainOffset=False) mc.delete(oc) # Move TLOC GRP to Cursor Position mc.xform(tlocGrp, worldSpace=True, translation=[position.x, position.y, position.z]) # Move TLOC GRP pivot to Camera Position active3dViewCamPos = mc.xform(active3dViewCamTrans, q=True, worldSpace=True, translation=True) mc.xform(tlocGrp, worldSpace=True, pivots=[ active3dViewCamPos[0], active3dViewCamPos[1], active3dViewCamPos[2] ]) # Move TLOC GRP under parent if parent != "": mc.parent(tlocGrp, parent) setClipboardText(parent) """ Eventually TLOC GRP has to go inside camera or object point group. Locking translation and rotation attributes can make things complicated. # Lock TLOC GRP translation & rotation attributes axisList = ["x", "y", "z"] attrList = ["t", "r"] for axis in axisList: for attr in attrList: mc.setAttr("{0}.{1}{2}".format(tlocGrp, attr, axis), lock=True) """ # Connect TLOC and TLOC GRP scale mc.connectAttr(tlocTrans + ".s", tlocGrp + ".s") tlocInitScale = 50 # DO NOT TOUCH THIS. Manipulate scale with "tlocScale(locatorScale)" param. # Expression for TLOC scale continuity. mc.expression(s=""" {0}.lsx = 1 / {1}.sx * {2} * {3} / {4} * {5}; {0}.lsy = 1 / {1}.sy * {2} * {3} / {4} * {5}; {0}.lsz = 0; """.format(tlocShape, tlocGrp, active3dViewCamWorldSpaceScale, initDepth, tlocInitScale, tlocScale), object=tlocGrp) # Just for marking the Reference Frame mc.setKeyframe(tlocTrans + ".rx", value=0, time=[currentTime]) # Jump to point triangulation mode pointTriangulationMode(tlocTrans) # Set Near Clip Plane back to stored value mc.setAttr(active3dViewCamShape + ".nearClipPlane", nearClipPlaneStored)
def pathAnim(self, **arg): start = 0 end = 0 arg['fractionMode'] = 1 arg['follow'] = 1 arg['followAxis'] = 'x' arg['upAxis'] = 'y' arg['worldUpType'] = 'vector' arg['worldUpVector'] = (0, 1, 0) arg['inverseUp'] = False arg['inverseFront'] = False arg['bank'] = False countvalue = cmds.intSliderGrp(self.slidername, q=1, v=True) starts = 1 ends = countvalue cu = 0 cmds.currentTime(ends) sel = uo = len(sel) if uo is 2: shapes = cmds.listRelatives(sel[1], s=1) if cmds.nodeType(shapes[0]) != 'nurbsCurve': cmds.error( 'must selcet one object and select another nurbsCurve') else: cmds.error( 'must select two object:first select object and select a nurbsCurve' ) if cmds.objExists(sel[1] + '_' + cmds.delete(sel[1] + '_' + self.pathcurves = sel[1] self.objcounts = [] for i in range(countvalue): self.objcounts.append(cmds.duplicate(sel[0]))[cu], add=1) cu = cu + 1[1] + '_' + for s in self.objcounts: cmds.pathAnimation(self.pathcurves, s, startTimeU=start, endTimeU=end, **arg) starts = starts + 1 ends = ends + 1 start = starts end = ends listmotion ='motionPath*') for i in listmotion: if 'Value' in i: cmds.delete(i) cmds.currentTime(1, e=True)[0])[1], add=1)
def process(self, instance):"Extracting capture..") start = cmds.currentTime(query=True) end = cmds.currentTime(query=True)"start: {}, end: {}".format(start, end)) camera =['review_camera'] capture_preset = "" capture_preset =['presets']['maya']['capture'] try: preset = lib.load_capture_preset(data=capture_preset) except: preset = {}'using viewport preset: {}'.format(capture_preset)) # preset["off_screen"] = False preset['camera'] = camera preset['format'] = "image" # preset['compression'] = "qt" preset['quality'] = 50 preset['compression'] = "jpg" preset['start_frame'] = start preset['end_frame'] = end preset['camera_options'] = { "displayGateMask": False, "displayResolution": False, "displayFilmGate": False, "displayFieldChart": False, "displaySafeAction": False, "displaySafeTitle": False, "displayFilmPivot": False, "displayFilmOrigin": False, "overscan": 1.0, "depthOfField": cmds.getAttr("{0}.depthOfField".format(camera)), } stagingDir = self.staging_dir(instance) filename = "{0}".format( path = os.path.join(stagingDir, filename)"Outputting images to %s" % path) preset['filename'] = path preset['overwrite'] = True pm.refresh(f=True) refreshFrameInt = int(pm.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True)) pm.currentTime(refreshFrameInt - 1, edit=True) pm.currentTime(refreshFrameInt, edit=True) with maintained_time(): filename = preset.get("filename", "%TEMP%") # Force viewer to False in call to capture because we have our own # viewer opening call to allow a signal to trigger between # playblast and viewer preset['viewer'] = False # Remove panel key since it's internal value to capture_gui preset.pop("panel", None) path = capture.capture(**preset) playblast = self._fix_playblast_output_path(path) _, thumbnail = os.path.split(playblast)"file list {}".format(thumbnail)) if "representations" not in["representations"] = [] representation = { 'name': 'thumbnail', 'ext': 'jpg', 'files': thumbnail, "stagingDir": stagingDir, "thumbnail": True }["representations"].append(representation)
def OptimizeSkeleton(pbCollapseToes=False, pLoadExternalBaseMesh=False, pLoadExternalMorphs=False, pLoadExternalUVs=False, pCreateIKConstraints=False, inBeepAfterComplete=True): print 'Starting skeleton and mesh optimization' start = time.clock() cmds.currentTime(0, edit=True) #set skeleton to 'reference' position mel.eval('gotoBindPose') dazUtils.RemoveObjectsByWildcard(['Fingernails_*'], 'transform') mayaUtils.ParentAllGeometryToWorld() mayaUtils.FixMaxInfluencesForAllSkinClusters(4) dazUtils.DestroyUnusedJoints(pbCollapseToes) mayaUtils.ResetBindPoseForAllSkinClusters() mayaUtils.SetSkinMethodForAllSkinClusters(0) # set skinning type to linear dazUtils.RenameSkeletonJoints() oldJoints = mayaUtils.GetHierarchy('root') # collect data for skin export skinData = mayaUtils.GetSkinExportData( ) # transform, shape, skincluster, jointsList mayaUtils.ExportSkinning(skinData) # export skinning dazUtils.DuplicateSkeletonJoints('root', 'DAZ_') dazUtils.FixNewJointsOrientation() dazUtils.RecreateHierarchy('root', 'DAZ_') dazUtils.JointOrientToRotation('DAZ_root') dazUtils.AlighnTwistJoints() cmds.delete(oldJoints) dazUtils.RenameNewSkeleton() if pLoadExternalBaseMesh: # Do it when mesh unskinned dazUtils.TryLoadExternalBaseMeshBodyMorph() #load external secondary uv here if pLoadExternalUVs: dazUtils.TryLoadExternalUVs() dazUtils.AddNippleJointsAndAimBreast() mayaUtils.ImportSkinning(skinData, pDeleteFilesAfterImport=True) # import skinning dazUtils.AddEndJoints() mayaUtils.FixMaxInfluencesForAllSkinClusters(4) dazUtils.MakeBendCorrectiveJoints() dazUtils.CreateIkJoints(pCreateIKConstraints) dazUtils.SetJointsVisualProperties() if pLoadExternalMorphs: dazUtils.TryLoadExternalMorphTargets() dazUtils.OptimizeBodyMaterials( ) # Check this, try to extract blendshape before baking history, then readd it. Done 26102019 mayaUtils.FixMaxInfluencesForAllSkinClusters(4) dazUtils.RenameAndCombineMeshes() #no need anymore, mask for tesselation now writen in secondary uv and loaded externally #dazUtils.SetVertexColorForBorderVertices() #for genitalia mesh also dazUtils.CollapseUVTiles() #use this instead dazUtils.PostprocessGenitaliaObject('HazardFemaleGenitalia*') mayaUtils.CleanUnusedMaterials() #dazUtils.SafeBakePartialHistoryKeepBlendShapes(shape) dazUtils.ReplaceEyesWithExternalMeshes() print 'FINISHED skeleton and mesh optimization: time taken %.02f seconds' % ( time.clock() - start) if inBeepAfterComplete: mayaUtils.NotifyWithSound()
def writeOut(*args): """ writes out the json data as a dict per frame within a dict""" convert = cmds.checkBoxGrp(widgets["convertCBG"], q=True, v1=True) desktopPath = get_path() fr = 24 # get current framerate if convert: convert_to_new_fps("20fps") fr = 20 try: rangeMin = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)) rangeMax = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True)) allData = {} allData["shotInfo"] = [] for i in range(rangeMin, rangeMax + 1): frameInfo = {} cmds.currentTime(i) frameInfo["frameRate"] = fr frameInfo["frameNum"] = i frameInfo["theta"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.theta") frameInfo["rtWheelPosX"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtPosX") frameInfo["rtWheelPosY"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtPosY") frameInfo["rtWheelPosZ"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtPosZ") frameInfo["lfWheelPosX"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfPosX") frameInfo["lfWheelPosY"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfPosY") frameInfo["lfWheelPosZ"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfPosZ") frameInfo["lfRPM"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfRPM") frameInfo["lfVelocCPF"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfVelocCPF") frameInfo["lfVelocMPS"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfVelocMPS") frameInfo["lfAccelMPSS"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.lfAccelMPSS") frameInfo["rtRPM"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtRPM") frameInfo["rtVelocCPF"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtVelocCPF") frameInfo["rtVelocMPS"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtVelocMPS") frameInfo["rtAccelMPSS"] = cmds.getAttr( "iRobotLawnMower_mstrBodyCtrl.rtAccelMPSS") # sortedFrameInfo = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(frameInfo.items())) allData["shotInfo"].append(frameInfo) with open(desktopPath, "w") as outfile: json.dump(allData, outfile, indent=2) except Exception as inst: cmds.warning("had an issue sending out the data:") print inst if convert: cmds.currentUnit(time="film")
def Constraints(self, *args): # creat a loc # creat constrain rootM to loc, all # bake anim for loc # rootm --> parent -w # rootm delete keyfarme # creat constrain loc to root ,tx,tz, rz # parent(rootm, root) # creat constrain loc to root ,all # startNum = cmds.playbackOptions(q = True , ast = True) # endNum = cmds.playbackOptions(q = True , aet = True) # returnMess = cmds.confirmDialog( title='Confirm', message='烘焙时间轴为' + str(startNum) + '-' + str(endNum), button=['Yes','No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No' ) # if returnMess == "No": # return startNum = cmds.intFieldGrp("StartFrame", q=True, value1=True) endNum = cmds.intFieldGrp("EndFrame", q=True, value1=True) cmds.currentUnit(time='ntsc', linear='centimeter') cmds.currentTime(startNum) locPos = cmds.spaceLocator() cmds.parentConstraint('Root_M', locPos, mo=True) cmds.bakeResults(locPos, simulation=True, t=(startNum, endNum), hierarchy="below", sb=1, dic=True, pok=True, ral=False, rwl=False, cp=True) cmds.parent('Root_M', world=True) keyframelist ='animCurveTL') + type='animCurveTA') +'animCurveTU') for i in keyframelist: if not ('Root_M' not in i): cmds.delete(i) t = cmds.checkBoxGrp("translateAxes", q=True, value2=True) if t: trans = [] else: trans = ["y"] r = cmds.checkBoxGrp("rotateAxes", q=True, value2=True) if r: rot = ["x", "z"] else: rot = ["x", "y", "z"] parentConA = cmds.parentConstraint(locPos, 'Root', st=trans, sr=rot, mo=True) cmds.bakeResults('Root', simulation=True, t=(startNum, endNum), hierarchy="below", sb=1, dic=True, pok=True, ral=False, rwl=False, cp=True) cmds.delete(parentConA) cmds.parent('Root_M', 'Root') parentConB = cmds.parentConstraint(locPos, 'Root_M', mo=True) cmds.bakeResults('Root_M', simulation=True, t=(startNum, endNum), hierarchy="below", sb=1, dic=True, pok=True, ral=False, rwl=False, cp=True) cmds.delete(parentConB) cmds.delete(locPos)
def CreateOptimizedSkeletonOnlyAndRetargetAnim(bFilterCurves=True, inBeepAfterComplete=True): print 'Starting skeleton optimization' start = time.clock() cmds.currentTime(0, edit=True) #set skeleton to 'reference' position dazUtils.RemoveObjectsByWildcard(['Fingernails_*'], 'transform') dazUtils.RemoveObjectsByWildcard(['HazardFemaleGenitalia_*Shape'], 'transform') mayaUtils.ParentAllGeometryToWorld() primaryMesh = mayaUtils.FindMeshByWildcard('Genesis8*', preferShapeWithMaxVertices=True, checkForMatWithName='Torso') if primaryMesh: else: mel.eval('gotoBindPose') #delete all meshes shapesToDelete = mayaUtils.GetMultipleShapesTransforms(, objectsOnly=True)) if shapesToDelete: for s in shapesToDelete: cmds.delete(s) print 'Deleting {0}'.format(s) dazUtils.RenameSkeletonJoints() oldJoints = mayaUtils.GetHierarchy('root') dazUtils.DuplicateSkeletonJoints('root', 'DAZ_') dazUtils.FixNewJointsOrientation() dazUtils.RecreateHierarchy('root', 'DAZ_') dazUtils.JointOrientToRotation('DAZ_root') #delete twist joints for animation retargetting/ they are procedurally animated in engine unusedJoints ='DAZ_*twist*') for j in unusedJoints: cmds.delete(j) print '\tDeleting {0}'.format(j) print 'Renaming OLD skeleton' oldJoints = mayaUtils.GetHierarchy('root') for j in oldJoints: mayaUtils.RenameJoint(j, 'OLD_' + j) dazUtils.RenameNewSkeleton() #remove DAZ_ prefix dazUtils.AddNippleJointsAndAimBreast() #create constraint from old skeleton to new print 'Creating constraints' newJoints = mayaUtils.GetHierarchy('root') for j in newJoints: oldJoint = 'OLD_' + j print '\tCreating parentConstraint from {0} to {1}'.format(oldJoint, j) #not all joints can exist on old skeleton (e.g. nipples) if cmds.objExists(oldJoint) and cmds.nodeType(oldJoint) == 'joint': cmds.parentConstraint(oldJoint, j, maintainOffset=True) dazUtils.CreateIkJoints() #create AFTER constraining new skeleton to old # No need to bake IK joints, they are auto baked during exporting to fbx print '\n' print "\t\t******** BAKING ANIMATION ********" print '\n' attributesToBake = ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz'] timeRange = (cmds.playbackOptions(animationStartTime=True, query=True), cmds.playbackOptions(animationEndTime=True, query=True)) print 'timeRange = {0}'.format(timeRange) cmds.bakeResults(newJoints, attribute=attributesToBake, time=timeRange, minimizeRotation=True, preserveOutsideKeys=True, simulation=True, disableImplicitControl=True) print '\n' print "\t\t******** Filtering curves ********" print '\n' if bFilterCurves: animNodes = cmds.listConnections(newJoints, type="animCurve") if animNodes: print 'Performing filtering for {0} anim curves'.format( len(animNodes)) oldKeysCount = cmds.keyframe(animNodes, q=True, keyframeCount=True) cmds.filterCurve(animNodes, filter='simplify', timeTolerance=0.01, tolerance=0.01) newKeysCount = cmds.keyframe(animNodes, q=True, keyframeCount=True) percent = float(newKeysCount) / float(oldKeysCount) * 100.0 print '{0} keys filtered to {1} keys ({2:.1f}%)'.format( oldKeysCount, newKeysCount, percent) else: print 'Filtering NOT requested' #clean scene after finishing print 'Deleting old skeleton''OLD_root')) cmds.delete() print 'FINISHED animation retargeting: time taken %.02f seconds' % ( time.clock() - start) if inBeepAfterComplete: mayaUtils.NotifyWithSound()
def snapshot(outputPath, width=400, height=None, hud=False, grid=False, camera=None): if height is None: height = width outputExt = os.path.splitext(outputPath)[1].lower().lstrip('.') formatNum = KNOWN_FORMATS.get(outputExt) if formatNum is None: raise ValueError( "input image had unrecognized extension: {}".format(outputExt)) # if given relative path, make it relative to current dir (the test # temp base), rather than the workspace dir outputPath = os.path.abspath(outputPath) # save the old output image format oldFormat = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat") # save the hud setting oldHud = cmds.headsUpDisplay(q=1, layoutVisibility=1) # save the grid setting oldGrid = cmds.grid(q=1, toggle=1) # save the old view transform oldColorTransform = cmds.colorManagementPrefs(q=1, outputTarget="playblast", outputTransformName=1) # Some environments use legacy synColor transforms with 2022 and above. # Find whether the color config should be Raw or Raw legacy # However depending on the MAYA_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_SYNCOLOR env var or the loaded # configs, this may be under a different names. So procedurally find it. colorTransforms = cmds.colorManagementPrefs(q=1, outputTransformNames=True) if "Raw" in colorTransforms: newColorTransform = "Raw" elif "Raw (legacy)" in colorTransforms: newColorTransform = "Raw (legacy)" else: # RAW should be reliably raw-like in most configs, so find the first ending in RAW newColorTransform = [ c for c in colorTransforms if c.startswith("Raw ") ] if newColorTransform: newColorTransform = newColorTransform[0] else: raise RuntimeError( "Could not find Raw color space in available color transforms") # Some environments have locked color policies that prevent changing color policies # so we must disable and restore this accordingly. lockedColorTransforms = os.environ.get( "MAYA_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_POLICY_LOCK") == '1' if lockedColorTransforms: os.environ['MAYA_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_POLICY_LOCK'] = '0' # Find the current model panel for playblasting # to make sure the desired camera is set, if any panel = mayaUtils.activeModelPanel() oldCamera = cmds.modelPanel(panel, q=True, cam=True) if camera: cmds.modelEditor(panel, edit=True, camera=camera) # do these in a separate try/finally from color management, because # color management seems a bit more finicky cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat", formatNum) cmds.headsUpDisplay(layoutVisibility=hud) cmds.grid(toggle=grid) try: cmds.colorManagementPrefs(e=1, outputTarget="playblast", outputTransformName=newColorTransform) try: cmds.playblast(cf=outputPath, viewer=False, format="image", frame=cmds.currentTime(q=1), offScreen=1, widthHeight=(width, height), percent=100) finally: cmds.colorManagementPrefs(e=1, outputTarget="playblast", outputTransformName=oldColorTransform) finally: cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat", oldFormat) cmds.headsUpDisplay(layoutVisibility=oldHud) cmds.grid(toggle=oldGrid) if lockedColorTransforms: os.environ['MAYA_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_POLICY_LOCK'] = '1' if camera: cmds.lookThru(panel, oldCamera)
def _jump_to_frame(self): ''' Jump to frame in Maya Timeline ''' if (self.frame): mc.currentTime(self.frame)
def doubleParent(): ''' Make a double locator parent chain Usage example: want to attach an apple to a hand rather than parent the apple directly, constrain the apple to a locator which is the child of another then constrain the parent to the hand Addition: Add a control with the previous location baked ''' #get the guy justOne = sl=True )[0] start, end = utl.frameRange() print start #make a temp locator at the spot we copied if cmds.objExists('watch_this_space'): cmds.delete('watch_this_space') controlCircleName = 'sandwichControl_'+justOne offsetCircleName = 'sandwichOffset_'+justOne bakedCircleName = 'bakedControl_'+justOne sandwichChildName = 'sandwichChild_'+justOne controlCircle = nr=(0,0,1), c=(0,0,0), name=controlCircleName, r=2) cmds.setAttr( controlCircleName+'.overrideEnabled', 1) cmds.setAttr( controlCircleName+'.overrideColor', 6) offsetCircle = nr=(0,0,1), c=(0,0,0), name=offsetCircleName, r=1.5) cmds.setAttr( offsetCircleName+'.overrideEnabled', 1) cmds.setAttr( offsetCircleName+'.overrideColor', 9) #bakedCircle = nr=(0,0,1), c=(0,0,0), name=bakedCircleName, r=2) #cmds.setAttr( bakedCircleName+'.overrideEnabled', 1) #cmds.setAttr( bakedCircleName+'.overrideColor', 10) sandwichChild = cmds.spaceLocator( name='sandwichChild_'+justOne ) cmds.parent( offsetCircleName, controlCircleName) cmds.parent( sandwichChildName, offsetCircleName) #temp Locator move TO target object tempParentConstraint = cmds.parentConstraint(justOne, controlCircle) cmds.delete(tempParentConstraint) #tempParentConstraint = cmds.parentConstraint(justOne, bakedCircle) theParentConstraint = cmds.parentConstraint( sandwichChild, justOne) listOfWeights = cmds.parentConstraint( theParentConstraint, query=True, wal=True) otherWeights = cmds.parentConstraint( theParentConstraint, query=True, tl=True) #print listOfWeights #print theParentConstraint #print otherWeights cT = cmds.currentTime( query=True ) cmds.currentTime( cT-1, update=False) cmds.setKeyframe( theParentConstraint[0]+'.'+listOfWeights[0], v=0 ) cmds.currentTime( cT, update=False) cmds.setKeyframe( theParentConstraint[0]+'.'+listOfWeights[0], v=1 ) #cmds.setKeyframe( v=1, at='translateX' )'sandwichControl_'+justOne)
def createCurves(ptList, start=None, end=None, inc=1): ''' Create motion path curves for the specified list of points. @param ptList: List of objects to create motion paths from @type ptList: list @param start: Start frame for motion path curve. If None, use first frame from timeline. @type start: int or None @param end: Start frame for motion path curve. If None, use last frame from timeline. @type end: int or None @param inc: Frame increment for motion path curve. Values will be clamped to a minimum of 1. @type inc: int or None ''' # ========== # - Checks - # ========== if not ptList: raise Exception( 'No valid point list provided! Unable to creat motion path...') # Check Start/End if start == None: start = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) if end == None: end = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True) if end < start: raise Exception('Invalid time range! Start is greater than end.') # Check Increment if inc < 1: inc = 1 if inc > (end - start): raise Exception('Frame increment is greater than the time range!') # ====================== # - Build Motion Paths - # ====================== hasEndPt = False # Initialize Motion Paths crvList = [] mc.currentTime(start) for pt in ptList: # Create Motion Path Curves pos = glTools.utils.base.getPosition(pt) crv = mc.curve(p=[pos], d=1) crv = mc.rename(crv, pt + '_curve') crvList.append(crv) # Encode Source Object Name mc.addAttr(crv, ln='sourceObject', dt='string') mc.setAttr(crv + '.sourceObject', pt, type='string') # Encode Motion Start/End mc.addAttr(crv, ln='motionStart') mc.setAttr(crv + '.motionStart', start) mc.addAttr(crv, ln='motionEnd') mc.setAttr(crv + '.motionEnd', end) # Track Paths for i in range(start + inc, end + 1, inc): mc.currentTime(i) if i == end: hasEndPt = True for n in range(len(ptList)): pos = glTools.utils.base.getPosition(ptList[n]) mc.curve(crvList[n], a=True, p=pos) # Ensure End Point if not hasEndPt: mc.currentTime(end) for n in range(len(ptList)): pos = glTools.utils.base.getPosition(ptList[n]) mc.curve(crvList[n], a=True, p=pos) # Rebuild Motion Paths for crv in crvList: mc.rebuildCurve(crv, ch=False, rpo=True, rt=0, end=1, kr=2, kcp=True, kep=True) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= return crvList
def OCT_BakeCamera(): allSelCamera = find = False if not allSelCamera: mc.confirmDialog(title='Confirm', message=u'请选择摄像机') return for obj in allSelCamera: buf = mc.listRelatives(obj, fullPath=True, children=True) if buf: if mc.nodeType(buf[0]) == "camera" or mc.nodeType( buf[0]) == "stereoRigCamera": find = True else: find = False break else: find = False break if not find: mc.confirmDialog(title='Confirm', message=u'请选择摄像机') return timeLine = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) timeLine1 = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True) for baked in allSelCamera:, r=True) #复制相机 CopyCamera = mc.duplicate(rr=True) #改名 selCamreaName = baked + baked mc.rename(baked, selCamreaName) mc.rename(CopyCamera[0], baked) mc.parent(baked, w=True) attrs = mc.listAttr(baked, keyable=True, locked=True) if attrs: for attr in attrs: mc.setAttr("%s.%s" % (baked, attr), l=False) buf = mc.listRelatives(baked, fullPath=True, children=True) attrShapes = mc.listAttr(buf[0], keyable=True, locked=True) if attrShapes: for at in attrShapes: mc.setAttr("%s.%s" % (baked, at), l=False) mc.parentConstraint(selCamreaName, baked, w=1) mc.bakeResults(baked, simulation=True, t=(timeLine, timeLine1), sampleBy=True, disableImplicitControl=True, preserveOutsideKeys=True, sparseAnimCurveBake=False, removeBakedAttributeFromLayer=False, bakeOnOverrideLayer=False, minimizeRotation=True, controlPoints=False, shape=True) oldShapes = mc.listRelatives(selCamreaName, fullPath=True, children=True) attrs = [ "horizontalFilmOffset", "verticalFilmOffset", "filmFitOffset", "focalLength" ] focal = mc.listConnections("%s.focalLength" % buf[0], s=True, plugs=True) if focal: mc.disconnectAttr(focal[0], "%s.focalLength" % buf[0]) for i in range(int(timeLine), int(timeLine1) + 1): mc.currentTime(i) for attr in attrs: num = mc.getAttr("%s.%s" % (oldShapes[0], attr)) mc.setKeyframe(buf[0], v=num, at=attr, t=i) # nameShapes = mc.listRelatives(baked,c= True) # for i in range(int(timeLine), int(timeLine1)+1): # mc.setKeyframe(nameShapes,at = "filmFitOffset",t = i) # mc.setKeyframe(nameShapes,at = "horizontalFilmOffset",t = i) # mc.setKeyframe(nameShapes,at = "verticalFilmOffset",t = i) # setKeyframe -v $translate[0] -at scaleX -t $keyframe[0] $child; #OCT_BakeCamera()
def __enter__(self): self.autoKeyState = cmds.autoKeyframe(query=True, state=True) self.time = int(cmds.currentTime(q=True)) self.selection =
def getEnd(self): self.maxValue = cmds.currentTime(q=True) self.endBtn.setText("End : " + str(int(self.maxValue)))
def doIt(self, args): '''Creates the node and connects everything based on the parameters given''' # get the arguments passed in argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser(self.syntax(), args) # get objects to use in the constraint and make sure there is only two objects = [] argData.getObjects(objects) if not objects: # use the selection objects = for obj in objects: self.sList.add(obj) # if there is less than two objects given, return an error if self.sList.length() < 2: raise RuntimeError( 'Two transforms are required to create constraint.') # get the target object path and make sure it's a transform type targetDAG = OpenMaya.MDagPath() try: self.sList.getDagPath(0, targetDAG) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Target object must be a DAG object type. Unable to get path to object.' ) targetTransFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform() try: targetTransFn.setObject(targetDAG) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Target object type invalid. You must choose a transform.') # get the constraint object path and make sure it's a transform type constraintDAG = OpenMaya.MDagPath() try: self.sList.getDagPath(1, constraintDAG) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Constraint object must be a DAG object type. Unable to get path to object.' ) constrainedTransFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform() try: constrainedTransFn.setObject(constraintDAG) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Constraint object type invalid. You must choose a transform.') numSkips = argData.numberOfFlagUses('-sk') if numSkips > 3: raise RuntimeError('You can not have more than 3 skip flags.') if argData.isFlagSet('-n'): self.nodeName = argData.flagArgumentString('-n', 0) for i in range(numSkips): argList = OpenMaya.MArgList() argData.getFlagArgumentList('-sk', i, argList) axis = argList.asString(0) if axis == 'x': self.skipX = True elif axis == 'y': self.skipY = True elif axis == 'z': self.skipZ = True # distance flag if argData.isFlagSet('-d'): self.distanceValue = argData.flagArgumentDouble('-d', 0) else: # calculate the distance targetPos = targetTransFn.getTranslation(OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld) constrainedPos = constrainedTransFn.getTranslation( OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld) localPos = targetPos - constrainedPos self.distanceValue = localPos.length() # start frame flag if argData.isFlagSet('-sf'): self.startFrame = argData.flagArgumentDouble('-sf', 0) else: self.startFrame = cmds.currentTime(q=True) # start position if argData.isFlagSet('-sp'): spX = argData.flagArgumentDouble('-sp', 0) spY = argData.flagArgumentDouble('-sp', 1) spZ = argData.flagArgumentDouble('-sp', 2) self.startVector = OpenMaya.MVector(spX, spY, spZ) else: self.startVector = constrainedTransFn.getTranslation( OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform) self.redoIt()
def maintained_time(): ct = cmds.currentTime(query=True) try: yield finally: cmds.currentTime(ct, edit=True)
def _render(self, state, data): # Execute integration before_playblast for name, integration in self.integrations.items(): if integration.enabled: integration.before_playblast(integration.form, data) # Prepare resolution if data.pop('half_res', False): data['resolution'] = ( round_to_even(data['resolution'][0] * 0.5), round_to_even(data['resolution'][1] * 0.5), ) if data['capture_mode'] == 'snapshot': # Render snapshot data['start_frame'] = cmds.currentTime(q=True) data['end_frame'] = data['start_frame'] out_file = playblast( camera=data['camera'], state=state, format='image', compression='png', completeFilename=data['filename'], frame=[data['start_frame']], width=data['resolution'][0], height=data['resolution'][1], ) else: # Call extension handler extension = hooks.extension.get(data['ext_option']) framerange = get_framerange() data['start_frame'] = framerange[0] data['end_frame'] = framerange[1] data['fps'] = get_fps() data['sound'] = get_sound_track() out_file = extension.handler( data=dict( state=state, camera=data['camera'], filename=data['filename'], width=data['resolution'][0], height=data['resolution'][1], sound=data['sound'], fps=data['fps'], start_frame=data['start_frame'], end_frame=data['end_frame'], ), options=extension.options or {}, ) # Execute postrender callbacks if 'postrender' in data: for name, enabled in data['postrender'].items(): if enabled: postrender = hooks.postrender.get(name) postrender.handler(data['filename']) # Update filename from playblast command data['filename'] = out_file # Execute integration after_playblast for name, integration in self.integrations.items(): if integration.enabled: integration.after_playblast(integration.form, data) return data
def traceArc(space='camera'): ''' The main function for creating the arc. ''' if space not in ('world', 'camera'): OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Improper space argument.') return global ML_TRACE_ARC_PREVIOUS_SELECTION global ML_TRACE_ARC_PREVIOUS_SPACE globalScale = 1 if mc.optionVar(exists='ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale'): globalScale = mc.optionVar(query='ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale') #save for reset: origTime = mc.currentTime(query=True) #frame range frameRange = utl.frameRange() start = frameRange[0] end = frameRange[1] #get neccesary nodes objs =, type='transform') if not objs: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Select objects to trace') return ML_TRACE_ARC_PREVIOUS_SELECTION = objs ML_TRACE_ARC_PREVIOUS_SPACE = space cam = None nearClipPlane = None shortCam = '' if space == 'camera': cam = utl.getCurrentCamera() #the arc will be placed just past the clip plane distance, but no closer than 1 unit. nearClipPlane = max(mc.getAttr(cam + '.nearClipPlane'), 1) shortCam =, shortNames=True)[0] topGroup = 'ml_arcGroup' worldGrp = 'ml_arcWorldGrp' localGrp = 'ml_localGrp_' + shortCam #create nodes if not mc.objExists(topGroup): topGroup =, name=topGroup) parentGrp = topGroup if space == 'world' and not mc.objExists(worldGrp): worldGrp =, name=worldGrp) mc.setAttr(worldGrp + '.overrideEnabled', 1) mc.setAttr(worldGrp + '.overrideDisplayType', 2) mc.parent(worldGrp, topGroup) parentGrp =[0] if space == 'camera': camConnections = mc.listConnections(cam + '.message', plugs=True, source=False, destination=True) if camConnections: for cc in camConnections: if '.ml_parentCam' in cc: localGrp =, o=True)[0] if not mc.objExists(localGrp): localGrp =, name=localGrp) mc.parentConstraint(cam, localGrp) mc.setAttr(localGrp + '.overrideEnabled', 1) mc.setAttr(localGrp + '.overrideDisplayType', 2) mc.parent(localGrp, topGroup) mc.addAttr(localGrp, at='message', longName='ml_parentCam') mc.connectAttr(cam + '.message', localGrp + '.ml_parentCam') parentGrp =[0] #group per object: group = [] for i, obj in enumerate(objs): sn =, shortNames=True)[0] name = sn.replace(':', '_') groupName = 'ml_{}_arcGrp'.format(name) if mc.objExists(groupName): mc.delete(groupName) group.append(, name=groupName)) group[i] = mc.parent(group[i], parentGrp)[0] mc.setAttr(group[i] + '.translate', 0, 0, 0) mc.setAttr(group[i] + '.rotate', 0, 0, 0) with utl.UndoChunk(): #determine the method to run. Test fast against accurate. #If fast is the same, continue with fast method. #Otherwise revert to accurate method. mc.currentTime(start) fastPoints = arcDataFast([objs[0]], parentGrp, start + 1, start + 1, space, nearClipPlane, cam) accuratePoints = arcDataAccurate([objs[0]], parentGrp, start + 1, start + 1, space, nearClipPlane, cam) points = None #if they're equivalent, continue with fast: if [int(x * 1000000) for x in fastPoints[0][0] ] == [int(x * 1000000) for x in accuratePoints[0][0]]: points = arcDataFast([objs[0]], parentGrp, start, end, space, nearClipPlane, cam) else: points = arcDataAccurate([objs[0]], parentGrp, start, end, space, nearClipPlane, cam) #create the curves and do paint effects mc.ResetTemplateBrush() brush = mc.getDefaultBrush() mc.setAttr(brush + '.screenspaceWidth', 1) mc.setAttr(brush + '.distanceScaling', 0) mc.setAttr(brush + '.brushWidth', 0.005) for i, obj in enumerate(objs): #setup brush for path globalScale mc.setAttr(brush + '.globalScale', globalScale) mc.setAttr(brush + '.screenspaceWidth', 1) mc.setAttr(brush + '.distanceScaling', 0) mc.setAttr(brush + '.brushWidth', 0.003) #color for c in ('R', 'G', 'B'): color = random.uniform(0.3, 0.7) mc.setAttr(brush + '.color1' + c, color) baseCurve = mc.curve(d=3, p=points[i]) #fitBspline makes a curve that goes THROUGH the points, a more accurate path curve = mc.fitBspline(baseCurve, constructionHistory=False, tolerance=0.001, name='ml_arcTracer_curve_#') mc.delete(baseCurve) #paint fx mc.AttachBrushToCurves(curve) stroke =[0] mc.rename( mc.listConnections(stroke + '.brush', destination=False)[0], 'ml_arcTracer_brush_#') stroke = mc.parent(stroke, group[i])[0] mc.setAttr(stroke + '.overrideEnabled', 1) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.overrideDisplayType', 2) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.displayPercent', 92) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.sampleDensity', 0.5) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.inheritsTransform', 0) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.translate', 0, 0, 0) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.rotate', 0, 0, 0) curve = mc.parent(curve, group[i])[0] mc.setAttr(curve + '.translate', 0, 0, 0) mc.setAttr(curve + '.rotate', 0, 0, 0) mc.hide(curve) #setup brush for tics if space == 'camera': mc.setAttr(brush + '.brushWidth', 0.008) if space == 'world': mc.setAttr(brush + '.brushWidth', 0.005) mc.setAttr(brush + '.color1G', 0) mc.setAttr(brush + '.color1B', 0) for t in range(len(points[i])): frameCurve = None if space == 'camera': vec = utl.Vector(points[i][t][0], points[i][t][1], points[i][t][2]) vec *= 0.98 frameCurve = mc.curve(d=1, p=[points[i][t], vec[:]]) elif space == 'world': frameCurve =, radius=0.0001, sections=4)[0] mc.setAttr(frameCurve + '.translate', points[i][t][0], points[i][t][1], points[i][t][2]) constraint = mc.tangentConstraint(curve, frameCurve, aimVector=(0, 0, 1), worldUpType='scene') #mc.delete(constraint) #check for keyframe colorAttribute = 'color1G' if mc.keyframe(obj, time=((t + start - 0.5), (t + start + 0.5)), query=True): mc.setAttr(brush + '.color1R', 1) else: mc.setAttr(brush + '.color1R', 0) mc.AttachBrushToCurves(curve) stroke =[0] thisBrush = mc.listConnections(stroke + '.brush', destination=False)[0] thisBrush = mc.rename(thisBrush, 'ml_arcTracer_brush_#') #setup keyframes for frame highlighting mc.setKeyframe(thisBrush, attribute='color1G', value=0, time=(start + t - 1, start + t + 1)) mc.setKeyframe(thisBrush, attribute='color1G', value=1, time=(start + t, )) stroke = mc.parent(stroke, group[i])[0] mc.hide(frameCurve) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.displayPercent', 92) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.sampleDensity', 0.5) frameCurve = mc.parent(frameCurve, group[i])[0] if space == 'camera': mc.setAttr(stroke + '.inheritsTransform', 0) mc.setAttr( stroke + '.pressureScale[1].pressureScale_Position', 1) mc.setAttr( stroke + '.pressureScale[1].pressureScale_FloatValue', 0) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.translate', 0, 0, 0) mc.setAttr(stroke + '.rotate', 0, 0, 0) mc.setAttr(frameCurve + '.translate', 0, 0, 0) mc.setAttr(frameCurve + '.rotate', 0, 0, 0) mc.currentTime(origTime, edit=True) panel = mc.getPanel(withFocus=True) try: mc.modelEditor(panel, edit=True, strokes=True) except: pass, replace=True) mc.refresh()
def getSt(self): self.minValue = cmds.currentTime(q=True) self.stBtn.setText("Start : " + str(int(self.minValue)))