Пример #1
    def _index_query(self,
        """Query a list of categories"""
        if asbool(tree):
            query = Category.query.roots()
            query = Category.query

        if not order:
            order = 'id asc'

        query = query.order_by(get_order_by(order, order_columns))

        start = int(offset)
        limit = min(int(limit), int(request.settings['api_media_max_results']))
        depth = min(int(depth), int(request.settings['api_tree_max_depth']))

        # get the total of all the matches
        count = query.count()

        query = query.offset(start).limit(limit)
        categories = self._expand(query.all(), asbool(tree), depth)

        return dict(
Пример #2
    def _index_query(self, order=None, offset=0, limit=10, tree=False, depth=10, **kwargs):
        """Query a list of categories"""
        if asbool(tree):
            query = Category.query.roots()
            query = Category.query

        if not order:
            order = 'id asc'

        query = query.order_by(get_order_by(order, order_columns))

        start = int(offset)
        limit = min(int(limit), int(request.settings['api_media_max_results']))
        depth = min(int(depth), int(request.settings['api_tree_max_depth']))

        # get the total of all the matches
        count = query.count()

        query = query.offset(start).limit(limit)
        categories = self._expand(query.all(), asbool(tree), depth)

        return dict(
           categories = categories,
           count = count,
Пример #3
    def index(self, type=None, podcast=None, tag=None, category=None, search=None,
              max_age=None, min_age=None, order=None, offset=0, limit=10,
              published_after=None, published_before=None, featured=False,
              id=None, slug=None, include_embed=False, format="json", **kwargs):
        """Query for a list of media.

        :param type:
            Filter by '%s' or '%s'. Defaults to any type.

        :param podcast:
            A podcast slug (or slugs) to filter by. Use 0 to include
            only non-podcast media or 1 to include any podcast media.
            For multiple podcasts, separate the slugs with commas.

        :param tag:
            A tag slug to filter by.

        :param category:
            A category slug to filter by.

        :param search:
            A boolean search query. See

        :param published_after:
            If given, only media published *on or after* this date is
            returned. The expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
            (ISO 8601) and must include the year at a bare minimum.

        :param published_before:
            If given, only media published *on or before* this date is
            returned. The expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
            (ISO 8601) and must include the year at a bare minimum.

        :param max_age:
            If given, only media published within this many days is
            returned. This is a convenience shortcut for publish_after
            and will override its value if both are given.
        :type max_age: int

        :param min_age:
            If given, only media published prior to this number of days
            ago will be returned. This is a convenience shortcut for
            publish_before and will override its value if both are given.
        :type min_age: int

        :param order:
            A column name and 'asc' or 'desc', seperated by a space.
            The column name can be any one of the returned columns.
            Defaults to newest media first (publish_on desc).

        :param offset:
            Where in the complete resultset to start returning results.
            Defaults to 0, the very beginning. This is useful if you've
            already fetched the first 50 results and want to fetch the
            next 50 and so on.
        :type offset: int

        :param limit:
            Number of results to return in each query. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 50 and is set via
        :type limit: int

        :param featured:
            If nonzero, the results will only include media from the
            configured featured category, if there is one.
        :type featured: bool

        :param include_embed:
            If nonzero, the HTML for the embeddable player is included
            for all results.
        :type include_embed: bool

        :param id:
            Filters the results to include the one item with the given ID.
            Note that we still return a list.
        :type id: int or None

        :param slug:
            Filters the results to include the one item with the given slug.
            Note that we still return a list.
        :type slug: unicode or None

        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None

        :raises APIException:
            If there is an user error in the query params.

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            count (int)
                The total number of results that match this query.
            media (list of dicts)
                A list of **media_info** dicts, as generated by the
                :meth:`_info <mediadrop.controllers.api.media.MediaController._info>`
                method. The number of dicts in this list will be the lesser
                of the number of matched items and the requested limit.
                **Note**: unless the 'include_embed' option is specified,
                The returned **media_info** dicts will not include the
                'embed' entry.


        if format not in ("json", "mrss"):
            return dict(error= INVALIDFORMATERROR % format)

        query = Media.query\

        # Basic filters
        if id:
            query = query.filter_by(id=id)
        if slug:
            query = query.filter_by(slug=slug)

        if type:
            query = query.filter_by(type=type)

        if podcast:
            podcast_query = DBSession.query(Podcast.id)\
            query = query.filter(Media.podcast_id.in_(podcast_query))

        if tag:
            tag = fetch_row(Tag, slug=tag)
            query = query.filter(Media.tags.contains(tag))

        if category:
            category = fetch_row(Category, slug=category)
            query = query.filter(Media.categories.contains(category))

        if max_age:
            published_after = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(max_age))
        if min_age:
            published_before = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(min_age))

        # FIXME: Parse the date and catch formatting problems before it
        #        it hits the database. Right now support for partial
        #        dates like '2010-02' is thanks to leniancy in MySQL.
        #        Hopefully this leniancy is common to Postgres etc.
        if published_after:
            query = query.filter(Media.publish_on >= published_after)
        if published_before:
            query = query.filter(Media.publish_on <= published_before)

        query = query.order_by(get_order_by(order, order_columns))

        # Search will supercede the ordering above
        if search:
            query = query.search(search)

        if featured:
            featured_cat = get_featured_category()
            if featured_cat:
                query = query.in_category(featured_cat)

        # Preload podcast slugs so we don't do n+1 queries
        podcast_slugs = dict(DBSession.query(Podcast.id, Podcast.slug))

        # Rudimentary pagination support
        start = int(offset)
        end = start + min(int(limit), int(request.settings['api_media_max_results']))

        if format == "mrss":
            request.override_template = "sitemaps/mrss.xml"
            return dict(
                media = query[start:end],
                title = "Media Feed",

        media = [self._info(m, podcast_slugs, include_embed) for m in query[start:end]]

        return dict(
            media = media,
            count = query.count(),