Пример #1
def same_dimensions():
    filename = media.choose_file()
    pic = media.load_picture(filename)
    filename2 = media.choose_file()
    pic2 = media.load_picture(filename2)

    h1 = media.get_height(pic)
    w1 = media.get_width(pic)
    h2 = media.get_height(pic2)
    w2 = media.get_width(pic2)
    if h1 == h2 and w1 == w2:
        print "true"
        print "false"
Пример #2
def same_dimensions():
    filename = media.choose_file()
    pic = media.load_picture(filename)
    filename2 = media.choose_file()
    pic2 = media.load_picture(filename2)
    if h1==h2 and w1==w2:
        print "true"
        print "false"
def smart_difference(pic_1, pic_2):
    ''' Return an integer value indicating the difference between two Pictures,
        pic_1 and pic_2, with different dimensions and colors. Assume that 
        the heights and widths of the two pictures are integer multiples
        of each other.'''
    #if the height of one pic is larger than the other, we create a new pic 
    #that is the same as the first one but with reduced height. Otherwise, we 
    #make a pic that is the same as pic_1, but this time, stretched.

    height_pic_1 = media.get_height(pic_1)
    width_pic_1 = media.get_width(pic_1)
    height_pic_2 = media.get_height(pic_2)
    width_pic_2 = media.get_width(pic_2)
    if height_pic_1 > height_pic_2:
        height_factor = float(height_pic_1 / height_pic_2)
        shorter_pic = reduce_height(pic_1, height_factor)
        height_factor = height_pic_2 / height_pic_1
        shorter_pic = expand_height(pic_1, height_factor)
    width_shorter_pic = media.get_width(shorter_pic)
    if width_shorter_pic > width_pic_2:
        width_factor = width_shorter_pic / width_pic_2
        adjusted_pic = reduce_width(shorter_pic, width_factor)
        width_factor = width_pic_2 / width_shorter_pic
        adjusted_pic = expand_width(shorter_pic, width_factor)
    #scale the new pic we have based on the average colours of pic_2
    scale_red_to = red_average(pic_2)
    scale_green_to = green_average(pic_2)
    scale_blue_to = blue_average(pic_2)
    adjusted_pic = scale_red(adjusted_pic, scale_red_to)
    adjusted_pic = scale_green(adjusted_pic, scale_green_to)
    adjusted_pic = scale_blue(adjusted_pic, scale_blue_to)
    scale_red_to = red_average(adjusted_pic)
    scale_green_to = green_average(adjusted_pic)
    scale_blue_to = blue_average(adjusted_pic)
    #run simple_difference function between new pic and pic_2
    true_difference = simple_difference(adjusted_pic, pic_2)
    return true_difference
Пример #4
def smart_difference(pic, pic2):
    '''Return the simple_difference of two pictures after setting the
    dimensions of the pictures equal and scaling their averages to be 
    the same.'''
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = media.get_width(pic)
    height2 = media.get_height(pic2)
    width2 = media.get_width(pic2)
    size = height * width
    size2 = height2 * width2
    if height >= height2 and width >= width2:
        factor_h = height / height2
        factor_w = width / width2
        picnew = reduce_height(pic, factor_h)
        pic1new = reduce_width(picnew, factor_w)
        pic2new = pic2

    elif height <= height2 and width >= width2:
        factor_h = height2 / height
        factor_w = width / width2
        pic1new = reduce_height(pic2, factor_h)
        pic2new = reduce_width(pic, factor_w)
    elif height >= height2 and width <= width2:
        factor_h = height / height2
        factor_w = width2 / width
        pic1new = reduce_height(pic, factor_h)
        pic2new = reduce_width(pic2, factor_w)
    elif height <= height2 and width <= width2:
        factor_h = height2 / height
        factor_w = width2 / width
        picnew = reduce_height(pic2, factor_h)
        pic2new = reduce_width(picnew, factor_w)
        pic1new = pic
    # Scale the RGB values of pic2new to those of pic1new
    red = red_average(pic1new)
    blue = blue_average(pic1new)
    green = green_average(pic1new)
    scale_red(pic2new, red)
    scale_blue(pic2new, blue)
    scale_green(pic2new, green)
    # Use simple_difference to calculate and return an int.
    simple_d = simple_difference(pic1new, pic2new)
    return simple_d
Пример #5
def pic_process():
    pic = media.load_image("/home/auroua/workspace/lena.jpg")
    width,height = media.get_width(pic),media.get_height(pic)
    for x in range(0,height,2):
        for y in range(0,width+1):
            p = media.get_pixel(pic,x,y)

Пример #6
def blue_average(pic):
    '''Returns the average blue value of the entire Picture pic as an int.'''
    sum_blue = 0
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = media.get_width(pic)
    total_pixel = height * width
    for pixel in pic:
        blue = media.get_blue(pixel)
        sum_blue += blue
    average = sum_blue / total_pixel
    return int(average)
Пример #7
def red_average(pic):
    '''Returns the average red value of the entire Picture pic as an int.'''

    sum_red = 0
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = media.get_width(pic)
    total_pixel = height * width
    for pixel in pic:
        red = media.get_red(pixel)
        sum_red += red
    average = sum_red / total_pixel
    return int(average)
Пример #8
def green_average(pic):
    '''Returns the average green value of the entire Picture pic as an int.'''
    sum_green = 0
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = media.get_width(pic)
    total_pixel = height * width
    for pixel in pic:
        green = media.get_green(pixel)
        sum_green += green
    average = sum_green / total_pixel
    return int(average)
Пример #9
def mirror_horizontal(pic):
    '''Create and return a copy of the picture pic which has its bottom half
    appear as a mirror of its top half. This code is based on CSC108 LEC5101 
    Week 5 Wednesday notes.'''
    new_pic = pic.copy()
    width = media.get_width(new_pic)
    height = media.get_height(new_pic)
    middle = height / 2
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(middle):
            mirror_pixels(new_pic, x, y, x, height - 1 - y)
    return new_pic
Пример #10
    def test_create_pic_color(self):
        """Create a WIDTH by HEIGHT picture and check for proper
        dimensions and color."""
        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT, media.magenta)
        width = media.get_width(pic)
        height = media.get_height(pic)

        self.assert_(width == WIDTH,
            'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (WIDTH, width))

        self.assert_(height == HEIGHT,
        'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (HEIGHT, height))

        for p in pic:
            self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.magenta)
Пример #11
    def test_create_pic_color(self):
        """Create a WIDTH by HEIGHT picture and check for proper
        dimensions and color."""
        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT, media.magenta)
        width = media.get_width(pic)
        height = media.get_height(pic)

        self.assert_(width == WIDTH,
                     'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (WIDTH, width))

        self.assert_(height == HEIGHT,
                     'expected pic width of %s, saw %s' % (HEIGHT, height))

        for p in pic:
            self.assert_(media.get_color(p) == media.magenta)
Пример #12
def mirror_vertical(pic):
    '''Create and return a copy of the picture pic which has its right half
    appear as a mirror of its left half. This code is based on CSC108 LEC5101
    Week 5 Wednesday notes.'''
    new_pic = pic.copy()
    width = media.get_width(new_pic)
    height = media.get_height(new_pic)
    middle = width / 2
    for x in range(middle):
        for y in range(height):
            mirror_pixels(new_pic, x, y, width - 1 - x, y)
    return new_pic
Пример #13
def flip(pic):
    '''(Pic) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that contains the pixels of the original picture flipped across the vertical axis.'''
    copy  = media.copy(pic)
    max_x = media.get_width(pic)
    max_y = media.get_height(pic)
    for x in range(max_x/2):
        for y in range(max_y):
            originalpix = copy.get_pixel(x,y)
            reversepix  = copy.get_pixel((max_x - x - 1), y)
            color = media.get_color(originalpix)
            reversecolor = media.get_color(reversepix)
    return copy
Пример #14
def flip(pic):
    '''(Pic) -> Picture 
    Return a new picture that contains the pixels of the original picture flipped across the vertical axis.'''

    copy = media.copy(pic)
    max_x = media.get_width(pic)
    max_y = media.get_height(pic)

    for x in range(max_x / 2):
        for y in range(max_y):
            originalpix = copy.get_pixel(x, y)
            reversepix = copy.get_pixel((max_x - x - 1), y)
            color = media.get_color(originalpix)
            reversecolor = media.get_color(reversepix)
            media.set_color(originalpix, reversecolor)
            media.set_color(reversepix, color)
    return copy
Пример #15
def expand_width(pic, expand_factor):
    '''Create a new picture new_pic that has an expanded width of pic by a 
     factor of expand_factor.'''
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = expand_factor * media.get_width(pic)
    new_pic = media.create_picture(width, height, media.black) 
    for pixel in new_pic:
        x = media.get_x(pixel)
        y = media.get_y(pixel)
        new_pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x / expand_factor, y )
        new_red = new_pixel.get_red() + pixel.get_red() 
        new_blue = new_pixel.get_blue() + pixel.get_blue() 
        new_green = new_pixel.get_green() + pixel.get_green() 
        media.set_red(pixel, new_red)
        media.set_blue(pixel, new_blue)
        media.set_green(pixel, new_green)
    return new_pic
Пример #16
def flood_fill(pic, x, y, intensity, c):
    '''Set all pixels in Picture pic brighter than int intensity and connected 
    to x, y to Color c.  Preconsition: c's intensity < intensity.'''
    pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)
    # Only process the pixel if it's bright.
    if get_intensity(pixel) > intensity:
        media.set_color(pixel, c)
        if 0 < x:
            flood_fill(pic, x - 1, y, intensity, c)
        if x < media.get_width(pic) - 1:
            flood_fill(pic, x + 1, y, intensity, c)

        if 0 < y:
            flood_fill(pic, x, y - 1, intensity, c)

        if x < media.get_height(pic) - 1:
            flood_fill(pic, x, y + 1, intensity, c)
Пример #17
def test_horizontal_reflection():
    '''Test the function horizontal_reflection in img_manip.'''
    new_pic = create_pic(4, 4)
    new_pic_reflected = img_manip.horizontal_reflection(new_pic)
    #Test if the colour of each pixel in new_pic_horizontal_reflection is equal to 
    #the colour of the corresponding pixel in new_pic. If not, the boolean 
    #reflected is made False.
    reflected= True
    width = media.get_width(new_pic)
    height = media.get_height(new_pic)
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
	    pix1 = media.get_pixel(new_pic, x, y)
	    pix2 = media.get_pixel(new_pic_reflected, width - x - 1, y)
	    col1 = media.get_color(pix1)
	    col2 = media.get_color(pix2)
            if col1 != col2:
		reflected = False
    assert reflected, \
           "horizontal_reflection failed to reflect the image horizontally."
Пример #18
def test_mirror_horizontal():
    '''Test the function mirror_horizontal in img_manip.'''
    new_pic = create_pic(4, 4)
    new_pic_mirror_horizontal = img_manip.mirror_horizontal(new_pic)
    #Test if the colour in each pixel in new_pic_mirror_horizontal is equal to 
    #the colour of the pixel that is its horizontal mirror. If not, the boolean 
    #mirrored is made False.
    mirrored = True
    width = media.get_width(new_pic_mirror_horizontal)
    height = media.get_height(new_pic_mirror_horizontal)
    middle = width / 2
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(middle):
	    pix1 = media.get_pixel(new_pic_mirror_horizontal, x, y)
	    pix2 = media.get_pixel(new_pic_mirror_horizontal, x, height - y - 1)
	    col1 = media.get_color(pix1)
	    col2 = media.get_color(pix2)
            if col1 != col2:
		mirrored = False
    assert mirrored, \
           "mirror_vertical failed to mirror the picture vertically."
import media
import color

pic = media.create_picture(100, 200, media.black)

for i in range(media.get_width(pic)):
  for j in range(media.get_height(pic)):
  pixel = media.get_pixel(pic, i, j)
    media.create_color(i % 255, j % 255, 0))

Пример #20
import media
lake = media.load_picture('lake.png')
width, height = media.get_width(lake), media.get_height(lake)
for y in range(0, height, 2): # Skip odd-numbered lines
    for x in range(0, width):
        p = media.get_pixel(lake, x, y)
        media.set_color(p, media.black)
Пример #21
def getWidth(pic):
    return media.get_width(pic)
Пример #22
import media
baseball = media.load_picture('baseball.png')
lake = media.load_picture('lake.png')
width, height = media.get_width(baseball), media.get_height(baseball)

for y in range(0, height):
    for x in range(0, width):
        # Position the top-left of the baseball at (50, 25)
        from_p = media.get_pixel(baseball, x, y)
        to_p = media.get_pixel(lake, 50 + x, 25 + y)
        media.set_color(to_p, media.get_color(from_p))