def test_get_requirement_params(self):
        This @statmicmethod should return a dictionary.
        The function should work both with and without and application context.
        It retreives the relevant parameters from postgres, for consul.

        consul_mock = Mock(running_port=8500)
        postgres_mock = Mock(running_host='localhost', running_port=5437)
        redis_mock = Mock(running_host='localhost', running_port=6739)

        P = ConsulProvisioner(container=consul_mock,
                                  'postgres': postgres_mock,
                                  'redis': redis_mock

        db_params = P.get_db_params()
        self.assertEqual(db_params['HOST'], '')
        self.assertEqual(db_params['PORT'], 5437)

        cache_params = P.get_cache_params()
        self.assertEqual(cache_params['HOST'], '')
        self.assertEqual(cache_params['PORT'], 6739)
    def test_get_cli_params(self):
        This @staticmethod should return a string.
        The function should work both with and without an application context
        cli = ConsulProvisioner.get_cli_params()
        self.assertIsInstance(cli, basestring)

        with create_app().app_context():
            self.assertEqual(cli, ConsulProvisioner.get_cli_params())
            # Delete the requires config value to see if the method tries to
            # access it. Expect KeyError
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
                del current_app.config["DEPENDENCIES"]["CONSUL"]
 def test_discovers_services_from_templates(self):
     Provisioner should auto-discover which services it knows about.
     known_services = ["adsws"]
     discovered_services = ConsulProvisioner.known_services()
     self.assertEqual(known_services, discovered_services)
    def test_get_database_params(self):
        This @statmicmethod should return a dictionary.
        The function should work both with and without and application context.
        It retreives the relevant parameters from postgres, for consul.

        db = ConsulProvisioner.get_db_params()
        self.assertIsInstance(db, dict)

        with create_app().app_context():
            self.assertEqual(db, ConsulProvisioner.get_db_params())
            # Delete the requires config value to see if the method tries to
            # access it. Expect KeyError
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
                del current_app.config["DEPENDENCIES"]["POSTGRES"]
 def test_discovers_services_from_templates(self):
     Provisioner should auto-discover which services it knows about.
     known_services = ['adsws', 'biblib']
     discovered_services = ConsulProvisioner.known_services()
     for item in known_services:
         self.assertIn(item, discovered_services)
Пример #6
 def test_discovers_services_from_templates(self):
     Provisioner should auto-discover which services it knows about.
     known_services = ['adsws', 'biblib']
     discovered_services = ConsulProvisioner.known_services()
     for item in known_services:
         self.assertIn(item, discovered_services)
Пример #7
    def test_get_requirement_params(self):
        This @statmicmethod should return a dictionary.
        The function should work both with and without and application context.
        It retreives the relevant parameters from postgres, for consul.

        consul_mock = Mock(running_port=8500)
        postgres_mock = Mock(running_host='localhost', running_port=5437)
        redis_mock = Mock(running_host='localhost', running_port=6739)

        P = ConsulProvisioner(container=consul_mock,
                              requirements={'postgres': postgres_mock, 'redis': redis_mock}

        db_params = P.get_db_params()
        self.assertEqual(db_params['HOST'], '')
        self.assertEqual(db_params['PORT'], 5437)

        cache_params = P.get_cache_params()
        self.assertEqual(cache_params['HOST'], '')
        self.assertEqual(cache_params['PORT'], 6739)
    def test_templates(self):
        Test that the templates are rendered after init on a known service;
        The attribute should be a dict with
        key,value = service, template
        the attribute directory should point to the base template directory

        services = ['adsws']
        container = Mock(running_port=8500, running_host='localhost')

        P = ConsulProvisioner(services, container=container)
        self.assertIsInstance(, dict)
        for s in services:
            self.assertIsInstance([s], basestring)
                          msg="{} not in {}".format(s,[s]))
        ends_with = 'templates/consul'
                        msg='{} does not endwith {}'.format(
                  , ends_with))
 def _provision(self, service):
     Run the provision for a given service
     ConsulProvisioner(service, container=self.builder)()
 def test_unknown_service(self):
     Consul should not provision config values for unknown services.
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(UnknownServiceError, 'unknown-service'):