Пример #1
    def store(self, media_file, file=None, url=None, meta=None):
        """Store the given file or URL and return a unique identifier for it.

        :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile`
        :param media_file: The associated media file object.
        :type file: :class:`cgi.FieldStorage` or None
        :param file: A freshly uploaded file object.
        :type url: unicode or None
        :param url: A remote URL string.
        :type meta: dict
        :param meta: The metadata returned by :meth:`parse`.
        :rtype: unicode or None
        :returns: The unique ID string. Return None if not generating it here.

        file_name = safe_file_name(media_file, file.filename)
        file_path = self._get_path(file_name)

        temp_file = file.file
        permanent_file = open(file_path, 'wb')
        copyfileobj(temp_file, permanent_file)

        return file_name
Пример #2
    def store(self, media_file, file=None, url=None, meta=None):
        """Store the given file or URL and return a unique identifier for it.

        :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile`
        :param media_file: The associated media file object.
        :type file: :class:`cgi.FieldStorage` or None
        :param file: A freshly uploaded file object.
        :type url: unicode or None
        :param url: A remote URL string.
        :type meta: dict
        :param meta: The metadata returned by :meth:`parse`.
        :rtype: unicode or None
        :returns: The unique ID string. Return None if not generating it here.

        file_name = safe_file_name(media_file, file.filename)
        file_path = self._get_path(file_name)

        temp_file = file.file
        permanent_file = open(file_path, 'wb')
        copyfileobj(temp_file, permanent_file)

        return file_name
Пример #3
    def prepare_for_upload(self, media_file, content_type, filename, filesize):
        if content_type != 'multipart/form-data':
            raise StorageError("Cannot direct upload without using multipart "
                               "form data and we haven't implemented a file "
                               "upload pass through.")

        media_file.storage = self
        media_file.unique_id = self._get_path(safe_file_name(media_file, filename))

        access_key = self._data['aws_access_key'].encode('utf-8')
        secret_key = self._data['aws_secret_key'].encode('utf-8')
        bucket_name = self._data['s3_bucket_name'].encode('utf-8')

        acl = 'public-read'
        mimetype = media_file.mimetype
        success_action_status = 201 # Return XML instead of redirecting
        expiration = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=4))\

        policy_obj = {
            'expiration': expiration,
            'conditions': [
                {'bucket': bucket_name},

                # Prevent tampering with our POST data below
                {'key': media_file.unique_id},
                {'acl': acl},
                {'success_action_status': str(success_action_status)},
                {'Content-Type': mimetype},

                # Allow (and require) the extra Filename var added by Flash
                ['starts-with', '$Filename', ''],

                # Enforce the filesize we've been given, leaving some extra
                # room for the rest of the form data
                ['content-length-range', filesize, filesize + 1048576],

        policy = b64encode(simplejson.dumps(policy_obj)).encode('utf-8')
        signature = b64encode(hmac.new(secret_key, policy, sha1).digest())

        post_data = {
            'AWSAccessKeyId': access_key,
            'key': media_file.unique_id,
            'acl': acl,
            'success_action_status': success_action_status,
            'Policy': policy,
            'Signature': signature,
            'Content-Type': mimetype,

        return {
            'upload_url': self.bucket_url,
            'extra_post_data': post_data,
            'file_post_var_name': 'file',
Пример #4
    def store(self, media_file, file=None, url=None, meta=None):
        """Store the given file or URL and return a unique identifier for it.

        :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile`
        :param media_file: The associated media file object.

        :type file: :class:`cgi.FieldStorage` or None
        :param file: A freshly uploaded file object.

        :type url: unicode or None
        :param url: A remote URL string.

        :type meta: dict
        :param meta: The metadata returned by :meth:`parse`.

        :rtype: unicode or None
        :returns: The unique ID string. Return None if not generating it here.

        :raises FTPUploadError: If storing the file fails.

        file_name = safe_file_name(media_file, file.filename)

        file_url = os.path.join(self._data[HTTP_DOWNLOAD_URI], file_name)
        upload_dir = self._data[FTP_UPLOAD_DIR]
        stor_cmd = 'STOR ' + file_name

        ftp = self._connect()
            if upload_dir:
            ftp.storbinary(stor_cmd, file.file)

            # Raise a FTPUploadError if the file integrity check fails
            # TODO: Delete the file if the integrity check fails
            self._verify_upload_integrity(file.file, file_url)
        except ftp_errors, e:
            msg = _('Could not upload the file from your FTP server: %s')\
                % e.message
            raise FTPUploadError(msg, None, None)
Пример #5
    def store(self, media_file, file=None, url=None, meta=None):
        """Store the given file or URL and return a unique identifier for it.

        :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile`
        :param media_file: The associated media file object.

        :type file: :class:`cgi.FieldStorage` or None
        :param file: A freshly uploaded file object.

        :type url: unicode or None
        :param url: A remote URL string.

        :type meta: dict
        :param meta: The metadata returned by :meth:`parse`.

        :rtype: unicode or None
        :returns: The unique ID string. Return None if not generating it here.

        :raises FTPUploadError: If storing the file fails.

        file_name = safe_file_name(media_file, file.filename)

        file_url = os.path.join(self._data[HTTP_DOWNLOAD_URI], file_name)
        upload_dir = self._data[FTP_UPLOAD_DIR]
        stor_cmd = 'STOR ' + file_name

        ftp = self._connect()
            if upload_dir:
            ftp.storbinary(stor_cmd, file.file)

            # Raise a FTPUploadError if the file integrity check fails
            # TODO: Delete the file if the integrity check fails
            self._verify_upload_integrity(file.file, file_url)
        except ftp_errors, e:
            msg = _('Could not upload the file from your FTP server: %s')\
                % e.message
            raise FTPUploadError(msg, None, None)