Пример #1
def test_nearest_nbs(cut_off,frame_ind):
    nearest_nbs = []
    for this_ind in test.water_inds[0:2]:
        nbs = md.compute_neighbors(test.traj[frame_ind],
    cut_off,[this_ind],haystack_indices = test.water_inds)[0]
        print this_ind
        while len(nbs)!=3:
            if len(nbs) > 3:
                pairs = [[this_ind,this_nb] for this_nb in nbs]
                print distances
                min_three = f(distances,3)
                print min_three
                print nbs
                nbs = [nbs[ii] for ii in min_three]
                print 'increase cut_off!'
        if nbs in nearest_nbs:
            print "not unique"
    return np.array(nearest_nbs)
Пример #2
def main():
    rec = args.rec
    r = mdtraj.load(rec)
    lig = args.lig
    l = mdtraj.load(lig)
    d = args.dist
    temp = args.temp
    pref = rec.split('.')[0]

    # can't figure out a non-hacky way to combine pdbs.
    cp_receptor = 'head -n -2 ' + rec
    receptor, r_err = call_cl(cp_receptor)
    cp_ligand = 'tail -n +2 ' + lig
    ligand, l_err = call_cl(cp_ligand)
    tf = open(temp, 'w')

    # get indices of receptor within distance d of ligand
    comb = mdtraj.load(temp)
    # get ligand indices
    li = comb.topology.select('not protein')
    # find neighbors
    neighbors = mdtraj.compute_neighbors(comb, d, li)[0]
    # remove ligand from neighbor list (symmetric diff)
    n = np.setxor1d(li, neighbors)
    # easier to reset sometimes
    comb = mdtraj.load(temp)
    comb.save_pdb(pref + '_trim.pdb')
Пример #3
def test_compute_neighbors_3():
    traj = md.load(get_fn('test_good.nc'), top=get_fn('test.parm7'))
    query_indices = traj.top.select('residue 1')
    cutoff = 1.0
    value = md.compute_neighbors(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    reference = compute_neighbors_reference(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    for i in range(traj.n_frames):
        eq(value[i], reference[i])
Пример #4
def test_compute_neighbors_2(get_fn):
    traj = md.load(get_fn('4ZUO.pdb'))
    query_indices = traj.top.select('residue 1')
    cutoff = 1.0
    value = md.compute_neighbors(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    reference = compute_neighbors_reference(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    for i in range(traj.n_frames):
        eq(value[i], reference[i])
Пример #5
 def find_nearest_nbs(self,cut_off,frame_ind,N_nbs):
     """Finds the N nearest neighbors of all waters in a single simulation frame and returns
     all unique nearest-neighbor tthds as an (n,4) array. n is the number of tthds found in 
     this frame. Every tthd is represented by 4 indices of the water molecules (oxygens) that
     are the for vertices. More generally, this function be used to form ensembles with 
     (N_nbs+1) vertices. The numpy array returned will have shape (n, N_nbs+1).
     cut_off : float
         cuttoff distance for looking for nearest neighbors. Should be set such that at
         least N_nbs waters can be found within that distance
     frame_ind : int
         the index of the frame in which to find nearest neighbors
     N_nbs : int
         the number of nearest neighbors to return. set to 3 in this case since we are 
         interest in 4-point correlators.
     nearest_nbs = []
     frame = self.traj[frame_ind]
     for this_ind in self.water_inds:
         # find all the neighbors with the cut_off distance for each water molecule
         nbs = md.compute_neighbors(frame,
     cut_off,[this_ind],haystack_indices = self.water_inds)[0]
         while len(nbs)!= N_nbs:
             if len(nbs) > N_nbs:
                 # compute all the distance between neighbors and only keep the closest
                 # N_nbs ones
                 pairs = [[this_ind,this_nb] for this_nb in nbs]
                 min_three = np.argsort(distances)[:][:N_nbs]
                 nbs = [nbs[ii] for ii in min_three]
                 print 'increase cut_off!'
         # keep nbs a list so append can happen
         nbs = [nbs[ii] for ii in range(len(nbs))]
         # add the ind of the water for whom neighbors have been found to the list
         # sort the list so it can be comapred to set of neighbors we already found
         if nbs in nearest_nbs:
             # if this set of nearest neighbors already exist, don't added it to the list
             print "not unique"
             # only add to list if unique
     # return list as an numpy array
     return np.array(nearest_nbs)
Пример #6
def test_compute_neighbors_1():
    n_frames = 2
    n_atoms = 20
    cutoff = 2
    xyz = random.randn(n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
    traj = md.Trajectory(xyz=xyz, topology=None)

    query_indices = [0, 1]
    value = md.compute_neighbors(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    reference = compute_neighbors_reference(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    for i in range(n_frames):
        eq(value[i], reference[i])
Пример #7
def _neighbouring_atoms(md_topology, trajectory, atom_subset, atom_number, verbose, unpythonize, chunk, cutoff):    
    # first create a list with all the paths that are needed
        trajectory_path = os.listdir(trajectory)
        sys.exit('Make sure you have provided a string for a valid path to a trajectory file!')
        if verbose > 0:
            print 'Loading trajectories from the following files: '
            for trajectory_i in trajectory_path:
                print trajectory_i

    # initiate some variables
    neighbour_atoms = []
    number_of_frames = 0
    # now we need to load each trajectory file as a chunk

        pbar = tqdm(total=len(trajectory_path), unit= 'File')
        for file_i in trajectory_path:
            for chunk_i in md.iterload(trajectory + file_i, chunk, top=md_topology, atom_indices = atom_subset):

                number_of_frames += chunk_i.n_frames

                if verbose > 1:
                    print 'Successfully loaded trajectory: \n %s' %(chunk_i)

                neighbour_atoms.append(md.compute_neighbors(chunk_i, cutoff, np.array([atom_number])))
            neighbour_atoms_np =np.concatenate(neighbour_atoms)
        sys.exit('Make sure you provided a valid path to a folder with trajectory files!')
        print '\nSuccesfully loaded coordinates for %s atoms in %s frames!' %(len(atom_subset), number_of_frames)

    all_neighbour_atoms_np = np.concatenate(neighbour_atoms_np)
    sim_time = np.concatenate(sim_time)
    return all_neighbour_atoms_np, sim_time
Пример #8
 def make_tthd(self,vertex_ind,cut_off,frame_ind):
     Given index of one vertex, find three other vertices within radius cut_off to form
     a unique tetrahedron in one single frame of traj
     returns list a array of shape (3,), indices of the three other vertices
     nbs = md.compute_neighbors(self.traj[frame_ind],cut_off,[vertex_ind],haystack_indices = self.water_inds)[0]
     # print nbs.shape
     tthd_inds = np.array(list(combinations(nbs,3))) # I should not need to sort nbs, consider getting rid of the sorted part for all other instances of combinations
     tthds = []
     xyz_pos = self.traj[frame_ind].xyz
     for this_tthd in tthd_inds:
         # representing a tetrahedron with just two vectors, is this even right?
         r_ij = xyz_pos[0,vertex_ind,:]- xyz_pos[0,this_tthd[0],:]
         r_kl = xyz_pos[0,this_tthd[1],:]- xyz_pos[0,this_tthd[2],:] # nm
     return tthds 
Пример #9
def visualize_complex(complex_mdtraj):
  ligand_atoms = [a.index for a in complex_mdtraj.topology.atoms if "LIG" in str(a.residue)]
  binding_pocket_atoms = md.compute_neighbors(complex_mdtraj, 0.5, ligand_atoms)[0]
  binding_pocket_residues = list(set([complex_mdtraj.topology.atom(a).residue.resSeq for a in binding_pocket_atoms]))
  binding_pocket_residues = [str(r) for r in binding_pocket_residues]
  binding_pocket_residues = " or ".join(binding_pocket_residues)

  traj = nglview.MDTrajTrajectory( complex_mdtraj ) # load file from RCSB PDB
  ngltraj = nglview.NGLWidget( traj )
  ngltraj.representations = [
  { "type": "cartoon", "params": {
  "sele": "protein", "color": "residueindex"
  } },
  { "type": "licorice", "params": {
  "sele": "(not hydrogen) and (%s)" %  binding_pocket_residues
  } },
  { "type": "ball+stick", "params": {
  "sele": "LIG"
  } }
  return ngltraj
Пример #10
    def make_pairs(self,vertex_ind,cut_off,frame_ind):
        """Returns a list of vectors that connect pairs of water molecules that are 
        within a cutoff distances of one water molecules
        vertex_ind : int
            index of the water molecule whose neighbors one want to find and form pairs with
        cut_off : float
            distance in nm within which to search for neighbors
        frame_ind : int
            index of simulation in which to make pairs
        nbs = md.compute_neighbors(self.traj[frame_ind],cut_off,[vertex_ind],haystack_indices = self.water_inds)[0]

        pairs = []
        xyz_pos = self.traj[frame_ind].xyz
        for this_nb in nbs:
            r_ij = xyz_pos[0,vertex_ind,:]- xyz_pos[0,this_nb,:]
        return pairs 
Пример #11
def nb_finder(cut_off,vertex_ind,frame_ind): 
    nbs = md.compute_neighbors(test.traj[frame_ind],
    cut_off,[vertex_ind],haystack_indices = test.water_inds)[0]
    return nbs
Пример #12
def test_compute_neighbors_2():
    traj = md.load(get_fn('4ZUO.pdb'))
    query_indices = traj.top.select('residue 1')
    cutoff = 1.0
    value = md.compute_neighbors(traj, cutoff, query_indices)
    reference = compute_neighbors_reference(traj, cutoff, query_indices)