def Cas_MCW_restoreMisc(undoState , texWindowState): if undoState == 1: cmds.undoInfo(swf=1) if texWindowState == 1: texWin = cmds.getPanel(sty ="polyTexturePlacementPanel") cmds.textureWindow(texWin[0],e=1,id=1) cmds.progressWindow(ep=1)
def makeSnowflakes(number,size,sizeVar,rgb1,rgb2,transparency,glow): ''' Creates a number of snowflakes number : Number of particles to create size : Radius of the snowflakes sizeVar : Variation in the radius rgb1 : One end of the colour range in the form (r,g,b) rgb2 : The other end of the colour range in the form (r,g,b) transparency : Alpha value for the shader glow : Glow value for the shader The progress window is updated and the shading group list is created. A while loop is initiated to create snowflakes, add them to the list and assign shaders. The list of objects is returned. ''' cmds.progressWindow(e=1,progress=0,status='Making Snowflakes...') SGList = createColourList(rgb1,rgb2,transparency,glow,5) list=[] count=0 while count<number: radius = size+random.uniform(-(size*sizeVar*0.01),(size*sizeVar*0.01)) list[len(list):] = [makeFlake(random.randint(5,8),radius)] cmds.sets(list[-1], e=1, forceElement=SGList[random.randint(0,4)]) cmds.progressWindow(e=1,step=100/number) count += 1 return list
def updateProgressWindow(i, maxSize): if cmds.progressWindow(q=True, ic=True): return False else: cmds.progressWindow(e=True, pr=i, st=("Building: " + str(i) + "/" + str(maxSize))) return True
def setup(self): cm.progressWindow( title=self.text_to_display, min=self.start, max=self.end, status=""" {disp}: {perc}% {elps}: {etim} {left}: {ltim} {comp}: {cur}/{end} """.format( disp="% Completed\t", perc=0, elps="Elapsed\t\t", etim=0.00, left="Time Left\t", ltim="-", comp="Completed\t", cur=0, end=self.end, n=2, ii=1, ), pr=0, )
def loadCtrls(assetName=None, prompt=False): """ Loads all the saved rig control shapes. [Args]: assetName (string) - The name of the asset prompt (bool) - Toggles a window prompt for asset name """ if cmds.progressWindow(q=1, isCancelled=True): return False cmds.progressWindow(e=1, s='Loading Rig Controls.') if prompt: assetName = fileFn.assetNamePrompt() if not assetName: assetName = fileFn.getAssetName() if not assetName: assetName = fileFn.assetNamePrompt() if not assetName: print 'Asset Name not specified.' return False path = fileFn.getAssetDir() allCtrls = getAllControls('C_global_CTRL') if not allCtrls: allCtrls = [] allCtrls.append('C_global_CTRL') for ctrl in allCtrls: fo = fileFn.getLatestVersion(assetName, path, 'rig/WIP/controlShapes', name=ctrl) if fo: crvData = fileFn.loadJson(fileOverride=fo) if crvData: applyShapeData(ctrl, crvData)
def update(self, step=1): self.value += step cmds.progressWindow(self.ui, e=True, progress=self.value) if self.value >= self.max: self.reachedMax = True self.kill()
def downloadOSM(self, *args): left = cmds.textField(self.widgets["osmLeftTextField"], q = True, fi = True) bot = cmds.textField(self.widgets["osmBotTextField"], q = True, fi = True) right = cmds.textField(self.widgets["osmRightTextField"], q = True, fi = True) top = cmds.textField(self.widgets["osmTopTextField"], q = True, fi = True) url = "" + left + "," + bot + "," + right + "," + top filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter="OSM XML (*.osm)", fileMode = 0, dialogStyle=2) if filePath is None: return file_name = filePath[0] try: u = urllib2.urlopen(url) except urllib2.HTTPError as err: if err.code == 400: cmds.confirmDialog(title='Error', message="HTTPError {0}: Incorrect borders".format(err.code)) elif err.code == 509: cmds.confirmDialog(title='Error', message="HTTPError {0}: You have downloaded too much data. Please try again later".format(err.code)) else: cmds.confirmDialog(title='Error', message="HTTPError {0}".format(err.code)) return f = open(file_name, 'wb') cmds.progressWindow(title='Downloading map', min = 0, max = 100, progress = 0, status = "Downloading: %s " % (file_name), isInterruptable = False) while True: buffer = if not buffer: break f.write(buffer) f.close() cmds.progressWindow(endProgress = True) cmds.textField(self.widgets["osmFileTextField"], edit = True, fi = filePath[0])
def makeSnowflakes(number, size, sizeVar, rgb1, rgb2, transparency, glow): ''' Creates a number of snowflakes number : Number of particles to create size : Radius of the snowflakes sizeVar : Variation in the radius rgb1 : One end of the colour range in the form (r,g,b) rgb2 : The other end of the colour range in the form (r,g,b) transparency : Alpha value for the shader glow : Glow value for the shader The progress window is updated and the shading group list is created. A while loop is initiated to create snowflakes, add them to the list and assign shaders. The list of objects is returned. ''' cmds.progressWindow(e=1, progress=0, status='Making Snowflakes...') SGList = createColourList(rgb1, rgb2, transparency, glow, 5) list = [] count = 0 while count < number: radius = size + random.uniform(-(size * sizeVar * 0.01), (size * sizeVar * 0.01)) list[len(list):] = [makeFlake(random.randint(5, 8), radius)] cmds.sets(list[-1], e=1, forceElement=SGList[random.randint(0, 4)]) cmds.progressWindow(e=1, step=100 / number) count += 1 return list
def eval_cost(params01_vec_dst): global Cost_best, params_01_vec_best global num_iter, success num_iter += 1 params_dict = convert_param_func(params01_vec_dst) path_dst = '{0}/iter_{1:04d}'.format(folder_path, num_iter) img_dst_cv2, _, _ = render_and_load(params_dict, path_dst) G_dst, _ = get_feature_func(img_dst_cv2) Cost_this = calc_cost_func(G_ref, G_dst) img_text = "Cost: {0}\n#iter {1}".format(Cost_this, num_iter) Misc.show_text_on_image_cv2(img_dst_cv2, img_text, "find_step") ## change the best result if Cost_this < Cost_best: Cost_best = Cost_this params_01_vec_best = params01_vec_dst[:] ## show the progress bar here prog = num_iter + 1 cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=prog) if cmds.progressWindow(query=1, isCancelled=1): success = False ## [ABORT] raise StopIteration return Cost_this
def setText(self, text): if not self.disable: if self.ismain: cmds.progressBar(self._gMainProgressBar, edit=True, status=text) else: cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, status=text)
def setProgress(self, value): if not self.disable: if self.ismain: cmds.progressBar(self._gMainProgressBar, edit=True, progress=int(value)) else: cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=int(value))
def next(self): if self.current >= self.end: ExtremeProgressWnd(self.start, self.end, self.step, self.text_to_display).end_pw() raise StopIteration sta = self.start self.current += self.step _perc = ExtremeProgressWnd(self.current, self.end, self.step, self.text_to_display).percentage( self.current - self.step, sta) _prct = _perc[1] _elapsed = time() - self.start_time if _elapsed > 60.0: _elapse = "{} {}".format(round(float((_elapsed + 0.0) / 60.0), 2), "mins") else: _elapse = "{} {}".format(round(_elapsed, 2), "secs") try: estimate = float(_elapsed / (_perc[0] - _elapsed)) if estimate > 60.0: _estleft = "{} {}".format( round(float((estimate + 0.0) / 60.0), 2), "mins") else: _estleft = "{} {}".format(round(estimate, 2), "secs") except: _estleft = 0 cm.progressWindow( e=1, step=self.step, status=""" {disp}: {perc}% {elps}: {etim} {left}: {ltim} {comp}: {cur}/{end} {item}: {item_list} """.format( disp="% Completed\t", perc=_prct, elps="Elapsed\t\t", etim=_elapse, left="Time Left\t", ltim=_estleft, comp="Completed\t", cur=self.current, end=self.end, item="Processing\t", item_list=self.main_list[self.current - 1], n=2, ii=1, ), ) return self.current - self.step
def func( *args, **kwargs ): try: cmd.progressWindow( **dec_kwargs ) except: print 'error init-ing the progressWindow' try: return f( *args, **kwargs ) finally: cmd.progressWindow( ep=True )
def reportProgress(self): """ If the window is enabled put progress information consisting of the percentage done, the current file, and the current phase """ if not self.enable: return progressPct = self.totalProgress * 100 statusString = '%s:%s' % (self.currentPhaseName,self.currentFileName) cmds.progressWindow( edit=True, progress=progressPct, status=statusString )
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if not self.disable: if self.ismain: cmds.progressBar(self._gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True) else: cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=True) if exc_type: log.exception('%s : %s' % (exc_type, exc_value)) del(self) return False # False so that the exception gets re-raised
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if not self.disable: if self.ismain: cmds.progressBar(self._gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True) else: cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=True) if exc_type: log.exception('%s : %s'%(exc_type, exc_value)) del(self) return False # False so that the exception gets re-raised
def resetVtx(*args): selList = = True) # progress window cmds.progressWindow(title = 'Reset Vertex', minValue = 0, maxValue = len(selList), progress = 0, status = 'Stand by', isInterruptable = True) for sel in selList: if cmds.progressWindow(q = True, isCancelled = True): break cmds.progressWindow(e = True, progress = selList.index(sel), status = 'Working on \'%s\'' %(sel)) if not cmds.listRelatives(sel, path = True, s = True, ni = True): continue else: # Reset vertex try: cmds.polyMoveVertex(sel, localTranslate = (0, 0, 0)) except: pass cmds.progressWindow(e = True, progress = 0, status = 'Reset Vertex Work Done.') cmds.progressWindow(endProgress = True), r = True)
def upLoadFile(self): self.getFileInfo() mc.progressWindow(title=u'上传cache文件', status=u'开始上传', isInterruptable=True) self.getAlembicCache() self.copyTxsFile() self.addVideo() self.saveFile() mc.progressWindow(endProgress=True) self.insertData()
def checkBadObjects(strict = 0): def check(connections, *cases): result = False sources = connections[::2] destinations = connections[1::2] for case in cases: if [x for x in sources if case in x]: result = True break elif [x for x in destinations if case in x]: result = True break return result global BadObjects BadObjects = [] objects = = 1) amount = 0 count = 0 num = len(objects) cmds.progressWindow(t = u'检测中...', pr = amount, ii = 1) cmds.scrollField('ScrollText', e = 1, cl = 1) mytext = u'检测结果'.center(57, '-') + '\n' cmds.scrollField('ScrollText', e = 1, it = mytext, ip = 0) cmds.editRenderLayerGlobals(crl = 'defaultRenderLayer') feedBackCaseA, feedBackCaseB = [], [] for object in objects: if cmds.nodeType(object) in ('mesh', 'nurbsSurface'): connections = cmds.listConnections(object, c = 1, t = 'shadingEngine') if not connections: connections = cmds.listConnections(object, c = 1) if (connections and not check(connections, 'groupParts', 'outMesh', 'worldMesh', 'worldSpace')) or strict: if not, io = 1): BadObjects.append(object) addText = u'>>> %s 没有和SG节点连接\n' % object feedBackCaseA.append(addText) elif check(connections, 'compInstObjGroups'): BadObjects.append(object) addText = u'>>> %s 与SG节点之间可能存在异常连接\n' % object feedBackCaseB.append(addText) count += 1 if count*50 % num == 0: amount += 2 cmds.progressWindow(e = 1, pr = amount) elif count == num: amount = 100 cmds.progressWindow(e = 1, pr = amount) if cmds.progressWindow(q = 1, ic = 1): break if cmds.progressWindow(q = 1, pr = 1) >= 100: break cmds.scrollField('ScrollText', e = 1, it = ''.join(feedBackCaseA), ip = 0) cmds.scrollField('ScrollText', e = 1, it = ''.join(feedBackCaseB), ip = 0) cmds.progressWindow(ep = 1)
def planeEmit(sourcePlane,start,emitTime,particleList,maxDistance,minDistance,maxAngle,forceTime,lifeTime,lifeTimeVar,fadeOut,turbulenceAmp,turbulencePer,drift): ''' Emits particles from a plane sourcePlane : Name of the plane particles will emit from start : Frame to start emission emitTime : Number of frames to emit for particleList : List containing names of all the particles to be animatied maxDistance : Maximum distance particles will be emitted from at the middle of the curve minDistance : Maximum distance particles will be emitted from at the start and end of the curve maxAngle : Maximum angle to emit particles at forceTime : Number of frames particles will be affected by the emission force lifeTime : Average lifetime of a particle lifeTimeVar : Variation from average lifetime as a percentage fadeOut : Number of frames to scale down particles at the end of their lifetime turbulenceAmp : Amplitude of the turbulence animation graph turbulencePer : Period of the turbulence animation graph drift : Distance a particle will drift 10 frames. Contains (x,y,z) Updates the progress window and assigns all the elements in particleList to the class particles. Constrains particle to plane to copy its location and orientation then deletes the constraint and adds a random rotation in the object y axis and moves the particle a random distance away from the plane centre along its surface. Emission angle is randomly chosen and applied to object z axis so that all particles move in line with the plane centre. Runs the relevant class specific procedures to animate the particle. ''' cmds.progressWindow(e=1,progress=0,status='Animating Particles...') for i in range(0,len(particleList)): particleList[i]=particles(particleList[i]) count=0 for x in particleList: x.born = start+random.randint(0,emitTime) constraint = cmds.parentConstraint(sourcePlane, cmds.delete(constraint) rotation = random.uniform(0,360) cmds.rotate(0,rotation,0,,r=1,os=1) [x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1]=cmds.xform(sourcePlane+'.vtx[0:1]',t=1,q=1,ws=1) sideLength=((x0-x1)**2+(y0-y1)**2+(z0+z1)**2)**0.5 distance=random.uniform(0,sideLength/2) cmds.move(distance,0,0,,r=1,os=1) angle=random.uniform(-maxAngle,maxAngle) cmds.rotate(0,0,angle,,r=1,os=1) x.explode(x.born,forceTime,random.uniform(minDistance,maxDistance)) x.drift(x.born,drift,turbulenceAmp*random.random(),turbulencePer+random.randint(-2,2)) x.lifeTime=int(lifeTime+random.uniform(-lifeTime*lifeTimeVar*0.01,lifeTime*lifeTimeVar*0.01)) x.fadeOut=random.randint(fadeOut-2,fadeOut+2) x.bake() cmds.keyframe(,at='visibility',a=1,vc=0) count+=1 cmds.progressWindow(e=1,progress=int((100.0/len(particleList))*count)) for x in particleList: x.birth() x.death() return
def sendData(): cmds.progressWindow(isInterruptable=1) ser = serial.Serial(serialPort, baudRate, timeout=0.5) while 1: if cmds.progressWindow(query=1, isCancelled=1): ser.close() break data = utils.executeInMainThreadWithResult(getCurrentData) ser.write("<" + data + ">") time.sleep(sendRate) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def CorrectQuit(self, *args): self.closeWin(self._windowName) self.CloseAllPBWin() try: mc.progressWindow(endProgress=True) except: pass # i = QuickPlayAllBlast_C_zwz() #
def loadSkin(geo, assetName=None, prompt=False): """ Load skin values for the specified geometry from a file. [Args]: geo (string) - The name of the geometry to apply the skin to assetName (string) - The name of the rig the geometry is part of prompt (bool) - Toggles prompting the user to select the assetName [Returns]: True """ cmds.progressWindow(e=1, s='Skinning Rig') if cmds.progressWindow(q=1, isCancelled=True): return False assetName = fileFn.assetNameSetup(assetName, prompt) path = fileFn.getAssetDir() fileName = fileFn.getLatestVersion(assetName, path, 'rig/WIP/skin', name=geo) if not fileName: return False fileFn.printToMaya('Currently Skinning: {}'.format(geo)) skinCls = getSkinInfo(geo) if not skinCls: skinInfo = {'joints': []} xmlRoot = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(fileName).getroot() # skinInfo['joints'] = [each.get('source') for each in xmlRoot.findall('weights')] # skinInfo['joints'] = [each.get('source') for each in xmlRoot.findall('weights') if int(each.get('size')) > 1] for each in xmlRoot.findall('weights'): if int(each.get('size')) > 1: skinInfo['joints'].append(each.get('source')) skinInfo['unknownJnts'] = [] for each in skinInfo['joints']: if not cmds.objExists(each): skinInfo['unknownJnts'].append(each) # skinInfo['joints'].remove(each) skinInfo['joints'] = list( set(skinInfo['joints']) - set(skinInfo['unknownJnts'])) skinCls = cmds.skinCluster(geo, skinInfo['joints'], tsb=1)[0] # try: # skinCls = cmds.skinCluster(geo, skinInfo['joints'], tsb=1)[0] # except ValueError: # print 'Errored whilst skinning {}, Skipping.'.format(geo) # return False cmds.deformerWeights(fileName, path='', deformer=skinCls, im=1, wp=5, wt=0.00001) cmds.skinCluster(skinCls, e=1, fnw=1) return True
def emitCurve(sourceCurve,curveStart,duration,particleList,maxDistance,minDistance,emitTime,lifeTime,lifeTimeVar,fadeOut,turbulenceAmp,turbulencePer,drift): ''' Emits particles from a curve sourceCurve : Name of the curve particles will emit from curveStart : Frame to start emission duration : Number of frames to emit for particleList : List containing names of all the particles to be animatied maxDistance : Maximum distance particles will be emitted from at the middle of the curve minDistance : Maximum distance particles will be emitted from at the start and end of the curve emitTime : Number of frames particles will be affected by the emission force lifeTime : Average lifetime of a particle lifeTimeVar : Variation from average lifetime as a percentage fadeOut : Number of frames to scale down particles at the end of their lifetime turbulenceAmp : Amplitude of the turbulence animation graph turbulencePer : Period of the turbulence animation graph drift : Distance a particle will drift 10 frames. Contains (x,y,z) Updates the progress window and assigns all the elements in particleList to the class particles. Creates a locator and keys it to follow the curve linearly over the emission time. At the emit time, copies the coordinates of the locator and moves particle to that location and add a random rotation. The distance is calculated depending on the time the particle is emitted. Runs the relevant class specific procedures to animate the particle. ''' cmds.progressWindow(e=1,progress=0,status='Animating Particles...') for i in range(0,len(particleList)): particleList[i]=particles(particleList[i]) count=0 [emitter] = [cmds.spaceLocator(n='emitter')[0]] motionPath = cmds.pathAnimation(fm=1, stu=curveStart,etu=curveStart+duration,c=sourceCurve) cmds.keyTangent(motionPath,at='uValue',itt='Linear',ott='Linear') for x in particleList: launchTime=random.uniform(0,duration) [(emitX,emitY,emitZ)]=cmds.getAttr(emitter+'.translate',t=curveStart+launchTime) cmds.move(emitX,emitY,emitZ, cmds.rotate(random.uniform(0,360),random.uniform(0,360),random.uniform(0,360), if launchTime/duration <=0.5: distance=(launchTime/duration)*2*(maxDistance-minDistance)+minDistance else: distance=(1-(launchTime/duration))*2*(maxDistance-minDistance)+minDistance x.born = int(curveStart+launchTime+random.randint(-1,1)) x.explode(x.born,emitTime,distance) x.drift(x.born,drift,turbulenceAmp*random.random(),turbulencePer+random.randint(-2,2)) x.lifeTime=int(lifeTime+random.uniform(-lifeTime*lifeTimeVar*0.01,lifeTime*lifeTimeVar*0.01)) x.fadeOut=random.randint(fadeOut-2,fadeOut+2) x.bake() cmds.keyframe(,at='visibility',a=1,vc=0) count+=1 cmds.progressWindow(e=1,progress=int((100.0/len(particleList))*count)) for x in particleList: x.birth() x.death() return
def loadCharacter(self, x=None) : ''' TODO: Stub ''' item = self.getSelectedCharacter() print item self.loadTemplate(item) return print "Loading Character: " + str(x) m.progressWindow("peelMocap_progressWindow", st="Loading Character", progress=0) loadChar = "%s/character/%s/%s" % (self.pathPrefix, item['group']['title'], item['file']) print "load character: %s" % loadChar self.cache.importUrl(loadChar) m.progressWindow(endProgress=True)
def func(*args, **kwargs): try: cmd.progressWindow(**dec_kwargs) except: print 'error init-ing the progressWindow' try: ret = f(*args, **kwargs) except: #end the progressWindow on any exception and re-raise... raise finally: cmd.progressWindow(ep=True) return ret
def testButton(objects, *args): #print(objects) basicFilter = "*.json" path = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, dialogStyle=2) #print(path[0]) cmds.progressWindow(title='Exporting', progress=progress, status='Exporting: 0%', isInterruptable=True ) exporting = True #shaders_to_json(objA=objects, file_path=path[0]) #shaders_to_json(objA=['BATIMENT_PAUVRE_01'], file_path=path[0]) shaders_to_json(objA=['pSphere1'], file_path=path[0])
def __init__(self, fileCount, phaseCount, enable): 'Initialize all of the progress information and open the window if requested' self.enable = enable self.currentFileName = 'Startup' self.progressPerFile = 1.0 / fileCount self.totalProgress = 0 self.currentFile = 0 self.currentPhase = 0 self.currentPhaseName = 'Reading' self.progressPerPhase = self.progressPerFile / phaseCount if enable: winTitle = 'Processing %d file(s)' % fileCount cmds.progressWindow( title=winTitle, progress=0, status='Initializing: 0%%', isInterruptable=True )
def cmdKeyframe(val=None): try: if val != None: offset = val else: offset = int(cmds.textField("animOffsetInput", q=True, tx=True)) if not offset: return except: cmds.headsUpMessage(u'请输入有效数值:负值为向左移动,正值为向右移动', time=3) return tc = mel.eval("$tmpVar = $gPlayBackSlider;") sound = cmds.timeControl(tc, q=True, sound=True) if sound: cmds.setAttr(sound + ".offset", cmds.getAttr(sound + ".offset") + offset) animCurves = [] for ac in"animCurveTL"): animCurves.append(ac) for ac in"animCurveTA"): animCurves.append(ac) for ac in"animCurveTU"): animCurves.append(ac) if not len(animCurves): return cmds.progressWindow(title=u"进度", status=u"处理中...") cmds.progressWindow(e=True, progress=0, max=len(animCurves)) for ac in animCurves:, r=True) cmds.keyframe(edit=True, relative=True, timeChange=offset) cmds.progressWindow(e=True, step=1) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def __enter__(self): if not self.disable: if self.ismain: cmds.progressBar(self._gMainProgressBar, edit=True, beginProgress=True, step=self.step, isInterruptable=self._interruptable, maxValue=self._maxValue) else: cmds.progressWindow(step=self.step, title=self.title, isInterruptable=self._interruptable, maxValue=self._maxValue)
def objExport(filepath, startFrame, endFrame, inc): (difName, basename) = getDirFromParh(filepath) # Here we dont specify "op" (option) parameter, because we want to have option to get it from maya "export Selection" dialog, so whetever is active there, will be exported using this command amount = 0 frameRange = (endFrame - startFrame) + 1 cmds.progressWindow(title='Exporting sequence', progress=amount, status='Finished: 0%', isInterruptable=True, maxValue=frameRange) for frame in range(startFrame, endFrame, inc): if cmds.progressWindow(query=True, isCancelled=True): break cmds.currentTime(frame, edit=True) cmds.file(difName + "/" + basename + "." + str(frame).zfill(5) + ".obj", op="groups=1;ptgroups=1;materials=0;smoothing=1;normals=1", typ="OBJexport", pr=1, es=1, force=1) if cmds.progressWindow(query=True, progress=True) >= frameRange: break amount += 1 cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=amount, status=('Finished: ' + ` amount ` + '%')) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def alignedPopulation(subMeshNames, width, height, depth, randRotation): ''' Populate the base mesh by projecting rays from uniformly subdivided imaginary planes perpendicular to the 3 global axis. - subMeshNames: list of names of the submeshes - width: number of subdivisions along the X global axis - height: number of subdivisions along the Y global axis - depth: number of subdivisions along the X global axis - randRotation: whether the submesh is to receive a random rotation on the local Y axis after it has been instantiated ''' bbox = mc.exactWorldBoundingBox(baseMeshName) planeOriginX = bbox[0] planeOriginY = bbox[1] planeOriginZ = bbox[2] planeEndX = bbox[3] planeEndY = bbox[4] planeEndZ = bbox[5] planeWidth = abs(planeEndX - planeOriginX) planeHeight = abs(planeEndY - planeOriginY) planeDepth = abs(planeEndZ - planeOriginZ) # We take the mesh bounding box and treat each side of it as one of the 3 "Imaginary Planes". We then calculate how big # each subdivision would be on each axis. cellWidth = planeWidth / width cellHeight = planeHeight / height cellDepth = planeDepth / depth totalRayCasts = (width + 1) * (height + 1) + (width + 1) * (depth + 1) + ( height + 1) * (depth + 1) progrWindow = mc.progressWindow(title='Progress', progress=0, status='Populating mesh...', isInterruptable=True, max=totalRayCasts) # Take each of the 3 imaginary planes and project rays from their "vertices" onto the base mesh projectPlane(planeOriginX, planeOriginY, planeEndZ, planeEndX, planeEndY, [0, 0, -1], subMeshNames, cellWidth, cellHeight, progrWindow, randRotation) projectPlane(planeOriginZ, planeOriginY, planeEndX, planeEndZ, planeEndY, [-1, 0, 0], subMeshNames, cellDepth, cellHeight, progrWindow, randRotation) projectPlane(planeOriginX, planeOriginZ, planeEndY, planeEndX, planeEndZ, [0, -1, 0], subMeshNames, cellWidth, cellDepth, progrWindow, randRotation) mc.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def do(self, *args): try: sel = sum = 0.0 sum = len(sel) amount = 0.0 for item in sel: mc.progressWindow( title="Removing References", progress=amount, status="Removing: 0%", isInterruptable=True ) if mc.progressWindow(query=True, isCancelled=True): break if mc.progressWindow(query=True, progress=True) >= 100: break RN = mc.referenceQuery(item, referenceNode=1) Nodes = mc.referenceQuery(RN, referenceNode=True, topReference=True) referenceFile = mc.referenceQuery(Nodes, f=1) reLoaded = mc.referenceQuery(referenceFile, il=True) if reLoaded == 1: mc.file(referenceFile, unloadReference=1) amount = float((sel.index(item) + 1)) / float(len(sel)) * 100.0 mc.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=amount, status=("Removing: " + ` amount ` + "%")) # mc.pause( seconds=1 ) mc.progressWindow(endProgress=1) except: pass
def parse_rib_archives(self): queue = Queue() self._enqueue_rib_files(queue) if queue.empty(): return for file in self._process_rib_queue(queue): yield file if cmds.progressWindow(query=1, isCancelled=1): cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1) raise maya_common.MayaZyncException("Submission cancelled") cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def build(self): self._cleanOldShelf() progressAmount = len(SCRIPT_PATH) + len(QTUI_PATH) prog = 0 mc.progressWindow(title="Construct", progress=0, max=progressAmount, status="Loading") # スクリプトのダウンロード for name in SCRIPT_NAME: prog += 1 mc.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=prog, status="Loading Script: " + name) self.addButon(name, command=self.downloadScriptsFromGitHub(name)) # QTUIのダウンロード for name in QTUI_PATH: prog += 1 mc.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=prog, status="Loading QTUI: " + name) self.downloadQTUIFromGitHub(name) mc.progressWindow(endProgress=True) return "Construct Success"
def loop(seq, title=''): cmds.progressWindow(title=title, progress=0.0, isInterruptable=True) total = len(seq) for i, item in enumerate(seq): try: if cmds.progressWindow(query=True, isCancelled=True): break cmds.progressWindow(e=True, progress=float(i) / total * 100) yield item # with body executes here except: traceback.print_exc() cmds.progressWindow(ep=1) cmds.progressWindow(ep=1)
def defaultButtonPush08(*args): cmds.progressWindow(isInterruptable = 1) while True: WindowCheck = cmds.window(title = '"Press Esc"', widthHeight = (400, 200)) cmds.paneLayout() cmds.scrollField(wordWrap=True, text='"Press Esc"') cmds.showWindow(WindowCheck) cmds.showSelectionInTitle(WindowCheck) cmds.deleteUI(WindowCheck) if cmds.progressWindow(query = 1, isCancelled = 1): cmds.progressWindow(endProgress = 1) break cmds.refresh()
def getProgress(self): if not self.disable: if self.ismain: return cmds.progressBar( self._gMainProgressBar, q=True, progress=True) or 0 else: return cmds.progressWindow(q=True, progress=True) or 0
def _parse_rib_archive(self, ribArchivePath): """Parses RIB archive file and tries to extract texture file names and other .rib files to parse. It read the file line by line with buffer limit, because the files can be very big. RIB files can be binary, in which case parsing them would be possible, but hacky, so we won't do that. We also check if the user has cancelled.""" fileSet = set() # Please see the link to easily see what those regex match: patterns = [(r'\"((?:(?!\").)*?\.rib)\"', 'rib'), (r'\"string fileTextureName\" \[\"((?:(?!\").)*?)\"', 'tex'), (r'\"string lightColorMap\" \[\"((?:(?!\").)*?)\"', 'tex'), (r'\"string filename\" \[\"((?:(?!\").)*?)\"', 'tex')] with open(ribArchivePath, 'r') as content_file: line = content_file.readline(10000) while line != '' and not cmds.progressWindow(query=1, isCancelled=1): for (pattern, t) in patterns: for file in re.findall(pattern, line): if os.path.exists(file): fileSet.add((file, t)) line = content_file.readline(10000) for (f, t) in fileSet: yield (f, t)
def refresh( self, message = None ): """Finally show the progress window""" mn,mx = ( self.isRelative() and ( 0,100) ) or self.range() p = self.get() myargs = dict() myargs[ "e" ] = 1 myargs[ "min" ] = mn myargs[ "max" ] = mx myargs[ "pr" ] = p myargs[ "status" ] = message or ( "Progress %s" % ( "." * ( int(p) % 4 ) ) ) try: cmds.progressWindow( **myargs ) except RuntimeError,e: log.warn(str( e )) pass # don't know yet why that happens
def dump(): path = mc.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=1, fileMode=2) path = path and path[0] if not path: return mc.progressWindow( title='Geo.D Export', status='Initializing...', progress=0, isInterruptable=True, ) scene = Scene(path, object_class=Object) selection =, long=True) or [] transforms = mc.listRelatives(selection, allDescendents=True, fullPath=True, type='transform') or [] transforms.extend(x for x in selection if mc.nodeType(x) == 'transform') for transform in transforms: scene.add_object(Object(transform)) scene.finalize_graph() for i, total, path, obj in scene.iter_dump(): mc.progressWindow(e=True, progress=int(100 * i / total), status=obj.transform.split('|')[-1]) if mc.progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True): break mc.progressWindow(endProgress=True)
def batchResizeTexture(*args): imgPathList = getImgPath() sizeScale = cmds.optionMenu('TR_sizeScale', q= 1, v= 1) maxValue = len(imgPathList.keys()) cmds.progressWindow( title= 'TextureResize', progress= 0, max= maxValue, status= 'Scaling...', isInterruptable= 1 ) processStop = 0 for i, tex in enumerate(imgPathList.keys()): if cmds.progressWindow( query= 1, isCancelled= 1 ): processStop = 1 break newPath = resizeTexture(imgPathList[tex], sizeScale) #print newPath if not cmds.checkBox('TR_modify', q= 1, v= 1): cmds.setAttr(tex + '.fileTextureName', newPath, typ= 'string') cmds.progressWindow( e= 1, step= 1, status= str(i) + ' / ' + str(maxValue) ) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1) # refresh fileNodeSelect()
def isCancelled(self): ''' fixed naming but previous left for legacy calls ''' if not self.disable: if self.ismain: return cmds.progressBar(self._gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True) else: return cmds.progressWindow(query=True, isCancelled=True)
def _process_rib_queue(self, queue): files_parsed = 0 cmds.progressWindow(title='Parsing rib files for dependencies...', progress=files_parsed, maxValue=files_parsed + queue.qsize(), status='Parsing: %d of %d' % (files_parsed, files_parsed + queue.qsize()), isInterruptable=True) while not queue.empty() and not cmds.progressWindow(query=1, isCancelled=1): (file, node, file_type) = queue.get() files_parsed += 1 cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=files_parsed, maxValue=files_parsed + queue.qsize(), status='Parsing: %d of %d' % (files_parsed, files_parsed + queue.qsize())) scene_file = file.replace('\\', '/') print 'found file dependency from %s node %s: %s' % ('RenderManArchive', node, scene_file) yield scene_file if file_type == 'rib': for (f, t) in self._parse_rib_archive(file): queue.put((f, node, t))
def GenTerrain(DATA_SIZE, SEED, h, j): createTerrainData(DATA_SIZE, SEED, h, j) name = 'Terrain' totalPoints=(DATA_SIZE)*(DATA_SIZE) if (cmds.objExists(name) == True): cmds.delete(name) cmds.polyPlane( n=name, sx=(DATA_SIZE-1), sy=(DATA_SIZE-1), h=20, w=20) count = 0 cmds.progressWindow(title='Setting Points', progress=count, max = totalPoints, status='Setting: 0/'+str(totalPoints)) for i in xrange(DATA_SIZE): if True: cmds.refresh() cmds.delete(name, ch = True) for j in xrange(DATA_SIZE): offset = dataArray[i][j] cmds.polyMoveVertex( name+'.vtx['+str(count)+']', ws = True, ty = offset, cch=True) cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=count, status='Setting: '+str(count)) count+=1 cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1) #cmds.polySmooth(n=name, cch = True) cmds.delete(name, ch = True)
def exportL2F():#EXPORT RL 2 FILES #list ON LAYERS onlayers=[] for each in getSceneData()['layers']: if mc.getAttr(str(each)+'.renderable'): if not ':' in each: onlayers.append(each) fileNames=[] for each in l2fOutputFiles(): fileNames.append(l2fOutputFolder()+each) #PROCEDURE if mc.getAttr('renderLayerManager.enableSingleFileName')==True:#IF SINGLE FILE OPTION try: mc.file(os.path.normpath(fileNames[0]),ea=1,typ='mayaBinary') finally: print 'OUTPUT FILE:\n'+ os.path.normpath(fileNames[0]) else:#MULTI FILE OPTION progress=1/len(onlayers) for each in onlayers: mc.setAttr(str(each)+'.renderable',0) #TURN OFF ON #MULTIPLE EXPORT mc.progressWindow(t='Saving..',min=0,max=len(onlayers),pr=progress,st='Copying\n'+onlayers[0]) try: for index,each in enumerate(onlayers): #SEQUENTIALLY TURN ON, EXPORT, THEN TURN OFF mc.setAttr(str(each)+'.renderable',1) mc.file(os.path.normpath(fileNames[index]),ea=1,typ='mayaBinary') print 'OUTPUT FILE:'+ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(l2fOutputFolder()+each+'.mb')) progress=progress+1 mc.progressWindow(e=1,pr=progress,st='Save Success \n'+ each) mc.setAttr(str(each)+'.renderable',0) finally: mc.progressWindow(ep=1) for each in onlayers: mc.setAttr(str(each)+'.renderable',1)#TURN BACK ON ONLAYERS
def runFlakeGen(self,state): ''' Executes the code to generate snowflakes and starts the progress window using the variables defined in snowflakeUI.flakeGenUI and starts the progress window ''' cmds.progressWindow(title='SnowFX', progress=0, status='Starting up...') try: particles=makeSnowflakes.makeSnowflakes(cmds.intField(self.flakeNumber,v=1,q=1), cmds.floatField(self.flakeRadius,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.flakeRadiusVar,v=1,q=1), cmds.canvas(self.colour1,rgb=1,q=1), cmds.canvas(self.colour2,rgb=1,q=1), cmds.floatField(self.transparency,v=1,q=1), cmds.floatField(self.glow,v=1,q=1)) for i in range(0,len(particles)): cmds.move(0,0,cmds.floatField(self.flakeRadius,v=1,q=1)*2*i,particles[i]) group =,n='snowFX') for x in particles: cmds.parent(x,group) cmds.progressWindow(ep=1) except Exception, err: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % str(err)) cmds.progressWindow(ep=1) errorPopup('Something went wrong :( \n Check the script editor for detials')
def mddExport(filepath, exportedObjects, startFrame, endFrame, fps): (difName,basename) = getDirFromParh(filepath) filepath = difName+"/"+basename+".mdd" filepathObj = difName+"/"+basename+".obj" mddFile = open(filepath, 'wb') #no Errors yet:Safe to create file numframes = endFrame-startFrame+1 # set reference frame time cmds.currentTime( startFrame, edit=True ) cmds.file(filepathObj,op="groups=1;ptgroups=1;materials=0;smoothing=1;normals=1",typ="OBJexport",pr=1,es=1,force=1) # Write the header numverts = getVertexCount(exportedObjects) mddFile.write(pack(">2i", numframes, numverts)) ## Write the frame times, sec mddFile.write( pack(">%df" % (numframes), *[frame/fps for frame in xrange(numframes)]) ) # seconds #checking vertex count for the model check_vertcount(exportedObjects,numverts,mddFile) # Use that iterator for something - here it's returning a list of vertex positions vertexPositionList= getSelectedVertexPositions(exportedObjects) # write out referece model vertex position mddFile.write(pack(">%df" % (numverts*3), *[v for v in vertexPositionList])) vertexPositionList = None amount = 0 frameRange = (endFrame-startFrame)+1 cmds.progressWindow( title='Exporting sequence', progress=amount, status='Finished: 0%', isInterruptable=True , maxValue = frameRange) for frame in xrange(startFrame,endFrame+1):#in order to start at desired frame if cmds.progressWindow( query=True, isCancelled=True ) : break cmds.currentTime( frame, edit=True ) # Check vertex count, its shouldnt be changed over time check_vertcount(exportedObjects,numverts,mddFile) vertexPositionList= getSelectedVertexPositions(exportedObjects) # Write the vertex data mddFile.write(pack(">%df" % (numverts*3), *[v for v in vertexPositionList])) if cmds.progressWindow( query=True, progress=True ) >= frameRange : break amount += 1 cmds.progressWindow( edit=True, progress=amount, status=('Finished: ' + `amount` + '%' ) ) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1) vertexPositionList = None mddFile.close()
def exportShaders(export_path, mode): if not export_path: mc.warning('Please enter a output folder!') return -1 if not exists(export_path): mc.warning('Directory is not exists :'+export_path) return -1 shading_groups = [] if mode == 0: shading_groups = [s for s in'shadingEngine') if s not in ('initialParticleSE', 'initialShadingGroup')] elif mode == 1: selections = if not selections: mc.warning( 'Please select at least one shader or mesh, nurbsShapes.') return -1 for sel in selections: connected_sg = mc.listConnections(sel, s=False, d=True, type='shadingEngine') if not connected_sg: continue shading_groups.extend([s for s in connected_sg if s not in ('initialParticleSE', 'initialShadingGroup')]) shading_groups = list(set(shading_groups)) else: return -1 if not shading_groups: mc.warning('There are no any shaders can be export!') return -1 if not _userConfirm('Export Shaders', '\n'.join(shading_groups)): return -1 connections = [] fullpath = '' amout = 0 process_max = len(shading_groups) mc.progressWindow(title='Export Shaders', progress=amout, status='Export start...', isInterruptable=True, max=process_max) for sg in shading_groups: if mc.progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True): break fullpath = '{0}{1}.ma'.format(export_path, sg.replace(':', '_')) connections = mc.listHistory(sg, allFuture=True, pruneDagObjects=True), replace=True, noExpand=True) try: mc.file(fullpath, force=True, exportSelected=True, type='mayaAscii', options='v=0;') amout += 1 mc.progressWindow(e=True, progress=amout, status='Export : {0} / {1}'.format(amout, process_max)) except: raise mc.progressWindow(endProgress=True)
def main( *args ): selObject = amount = 0.0 for item in selObject: mc.progressWindow( title='Reedit Keys', progress=amount, status='Reediting: 0%', isInterruptable=True ) if mc.progressWindow( query=True, isCancelled=True ) : break if mc.progressWindow( query=True, progress=True ) >= 100 : break if selAnimNodes(item) == 'Error:':continue amount = (float((selObject.index(item)+1))/float(len(selObject))*100.0) mc.progressWindow( edit=True, progress=amount, status=('Reediting: ' + `amount` + '%' ) ) mc.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def objExport(filepath, startFrame, endFrame, inc): (difName,basename) = getDirFromParh(filepath) # Here we dont specify "op" (option) parameter, because we want to have option to get it from maya "export Selection" dialog, so whetever is active there, will be exported using this command amount = 0 frameRange = (endFrame-startFrame)+1 cmds.progressWindow( title='Exporting sequence', progress=amount, status='Finished: 0%', isInterruptable=True , maxValue = frameRange) for frame in range(startFrame,endFrame,inc): if cmds.progressWindow( query=True, isCancelled=True ) : break cmds.currentTime( frame, edit=True ) cmds.file(difName+"/"+basename+"."+str(frame).zfill(5)+".obj",op="groups=1;ptgroups=1;materials=0;smoothing=1;normals=1",typ="OBJexport",pr=1,es=1,force=1) if cmds.progressWindow( query=True, progress=True ) >= frameRange : break amount += 1 cmds.progressWindow( edit=True, progress=amount, status=('Finished: ' + `amount` + '%' ) ) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def getProgress(self, stage, current, maxval, message ) : if stage == 0 and current == 0 : m.progressWindow(title="Loading", max=100) if stage == 5: m.progressWindow(ep=True) return if maxval == 0 : return value = stage * 25 + 25 * current / maxval; m.progressWindow(e=True, status=message, progress=value)
def runPlaneEmit(self,state): ''' Executes the code to emit particles from a plane using the variables defined in snowflakeUI.planeEmitUI and starts the progress window Will create an error popup if the variable values would stop the code from functioning correctly ''' if cmds.intField(self.endFrame,v=1,q=1)<=cmds.intField(self.startFrame,v=1,q=1): errorPopup('End Frame must be after Start Frame') return if cmds.intField(self.lifeTime,v=1,q=1)<=0: errorPopup('Particles have to have a lifetime') return if cmds.intField(self.fadeOut,v=1,q=1)>cmds.intField(self.lifeTime,v=1,q=1): errorPopup('Lifetime must be larger than fadeout time') return try: vtxCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(cmds.textField(self.sourcePlane,tx=1,q=1),v=1) if vtxCount!=4: errorPopup('Select an unsubdivided plane') return except: errorPopup('Choose a source plane') return particleFX.reloadFile() cmds.progressWindow(title='SnowFX', progress=0, status='Starting up...') try: particles=self.makeAllParticles() particleFX.planeEmit(cmds.textField(self.sourcePlane,tx=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.startFrame,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.endFrame,v=1,q=1)-cmds.intField(self.startFrame,v=1,q=1), particles, cmds.floatField(self.maxDistance,v=1,q=1), cmds.floatField(self.minDistance,v=1,q=1), cmds.floatField(self.maxAngle,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.forceTime,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.lifeTime,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.lifeTimeVar,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.fadeOut,v=1,q=1), cmds.floatField(self.turbulenceAmp,v=1,q=1), cmds.intField(self.turbulencePer,v=1,q=1), (cmds.floatField(self.driftX,v=1,q=1),cmds.floatField(self.driftY,v=1,q=1),cmds.floatField(self.driftZ,v=1,q=1))) group =,n='snowFX') for x in particles: cmds.parent(,group) cmds.progressWindow(ep=1) except Exception, err: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % str(err)) cmds.progressWindow(ep=1) errorPopup('Something went wrong :( \n Check the script editor for detials')
def renderLocal(start,end): y = start x = end amount = int(end) - int(start) per = 100 / amount cmds.progressWindow( title='local Rendering', progress=int(0), status='Rendering: 0%', isInterruptable=True ) while y <= x: if cmds.progressWindow( query=True, isCancelled=True ) : break cmds.currentTime(y) mel.eval('renderWindowRender redoPreviousRender renderView;') cmds.progressWindow( edit=True, progress=int(per), status=('Rendering: ' + `per` + '%' ) ) y = y + 1 per = per + per cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=1)
def creatPropGeoCacheSelect(self, *args): num = self.selectProp() try: count = len(num) j = 0 amount = 0 # self.core.progressBarWin( count ) mc.progressWindow(title="Export caches", progress=amount, status="Starting", isInterruptable=1) for i in num: if mc.progressWindow(q=1, isCancelled=1): break amount = (j + 1) * 100 / count mc.progressWindow(e=1, progress=amount, status=("Exporting: " + ` amount ` + "%")) mc.pause(seconds=0) # mc.progressBar(self.core.progressControl, edit=True, step=1.0) self.doCreateGeoCache(int(i)) j += 1 # self.core.close() mc.progressWindow(endProgress=1) except: pass