Пример #1
def gen_cls_dsmd_file_from_datafolder(
        root_dir, c2l_path, dsmd_path, classnames=None):
    """ Generate classification dataset metadata file from DataFolder for
    specified classes.

    DataFolder is a directory structure for image classification problems.
    Each sub-directory contains images from a special class. DataFolder
    directory structure looks like
    ├── class1
    │   ├── 1.png
    │   └── 2.png
    │   ...
    ├── class2
    │   ├── 3.png
    │   └── 4.png
    └── ...

        root_dir (str): root data directory containing all the images.
        c2l_path (str): file path to save class2label info.
        dsmd_path (str): file path to save dataset metadata file.
        classnames (list[str]): names of specified classes.
            If not given, all classes are considered.

        This function is expected to be used together with
        Filename of each image in DataFolder should be unique. Otherwise,
        A FileExistsError will be thrown.
    assert mv.isdir(root_dir)

    if classnames is None:
        classnames = mv.listdir(root_dir)

    class2label = {}
    dsmd = {}

    for label, classname in enumerate(classnames):
        class2label[classname] = label

        class_dir = mv.joinpath(root_dir, classname)
        assert mv.isdir(class_dir)
        filenames = mv.listdir(class_dir)
        for filename in filenames:
            if filename in dsmd:
                raise FileExistsError(
                    'filename {} already exists'.format(filename))
            dsmd[filename] = label

    mv.save_dsmd(c2l_path, class2label)
    mv.save_dsmd(dsmd_path, dsmd)
Пример #2
def test_mkdirs():
    with not_raises(FileExistsError):

    path = mv.joinpath(DATA_DIR, 'temporary_subdir')
    assert mv.isdir(path)
Пример #3
    def experiment_exists(experiment):
        if not mv.isdir('runs'):
            return False

        all_experiments = mv.listdir('runs')
        all_experiments = [e.split('_', 3)[-1] for e in all_experiments]
        if experiment in all_experiments:
            return True
            return False
Пример #4
def gen_cls_ds_from_datafolder(
        in_dir, out_dir, auto_mkdirs=True, classnames=None):
    """ Generate classification dataset from DataFolder.

    This function will make a copy of each image in the DataFolder to the
    specified directory. Original DataFolder is left unchanged.

        in_dir (str): DataFolder root directory.
        out_dir (str): directory to save all the images in DataFolder.
        auto_mkdirs (bool): If `out_dir` does not exist, whether to create
            it automatically.
        classnames (list[str]): names of specified classes to be collected.
            If not given, all classes are considered.

        This function is expected to be used together with
        Filename of each image in DataFolder should be unique. Otherwise,
        A FileExistsError will be thrown.
        DataFolder is described in 'gen_cls_dsmd_file_from_datafolder()'.
    assert mv.isdir(in_dir)

    # clean output directory
    if auto_mkdirs:

    if classnames is None:
        classnames = mv.listdir(in_dir)

    for classname in classnames:
        class_dir = mv.joinpath(in_dir, classname)
        assert mv.isdir(class_dir)
        filenames = natsorted(mv.listdir(class_dir))
        mv.copyfiles(filenames, out_dir, class_dir, non_overwrite=True)
Пример #5
def test_copyfiles():
    dst_dir = mv.joinpath(DATA_DIR, 'temporary_subdir')

    src_paths = ['brain_001.dcm', 'brain_002.dcm']
    mv.copyfiles(src_paths, dst_dir, DCM_DIR)
    assert len(mv.listdir(dst_dir)) == 2

    with not_raises(FileExistsError):
        mv.copyfiles(src_paths, dst_dir, DCM_DIR, non_overwrite=False)

    with pytest.raises(FileExistsError):
        mv.copyfiles(src_paths, dst_dir, DCM_DIR, non_overwrite=True)

    assert mv.isdir(dst_dir)
    assert len(mv.listdir(dst_dir)) == 0
Пример #6
def isdicomdir(path):
    """ Judge whether a given directory is a valid dicom directory.

    If given directory only contains dicoms (at least one dicom file),
    it is a dicom directory. Otherwise, it is not a dicom directory.

        path(str): given directory path.

        (bool): True if given directory path is a dicom directory,
                otherwise False.
    if not mv.isdir(path):
        return False

    for file_name in mv.listdir(path):
        file_path = mv.joinpath(path, file_name)
        if not isdicom(file_path):
            return False
        return True
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, cfg, mode, build_transform, image_loader):
        self.is_train = (mode == mv.ModeKey.TRAIN)

        self.mode2dsmd = {
            mv.ModeKey.TRAIN: cfg.DATA.TRAIN_DSMD,
            mv.ModeKey.VAL: cfg.DATA.VAL_DSMD,
            mv.ModeKey.TEST: cfg.DATA.TEST_DSMD,
        dsmd_path = self.mode2dsmd[mode]
        assert mv.isfile(dsmd_path) or mv.isdir(dsmd_path)

        if mv.isfile(dsmd_path):  # for a dsmd file
            self.dsmd = mv.load_dsmd(dsmd_path)
            self.filenames = list(self.dsmd.keys())
            self.filepaths = [
                mv.joinpath(cfg.DATA.IMAGE_DIR, filename)
                for filename in self.filenames
        else:  # for a directory containing test images
            self.dsmd = None
            self.filepaths = mv.listdir(dsmd_path)

        self.transform = build_transform(cfg, self.is_train)
        self.image_loader = image_loader