def run_test(inp_shp, fn): np_x = np.random.randn(*inp_shp).astype(np.float32) mge_x = megengine.tensor(np_x) out_ref = fn(np_x) if symbolic is not None: fn = jit.trace(symbolic=symbolic)(fn) for i in range(3): out = fn(mge_x) np.testing.assert_equal(out.numpy(), out_ref)
def test_sgd_momentum(monkeypatch, trace_mode, inplace_mode): with monkeypatch.context() as mk: mk.setenv("MEGENGINE_INPLACE_UPDATE", str(int(inplace_mode))) def train_func(data, *, model=None, optim=None, gm=None): optim.clear_grad() with gm: loss = net(data) gm.backward(loss) optim.step() return loss if trace_mode is not None: train_func = trace(symbolic=trace_mode)(train_func) def eval_func(data, *, model=None, optim=None, gm=None): loss = net(data) return loss if trace_mode is not None: eval_func = trace(symbolic=trace_mode)(eval_func) net = Simple() optim = optimizer.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=1.0, momentum=0.9) gm = ad.GradManager().attach(net.parameters()) data = tensor([2.34]) train_func(data, model=net, optim=optim, gm=gm) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( optim._state[net.a]["momentum_buffer"].numpy(), 2.34) # do 3 steps of infer for _ in range(3): loss = eval_func(data) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss.numpy(), 2.34 * (1.23 - 2.34), 5) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( optim._state[net.a]["momentum_buffer"].numpy(), 2.34) # do a step of train train_func(data, model=net, optim=optim, gm=gm) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss.numpy(), 2.34 * (1.23 - 2.34), 5) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( optim._state[net.a]["momentum_buffer"].numpy(), 0.9 * 2.34 + 2.34, 5)
def set_b(symbolic, *args): # print('set_b:', args) def set_func(inp, val): for i in mge_idx: if isinstance(i, (list, Tensor)): return inp.set_ai(val)[mge_idx] return inp.set_subtensor(val)[mge_idx] func = trace(set_func, symbolic=symbolic) return func(*args)
def get_b(symbolic, *args): # print('get_b:', args) def get_func(inp): for i in mge_idx: if isinstance(i, (list, Tensor)): return[mge_idx] return inp[mge_idx] func = trace(get_func, symbolic=symbolic) return func(*args)
def run_test(func, args, ref_shape, is_trace, sym=False): args = [tensor(t, dtype="float32") for t in args] if is_trace: func = trace(symbolic=sym)(func) for _ in range(3): out = func(*args) assert out.numpy().shape == ref_shape else: out = func(*args) assert out.numpy().shape == ref_shape, out.numpy().shape
def worker(data, expect): rank = dist.get_rank() inp = tensor(data[rank]) def func(): output = scatter(inp, axis=axis) return output func = trace(symbolic=symbolic)(func) output = func() assert np.allclose(output.numpy(), expect[rank])
def run_train( model_path, use_jit, use_symbolic, sublinear_memory_config=None, max_err=None, use_adaptive_pooling=False, ): """ Load the model with test cases and run the training for one iter. The loss and updated weights are compared with reference value to verify the correctness. Dump a new file with updated result by calling update_model if you think the test fails due to numerical rounding errors instead of bugs. Please think twice before you do so. """ net = MnistNet(has_bn=True, use_adaptive_pooling=use_adaptive_pooling) checkpoint = mge.load(model_path) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint["net_init"]) lr = checkpoint["sgd_lr"] opt = SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) gm = ad.GradManager().attach(net.parameters()) data = Tensor(checkpoint["data"], dtype=np.float32) label = Tensor(checkpoint["label"], dtype=np.int32) if max_err is None: max_err = 1e-5 train_func = train if use_jit: train_func = jit.trace( train_func, symbolic=use_symbolic, sublinear_memory_config=sublinear_memory_config, ) opt.clear_grad() loss = train_func(data, label, net, opt, gm) opt.step() np.testing.assert_allclose(loss.numpy(), checkpoint["loss"], atol=max_err) for param, param_ref in zip( net.state_dict().items(), checkpoint["net_updated"].items() ): assert param[0] == param_ref[0] if "bn" in param[0]: ref = param_ref[1].reshape(param[1].shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(param[1], ref, atol=max_err) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(param[1], param_ref[1], atol=max_err)
def test_grad_scaler(): def f(): gm = GradManager() scaler = GradScaler() x = mge.tensor(1.0) for _ in range(3): with gm: y = x + 1 gm.attach(y) loss = y + 1 scaler.backward(gm, loss, unscale_grad=False) np.testing.assert_equal(y.grad.numpy(), scaler.scale_factor) scaler.unscale(gm.attached_tensors()) np.testing.assert_equal(y.grad.numpy(), 1) # test handle None elements scaler.unscale(gm.attached_tensors()) f() trace(f)()
def _reset_jit_graph(self, impl: callable): """We override this func to attach weight clipping after default training step""" traced_obj = jit.trace(impl) def _(*args, **kwargs): ret = traced_obj(*args, **kwargs) if self._apply_lipshitz_constraint( ) # dynamically apply weight clipping return ret return _
def test_rng_empty_tensor(is_symbolic): set_global_seed(1024) shapes = [ (0, ), (0, 0, 0), (10, 0, 10), ] def fn(shape): o1 = random.uniform(0, 1, shape) o2 = random.normal(0, 1, shape) o3 = random.gamma(2, 1, shape) o4 = random.beta(2, 1, shape) o5 = random.poisson(2, shape) return o1, o2, o3, o4, o5 for shape in shapes: if is_symbolic is not None: fn_ = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(fn) else: fn_ = fn for _ in range(3): outs = fn_(shape) for out in outs: np.testing.assert_equal(out.numpy().shape, shape) if is_symbolic is None: break def fn2(n): return random.permutation(n=n) if is_symbolic is not None: fn2 = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(fn2) for _ in range(3): out = fn2(0) np.testing.assert_equal(out.numpy().shape, (0, )) if is_symbolic is None: break mge.core.set_option("async_level", 2)
def run(use_trace, symbolic): a = tensor(np.array([1926.0817], dtype=np.float32)) net = Sigmoid() func_run = run_saved_context if use_trace: func_run = trace(run_saved_context, symbolic=symbolic) s = func_run(a, net=net) s2 = F.sigmoid(a) assertTensorClose(s.numpy(), s2.numpy()) assertTensorClose( F.grad(s, a, use_virtual_grad=False).numpy(), F.grad(s2, a, use_virtual_grad=False).numpy(), )
def run_index(index): inp, outp = get_param(cases, index) inp_tensor = [make_tensor(inpi, network) for inpi in inp] if test_trace and not network: copied_inp = inp_tensor.copy() for symbolic in [False, True]: traced_func = trace(symbolic=symbolic)(func) for _ in range(3): traced_results = traced_func(*copied_inp, **kwargs) check_results(traced_results, outp) dumped_func = trace(symbolic=True, capture_as_const=True)(func) dumped_results = dumped_func(*copied_inp, **kwargs) check_results(dumped_results, outp) file = io.BytesIO() dump_info = dumped_func.dump(file) # arg_name has pattern arg_xxx, xxx is int value def take_number(arg_name): return int(arg_name.split("_")[-1]) input_names = dump_info[4] inps_np = [i.numpy() for i in copied_inp] input_names.sort(key=take_number) inp_dict = dict(zip(input_names, inps_np)) infer_cg = cgtools.GraphInference(file) # assume #outputs == 1 loaded_results = list([0] check_results(loaded_results, outp, check_shape=False) # scalar info lost results = func(*inp_tensor, **kwargs) check_results(results, outp, check_shape=(network is None))
def test_pixel_shuffle_symbolic(is_symbolic, type): def fn(inp, upscale_factor): return F.pixel_shuffle(inp, upscale_factor=upscale_factor) if is_symbolic is not None: fn = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(fn) inp = tensor(np.arange(3 * 4 * 5 * 5).reshape(3, 4, 5, 5).astype(type)) golden = pixel_shuffle(inp, 2) for _ in range(3): out = fn(inp, 2) np.testing.assert_equal(out.numpy(), golden) if is_symbolic is None: break
def test_matmul_empty_tensor(shape_a, shape_b, is_symbolic): def func(a, b): return F.matmul(a, b) if is_symbolic is not None: func = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(func) a = tensor(np.random.randn(*shape_a)) b = tensor(np.random.randn(*shape_b)) for _ in range(3): out = func(a, b) assert np.all(out.numpy() == 0) if is_symbolic is None: break
def test_batchnorm_change_batchsize(): data_shape = (2, 3, 8, 8) real_shape = (4, 3, 8, 8) data = np.random.random(data_shape).astype(np.float32) d = np.random.random(real_shape).astype(np.float32) bn = BatchNorm2d(3) f = trace(bn) f(data) y1 = f(d) y0 = bn(tensor(d)) assertTensorClose(y0.numpy(), y1.numpy())
def test_copy_empty(shape, device_src, device_dst, is_symbolic): inp = tensor(np.random.randn(*shape).astype("float32"), device=device_src) def func(inp): return F.copy(inp, device_dst) if is_symbolic is not None: func = trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(func) for _ in range(3): out = func(inp) assert out.numpy().shape == shape assert out.device == device_dst if is_symbolic is None: break
def test_jit_trace(): module = MyModule() module.eval() x = F.ones((1, 8, 14, 14)) expect = module(x) traced_module = trace_module(module, x) func = trace(traced_module, capture_as_const=True) np.testing.assert_array_equal(func(x), expect) model = io.BytesIO() func.dump(model) infer_cg = cgtools.GraphInference(model) np.testing.assert_allclose(list([0], expect, atol=1e-6)
def test_roll_empty_tensor(shape, shifts, axis, is_symbolic): inp = tensor(np.random.randn(*shape).astype("float32")) def func(inp): return F.roll(inp, shifts, axis) if is_symbolic is not None: func = trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(func) out_ref = np.roll(inp.numpy(), shifts, axis) for _ in range(3): out = F.roll(inp, shifts, axis) np.testing.assert_equal(out.numpy(), out_ref) if is_symbolic is None: break
def worker(): x = F.ones([3, 10], dtype="float32") m = M.Linear(10, 10) def func(): with GradManager().attach(m.parameters()) as gm: if dist.get_rank() == 0: y = m(x) else: y = x y = F.distributed.broadcast(y) gm.backward(y) if trace_mode is not None: func = trace(symbolic=trace_mode)(func) func()
def worker(): m = M.Linear(10, 10) x = F.ones([3, 10], dtype="float32") def func(): with GradManager().attach(m.parameters()) as gm: y = m(x) y = F.distributed.reduce_sum(y) if dist.get_rank() == 0: loss = (2 * y + 1).mean() gm.backward(loss) else: gm.backward() if trace_mode is not None: func = trace(symbolic=trace_mode)(func) func()
def run_test( model_path, use_jit, use_symbolic, sublinear_memory_config=None, max_err=None, ): """ Load the model with test cases and run the training for one iter. The loss and updated weights are compared with reference value to verify the correctness. Dump a new file with updated result by calling update_model if you think the test fails due to numerical rounding errors instead of bugs. Please think twice before you do so. """ net = MnistNet(has_bn=True) checkpoint = mge.load(model_path) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint["net_init"]) lr = checkpoint["sgd_lr"] opt = SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr) data = tensor(dtype=np.float32) label = tensor(dtype=np.int32) data.set_value(checkpoint["data"]) label.set_value(checkpoint["label"]) if max_err is None: max_err = 1e-5 train_func = train if use_jit: train_func = jit.trace( train_func, symbolic=use_symbolic, sublinear_memory_config=sublinear_memory_config, ) opt.zero_grad() loss = train_func(data, label, net=net, opt=opt) opt.step() assertTensorClose(loss.numpy(), checkpoint["loss"], max_err=max_err) for param, param_ref in zip( net.state_dict().items(), checkpoint["net_updated"].items() ): assert param[0] == param_ref[0] assertTensorClose(param[1], param_ref[1], max_err=max_err)
def test_PermutationRNG(symbolic): m1 = RNG(seed=111, device="xpu0") m2 = RNG(seed=111, device="xpu1") m3 = RNG(seed=222, device="xpu0") out1 = m1.permutation(1000) out1_ = m1.uniform(size=(1000, )) out2 = m2.permutation(1000) out3 = m3.permutation(1000) np.testing.assert_allclose(out1.numpy(), out2.numpy(), atol=1e-6) assert out1.device == "xpu0" and out2.device == "xpu1" assert not (out1.numpy() == out3.numpy()).all() assert not (out1.numpy() == out1_.numpy()).all() out = m1.permutation(1000) out_shp = out.shape if isinstance(out_shp, tuple): assert out_shp == (1000, ) else: assert all(out.shape.numpy() == np.array([1000])) def sum_result(res, fun): return sum( [1 if i == v else 0 for i, v in enumerate(fun(res.numpy()))]) assert sum_result(out, lambda x: x) < 500 assert sum_result(out, np.sort) == 1000 def func(): out = m1.permutation(Tensor(7)) out_shp = out.shape if isinstance(out_shp, tuple): assert out_shp == (1, ) else: assert all(out.shape.numpy() == np.array([1])) n, m = 6, 3 out = m1.permutation( Tensor(np.arange(n * m), dtype="float32").reshape(n, m)) out_shp = out.shape if isinstance(out_shp, tuple): assert out_shp == (n, m) else: assert all(out.shape.numpy() == np.array([n, m])) func = trace(symbolic=symbolic)(func) func()
def run_frozen_bn(BNModule, is_training, use_trace, use_symbolic): nchannel = 3 m = BNModule(nchannel, freeze=True) if is_training: m.train() else: m.eval() var = 4.0 bias = 1.0 shape = (1, nchannel, 1, 1) m.running_var[...] = var * F.ones(shape) m.running_mean[...] = bias * F.ones(shape) saved_var = m.running_var.numpy() saved_mean = m.running_mean.numpy() saved_wt = m.weight.numpy() saved_bias = m.bias.numpy() gm = ad.GradManager().attach(m.parameters()) optim = optimizer.SGD(m.parameters(), lr=1.0) optim.clear_grad() data = np.random.random((6, nchannel, 2, 2)).astype("float32") def train_fn(d): for _ in range(3): with gm: loss = m(d).mean() gm.backward(loss) optim.step() return loss if use_trace: train_fn = trace(train_fn, symbolic=use_symbolic) for _ in range(3): loss = train_fn(megengine.tensor(data)) if not is_training: np.testing.assert_equal(m.running_var.numpy(), saved_var) np.testing.assert_equal(m.running_mean.numpy(), saved_mean) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( loss.numpy(), ((data - bias) / np.sqrt(var)).mean(), 5 ) np.testing.assert_equal(m.weight.numpy(), saved_wt) np.testing.assert_equal(m.bias.numpy(), saved_bias)
def worker(data): rank = dist.get_rank() inp = tensor(data[rank]) def func(): all_to_all_output = all_to_all(inp, split_axis=split_axis, concat_axis=concat_axis) gather_C = gather(inp, axis=concat_axis) gather_B = gather(all_to_all_output, axis=split_axis) if rank == 0: return gather_B, gather_C return all_to_all_output func = trace(symbolic=symbolic)(func) ret = func() if rank == 0: assert np.allclose(ret[0], ret[1])
def test_profiler(format, trace_mode): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() profile_prefix = profile_path = os.path.join(profile_prefix, "{}.{}".format(os.getpid(), format)) def infer(): with scope("my_scope"): oup = Simple()(tensor([1.23], dtype="float32")) return oup if trace_mode: infer = trace(symbolic=trace_mode)(infer) with Profiler(profile_prefix, format=format): infer() print(profile_path) assert os.path.exists(profile_path), "profiling results not found" if format == "chrome_timeline.json": with open(profile_path, "r") as f: events = json.load(f) if isinstance(events, dict): assert "traceEvents" in events events = events["traceEvents"] prev_ts = {} scope_count = 0 for event in events: if "dur" in event: assert event["dur"] >= 0 elif "ts" in event and "tid" in event: ts = event["ts"] tid = event["tid"] if ts != 0: assert (tid not in prev_ts) or prev_ts[tid] <= ts prev_ts[tid] = ts if "name" in event and event["name"] == "my_scope": scope_count += 1 assert scope_count > 0 and scope_count % 2 == 0
def test_broadcast_on_empty_tensor(is_trace): input1_shape = (100, 0, 1) output1_shape = (100, 0, 10) data1 = tensor(np.random.random(input1_shape).astype(np.float32)) input2_shape = (10, 0) output2_shape = (10, 10, 0) data2 = tensor(np.random.random(input2_shape).astype(np.float32)) input3_shape = (0, 0, 1, 10) output3_shape = (10, 0, 0, 10, 10) data3 = tensor(np.random.random(input3_shape).astype(np.float32)) def comp(out, target_shp): assert out._tuple_shape == target_shp def func(x, shp): return F.broadcast_to(x, shp) cases = [ [data1, output1_shape], [data2, output2_shape], [data3, output3_shape], ] def test(func, inp, comp, target_shp): out = func(inp, target_shp) comp(out, target_shp) if is_trace: for symbolic in [False, True]: for inp, target_shp in cases: func_traced = trace(symbolic=symbolic)(func) test(func_traced, inp, comp, target_shp) test(func_traced, inp, comp, target_shp) test(func_traced, inp, comp, target_shp) else: for inp, target_shp in cases: test(func, inp, comp, target_shp)
def test_batchnorm_empty_tensor(dim, is_symbolic): if dim == 1: m = BatchNorm1d(4, affine=True) inp = mge.tensor(np.random.randn(0, 4, 0).astype("float32")) elif dim == 2: m = BatchNorm2d(4, affine=True) inp = mge.tensor(np.random.randn(0, 4, 0, 0).astype("float32")) else: raise NotImplementedError m.train() def fn(inp): return m(inp) if is_symbolic is not None: fn = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(fn) for _ in range(3): out = fn(inp) np.testing.assert_equal(out.numpy(), inp) if is_symbolic is None: break
def test_trace_advance_indexing(shape_mode): funcs = [ lambda x, i: x[i], # lambda x, i, j: x[i, j], # FIXME lambda x, i, j: x[i, :, j, ...], # lambda x, start, end: x[start:end], # FIXME lambda x, start, end: x[:, 0, start:end, ..., 1], lambda x, vec: x[vec], lambda x, vec: x[vec, ..., 0, 1:3], lambda x, vec: x[vec, vec[0], vec[1]], # lambda x, i, start, end, vec: x[i, ..., :, vec, start:end], # FIXME lambda x, mask: x[mask], ] inputs = { "x": np.random.randn(5, 5, 5, 5, 5).astype("float32"), "i": 0, "j": 2, "start": 1, "end": 3, "vec": [1, 2, 3], "mask": np.random.randn(5, 5, 5, 5, 5) >= 0, } for f in funcs: sig = inspect.signature(f) param_names = list(sig._parameters.keys()) params = {} params_np = {} f_traced = trace(f, symbolic=False, symbolic_shape=shape_mode) for name in param_names: params[name] = tensor(inputs[name]) params_np[name] = inputs[name] expected = f(**params_np) result_imperative = f(**params) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, result_imperative.numpy()) for _ in range(3): result_trace = f_traced(**params) np.testing.assert_equal(expected, result_trace.numpy())
def test_sort_empty(is_symbolic): data_shapes = [ (0,), (10, 0), ] def fn(x): return F.sort(x) for shape in data_shapes: if is_symbolic is not None: fn_ = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(fn) else: fn_ = fn data = np.random.random(shape).astype(np.float32) for _ in range(3): outs = fn_(tensor(data)) ref_outs = (np.sort(data), np.argsort(data)) assert len(ref_outs) == len(outs) for i in range(len(outs)): np.testing.assert_equal(outs[i].numpy(), ref_outs[i]) if is_symbolic is None: break
def test_nms(is_symbolic): def fn(inp, scores): return inp, scores=scores, iou_thresh=0.5, max_output=None if is_symbolic is None else 4, ) if is_symbolic is not None: fn = jit.trace(symbolic=is_symbolic)(fn) x = np.array( [ [0, 0, 100, 100], [10, 10, 100, 100], [50, 50, 100, 100], [100, 100, 150, 150], ], dtype=np.float32, ) inp = tensor(x) scores = tensor([0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.6], dtype=np.float32) for _ in range(3): result = fn(inp, scores=scores) np.testing.assert_equal(result.numpy(), np.array([2, 1, 3], dtype=np.int32)) x = np.array( [], dtype=np.float32, ).reshape(0, 4) inp = tensor(x) scores = tensor([], dtype=np.float32) for _ in range(3): result = fn(inp, scores=scores) np.testing.assert_equal(result.numpy(), np.array([], dtype=np.int32))