Пример #1
	def searchIntent(self, session: DialogSession):
		if 'UserRandomAnswer' in session.intentName:
			search = session.payload['input']
			search = self._extractSearchWord(session)

		if not search:
			self._whatToSearch(session, 'whatToSearch')

		mediawikiapi = MediaWikiAPI()
		# set language of the results
		mediawikiapi.config.language = self.LanguageManager.activeLanguage

		# Debug code for dev
		if self._devDebug:
			self.logInfo(f'User request = {search}')

		# Store the top 5 titles of the requested search (5 reduces chances of index error)
		self._top5Results = mediawikiapi.search(search, results=5)
		# set a index value for iterating through a list in the dialogs
		index = 0

		if not self._top5Results:
			self.logWarning('No match')
			self._whatToSearch(session, 'noMatch')

		# remove known ambiguous results

		# Check for exceptions and return any good result
		self._resultSummary = self.sortThroughResults(wikiInstance=mediawikiapi, index=index)

		# If there are bo good answers then log a warning and inform user
		if not self._resultSummary:
			self.logWarning('No match')
			self._whatToSearch(session, 'noMatch')

		# If search result found say the result and end
			if self._devDebug:
				self.logInfo(f'result Summary is {self._resultSummary}')

			if not self._alternatveResultUsed:
				self.sayResult(session=session, index=index)
				self.sayAlternatives(alternatives=self._top5Results[index + 1])
				self.sayResult(session=session, index=index)
Пример #2
def wikipedia_search(self, question):
    :param self: self object where chatbot object is also located
    :param question:
    :return: A tuple of values:
    (response, confidence, stat)
    stat = Found or not found
    mw = MediaWikiAPI()
    wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia("en")
    a = mw.search(str(question))
    question = str(question)
    if len(a) >= 1:
        cos = self.chatbot.lp.similarity(question.lower(), a[0].lower())
        return "Oops, the item you wanted to know is not on wikipedia.", 0.9, False
    if cos > 0.9:
        self.chatbot.globals["reversei"]["enabled"] = False
        self.chatbot.globals["reversei"]["uid"] = False
        response = wiki.page(a[0]).summary
        confidence = cos
        stat = True
        self.chatbot.globals["reversei"]["enabled"] = True
        self.chatbot.globals["reversei"]["uid"] = 30000000002
        self.chatbot.globals["reversei"]["type"] = int
        self.chatbot.globals["temp_data"] = a

        def bracketize(x):
            return "\n[{}] {}".format(x[0] + 1, str(x[1]))

        response = "Did you mean any of these {}".format(" ".join(
            [bracketize(x) for x in enumerate(a)]))
        confidence = 1.0
        stat = False

    return response, confidence, stat