Пример #1
def get_actions(request):
    import os, settings
    from mediadart.config import Configurator
    workspace = request.session.get('workspace')

    c = Configurator()
    actions_modules = c.get("MPROCESSOR", "plugins")
    src_dir = '/'.join(settings.ROOT_PATH.split('/')
                       [:-1])  #removing dam dir, it ends with src dir
    actions_dir = actions_modules.replace('.', '/')
    all_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(src_dir, actions_dir))

    resp = {'scripts': []}
    modules_to_load = []
        for filename in all_files:
            if filename.endswith('.py') and not filename.endswith('_idl.py'):

        top_module = __import__(actions_modules, fromlist=modules_to_load)
        logger.debug('modules_to_load %s' % modules_to_load)
        for module in modules_to_load:

                module_loaded = getattr(top_module, module, None)
                if module_loaded:

                    if hasattr(module_loaded, 'inspect'):
                        tmp = module_loaded.inspect(workspace)
                        tmp.update({'name': module})
                        media_type = request.POST.get(
                        )  # if no media_type all actions will be returned
            except Exception, ex:

    except Exception, ex:
        raise ex
Пример #2
def get_actions(request):  
    import os, settings
    from mediadart.config import Configurator
    workspace = request.session.get('workspace')
    c = Configurator()
    actions_modules =  c.get("MPROCESSOR", "plugins")
    src_dir = '/'.join(settings.ROOT_PATH.split('/')[:-1]) #removing dam dir, it ends with src dir
    actions_dir = actions_modules.replace('.', '/')
    all_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(src_dir, actions_dir))
    resp = {'scripts':[]}
    modules_to_load = []
        for filename in all_files:
            if filename.endswith('.py') and not filename.endswith('_idl.py'):
        top_module = __import__(actions_modules, fromlist=modules_to_load)
        logger.debug('modules_to_load %s'%modules_to_load)
        for module in modules_to_load:
                module_loaded = getattr(top_module, module, None)
                if module_loaded:
                    if hasattr(module_loaded, 'inspect'):
                        tmp = module_loaded.inspect(workspace)
                        tmp.update({'name': module})
                        media_type = request.POST.get('media_type') # if no media_type all actions will be returned
            except Exception, ex:
    except Exception, ex:
        raise ex        
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, process):
     self.cfg = Configurator()
     self.max_outstanding = self.cfg.getint('MPROCESSOR', 'max_outstanding')
     self.batch_size = self.cfg.getint(
         'MPROCESSOR', 'batch_size')  # how many items to load
     self.pipeline = loads(process.pipeline.params)
     self.dag = DAG(self.pipeline)
     self.schedule_length = len(self.pipeline)
     self.process = process
     self.scripts = self._get_scripts(self.pipeline)
     self.all_targets_read = False  # True when all targets have been read
     self.gameover = False  # True when all targets are done
     self.deferred = None  # used to signal end of batch job
     self.outstanding = 0  # number of not yet answered requests
     self.cur_batch = 0  # index in batch
     self.cur_task = 0  # index in tasks
     self.totals = {
         'update': 0,
         'passed': 0,
         'failed': 0,
         'targets': 0,
         None: 0
     self.results = {}
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, process):
     self.cfg = Configurator()
     self.max_outstanding = self.cfg.getint('MPROCESSOR', 'max_outstanding')
     self.batch_size = self.cfg.getint('MPROCESSOR', 'batch_size') # how many items to load
     self.pipeline = loads(process.pipeline.params)
     self.dag = DAG(self.pipeline)
     self.schedule_length = len(self.pipeline)
     self.process = process
     self.scripts = self._get_scripts(self.pipeline)
     self.all_targets_read = False      # True when all targets have been read
     self.gameover = False              # True when all targets are done
     self.deferred = None               # used to signal end of batch job
     self.outstanding = 0               # number of not yet answered requests
     self.cur_batch = 0                 # index in batch
     self.cur_task = 0                  # index in tasks
     self.totals = {'update':0, 'passed':0, 'failed':0, 'targets': 0, None: 0} 
     self.results = {}
Пример #5
class Batch:
    def __init__(self, process):
        self.cfg = Configurator()
        self.max_outstanding = self.cfg.getint('MPROCESSOR', 'max_outstanding')
        self.batch_size = self.cfg.getint('MPROCESSOR', 'batch_size') # how many items to load
        self.pipeline = loads(process.pipeline.params)
        self.dag = DAG(self.pipeline)
        self.schedule_length = len(self.pipeline)
        self.process = process
        self.scripts = self._get_scripts(self.pipeline)
        self.all_targets_read = False      # True when all targets have been read
        self.gameover = False              # True when all targets are done
        self.deferred = None               # used to signal end of batch job
        self.outstanding = 0               # number of not yet answered requests
        self.cur_batch = 0                 # index in batch
        self.cur_task = 0                  # index in tasks
        self.totals = {'update':0, 'passed':0, 'failed':0, 'targets': 0, None: 0} 
        self.results = {}

    def run(self):
        "Start the iteration initializing state so that the iteration starts correctly"
        log.debug('### Running process %s' % str(self.process.pk))
        self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
        self.process.start_date = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.process.targets = ProcessTarget.objects.filter(process=self.process).count()
        self.tasks = []
        reactor.callLater(0, self._iterate)
        return self.deferred

    def stop(self, seconds_offset=0):
        log.info('stopping process %s' % self.process.pk)
        when = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds_offset)
        self.process.end_date = when
        self.gameover = True

    def _update_item_stats(self, item, action, result, success, failure, cancelled):
        #log.debug('_update_item_stats: item=%s action=%s success=%s, failure=%s, cancelled=%s' % (item.target_id, action, success, failure, cancelled)) #d
        item.actions_passed += success
        item.actions_failed += failure
        item.actions_cancelled += cancelled
        item.actions_todo -= (success + failure + cancelled)
        if item.pk not in self.results:
            self.results[item.pk] = {}
        self.results[item.pk][action] = (success, result)
        if item.actions_todo <= 0 or failure > 0:
            item.result = dumps(self.results[item.pk])
        if item.actions_todo <= 0:
            #log.debug('_update_item_stats: finalizing item %s' % item.target_id) #d
            del self.results[item.pk]
    def _get_scripts(self, pipeline):
        """Load scripts from plugin directory. 
           Returns the dictionary
           {'script_name': (callable, params)}
           Throws an exception if not all scripts can be loaded.
        plugins_module = self.cfg.get("MPROCESSOR", "plugins")
        scripts = {}
        for script_key, script_dict in pipeline.items():
            script_name = script_dict['script_name']
            full_name = plugins_module + '.' + script_name + '.run'
            p = full_name.split('.')
            log.info('<$> loading script: %s' % '.'.join(p[:-1]))
            m = __import__('.'.join(p[:-1]), fromlist = p[:-1])
            f = getattr(m, p[-1], None)
            if not f or not callable(f):
                raise BatchError('Plugin %s has no callable run method' % script_name)
                scripts[script_key] = (f, script_dict.get('params', {}))
        return scripts

    def _new_batch(self):
        "Loads from db the next batch of items and associate a schedule to each item"
        if self.all_targets_read:
            return []

        targetset = ProcessTarget.objects.filter(process=self.process.pk)[self.cur_batch:self.cur_batch + self.batch_size]
        if targetset:
            self.cur_batch += self.batch_size
            ret = [{'item':x, 'schedule':Schedule(self.dag, x.target_id)} for x in targetset]   # item, index of current action, schedule
            self.all_targets_read = True
            ret = []
        return ret

    def _get_action(self):
        """returns the first action found or None. Delete tasks with no actions left"""
        #log.debug("_get_action on num_tasks=%s" % len(self.tasks)) #d
        to_delete = []
        action = ''
        for n in xrange(len(self.tasks)):
            idx = (self.cur_task + n) % len(self.tasks)
            task = self.tasks[idx]
            action = task['schedule'].action_to_run()
            if action is None:
            elif action:

        #log.debug('to_delete %s' % to_delete) #d

        for t in to_delete:                   
            #log.debug('deleting done target %s' % t['item'].target_id) #d

        # update cur_task so that we do not always start querying the same task for new actions
        if action:
            idx = self.tasks.index(task)
            self.cur_task = (idx + 1) % len(self.tasks)
            self.cur_task = 0

        # if action is None or empy there is no action ready to run
        # if there are new targets available try to read some and find some new action
        if action:
            return action, task
            if not self.all_targets_read and self.outstanding < self.max_outstanding:
                new_tasks = self._new_batch()
                if new_tasks:
                    self.cur_task = len(self.tasks)
            if self.all_targets_read and not self.tasks:
                log.debug("_get_action: gameover")
            return  None, None

    def _iterate(self):
        """ Run the actions listed in schedule on the items returned by _new_batch """
        #log.debug('_iterate: oustanding=%s' % self.outstanding) #d
        if self.gameover:
            log.debug('_iterate: gameover')
        action, task = self._get_action()
        if action:
            item, schedule = task['item'], task['schedule']
            method, params = self.scripts[action]
                item_params = loads(item.params)

                # tmp bug fixing starts here
                for k in params.keys():
                    if params[k] == '' and (k in item_params[action]):
                        params[k] = item_params[action][k]
                # tmp bug fixing ends here

                params.update(item_params.get('*', {}))
                x = re.compile('^[a-z_]+' ) # cut out digits from action name
                params.update(item_params.get(x.match(action).group(), {}))
                self.outstanding += 1
                #params = {u'source_variant_name': u'original'}
                d = method(self.process.workspace, item.target_id, **params)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error('ERROR in %s: %s %s' % (str(method), type(e), str(e)))
                self._handle_err(str(e), item, schedule, action, params)
                d.addCallbacks(self._handle_ok, self._handle_err, 
                    callbackArgs=[item, schedule, action, params], errbackArgs=[item, schedule, action, params])
        # If _get_action did not find anything and there are no more targets, no action
        # will be available until an action completes and allows more actions to go ready.
        if self.outstanding < self.max_outstanding and (action or not self.all_targets_read):
            #log.debug('_iterate: rescheduling') #d
            reactor.callLater(0, self._iterate)
Пример #6
from twisted.internet import reactor

from json import dumps
from dam.workspace.models import DAMWorkspace as Workspace
from mediadart.config import Configurator
from dam.mprocessor.models import Process, ProcessTarget,Pipeline, TriggerEvent
from dam.mprocessor.pipeline import DAG
from dam.mprocessor.processor import Batch

c.set('MPROCESSOR', 'plugins', 'dam.mprocessor.plogins')

pipeline = {
        'script_name': 'a1', 
            'source_variant_name': 'original',
            'output_variant_name': 'output',
            'output_preset': 'script1',
            'uno': 'uno',
            'due': 'due',
         'in': [],
        'script_name': 'a1', 
            'source_variant_name': 'original',
            'output_variant_name': 'output',
Пример #7
def check_notredam_config():
    c = Configurator()
    if not c.has_option("MQUEUE", "server_mprocessor"):
        print "ERROR: no option for starting mprocessor"
Пример #8
class Batch:
    def __init__(self, process):
        self.cfg = Configurator()
        self.max_outstanding = self.cfg.getint('MPROCESSOR', 'max_outstanding')
        self.batch_size = self.cfg.getint(
            'MPROCESSOR', 'batch_size')  # how many items to load
        self.pipeline = loads(process.pipeline.params)
        self.dag = DAG(self.pipeline)
        self.schedule_length = len(self.pipeline)
        self.process = process
        self.scripts = self._get_scripts(self.pipeline)
        self.all_targets_read = False  # True when all targets have been read
        self.gameover = False  # True when all targets are done
        self.deferred = None  # used to signal end of batch job
        self.outstanding = 0  # number of not yet answered requests
        self.cur_batch = 0  # index in batch
        self.cur_task = 0  # index in tasks
        self.totals = {
            'update': 0,
            'passed': 0,
            'failed': 0,
            'targets': 0,
            None: 0
        self.results = {}

    def run(self):
        "Start the iteration initializing state so that the iteration starts correctly"
        log.debug('### Running process %s' % str(self.process.pk))
        self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
        self.process.start_date = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.process.targets = ProcessTarget.objects.filter(
        self.tasks = []
        reactor.callLater(0, self._iterate)
        return self.deferred

    def stop(self, seconds_offset=0):
        log.info('stopping process %s' % self.process.pk)
        when = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(
        self.process.end_date = when
        self.gameover = True

    def _update_item_stats(self, item, action, result, success, failure,
        #log.debug('_update_item_stats: item=%s action=%s success=%s, failure=%s, cancelled=%s' % (item.target_id, action, success, failure, cancelled)) #d
        item.actions_passed += success
        item.actions_failed += failure
        item.actions_cancelled += cancelled
        item.actions_todo -= (success + failure + cancelled)
        if item.pk not in self.results:
            self.results[item.pk] = {}
        self.results[item.pk][action] = (success, result)
        if item.actions_todo <= 0 or failure > 0:
            item.result = dumps(self.results[item.pk])
        if item.actions_todo <= 0:
            #log.debug('_update_item_stats: finalizing item %s' % item.target_id) #d
            del self.results[item.pk]

    def _get_scripts(self, pipeline):
        """Load scripts from plugin directory. 
           Returns the dictionary
           {'script_name': (callable, params)}
           Throws an exception if not all scripts can be loaded.
        plugins_module = self.cfg.get("MPROCESSOR", "plugins")
        scripts = {}
        for script_key, script_dict in pipeline.items():
            script_name = script_dict['script_name']
            full_name = plugins_module + '.' + script_name + '.run'
            p = full_name.split('.')
            log.info('<$> loading script: %s' % '.'.join(p[:-1]))
            m = __import__('.'.join(p[:-1]), fromlist=p[:-1])
            f = getattr(m, p[-1], None)
            if not f or not callable(f):
                raise BatchError('Plugin %s has no callable run method' %
                scripts[script_key] = (f, script_dict.get('params', {}))
        return scripts

    def _new_batch(self):
        "Loads from db the next batch of items and associate a schedule to each item"
        if self.all_targets_read:
            return []

        targetset = ProcessTarget.objects.filter(
            process=self.process.pk)[self.cur_batch:self.cur_batch +
        if targetset:
            self.cur_batch += self.batch_size
            ret = [{
                'item': x,
                'schedule': Schedule(self.dag, x.target_id)
            } for x in targetset]  # item, index of current action, schedule
            self.all_targets_read = True
            ret = []
        return ret

    def _get_action(self):
        """returns the first action found or None. Delete tasks with no actions left"""
        #log.debug("_get_action on num_tasks=%s" % len(self.tasks)) #d
        to_delete = []
        action = ''
        for n in xrange(len(self.tasks)):
            idx = (self.cur_task + n) % len(self.tasks)
            task = self.tasks[idx]
            action = task['schedule'].action_to_run()
            if action is None:
            elif action:

        #log.debug('to_delete %s' % to_delete) #d

        for t in to_delete:
            #log.debug('deleting done target %s' % t['item'].target_id) #d

        # update cur_task so that we do not always start querying the same task for new actions
        if action:
            idx = self.tasks.index(task)
            self.cur_task = (idx + 1) % len(self.tasks)
            self.cur_task = 0

        # if action is None or empy there is no action ready to run
        # if there are new targets available try to read some and find some new action
        if action:
            return action, task
            if not self.all_targets_read and self.outstanding < self.max_outstanding:
                new_tasks = self._new_batch()
                if new_tasks:
                    self.cur_task = len(self.tasks)
            if self.all_targets_read and not self.tasks:
                log.debug("_get_action: gameover")
            return None, None

    def _iterate(self):
        """ Run the actions listed in schedule on the items returned by _new_batch """
        #log.debug('_iterate: oustanding=%s' % self.outstanding) #d
        if self.gameover:
            log.debug('_iterate: gameover')
        action, task = self._get_action()
        if action:
            item, schedule = task['item'], task['schedule']
            method, params = self.scripts[action]
                item_params = loads(item.params)

                # tmp bug fixing starts here
                for k in params.keys():
                    if params[k] == '' and (k in item_params[action]):
                        params[k] = item_params[action][k]
                # tmp bug fixing ends here

                params.update(item_params.get('*', {}))
                x = re.compile('^[a-z_]+')  # cut out digits from action name
                params.update(item_params.get(x.match(action).group(), {}))
                self.outstanding += 1
                #params = {u'source_variant_name': u'original'}
                d = method(self.process.workspace, item.target_id, **params)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error('ERROR in %s: %s %s' %
                          (str(method), type(e), str(e)))
                self._handle_err(str(e), item, schedule, action, params)
                               callbackArgs=[item, schedule, action, params],
                               errbackArgs=[item, schedule, action, params])
        # If _get_action did not find anything and there are no more targets, no action
        # will be available until an action completes and allows more actions to go ready.
        if self.outstanding < self.max_outstanding and (
                action or not self.all_targets_read):
            #log.debug('_iterate: rescheduling') #d
            reactor.callLater(0, self._iterate)
Пример #9
def check_notredam_config():
    c = Configurator()
    if not c.has_option('MQUEUE', 'server_mprocessor'):
        print 'ERROR: no option for starting mprocessor'