Пример #1
def test_lengths():
    num = 3
    inptrajs = ['PROJ9761/RUN3/CLONE9/frame{}.xtc'.format(i)
                for i in range(num)]
    stride = 8
        ['gmx', 'trjcat', '-f'] + inptrajs + ['-o', 'catty.xtc'],
        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)

    with mdtraj.open("catty.xtc") as xtc:
        stridelen = len(xtc) // stride
        remain = len(xtc) % stride
        assert stridelen == num * PROJ61_LENGTH_PER_GEN, (stridelen, remain)

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop("tops-p9712/4bw5.prmtop")
    traj1 = mdtraj.load("catty.xtc", top=top)[::stride]
    # blarg! the last frame is duplicatey
    traj2 = mdtraj.load(inptrajs[0], top=top)[::stride][:-1]
    traj2 += mdtraj.load(inptrajs[1], top=top)[::stride][:-1]
    traj2 += mdtraj.load(inptrajs[2], top=top)[::stride]
    traj3 = mdtraj.load(inptrajs, top=top,

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(traj1.xyz, traj3.xyz)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(traj1.xyz, traj2.xyz)
Пример #2
def generate_traj_from_stateinds(inds, meta, atom_selection='all'):
    Concatenate several frames from different trajectories to create a new one.

    inds: list of tuples, Each element of the list has to be a 2D tuple of ints
        (traj_index, frame_index)

    meta: a metadata object
    atom_selection: str, Which atoms to load

    traj: mdtraj.Trajectory
    frame_list = []
    for traj_i, frame_i in inds:
        top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(meta.loc[traj_i]['top_fn'])
        atoms = top.select(atom_selection)

            mdtraj.load_frame(meta.loc[traj_i]['traj_fn'], atom_indices=atoms,
                              index=frame_i, top=meta.loc[traj_i]['top_fn'])
    traj = mdtraj.join(frame_list, check_topology=False)
    traj.superpose(traj, 0)
    return traj
Пример #3
def cmap_Cheng(traj_generator, mask1, mask2, pairs, topology):
    Calculate contact maps between mask1 and mask2 as described in [1].

    traj_generator: generator
        MD trajectory as obtained through the load_Trajs_generator() function
    mask1, mask2, pairs:
        Two masks and the corresponding residue-residue list of tuples
        as obtained from the get_residuepairs() function

    contact_frequency: np.array of shape (len(mask1), len(mask2))
        Contact map between mask1 and mask2. Can be used directly as
        input by the sns.heatmap() function.
    [1] Cheng, Y. et al., 2014. Biophysical Journal, 107(7), pp.1675–1685.
    print("Starting the cmap_Cheng calculation...")
    top = md.load_prmtop(topology)
    frequency = np.zeros(len(pairs))
    frame_count = 0
    for traj_chunk in traj_generator:
        frame_count += traj_chunk.n_frames
        index = 0  # To iterate through the residue-residue pair list
        for residue_pair in pairs:
            # Atom selection for each residue in the pair
            c_atoms_residue1 = top.select("resid %d and (type C)" %
            c_atoms_residue2 = top.select("resid %d and type C" %

            not_c_atoms_residue1 = top.select("resid %d and not type C" %
            not_c_atoms_residue2 = top.select("resid %d and not type C" %
            # Calculate all the possible distances between the C-C atoms and
            # the non C-C atoms. Results are stored in two np.arrays of shape:
            # (traj_chunk.n_frames, c_atoms_residue1*c_atoms_residue2)
            # (traj_chunk.n_frames, non_c_atoms_residue1*non_c_atoms_residue2)
            c_atoms_dist = md.compute_distances(traj_chunk,
            not_c_atoms_dist = md.compute_distances(traj_chunk,
            # Implementation of the contact condition
            if (((c_atoms_dist <= 5.4).sum(1).any() > 0) and
                    ((not_c_atoms_dist <= 4.6).sum(1).any() > 0)):
                frequency[index] += 1
            index += 1
    contact_frequency = (
        frequency / frame_count).reshape(len(mask1), len(mask2))
    print('Number of analyzed frames: %d\n' % frame_count)
    print('Aggregate simulation time: %2.f ns\n' %
          (frame_count * 0.02 * args.stride))
Пример #4
def get_pca_array(list_chunks, topology):
    Takes a list of mdtraj.Trajectory objects and featurize them to backbone -
    Alpha Carbons pairwise distances. Perform 2 component Incremental
    PCA on the featurized trajectory.

    list_chunks: list of mdTraj.Trajectory objects
    topology: str
            Name of the Topology file

    Y: np.array shape(frames, features)

    pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2)
    top = md.load_prmtop(topology)
    ca_backbone = top.select("name CA")
    pairs = top.select_pairs(ca_backbone, ca_backbone)
    pair_distances = []
    for chunk in list_chunks:
        X = md.compute_distances(chunk, pairs)
    distance_array = np.concatenate(pair_distances)
    print("No. of data points: %d" % distance_array.shape[0])
    print("No. of features (pairwise distances): %d" % distance_array.shape[1])
    Y = pca.fit_transform(distance_array)
    return Y
Пример #5
def get_pca_array(list_chunks, topology):
    Takes a list of mdtraj.Trajectory objects and featurize them to backbone -
    Alpha Carbons pairwise distances. Perform 2 component Incremental
    PCA on the featurized trajectory.

    list_chunks: list of mdTraj.Trajectory objects
    topology: str
            Name of the Topology file

    Y: np.array shape(frames, features)

    pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2)
    top = md.load_prmtop(topology)
    ca_backbone = top.select("name CA")
    pairs = top.select_pairs(ca_backbone, ca_backbone)
    pair_distances = []
    for chunk in list_chunks:
        X = md.compute_distances(chunk, pairs)
    distance_array = np.concatenate(pair_distances)
    print("No. of data points: %d" % distance_array.shape[0])
    print("No. of features (pairwise distances): %d" % distance_array.shape[1])
    Y = pca.fit_transform(distance_array)
    return Y
Пример #6
    def test_0(self):
            import mdtraj as md
            has_mdtraj = True
        except ImportError:
            has_mdtraj = False

        if has_mdtraj:
            mtop = md.load_prmtop("./data/Tc5b.top")
            print mtop

            pseudotop = Topology()
            for mdatom in mtop.atoms:
                atom = Atom(mdatom.name, mdatom.name)
                mdres = mdatom.residue

            print pseudotop
            print pseudotop("@CA").selected_indices()
            print pseudotop[4]

            # try loading traj with pseudotop
            traj = FrameArray()
            traj.top = pseudotop.copy()
            print traj.top
Пример #7
def renumber_mask(mask, top_fn=None):
    Renumbers the mask to match the correct sequence of each
    subunit. Also takes into account the 0-indexed lists of
    if top_fn is not None:
        top = md.load_prmtop(top_fn)
        top = None
    if max(mask) > 160 and max(mask) < 249:
        # It's in cTnT
        if top is None:
            new_mask = [x + 51 for x in mask]
            new_mask = ['{} {}'.format(
                top.residue(x).name, x + 51) for x in mask]
    elif max(mask) >= 249:
        # It's in cTnI
        if top is None:
            new_mask = [x - 247 for x in mask]
            new_mask = ['{} {}'.format(
                top.residue(x).name, x - 247) for x in mask]
        # It's in cTnC
        if top is None:
            new_mask = [x + 1 for x in mask]
            new_mask = ['{} {}'.format(
                top.residue(x).name, x + 1) for x in mask]
Пример #8
def test_lengths():
    num = 3
    inptrajs = [
        'PROJ9761/RUN3/CLONE9/frame{}.xtc'.format(i) for i in range(num)
    stride = 8
    subprocess.check_call(['gmx', 'trjcat', '-f'] + inptrajs +
                          ['-o', 'catty.xtc'],

    with mdtraj.open("catty.xtc") as xtc:
        stridelen = len(xtc) // stride
        remain = len(xtc) % stride
        assert stridelen == num * PROJ61_LENGTH_PER_GEN, (stridelen, remain)

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop("tops-p9712/4bw5.prmtop")
    traj1 = mdtraj.load("catty.xtc", top=top)[::stride]
    # blarg! the last frame is duplicatey
    traj2 = mdtraj.load(inptrajs[0], top=top)[::stride][:-1]
    traj2 += mdtraj.load(inptrajs[1], top=top)[::stride][:-1]
    traj2 += mdtraj.load(inptrajs[2], top=top)[::stride]
    traj3 = mdtraj.load(inptrajs, top=top,

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(traj1.xyz, traj3.xyz)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(traj1.xyz, traj2.xyz)
Пример #9
    def test_ComparetoMDtraj(self):
        import mdtraj as md
        traj = pt.load(filename="./data/Tc5b.x",
        m_top = md.load_prmtop("./data/Tc5b.top")
        m_traj = md.load_mdcrd("./data/Tc5b.x", m_top)
        m_traj.xyz = m_traj.xyz * 10  # convert `nm` to `Angstrom` unit

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, )
        a_md0 = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 0)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr2)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md0)

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)

        mask = ":3-18@CA,C"
        atm = traj.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        mask = "!@H="
        atm = fa.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=4, mask=mask)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 4, atm.indices)

        # exclude 0-th frame for ref
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
Пример #10
    def test_ComparetoMDtraj(self):
        import mdtraj as md
        traj = pt.load(filename=tc5b_trajin, top=tc5b_top)
        m_top = md.load_prmtop(tc5b_top)
        m_traj = md.load_mdcrd(tc5b_trajin, m_top)
        m_traj.xyz = m_traj.xyz * 10  # convert `nm` to `Angstrom` unit

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, )
        a_md0 = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 0)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr2)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md0)

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)

        mask = ":3-18@CA,C"
        atm = traj.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        mask = "!@H="
        atm = fa.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=4, mask=mask)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 4, atm.indices)

        # exclude 0-th frame for ref
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
Пример #11
def to_mdtraj_Topology(item, atom_indices='all', check=True):

    if check:

        digest_item(item, 'file:prmtop')
        atom_indices = digest_atom_indices(atom_indices)

        from mdtraj import load_prmtop
        raise LibreryNotFoundError()

    tmp_item = load_prmtop(item)

    return tmp_item
Пример #12
def makeHMM(Trajectories, topology):
    top = md.load_prmtop(topology)
    alpha_carbons = [a.index for a in top.atoms if a.name == 'CA']
    filenames = sorted(glob(Trajectories))
    first_frame = md.load_frame(filenames[0], 0, top=top)

    f = SuperposeFeaturizer(alpha_carbons, first_frame)
    dataset = []
    for fragment in filenames:
            for chunk in md.iterload(fragment, chunk=100, top=top):
    hmm = GaussianHMM(n_states=8)
    return hmm
Пример #13
def makeHMM(Trajectories, topology):
    top = md.load_prmtop(topology)
    alpha_carbons = [a.index for a in top.atoms if a.name == 'CA']
    filenames = sorted(glob(Trajectories))
    first_frame = md.load_frame(filenames[0], 0, top=top)

    f = SuperposeFeaturizer(alpha_carbons, first_frame)
    dataset = []
    for fragment in filenames:
        for chunk in md.iterload(fragment, chunk=100, top=top):
    hmm = GaussianHMM(n_states=8)
    return hmm
Пример #14
def _nav_asserts1(I):
    out = Path("processed.v2")
    assert out.exists()
    with (out / "p9704/9/19/info.json").open('r') as file:
        info = json.load(file)

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(info['stp']['outtop'])

    for step in ['raw', 'cnv2', 'stp', 'ctr']:
        assert len(info[step]['gens']) == I, (step, I)

    for i in range(I):
        assert Path(info['ctr']['gens'][i]).exists(), i

    # Load all gens
    traj = mdtraj.load(info['ctr']['gens'], top=top)
    assert len(traj) == traj.n_frames
    assert traj.n_atoms == N_TRIM_ATOMS, traj.n_atoms
    assert traj.n_frames == PROJ9704_FRAMES_PER_GEN * I, traj.n_frames
Пример #15
def _trek_asserts1(I):
    out = Path("processed.v2")
    assert out.exists()
    with (out / "p9712/5/32/info.json").open('r') as file:
        info = json.load(file)

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(info['stp']['outtop'])

    for step in ['raw', 'cnv2', 'stp', 'ctr']:
        assert len(info[step]['gens']) == I, (step, I)

    for i in range(I):
        assert Path(info['ctr']['gens'][i]).exists(), i

    # Load all gens
    traj = mdtraj.load(info['ctr']['gens'], top=top)
    assert len(traj) == traj.n_frames
    assert traj.n_atoms == 30962, (traj.n_atoms)
    assert traj.n_frames == 16 * I, traj.n_frames
Пример #16
def _trek_asserts1(I):
    out = Path("processed.v2")
    assert out.exists()
    with (out / "p9712/5/32/info.json").open('r') as file:
        info = json.load(file)

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(info['stp']['outtop'])

    for step in ['raw', 'cnv2', 'stp', 'ctr']:
        assert len(info[step]['gens']) == I, (step, I)

    for i in range(I):
        assert Path(info['ctr']['gens'][i]).exists(), i

    # Load all gens
    traj = mdtraj.load(info['ctr']['gens'], top=top)
    assert len(traj) == traj.n_frames
    assert traj.n_atoms == 30962, (traj.n_atoms)
    assert traj.n_frames == 16 * I, traj.n_frames
Пример #17
def _nav_asserts1(I):
    out = Path("processed.v2")
    assert out.exists()
    with (out / "p9704/9/19/info.json").open('r') as file:
        info = json.load(file)

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(info['stp']['outtop'])

    for step in ['raw', 'cnv2', 'stp', 'ctr']:
        assert len(info[step]['gens']) == I, (step, I)

    for i in range(I):
        assert Path(info['ctr']['gens'][i]).exists(), i

    # Load all gens
    traj = mdtraj.load(info['ctr']['gens'], top=top)
    assert len(traj) == traj.n_frames
    assert traj.n_atoms == N_TRIM_ATOMS, traj.n_atoms
    assert traj.n_frames == PROJ9704_FRAMES_PER_GEN * I, traj.n_frames
Пример #18
def _trek_asserts2(I):
    out = Path("processed.v2")
    assert out.exists()
    with (out / "p9761/3/9/info.json").open('r') as file:
        info = json.load(file)

    assert info['cnv2']['had_overlapping_frames']

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(info['stp']['outtop'])

    for step in ['raw', 'cnv1', 'cnv2', 'stp', 'ctr']:
        assert len(info[step]['gens']) == I, (step, I)

    for i in range(I):
        assert Path(info['ctr']['gens'][i]).exists(), i

    # Load all gens
    traj = mdtraj.load(info['ctr']['gens'], top=top)
    assert len(traj) == traj.n_frames
    assert traj.n_atoms == 30962, traj.n_atoms
    assert traj.n_frames == PROJ61_LENGTH_PER_GEN * I, traj.n_frames
Пример #19
def _trek_asserts2(I):
    out = Path("processed.v2")
    assert out.exists()
    with (out / "p9761/3/9/info.json").open('r') as file:
        info = json.load(file)

    assert info['cnv2']['had_overlapping_frames']

    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(info['stp']['outtop'])

    for step in ['raw', 'cnv1', 'cnv2', 'stp', 'ctr']:
        assert len(info[step]['gens']) == I, (step, I)

    for i in range(I):
        assert Path(info['ctr']['gens'][i]).exists(), i

    # Load all gens
    traj = mdtraj.load(info['ctr']['gens'], top=top)
    assert len(traj) == traj.n_frames
    assert traj.n_atoms == 30962, traj.n_atoms
    assert traj.n_frames == PROJ61_LENGTH_PER_GEN * I, traj.n_frames
Пример #20
    ax.set_zlabel("z (nm)")
    p = ax.scatter(com_matrix[:, 0],
                   com_matrix[:, 1],
                   com_matrix[:, 2],
    cbar = fig.colorbar(p)
    cbar.set_label('Time (ns)')
    return fig, ax

if __name__ == '__main__':
    plt.style.use(['seaborn-talk', 'seaborn-whitegrid'])
    args = parser.parse_args()
    top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(args.prmtop)
    traj = mdtraj.load([t for t in args.Trajectories],
    print('{} frames have been loaded'.format(traj.n_frames))
    # Center all coordinates, makes center of geometry of the system (0, 0, 0)
    # Superpose trajectory onto first frame
    # This is exactly like the 'hold selection steady' command in Chimera
    traj.superpose(traj, 0)
    # Create separate trajectory for the ligand
    ligand_indices = top.select(args.ligand_selection)
    lig_traj = traj.atom_slice(ligand_indices)
    center_mass_ligand = mdtraj.compute_center_of_mass(lig_traj)

    # Plot projections
Пример #21
def SMD(system, prmtop, platform, platformProperties, temperature, positions, velocities, keyInteraction, spring_k, dist_in, dist_fin, SMD_num, save_step, move_force_step):

    # See page 456 of http://ambermd.org/doc12/Amber17.pdf
    pullforce = mm.CustomExternalForce('k_sp*0.5*(dx^2+dy^2+dz^2); \
                                       dx=x-(x0+displace_x); \
                                       dy=y-(y0+displace_y); \


    pullforce.addGlobalParameter("displace_x", 0.0 * u.nanometer)
    pullforce.addGlobalParameter("displace_y", 0.0 * u.nanometer)
    pullforce.addGlobalParameter("displace_z", 0.0 * u.nanometer)

    keyInteraction_pos = [positions[keyInteraction[0]], positions[keyInteraction[1]]]
    keyInteraction_dist = np.linalg.norm(keyInteraction_pos[0] - keyInteraction_pos[1])
    keyInteraction_vect = (keyInteraction_pos[1] - keyInteraction_pos[0]) / keyInteraction_dist
    keyInteraction_vect = u.Quantity(value=keyInteraction_vect, unit=u.nanometers)
    pullto = keyInteraction_pos[0] + 0.25 * keyInteraction_vect
    pullto_old = pullto

    pullforce.addParticle(keyInteraction[1], [spring_k, pullto[0], pullto[1], pullto[2] ])

    integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, 4/u.picosecond, 0.002*u.picosecond)

    simulation = app.Simulation(prmtop.topology, system, integrator, platform,

    force_val_old = -spring_k*(keyInteraction_dist - dist_in)
    energy_val_old = u.Quantity(value=0, unit=u.kilocalorie/u.mole)

    steps = int((dist_fin.value_in_unit(u.nanometer) / 0.000001 - dist_in.value_in_unit(u.nanometer) / 0.000001)) / move_force_step
    pull_distance = 0.000001 * move_force_step
    #write trajectory 
    top = md.load_prmtop('system_solv.prmtop')
    atom_subset = top.select('not water')
    simulation.reporters.append(app.StateDataReporter("smd_"+str(temperature).split()[0].replace('.0','K')+"_"+str(SMD_num)+".csv", move_force_step, step=True, time=True, totalEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, potentialEnergy=True,
                                                      temperature=True, density=True, progress=True, totalSteps=move_force_step*steps, speed=True))
    simulation.reporters.append(HDF5Reporter("smd_"+str(temperature).split()[0].replace('.0','K')+"_"+str(SMD_num)+".h5", move_force_step*20, atomSubset=atom_subset))

    for i in range(steps):    
        state = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True)
        pos_keyInt = state.getPositions()
        keyInteraction_pos = [pos_keyInt[keyInteraction[0]], pos_keyInt[keyInteraction[1]]]
        keyInteraction_dist = np.linalg.norm(keyInteraction_pos[0]-keyInteraction_pos[1])
        keyInteraction_vect = (keyInteraction_pos[1] - keyInteraction_pos[0]) / keyInteraction_dist
        keyInteraction_vect = u.Quantity(value=keyInteraction_vect, unit=u.nanometers)
        pullto = keyInteraction_pos[0] + (0.25 + float(i) * pull_distance) * keyInteraction_vect
        displace = pullto - pullto_old
        simulation.context.setParameter('displace_x', displace[0])
        simulation.context.setParameter('displace_y', displace[1])
        simulation.context.setParameter('displace_z', displace[2])
        if i == 0:
            distance = 0.0
            distance = pull_distance
        dist_spring =  (0.25 + float(i) * pull_distance) * u.nanometer
        force_val = -spring_k * (keyInteraction_dist - dist_spring)
        energy_val = energy_val_old + (distance * u.nanometer) * 0.5 * (force_val+force_val_old)
        force_val_old = force_val
        energy_val_old = energy_val
        if (i%int(save_step/move_force_step)) == 0:
            f.write(str(i)+' '+str(dist_spring)+' '+str(keyInteraction_dist)+' '+str(force_val)+' '+str(energy_val)+'\n')
    #f.write(str(i)+' '+str(dist_spring)+' '+str(keyInteraction_dist)+' '+str(force_val)+' '+str(energy_val)+'\n')
Пример #22
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from msmbuilder.featurizer import SuperposeFeaturizer
from msmbuilder.example_datasets import AlanineDipeptide
from msmbuilder.hmm import GaussianHMM
from msmbuilder.cluster import KCenters
from msmbuilder.msm import MarkovStateModel
from msmbuilder.dataset import dataset
import mdtraj as md
from glob import glob

filenames = sorted(glob("05_Prod_*.nc"))
topology = md.load_prmtop(glob("*nowat.prmtop")[0])

first_frame = md.load_frame(filenames[0], 0, top=topology)
indices = [atom.index for atom in topology.atoms if atom.element.symbol in ['C', 'O', 'N']]
featurizer = SuperposeFeaturizer(indices, first_frame)
sequences = []

for fragment in filenames:
    for chunk in md.iterload(fragment, chunk = 100, top = topology):

lag_times = [1, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400]
hmm_ts0 = {}
hmm_ts1 = {}
n_states = [n for n in range(2,11,2)]
Пример #23
# coding: utf-8

import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mdtraj as md
import sys
from sys import argv
import math

script, parmfile, trajfile = argv

top = md.load_prmtop(parmfile)
traj = md.load(trajfile, top=top)

psi_list = md.compute_psi(traj)
#phi_list = md.compute_phi(traj)
#chi1_list = md.compute_chi1(traj)
#chi2_list = md.compute_chi2(traj)

for i in xrange(psi_list[1].shape[1]):
    dihedral_traj = psi_list[1][:, i]
    dihedral_traj_deg = (dihedral_traj * 180) / math.pi
    index = np.linspace(1, len(dihedral_traj),
    (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(dihedral_traj_deg,
                                  range=(-180.00, 180.00),
# coding: utf-8

# In[4]:

get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline')
import mdtraj as md

# In[5]:

# Load parameters
top = md.load_prmtop("SYSTEM.top")

# In[12]:

# Select residues of ATP phosphate and Tyr
atp_phos = top.select("resSeq 288 and name PG")
tyr = top.select("resSeq 53 and name OH")

# In[13]:

# Check correct atoms selected
atom = top.atom(int(atp_phos))
print('''This is the %sth atom, atom type is %s.
Part of a %s residue.''' % (atom.index, atom.name, atom.residue.name))
atom = top.atom(int(tyr))
print('''This is the %sth atom, atom type is %s.
Part of a %s residue.''' % (atom.index, atom.name, atom.residue.name))

# In[15]:

# Make an array containing each atom pair involved in the interaction
Пример #25
import os
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from msmbuilder.featurizer import SuperposeFeaturizer
from msmbuilder.example_datasets import AlanineDipeptide
from msmbuilder.hmm import GaussianHMM
from msmbuilder.cluster import KCenters
from msmbuilder.msm import MarkovStateModel
from msmbuilder.dataset import dataset
import mdtraj as md
from glob import glob

filenames = sorted(glob("05_Prod_*.nc"))
topology = md.load_prmtop(glob("*nowat.prmtop")[0])

first_frame = md.load_frame(filenames[0], 0, top=topology)
indices = [
    atom.index for atom in topology.atoms
    if atom.element.symbol in ['C', 'O', 'N']
featurizer = SuperposeFeaturizer(indices, first_frame)
sequences = []

for fragment in filenames:
    for chunk in md.iterload(fragment, chunk=100, top=topology):

lag_times = [1, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400]
hmm_ts0 = {}
Пример #26
# Run from a folder with directory structure *current folder*/ATP_OUTPUT/

# coding: utf-8
# get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline')
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mdtraj as md
import sys
from sys import argv
#use pylab inline with ipython, but switch to import when converting to a script
import mdtraj as md

# Load parameters
top = md.load_prmtop("complex_solv.parm7")

# Load trajectory
traj = md.load('traj000000002.dcd', top=top)
print traj

# Select residues of ATP phosphate and Peptide Thr
atp_phos = top.select("resSeq 288 and name PG")
pep_thr = top.select("resSeq 293 and name OG1")

# Check correct atoms selected
atom = top.atom(int(atp_phos))
print('''This is the %sth atom, atom type is %s.
Part of a %s residue.''' % (atom.index, atom.name, atom.residue.name))
atom = top.atom(int(pep_thr))
print('''This is the %sth atom, atom type is %s.