Пример #1
def test_encode_decode_json():
    test_obj = [
        'foo', {
            'bar': 'baz'
        }, ['xyz', 'zyx'], 'moo', 'ąčęėįšųūž', 42, 3.14, True, False, None
    expected_json = '["foo",{"bar":"baz"},["xyz","zyx"],"moo","ąčęėįšųūž",42,3.14,true,false,null]'

    encoded_json = encode_json(json_obj=test_obj, pretty=False)
    assert encoded_json == expected_json

    decoded_json = decode_json(json_string=encoded_json)
    assert decoded_json == test_obj

    # Encoding errors
    with pytest.raises(McEncodeJSONException):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker

    with pytest.raises(McEncodeJSONException):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        encode_json("strings can't be encoded")

    with pytest.raises(McDecodeJSONException):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker

    with pytest.raises(McDecodeJSONException):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        decode_json('not JSON')
Пример #2
    def _request_for_text(self, text: str) -> Request:

        text = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(text)

        # CLIFF annotator URL
        config = py_get_config()
        url = config.get('nytlabels', {}).get('annotator_url', None)
        if url is None:
            raise McNYTLabelsAnnotatorException(
                "Unable to determine NYTLabels annotator URL to use.")

        # Create JSON request
        log.debug("Converting text to JSON request...")
            text_json = encode_json({'text': text})
        except Exception as ex:
            # Not critical, might happen to some stories, no need to shut down the annotator
            raise McNYTLabelsAnnotatorException(
                "Unable to encode text to a JSON request: %(exception)s\nText: %(text)s"
                % {
                    'exception': str(ex),
                    'text': text,
        log.debug("Done converting text to JSON request.")

        request = Request(method='POST', url=url)
        request.set_content_type('application/json; charset=utf-8')

        return request
Пример #3
    def annotate_and_store_for_story(self, db: DatabaseHandler, stories_id: int) -> None:
        """Run the annotation for the story, store results in key-value store."""

        if not self.annotator_is_enabled():
            fatal_error("Annotator is not enabled in the configuration.")

        # MC_REWRITE_TO_PYTHON: remove after rewrite to Python
        if isinstance(stories_id, bytes):
            stories_id = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(stories_id)

        stories_id = int(stories_id)

        if self.story_is_annotated(db=db, stories_id=stories_id):
            log.warning("Story %d is already annotated, so I will overwrite it." % stories_id)

        if not self.story_is_annotatable(db=db, stories_id=stories_id):
            log.warning("Story %d is not annotatable." % stories_id)

        story_sentences = db.query("""
            SELECT story_sentences_id, sentence_number, sentence
            FROM story_sentences
            WHERE stories_id = %(stories_id)s
            ORDER BY sentence_number
        """, {'stories_id': stories_id}).hashes()

        if story_sentences is None:
            raise McJSONAnnotatorException("Unable to fetch story sentences for story %s." % stories_id)

        # MC_REWRITE_TO_PYTHON: remove after rewrite to Perl
        if isinstance(story_sentences, dict):
            story_sentences = [story_sentences]

        log.info("Annotating story's %d concatenated sentences..." % stories_id)

        sentences_concat_text = ' '.join(s['sentence'] for s in story_sentences)
        annotation = self.__annotate_text(sentences_concat_text)
        if annotation is None:
            raise McJSONAnnotatorException(
                "Unable to annotate story sentences concatenation for story %d." % stories_id)

        json_annotation = None
            json_annotation = encode_json(annotation)
            if json_annotation is None:
                raise McJSONAnnotatorException("JSON annotation is None for annotation %s." % str(annotation))
        except Exception as ex:
            fatal_error("Unable to encode annotation to JSON: %s\nAnnotation: %s" % (str(ex), str(annotation)))

        log.info("Done annotating story's %d concatenated sentences." % stories_id)

        log.debug("JSON length: %d" % len(json_annotation))

        log.info("Storing annotation results for story %d..." % stories_id)
            self.__postgresql_store.store_content(db=db, object_id=stories_id, content=json_annotation.encode('utf-8'))
        except Exception as ex:
            fatal_error("Unable to store annotation result: %s\nJSON annotation: %s" % (str(ex), json_annotation))
        log.info("Done storing annotation results for story %d." % stories_id)
 def __nyt_labels_sample_response(_: HashServer.Request) -> Union[str, bytes]:
     """Mock annotator."""
     response = ""
     response += "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
     response += "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n"
     response += "\r\n"
     response += encode_json(self.__sample_nyt_labels_response())
     return response