def main(): # Variables to log run_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() edited_pages = False wrote_db = False logged_errors = False try: prevruntimestamp = timelog(run_time) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not get time of previous run', exc_info=True) logged_errors = True sys.exit() # Initializing site + logging in login = config['login'] try: site = mwclient.Site((login['protocol'], login['site']), clients_useragent=login['useragent']) site.login(login['username'], login['password']) except mwclient.LoginError as e: mblog.logerror(u'Login failed for {}'.format(login['username']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True sys.exit() # create a list of learners who have joined since the previous run learners = getlearnerinfo(getlearners(prevruntimestamp, site), site) mentors, genmentors = getmentors(site) for learner in learners: try: mentorcat = mentorcat_dict[learner['category']] mentor = match(mentors[mentorcat], genmentors) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Matching failed for {}'.format( learner['learner']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue try: mname, muid, matchmade = get_match_info(mentor, site) print((mname, muid, matchmade)) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not get information for profile {}'.format( mentor['profile']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue try: invite_info = get_invite_info(learner, mname, matchmade, site) response = postinvite(invite_info) edited_pages = True except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not post match on {}\'s page'.format( learner['learner']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue try: flowenabled = invite_info[3] revid, postid = getrevid(response, flowenabled) matchtime = gettimeposted(response, flowenabled) cataddtime = parse_timestamp(learner['cattime']) mblog.logmatch(luid=learner['luid'], lprofileid=learner['profileid'], muid=muid, category=learner['category'], cataddtime=cataddtime, matchtime=matchtime, matchmade=matchmade, revid=revid, postid=postid, run_time=run_time) wrote_db = True except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not write to DB for {}'.format( learner['learner']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue try: mblog.logrun(run_time, edited_pages, wrote_db, logged_errors) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not log run at {}'.format(run_time), exc_info=True)
def main(filepath): run_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() config = utils.load_config(filepath) edited_pages = False wrote_db = False logged_errors = False try: prevruntimestamp = utils.timelog(run_time, filepath) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not get time of previous run', exc_info=True) logged_errors = True mblog.logrun() sys.exit() try: site = login(config['login']) except mwclient.LoginError as e: mblog.logerror(u'Login failed for {}'.format(creds['username']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True mblog.logrun(filepath, run_time, edited_pages, wrote_db, logged_errors) sys.exit() try: profile_lists = get_profiles(prevruntimestamp, config['categories'], site) bare_profiles = filter_profiles(profile_lists[0], profile_lists[1], config['pages']['main']) new_profiles = get_profile_info(bare_profiles, config['categories'], config['pages'], site) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not construct profile dictionaries', exc_info=True) logged_errors = True mblog.logrun(filepath, run_time, edited_pages, wrote_db, logged_errors) sys.exit() try: active_ideas = get_active_ideas(run_time, config) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not fetch active ideas from idealab_ideas', exc_info=True) logged_errors = True mblog.logrun() sys.exit() ideas = {} for profile in new_profiles: skills = new_profiles[profile]['skills'] interests = new_profiles[profile]['interests'] try: idea_list = get_ideas_by_category(ideas, interests, skills, site, config['categories']) active_idea_list = filter_ideas(idea_list, active_ideas) final_ideas = choose_ideas(active_idea_list, 5) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not generate ideas for {}'.format( profile['profile_title']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue # If not enough ideas, search on interest and skill individually if len(final_ideas) < 5: final_ideas = get_more_ideas(final_ideas, interests, skills, site, config['categories']) else: pass # If still not enough, fill from the list of all ideas if len(final_ideas) < 5: final_ideas = get_more_ideas(final_ideas, [], [], site, config['categories']) else: pass try: greeting = utils.buildgreeting(config['greetings']['greeting'], new_profiles[profile]['username'], final_ideas) except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not create a greeting for {}'.format( learner['learner']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue try: response = postinvite(new_profiles[profile]['talk_title'], greeting, 'Ideas for you', site) edited_pages = True except mwclient.MwClientError as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not post match on {}\'s page'.format( profile['username']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue try: match_info = collect_match_info(response, new_profiles[profile], final_ideas, run_time) sqlutils.logmatch(match_info, config['dbinfo']) wrote_db = True except Exception as e: mblog.logerror(u'Could not write to DB for {}'.format( learner['learner']), exc_info=True) logged_errors = True continue mblog.logrun(filepath, run_time, edited_pages, wrote_db, logged_errors)
try: skill_idea_list = get_ideas_by_category(ideas, [], skills, site, config['categories']) interest_idea_list = get_ideas_by_category(ideas, interests, [], site, config['categories']) active_add_ideas = filter_ideas(skill_idea_list + interest_idea_list, active_ideas) unique_active_extra_ideas = [x for x in active_add_ideas if x not in final_ideas] ideas_to_add = choose_ideas(unique_active_extra_ideas, 5 - len(final_ideas)) final_ideas = final_ideas + ideas_to_add return final_ideas except Exception as e: mblog.logrun(u'Could not get more ideas', exc_info=True) logged_errors = True def postinvite(pagetitle, greeting, topic, site): """Add a new section to a page and return the API POST result.""" profile = site.Pages[pagetitle] result =, section='new', summary=topic) return result def collect_match_info(response, profile_dict, matched_ideas, run_time): """Prepare information about matches made to be added to the matches database table. Return a list of dicts, where each dict is a row to add to the database. """