Пример #1
def get_product_pages(static,url,logger):
	logger.debug("In get_product_pages: " + url)
	# Get the svr first (it's global)
	lines = themortgagemeter_utils.get_page(False,'','http://www.thechelsea.co.uk/js/mortgage-finder.js',logger,True).split('\n')
	for line in lines:
		if re.match(r'^var chelseaSVR = "[^%]*%".*',line) != None:
			svr_percent = re.match(r'^var chelseaSVR = "([^%]*)%".*$',line).group(1)
	# Now get the mortgage data
	if static:
		tree = ET.parse('static_html/chelsea/mortage-product-data-0031.xml')
		root = tree.getroot()
		root = ET.fromstring(themortgagemeter_utils.get_page(False,'',url,logger,True))
	term = str(25 * 12)
	for product in root.findall('product'):
		apr_percent = product.get('apr').split('%')[0]
		rate_percent = product.get('interestRate').split('%')[0]
		# No svr supplied, take apr
		ltv_percent = product.get('maxLTV').split('%')[0]
		mortgage_type_raw = product.get('mortgageType')
		name = product.get('name')
		booking_fee = product.get('completionFee')
		if booking_fee == '':
			booking_fee = '0'
		existing_borrower = product.get('existingBorrower')
		new_borrower = product.get('newBorrower')
		first_time_buyer = product.get('firstTimeBuyer')
		moving_home = product.get('movingHome')
		remortgaging = product.get('remortgaging')
		# Gathered data, now let's marshall before submitting.
		if mortgage_type_raw == 'fixed':
			mortgage_type = 'F'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'fixedoffset':
			mortgage_type = 'F'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'ftbfixed':
			mortgage_type = 'F'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'ftbfixedoffset':
			mortgage_type = 'F'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'fixedtracker':
			# Presumably fixed, then a tracker??
			mortgage_type = 'F'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'tracker':
			mortgage_type = 'T'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'trackeroffset':
			mortgage_type = 'T'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'offset':
			mortgage_type = 'T'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'mixedoffset':
			mortgage_type = 'T'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'rollover':
			# rollover? no example, but exists in the docs
			#print 'rollover'
			mortgage_type = 'T'
		elif mortgage_type_raw == 'mixed':
			# WTF is mixed?
			mortgage_type = 'T'
			# default to variable
			#print mortgage_type_raw
			mortgage_type = 'V'

		# Get a mortgage eligibility dictionary to submit.
		mortgage_eligibility_dict = mc_util.get_mortgage_eligibility_dict()
		if existing_borrower == 'Y':
			mortgage_eligibility_dict['existing_customer'] = 'B'
		if new_borrower == 'Y':
			mortgage_eligibility_dict['moving_home'] = 'B'
		if first_time_buyer == 'Y':
			mortgage_eligibility_dict['ftb'] = 'B'
		if moving_home == 'Y':
			mortgage_eligibility_dict['moving_home'] = 'B'
		if remortgaging == 'Y':
			mortgage_eligibility_dict['remortgage']= 'B'
		eligibilities = mc_util.validate_eligibility_dict(mortgage_eligibility_dict,[])

		# use get_months to determine period
		initial_period = themortgagemeter_utils.get_months(name,logger)

		#print eligibilities
		#print initial_period
		#print mortgage_eligibility_dict
		for eligibility in eligibilities:
Пример #2
def get_product_pages(static,url):
	logger = logging.getLogger('retrieve')
	logger.debug('In get_product pages, base_url: %s',(url))
	# URL
	if static:
		f = open('static_html/santander/productInfo.js')
		the_page = f.read()
		req = urllib2.Request(url)
		# Make request.
		response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
		# Get 'page' content.
		the_page = response.read()
	logger.debug('In get_product pages, response: \n%s',(the_page))
	r = re.compile('\[.*')
	for l in the_page.split('\n'):
		#print l
		if re.match(r,l):
			# // array format ["OUR INPUT","Product","Maximum loan size formatted","Rate Type","Product Type","Eligibility","Customer Type","Benefit solution","Maximum LTV","Initial rate","Differential to BBR","Standard Variable Rate","APR","Maximum loan size","Booking fee","Charge end date"]]
			# ["N907H","DIRECT 2 yr Fixed Homebuyer","£1m","Fixed","2 year Fixed rate","All","Mover|FTB","Free valuation  and £250 cashback","0.60","0.0239","n/a","0.0474","0.0460","1000000","1995","03/12/2014","6000"]
			def strip_quotes(x): return x.strip('"')
			if len(map(strip_quotes,l.strip('[],').split(','))) == 17:
				(ref,product,max_loan_size,rate_type,product_type,eligibility,customer_type,benefit_solution,ltv,initial_rate,differential_to_bbr,svr,apr,max_loan_size,booking_fee,end_date,mystery_num) = map(strip_quotes,l.strip('[],').split(','))
				logger.critical("Len of array wrong! Continuing. If there are too many of these, fix the bug")
			logger.info('ref: ' + ref + ' product: ' + product + ' max_loan_size: ' + max_loan_size + ' rate_type: ' + rate_type+ ' product_type: ' + product_type+ ' eligibility: ' + eligibility+ ' customer_type: ' + customer_type + ' benefit_solution: ' + benefit_solution+ ' ltv: ' + ltv+ ' initial_rate: ' + initial_rate+ ' differential_to_bbr: ' + differential_to_bbr+ ' svr: ' + svr + ' apr: ' + apr+ ' max_loan_size: ' + max_loan_size+ ' booking_fee: ' + booking_fee+ ' end_date: ' + end_date)
			#- rate (%)
			#- fixed/tracker/discount (fixed/tracker/discount)
			#- fix period (n months)
			#- fee (n)
			#- LTV (%)
			#- APR for comparison (%)
			#- term (eg 25 years) (n months)
			# term (months)
			# assume default of 25 years
			mortgage_eligibility_dict = mc_util.get_mortgage_eligibility_dict()
			if eligibility == 'Loyalty':
				mortgage_eligibility_dict['existing_customer'] = 'T'
			elif eligibility== 'All':
				mortgage_eligibility_dict['existing_customer'] = 'B'
			elif eligibility== 'Non-loyalty':
				mortgage_eligibility_dict['existing_customer'] = 'F'
			elif eligibility== 'Current Account Exclusive':
				# Count this as "existing customer"
				mortgage_eligibility_dict['existing_customer'] = 'T'
			elif eligibility== 'Existing Mover Exclusive':
				# Count this as "existing customer"
				mortgage_eligibility_dict['existing_customer'] = 'T'
				raise Exception('Unrecognised eligibility: ' + eligibility, eligibility, l)
			for ct in customer_type.split('|'):
				c = mortgage_eligibility_dict.copy()
				if ct == 'Mover':
					c['moving_home'] = 'T'
					eligibilities += mc_util.validate_eligibility_dict(c,[])
				elif ct.split()[0].strip() == 'FTB':
					c['ftb'] = 'T'
					c['existing_customer'] = 'F'
					eligibilities += mc_util.validate_eligibility_dict(c,[])
				elif ct == 'Remortgage':
					c['remortgage'] = 'T'
					eligibilities += mc_util.validate_eligibility_dict(c,[])
				elif ct == 'FTBRemortgage':
					c['remortgage'] = 'T'
					c['ftb'] = 'T'
					eligibilities += mc_util.validate_eligibility_dict(c,[])
					raise Exception('Unrecognised customer type: ', ct, l)
			term = str(25 * 12)
			rate_percent = str(float(initial_rate) * 100)
			if product_type.find('Fixed') != -1:
				mortgage_type = 'F'
			elif product_type.find('Offset') != -1:
				mortgage_type = 'O'
			elif product_type.find('Tracker') != -1:
				mortgage_type = 'T'
				raise Exception('Product type not recognised: ', product_type, l)
			if end_date == 'Lifetime Tracker':
				initial_period = term
			elif product_type.find('year') != -1:
				years = re.match(r'^([0-9]+).*$',product_type).group(1)
				initial_period = str(int(years) * 12)
			elif end_date.find('anniversary') != -1:
				years = re.match(r'^([0-9]+).*$',end_date).group(1)
				initial_period = str(int(years) * 12)
			elif end_date.find('N/A') != -1 or end_date == 'd-M':
				initial_period = term
				raise Exception('Unrecognised fix period: ', end_date, l)
			ltv_percent = str(float(ltv) * 100)
			apr_percent = str(float(apr) * 100)
			if svr == "n/a" or svr == "N/A":
				svr_percent = global_svr
				svr_percent = str(float(svr) * 100)
				global_svr = svr_percent
			for eligibility in eligibilities: